Planned gifts provide for the future of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation and Monticello. These commitments allow us to further our stewardship of Jefferson's ideas, and to advance our dual mission of education and preservation.

For more information about planned giving or to notify the Foundation of a planned gift, please contact Joshua Scott at or (434) 984-9820.

The Portico Society

In 2008, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation established the Portico Society to recognize, honor, and thank individuals who have remembered Monticello in their estate planning, either by a provision in their wills or another form of deferred gift.

If you have already made a planned gift to Monticello, we hope that you will share your intentions with us so that we can welcome you to the Portico Society.  As a Portico Society participant, you will receive invitations to select events and programs, and with your permission, will be recognized in Monticello publications.

The Portico Society
Thomas Jefferson Foundation
P.O. Box 217
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902