This index refers to page numbers in the published volumes. Documents subsequently added to the digital editions are marked with a +. Copies of the published volumes are available at a library near you, or may be purchased through this website or from Princeton University Press. The volumes are also available via two online platforms, the Rotunda version through the University of Virginia Press (subscription required) and the Founders Online version (free).


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Cabanis, Charlotte Grouchy (Pierre Jean Georges Cabanis’s wife), 1:261

Cabanis, Pierre Jean Georges

  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:667
  • Coup d’Oeil sur les Révolutions et sur la réforme de la Médecine, 10:234, 10:237n
  • death of, 1:261, 1:262n
  • Du Degré de Certitude de la Médecine, 10:234, 10:237n
  • Observations sur les Affections Catarrhales, 13:342, 13:358, 13:394, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561, 14:232, 14:461
  • Rapports du Physique et du Moral de l’Homme, 5:223, 5:276, 7:385–7:386, 7:386n, 10:235, 15:469
  • TJ’s acquaintance with, 9:13, 9:14n
  • writings of, 6:459n, 15:589


  • cultivated by TJ, 5:384, 5:658, 6:7, 6:86
  • seed, 2:90, 2:271, 2:272, 6:44, 8:258, 8:272, 11:221

Cabbeni, Mr., 2:122

Cabell, Edward Blair, 5:26, 5:27n

Cabell, George

  • account with TJ, 9:588–9:589
  • boats of, 9:505, 9:541, 9:594, 11:290, 11:337, 12:29, 14:218
  • and Central College subscription, 11:566n, 11:636
  • identified, 9:589n
  • letter to, 11:300–11:301
  • Lynchburg estate of, 5:28, 5:29n, 9:589n
  • recommends D. White, 14:94
  • TJ introduces G. Flower to, 11:300–11:301
  • TJ pays, 2:28
  • tobacco warehouse of, 6:25, 6:26n, 9:589n
  • transacts business with TJ, 9:588

Cabell, Hannah Carrington

  • death of, 11:637, 11:637n, 12:99

Cabell, Joseph Carrington

  • and advertisement for workmen for University of Virginia, 14:98, 14:124
  • and Agricultural Society of Albemarle, 3:351n, 11:319, 11:319, 12:75, 12:99
  • and Albemarle Academy, 7:714, 8:316–8:317
  • appointed to Central College Board of Visitors, 10:473n, 10:474, 10:474n, 12:3
  • appointment of to University of Virginia Board of Visitors, 14:34–14:35, 14:36, 14:45, 15:82, 15:434
  • and architectural drawings of Poplar Forest, 15:169
  • on banks, 7:144, 7:669–7:671, 8:35, 11:67
  • books owned by, 8:429–8:430
  • and brickmasons for Central College, 12:266, 12:287, 12:298, 12:307, 12:317–12:318, 12:318n
  • and A. S. Brockenbrough, 14:124
  • and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:54, 12:60–12:61, 12:69, 12:69
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:322, 11:327n, 11:333, 11:636–11:637, 12:18–12:19, 12:98–12:99, 12:232, 12:318, 13:161, 13:170, 14:98, 15:98, 15:98, 15:345, 15:398–15:399, 15:399n
  • chemistry expertise of, 10:69
  • circulates TJ’s letters, 15:345n, 15:346n, 15:366, 15:400
  • and College of William and Mary, 8:317
  • and T. Cooper, 14:55, 14:56, 14:79–14:81, 14:105–14:106
  • and copying press, 4:401
  • correspondence of, 12:555
  • and Destutt de Tracy’s writings, 8:164, 8:182–8:183, 8:317, 11:67, 12:28, 13:558
  • and M. Dyson’s underwater breathing apparatus, 10:69n
  • and establishment of Central College, 7:266, 7:266, 8:316–8:317, 9:394–9:395, 9:396–9:397, 9:398–9:399, 9:406–9:407, 9:436–9:438, 9:469, 9:506, 10:660, 12:16, 12:133–12:134, 12:232–12:234, 12:263, 12:325–12:326, 12:363–12:364, 12:381–12:383, 12:388, 12:411–12:413, 12:413–12:414, 12:457–12:458, 12:470, 12:489, 12:501, 12:539–12:540, 13:170
  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 13:170, 13:398–13:399, 13:401–13:402, 13:407, 13:472–13:473, 13:490–13:491, 13:497–13:498, 13:498, 13:514–13:516, 13:535–13:536, 13:558–13:560, 13:583–13:584, 13:592, 13:600–13:601, 13:607–13:608, 14:12–14:14, 14:22, 14:55–14:56, 14:56, 14:79, 14:105
  • and fire at Monticello, 14:234
  • and funding for University of Virginia, 15:344–15:345, 15:366, 15:399–15:400, 15:400n, 15:415, 15:430, 15:431n, 15:432, 15:433n, 15:482, 15:486
  • gives walking stick to TJ, 2:xli–2:xlii, 2:380 (illus.)
  • health of, 12:232, 13:325, 13:334, 13:334, 13:398, 13:398, 13:407, 13:473, 13:498, 13:560, 13:584, 13:592, 13:601, 13:608, 14:15, 14:35, 14:46, 14:55, 14:55, 14:105–14:106, 14:106, 14:124
  • on hedges, 10:194–10:195, 10:292–10:293, 11:228
  • identified, 2:489–2:490n
  • introduces A. Garrett, 14:124
  • introduces L. Summers, 12:453
  • invites TJ to visit, 13:334
  • letter from, to R. G. Scott, 12:288–12:290
  • letters from, 2:550–2:552, 5:556, 5:638–5:639, 7:5–7:6, 7:33, 7:144–7:146, 7:184–7:185, 7:230, 7:669–7:671, 8:35–8:36, 8:164–8:166, 8:316–8:318, 9:360–9:362, 9:394–9:396, 9:398–9:399, 9:469, 9:495–9:498, 9:506–9:507, 10:194–10:196, 10:292–10:295, 10:659–10:660, 11:66–11:67, 11:133–11:134, 11:228, 11:275–11:276, 11:636–11:637, 12:75, 12:98–12:99, 12:232–12:234, 12:284–12:288, 12:317–12:319, 12:381–12:383, 12:388, 12:411–12:413, 12:413–12:414, 12:432–12:434, 12:448–12:450, 12:453, 12:456–12:459, 12:488–12:490, 12:500–12:502, 12:526–12:527, 12:539–12:540, 12:573, 13:170, 13:334–13:335, 13:398–13:399, 13:472–13:473, 13:490–13:491, 13:497–13:498, 13:498, 13:514–13:517, 13:558–13:560, 13:583–13:584, 13:592, 13:600–13:601, 14:12–14:15, 14:22–14:23, 14:34–14:36, 14:55–14:56, 14:105–14:107, 14:124–14:125, 14:233–14:234, 15:169–15:170, 15:366–15:367, 15:399–15:401, 15:415–15:416
  • letters to, 2:489–2:490, 5:528–5:529, 6:595–6:596, 7:133–7:135, 7:176–7:177, 7:689–7:691, 7:714, 8:29–8:30, 8:182–8:184, 9:279–9:280, 9:396–9:398, 9:416–9:417, 9:435–9:439, 9:517, 10:238–10:239, 10:240, 10:361, 10:629, 12:15–12:16, 12:18–12:19, 12:74–12:75, 12:133–12:134, 12:263, 12:266–12:267, 12:299, 12:324–12:326, 12:357–12:361, 12:363–12:364, 12:469–12:471, 12:511, 13:407, 13:535–13:536, 13:607–13:608, 14:45–14:46, 14:70, 14:79–14:81, 14:98, 15:344–15:346
  • as member of Central College Board of Visitors, 14:46, 14:46, 14:47, 14:48, 14:55, 14:56, 14:70, 14:79, 14:81, 14:92
  • as member of University of Virginia Board of Visitors, 14:36, 14:45–14:46, 14:99, 14:109, 14:110, 14:121, 14:121, 14:138, 14:176, 14:233–14:234, 14:515, 14:518, 14:560, 14:560, 15:170, 15:295, 15:295, 15:415, 15:508
  • mentioned, 3:250–3:251, 3:520, 3:539
  • and J. Miller’s petition, 9:279–9:280, 9:360, 9:366, 9:394–9:395, 9:416, 9:435, 9:439–9:440, 9:469, 9:487, 9:495
  • and mineralogy, 2:489, 2:550–2:552, 2:668, 3:79
  • Notes on Collegiate Districts for System of Public Education, 12:129–12:133
  • orders wine, 4:528–4:529, 4:529–4:530, 12:53
  • and petition of P. I. Barziza, 10:628, 10:629, 10:659, 11:66, 11:146
  • and P. Poinsot’s land grant, 13:427, 13:427n
  • portrait of, 2:xli, 2:380 (illus.)
  • possible congressional candidate, 13:398
  • as presidential elector, 9:506, 9:507n
  • and proposed Albemarle Co. road, 10:629, 10:659, 11:66, 11:133
  • and proposed move to Albemarle Co., 15:169–15:170
  • proposed visit to Williamsburg, 13:473, 13:498, 13:592, 13:601
  • recommends candidates for University of Virginia Board of Visitors, 14:35
  • and recruitment of University of Virginia faculty, 13:398, 13:398, 13:399n, 13:407, 14:35–14:36, 14:124
  • and Rivanna Company, 5:380n, 5:522, 5:528–5:529, 5:556, 5:638–5:639, 6:595, 6:634, 7:5, 7:33, 7:145, 7:184–7:185, 8:184, 11:69
  • and riverine navigation, 8:165–8:166, 14:14–14:15
  • on J. B. Say’s proposed immigration to America, 8:317
  • and J. B. Say’s writings, 9:396, 9:517, 10:195–10:196, 10:294, 10:659
  • sends works to TJ, 12:573
  • slaves of, 8:317–8:318
  • TJ invites to Monticello, 7:5
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:625
  • and TJ’s health, 14:36, 14:124, 14:234
  • and TJ’s ideas on finance, 6:594, 6:595–6:596, 7:5–7:6, 7:133–7:134, 7:144, 7:149–7:150, 7:151n, 7:185, 7:230, 7:510, 7:669, 7:671, 7:689–7:691, 7:692, 7:693n, 7:714, 8:29–8:30, 8:35, 8:164, 8:182
  • and TJ’s introduction to the “Anas,” 12:431
  • and TJ’s letters on Va. constitution, 10:240, 10:292, 10:293–10:294, 10:361
  • and University of Virginia Commission, 12:500–12:501, 12:511, 12:526
  • and University of Virginia finances, 15:98, 15:100
  • and Va. banks, 10:294, 10:294, 10:361, 10:659
  • on Va. General Assembly, 12:232–12:234, 12:286, 12:286–12:287, 12:318, 12:381–12:382, 12:388, 12:413, 12:432–12:433, 12:453, 12:457–12:458, 12:489, 12:539–12:540
  • as Va. state senator, 7:5, 7:33, 7:133–7:135, 7:144–7:145, 7:168, 7:169n, 7:176–7:177, 7:184–7:185, 7:669–7:671, 7:689–7:691, 7:714, 9:279–9:280, 9:360–9:361, 9:394–9:396, 9:416, 9:435–9:438, 9:469, 9:487, 9:495–9:497, 9:506, 10:196, 10:294, 10:295n, 11:133, 11:172, 11:275, 12:15–12:16, 12:18, 12:98, 12:127n, 12:132n, 12:133, 12:193, 12:232–12:234, 12:263, 12:284–12:287, 12:288–12:290, 12:299, 12:317, 12:318, 12:318n, 12:324–12:325, 12:357–12:361, 12:362, 12:363–12:364, 12:381–12:382, 12:388, 12:413–12:414, 12:432–12:433, 12:448–12:450, 12:456–12:458, 12:469–12:470, 12:488–12:489, 12:500–12:501, 12:507, 12:511, 12:539–12:540, 13:398, 13:592, 15:346n, 15:366, 15:400n, 15:415
  • visits France, 4:189
  • visits Monticello, 11:258, 11:565, 12:54, 12:60, 12:74, 12:75, 12:431, 12:526, 12:573, 13:334
  • and wartime finance, 8:164–8:165

Cabell, Landon

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:333, 13:161, 15:96
  • and revision of Va. constitution, 10:294, 10:295n

Cabell, Mary Walker Carter (Joseph C. Cabell’s wife)

  • health of, 15:366
  • travels of, 12:232, 12:526, 13:407, 13:592, 13:601, 14:124

Cabell, Samuel J., 3:540n

Cabell, William (170074)

  • buys lots in Westham, 8:171n

Cabell, William (17591822)

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:333, 13:161, 15:96

Cabell, William H.

  • advises J. C. Cabell, 9:496, 12:285, 12:449, 13:497
  • attends dinner honoring TJ, 1:615+
  • and Central College subscription, 12:464
  • delivers letter, 13:170, 13:170
  • and W. Duane, 3:573
  • endorses notes for W. C. Nicholas, 14:587n, 14:588n, 14:634n, 14:639, 15:204
  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 14:13
  • and W. F. Jones, 6:126
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:625
  • toast by, 1:615+
  • as University of Virginia commissioner, 12:611, 13:182, 13:183, 13:223
  • as Va. Court of Appeals judge, 15:350
  • and W. Wirt’s book on P. Henry, 10:488
  • work done for while governor, 3:575

Cabot, George

  • and Federalist party, 9:6

Cabot, Samuel, 4:31

Cacapon River, 14:402, 14:412

Cade, John (Jack) (English rebel)

  • compared to Napoleon, 7:477, 8:683

Cadet-de-Vaux, Antoine Alexis

  • Instruction sur l’art de faire le vin, 2:82, 2:83n


  • besieged by French forces, 2:248n, 2:342, 4:111, 4:112n, 6:359
  • defenses of, 2:246–2:247
  • market at, 3:541
  • and merino sheep, 2:4, 2:492
  • Supreme Junta at, 2:246–2:247, 2:248n
  • U.S. consul at, 1:87, 1:96, 1:113–1:114, 1:155, 1:156n, 3:342–3:343, 3:523, 4:219
  • U.S. naval agent at, 1:155, 1:156n
  • yellow fever in, 10:128–10:129, 10:137

Cadore, duc de, Jean Baptiste Nompère de Champagny

  • French foreign minister, 1:370, 1:373, 1:377n, 1:528, 1:530n, 2:287, 2:419n, 7:463

Cadwalader, Thomas

  • identified, 1:583n
  • letters from, 1:583
  • as University of Pennsylvania trustee, 14:5n

Caesar (TJ’s slave; b. 1749)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:386

Caesar (TJ’s slave; 17741818)

  • death of, 13:567
  • hat for, 7:124
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:382, 4:383n, 4:384, 4:385, 5:461, 6:309, 6:310, 8:61, 8:255

Caesar, Julius

  • J. Adams on, 11:269
  • C. Julii Cæsaris quæ extant. Interpretatione & Notis (ed. J. Godouin), 10:233
  • C. Julii Cæsaris Quæ exstant Omnia (ed. J. Davies), 14:510
  • Caius Julius Cæsar’s Commentaries of his wars in Gaul, and civil war with Pompey (trans. Bladen), 1:580
  • The Commentaries of C. Julius Cæsar (C. Edmondes), 10:486
  • Commentaries on the Gallic and Civil Wars, 7:661, 14:185
  • death of, 10:360
  • P. S. Du Pont de Nemours on, 4:329
  • mentioned, 6:542, 6:625, 7:24, 7:373, 7:447, 7:477, 7:495, 7:551n, 8:683, 12:21, 13:571
  • TJ on, 9:437, 15:271–15:272
  • quoted, 1:6, 1:6n
  • writings of, 8:12, 14:257

Caffarena, Edward

  • identified, 7:634n
  • letters from, 7:634
  • sends seeds to TJ, 7:634, 9:102
  • vice-consul at Genoa, 7:634

Cagliari, Sardinia

  • royal museum at, 2:297

Caiaphas, Joseph

  • and professions, 4:100

Cailleau, André Charles

  • as publisher, 13:343n, 13:561–13:562

Cailliot, Louis

  • Traité de la Fièvre Jaune, 10:130, 10:136–10:137, 10:146n, 10:147n

Caines, Clement

  • Brief Remarks on the Present and Former War with France, 3:522n
  • The History of the General Council, 3:522n, 4:157
  • identified, 3:522n
  • letters from, 3:521–3:522
  • letters to, 4:157–4:159
  • Reflections on the Embargo, 3:522n
  • A Sketch of the Saxon Heptarchy, 3:522n

Caius Julius Cæsar’s Commentaries of his wars in Gaul, and civil war with Pompey (trans. M. Bladen), 1:580

cake, 11:670, 14:632


  • earthquake in, 4:189, 4:190n

Calamities of Authors (I. D’Israeli), 9:434n, 9:527

Calcavella (wine). See Carcavelos (wine)

calcite, 2:299

Caldcleugh & Thomas (Philadelphia firm), 1:190, 1:191n

Caldwell, Billy (Sauganash)

  • British Indian Department official, 8:222

Caldwell, Charles

  • and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 10:541
  • identified, 7:318–7:319n
  • letters from, 7:317–7:319, 7:328–7:329
  • letters to, 7:410–7:412
  • Memoirs of the Life and Campaigns of the Hon. Nathaniel Greene, 14:442, 14:489
  • and Port Folio, 7:317–7:318, 7:319n, 7:328–7:329, 7:410–7:412
  • visits Monticello, 7:319n

Caldwell, Joseph

  • family of, 14:555

Caldwell, Joseph F.

  • identified, 14:556n
  • letter from, 14:555–14:556
  • as printer, 14:555–14:556

Caldwell, Samuel B. T.

  • editor of Genius of Liberty, 14:578
  • identified, 14:579n
  • letter from, 14:578–14:579
  • as printer, 14:578–14:579

Caldwell, Timothy

  • recommends B. O. Tyler, 12:537n


  • Julian, 7:436, 7:437n
  • reform of Gregorian proposed, 7:436–7:437

Calendi, Giuseppe

  • copies paintings for TJ, 7:340, 7:342n

Calhoun, John Caldwell

  • and J. Dougherty, 14:543–14:544
  • identified, 12:300n
  • letters from, 12:355, 13:593, 14:147
  • letters to, 12:299–12:300, 13:140–13:141, 13:435–13:436, 14:198–14:199
  • C. W. Peale paints, 13:540
  • and J. L. Poirey’s military service claims, 12:299–12:300, 12:355, 13:140, 13:414, 13:415n, 13:435, 13:593, 13:593n, 14:110, 14:147, 14:198–14:199
  • as secretary of war, 11:146n, 11:452n, 12:299–12:300, 13:140, 14:416, 15:341–15:342, 15:367, 15:367n
  • and subscriptions, 13:22n
  • as U.S. representative from Ky., 11:165–11:166, 11:166n

Calia (TJ’s slave; b. 1806). See Hern, Celia (Calia) (TJ’s slave; b. 1806)

calico, 4:102, 7:558, 7:558

Caligula, Roman emperor, 6:53

Call, Daniel

  • as attorney, 14:371
  • as executor of J. Darmsdatt, 15:591–15:592, 15:592n, 15:593, 15:606
  • identified, 15:592n
  • letter from, 15:606
  • letter from accounted for, 15:592n
  • letter to, 15:591–15:592

Callaway, Abner Early

  • Bedford Co. land of, 7:430, 7:430
  • and bricks from TJ, 5:468
  • identified, 5:468n
  • letters from, 5:468

Callaway, George

  • and Central College subscription, 11:333, 13:161
  • family of, 5:468n
  • identified, 4:165n
  • letters from, 4:308
  • letters to, 4:165–4:166, 4:307–4:308
  • mill and dam, 3:371, 3:392, 3:394, 3:421, 3:421n, 3:538
  • TJ’s dispute with, 4:165, 4:165–4:166n, 4:307–4:308, 4:308, 4:341–4:342

Callaway, Richard

  • land patented by, 4:387, 8:255
  • and survey of Poplar Forest, 12:210–12:211, 12:213, 12:214–12:215, 12:216, 12:219–12:220

Callaway, William, 2:238n, 2:322, 2:323, 5:49, 5:50n

Callaway’s Mill (Bedford Co.)

  • on route to Natural Bridge, 9:35, 9:35

Callender, James Thomson

  • J. Adams on, 4:474, 6:297
  • mentioned, 6:255
  • and sedition law, 1:277–1:278, 2:412n, 7:206, 7:207n
  • A Short History of the Nature and Consequences of Excise Laws, 9:217, 9:218n
  • and Walker affair, 1:499n

Caller, James, 6:389, 6:390n

Callet, Jean François

  • sent geophysical work, 2:536
  • Tables of Logarithms, 1:316–1:317, 1:629–1:630, 2:536, 4:148
  • Tables Portatives de Logarithmes, 10:235

Calliopean Society, Transylvania University, 14:282, 14:283n, 14:437–14:438, 14:553, 14:553n

Callis, Ann Price

  • and H. Marks’s estate, 11:567

Callis, William Overton

  • and H. Marks’s estate, 5:96, 5:428, 5:428–5:429, 6:135, 6:135–6:136, 7:518, 10:665–10:666, 10:666n, 11:400

Calloway (black boatman)

  • and lost trunk, 1:311

Calloway, George

  • and University of Virginia, 15:98

Calon (wine), 9:513

calorimotors, 14:186–14:187n

Calverly, Daniel R.

  • identified, 14:162n
  • seeks employment at University of Virginia, 14:161, 14:162, 14:195

Calvert, Frederick, 6th Baron Baltimore

  • territory of surveyed, 9:686–9:687, 9:689

Calvert County, Md.

  • sheep breeding in, 1:478

Calville Blanc d’Hiver. See Calvite apple (Calville Blanc d’Hiver)

Calvin, John

  • Lexicon Ivridicvm Ivris Cæsarei simvl, et canonici, fevdalis item, civilis, criminalis, theoretici, ac practici, 3:546
  • mentioned, 6:227, 6:409, 7:74
  • as religious leader, 13:481, 14:223
  • TJ on, 13:160, 14:302–14:303, 15:539–15:540
  • F. A. Van der Kemp’s essay on, 4:614, 10:121
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:506

Calvinus, Johannes

  • Magnum Lexicon Juridicum, 10:235

Calvite apple (Calville Blanc d’Hiver), 3:455, 3:456n

Calvo, John

  • identified, 15:365n
  • introduced to TJ, 15:364–15:365
  • seeks position at University of Virginia, 15:363–15:364, 15:364–15:365, 15:382

Calycanthus floridus. See Carolina allspice

Cambacérès, Jean Jacques Régis de, 7:490

Cambden, Benjamin

  • land of, 13:221

Cambrai, Congress of, 9:479, 9:479, 9:480n

cambric, 3:643, 9:566

Cambridge, N.Y.

