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Bust of Alexander HamiltonBust of Thomas Jefferson

"Opposed in death as in life." - Thomas Jefferson

There was a time when I should have ballanced between Mr. Jefferson & Mr. Adams; but I now view the former as a man of sublimated & paradoxical imagination—cherishing notions incompatible with regular and firm government.    
Alexander Hamilton, Philadelphia, October 15, 1792 

Hamilton in Monticello: Are you a fan of Hamilton the Musical? Interested in learning more about the history behind it? Thomas Jefferson figures prominently in the musical and the Hamilton story. Click on the image below to find out how Monticello ties in with events from Hamilton the Musical, using actual lyrics from the play.

Cast and Characters

"You Simply Must Meet Thomas! Thomas!"- And where better than in the Jefferson section of this website?

Alexander Hamilton
Jefferson deeply distrusted Hamilton.  And the feeling was mutual.

Aaron Burr
Dislike of Aaron Burr was one thing on which Jefferson and Hamilton did agree.

  • Aaron Burr - an overview of Burr's life and political relationship with Jefferson and Hamilton
  • Election of 1800 - When Hamilton helped break the electoral tie between Burr and Jefferson
  • Election of 1804 - When Jefferson saw that Burr was replaced as Vice President by George Clinton
  • Aaron Burr: "Guys I Hate" - Video relating some of Burr's complaints about Jefferson and Hamilton.

George Washington
Their relationship wasn't always the best, but Jefferson included Washington as one of a handful of 'American Worthies" on display at Monticello.

Angelica Schuyler Church
Hamilton wasn't the only Founder charmed by her.

King George III
Jefferson called out George III in the Declaration, and the King reportedly turned his back on Jefferson when they met after the Revolution.

Marquis de Lafayette
Jefferson also called Lafayette "mon ami," even though he was Hamilton's friend first.

James Madison
Jefferson and Madison were great friends and had one of the great American politcal partnerships.

John Adams
Jefferson and Adams were friends, then political enemies, then friends again.


Why did people fight duels?  
Professor Joanne Freeman Explains

Video: Gossip, Dueling and Political Culture in the Early Republic
Historian, author, professor, and former Fellow at Monticello's Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies, Joanne B. Freeman gives an impromptu talk on Jefferson, Hamilton and Burr and her work on political dialogue during the Early American Republic (from July 22, 1999).