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Born: April 13, 1743 (April 2, 1743, Old Style)
Died: July 4, 1826



Peter Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson's father, patented 1,000-acre tract which became Monticello.

Thomas Jefferson was born at Shadwell on April 13, 1743 (according to the modern calendar).

Peter Jefferson died.

Admitted to practice law before General Court.

Elected to House of Burgesses. Began the leveling of the Monticello mountaintop.

Began construction of Monticello. Shadwell house burned. Moved to South Pavilion at Monticello.

Graveyard at Monticello established with the interment of Jefferson's friend and brother-in-law Dabney Carr.

Wrote "A Summary View of the Rights of British America." Retired from legal practice. Inherited 11,000 acres of land and 135 slaves from his father-in-law. Laid off ground for kitchen garden. Daughter Jane Randolph born.

Elected to Continental Congress. Daughter Jane Randolph died.

Served as Governor of Virginia.

British troops at Monticello. Daughter Lucy Elizabeth died.

Second Lucy Elizabeth born. Wife Martha died. First version of Monticello house substantially completed.

Elected delegate to Congress.

Served in France as Commissioner and U.S. Minister.

Daughter Lucy Elizabeth died.

Served as first U.S. Secretary of State.

Sally Hemings's daughter Harriet Hemings born.

Served under John Adams as the second U.S. Vice President.

Served as president of the American Philosophical Society. Harriet Hemings dies in 1797

Beverly Hemings, the oldest surviving child of Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson, born.

Dome constructed on Monticello.

Served as the third U.S. President.

Harriet Hemings, the only surviving daughter of Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson, born.

Daughter Maria Jefferson Eppes died.

Madison Hemings born.

Oval flower beds near Monticello laid out. Shadwell merchant mill completed.

Retired from the presidency and public life. The remodeling of Monticello and construction of dependencies largely completed. Vegetable garden platform completed.

Garden Pavilion constructed.

Sold 6,700-volume library to Congress.

Cornerstone of Central College (later University of Virginia) laid.

Monticello roof re-covered with tin shingles.

University of Virginia opened.

Jefferson died at Monticello on July 4. John Adams also died on this same day at his home in Quincy, Massachusetts.