Shovel test pits (STPs) at Site 6 revealed a large scatter of domestic artifacts including creamware, pearlware, and whiteware ceramic shreds, along with fragments of wine bottle and table glass. These artifacts point to a slave occupation that began in the 1790's and continued, perhaps intermittently, after Jefferson's death in 1826. The bulk of the artifact scatter lies north and up slope of a rock alignment (in grey) and a possible road trace associated with it (dashed red lines).In the summer of 2000, limited testing using 5-foot quadrats produced larger samples of datable ceramics. These suggest that the location of domestic activity within the site changed over time: ceramics from the northern portion of the site seem to be earlier than those from the south. If this is correct, it points to the movement of domestic activity to make way for expanding agricultural fields. This scenario would account for the location of the rock alignment, which marks the southern edge of an agricultural field, to the south of the bulk of the artifact scatter.
Quadrats excavated at the southwest corner of the site revealed a previously undetected concentration of early 19th-century artifacts in association with a brick and cobble scatter, which is likely the remains of a mud chimney and its foundation.
Site 6 receives no mention in Jefferson's writings.