  • Federalists in, 2:289

Cambridge University, 2:565, 4:427, 7:659, 7:686, 7:688n, 12:238, 12:573, 12:647, 15:388–15:389

Camden, Marbell, 5:651n

Camden, William

  • biographies by, 7:629, 7:631n


  • hair used for weaving, 1:16
  • introduced to U.S., 1:479, 1:480n, 1:599

Cameline (Camelina sativa). See gold of pleasure

Il Camillo, o Vejo Conquistata (C. G. G. Botta), 9:207, 9:343, 9:343n, 9:493, 9:493n

Camillus (Marcus Furius Camillus)

  • mentioned, 9:232, 9:235n
  • works on, 9:343, 9:343n, 9:343n

Camm, John (b. ca. 1717)

  • and Two-Penny Act (1758), 7:546

Camm, John (17751818)

  • and Central College subscription, 11:636

Campagne de Dix-Huit Cent Quinze, ou Relation des Opérations Militaires qui ont eu lieu en France et en Belgique (G. Gourgaud), 15:232

Campan, Jeanne Louise Henriette, 1:250n

Campbell, Benjamin J.

  • letter from, 9:564–9:565
  • letter to, 9:601–9:602
  • loom invented by, 9:564–9:565, 9:601–9:602
  • patent sought by, 9:564–9:565, 9:602n

Campbell, David (1750–1812)

  • identified, 1:653n
  • letters from, 1:652–1:653
  • letters to, 2:187–2:188
  • TJ’s advice to son of, 2:187

Campbell, David (1779–1859)

  • identified, 4:135n
  • letters from, 4:134–4:135
  • letters to, 4:176
  • and Niagara Campaign, 5:533–5:541
  • and Va. land warrants, 4:134–4:135, 4:176

Campbell, Ferdinand S., 5:469n

Campbell, George Washington

  • elected to U.S. Senate, 4:200
  • health of, 9:14, 9:14, 9:88
  • identified, 7:354–7:355n
  • letters from, 9:14–9:16
  • letters to, 7:354–7:355, 9:88–9:89
  • as minister plenipotentiary to Russia, 13:78, 13:78, 13:78, 13:78, 13:94, 13:118, 13:119n, 13:125
  • and remittances to T. Kosciuszko, 7:334, 7:353, 7:354, 7:380
  • retirement of, 9:14, 9:88
  • as secretary of the treasury, 7:316, 7:317n, 7:334, 7:354, 8:16, 8:18n, 8:20n, 8:126, 10:99, 10:100n, 10:476, 10:477n
  • TJ introduces J. Barnes to, 7:354, 9:14
  • and TJ’s letters on finance, 7:510

Campbell, J. (of Baltimore)

  • publisher, 8:450n

Campbell, James

  • and East Tennessee College, 2:266–2:267, 2:365–2:366
  • identified, 2:268n
  • letters from, 2:266–2:268
  • letters to, 2:365–2:366

Campbell, James (of Virginia)

  • and University of Virginia, 15:98, 15:100

Campbell, John (of Albemarle Co.)

  • and Agricultural Society of Albemarle, 11:319

Campbell, John (early acquaintance of TJ), 8:645

Campbell, John B.

  • U.S. colonel, 8:217

Campbell, John R.

  • account with TJ, 14:305, 14:317, 14:472

Campbell, John Wilson

  • decides not to publish TJ’s public papers, 4:349, 4:467
  • History of Virginia, from Its Discovery Till the Year 1781, 4:350, 4:467–4:468
  • identified, 1:385n
  • letters from, 1:385, 1:538–1:539, 4:349, 4:350
  • letters to, 1:486–1:488, 1:569–1:570, 4:467–4:468
  • proposes to publish TJ’s public papers, 1:385, 1:486–1:488, 1:538–1:539, 1:569–1:570

Campbell, Mary Dandridge Spotswood (John Campbell’s wife), 8:645

Campbell, S.

  • as keeper of Richmond library, 11:395–11:396, 11:396n

Campbell, Thomas

  • British poet, 12:650
  • The Pleasures of Hope, 11:396

Campbell, Thomas Jefferson

  • family of, 1:653
  • TJ’s advice to, 2:187

Campbell, Victor Moreau, 1:653

Campbell, W. (of Goochland Co.)

  • and Central College subscription, 11:332

Campbell, William

  • Revolutionary War service of, 15:193–15:194, 15:195n
  • and Va. land warrants, 4:134–4:135, 4:135n, 4:176, 15:194

Campbell County, Va. See also Ivy Creek (Campbell Co.)

  • road to courthouse in, 12:213
  • sawmills in, 8:612, 10:356
  • surveyor, 4:308–4:310, 4:680
  • taverns in, 9:20, 10:491, 10:492n, 10:518, 12:634–12:635
  • taxation on property in, 8:73, 8:73n, 8:73, 8:255–8:256, 8:256, 8:351n
  • TJ sells Ivy Creek tract in, 2:5–2:6, 2:6, 2:50–2:51, 2:78–2:79, 2:148, 2:149n, 2:232, 2:323, 2:328, 2:330, 3:368–3:369, 3:374–3:375, 3:457, 3:461, 4:583, 4:584–4:585n, 5:31, 5:88, 5:88n, 5:103, 5:103n, 5:128, 5:159, 5:222, 5:222n
  • TJ sells Stith tract in, 1:670–1:671
  • TJ’s land in, 4:309–4:310n, 4:387, 5:39–5:40, 5:40–5:41, 8:285

Campbell County Court, Va., 3:374–3:375

Campbell family, 8:431

Campbell’s Mill (Albemarle Co.), 11:186, 12:542, 12:547

Campe, Joachim Heinrich

  • Bibliothèque géographique et instructive des Jeunes Gens, ou Recueil de voyages intéressants pour l’instruction et l’amusement de la jeunesse (trans. J. B. J. Breton de la Martinière), 12:534

campeachy chairs, 1:80, 1:81n, 1:211n, 2:351n, 9:xliv, 14:liv, 14:250 (illus.), 14:583–14:584, 14:636, 15:129, 15:144, 15:184

Camper, Adriaan G.

  • letters from accounted for, 1:677

Camp Fairfield (Henrico Co.)

  • Va. miltia at, 7:600–7:601, 7:601n, 7:608–7:609n, 7:632

camphor, 4:102

Camus, Armand Gaston

  • translates Histoire des Animaux d’Aristote, Avec la Traduction Françoise, 8:656, 8:659n, 10:233
  • leader of the French Revolution, 8:656
  • Rapport a L’Institut National, Classe de Littérature et Beaux Arts, D’un voyage fait à la fin de l’an X, 8:558–8:561, 8:562n, 8:656–8:657, 8:682


  • agriculture in, 11:136
  • American invasions of, 5:295, 5:367, 5:368–5:369, 5:385, 5:532–5:545, 6:13–6:14, 6:171–6:172, 6:209, 6:526–6:528, 6:529–6:530, 7:10, 7:12, 7:14, 7:35, 7:42–7:43, 7:51, 7:56, 7:61, 7:88, 7:90–7:91, 7:194–7:195, 7:525n, 7:530, 7:530–7:531, 14:227, 14:293
  • British troops in, 4:150–4:151, 5:446n, 7:91, 7:97–7:98, 7:350, 7:360
  • W. Duane on expulsion of British from, 8:99
  • gazetteer of, 5:581, 5:582, 5:582n
  • gypsum from, 9:62
  • and J. Henry’s mission, 4:541, 4:542
  • T. Kosciuszko on U.S. acquisition of, 6:150
  • Loyal and Patriotic Society of Upper Canada, 8:225, 8:225
  • maps of, 8:77n
  • W. Short on U.S. acquisition of, 6:276, 7:138
  • support for American conquest of, 5:172, 7:501
  • survey of border of, 10:18, 10:19n
  • TJ anticipates American conquest of, 4:133, 5:124–5:125, 5:186–5:188, 5:293, 5:367, 5:441, 5:445, 7:7–7:8, 7:10, 7:11, 7:14, 7:35, 7:88, 7:90–7:91, 8:133, 8:575
  • TJ on, 5:293, 5:305, 5:367, 6:539, 7:56
  • and trade with Indians, 4:552–4:553, 5:74–5:75
  • Upper, 5:319–5:320, 5:336, 5:441, 5:642–5:643, 5:644, 7:14, 7:35, 7:88, 7:138, 7:530, 7:531
  • U.S. atrocities in, 8:57, 8:57n, 8:214–8:215, 8:215–8:218, 8:219, 8:221, 8:222, 8:224, 8:225–8:226
  • and U.S. fishing rights, 7:451, 7:452–7:453, 7:455n, 7:478, 7:501
  • U.S. goods shipped through, 4:552, 4:554n
  • U.S. policy toward, 4:445, 4:480, 4:482, 4:574, 8:227n

Canada lily, 2:103, 2:104n

canals See also Rivanna Company

  • books on, 1:37, 1:38n, 8:388, 13:477n, 14:193, 14:265, 14:286, 15:573, 15:605
  • Bridgewater, 15:494n
  • Champlain, 11:218–11:219, 11:219n, 11:259, 11:280–11:281, 11:358n
  • Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Co., 2:213–2:214, 2:296
  • congressional support for, 2:213–2:214, 2:613
  • constitutional amendment regarding, 6:320, 6:320n
  • Delaware and Raritan, 11:415
  • Dismal Swamp Canal, 6:92–6:93, 6:94
  • Erie, 3:333, 3:459–3:460, 3:521, 3:597–3:598, 11:218–11:219, 11:219n, 11:259, 11:280–11:281, 11:339, 11:357–11:358, 11:358n, 11:360, 11:364–11:365, 11:376–11:377, 11:415, 11:434–11:435, 11:448, 12:23, 12:194, 15:492–15:493, 15:493n, 15:605
  • in France, 14:607
  • on James River, 8:170, 8:171n
  • James River Company, 13:488
  • E. Livingston’s, 2:444n, 2:445–2:446n, 2:547, 2:548
  • Middlesex, 10:674
  • at New Orleans, 2:244, 2:246n, 2:485
  • at Norfolk, 6:119, 6:121, 14:402, 14:403, 14:412–14:413
  • in N.Y., 12:402n, 13:245, 13:245n, 13:312–13:313
  • at Poplar Forest, 14:589, 15:158, 15:162, 15:282, 15:428, 15:474, 15:498
  • on Potomac River, 11:563, 11:565n
  • proposed, 2:358n, 2:673–2:674, 6:120–6:121, 6:216–6:217, 6:320, 9:624, 10:18, 11:218–11:219, 11:219n, 11:259
  • on Rivanna River, 3:286–3:288, 3:303, 3:421–3:422, 5:129–5:130, 9:152, 10:347–10:348, 10:614, 11:70, 11:72–11:98, 11:108, 12:593–12:594, 12:595, 12:596–12:597, 12:598, 12:599, 12:601, 12:601, 12:601–12:602, 12:603, 12:604, 14:407–14:409, 14:410–14:411, 14:485, 14:602, 15:214–15:221, 15:227, 15:268–15:269
  • in S.C., 2:507
  • at Shadwell mills, 2:670, 10:347–10:348, 10:614, 11:102, 11:348–11:350, 11:550–11:554, 12:243, 12:543, 14:357–14:358, 14:381, 14:405–14:406, 14:407–14:409, 14:410–14:411, 14:422, 14:541, 14:554, 15:228 (illus.)
  • Susquehanna canal lottery, 4:391
  • TJ on, 2:296
  • and transportation costs, 10:561–10:562, 10:562
  • Union Canal Company of Pa., 4:160, 4:175, 4:315–4:316, 5:468, 5:468–5:469n
  • in U.S., 3:388, 3:391, 11:122
  • in Va., 9:330, 9:649, 9:711, 10:347–10:348, 10:561, 10:563n, 13:592, 14:402, 14:403, 14:412–14:413
  • and water-raising machine, 2:556

canary seed, 2:271

Canby, William

  • I. Briggs defends, 9:607, 9:680
  • identified, 6:447–6:448n
  • letters from, 6:447–6:448, 10:56–10:57, 11:115–11:116
  • letter to, 6:508–6:509
  • TJ’s letter to published, 9:607, 9:607n, 9:680, 10:56–10:57
  • and TJ’s religious beliefs, 6:447, 6:508, 8:187, 8:196, 8:197, 8:198n, 8:365n
  • and C. Thomson’s writings, 11:115–11:116

C. & A. Conrad & Company (Philadelphia firm)

  • account with TJ, 3:530, 3:576, 3:582, 3:649, 9:130
  • identified, 1:412n
  • and journals of Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1:668–1:669, 2:30–2:31, 2:72, 2:332, 3:166–3:167, 3:582, 3:649–3:650, 6:417, 9:705, 9:706
  • letters from, 1:412, 1:668–1:669, 2:332, 3:649–3:650
  • letters to, 2:30–2:31, 2:72, 3:582
  • publishes book by T. Cooper, 2:376
  • publishes W. Shakespeare, 1:412, 1:412n

Candide (Voltaire), 7:557

candles, 1:31, 1:31, 1:31, 1:32, 3:202, 3:301, 11:617, 15:209, 15:313, 15:325

Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de, 15:167–15:168

Canillac, Mr. de, 2:15

Canning, George

  • British foreign minister, 1:284, 1:518, 1:658, 2:131n, 2:540n, 3:70n, 3:79
  • instructions to Erskine, 1:170n, 1:409, 1:438–1:439
  • rumored return to British cabinet, 2:130
  • TJ on, 1:442, 1:519, 8:265

cannon, 11:53–11:54, 11:54–11:55, 12:453–12:454

Cano (Canus), Melchor (Melchior)

  • De Locis Theologicis, 7:24–7:25, 7:25, 7:27n

Canonsburg Academy and Library Company (Pa.), 1:6n

Canova, Antonio

  • Italian sculptor, 8:161, 9:127, 9:127, 9:385–9:387, 9:387, 9:387n+, 10:412, 10:414–10:415, 10:415n, 10:476, 11:171, 12:542

Canovai, Stanislao

  • Elogio d’Amerigo Vespucci, 7:444, 7:522, 7:523n, 7:564, 7:613, 7:613n, 10:182

cantaloupe (muskmelon; nutmeg melon), 3:473, 3:501, 3:503n

Cantenac (wine), 9:513

cantharides, 7:387, 7:387

Canton (sloop), 9:3

Canton, Va., 3:195

Cape (wine), 9:513, 14:327, 14:338

cape jasmine (cape jessamine), 2:103, 2:104n, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n, 8:121

Cape of Good Hope

  • grapes in, 4:85, 4:524, 4:525n
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502, 4:506

capers, 1:366


  • and manufacturing, 7:559–7:560

Capitol, U.S.

  • congressman assaulted in, 2:107n
  • construction and repair of, 1:65n, 1:473, 1:475n, 1:595, 3:534–3:537, 3:555–3:556, 8:136, 8:313, 8:314–8:315n, 8:591–8:596, 10:413–10:414, 10:425–10:426, 10:468–10:470, 10:470n, 10:482, 10:510–10:511, 10:615, 10:654, 11:480, 11:571, 12:196, 12:278, 12:520–12:521, 12:639–12:643
  • corncob capitals for, 1:473, 1:475n, 1:595, 10:350, 10:351n, 11:xlv–11:xlvi, 11:232 (illus.), 11:481
  • dome of, 8:314, 10:510
  • drawings of, 8:234
  • heating system of, 13:409n
  • B. H. Latrobe’s drawings of, 2:39, 2:40n, 2:106, 3:535–3:536, 3:581–3:582, 3:590–3:591, 8:594 (illus.), 8:595 (illus.)
  • B. H. Latrobe works on, 1:65, 1:92, 1:474n, 4:64–4:66, 4:67n, 5:205, 5:238, 8:479–8:480, 8:591–8:596, 10:510–10:511, 11:480–11:481, 12:143, 12:196, 12:278, 12:520–12:521, 12:638, 12:639–12:643, 13:58
  • Library of Congress moved to, 13:520
  • longitude measurement at, 1:356–1:358, 1:359n, 1:489–1:498, 1:534, 1:553, 2:54, 2:337–2:338n, 2:566, 4:236, 4:275, 4:651–4:660, 12:86, 13:314, 13:314n
  • marble for, 11:480–11:481, 11:481, 11:481n, 11:481n, 11:535, 11:563, 11:572, 11:612, 11:614n, 12:196, 12:641, 12:642, 14:597
  • and the “Oven,” 12:521n
  • sculptors at, 1:78n, 9:350, 9:351n, 10:413–10:414, 10:511, 14:246, 14:597, 15:27, 15:154
  • tobacco-leaf capitals for, 10:510–10:511, 10:511 (illus.), 10:511, 11:xlv–11:xlvi, 11:232 (illus.), 11:481, 11:481n, 11:481n, 11:535, 11:572, 12:143
  • J. Trumbull’s paintings for, 10:615–10:616, 10:616n, 10:651–10:652, 10:654, 10:654–10:655, 11:3, 11:145, 11:166, 12:282, 13:liii, 13:328, 13:328n, 13:328–13:329, 13:330, 13:331–13:333, 13:333n, 13:390, 13:400 (illus.)
  • and War of 1812, 7:653, 8:5, 8:214, 8:292, 8:300, 8:301, 8:593–8:595, 10:425–10:426, 10:468–10:470, 10:470n, 10:510, 10:615, 11:480, 12:521

Cappe, Newcome

  • English Unitarian, 6:146, 6:146, 6:302

Capponi, Gino

  • edits Memorie della Vita e delle Peregrinazioni del fiorentino Filippo Mazzei (P. Mazzei), 9:669–9:670, 9:673n

Capsicum annuum. See cayenne pepper

Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum. See bird pepper

Capsicum minimum (Capsicum frutescens). See tabasco

Capsicum minutissimum. See bird pepper

capstans, 14:167

Capucine cress (Indian cress), 5:550

Caracas, Republic of

  • former Spanish colony, 7:393, 7:398n

Carbonnieux (wine), 9:513

Carbry, Thomas

  • priest in Norfolk, 15:316

Carburi, Jean Baptiste, comte de, 14:153

Carcavelos (wine), 14:327, 14:338

Cardell, William Samuel

  • and American Academy of Language and Belles Lettres, 15:419–15:422, 15:423n
  • identified, 15:422–15:423n
  • letter from, 15:419–15:424
  • letter to, 15:455

Cardelli, Peter (Pietro)

  • box forwarded to, 15:154, 15:181–15:182, 15:204
  • bust of J. Q. Adams, 15:28, 15:28n
  • bust of J. Madison, 14:246, 14:522, 15:27, 15:28, 15:28n
  • bust of J. Monroe, 14:246, 15:28, 15:28n
  • bust of TJ, 14:liii–14:liv, 14:246, 14:250 (illus.), 14:279, 14:315–14:316, 14:522, 14:522, 14:523n, 14:570, 14:576, 15:27–15:28, 15:28n
  • corresponds with T. J. Randolph, 15:27
  • identified, 14:523n
  • letter from, to T. J. Randolph, 15:154–15:155
  • letters from, 14:522–14:523, 15:27–15:28
  • letters to, 14:576, 15:181–15:182
  • recommended by J. Q. Adams, 14:246, 14:315–14:316
  • and sculptors for University of Virginia, 14:512, 14:516, 14:520, 14:522, 14:575, 14:576, 14:597
  • visits Monticello, 14:315–14:316, 14:522, 14:523n, 14:576, 15:181
  • visits Montpellier (Madison family estate), 14:523n

Carden, William F., 14:363–14:364, 14:367

Carden, Youen

  • agreement with, 2:38–2:39
  • and 1810 census, 3:202
  • identified, 2:38–2:39n
  • letters to, 6:430
  • orders goods for TJ, 12:362
  • salt for, 8:95n
  • TJ pays, 2:38
  • TJ’s account with, 14:317, 14:472, 15:425, 15:426
  • and TJ’s toll mill, 2:38–2:39, 6:430, 6:430n, 15:331

carding machines

  • from Alrichs & Dixon, 5:312, 5:321–5:322, 5:335, 5:356, 5:477, 5:515, 5:560, 5:566–5:567, 5:655, 5:656, 5:683–5:684
  • G. Baxter’s, 5:207–5:208, 5:208n, 8:554–8:555, 8:605, 8:606n
  • for C. Clay, 7:79, 7:114, 7:116
  • in cotton factory, 9:534
  • TJ on, 5:187, 5:562–5:563, 7:13–7:14, 8:185, 8:605
  • TJ seeks advice on, 4:417, 4:426

Cardozo, Abraham, 2:502, 5:164

Carducci, Mr.

