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Fall is the perfect time for planting and the Monticello nursery will have a wide range of trees, shrubs, perennials, and bulbs for sale; overstock items will be discounted. Enjoy guided garden tours and ask our knowledgeable nursery staff your gardening questions.

Acclaimed apple enthusiast David Vernon will present “Choosing, Growing, and Cultivating Heirloom Apple Trees.” This presentation will explore different types of heirloom apples, and a few modern ones, that are adapted to the climates of the southern and mid-Atlantic United States. Histories, unique uses, disease resistance, ripening periods, and blooming characteristics of various apple varieties will be discussed. In addition, participants will be taught about two common grafting techniques.

10 AM -2 PM, Jefferson’s Tufton Farm · FREE; no registration required. GPS Address: 1293 Tufton Farm, Charlottesville, VA

David Vernon cultivates more than 500 apple varieties at Century Farm Orchards, a Reidsville, NC, property that has remained in his family for close to 200 years. He is also a chemistry and physics teacher at Western Alamance HS who was a semifinalist for North Carolina State Teacher of the Year in 2007. He is an avid cyclist and hiker who enjoys the outdoors.