The Thomas Jefferson Foundation was incorporated in 1923 to preserve and operate Monticello, the plantation home and architectural masterpiece of Thomas Jefferson. Since its founding, the Foundation has dedicated itself to a two-fold mission of preservation and education.

The Thomas Jefferson Foundation receives no government funding for general operations. As a private, nonprofit organization, we rely on the generosity of donors like you to accomplish our dual mission of preservation and education.

Important Information

Legal name: The Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc.

Tax Identification Number (EIN): 54-0505959.

Financial Statements: For the Years Ended December 31, 2016 and 2017


Leslie Greene Bowman

Board of Trustees

Jon Meacham, New York, New York, Chairman
Melody Barnes, Richmond, Virginia, Vice Chair
Libby H. O'Connell, New York, New York, Secretary

John H. Birdsall, III, Charlottesville, Virginia
L.D. Britt, Norfolk, Virginia
J. F. Bryan, IV, Jacksonville, Florida
Peter J. Coolidge, New York, New York
Harlan Crow, Dallas, Texas
Ginger Huang Dietrich, Chevy Chase, Maryland
Joseph Erdman, Charlottesville, Virginia
Molly Hardie, Charlottesville, Virginia
David C. Landin, Richmond, Virginia
E. Charles Longley, Jr., Charlottesville, Virginia
Charlotte Moss, New York, New York
Sarah Perot, Dallas, Texas
Pamela Reynolds, Richmond, Virginia
Gilbert P. Schafer III, New York, New York
Michelle Smith, Arlington, Virginia

Emeritus Trustees

Charles T. Cullen, Atlanta, Georgia
David R. Goode, Norfolk, VA
John Charles Thomas, Richmond, Virginia

Honorary Trustees

Richard Gilder, New York, New York
Brenton S. Halsey, Richmond, Virginia
David McCullough, West Tisbury, Massachusetts
Hunter J. Smith, Charlottesville, Virginia

President Emeritus

Daniel P. Jordan

The Thomas Jefferson Foundation does not provide legal or tax advice.  Please seek your own legal and tax counsel.  The Thomas Jefferson Foundation is prepared to work with donors, their attorneys, and financial planners. Disclosure Statement