  • public official in Florence, 9:294, 9:294

Carew, Bampfylde Moore, 10:14, 10:15n

Carew, Sir Benjamin Hallowell

  • as British naval officer, 11:661, 11:663n

Carey, Henry Charles. See also Mathew Carey & Son (Philadelphia firm)

  • A Complete Historical, Chronological, and Geographical American Atlas, 5:650n

Carey, Mathew See also Mathew Carey & Son (Philadelphia firm)

  • Addresses of the Philadelphia Society for the promotion of National Industry, 15:356, 15:356n
  • and books for TJ, 10:357–10:358, 10:386, 10:386, 10:465, 12:157–12:158, 12:291, 12:364, 12:372, 12:514, 12:516, 13:33, 13:93, 13:100–13:101, 13:107, 13:144, 13:304, 13:439, 14:119, 14:138, 15:43, 15:159, 15:465
  • and T. Clark’s Naval History of the United States, 7:139, 7:140n, 7:155, 7:190
  • and T. Clark’s Sketches of the Naval History of the United States, 6:146, 6:165, 6:167, 6:206–6:207, 6:289
  • health of, 9:40
  • identified, 4:430–4:431n
  • invoice from, 10:386
  • letters from, 4:430–4:431, 4:493, 6:167–6:168, 6:289, 7:155, 8:198, 9:40–9:41, 9:58–9:59, 10:386, 10:480–10:481, 12:581n, 13:317, 14:15–14:16, 14:138, 14:193–14:194, 14:454, 15:356
  • letters from accounted for, 12:514n, 15:465n
  • letters to, 4:464, 6:206–6:207, 7:190, 8:248, 9:74–9:75, 10:357–10:358, 10:465, 10:518–10:519, 12:291, 12:364, 12:372, 12:514, 13:33, 13:100–13:101, 13:107–13:108, 13:304–13:305, 13:410–13:413, 13:439, 13:616, 14:119, 14:528, 15:43, 15:159, 15:465, 15:524–15:525
  • The New Olive Branch: or, an attempt to establish an identity of interest between Agriculture, Manufactures, and Commerce, 15:524, 15:525n
  • The Olive Branch: or Faults on Both Sides, Federal and Democratic, 8:198, 8:198n, 8:248, 9:40–9:41, 9:41n, 9:41n, 9:58–9:59, 9:74–9:75, 9:75n, 9:217, 9:218n, 10:481n, 10:518, 10:519n, 12:291
  • and publication of books on history, 13:317, 13:317, 13:410–13:412, 13:616, 14:16, 15:524, 15:525n
  • publishes American Museum: or Repository of ancient and modern Fugitive Pieces, &c. prose and poetical, 15:418, 15:418n
  • publishes The Criminal Recorder, 7:630
  • publishes The House Carpenters’ Book of Prices, 12:264, 12:264n, 12:291, 12:369, 12:397, 14:87, 14:170, 14:170, 14:173, 14:187, 14:196n, 14:196n, 14:211, 14:212, 14:216, 14:516, 14:520, 14:651, 14:651
  • A Roland for an Oliver. Letters on Religious Persecution (written under pseudonym of “A Catholic Layman”), 13:616, 13:616n, 14:15–14:16
  • TJ pays, 10:480, 12:364, 12:514, 13:616, 14:15
  • and TJ’s Manual of Parliamentary Practice, 4:xliii, 4:430, 4:464, 4:493
  • and TJ’s religious beliefs, 10:480, 10:518–10:519
  • Vindiciæ Hibernicæ: or, Ireland Vindicated, 13:317, 14:15–14:16, 14:138, 14:193–14:194, 14:454, 14:528
  • writes history of Ireland, 12:581n

Carleton, Henry

  • The Laws of Las Siete Partidas, 3:53n, 3:160–3:161, 3:168

Carlisle College. See Dickinson College

Carlton (Bankhead estate)

  • C. L. Bankhead’s management of, 9:131–9:132, 10:462
  • conveyed to trustees, 8:277, 8:394–8:397
  • corn from, 10:168
  • location of, 8:398
  • purchased by the Bankheads, 8:308n
  • road to, 7:400, 7:400–7:401n, 8:398

Carmarthen, Marquess of. See Leeds, Francis Godolphin Osborne, 5th Duke of

Carmelites, 7:220

Carmen aureum

  • quoted, 7:23, 7:27n

Carmen Saeculare (Horace), 14:551

Carmichael, William

  • anecdote of, 13:464
  • as diplomat, 8:236, 8:237n

Carmignani, Giovanni

  • identified, 9:645n
  • letters from, 9:644–9:645, 11:249–11:250
  • letters to, 10:250–10:252, 11:643–11:646
  • and P. Mazzei’s estate, 9:644, 9:669, 9:675, 10:57, 10:248, 10:250, 10:272, 10:273n, 11:249, 11:577–11:579, 11:642–11:643, 11:643–11:646, 12:268
  • and P. Mazzei’s memoirs, 9:669–9:670

Carmignani, Giovanni Antonio

  • family of, 9:675

Carmignano, Italy

  • wine from, 10:58, 10:58n, 10:91, 10:92n, 10:274, 10:299, 10:411, 10:416

Carnation cherry, 3:644–3:645, 3:645n, 9:533, 11:464

carnations, 3:545, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n

Carner, B., 5:121

Carnesecchi, Pietro

  • religious beliefs of, 13:481

Carney, Daniel, 14:65n

Carnot, Lazare Nicolas Marguerite

  • J. Adams on, 8:553
  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:663
  • praised, 7:661
  • Réflexions sur la Métaphysique du Calcul Infinitésimal, 13:394, 13:413, 13:428
  • speech of on Napoleon, 7:373, 7:374n

Car of Neptune (steamboat), 4:199

Caroli a Linné (ed. J. A. Murray), 8:429, 8:430n

Carolina allspice, 2:103, 2:104n, 3:353, 3:353, 3:354, 3:354, 9:533, 10:517, 11:174

Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, Princess of Wales, 6:374n, 7:34, 7:36n

Caroline County Court, Va., 1:519, 8:397n

Carondelet, Francisco Luis Hector, baron

  • and batture, 2:471, 3:53, 3:161, 3:233, 3:490, 3:494, 5:85n
  • Spanish colonial governor, 2:472n

Carondelet canal, 2:244, 2:246n

carp, 4:629, 4:668, 4:677, 6:132, 6:134, 6:134, 6:215

Carpenter, Stephen Cullen

  • Memoirs of the Hon. Thomas Jefferson, 1:456, 1:457n

Carpenters’ Company of the City and County of Philadelphia

  • Articles of the Carpenters Company of the City and County of Philadelphia: and their Rules for measuring and valuing House Carpenters Work, 12:157, 12:159, 12:278, 12:397
  • B. H. Latrobe on, 12:520

carpets, 4:231–4:232n, 7:73, 7:73n

Carr, Mr. (boatman), 12:481

Carr, Mr. (Freemason)

  • and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:62

Carr, Mr. (militia man), 7:161

Carr, Mr. (TJ’s nephew)

  • and University of Virginia, 13:450

Carr, Dabney (1743–73) (TJ’s brother-in-law)

  • family of, 3:454n
  • mentioned, 4:134, 4:135
  • TJ’s epitaph for, 9:219, 9:220n, 9:369, 9:407–9:408, 9:531, 9:544, 9:544n
  • and Va. Committee of Correspondence, 8:200, 8:200–8:201n, 9:219–9:220, 9:220n, 9:289, 9:289n, 9:367–9:369, 9:369n, 9:407
  • and W. Wirt’s book on P. Henry, 10:406, 10:434

Carr, Dabney (17731837) (TJ’s nephew)

  • and advertisement for workmen for University of Virginia, 14:120, 14:163
  • and Albemarle Academy, 7:265
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:334, 14:120, 14:163, 15:98
  • deposition in Jefferson v. Michie, 7:597, 7:601, 8:652, 8:692–8:693
  • and W. Duane, 3:515, 3:627
  • and dynamometers, 2:111, 2:152
  • on European affairs, 8:652
  • and father’s legacy, 9:219–9:220, 9:289, 9:289n, 9:367–9:369, 9:407–9:408, 9:531, 9:544, 9:544n, 10:406, 10:434
  • forwards letter, 6:12
  • and Henderson estate, 6:76, 6:81, 6:152–6:153, 6:199, 6:199, 6:199, 6:199, 6:199, 6:200, 6:200, 6:480
  • identified, 2:152n
  • instructs J. H. Carr in law, 2:269
  • as judge, 7:709
  • letters from, 6:12, 6:268, 8:652, 9:219–9:220, 9:407–9:408, 10:405–10:406, 14:163
  • letters from accounted for, 7:709n
  • letters to, 2:152, 5:657, 7:601–7:602, 7:709, 9:367–9:369, 10:434, 14:120
  • letter to accounted for, 8:652n
  • and Lewis family, 3:91
  • and P. Mazzei’s Richmond property, 5:657, 6:12, 6:115+, 6:268
  • mentioned, 1:83n, 2:325, 6:631, 12:457
  • and oat seed, 2:93
  • and nuts for TJ, 14:120
  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254, 4:346–4:349, 5:378–5:380
  • plans visit to Monticello, 8:652
  • as proposed biographer of TJ, 13:430n
  • Rivanna River Company commissioner, 3:254n
  • TJ on, 4:134
  • and TJ’s debts to, 5:422, 5:424n
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:625
  • and TJ’s letters on Va. constitution, 10:405–10:406, 10:434, 10:435
  • TJ’s payments to, 8:652, 8:652n, 8:676
  • and University of Virginia, 13:584, 15:98, 15:100
  • and University of Virginia Board of Visitors, 14:35
  • visits Monticello, 9:219, 13:584
  • vouches for O. Norris, 3:465
  • and W. Wirt, 2:469–2:470, 2:474, 2:493, 2:494

Carr, Dabney S. (TJ’s grandnephew)

  • and fight between C. L. Bankhead and T. J. Randolph, 14:10n
  • identified, 14:465n
  • letter from, 14:464–14:465
  • and stonecutters, 14:464–14:465, 14:474, 14:497

Carr, Daniel Ferrell

  • account with TJ, 7:618, 7:619n, 7:619
  • and Agricultural Society of Albemarle, 11:319
  • as Albemarle Co. school commissioner, 15:383n
  • and Central College subscription, 11:325, 11:328, 13:162
  • crops of, 14:359
  • identified, 7:618–7:619n
  • letters from, 7:618–7:619
  • letters to, 7:619
  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
  • sells corn to TJ, 10:670n

Carr, Eleanor B. (Samuel Carr’s wife)

  • death of, 8:564, 8:564n

Carr, Frank

  • account with TJ, 5:5, 5:6n, 10:105–10:107
  • and Agricultural Society of Albemarle, 11:319
  • and Albemarle Academy, 7:267, 7:282, 7:283, 7:293, 7:335, 7:339, 7:426, 7:427, 7:535, 8:317, 11:314, 15:242n
  • and Central College subscription, 11:324, 11:328, 13:162, 13:164, 13:164n
  • correspondence of, 11:540, 11:541n
  • determines cause of death of slave, 3:180–3:181
  • family of, 11:340, 11:340–11:341n, 12:270
  • identified, 6:230n
  • leaves Philadelphia, 2:285
  • letters from, 6:230, 7:502–7:503, 8:612, 9:567, 11:340–11:341, 12:270–12:271, 12:561, 13:93, 13:139
  • letter to accounted for, 12:271n
  • militia service of, 7:502
  • and package for TJ, 7:33
  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254, 4:346–4:349
  • as physician, 7:502, 7:593, 7:593n, 7:619, 9:567, 10:105–10:107
  • recommends J. C. Ragland, 7:502
  • school of, 12:435, 12:436, 13:17
  • sends mineral specimen to TJ, 6:230
  • and D. C. Terrell, 12:561, 13:93, 13:139
  • trunk left for, 1:64
  • writes on behalf of A. Garrett, 8:612

Carr, G.

  • and Albemarle Volunteer Company subscription, 5:344
  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254

Carr, Hetty Smith Stevenson (Peter Carr’s wife)

  • family of, 2:198n, 3:526n, 5:659n, 12:304n
  • on fight between C. L. Bankhead and T. J. Randolph, 14:10n
  • health of, 8:477
  • and lease of Lego and Tufton, 12:304n
  • TJ on, 5:172

Carr, James O.

  • and Central College subscription, 11:328, 13:161

Carr, Jane, 2:469

Carr, John

  • and Albemarle Academy, 7:266, 7:267, 7:282, 7:283, 7:293, 7:340, 7:570
  • as Albemarle Co. school commissioner, 15:383n
  • family of, 2:269, 8:124
  • identified, 7:267n
  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254

Carr, John Addison (TJ’s grandnephew)

  • books sent to, 12:438, 12:480, 13:36, 13:53
  • carries books for TJ, 12:153
  • identified, 12:159n
  • seeks naval appointment, 12:158

Carr, John F.

  • and Central College subscription, 11:328, 13:161

Carr, John H.

  • desires military appointment, 8:124, 8:125n
  • identified, 8:124–8:125n
  • letter from, 8:124–8:125
  • recommended by TJ, 2:269–2:270, 8:124, 8:125n

Carr, John R.

  • and Jefferson v. Michie, 9:54

Carr, Jonathan Boucher

  • and Albemarle Academy, 7:267, 7:282, 7:293, 7:335, 7:570

Carr, Martha Jefferson (TJ’s sister)

  • death of, 4:132, 4:134, 4:183
  • family of, 3:454n, 3:540n, 9:413n, 9:417, 9:417n
  • funeral for, 4:135–4:136, 4:136, 4:155–4:156
  • greetings sent to, 3:91
  • health of, 4:61, 4:62n, 4:109

Carr, Overton, 3:454n

Carr, Peter (17701815) (TJ’s nephew)

  • and Albemarle Academy, 5:102, 5:171–5:172, 7:265, 7:265, 7:265, 7:266, 7:267, 7:282, 7:283, 7:283, 7:283, 7:293, 7:293, 7:335, 7:339, 7:340, 7:535–7:536, 7:570, 7:571, 7:636–7:641, 7:678, 8:183, 8:317, 9:47, 9:48n, 9:92, 9:361, 9:396, 9:398n, 9:398–9:399, 9:399n, 9:436, 9:438n, 9:497, 9:498n, 9:506, 9:626, 9:629n, 12:8, 12:433
  • and Albemarle Volunteer Company subscription, 5:344
  • alleged opposition to J. Madison, 7:310–7:311
  • and appointment of principal assessor, 6:442
  • boarding school of, 3:501, 3:540n
  • carries comforter to Monticello, 1:286, 1:310
  • crops of, 7:601
  • death of, 8:232n, 8:421, 8:432, 8:516–8:517, 8:646, 9:369
  • dispute with J. J. Monroe, 7:310–7:311
  • and W. Duane, 3:507, 3:509n, 3:540, 3:585
  • family of, 5:659n, 8:200, 8:432, 12:148
  • and father’s legacy, 9:219
  • friendship with W. Wirt, 10:315
  • identified, 3:540n
  • illness of, 2:197, 2:226, 2:329, 2:341, 8:232
  • introduces T. L. Orr, 7:286
  • letters from, 3:540, 4:109–4:110, 7:286, 7:535–7:536, 8:232
  • letters to, 7:636–7:642
  • mentioned, 1:505, 2:205n, 3:272, 3:526n, 8:169
  • and J. Monroe–W. C. Nicholas relationship, 10:525, 10:525
  • and B. Moore estate, 1:204
  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
  • portrait of, 7:xliv–7:xlv, 7:434 (illus.)
  • and position at College of William and Mary, 5:373
  • recommends C. Jouett, 8:537, 8:537n
  • requests wine from TJ, 8:232
  • sends pigs to TJ, 4:109
  • and R. Smith’s dismissal, 5:648n
  • on Supreme Court judgeship, 1:626
  • TJ on, 4:134
  • TJ recommends for judgeship, 3:303
  • TJ seeks watch for, 3:83
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:625
  • visits Monticello, 2:329, 2:469–2:470, 7:536
  • witnesses documents, 2:229, 6:36, 6:36n, 6:36, 6:36n

Carr, Peter (18161858)

  • birth of, 11:340n

Carr, Polly (Mary), 3:91

Carr, Robert, 3:330, 3:331n

Carr, Samuel (TJ’s nephew)

  • and Albemarle Academy, 7:267, 7:282, 7:335, 7:570
  • and Albemarle cavalry, 5:107, 7:619–7:620
  • as Albemarle Co. judge, 12:58n
  • and Agricultural Society of Albemarle, 11:319
  • and appointment of principal assessor, 6:442
  • books of, 8:471
  • and Central College subscription, 11:322, 11:328, 13:161
  • and clover seed, 3:180, 3:194
  • crops of, 7:601, 14:359
  • dispute with S. DeButts, 1:75, 1:75n, 1:134–1:135
  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 13:398, 13:399n, 13:401, 13:472, 13:473n, 14:4, 14:13, 14:14, 14:14
  • family of, 12:158
  • friendship with W. Wirt, 10:315
  • and horse from D. Durrett, 5:497, 5:498
  • identified, 3:454n
  • and laws of Va., 14:4–14:5
  • letters from, 3:454, 14:4–14:5
  • letters to, 3:453–3:454, 7:619–7:620
  • and Lewis family, 3:91
  • loans horse, 7:625, 7:632
  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349, 5:378–5:380
  • recommends G. Watson, 14:4
  • sells horse to TJ, 3:453–3:454
  • TJ on, 4:134, 5:172
  • TJ pays, 11:593, 11:593, 11:594n, 12:167
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:625

Carr, Virginia Terrell (TJ’s sister Martha Jefferson Carr’s granddaughter; Frank Carr’s wife)

  • death of, 11:340–11:341n, 11:443, 11:447n

Carr, William C., 2:122

Carrara marble, 8:161, 9:127, 9:384–9:385, 9:670, 9:671, 10:413–10:414, 15:10, 15:21, 15:182, 15:326, 15:476

Carrasqueira (wine), 3:240, 3:241n

Carré, John Thomas

  • academy of, 12:508

Carrere, John

  • and transportation of TJ’s books, 10:231, 10:243


  • accidents of, 11:622
  • built by E. Rosson, 7:357, 7:358n, 7:360
  • coachee, 6:54n
  • gigs, 8:350, 8:392–8:393, 8:563, 9:430, 10:561, 11:14, 12:415
  • handles for, 7:360
  • hired, 8:233
  • landaus, 8:393, 9:430, 12:415
  • loan of requested, 15:484
  • mentioned, 6:264, 8:219, 8:241, 9:18, 9:531, 10:397, 10:462, 12:104, 12:232, 12:529, 12:610, 12:634, 14:46, 14:47, 14:515, 14:518, 14:586, 14:587n, 15:23n
  • odometers for, 11:504, 11:506n
  • plating for, 5:394
  • platting instruments for, 11:504–11:506, 11:581
  • at Poplar Forest, 14:549–14:550n
  • of E. Randolph, 4:231–4:232n
  • repair of, 13:287
  • H. G. Spafford’s improvement to, 8:209, 8:209n, 8:211, 8:271, 8:271n, 8:273, 8:274n, 8:280–8:281, 8:281 (illus.), 8:350, 8:367, 8:414–8:416, 8:463, 8:470, 8:471n, 8:488
  • stagecoaches, 8:232–8:233, 8:415, 8:416, 10:452, 10:572, 10:576, 10:606, 10:607, 10:607, 10:610, 11:303, 12:165, 12:490, 12:526, 12:573, 12:584, 12:612, 14:141, 14:165, 14:167, 14:189, 14:232, 14:465, 14:475, 14:516, 14:522, 14:576, 15:365
  • taxes on, 7:xlv, 7:708, 8:392–8:393, 8:394n, 9:430, 11:44, 12:415
  • TJ installs pistols in, 10:321
  • upholstery of, 7:349

Carrington, Mrs., 7:6

Carrington, George

  • as a burgess, 8:621

Carrion, Francisco de Paula, 10:129

Carroll, Charles (of Carrollton)

  • and J. Hall’s agricultural improvements, 8:104
  • signer of Declaration of Independence, 6:137, 13:333n, 13:333n
  • and G. Washington, 12:427

Carroll, Henry

  • brings Treaty of Ghent from Europe, 8:269

Carroll, John

  • consul at Barcelona, 7:490

Carroll, John (archbishop of Baltimore), 1:7, 3:33, 3:35n, 15:335

Carroll, William

  • militia service of, 7:160, 8:264

carrots, 1:56, 1:157, 2:37, 2:38, 2:38, 4:139, 5:489, 5:658, 11:271–11:272, 11:273n, 14:180–14:181

Carr’s-brook (Peter Carr’s Albemarle Co. estate), 3:526n, 3:540n, 5:345, 14:270n

Carstairs, Thomas

  • and builders’ prices, 12:157–12:158, 12:264, 12:278, 12:291, 12:369, 12:397
  • health of, 12:397
  • identified, 12:158n
  • letter from, 12:397
  • letters to, 12:157–12:158, 12:369

Carswell, Samuel

  • and appointments to Navy Department, 6:30

Carter, Mr.

  • and Central College subscription, 13:163n

Carter, Mrs., 10:516

Carter, Charles

  • witnesses document, 12:314

Carter, Charles (1732–1806)

  • as trustee for W. Byrd (1728–77), 5:75, 5:76n, 6:305, 6:305n, 6:366, 6:371, 6:372n, 9:545, 12:279

Carter, Curtis

  • as brickmason for University of Virginia, 14:163, 14:195, 14:214, 14:304, 14:390, 14:479, 14:641, 15:3, 15:3, 15:3, 15:97, 15:98, 15:98, 15:100, 15:102, 15:102, 15:102, 15:103
  • identified, 14:163–14:164n
  • letter from accounted for, 15:386n
  • letter from, to N. Barksdale, 14:163–14:165
  • letter to, 14:214
  • recommendations of, 14:164n

Carter, Edward

  • and Albemarle Co. land, 5:399–5:402, 5:569–5:570n, 7:594–7:595, 7:595n
  • TJ purchases land from, 4:386, 8:398, 8:399n

Carter, Edward H.

  • and Viewmont estate, 8:308n

Carter, Elizabeth

  • translates Stoici Philosophi Encheiridion item (Epictetus), 1:576, 15:43, 15:65, 15:159

Carter, Hill

  • and Central College subscription, 11:636

Carter, James

  • and C. Bellini estate, 9:491

Carter, John

  • and Albemarle Co. land, 5:399–5:402, 5:402n, 5:570n

Carter, John Champe

  • and Albemarle Co. land, 7:591–7:592, 7:594–7:595, 7:655
  • identified, 7:595n
  • letters from, 7:655
  • letters to, 7:594–7:595
  • sells land to J. Monroe, 8:588

Carter, John M.

  • identified, 8:384n
  • letters from, 8:383–8:384, 8:623
  • letter to, 8:442
  • offers to publish T. M. Randolph’s work, 8:623
  • offers to publish TJ’s correspondence with J. Adams, 8:623, 8:658, 8:659n
  • publishes Arator (J. Taylor), 8:383–8:384, 8:442, 8:623

Carter, John S. & Company (Liverpool firm). See John S. Carter & Company (Liverpool firm)

Carter, Landon

  • “Observations concerning the Fly-Weevil, that destroys the Wheat,” 8:643, 8:645n
  • supports Two-Penny Act, 8:619
  • TJ on, 8:643

Carter, Maria Byrd Farley (William C. Carter’s wife)

  • sells land to J. Monroe, 6:523n, 6:523n
  • and W. Short’s land, 5:567, 5:568n, 5:569, 5:569–5:570n, 5:622, 6:523n, 9:319

Carter, Mary Eliza Coles (Robert Carter’s wife), 1:656n, 14:477, 14:477n

Carter, Robert

  • grinds wheat, 1:109
  • health of, 2:39, 2:40n
  • sells tobacco, 1:655

Carter, Thomas

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Carter, Whitaker

  • and Viewmont estate, 8:308n

Carter, William, 2:178, 2:178n

Carter, William (of Richmond)

  • and Central College subscription, 11:334

Carter, William Champe

  • and Highland–Indian Camp boundary dispute, 6:522–6:523, 6:524, 6:524, 6:575, 6:604, 6:604–6:605, 7:70–7:71, 7:136, 7:157, 7:159, 7:168, 7:169n, 7:197–7:198, 7:271, 7:487, 7:510, 7:591–7:592, 7:594–7:595, 7:655, 8:50–8:51, 8:107, 8:129, 8:588, 8:687–8:688, 9:319, 9:520, 9:648, 9:661, 9:662, 9:693
  • identified, 5:570n
  • letters from, 5:596, 7:70–7:71
  • letters to, 5:568–5:570, 5:573, 6:522–6:523, 6:604, 7:157–7:158
  • J. Monroe’s debt to, 8:687–8:688, 9:520
  • sells land to J. Monroe, 6:523n, 6:523n, 7:157–7:158n, 7:487, 7:591, 8:50–8:51, 8:53n, 8:588, 9:648
  • and W. Short’s land, 5:567, 5:568–5:569, 5:569–5:570n, 5:571–5:572, 5:573, 5:596, 5:622, 6:86, 6:522, 6:523n, 7:70–7:71, 7:136, 7:157, 7:168, 7:487, 7:510, 7:591–7:592, 7:594–7:595, 7:655, 8:568, 8:687–8:688, 9:319, 9:520, 9:648, 9:661, 9:662, 10:9, 10:11n, 10:253, 10:315, 12:187
  • and Viewmont estate, 8:308n

Carter, William F.

