Our monthly giving program allows you to support Monticello by giving as much as you’d like monthly. You can donate through a credit card and set the date you want it to renew automatically each month.

Becoming an ongoing donor is easy. Just decide how much you want to give each month, then click the link below.  If you prefer, you can call 434.984.9820 to establish this monthly giving option.   

Monthly giving can be advantageous for you and for Monticello… 

  • By setting up your monthly gift today, you can be assured that your tax-deductible giving plan is already in place for the end of the year – no further action required.
  • You can support directly support the people and programs that make Monticello so special. 
  •  We can plan our year knowing we can count on you and other supporters for ongoing, dependable contributions.  

You are always control of this process.  If you want to change or cancel your gift, you can simply contact us by email at give@monticello.org or by calling 434.984.9820.

Of course, you will continue to receive our twice-yearly newsletter with timely reports on our progress, events, and how your donations make a difference. Donors of $100 or more annually will be listed in our spring Donor Honor Roll.  All donors will be invited to the Annual Donors Event on Monticello’s West Lawn each fall.  You will also receive an annual donation statement detailing your generous support.  

 Thank you for supporting Monticello!

 Start your Monthly Giving Today »