Have you used Kahoot in your classroom? If so, you know it is a great digital learning tool - fun for kids, free, and easy to use. Now you can test your students on their knowledge of Thomas Jefferson and Monticello!
If you aren't familiar with Kahoot, learn more and sign up here.
We whipped up five quizzes, but feel free to make more of your own. Use the quizzes as a fun way to prepare students for their onsite visit, to test their knowledge after completing a Jefferson unit, or just to get a conversation going. Good luck, have fun, and remember – “the field of knolege is the common property of all mankind”!
Level One: http://bit.ly/1OWLnDq
Level Two, Round One: http://bit.ly/1R1gpRZ
Level Three, Round One: http://bit.ly/1psQbeX
Level Two, Round Two: http://bit.ly/1TXVZK0
Level Three, Round Two: http://bit.ly/1p8OqE7