  • and Central College subscription, 11:332

Carte réduite de la Mer Méditerranée et de la mer Noire (G. A. R. Zannoni and P. Lapie), 1:247–1:248, 15:579, 15:579n

Carter’s Mountain (Albemarle Co.) See also Montalto (part of TJ’s Monticello estate)

  • and Highland estate, 8:567–8:568
  • mentioned, 8:238, 11:318–11:319
  • TJ climbs, 8:567

Cartersville, Va.

  • Cartersville Bridge Company, 14:547–14:548, 14:580
  • mail service to, 3:103, 3:104n, 3:148, 3:164


  • Great Britain compared to, 2:275, 6:637
  • mentioned, 6:409
  • Punic wars, 2:606, 6:429n

Carthrae, Mr., 3:425–3:426

Cartouche (Louis Bourguignon), 2:668, 2:669n, 5:600–5:601, 6:53, 6:141


  • axles for, 8:350
  • for Central College–University of Virginia, 15:86, 15:86
  • and Craven estate, 2:112
  • leased, 12:304, 12:304
  • and Shoemaker account, 3:300
  • to transport fish, 14:268
  • to transport sheep, 3:153, 3:154, 3:168
  • to transport stone, 12:563
  • to transport wine, 10:434–10:435
  • to transport wood, 14:515, 14:518
  • for transportation between Monticello and Poplar Forest, 10:517, 12:197, 12:198, 12:227, 12:228, 12:242, 14:541, 14:635–14:636, 15:206, 15:208, 15:229, 15:229, 15:230, 15:230, 15:230n, 15:247, 15:257, 15:309

Caruthers, William

  • and Ann Smith Academy, 1:367, 1:368n, 1:506, 3:201
  • and assessor for Rockbridge Co., 8:256–8:257, 8:257n, 8:281
  • death of, 11:589, 11:590n
  • identified, 1:367n
  • introduces P. Henry, 11:397
  • letters from, 1:367–1:368, 3:201, 5:596–5:597, 6:31–6:32, 7:556–7:557, 8:97–8:98, 8:281–8:282, 8:308–8:309, 11:397–11:398
  • letters to, 1:506–1:507, 3:155–3:156, 6:6–6:7, 7:620, 8:120–8:121, 8:256–8:257, 8:347, 11:428
  • and merino sheep, 5:31, 5:596
  • and Natural Bridge, 1:367, 1:506–1:507, 7:556–7:557, 7:620, 8:97–8:98, 8:120–8:121, 8:123, 8:123n, 8:281, 8:281–8:282, 8:308–8:309, 8:347, 11:397, 11:397, 11:428
  • and sheep husbandry, 3:201, 6:31–6:32
  • and shot manufacture, 8:97–8:98, 12:544
  • TJ offers sheep to, 6:6, 6:31
  • visits Monticello, 8:97, 8:120

Carvajal-Vargas, José Miguel de, 2d Duke of San Carlos

  • Spanish ambassador to London, 13:286n

Carvalho, Emanuel N.

  • sermons of, 10:366, 10:367n

Carver, Capt.

  • master of brig Miles Standish, 12:513

Carver, James

  • and essay on veterinary science, 5:413, 5:416n
  • identified, 5:415–5:416n
  • letters from, 5:413–5:416, 5:630–5:631
  • seeks educational assistance, 5:413–5:415, 5:415n, 5:630, 5:668–5:670, 6:13

Carver, William (boatman), 14:447

Cary, Col.

  • and TJ’s estate sale, 15:li

Cary, Mr., 7:99, 7:268

Cary, Mrs., 7:268, 7:698

Cary, Archibald

  • executor of P. Randolph, 4:647, 4:679
  • threatens P. Henry, 8:122, 8:122n
  • and Va. Committee of Correspondence, 9:369n

Cary, Elizabeth, Viscountess Falkland

  • The History of The Life, Reign, and Death of Edward II, 7:629, 7:631n

Cary, Jane Barbara Carr (Wilson Cary’s wife)

  • family of, 4:58n

Cary, Miles

  • carries letter, 15:205
  • and Central College subscription, 11:325, 11:332

Cary, Rebecca Dawson (Wilson M. Cary’s wife)

  • TJ sends greetings to, 4:61, 4:62n

Cary, Robert

  • as trustee of J. and L. L. Paradise, 9:284, 9:284

Cary, Robert, & Company (London firm). See Robert Cary & Company (London firm)

Cary, Samuel

  • on Christianity, 7:436n
  • Review of a Book Entitled “The Grounds of Christianity Examined”, 7:435n

Cary, Virginia Randolph (Wilson J. Cary’s wife)

  • family of, 15:48n
  • TJ sends greetings to, 4:61, 14:267
  • visits Monticello, 15:48n

Cary, William

  • scientific-instrument maker, 9:225

Cary, Wilson

  • family of, 4:58–4:59n

Cary, Wilson Jefferson

  • and Agricultural Society of Albemarle, 11:319
  • buys land, 3:187, 3:187–3:188
  • and W. M. Cary’s education, 14:267, 14:274, 14:315
  • and Central College subscription, 11:325, 11:332
  • identified, 4:58–4:59n
  • letters from, 4:58–4:59, 14:274, 14:315
  • letters to, 4:61–4:62, 14:267–14:268
  • and merino sheep, 3:136, 4:58, 4:61
  • as potential Va. legislator, 12:540, 12:540n
  • witnesses document, 3:188, 15:33n, 15:35

Cary, Wilson Miles

  • debts of, 12:540, 12:540n
  • TJ sends greetings to, 4:61, 4:62n

Cary, Wilson Miles (1806–77)

  • education of, 14:267, 14:268, 14:274, 14:315
  • visits Monticello, 15:48n

Casa Calvo, Sebastián Calvo de la Puerta y O’Farill, marqués de

  • and J. Wilkinson, 4:398n

Casanuova di Ama, Italy

  • wine from, 10:58, 10:58n, 10:91, 10:275, 10:411, 10:416, 10:475, 10:476, 11:171, 11:579–11:580

Casaubon, Isaac

  • translates á¼¹στοριá¿¶ν … Historiarum (Polybius; ed. J. Gronovius), 8:581, 9:109

Case laid before Counsel for their opinion on the claim to the Batture, situated in front of the Suburb St. Mary (Derbigny), 2:658, 2:658n, 3:476, 3:483, 3:494

Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery (F. Vesey), 6:477

Cassidy, Henry

  • and Arkansas judgeship, 4:70–4:71
  • certificate of, 4:70–4:71
  • identified, 4:71n

Cassini, Jacques Dominique de

  • and barometric calculation of altitude, 9:314, 9:316–9:317n
  • and weights and measures, 4:224, 4:227

Cassius Dio

  • Dionis Nicæi, rerum Romanarum a pompeio magno, ad Alexandrum Mamææ filium Epitome (ed. J. Xiphilinus; trans. G. Leblanc), 10:233
  • edition of by F. W. Sturz, 11:415, 12:583, 14:510, 15:258
  • Roman History (ed. H. S. Reimarus), 9:195–9:196

Cassius Longinus, Gaius, 15:298

Castanea. See chestnut

Castanea sativa. See chestnut: European

Castel, Charles Irénée, abbé de Saint-Pierre

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502

Castell, Robert

  • The Villas of the Ancients Illustrated, 1:390, 1:397n

Castellane, Alexandrine Charlotte Sophie de Rohan-Chabot, marquise de

  • marriage of, 2:288
  • and W. Short, 3:197, 3:200n, 3:447, 7:404, 15:149, 15:150n

Castellane, Boniface Louis André, marquis de, 2:288

Castle-Hill (Rives’s Albemarle Co. estate), 1:416n

Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount

  • British secretary of state for war and the colonies, 1:284, 5:293
  • as foreign secretary, 4:587, 6:145n, 7:96, 7:115n, 7:156n, 7:298, 7:422–7:423, 7:528, 7:540, 7:672, 8:265, 8:542–8:543, 8:588, 8:589n, 13:415, 13:416n

Castor (TJ’s carriage horse), 5:498n

castor oil, 5:669, 6:345, 14:554, 14:567n, 15:475

Castro, Inês de

  • posthumously crowned queen, 9:326, 9:328n

Caswell, Richard

  • as member of Continental Congress, 14:447, 14:449–14:450, 14:524

Catalan language, 12:47

Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliothéque de feu M. Clavier, 13:335

Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque de M. C. de la Serna Santander (C. A. La Serna de Santander), 8:559, 8:561, 8:562n

Catalogue of Hawkins’s Museum of Useful and Mechanical Inventions (J. I. Hawkins), 6:574, 6:574n

Catalogue of an Extensive Collection of Books in every department of Ancient and Modern Literature (Mathew Carey & Son), 12:336, 12:364, 12:372

A Catalogue of Books and Stationary, for sale by Gray & Cady, Booksellers and Stationers, Fredericksburg–Va. September, 1817 ([W. F. Gray]), 13:177, 13:178n

A Catalogue of Books, in the dead and living languages, which are for sale at F. Gelone’s Book-Store, No. 96, Broad Way, New-York, and at Lewis D. Belair’s Book-Store, South Sixth Street, Below Chesnut Street, Philadelphia, 15:346, 15:346n

Catalogue of Latin, English, French, Spanish, and Italian Books, Maps, &c. for sale by J. L. Fernagus De Gelone, Agent, for the United States, Canada, New-Orleans, Spanish America, and Isles (J. L. Fernagus De Gelone), 11:152n, 11:295, 11:335

A Catalogue of Minerals, contained in the cabinet of the late Benjamin DeWitt, M. D., 15:371n

A Catalogue of Officers and Students in Transylvania University, Lexington, Kentucky, January 1st, 1820, 15:344, 15:345n

A Catalogue of Plants, growing spontaneously within thirty miles of the City of New-York, 15:601n

Catalogue of Plants in the Botanic Garden, at Liverpool (W. Roscoe), 1:164n

Catalogue of the Library of the United States (G. Watterston), 8:475n, 8:629, 9:xliv–9:xlv, 9:70, 9:80, 9:80n, 9:237, 9:238n, 9:318, 9:344 (illus.), 9:396n, 9:409, 9:409–9:410n, 9:435, 9:438n, 9:469, 9:531–9:532, 12:96

Catalogue of the very select and valuable Library of William Roscoe, 10:512, 10:513n

Catalogus auctorum classicorum (A. Koenig), 8:361, 8:362, 8:362n, 8:579

Catalogus Plantarum Americæ Septentrionalis (H. Muhlenberg), 5:22, 5:23n, 7:244, 7:245n

Cate (TJ’s slave)

  • dries peaches, 8:697

Cate (TJ’s slave; b. 1747). See Hubbard, Cate (TJ’s slave; b. 1747)

Cate (TJ’s slave; b. 1788; Betty’s daughter)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:382, 4:383, 4:384, 4:385, 4:386, 5:461, 8:61, 8:255, 13:387

Cate (TJ’s slave; b. 1788; Suckey’s daughter)

  • hempen bed for, 8:71
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:383, 4:384, 4:385, 4:386, 5:461, 6:309, 6:309, 6:309, 8:61, 8:62, 8:62, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255
  • pot for, 8:70–8:71

Cate (TJ’s slave; b. 1797)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 5:460, 6:309, 8:61, 8:255
  • visits family at Christmas, 8:132

Catéchisme d’Économie Politique (J. B. Say), 10:196, 10:196n

Catechism of Political Economy (J. B. Say; trans. J. Richter), 10:196, 10:196n, 10:239

Catesby, Mark

  • The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands, 8:581, 9:108

Cathalan, Mademoiselle (Stephen Cathalan’s cousin)

  • and P. de Valltone, 12:567–12:568

Cathalan, Elizabeth Fraisse (Stephen Cathalan’s second wife), 9:573n+, 13:443, 13:444, 15:63, 15:119

Cathalan, Eulalie Marthe (Stephen Cathalan’s daughter)

  • and S. Cathalan’s claim, 14:599, 14:637, 15:66, 15:196
  • and death of S. Cathalan, 14:331, 14:599, 14:638n, 15:63, 15:65
  • family of, 9:573n+
  • identified, 14:600n
  • letters from, 14:599–14:600, 14:637–14:638, 15:65–15:67, 15:195–15:196
  • letter to
  • recommends J. Oliver, 15:65–15:66, 15:195
  • relationship with S. Cathalan, 9:573n+, 12:499
  • sends greetings to TJ, 1:312, 15:63
  • and TJ’s account with S. Cathalan, 14:637, 15:65–15:66, 15:118, 15:119, 15:186, 15:186n, 15:195

Cathalan, J.

  • family of, 13:272

Cathalan, Marie Hugues (Stephen Cathalan’s mother), 1:312, 9:573n+, 14:625

Cathalan, Stephen (ca. 17171805)

  • as commercial agent in Marseille, 9:211, 9:446, 9:447n, 9:575–9:576, 12:320
  • family of, 14:607, 14:625

Cathalan, Stephen (Étienne) (17571819)

  • account with TJ, 8:572, 8:670, 9:470, 9:471n, 10:171, 10:171, 11:420, 11:454, 11:455, 11:531–11:532, 11:533, 11:652–11:654, 12:566n, 12:569, 12:644, 13:31, 13:45, 13:113n, 13:240, 13:291, 13:308, 13:443, 13:443, 13:443–13:444, 13:444, 13:444, 13:445n, 13:446, 13:449, 14:238–14:239, 14:637, 15:65–15:66, 15:195
  • agreement with J. Dodge, 14:335–14:337, 14:622
  • alleged sexual misconduct of, 12:459, 12:499
  • D. Brent forwards letter to, 12:387, 14:499–14:500
  • as commercial agent in Marseille, 9:211, 9:422, 9:446, 9:470, 9:470–9:471, 9:472, 9:570, 9:570–9:572, 9:573, 9:575–9:577, 10:10, 10:118, 10:217, 11:128, 11:246, 11:405–11:406, 11:407, 11:584, 11:652–11:653, 12:205, 12:580–12:581, 13:240–13:241, 14:335–14:336, 14:499
  • congratulates J. Monroe, 9:570, 9:573n
  • as consul at Marseille, 11:487–11:488, 11:508–11:513, 11:532–11:533, 11:533–11:534, 11:534n, 12:93, 12:97, 12:320–12:321, 12:350, 12:372–12:373, 12:459, 12:459–12:460n, 12:498–12:499, 12:499–12:500, 12:568, 12:579, 12:609, 13:8–13:9, 13:10n, 13:443, 13:444, 13:445, 13:445, 13:446, 14:148, 14:149, 14:150, 14:239, 14:330–14:331, 14:332–14:333, 14:333–14:334n, 14:335–14:336, 14:599, 14:618–14:619, 14:637, 14:645, 15:104–15:105, 15:369, 15:555
  • consular expenses, 9:211, 9:212n, 9:571–9:572, 9:574–9:577, 10:217
  • and cultivation of lavender, 10:216
  • death of, 14:330–14:331, 14:333, 14:333–14:334n, 14:389n, 14:574, 14:599, 14:618–14:619, 14:622, 14:625–14:626, 14:627, 14:638n, 14:645, 15:65, 15:77, 15:104–15:105, 15:186n, 15:284
  • economic hardships of, 10:216
  • family of, 9:572–9:573, 9:573n+, 10:170, 11:542, 11:543n, 11:584, 11:654, 12:499, 13:272, 14:331, 14:333
  • forwards TJ’s correspondence, 1:207, 4:325
  • health of, 9:577, 13:443–13:444, 13:446, 13:447n, 13:565, 14:148, 14:329
  • identified, 1:313n
  • invoice of items shipped to T. J. Randolph, 13:448
  • invoices from, 13:14–13:15, 13:16–13:17, 13:447–13:448, 14:239
  • H. Jackson conveys TJ’s letters to, 9:152, 9:429
  • letter from accounted for, 12:380n
  • letter from, to J. Jones, 13:446–13:447
  • letter from, to J. Madison, 9:574–9:578
  • letters from, 1:312–1:313, 9:209–9:212, 9:323–9:324, 9:470–9:471, 9:569–9:573, 10:118–10:119, 10:170–10:172, 10:215–10:218, 11:508–11:514, 11:531–11:534, 11:652–11:654, 12:566–12:570, 13:8–13:11, 13:14–13:16, 13:240–13:242, 13:272–13:273, 13:443–13:446, 14:148–14:150, 14:238–14:239
  • letters to, 8:319, 8:570–8:572, 8:670, 9:420–9:422, 11:196–11:197, 11:404–11:407, 11:584–11:585, 12:44, 12:372–12:374, 12:579–12:580, 13:506–13:507, 14:327–14:330
  • letters to, from A. Spreafico, 9:471–9:473, 9:573–9:574, 11:656–11:657, 11:657–11:658
  • letter to accounted for, 13:113n
  • letter to, from Pierre Mages & Compagnie, 11:656–11:657
  • letter to, from J. V. A. Sasserno, 11:655
  • mentioned, 8:598, 11:420
  • and P. Poinsot, 13:272–13:273, 13:280–13:281, 13:282n
  • quotes TJ, 9:576–9:577
  • recommends J. Dodge, 11:508–11:513, 11:533, 12:34, 12:320, 12:321, 12:321, 12:373, 12:568, 14:149, 14:335
  • relationship with J. Dodge, 14:148–14:149, 14:330–14:331, 14:332–14:333, 14:336
  • relationship with J. Oliver, 1:312, 1:313n, 11:654, 15:65–15:66
  • and J. V. A. Sasserno’s consular appointment, 12:373–12:374, 12:503, 12:568, 12:580, 13:9, 13:240–13:241, 13:246, 13:308, 13:316, 13:444, 14:134, 14:150
  • seeks U.S. citizenship, 9:576
  • sends olive trees, 5:560, 5:561n
  • sends books to TJ, 10:119
  • sends preserved flowers to TJ, 10:215, 10:216, 10:494, 10:521, 11:406, 11:531, 13:444, 13:565, 13:585, 14:329
  • TJ introduces B. S. Barton to, 8:319, 8:326
  • TJ introduces W. C. Preston to, 11:196–11:197, 11:200
  • TJ on, 12:320, 12:499
  • TJ recommends, 9:446, 10:10, 13:423, 14:645
  • and TJ’s health, 14:148
  • TJ visits, 10:170, 14:625
  • and P. de Valltone, 12:567–12:568
  • J. Vaughan forwards letter to, 12:455
  • visitors to, 10:119, 10:216
  • and wine for TJ, 8:570–8:572, 8:572, 8:587, 8:589, 8:590n, 8:603, 8:627, 8:632, 8:633n, 8:670, 9:186, 9:209–9:210, 9:212n, 9:276, 9:323, 9:420–9:421, 9:470, 9:471–9:472, 9:569–9:570, 9:570, 10:57, 10:68, 10:75, 10:109, 10:109, 10:112, 10:118–10:119, 10:127, 10:157, 10:170, 10:171, 10:193, 10:217, 10:218, 10:229–10:230, 10:307, 10:338, 10:343, 10:358, 10:494, 10:494, 10:521, 11:131–11:132, 11:404–11:406, 11:407, 11:531–11:532, 11:584, 11:652–11:654, 11:656, 12:205, 12:374, 12:380–12:381, 12:566, 12:579–12:580, 12:580, 12:586–12:587, 12:608–12:609, 13:9–13:10, 13:14–13:15, 13:16, 13:16, 13:171, 13:240, 13:240, 13:241, 13:241, 13:241, 13:246, 13:308, 13:316, 13:443, 13:446, 13:506, 13:564–13:565, 13:566n, 13:576, 13:585, 13:606, 13:607, 14:319, 14:327–14:329, 14:339, 14:352, 14:442, 14:574, 14:594n, 14:625–14:626, 14:627, 15:262, 15:284
  • and wine for TJ’s friends, 12:30, 12:44, 12:566–12:567, 12:569, 13:243, 13:506, 13:507, 14:118

Cathalan, Thérèse Charlotte Angleys (Stephen Cathalan’s first wife), 9:573n+

Catharine Ray (brig), 3:620, 5:447, 5:447n

Cathcart, James Leander

  • identified, 5:457n
  • seeks Lisbon consulate, 5:456, 5:504

Catherine II (“the Great”), empress of Russia

  • J. Adams on, 9:527, 10:7
  • and F. M. Grimm, 9:650, 12:280–12:281
  • as linguist, 9:373n, 11:562, 11:562n, 12:249–12:250, 12:294, 12:295–12:296n
  • and national independence, 7:542
  • TJ on, 2:276–2:277
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502, 4:504, 4:504

Catherine, queen of Westphalia (Jerome Bonaparte’s wife), 2:288n

Catherinens der Grossen Verdienste um die Vergleichende Sprachenkunde (F. Adelung), 11:562, 11:562n, 12:249–12:250, 12:251n, 12:294, 12:331

Catholic Doctrines and Catholic Principles Explained (J. Coppinger), 8:411n, 12:5–12:6, 12:6n


  • Acta Sanctorum (J. de Bolland and others), 8:558–8:563, 8:656–8:657, 8:682
  • and collegiate education, 12:281–12:282, 13:452, 13:455n
  • criticized, 7:23, 8:561–8:562, 8:656–8:657, 10:328, 10:611, 12:405
  • and ecclesiastical authority, 11:27–11:28, 11:28n, 11:63, 11:63–11:64n, 15:317–15:318n
  • and French bishops, 10:394–10:395
  • index expurgatorius, 9:175, 9:176n, 9:346
  • in Norfolk, 15:315–15:316, 15:335
  • Ursuline nuns, 12:5–12:6, 12:6n

“A Catholic Layman.” See Carey, Mathew


  • L. P. G. de Lormerie on, 3:33

Cathrall, Isaac

  • Facts and Observations, relative to the Origin, Progress and Nature of the Fever … of Philadelphia in the summer and autumn of the present year, (1802.), 10:133, 10:146–10:147n


  • J. Adams on, 11:269
  • mentioned, 6:53

Catlett, Kemp

  • and J. H. Craven’s lease, 2:112
  • and Henderson case, 6:201n, 6:573–6:574n, 7:677
  • identified, 3:541n
  • letters to, 3:541
  • TJ orders butter from, 3:541
  • TJ sells bran to, 3:643

Catlett, Lawrence T.

