The Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies oversees and coordinates the work of several of Monticello's scholarly departments. This concerted, multidisciplinary approach is a hallmark of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation's dedication to advancing broadly the Jeffersonian legacy.

Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies
Jefferson Library
The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series

 Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies


  • Beatrix Arendt, Curator of Archaeological Collections
  • Lynsey Bates, Archaeological Analyst, The Digital Archive of Comparative Slavery
  • Elizabeth Bollwerk, Archeological Analyst, Mulberry Row Reassessment
  • Leslie Cooper, Senior Archaeological Analyst, The Digital Archive of Comparative Slavery
  • Katelyn Coughlan, Archaeological Analyst, Monticello Lab
  • Chris Devine, Laboratory Assistant, Monticello Lab
  • Jillian Galle, Project Director, The Digital Archive of Comparative Slavery - e-mail
  • Fraser Neiman, Director of Archaeology - e-mail
  • Crystal Ptacek, Archaeological Field Research Manager
  • Elizabeth Sawyer, Archaeological Analyst, Monticello Lab
  • Derek Wheeler, Research Archaeologist - e-mail


Jefferson Library

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Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series

  • Kerry A. Dahm, Editorial Assistant
  • Lisa A. Francavilla, Managing Editor
  • Andrea R. Gray, Assistant Editor
  • Robert F. Haggard, Senior Associate Editor
  • Ellen C. Hickman, Associate Editor
  • Julie L. Lautenschlager, Associate Editor
  • J. Jefferson Looney, Editor-in-Chief
  • Gary Sellick, Editorial Assistant
  • Susan Spengler, Technical Specialist
  • Paula Viterbo, Editorial Assistant