  • and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:61, 12:67n, 12:67

Cato: A Tragedy (J. Addison), 7:312n+, 9:247, 9:249n

Cato Maior de senectute (Cicero), 7:627

Cato Major, or Discourse on old age (Cicero; trans. Logan), 3:137, 3:137n

Caton, Richard, 14:540n

Cato the Elder

  • mentioned, 11:162
  • quotes attributed to, 9:95, 9:97n, 13:25, 13:26n
  • Rei rusticae, 2:82, 11:164, 11:164
  • and Traduction d’Anciens Ouvrages Latins relatifs à l’Agriculture et à la Médecine Vétérinaire, avec des Notes (C. F. Saboureux de La Bonnetrie), 12:112

Cato the Younger (Marcus Porcius Cato Uticensis)

  • mentioned, 7:373, 8:122n, 8:189, 15:272, 15:272, 15:273


  • fear of, 8:332


  • in agricultural shows, 11:277
  • at Belmont estate, 3:170–3:171
  • bulls’ eyes used in optical experiments, 9:636–9:637, 9:638n
  • as commodity, 13:300n
  • death of, 5:260, 8:217
  • and dogs, 6:511
  • fences for, 7:80, 10:238
  • fodder for, 2:271, 2:543, 4:138, 4:139, 11:158, 11:199, 11:271, 11:272, 11:308–11:309, 14:180–14:181, 14:250, 11:171–11:172, 15:70, 15:70, 15:70
  • hair used for textiles, 7:72–7:73, 7:191
  • hides, 15:451
  • at Lego, 12:304
  • mentioned, 10:664n, 12:589, 12:651
  • and milk, 11:271, 11:272, 14:180–14:181, 15:70
  • at Monticello, 3:437, 8:392
  • in Pa., 1:69n
  • at Poplar Forest, 4:306, 4:381, 7:71, 7:179, 8:72, 8:132, 8:173, 8:174, 8:520, 13:386
  • price of, 8:307
  • purchased by TJ, 4:557n, 7:519–7:520, 12:541n, 12:614n, 14:317, 14:472
  • raised by Indians, 1:110
  • as rent, 12:302
  • at sea, 6:103
  • taxes on, 8:256, 8:392
  • transportation of, 7:124, 7:179, 8:173, 8:174, 8:184
  • at Tufton, 2:112, 5:260, 12:304
  • value of, 4:15
  • for University of Virginia, 15:96, 15:100
  • water for, 8:80, 14:624

Catullus, Gaius Valerius, 7:661

Caulaincourt, Armand, 1:537, 2:466

cauliflower, 2:90

Cavendish, Henry

  • as scientist, 13:102


  • mammoth, 3:623
  • Weyer’s, 1:309, 1:309n

cayenne pepper, 4:102, 6:377–6:378, 6:378n

Cazeaux, Gerard

  • French diplomat, 7:489

Cazenove, Anthony Charles

  • forwards packet to TJ, 12:136, 12:273
  • identified, 12:136–12:137n
  • letters from, 12:136–12:137, 13:121–13:122
  • letter to, 12:273
  • as merchant, 13:121–13:122, 13:468

C. Cornelii Taciti opera (Tacitus; eds. J. A. Ernesti and J. J. Oberlin), 9:196, 9:455, 10:212, 10:531, 11:205, 11:296, 11:414, 11:414, 12:356, 14:511

C. Cornelii Taciti opera cum varietate lectionum selecta novisque emendationibus (Tacitcus), 6:93, 6:94

C. Cornelii Taciti Opera, quæ exstant (Tacitus; eds. J. F. Gronovius and J. Gronovius), 9:455, 10:233, 10:236n, 12:480, 12:530, 13:36, 13:53

Cebes (Greek philosopher)

  • Epicteti Stoici Philosophi Enchiridion: Unà cum Cebetis Thebani Tabula. Quibus adjiciuntur hac Editione Simplicii Commentarius in Enchiridion Epicteti. Item Arriani Commentariorum de Epicteti Disputationibus, Lib. IV (ed. H. Wolf), 14:510

Cecilia (F. Burney), 7:65

cedar, 10:195, 10:195, 10:238–10:239, 11:566

cedar of Lebanon, 2:140, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n, 5:438, 8:245, 8:246n

Celastrus scandens. See waxwork (American bittersweet)

celery, 1:157, 2:37, 4:180, 4:182n

cello (violoncello), 9:694, 9:696n

Celsius, Olof

  • Hierobotanicon, 7:715, 7:716n


  • for cisterns, 8:130, 8:166, 8:168n, 8:252, 8:402, 9:466, 9:468n, 11:113, 11:114n, 13:343–13:344, 13:362, 14:298–14:299, 14:317, 14:472
  • minerals for, 11:113, 11:114n, 13:343–13:344, 13:344n, 15:586
  • Roman, 13:362, 13:363–13:364, 13:410, 14:298–14:299, 14:573, 14:593
  • sent to TJ, 15:20, 15:45, 15:46
  • waterproof, 10:164–10:165, 10:165n, 10:257

Cenas, Blaize, 2:284


  • of R. de Bécourt’s book, 7:284, 7:303–7:305, 7:324
  • in France, 10:394, 12:622, 14:115
  • TJ on, 7:303–7:305, 8:294
  • toasts honoring freedom of press, 1:615+, 1:615+

Census, Report on (Thomas Jefferson), 1:569–1:570, 1:570n

Census, U.S.

  • of 1810, 3:202, 3:209, 3:239, 6:226, 6:226n, 9:440, 9:441n, 11:12, 11:12n, 12:129n, 12:132n, 12:357, 13:180, 13:181, 13:188, 13:190–13:191, 13:491, 13:535–13:536, 13:584

Centaurea macrocephala. See globe centaurea

centaurs, 12:443

Central College See also Albemarle Academy; Virginia, University of

  • as academical village, 11:586, 11:588n, 12:327
  • Alexander Garrett’s Account with Central College, 15:93–15:95
  • Alexander Garrett’s Report on Central College Finances, 15:81, 15:83, 15:88–15:92
  • bank loan for, 12:363, 12:382, 12:388, 12:411–12:413
  • books for, 12:264, 12:291, 13:177–13:178, 13:310
  • brickmasons for, 11:534–11:535, 11:558–11:559, 11:602, 11:602n, 11:603, 11:610, 11:648, 11:669, 12:xlix, 12:55, 12:55, 12:93, 12:183, 12:184, 12:193, 12:193–12:194n, 12:239, 12:240–12:241, 12:244, 12:266, 12:269, 12:287, 12:298, 12:307, 12:317–12:318, 12:318n, 12:362–12:363, 12:415, 13:64, 13:97, 13:493, 13:531–13:532, 13:532n, 13:604–13:605
  • builders for, 11:256, 11:273, 11:274n, 11:400, 11:401, 11:463, 11:464n, 11:468–11:469, 11:471, 12:77, 12:137, 12:157, 12:159, 12:168, 12:296, 12:327, 12:397, 13:99, 13:117, 13:534
  • cellars at, 11:603, 11:669
  • Central College Subscription List, 11:322–11:327, 12:227
  • classrooms for, 8:87
  • construction of, 1:193n, 11:317, 11:545–11:546, 11:610, 12:xlix, 12:40–12:41, 12:55, 12:55, 12:59, 12:133–12:134, 12:150, 12:157, 12:168, 12:193, 12:193–12:194n, 12:266, 12:278, 12:305, 12:327, 12:369, 12:397, 12:437, 12:501, 12:615, 13:28, 13:92, 13:97, 13:97–13:98, 13:201, 13:222, 13:233, 13:380–13:381, 13:524, 13:534
  • Conveyance of Central College Properties to the President and Directors of the Literary Fund, 13:17, 13:18n, 13:163–13:165, 13:170, 13:170n, 13:180, 13:181
  • cornerstone laying, 12:36, 12:40–12:41, 12:45, 12:54, 12:54, 12:55, 12:55, 12:59, 12:60–12:61, 12:61–12:65, 12:66 (illus.), 12:67–12:71
  • designs for, 11:387–11:390, 11:393, 11:431–11:432, 11:453, 11:479–11:480, 11:481n, 11:535, 11:563, 11:564–11:565, 11:610–11:612, 12:72–12:73, 12:94, 12:143, 12:638, 13:57–13:58
  • Donors and Founders of to the University of Virginia Commissioners, 13:160–13:163, 13:180
  • donors to, 1:65n
  • dormitory rooms at, 8:86–8:87, 8:90n, 11:317, 12:75–12:76, 12:84, 12:296–12:297, 12:327, 12:328, 12:328, 13:57–13:58, 13:233, 13:534
  • Draft Bill to Create Central College and Amend the 1796 Public Schools Act, 8:90–8:94, 8:183, 8:316–8:317, 9:92, 9:93n, 9:360–9:361, 9:361n, 9:365, 9:366, 9:394–9:395, 9:396n, 9:398n, 9:399, 9:436–9:438, 9:469, 9:496–9:497, 10:263, 10:264n, 11:664, 11:666n, 14:79
  • employees of, 8:91, 8:91–8:92, 12:137, 12:296–12:297, 13:534
  • establishment of, 7:265, 7:265–7:266, 8:90–8:94, 8:353, 10:474, 11:314–11:315, 11:364, 11:384, 11:548, 12:3–12:5, 12:8, 12:8–12:9, 12:59, 12:103, 12:150, 12:151–12:152, 12:166, 12:204–12:205, 12:232–12:234, 12:325–12:326, 12:326, 12:363, 12:381, 12:382–12:383, 12:388, 12:458, 12:489, 12:511, 12:539–12:540, 13:170
  • and Freemasons, 11:669–11:670, 12:36, 12:40–12:41, 12:45, 12:54, 12:59, 12:60–12:61, 12:60–12:61, 12:60–12:61, 12:61–12:65, 12:67–12:71
  • funding for, 8:92, 10:660, 12:76, 12:79–12:80, 12:83, 12:84, 12:84–12:85, 12:204–12:205, 12:233, 12:296–12:297, 12:306, 12:325–12:326, 12:328–12:329, 12:333, 12:345, 12:363, 12:382, 12:412n, 12:413–12:414, 12:437, 12:437n, 12:457–12:458, 12:470, 12:488, 13:162–13:163n, 13:300, 13:534, 13:534, 14:81, 14:198, 15:93, 15:93
  • gardens at, 8:87
  • hotels at, 13:58
  • kitchens at, 8:87, 8:87
  • land purchased for, 1:193n, 2:452n, 11:xlv, 11:232 (illus.), 11:253, 11:258, 11:301, 11:302n, 11:315, 11:316–11:317, 11:318–11:319, 11:319, 11:321, 11:344, 11:401, 11:463, 11:464n, 11:465–11:467, 11:467n, 11:468, 11:471, 12:296, 12:327, 13:201, 13:222, 13:365–13:366, 13:405–13:406, 13:407n, 13:534, 15:13n, 15:13n, 15:85–15:86, 15:88
  • lottery for, 11:317, 11:317, 11:321, 12:42, 12:457–12:458
  • Master List of Subscribers to Central College, 11:328–11:335
  • medical curriculum for, 15:124n
  • mentioned, 12:21, 12:132n, 12:281, 13:510
  • Nelson Barksdale’s Inventory of Central College Property Conveyed to the University of Virginia, 15:81, 15:83, 15:83, 15:85–15:87
  • opening of, 12:234, 12:332–12:333, 12:363, 12:434, 12:435, 12:435–12:436, 12:463, 12:529, 12:529, 13:18, 13:321, 13:428–13:429, 13:483
  • opposition to, 12:545
  • overseer for, 13:534
  • passageways at, 8:86, 8:87, 8:87, 8:90n, 8:90
  • pavilions at, 8:86–8:87, 8:87, 8:89, 8:90n, 11:342–11:343, 11:388–11:389, 11:393, 11:468, 11:570, 12:xlix, 12:75–12:76, 12:84–12:85, 12:94, 12:193, 12:193–12:194n, 12:296–12:297, 12:327, 12:328, 12:328, 12:348 (illus.), 13:57–13:58, 13:233, 13:301, 13:534, 13:534, 13:535n
  • plan for, 11:664–11:666, 11:667, 13:276
  • plasterers for, 11:669, 12:262
  • plat of lands, 11:xlv, 11:232 (illus.)
  • proctor of, 5:567n, 8:90, 8:91–8:92, 9:360–9:361, 9:365, 9:394–9:395, 9:396–9:397, 9:398n, 9:406–9:407, 9:496, 11:253, 11:570, 12:77, 12:80, 13:17, 13:36, 13:201, 13:222, 13:534, 14:141–14:142, 14:143n
  • professors for, 2:174n, 2:377n, 2:405n, 8:90–8:91, 8:353, 11:335–11:336, 11:396, 11:566, 11:570, 11:596, 11:665, 12:3–12:5, 12:7, 12:9, 12:28, 12:32–12:33, 12:45, 12:52, 12:74, 12:75–12:76, 12:83–12:85, 12:101, 12:134–12:135, 12:136, 12:150, 12:151–12:152, 12:170, 12:180, 12:182, 12:187, 12:193, 12:195–12:196, 12:199–12:200, 12:200–12:201, 12:205–12:206, 12:227, 12:228n, 12:237, 12:238, 12:238, 12:239–12:240, 12:296–12:297, 12:298, 12:305, 12:305, 12:306–12:307, 12:315, 12:325–12:326, 12:327, 12:327–12:328, 12:328–12:329, 12:332–12:333, 12:345, 12:363, 12:434, 12:435–12:436, 12:437, 12:454, 12:463, 12:490, 12:529, 12:610, 12:647, 12:648, 12:655, 13:6–13:7, 13:18, 13:36, 13:45, 13:56–13:57, 13:58, 13:74, 13:234, 13:246–13:247, 13:252, 13:284, 13:298–13:299, 13:300–13:301, 13:305–13:306, 14:55, 14:79–14:80, 14:92, 14:105–14:106, 14:178, 14:198
  • and sale of glebe lands, 11:253, 11:316–11:317, 13:201, 13:222, 13:534, 15:88, 15:88, 15:89, 15:89
  • siting of, 11:502, 11:544–11:545, 11:545–11:546, 11:546–11:547n, 11:565, 11:611, 12:326, 12:327
  • slaves employed in construction of, 15:90, 15:91
  • and Society of the Cincinnati, 12:170, 12:208, 12:233, 12:263, 12:284, 12:458
  • stables and horselots for, 8:87
  • as state university of Va., 9:506, 11:133–11:134n, 11:257, 11:258, 11:315, 11:415, 11:458, 11:502, 11:587, 12:3, 12:9, 12:18–12:19, 12:85, 12:101, 12:103, 12:122–12:123, 12:125, 12:127, 12:150, 12:166, 12:187, 12:193, 12:199–12:200, 12:201, 12:204, 12:233–12:234, 12:256, 12:271, 12:285–12:286, 12:287, 12:292, 12:298, 12:325, 12:329, 12:333, 12:432–12:433, 12:437, 12:490, 12:502, 12:502n, 12:529, 12:539–12:540, 12:610, 12:611, 13:17–13:18, 13:57–13:58, 13:67–13:68, 13:74, 13:80, 13:143, 13:144, 13:160–13:163, 13:174, 13:175, 13:179–13:181, 13:182, 13:183, 13:183, 13:186, 13:187–13:188, 13:189–13:190, 13:190–13:191, 13:201, 13:210, 13:222, 13:223n, 13:226, 13:234, 13:278, 13:284, 13:300, 13:301, 13:366, 13:366n, 13:401–13:402, 13:402–13:404, 13:429, 13:490–13:491, 13:497, 13:515, 13:516, 13:516n, 13:535n, 13:583–13:584, 13:584n, 13:600–13:601, 13:601n, 14:349, 15:82–15:83
  • stonecutters for, 11:535, 11:570, 11:571, 11:571, 11:579, 11:602, 11:610–11:611, 12:267–12:268, 12:578–12:579, 12:584, 12:615, 13:252
  • students at, 8:91, 12:76, 12:327
  • subscription for, 11:314–11:315, 11:317, 11:467n, 11:471, 11:485, 11:485, 11:485n, 11:486, 11:535, 11:545, 11:546, 11:546n, 11:559, 11:561, 11:565, 11:565–11:566, 11:566n, 11:590–11:591, 11:592n, 11:596, 11:636, 11:636, 11:640, 11:650–11:651, 11:651n, 11:664–11:665, 12:3, 12:7, 12:18–12:19, 12:41–12:42, 12:68, 12:75, 12:76, 12:84, 12:98–12:99, 12:150, 12:164, 12:164, 12:206, 12:227, 12:232, 12:263, 12:274, 12:292, 12:296, 12:297–12:298, 12:305, 12:307, 12:315, 12:318, 12:325, 12:326–12:327, 12:327–12:328, 12:328, 12:333, 12:363, 12:364–12:365, 12:413–12:414, 12:433, 12:437, 12:460, 12:464, 12:470, 12:472, 12:472, 12:510, 12:540, 12:551, 12:565, 12:613, 12:614n, 12:625, 12:625–12:626n, 12:644, 12:646, 12:655, 12:656, 13:17–13:18, 13:98, 13:162–13:163n, 13:168, 13:201, 13:222, 13:321–13:322, 13:322n, 13:339, 13:405–13:406, 13:484, 13:534, 13:534, 13:613, 13:617, 14:71, 14:221, 15:88, 15:89, 15:91, 15:91, 15:93, 15:96, 15:99, 15:101–15:102, 15:104, 15:281, 15:309n, 15:345, 15:345n, 15:398–15:399, 15:400n, 15:603
  • TJ’s architectural designs for, 7:265, 8:86–8:87, 8:88 (illus.), 8:89 (illus.), 8:89–8:90n, 9:626–9:627, 11:342–11:343, 11:431–11:432, 11:535, 11:563, 11:564, 11:586–11:587, 11:649–11:650, 11:665, 12:xlix, 12:84, 12:94, 12:327
  • TJ’s Estimate and Plans for Albemarle Academy/Central College, 8:86–8:90, 12:134, 12:134n, 12:289, 12:289
  • TJ’s Estimate of Funds and Expenditures for Central College, 12:296–12:297, 12:298, 12:307, 12:325
  • TJ’s Estimate of Funds and Expenditures for Central College/University of Virginia, 13:534–13:535
  • TJ supervises progress of, 13:28
  • treasurer of, 5:567n, 8:90, 8:91, 12:80, 14:71–14:72
  • ushers for, 12:333, 12:506

Central College Board of Visitors

  • Anonymous Description of Meeting, 11:320–11:321
  • J. H. Cocke’s Descriptions of Meetings, 11:318–11:319, 11:565–11:566
  • and construction of Central College, 12:8–12:9, 12:193–12:194n, 12:239, 12:266, 12:269, 12:362, 14:191
  • and cornerstone laying, 12:45, 12:54, 12:55, 12:59, 12:60–12:61, 12:62, 12:62, 12:63, 12:63, 12:64, 12:65, 12:65, 12:67, 12:68–12:69, 12:69, 12:69, 12:69–12:70, 12:70–12:71
  • duties of, 8:90–8:93, 8:183–8:184, 9:438n, 12:122, 12:125, 12:431
  • and funding for college, 12:388, 12:411–12:413, 12:437, 13:17–13:18, 14:81, 14:105
  • James Dinsmore’s Report on Tin to, 13:380–13:381
  • meetings of, 11:62, 11:181, 11:183, 11:218, 11:220, 11:228, 11:229, 11:232, 11:242, 11:248, 11:257, 11:257–11:258, 11:262, 11:262, 11:275, 11:276, 11:291, 11:301, 11:545–11:546, 12:40, 12:41, 12:53, 12:55, 12:60, 12:74, 12:75, 12:83, 12:306, 12:470, 12:610, 12:610, 12:614, 12:625, 13:li–13:lii, 13:180, 13:279, 13:313, 14:35, 14:45, 14:46, 14:46–14:47, 14:47, 14:48, 14:55, 14:55, 14:56, 14:58, 14:71–14:72, 14:73, 14:79, 14:84, 14:89, 14:90, 14:90, 14:91, 14:93, 14:106
  • members of, 10:473, 10:473n, 10:474, 10:660, 11:253, 11:256, 11:274n, 11:303, 11:312–11:313, 11:335–11:336, 11:342–11:343, 11:364, 11:384, 11:387, 11:391n, 11:432, 11:502, 11:579, 11:664, 11:667, 11:670, 12:3–12:4, 13:341, 13:398, 13:407, 14:5n, 14:34, 14:90, 14:191
  • Minutes of, 11:314–11:315, 11:316–11:318, 11:570, 12:75–12:77, 12:79–12:80, 12:83–12:84, 13:36, 14:70, 14:71–14:72, 14:79, 14:79–14:80, 14:92, 14:92, 14:105, 14:105, 14:105–14:106, 14:177–14:178
  • obsolescence of, 13:207n, 13:404, 13:484, 13:595
  • and proposed professorships, 12:52, 12:74, 12:79–12:80, 12:83–12:84, 12:134, 12:136, 12:170, 12:180, 12:182, 12:200–12:201, 12:205–12:206, 12:238, 12:240, 12:298, 12:305, 12:305, 12:306–12:307, 12:315, 12:332–12:333, 12:437, 12:454, 12:490, 12:610, 13:6–13:7, 13:36, 13:56–13:57, 13:300, 13:301, 13:301, 13:301, 14:79–14:80, 14:106, 14:191, 14:199, 15:132
  • and recruitment of faculty, 13:407
  • report of, to J. P. Preston, 12:256, 12:263, 12:271, 12:286, 12:292, 12:297–12:298, 12:298, 12:299, 12:301, 12:305, 12:306, 12:306, 12:307, 12:325, 12:326–12:330, 12:363, 12:381, 12:383n, 12:403–12:404, 12:412n, 14:515, 14:518
  • and subscription, 11:327n, 11:546–11:547, 11:559, 11:561, 11:590–11:591, 12:164, 12:297–12:298, 12:307, 13:163–13:164, 13:164n, 13:201, 13:222

Ceracchi, Giuseppe

  • bust of G. Washington by, 8:161, 8:162n, 9:128, 9:350, 9:386, 9:387n, 9:671
  • bust of TJ by, 11:267, 11:342, 11:387, 12:541–12:542
  • execution of, 8:161, 8:162n
  • TJ on, 12:542

Cerberus (mythological creature), 11:346, 11:346n

Cérémonial Pour la remise, la réception et le séjour de Madame la Duchesse de Berri, a Marseille, Et son voyage à Toulon (A. J. J. Rochemore), 10:119, 10:119n

Cerneau, Joseph, 2:319n


  • Observations on Infidelity, 2:124–2:125, 2:125n, 2:125n

Cervantes, Miguel de

  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:665
  • Don Quixote, 10:346, 10:347n, 10:573, 12:534

Cervoni, Jean Baptiste, 1:372

Cette (Sète), France

  • U.S. consul at, 13:272–13:273, 13:280–13:281, 13:282n, 13:431, 14:86, 14:388–14:389

Cevallos, Pedro

  • and Louisiana Territory, 9:658, 9:658n

chalcedony, 2:299, 2:299

Chalcocondylas, Laonicus

  • Historiæ Byzantinæ Scriptores Tres Graeco-Latini, 11:452


  • medicinal use of, 14:231, 15:46
  • used as fertilizer, 10:533, 10:534

Chalmers, Thomas

  • The Evidence and Authority of the Christian Revelation, 13:19, 13:19n, 15:137, 15:137n

Chamberlain, Mr. (father of James Chamberlain), 4:15

Chamberlain, Ferdinand Lee, 4:14, 4:15

Chamberlain, James

  • identified, 4:16n
  • letters from, 4:14–4:16
  • requests loan from TJ, 4:14–4:16

Chamberlain, Jason

  • on geology, 7:357
  • identified, 7:181–7:182n
  • An Inaugural Oration delivered at Burlington, August 1, 1811, 7:357, 7:357n, 7:447, 8:111
  • and Iroquois language, 7:181, 7:181n, 7:182n, 7:281, 7:281n, 7:281n, 7:447
  • on language, 7:357
  • legal career of, 8:111
  • letters from, 7:181–7:182, 7:357, 8:111–8:112
  • letters to, 7:243–7:244, 7:447–7:448
  • and study of the classics, 8:111
  • on War of 1812, 8:111–8:112

Chamberlain, Louis Bonaparte, 4:14, 4:15

Chamberlain, Thomas Jefferson, 4:14, 4:15

Chamberlain of London v. Allen Evans, 7:148

Chamberlayne, William

  • identified, 3:37n
  • letters from, 3:270, 3:367–3:368
  • letters from accounted for, 4:9n
  • letters to, 3:36–3:37, 3:250, 3:283–3:284, 3:529, 4:9
  • and slaves of Shackelford estate, 3:36–3:37, 3:196, 3:250, 3:270, 3:283–3:284, 3:367–3:368, 3:529, 4:9, 4:9
  • TJ pays, 4:10

Chamberlayne, William Byrd

  • as Va. legislator, 15:296n, 15:416n

Chambers, John

  • and fiorin grass, 4:159, 4:175, 4:192, 5:574, 5:660–5:661
  • identified, 4:159n
  • letters from, 4:159, 5:574
  • letters to, 4:175, 5:660–5:661

Chambers, Joseph Gaston, 6:415n

Chambers, Mary (Thomas J. Chambers’s mother), 14:638

Chambers, Thomas (Thomas J. Chambers’s father), 14:638

Chambers, Thomas Jefferson

  • identified, 14:639n
  • letter from, 14:638–14:639
  • seeks educational advice from TJ, 14:638–14:639

Chambord, Mr.

  • forwards packages to TJ, 8:421

Chambray. See Fréart de Chambray, Roland

champagne (wine), 9:209, 9:288, 9:513, 12:29

Champagny, Jean Baptiste Nompère de, duc de Cadore. See Cadore, duc de, Jean Baptiste Nompère de Champagny

Champlain Canal, 11:218–11:219, 11:219n, 11:259, 11:280–11:281, 11:358n

Champlin, John C., 5:66

Chandler, John (1762–1841)

  • military career of, 6:528

Chandler, John (of Massachusetts)

  • J. Adams on, 6:284–6:285, 6:625

Chandler, John B.

  • letters from, 4:495, 4:590
  • seeks work at TJ’s mills, 4:495, 4:590
  • and J. Shoemaker’s accounts, 4:495

Chandler, Richard

  • The History and Proceedings of the House of Commons, 7:373

Channing, Edward Tyrell

  • as editor of North American Review and Miscellaneous Journal, 13:529, 13:530n, 13:588, 13:615, 14:631n
  • identified, 13:529–13:530n
  • letter from, to W. S. Shaw, 13:529–13:530

Channing, William Ellery

  • on Christianity, 7:436n
  • A Sermon delivered at the Ordination of the Rev. Jared Sparks, 14:612–14:613

Chapman, Eunice

  • divorce of, 11:412n

Chapman, George A.

  • letter from accounted for, 15:546n

Chapman, James

  • divorce of, 11:412n

Chapman, Nathaniel

  • identified, 1:663n
  • letters from, 1:663
  • letters to, 2:70–2:72
  • and meteorology, 2:70–2:72
  • professorship of, 13:270

Chaptal, Jean Antoine

  • Elements of Chemistry, 1:307
  • as minister of the interior, 8:558, 8:562n
  • rumored immigration to U.S. of, 9:359, 9:360n
  • Traité théorique et pratique sur la Culture de la Vigne, 2:82, 10:234, 10:237n, 11:164
  • writings of, 14:168

charcoal, 2:299, 3:625, 6:517

chariots, 1:41


  • requests to TJ for, 1:67, 1:68n, 1:402–1:403, 1:450, 1:467–1:469, 2:4, 2:241, 2:261–2:262, 2:288–2:290, 2:419, 3:297, 3:346, 3:372–3:373, 3:422–3:423, 3:548–3:549, 3:628, 4:14–4:16, 4:77, 4:168, 4:366, 4:489–4:492, 4:543–4:544, 4:564, 4:577, 4:644–4:645, 6:12–6:13, 6:21–6:23, 6:270, 6:358, 7:121–7:122, 8:74, 9:12–9:13, 15:411–15:412, 15:504–15:507
  • TJ comments on, 1:506, 2:147–2:148, 2:282
  • TJ gives, 7:178, 7:182, 7:356n, 13:142n
  • TJ refuses to give, 6:47–6:48

Charlemagne, Holy Roman emperor, 2:584, 6:192

Charles (ship), 5:220

Charles (J. Barnes’s servant), 7:456

Charles (E. Randolph’s slave), 4:231–4:232n

Charles (TJ’s slave; b. 1785)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387, 12:303

Charles, archduke of Austria, 1:371, 1:372

Charles I, king of England, 6:228, 6:296, 7:495, 7:551n, 12:581n, 13:317

Charles II, king of England, 1:489, 2:387n, 6:296, 7:378, 7:538, 12:495, 14:421

Charles VII, king of France, 2:12–2:13

Charles IX, king of France

  • and 1572 declaration, 3:160

Charles V, Holy Roman emperor

  • correspondence of, 14:146
  • and sectarian violence, 8:551

Charles IV, king of Spain

  • and bust of G. Washington, 9:386, 9:387n
  • family of, 9:480n
  • royal claims of, 2:33, 2:35n
  • rumored return to power of, 8:263, 8:267n
  • and Spanish national debt, 7:393
  • TJ on, 2:276
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:505

Charles XII, king of Sweden, 7:477, 8:683

Charles City County, Va., 8:418

Charles de Lorraine, 6:227

Charless, Joseph

  • identified, 2:567n
  • letters from, 2:567
  • praises TJ, 2:567

Charles the Bald, Holy Roman emperor, 2:584

Charleston, S.C.

  • banks in, 12:179
  • celebrates Revolutionary War victory, 6:250, 6:251n
  • cisterns in, 9:309, 9:466, 11:113
  • collector at, 14:300–14:301
  • commerce at, 4:26
  • learned societies in, 6:179, 6:180n, 6:251, 6:376–6:377, 6:378n, 6:483, 6:561, 11:168
  • Palmetto Society, 6:250, 6:251n
  • pro-administration meeting in, 1:513–1:514
  • Republicans in, 5:680–5:681, 5:681n, 6:611, 13:130, 13:130n, 13:318–13:319
  • Seventy-Six Association, 4:105–4:107, 4:175+, 7:459, 7:459n, 8:315, 11:528–11:529, 11:530n, 11:582, 13:130n, 13:157
  • Sons of Liberty, 11:167, 11:168n
  • and yellow fever, 10:35, 10:128, 10:131, 12:253, 12:293n

Charles Town, Jefferson County, Va. (now W. Va.), 3:647–3:648

Charlevoix, Pierre François Xavier de

  • mentioned, 6:323–6:324

Charlotte Sophia (queen of Great Britain), 13:liv

Charlottesville, Va.

  • ball in, 9:488
  • bookstore proposed for, 13:177–13:178, 13:310, 13:327, 14:578, 15:14–15:15, 15:53, 15:139–15:140, 15:339, 15:357
  • as center of Va. population, 13:491, 13:535–13:536
  • churches in, 8:233
  • courthouse in, 8:233, 8:249, 13:liv
  • description of, 8:233, 10:400, 10:610, 11:258, 11:449, 12:4–12:5, 12:529, 13:liv
  • doctors in, 3:36–3:37, 3:196, 7:502, 13:388–13:389, 13:390n
  • female academy in, 14:261
  • Freemasons of, 11:669–11:670, 12:36, 12:40–12:41, 12:45, 12:54, 12:59, 12:60–12:61, 12:61–12:65, 12:67–12:71
  • land prices in, 3:622
  • libraries in, 14:194
  • mail service to, 3:56, 3:104, 7:100, 12:193, 13:368, 14:489–14:490, 14:501, 14:564, 14:575–14:576, 14:602
  • map of, 13:liv, 13:400 (illus.)
  • medical care in, 13:197, 13:217
  • printing office proposed for, 14:555–14:556, 14:578–14:579
  • religious services in, 9:48, 9:112, 13:341
  • Revolutionary War prisoners at, 15:408
  • and Rivanna Company, 3:287
  • roads in, 11:243, 11:243, 11:244n, 11:244n, 11:244–11:245, 12:48, 12:57–12:58, 13:liv, 13:275–13:276, 13:276n
  • school proposed for, 8:609, 8:646, 12:252, 13:537, 14:103–14:104
  • silversmith needed in, 11:413, 11:548–11:549, 11:604–11:605, 14:192, 15:305, 15:320
  • size of, 13:515
  • spinning and weaving factory in, 4:143
  • stagecoach to, from Baltimore, 12:584
  • stagecoach to, from Fredericksburg, 10:71
  • stagecoach to, from Richmond, 8:232–8:233, 10:404
  • stagecoach to, from Washington, 11:413
  • stonemason needed in, 7:297
  • taverns in, 12:45, 12:45n, 14:368, 14:476, 14:607, 15:162
  • tinsmith needed in, 14:192
  • watchmaker needed in, 6:61, 6:83, 6:118, 6:258, 10:33, 10:203, 10:275–10:276, 10:307–10:308, 10:321, 10:326, 10:344, 10:345, 10:351–10:352, 10:392–10:393, 10:436–10:437, 10:578, 10:578n, 10:578–10:579, 10:596, 10:606–10:607, 10:630, 11:157, 11:198–11:199, 11:374, 11:374n, 15:305, 15:320
  • weavers needed in, 11:413, 11:449–11:450, 11:463–11:464, 11:470, 11:471–11:472, 11:506–11:507, 11:602, 12:186, 12:338–12:339, 12:339, 12:396–12:397
  • Wells’s Hotel, 11:545

Charlottesville Academy

  • advertisement for, 14:425, 15:109, 15:109n, 15:239, 15:241–15:242
  • books for, 15:398
  • and T. Cooper, 14:84, 14:90, 14:191, 14:219
  • curriculum of, 14:257–14:258, 14:274, 14:425, 14:438, 14:517, 14:519
  • misbehavior of students, 15:140–15:141, 15:142n, 15:242n, 15:499, 15:499–15:500n, 15:510
  • opening of, 14:272, 14:274, 14:294, 14:315, 14:326
  • regulations for, 14:258–14:259
  • and R. Reynolds, 14:642, 15:28–15:29
  • and school vacations, 14:267, 14:294, 14:326, 14:425
  • and G. E. Stack, 14:46, 14:84, 14:90, 14:191–14:192, 14:210, 14:210, 14:219, 14:223, 14:261, 14:267, 14:268, 14:272, 14:274, 14:280–14:281, 14:294, 14:326, 14:425, 14:425, 14:438, 14:512, 14:516–14:517, 14:517, 14:519, 14:519, 14:525–14:526, 14:606–14:607, 14:642, 14:642, 14:643–14:644, 15:239, 15:241–15:242, 15:242n, 15:242n, 15:243, 15:490
  • tuition fees, 14:192, 14:267, 14:274, 14:294, 14:326, 14:439, 14:642, 14:643, 15:242n
  • and University of Virginia, 14:90, 14:191, 14:192, 14:267, 14:280, 14:281, 14:326, 14:425, 14:438, 14:642, 14:643, 15:28–15:29, 15:241–15:242, 15:242n

Charlottesville Lodge No. 90 (Masonic)

  • and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:36–12:37, 12:40–12:41, 12:45, 12:59, 12:60–12:61, 12:61–12:65, 12:67–12:72

Charon (mythological character), 13:93, 13:568

Charondas, 7:76

Charpentier de Cossigny, Joseph François

  • Observations sur “L’art de faire le vin,”, 1:35
  • Recherches physiques et chimiques sur la Fabrication de la Poudre à Canon, 1:35

Charron, Pierre

  • Collection de Moralistes Français, (Montaigne,—Charron,—Pascal,—La Rouchefoucauld,—La Bruyère,—Vauvenargues,—Duclos) publiée avec des commentaires et de nouvelles notices biographiques (ed. A. Duval), 15:24
  • De La Sagesse, 7:458, 7:458n, 7:627, 8:236, 8:242, 8:435, 8:468, 8:469, 8:469n, 8:481–8:482, 8:482n, 8:630, 8:632n, 12:534

Charter, Nathaniel

  • as printer, 13:27

Charter and by-laws of the Columbian Society of Artists Instituted May, 1810, 7:166, 7:166n

Chase, Dudley

  • as U.S. senator, 9:477n, 9:606–9:607

Chase, Samuel

  • and Declaration of Independence, 14:374
  • as legal authority, 11:369, 11:370n

Chastellux, Marquis de

  • describes TJ, 10:644
  • on Natural Bridge, 10:648n
  • Travels in North America in the Years 1780, 1781 and 1782, 1:197, 1:198–1:199n, 11:370n

Chateaubriand, François Auguste René, vicomte de

  • J. Adams reads, 11:268
  • mentioned, 8:558, 9:175, 14:451
  • Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt, and Barbary, during the years 1806 and 1807, 7:26, 7:26, 7:27n

Chatham, Battle of (Battle of Medway) (1667), 7:684n

Chatham, John Pitt, 2d Earl of, 2:7, 2:9n

Chatham, William Pitt, 1st Earl of, 3:78, 3:79n, 6:53, 7:373, 7:374n, 8:522, 8:523n, 12:379, 12:380n, 13:329

Chatillon, Congress of (1814), 7:422–7:423, 7:423, 7:426n

Chaucer, Geoffrey

  • poet, 9:633
  • The Workes of our Antient and Learned English Poet, Geffrey Chaucer, newly Printed, 8:235

Chaudière River (Canada), 5:367, 5:368n, 5:368, 5:385

Chaudon, Louis Mayeul

  • Nouveau Dictionnaire Historique, 8:561

Chaudron, Jean Simon

  • and L’Abeille Américaine, 10:580
  • and R. de Bécourt’s book, 5:467n
  • family of, 14:17–14:18, 14:89
  • and French settlement in Ala., 14:17–14:18, 14:48, 14:49, 14:89
  • identified, 14:18–14:19n
  • letter from, 14:17–14:19
  • letter to, 14:89
  • and testimonial from TJ, 14:17–14:18, 14:48–14:49, 14:89, 14:107, 14:120

Chaudron & Company (Philadelphia firm), 6:339n

Chauncey, Charles

  • and journals of Lewis and Clark Expedition, 11:43–11:44n

Chauncey, Isaac

  • and R. Fulton’s underwater cannon, 6:273
  • as U.S. Navy commodore, 6:468, 6:510, 6:525n, 7:501, 7:593, 7:593n, 8:215–8:216, 9:408, 10:94n, 11:122, 11:123n, 11:509–11:510, 11:513n, 11:534n, 12:93, 12:97, 12:320, 12:350, 12:498

Chauvelin, François Bernard, Marquis de

  • as French ambassador to Great Britain, 7:298

Chazal, John P. (ship captain), 11:263

Chazotte, Peter Stephen

  • An Essay on the Best Method of Teaching Foreign Languages, 12:259–12:260, 12:291–12:292
  • identified, 9:61n
  • An Introductory Lecture on the Metaphysics & Philosophy of Languages; being the first number of A Philosophical and Practical Grammar of the English and French Languages, 15:68–15:69, 15:171–15:172, 15:223–15:224
  • letters from, 9:61, 12:259–12:260, 15:68–15:69, 15:171–15:172
  • letters to, 9:90, 12:291–12:292, 15:223–15:224
  • A New System of Banking, 9:61, 9:61n, 9:90

Cheatwood, Alexander

  • and Central College subscription, 11:331


  • in American workers’ diet, 9:616, 9:620n, 9:620n
  • and chemistry, 15:322
  • cream, 5:204
  • fine, 1:45, 1:368
  • Goshen, 14:573, 14:574n
  • in New Englanders’ diet, 14:420
  • ordinary, 1:45, 1:369
  • parmesan, 15:360, 15:361n, 15:417–15:418, 15:418n
  • sent to Poplar Forest, 15:134, 15:172, 15:174, 15:206, 15:208, 15:229, 15:230
  • sent to TJ, 5:464, 13:80
  • served at Monticello, 13:28
  • Swiss, 13:278, 13:307, 13:315, 13:369
  • TJ orders, 4:211, 6:344, 10:300, 13:314–13:315, 13:325, 14:542, 15:72, 15:108, 15:313
  • TJ’s “Mammoth,” 9:528, 9:529n

Cheetham, James

  • charity sought for heirs of, 4:543–4:544, 4:564, 4:577
  • as editor of American Citizen, 10:332–10:333, 10:333, 10:334–10:335n
  • mentioned, 6:255

Cheetham, Rachel (James Cheetham’s wife)

  • death of, 4:544n

Chelazzi, Luigi

  • priest in Florence, 9:291n

Chemical Essays (R. Watson), 12:445


  • books on, 1:36, 1:37, 1:307, 1:581, 5:175–5:176, 5:223, 6:408, 6:408, 6:411n, 7:626, 8:429, 8:430n, 10:234, 12:445, 13:546, 13:546n, 14:168
  • collegiate education in, 12:4, 12:25, 12:27, 12:32–12:33, 12:44, 12:76, 12:76, 12:84, 12:123, 12:135, 12:135, 12:150, 12:490, 12:490, 12:647, 12:648, 12:648, 13:36, 13:195, 13:209, 13:214, 13:215n, 13:226, 13:249, 13:255, 13:298, 13:300, 13:402, 14:459, 15:123, 15:124n, 15:151, 15:155, 15:307, 15:307
  • experiment with tobacco, 1:142
  • household applications of, 15:322
  • military education in, 15:341–15:342, 15:342n
  • scholars of, 2:48, 2:377n, 10:68–10:69, 14:313
  • study of, 2:375, 2:668, 7:480, 7:638, 7:639, 7:640, 7:641, 7:663, 7:667, 7:667, 7:667, 7:686, 8:341, 8:341, 9:529, 9:644, 12:100, 12:518
  • TJ’s knowledge of, 10:68–10:69

Chemung mammoth. See mammoth, Asiatic (Chemung mammoth)

Cherokee corn, 3:502

Cherokee Indians

  • ironworks for, 7:162, 7:162–7:163n, 7:163–7:164, 7:199–7:200, 7:200n
  • lands of, 1:6–1:7, 1:7–1:8n, 14:136, 14:137
  • language of, 12:296n, 12:385
  • migration of, 1:653
  • militia expedition against, 6:419
  • “Reflections on the Institutions of the Cherokee Indians” (F. W. Gilmer), 13:127
  • and siege of Fort Jefferson, 14:137
  • TJ on government of, 1:110, 5:124, 5:125n, 10:155
  • U.S. agent for, 12:370, 12:371n
  • and War of 1812, 7:161


  • Carnation, 3:644–3:645, 3:645n, 9:533, 11:464
  • as crop, 8:258, 8:305, 11:39, 12:618
  • and illness, 14:477n
  • May dukes, 3:644–3:645, 3:645n
  • Morello, 4:9
  • planted at Monticello, 3:455, 3:455, 3:455
  • Tuckahoe (gray), 3:448, 3:448n, 3:455

Cherry, Robert, 1:516–1:517

Chesapeake, USS (frigate)

  • capture of during War of 1812, 6:250, 6:251n, 6:265, 9:331n, 12:310n
  • incident (1807), 1:409, 2:257, 2:261n, 3:100, 3:232n, 3:578n, 3:604n, 4:273, 4:670, 5:125–5:126, 5:456, 5:457n, 6:376n, 7:530, 9:509

Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company, 2:213–2:214, 2:296

Chesapeake Bay

  • British blockade of, 5:671–5:672, 5:673, 6:3, 6:4, 6:20, 6:24, 6:48, 6:48, 6:61, 6:66, 6:84–6:85, 6:87, 6:92, 6:110, 6:119–6:120, 6:135, 6:154, 6:216–6:217, 6:217, 6:314, 6:331, 6:336, 6:349, 6:350, 6:366, 6:448, 6:544, 6:544, 6:605, 6:605, 6:620, 8:21, 8:132, 9:624, 9:644
  • British pillage coast of, 8:218, 8:224
  • British reinforcements sent to, 6:265–6:266, 6:363, 6:363n, 7:601
  • construction at, 15:586
  • defense of, 6:64, 6:120–6:121, 6:154, 6:169, 6:169–6:170, 6:170n, 6:202, 6:210, 6:216–6:218, 6:320, 6:620, 7:159, 9:591, 9:623–9:625, 11:448
  • mentioned, 12:519
  • survey of, 9:686, 12:52

Chester, Pa.

  • jail at, 14:247

Chester County, Pa., 1:68–1:69n

Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, 2d Earl of

  • anecdote about, 11:491

Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of

  • anecdote of, 15:337
  • The Economy of Human Life, 3:50n, 12:534
  • quoted by B. Rush, 1:184

Chesterfield County, Va.

  • created from Henrico Co., 7:228, 7:228n
  • proposed sale of land in, 8:145–8:146, 8:146n


  • American, 12:612
  • bears fond of, 12:391
  • European, 1:594n, 3:503, 4:322–4:323, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n, 5:188–5:189, 7:34, 7:52, 12:152, 12:202, 12:612
  • horse, 1:272, 1:593, 1:594n, 2:310, 3:503, 3:504n
  • in Va., 11:624, 12:202

Chestnut Street Theatre (Philadelphia)

  • fire at, 15:514, 15:515n

Chevalier, Mr. (of Richmond)

  • as character reference, 13:419

Chevalier, Jean Joseph

  • and wine for TJ, 15:119, 15:120

Chevallier, Mr. See Lechevalier, Jean Baptiste

Cheves, Langdon

  • as U.S. representative from S.C., 8:24–8:25
  • letters from accounted for, 3:62n
  • An Oration, delivered in St. Philip’s Church, 3:61–3:62, 3:136–3:137

Chew, Maj., 1:478, 2:380

Chew, Benjamin

  • family of, 4:152
  • on mortality, 10:5, 10:284

Chew, Samuel

  • The Speech of Samuel Chew, Esq, 4:152–4:153, 4:153n

Chianti (wine), 10:275, 10:411, 10:416

Chickasaw Indians

  • and ironworks, 7:200n
  • lands of, 1:6–1:7, 6:423, 14:136–14:137, 14:137n
  • language of, 12:331
  • U.S. agent for, 1:26, 6:423, 12:371n

chickens, 6:511, 8:307, 9:616, 9:620n, 9:620n, 9:713, 11:623, 14:632

chickpea (garavance; garbanzo bean), 6:188, 6:293, 7:326

Chicoilet de Corbigny, Louis Antoine Ange

  • Tableaux Historiques des Campagnes d’Italie, depuis l’an IV jusqu’a la bataille de Marengo, 11:402

chicory (succory), 4:19, 4:33, 4:33n, 5:550, 11:308–11:309, 11:310n, 13:303, 13:361, 13:438

Childers, Nathaniel

  • as forage master, 7:135, 7:156

children See also education; games; health: pregnancy and childbirth; Henderson case: claims by minor heirs; Jefferson, Thomas: Family & Friends: great-grandchildren; Jefferson, Thomas: Family & Friends: relations with grandchildren; Monticello (TJ’s estate): schooling at; schools and colleges; specific entries for TJ’s Eppes and Randolph descendants

  • books for, 1:35, 1:294, 1:294n, 1:332, 1:333n, 2:101, 2:193, 2:264, 2:306–2:307, 2:308n, 2:309n, 3:122, 4:125, 4:289, 8:22, 8:633–8:634, 9:97, 9:97n, 9:129, 10:336, 10:338, 14:100, 15:450, 15:452n, 15:465, 15:495, 15:495n, 15:526
  • death of, 7:62, 7:186, 14:476
  • health of, 7:178, 8:85
  • labor of, 7:39, 7:71, 8:547, 8:634, 8:635, 8:635n, 9:534–9:537, 10:32, 10:662
  • legal rights of, 7:329
  • letters from
    • T. J. Abbott, 8:74
    • F. W. Eppes, 4:115–4:116, 6:65, 8:99–8:100, 12:281–12:282, 12:463–12:464, 13:175, 13:428–13:429
  • letters to
    • P. A. Clay, 11:525–11:526
    • F. W. Eppes, 4:131–4:132, 6:451, 6:648, 7:647, 8:68–8:69, 10:72–10:73, 12:435, 13:278, 13:537
  • slave, 5:31, 5:187, 5:446, 7:71, 7:180, 8:634, 8:635, 13:567, 13:582, 13:605, 14:476, 15:427–15:428
  • and TJ’s Canons of Conduct, 11:525, 11:525

Childress, Benjamin

  • identified, 12:49n
  • letter to, 12:48–12:50
  • and proposed Albemarle Co. road, 11:243, 12:48

Childress, Lemuel

  • militia service of, 7:161


  • independence movement in, 10:373, 10:374, 13:300n
  • wheat from, 15:527–15:528, 15:528n

Chiles, Henry

  • Albemarle Co. land of, 11:466, 11:467n
  • and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:62
  • and Central College subscription, 11:324, 11:328, 13:161
  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349
  • and University of Virginia, 15:98

Chili strawberry, 2:140, 3:545, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n, 4:523

Chilton, Richard

  • TJ pays for corn, 9:51

Chilton’s Ordinary (Campbell Co.; proprietor Raleigh Chilton), 14:542n


  • ancient philosophers of, 10:504
  • emigration from, 12:553–12:554
  • financial system in ancient, 2:582, 2:585–2:586
  • overpopulation in, 12:553
  • D. Porter on, 1:447
  • supposed antiquities of, 13:82, 13:83n
  • trade with, 12:555n
  • A. B. Woodward on, 1:253
  • works on, 13:124, 13:124n, 13:142

chinaberry (Pride of China), 11:179, 11:179n

China grass. See silk plant

China pink. See pinks

Chinese language

  • study of, 7:480, 13:124, 13:124n, 13:142
  • TJ on, 13:142
  • treatise on by A. Palmer, 1:518, 1:518n

Chinese silk plant. See silk plant

Chipman, Nathaniel

  • Sketches of the Principles of Government, 7:628, 9:436, 12:514, 13:33, 13:47

Chippewa, Battle of (1814), 7:524–7:525, 7:525n, 8:259, 8:263–8:264, 11:494

Chippewa Indians, 2:57, 2:58n

chisels, 1:135, 1:136n, 14:541

Chisholm, Mr.

  • delivers letter, 7:461
  • and T. M. Randolph’s will, 6:19

Chisholm, Hugh

  • account with TJ, 3:215–3:216, 14:317, 14:472, 15:426
  • as bricklayer, 7:297, 7:448, 7:449n
  • and brickwork for Central College–University of Virginia, 11:471, 11:603, 11:648, 11:669, 12:xlix, 12:40–12:41, 12:55, 12:137, 15:86, 15:89, 15:93, 15:93, 15:94, 15:95
  • builds brick cisterns, 3:67, 4:4n
  • builds garden pavilion, 5:xlvii
  • and Central College subscription, 11:323, 11:328, 13:161
  • hogs for, 5:489
  • identified, 3:67–3:68n
  • letters from, 7:380, 11:603, 11:648
  • letters to, 3:67–3:68, 4:4, 7:357–7:358, 11:669
  • mentioned, 2:201, 2:201n, 6:203, 9:713
  • plastering at Poplar Forest, 5:343, 5:381–5:382, 5:403, 7:297, 7:380, 7:400
  • and plastering at University of Virginia, 14:184, 14:195, 15:86
  • stonework at Poplar Forest, 7:380
  • and wing of offices at Poplar Forest, 7:xlvi, 7:380, 7:380n
  • witnesses documents, 6:34, 6:36, 6:36n, 6:36, 6:36–6:37n, 15:354
  • works on TJ’s mill, 4:4, 4:4n, 5:357

Chisholm, Isham

  • account with TJ, 5:5, 5:5, 5:6n
  • identified, 5:5n
  • and plastering at Poplar Forest, 5:457, 5:458n
  • TJ pays, 4:233, 5:5, 7:45, 7:45n
  • tracks runaway slave, 4:620, 5:5, 5:5n, 5:6n, 5:34

Chisholm, John R., 2:201, 2:201n, 3:215, 3:215, 3:215, 3:216n

Chittenden, Martin

  • proclamation of, 7:61, 7:62–7:63n

chocolate, 1:44, 6:306, 6:321

Choctaw Indians, 12:296n, 12:331, 12:371n, 14:137

Choppin, René

  • Oeuvres, 3:174n

A Chorographical and Statistical Description of the District of Columbia (D. B. Warden), 4:19, 4:20n, 9:493, 9:493n

Choron, Alexandre Étienne

  • educational system of, 11:639, 11:640n, 12:101

Chouteau, Augustus

  • recommends R. Easton, 7:365, 7:366n

Christian VII, king of Denmark, 2:276

Christian, Charles

  • identified, 4:544n
  • letters from, 4:543–4:544, 4:577
  • letters to, 4:564
  • solicits charity for Cheetham heirs, 4:543–4:544, 4:564, 4:577

Christian Disciple

  • edited by N. Worcester, 9:104


  • J. Adams on, 10:361, 10:507, 12:405, 13:69, 15:298
  • Anglican catechism, 8:7n
  • C. Clay on, 8:149–8:150
  • and Christian primitivism, 13:267n
  • corruptions of, 10:79n, 10:123, 10:277–10:278, 10:301, 10:328
  • Crusades, 6:192, 10:508
  • denominational strife, 9:255–9:256, 9:378, 9:378–9:379, 9:380–9:381, 9:381–9:383, 10:120, 10:259
  • doxology, 7:385, 7:386n, 10:588
  • and elections, 12:615
  • A. Ely on, 14:27
  • and hermetism, 13:267n
  • increased zeal for, 10:262
  • Inquisition, 8:490, 8:491n, 9:175, 9:346, 11:383
  • M. King on, 7:586–7:589
  • and law, 7:146–7:148, 7:190–7:191, 7:217, 7:257
  • liturgy, 9:96, 9:97n, 10:375, 10:376n, 15:553, 15:554n
  • G. Logan on, 9:708–9:709, 10:467–10:468, 10:522
  • Lord’s Prayer, 15:457, 15:458n
  • and E. P. Page’s cosmology, 15:580–15:582
  • papacy, 6:409
  • Protestant Reformation, 6:192
  • relics, 7:220
  • in Roman Empire, 6:367
  • and slavery, 10:76–10:79
  • A. O. Stansbury on, 8:187–8:191
  • Thirty-Nine Articles (Church of England), 10:506, 13:481, 13:482n, 15:298, 15:299n
  • TJ on, 1:564–1:565, 2:157, 8:149–8:150, 8:211–8:212, 8:245, 9:78–9:79, 9:340–9:341, 9:703–9:704, 10:120, 10:123, 10:124n, 10:125, 10:259, 10:262, 10:262, 10:277–10:278, 10:300–10:301, 10:467, 10:480, 10:521–10:522, 10:541, 10:548, 10:550, 10:649, 10:650, 11:29, 11:308, 12:468, 12:576, 13:28–13:29, 13:48, 13:160, 14:630, 15:163–15:164
  • TJ’s opinion on sought, 13:591
  • and trinitarian doctrine, 13:482
  • F. A. Van der Kemp on, 9:595–9:596, 10:121–10:122, 10:123, 10:241–10:242, 10:381–10:382, 11:307–11:308, 13:39, 13:481
  • works on, 11:423–11:424, 12:313, 12:356, 12:414–12:415, 12:439, 12:576, 12:583, 13:19, 13:19n, 13:295, 13:476

The Christian Orator; or, a collection of speeches, delivered on Public Occasions before religious Benevolent Societies (S. Etheridge), 12:507

The Christian’s Victory Over Death and the Grave. A Sermon … on the decease of Elizabeth Lady Temple (J. S. J. Gardiner), 7:67

Christie, Gabriel, 1:586, 1:587n, 2:221, 2:292

Christie, William, 5:133n

Christina, queen of Sweden

  • maxims of, 9:600, 9:600–9:601n


  • Cabell’s gift to TJ, 2:490n
  • holiday from labor during, 8:158, 8:158n
  • mentioned, 3:36, 8:70, 8:71, 8:72, 8:78, 8:132, 8:173, 8:185, 9:254, 13:428, 13:514, 13:514, 13:558, 14:326, 14:636, 15:311, 15:427
  • and mince pies, 7:78
  • at Monticello, 2:92, 12:263
  • and slaves’ family visits, 8:132, 13:518
  • and TJ’s grandchildren, 2:103, 2:110, 2:111n, 8:68, 8:99
  • TJ spends in Hanover Co., 4:598, 8:645, 10:365

Christy, John

  • on flax, 3:280n

A Chronicle of the Kings of England (R. Baker), 11:274, 11:274n, 11:447

A Chronological Table and Scriptural Maps, to Accompany the Rev. Dr. Thomas Scott’s Family Bible, 2:321, 2:322n

The Chronologist of the Present War … from the Commencement of the French Revolution, to the end of the year 1796, 9:60

Chronology of Territorial Claims in Louisiana (Thomas Jefferson), 3:281, 3:282–3:283, 3:292, 3:297, 3:327, 3:328n, 12:295, 12:295n, 12:331


  • for surveying, 9:689, 9:691
  • for U.S. Coast Survey, 9:223, 9:223, 9:224, 9:224, 9:224

Chrozophora tinctoria. See turnsole plant

chub, Roanoke, 4:650, 4:651n, 4:651, 4:662–4:663, 4:684, 6:116, 6:122–6:123, 7:260, 14:268

Church, Angelica Schuyler (John Barker Church’s wife), 1:174, 1:175n, 3:438, 10:654, 11:160, 11:166, 14:208

Church, Edward, 6:255

Church, John Barker, 11:166

Churchill, Capt., 9:699n

Churchman, George

  • identified, 2:382–2:383n
  • letters from, 2:381–2:383
  • and slavery, 2:382

Churro sheep, 1:18, 1:19n

Churton, William

  • surveyor, 9:690

Cicer arietinum. See chickpea (garavance; garbanzo bean)


  • J. Adams on, 11:269, 12:495
  • authenticity of works of, 9:87
  • Cato Maior de senectute, 7:627
  • Cato Major, or Discourse on old age (trans. Logan), 3:137, 3:137n
  • Clavis Ciceronis; sive indices rerum et verborum (ed. J. A. Ernesti), 12:313, 12:356, 12:356
  • Consulatus suus, 9:306
  • De Officiis, 1:576, 7:627, 7:661, 11:289–11:290n, 12:534, 12:575
  • J. J. Graevius’s and J. Davies’s edition of, 14:511
  • T. Law quotes, 7:467, 7:468n
  • as legal authority, 11:368
  • Letters to Friends, 1:386, 1:386n
  • Lettres de Ciceron a Atticus (trans. N. H. Mongault; ed. Goujon), 9:354, 9:420, 12:112, 14:511
  • Lettres de Cicéron a M. Brutus, et de M. Brutus a Ciceron (Brutus; trans. A. F. Prévost; ed. Goujon), 9:354, 9:420, 12:112, 14:511, 15:258
  • Lettres de Ciceron, Qu’on nomme vulgairement Familières (trans. A. F. Prévost; ed. Goujon), 9:354, 9:354, 9:355n, 9:420, 9:420, 12:112, 14:511, 15:258
  • mentioned, 6:299, 6:542, 8:297, 8:505, 8:508n
  • C. Middleton’s life of, 1:35, 1:580
  • M. Tullii Ciceronis Opera Omnia (ed. J. A. Ernesti), 12:355–12:356, 12:575
  • Oeuvres Philosophiques de Cicéron (Didot edition), 9:354, 9:420, 12:112
  • orations of, 2:153, 7:661, 9:713, 14:258, 14:258, 14:551
  • Oratio Pro M. Marcello (ed. F. A. Wolf), 9:87
  • Pro Cluentio, 10:206, 10:209n
  • proscription of, 10:360
  • quoted, 7:74, 7:78n, 8:111, 8:112n, 8:208, 8:208n, 10:206, 11:286, 11:289–11:290n, 14:251
  • Somnium Scipionis, 7:627, 11:232n
  • TJ on, 7:453, 9:341, 14:631, 15:163, 15:271–15:273
  • TJ on editions of, 9:353, 9:354n, 15:258
  • TJ quotes, 9:374, 9:375n, 13:34, 13:34n, 14:491, 15:231, 15:232n, 15:241, 15:242n
  • TJ recommends, 3:632n, 7:447, 7:447, 7:630
  • Tusculan Disputations, 7:627, 12:575
  • writings on government, 6:278, 7:479

Cichorium intybus. See chicory (succory)

Ciclitira, Nicholas

  • and Greek pronunciation, 14:154


  • acquisition of, 10:577, 10:577n, 12:503
  • apple, 4:140–4:141, 4:210, 5:464, 7:381, 7:381, 7:382n, 7:444–7:445, 7:445n, 8:12, 12:192, 12:192n, 12:503, 15:297, 15:297n
  • bought by TJ, 8:12, 8:12n, 9:124, 9:151, 9:262, 9:262n, 9:267, 9:269, 9:270n, 10:553–10:554, 10:577, 10:577n, 14:317, 14:472, 14:549n
  • brewing and bottling of, 9:371, 9:542, 10:553, 13:616–13:617, 14:167
  • filtration system for, 8:196, 8:253, 8:402–8:403, 8:404 (illus.)
  • mentioned, 6:348, 8:235, 14:81, 14:84, 14:156
  • in New Englanders’ diet, 14:420
  • orchards for, 1:657
  • price of, 2:223, 9:512
  • sent to Poplar Forest, 15:311
  • Treatise on the Culture of the Apple & Pear, and on the Manufacture of Cider & Perry (Knight), 1:582, 2:83

cigars, 1:466

cinchona (Peruvian bark)

  • essay on, 4:18n, 5:670n
  • used to treat J. Madison, 6:241
  • use of, 9:44, 9:44n, 10:150, 14:44

Cincinnati (steamboat), 13:254

cinnamon, 1:31, 1:44, 1:368, 2:109, 15:71

Ciracchi. See Ceracchi, Giuseppe

Circello, Tommaso di Somma, marchese di, 10:353, 10:355n

circles (surveying instruments). See Borda’s circle (surveying instrument); reflecting circle

Circular Letter of the Literary and Philosophical Society, of New-York (D. Clinton), 8:409, 8:409n

circumferentor, 9:xliii–9:xliv, 9:344 (illus.), 9:622, 9:622n, 9:643, 9:685–9:686

A Circumstantial Report of the Evidence and Proceedings upon the Charges preferred against His Royal Highness the Duke of York (G. L. Wardle; probably included in Book of Kings compiled by TJ) See also Book of Kings, 1:182, 1:182n, 8:33, 8:240, 8:242n


  • in Charleston, S.C., 9:309, 9:466, 11:113
  • design of, 8:402–8:403
  • at Monticello, 3:67, 4:4n, 5:308, 8:130, 8:166, 8:252, 8:253, 8:253n, 9:309, 9:466, 9:468n, 13:343–13:344, 13:362, 14:298–14:299, 15:318, 15:318n
  • at Natural Bridge, 8:113+
  • in New York City, 13:363–13:364
  • in Paris, 5:308

The Citizen of the World, 7:665

citric acid. See lemon acid

Citrus aurantifolia. See lime (tree)

Citrus aurantium. See orange (tree)

cittern (English guitar), 9:xliv, 9:344 (illus.), 9:554n

City Gazette and Commercial Daily Advertiser (Charleston, S.C., newspaper), 6:251n, 6:611, 6:611n, 6:636, 6:636n, 13:130n

City of Washington Gazette (newspaper), 8:5

civil law, 2:357, 2:521, 2:522, 2:526, 2:527, 2:678, 2:679, 3:31, 4:477, 8:483–8:484


  • U.S. consul at, 3:646

C. Julii Cæsaris Quæ exstant Omnia (J. Caesar; ed. J. Davies), 14:510

C. Julii Cæsaris quæ extant. Interpretatione & Notis (J. Caesar; ed. J. Godouin), 10:233

Claiborne, Clarissa Duralde (William C. C. Claiborne’s wife), 2:135–2:136, 2:355

Claiborne, Ferdinand Leigh, 4:15, 6:389

Claiborne, Nathaniel Herbert

  • as University of Virginia commissioner, 13:182, 13:183, 13:223

Claiborne, Richard

  • and duck-foot paddle, 11:497–11:499, 13:33, 13:254
  • identified, 11:499–11:500n
  • letters from, 11:497–11:500, 13:254–13:255
  • letters to, 13:33
  • and steam navigation, 13:254–13:255

Claiborne, Sterling

  • and Central College subscription, 11:636

Claiborne, William C. C. (William C. C. Claiborne’s son), 2:136, 2:355

Claiborne, William Charles Coles

  • and annual message to legislature, 3:344, 3:344n, 3:484
  • and batture controversy, 2:429, 2:440–2:443n, 2:444–2:445n, 2:446n, 2:449, 2:450n, 2:451n, 3:25, 3:157–3:158, 3:476, 3:477, 3:485–3:486, 3:488n, 3:497–3:498, 3:519, 3:519n, 5:85n, 6:388–6:389, 6:390–6:391, 6:392, 6:393, 6:393, 6:394–6:395, 6:433–6:434, 6:434n, 6:437n, 8:64, 8:64n
  • on W. Brown, 2:136
  • consults with TJ on batture case, 2:462, 2:471–2:472, 2:657, 2:658–2:659n, 2:659–2:660, 2:681–2:682, 3:42–3:43, 3:52–3:53, 3:420
  • and J. Dawson’s application, 4:648, 5:9
  • governor of La., 5:112, 7:226, 7:227n
  • governor of Orleans Territory, 1:635, 9:658n
  • identified, 1:179–1:180n
  • introduces G. Dorsey, 8:38–8:39, 8:64, 8:139
  • and Lafayette’s La. land, 2:243, 2:245
  • and B. de La Harpe manuscript, 9:446, 9:516, 9:658n, 12:156, 12:294–12:295, 12:331
  • leave of absence, 2:435n
  • letters from, 1:179–1:180, 1:202–1:203, 1:287, 2:135–2:136, 2:177–2:178, 2:192–2:193, 2:434–2:435, 2:471–2:472, 2:681–2:682, 3:25–3:27, 3:52–3:53, 3:157–3:159, 3:264–3:265, 3:325–3:326, 3:344, 6:388–6:390, 6:433–6:434, 8:38–8:39, 8:64
  • letters from J. Mather to, 3:52–3:53, 3:157–3:158, 3:159–3:161
  • letters to, 1:509–1:510, 2:355–2:357, 2:357–2:358, 2:462, 3:167–3:168, 4:631, 5:9
  • letters to accounted for, 2:47n
  • letters to mentioned, 2:136n
  • on E. Livingston, 2:434, 2:471–2:472, 2:682, 2:682, 3:25, 3:157–3:158, 8:64
  • and merino sheep, 3:178
  • plants requested from, 7:287, 7:321
  • procures batture documents for TJ, 2:434, 2:436n, 2:516, 2:517, 2:657–2:659, 2:662, 2:682, 3:43, 3:168
  • settles accounts with federal government, 2:434, 2:471
  • on threat of Indian incursions, 6:389
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:624, 4:631
  • transmits messages to and from Orleans territorial legislature, 2:160, 2:192, 2:355, 2:357
  • visits Monticello, 2:434, 2:462, 2:471, 2:658–2:659n, 2:659–2:660, 3:314, 3:315n
  • and War of 1812, 8:38–8:39, 8:64, 8:85n, 8:295, 8:296n
  • on W. Fla., 3:264–3:265, 3:325–3:326, 3:344
  • and J. Wilkinson, 3:519, 3:519n
  • and yellow fever, 2:135–2:136

Claims of Literature (D. Williams), 3:207, 3:208n

Clairaut, Alexis Claude

  • writings of, 14:168

Claparède, Michel Marie, comte, 1:372

Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of

  • The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, Begun in the Year 1641, 8:581, 8:582n, 9:109
  • writings of, 10:589

claret (wine), 1:387, 1:397, 2:191, 8:232, 9:512, 9:513, 9:513, 11:405, 11:407, 12:30, 12:374, 12:386–12:387n, 12:580, 12:581, 13:14, 13:15, 13:16, 13:16, 13:171, 13:243, 13:244n, 13:302, 13:379, 13:445n, 13:448, 13:507, 14:328, 15:9n, 15:119, 15:120, 15:262

Clark, Dr.

  • writings of, 6:302

Clark, Mr.

  • and lime for TJ, 5:381–5:382, 5:663

Clark, Mr. (of Boston)

  • and G. Ticknor, 10:484–10:485

Clark, Aaron

  • identified, 11:394n
  • letter from, 11:393–11:394
  • An Oration. A Project For the Civilization of the Indians of North America, 11:393, 11:394n

Clark, Abraham

  • family of, 11:607
  • identified, 11:608n
  • recommendation of D. Whitehead by, 11:608

Clark, Benjamin

  • and H. Marks’s estate, 4:511, 5:18n, 5:73

Clark, Bowling

  • identified, 5:40n
  • and Ivy Creek tract, 5:33, 5:35, 5:39–5:40, 5:88, 5:88n
  • letters from, 5:88
  • letters to, 5:39–5:40

Clark, Christopher Henderson

  • and C. Buckner, 4:413, 4:460, 4:460–4:461
  • and Central College subscription, 12:18
  • family of, 10:570
  • financial difficulties of, 15:282
  • and height of Peaks of Otter, 8:696, 9:27, 9:144, 9:145, 9:148, 9:168, 9:173, 13:385
  • home of on route to Natural Bridge, 9:35, 9:35
  • identified, 2:323–2:324n
  • invites TJ to visit, 8:696, 9:145
  • letters from, 2:328, 5:395, 8:696, 9:33, 9:145, 9:148, 9:583–9:584, 10:497–10:499, 10:570–10:571, 11:280
  • letters to, 2:322–2:324, 2:327–2:328, 4:460–4:461, 7:430, 9:26–9:27, 9:144–9:145, 9:148, 10:428–10:430
  • and New London Academy, 11:280
  • on perjury, 10:497–10:498
  • plans to visit Poplar Forest, 9:584
  • and proposed road, 11:280
  • recommends W. Saunders, 5:395
  • regrets not seeing TJ, 10:570–10:571
  • and Robertson perjury case, 10:428–10:430, 10:497–10:499
  • sells land, 9:147
  • TJ introduces J. Corrêa da Serra to, 9:26–9:27
  • TJ introduces F. W. Gilmer to, 9:26–9:27
  • TJ seeks legal assistance from, 7:430
  • TJ sends box for sowing seed to, 9:563, 9:583–9:584
  • and TJ’s land dispute with S. Scott, 2:322–2:323, 2:326, 2:327–2:328
  • TJ visits, 9:18, 9:27, 9:33, 9:33n, 9:148, 9:153, 9:183
  • visitors to, 9:18, 9:27, 9:33, 9:33n

Clark, Daniel (of Knaresborough, England)

  • and E. Aram’s murder trial, 7:375, 7:377, 7:378n

Clark, Daniel (of Louisiana)

  • W. C. C. Claiborne on, 2:682, 3:344
  • death of, 7:61
  • and post road, 9:508
  • Proofs of the Corruption of Gen. James Wilkinson, 3:265, 3:323, 3:325n, 3:440, 3:519, 3:519n, 3:543

Clark, Elizabeth Hook (Christopher Henderson Clark’s first wife), 2:328

Clark (Clarke), George Rogers

  • and Fort Jefferson, 14:136–14:137, 14:137n
  • mentioned, 6:422, 6:425
  • observes fossils, 1:511n, 8:448, 8:448
  • 1779 expedition of, 3:580n, 4:267, 4:267n, 4:377–4:378, 4:578, 4:626, 6:446, 8:200, 8:200n
  • and survey of boundaries, 9:690, 9:692n, 15:622n
  • and western exploration, 6:417

Clark, James

  • as juror, 5:278, 5:279
  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
  • and TJ’s correspondence on religion, 8:365n
  • witnesses warrant, 5:280

Clark, Julia Hancock (William Clark’s wife), 1:511n

Clark, Mary Norvell (Christopher Henderson Clark’s second wife)

  • death of, 15:428
  • health of, 10:570
  • TJ sends greetings to, 9:144
  • visits springs, 11:625

Clark, Meriwether Lewis, 1:511n

Clark, Sarah

  • and H. Marks’s estate, 4:511, 5:18n, 5:73

Clark, Thomas

  • identified, 6:166n
  • letters from, 6:165–6:166, 7:139–7:141, 7:232
  • letters to, 7:190, 7:256–7:257
  • Naval History of the United States, 7:139, 7:140n, 7:140–7:141n, 7:155, 7:155n, 7:190, 7:190, 7:256
  • proposed history of the United States, 7:139–7:140, 7:140n, 7:190, 7:232, 7:256, 7:256–7:257
  • Sketches of the Naval History of the United States, 6:146, 6:165, 6:167, 6:167–6:168n, 6:206–6:207, 6:289
  • TJ introduces to J. Barbour, 7:256, 7:256

Clark (Clarke), William

  • and books for L. Marks, 10:445, 10:446n
  • excavates fossils, 5:573n, 8:448, 8:449n
  • as governor of Missouri Territory, 10:445–10:446, 11:43, 13:244, 13:244n
  • identified, 1:511n
  • and journals of Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1:603, 1:607, 1:630n, 1:668–1:669, 2:31, 2:34, 2:72, 2:123, 2:140, 6:417, 6:423, 6:531–6:532, 7:31, 7:63, 9:309, 9:706, 10:164, 10:256–10:257, 10:377, 10:444, 11:43, 11:43–11:44n, 11:454, 11:486–11:487, 11:574, 12:171–12:172
  • land warrant granted to, 2:121, 2:122n, 6:424n
  • and letter for L. Marks, 11:43, 11:44n, 11:198
  • letter from, 10:444–10:446, 11:43–11:44
  • letters to, 1:510–1:511, 10:326–10:327, 10:377
  • and Lewis and Clark Expedition, 6:422, 6:425, 9:605n, 13:344
  • as M. Lewis’s executor, 2:123, 2:336, 2:567, 3:110, 3:166, 6:417
  • mentioned, 2:567, 10:545
  • and papers of Lewis and Clark Expedition, 10:377, 10:444–10:445, 10:446n, 12:235–12:236, 12:463n, 12:636, 12:636–12:638
  • sends fossils to TJ, 1:509, 4:43, 8:449n
  • sends sheepskin to TJ, 1:327, 1:328n, 1:510
  • R. B. Sthreshly introduced to, 10:326–10:327
  • TJ on, 6:357
  • travels to Washington, 2:58, 2:72
  • visits Monticello, 2:31, 2:72

Clarke, Mr. (of Albemarle Co.)

  • as political candidate, 11:172

Clarke, Mr. (Bedford Co. landowner)

  • and survey of Poplar Forest, 12:211, 12:216, 12:217, 12:220, 12:223, 12:224–12:225

Clarke, Adam

  • The Holy Bible, 3:356–3:357

Clarke, Colin

  • desires military commission, 8:75, 8:129
  • identified, 8:75n
  • introduced to TJ, 8:75, 8:113

Clarke, Edward Daniel

  • mineralogical theories of, 13:102
  • Travels in Various Countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa, 6:327, 6:329n

Clarke, George Rogers. See Clark (Clarke), George Rogers

Clarke, James (of Albemarle Co.)

  • and Central College subscription, 11:328, 13:162

Clarke, James (of Powhatan Co.)

  • family of, 8:75, 8:75, 8:129
  • identified, 11:506n
  • letter from, 11:504–11:506
  • letter to, 11:581
  • odometer of, 11:504, 11:506n
  • platting instrument of, 11:504–11:506, 11:581
  • visits Monticello, 11:504, 11:506n

Clarke, James Henry

  • and S. Cathalan, 11:509

Clarke, John (ca. 1687–1734, British author)

  • A New Grammar of the Latin Tongue, 7:458, 7:458n

Clarke, John (1766–1844)

  • and carrying trade, 5:675–5:679, 6:57–6:58
  • as commissioner in Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 15:347, 15:348, 15:348, 15:416
  • identified, 5:680n
  • letters from, 5:675–5:680, 7:16–7:23
  • letters to, 6:57–6:58, 7:158
  • plan for increasing enlistment of regular troops, 7:16–7:20, 7:158, 7:159
  • and silk-manufacturing project, 1:341, 1:342n, 1:355, 1:412–1:413, 1:414, 1:423–1:424, 1:472, 5:680n
  • on U.S. position internationally, 7:20–7:21
  • on wartime political wrangling, 7:21–7:22

Clarke, John (of Prince Edward Co.), 14:14

Clarke, John L.

  • identified, 6:341n
  • letters from, 6:340–6:341
  • witnesses unusual atmospheric phenomenon, 6:340–6:341

Clarke, Mary Anne

  • and A Circumstantial Report of the Evidence and Proceedings upon the Charges preferred against His Royal Highness the Duke of York (G. L. Wardle; included in Book of Kings compiled by TJ; see also Book of Kings), 8:33, 8:240, 8:242n
  • Evidence and Proceedings upon the Charges preferred against the Duke of York, in 1809, 7:34, 7:36n
  • influence of, 1:82–1:83n, 6:622

Clarke, Samuel

  • edits Homeri Odyssea Græce et Latine (Homer), 14:510
  • edits Ὁμá½µρου á¼…παντα. h. e Homeri opera omnia (Homer), 10:234, 10:237n
  • works of, 11:383

Clarkeston, Mr. See Claxton, Mr. (of Bedford Co.)

Clarkson, Mr., 3:454, 8:173, 8:174

Clarkson, David Matthew

  • U.S. naval agent for Saint Kitts, 5:145–5:147, 5:290, 5:664

Clarkson, John, 3:386n

Clarkson, Manoah, 8:174n

Clarkson, Thomas

  • efforts to abolish the slave trade, 3:385, 3:386n, 10:265, 10:265–10:266n

A Classical Dictionary (J. Lemprière), 14:276, 14:351


  • collegiate education in, 7:480, 7:480, 7:661–7:662, 7:661–7:662, 7:663, 7:668, 7:685–7:686, 8:111, 11:336, 12:4, 12:9, 12:32, 12:45, 12:52, 12:85, 12:134, 12:182, 12:206, 12:238, 12:332–12:333, 13:6–13:7, 14:550–14:551
  • P. S. Du Pont de Nemours on publication of, 10:328, 10:328
  • education in, 13:457, 14:184, 14:438, 14:536, 14:607, 14:642, 15:28–15:29, 15:136–15:137, 15:231–15:232, 15:490
  • German scholarship on, 9:84, 9:86–9:87, 9:697–9:698, 10:485n, 10:531–10:532, 11:408, 11:414–11:415
  • P. Henry as reader of, 10:365, 10:384, 10:384n
  • G. Ticknor on editions of, 9:195–9:196, 9:455–9:456, 9:697–9:698, 10:213
  • TJ on best editions of, 14:510–14:511, 14:511, 14:520, 14:561
  • TJ on value of, 10:349, 14:629–14:631
  • TJ reads, 10:443, 10:485n, 12:530

Clausel, Bertrand, comte

  • and French settlement in Ala., 12:56
  • plans visit to Monticello, 10:253, 10:314

Clavier, Étienne

  • library of, 13:335

Clavigero, Francesco Saverio

  • Storia Antica del Messico, 1:196, 1:198n, 7:664, 10:127–10:128, 10:145n

claviole (pianoforte), 6:574, 6:575n

Clavis Homerica: sive Lexicon Vocabulorum Omnium, Quæ continentur in Homeri Iliade et potissimâ parte Odysseæ (ed. S. Patrick), 11:205

Clavis Ciceronis; sive indices rerum et verborum (Cicero; ed. J. A. Ernesti), 12:313, 12:356, 12:356

Claxton, Mr. (of Bedford Co.)

  • and J. A. Goodman, 4:307
  • and TJ’s land dispute with S. Scott, 5:339, 5:339, 5:341, 5:342

Claxton, Thomas (ca. 1794–1813), 1:42, 1:43n

Claxton, Thomas (d. 1821)

  • doorkeeper of U.S. House of Representatives, 5:392n
  • identified, 1:43n
  • letters from, 1:42–1:43
  • and President’s House, 1:76, 2:127


  • mentioned, 12:629
  • used in brickmaking, 14:238
  • used as fertilizer, 12:255

Clay, Mr. (of Campbell Co.)

  • mills of, 15:61, 15:111n, 15:118, 15:617

Clay, Charles

  • and artichoke roots, 11:179
  • and asparagus, 5:48, 6:93, 6:94, 9:702, 14:246
  • carding machine for, 7:79, 7:114, 7:116
  • death of, 15:428
  • and deeds of trust, 14:246, 14:247n, 14:251, 14:254, 14:255
  • eyeglasses for, 8:74, 8:212–8:213, 8:246, 8:279
  • family of, 5:48n, 10:189, 10:190n, 11:525, 14:247n
  • health of, 14:246, 14:246, 15:230, 15:248, 15:283
  • identified, 2:78n
  • legal problems of, 10:189, 10:190n, 10:191, 10:192n
  • letters from, 3:65, 4:341, 5:84, 5:408, 5:464, 6:94, 6:111–6:112, 7:116, 8:149–8:150, 8:245–8:246, 8:496, 9:229–9:230, 10:189–10:190, 14:246–14:247, 14:251, 14:254–14:255
  • letters from accounted for, 4:86n
  • letters to, 2:77–2:78, 4:86, 4:98, 5:26+, 5:490–5:491, 6:93, 6:106, 7:79, 7:114, 8:74, 8:211–8:213, 8:279, 8:501, 8:685, 9:183, 9:702, 10:190–10:192, 11:524–11:525, 14:255, 14:596
  • letters to accounted for, 4:341n, 5:464n
  • makes payment for TJ, 7:387, 8:515n
  • mentioned, 11:623, 14:245n
  • and mulberry trees, 3:354, 9:183
  • and naval appointment for B. R. Scott, 5:408, 5:408–5:409, 5:409n
  • and potatoes, 14:246
  • and T. M. Randolph’s payment to TJ, 6:111–6:112
  • religious beliefs of, 8:149–8:150
  • and sale of Poplar Forest land, 2:77–2:78, 4:5, 5:84, 5:84n, 5:480
  • sells corn to TJ, 9:58, 9:58n, 9:58n, 10:59n
  • sells rye to TJ, 9:58n
  • sends cider to TJ, 5:464
  • sends seeds to TJ, 3:65, 8:74, 9:229–9:230
  • and superintendent for Poplar Forest, 8:496, 8:501
  • and surveying instruments, 4:341
  • temperature readings of, 3:396–3:397
  • TJ arranges to meet, 4:86, 5:470
  • TJ borrows books from, 9:702
  • TJ invites to Poplar Forest, 5:26+, 6:93, 6:106, 8:685
  • TJ makes payment to, 8:515, 8:515, 9:58n
  • and TJ’s coat, 8:74
  • TJ’s debt to, 14:317, 14:472, 15:391, 15:392n, 15:426, 15:552
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:625
  • and TJ’s slaves, 14:494, 14:596
  • TJ sends gold calculations to, 5:490
  • TJ sends seed to, 5:490
  • TJ sends sundial calculations to, 4:98, 4:98n
  • and TJ’s mortgage to S. J. Harrison, 5:61
  • TJ’s promissory note to, 9:58
  • and TJ’s religious beliefs, 8:149–8:150, 8:211–8:212, 8:245
  • TJ visits, 9:183, 11:524, 14:542n
  • visitor to, 4:366
  • visits Poplar Forest, 11:627
  • will of, 14:247n

Clay, Cyrus B.

  • conveys letter to TJ, 10:189, 10:190n
  • identified, 5:48n
  • letter from, 5:48
  • sends millet to TJ, 5:48
  • and Tacitus, 6:93, 6:94
  • and TJ’s sundial calculations, 4:98, 5:48n

Clay, Editha Landon Davies (Charles Clay’s wife)

  • and deeds of trust, 14:251
  • inheritance of, 10:192n
  • sends cheese to TJ, 5:464
  • sends potatoes to TJ, 9:229–9:230
  • and spinning machines, 6:106
  • TJ invites to dinner, 6:106
  • TJ pays, 15:392n
  • visits Poplar Forest, 11:627

Clay, Green

  • War of 1812 service of, 8:222

Clay, Henry

  • and J. Anderson bribery case, 12:400–12:401n
  • and batture controversy, 3:204, 3:205n, 3:244, 3:255, 3:317
  • biographical materials requested from, 14:42n
  • carries TJ’s letters to Europe, 7:222
  • as character reference, 13:256
  • declines appointment, 11:146
  • and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 9:460, 10:38
  • forwards letter to TJ, 9:195
  • identified, 10:378n
  • introduces H. Gray to TJ, 15:424
  • introduces A. Stewart to TJ, 10:378
  • and W. F. Jones, 6:126, 6:127n
  • letter from accounted for, 3:317n
  • letters from, 10:378, 15:424
  • mentioned, 3:333n
  • negotiates convention with Great Britain, 8:588, 8:589n, 8:654, 8:655n, 9:45–9:46, 9:46n
  • as peace negotiator, 7:138, 7:139n, 7:197, 7:201–7:202, 7:202n, 7:223–7:224, 9:83
  • C. W. Peale paints, 13:540
  • portrait of, 10:38, 10:39n
  • Speaker of U.S. House of Representatives, 15:51n
  • as U.S. representative from Ky., 10:379, 12:57, 12:609, 13:3, 13:50
  • as U.S. senator from Ky., 4:113n, 4:129

Clay, Joseph

  • and W. Duane, 3:450–3:451, 3:452n, 3:506, 3:509n, 3:585

Clay, Matthew, 5:359n

Clay, Paul Aurelius

  • identified, 11:525–11:526n
  • letter to, 11:525–11:526
  • TJ’s Canons of Conduct sent to, 11:525, 11:525

Clayton, Maj. (of Culpeper Courthouse)

  • letters to, 7:551
  • and package for TJ, 7:460, 7:551

Clayton, John

  • botanist, 5:669
  • identifies Jeffersonia diphylla (twinleaf), 1:57n
  • and Indian hemp, 4:667

Clayton, Robert

  • A Vindication of the Histories of the Old and New Testament, 10:506

Clayton, William B.

  • and P. Piernet’s will, 4:166n

Clayton, William Willis

  • identified, 4:366n
  • letters from, 4:366
  • seeks aid from TJ, 4:366

Claytor, John

  • as Bedford Co. sheriff, 8:73, 8:73n, 8:73


  • anecdotes concerning, 6:520
  • Hymn to Zeus, 6:520–6:521, 6:521–6:522, 6:522n, 6:540–6:541, 6:542–6:543n, 6:550, 6:551
  • religion of, 6:541, 6:542, 6:542
  • works of, 14:257

Cleaveland, Parker

  • and American Geological Society, 14:648n
  • An Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology, 14:168
  • and gypsum, 14:462
  • as mineralogist, 15:323
  • as university professor, 14:126

Clement XIV, pope

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502

Clement, James, 1:158, 1:159n

Clément de la Roncière, François Marie, baron, 1:372

Clener, Ange (engraver), 1:453n

Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, 10:399

Cleopatra’s Barge (yacht), 11:512–11:513, 13:555, 14:337n

Clerc, Laurent

  • and education of the deaf and mute, 9:656n


  • British sympathies of, 7:57–7:58, 7:248
  • and elementary education, 12:10n, 12:10, 12:114, 12:285–12:286
  • influence of in colleges, 8:609–8:610, 12:151, 14:101–14:102, 14:103, 14:104n, 15:140, 15:435–15:436, 15:436–15:437n, 15:466–15:467, 15:491, 15:517, 15:525–15:526, 15:539–15:540, 15:553, 15:553, 15:563
  • oppose U.S. government, 8:175
  • TJ on, 7:248, 8:229, 8:341–8:343, 8:344

Clericus, Johannes. See Leclerc, Jean (Johannes Clericus)

Cleverley, Joseph

  • and J. Adams’s education, 11:268–11:269

Clinton, DeWitt

  • and A. Burr conspiracy, 7:206, 7:235, 7:239
  • and Champlain Canal, 11:218–11:219, 11:259, 11:280–11:281
  • Circular Letter of the Literary and Philosophical Society, of New-York, 8:409, 8:409n
  • and T. Cooper, 14:80
  • and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 11:202
  • A Discourse, delivered before the American Academy of the Arts, 10:546, 10:547n
  • and election of 1812, 6:625
  • and Erie Canal, 11:218–11:219, 11:259, 11:280–11:281, 11:339, 11:377
  • Federalist supporters of, 4:544n, 4:545, 5:318, 5:581, 5:641
  • and D. Fraser’s application, 4:545–4:546
  • and D. Fraser’s subscription, 5:492
  • as governor of N.Y., 13:72n, 13:249, 13:480, 13:482n, 13:610, 15:107
  • gubernatorial addresses of, 12:401, 12:402n
  • identified, 8:348n
  • An Introductory Discourse, delivered before the Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York, 8:347, 8:348n
  • and Lancasterian textbooks, 10:336
  • letters from, 8:409, 11:218–11:219, 11:280–11:281, 13:288
  • letter from accounted for, 9:449n, 10:546–10:547n
  • letters to, 8:347–8:348, 8:456–8:457, 10:546–10:547, 11:259, 13:312
  • and Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York, 8:347, 8:348n, 8:409
  • A Memoir on the Antiquities of the Western Parts of the State of New-York. Read before the Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York, 13:288, 13:288n, 13:312
  • as Masonic grand master, 10:187, 10:188n, 11:493, 11:493
  • as mayor of New York City, 1:106, 1:198, 10:187, 10:188n
  • and party politics, 5:352–5:353, 5:354n, 5:411, 5:635, 5:637n, 6:219n, 13:3, 13:50
  • Remarks on the Proposed Canal, from Lake Erie to the Hudson River, 11:218–11:219, 11:219n
  • as reference for C. S. Rafinesque, 15:40
  • TJ on, 10:609, 15:441
  • and F. A. Van der Kemp, 9:596, 12:335, 12:587, 13:40

Clinton, George

  • as member of Continental Congress, 13:329, 13:331, 13:333n, 13:333n, 13:333n
  • and loan to M. P. Beckley, 2:135
  • supporters of, 8:104n
  • TJ on, 4:88
  • toasts honoring, 1:615+
  • F. A. Van der Kemp introduced to, 10:305, 10:307n

Clinton family

  • as aristocrats, 7:67

cloacinae. See privies

clocks See also sundials; watches

  • for longitude calculations, 15:287, 15:288, 15:288
  • mentioned, 12:652
  • at Monticello, 4:396–4:397, 4:527, 6:213, 6:213, 6:214n, 8:393, 8:485, 8:486, 10:420n, 10:437, 10:607, 10:673n, 11:130
  • in President’s House, 1:85, 1:96
  • repairman needed for, 10:33, 10:203, 10:275–10:276, 10:307–10:308, 10:321, 10:326, 10:344, 10:345, 10:351–10:352, 11:157, 11:198–11:199, 11:374, 11:374n
  • and solar eclipse, 4:188, 4:237–4:238
  • TJ’s astronomical case clock, 4:xlv, 4:149, 4:167, 4:229–4:230, 4:370 (illus.), 5:92, 5:471, 5:507, 6:31, 6:59, 6:61, 6:82, 6:83, 6:83n, 6:117–6:118, 6:258, 6:468, 8:687, 9:76, 9:125–9:126, 9:126, 9:204, 9:273, 9:275, 9:359
  • for U.S. Coast Survey, 9:223, 9:224

Clopper, Francis C.

  • patent agent, 7:438, 7:486, 7:507, 7:523, 7:552–7:553, 7:568, 8:15, 8:135–8:136, 8:160, 8:160, 8:249, 8:252, 9:601, 9:602n

cloth. See textiles


  • aprons, 14:632, 15:230
  • boots, 6:346, 9:147, 9:147, 9:147
  • breeches, 15:141
  • buttons, 8:234, 9:565, 10:555n, 10:609, 12:362, 15:475, 15:475, 15:475n, 15:475n
  • coats, 7:72, 7:73n, 8:74, 8:234, 8:241–8:242, 8:446, 10:398, 10:491, 10:555n, 10:609, 14:20, 14:525, 14:526n, 15:141, 15:475
  • corduroy, 8:234, 10:609
  • corsets, 10:491n
  • cotton, 3:202, 5:560, 8:68, 8:185, 15:229
  • drawers, 11:450, 11:450, 12:45+, 12:257
  • and 1810 census, 3:202, 3:202
  • flannel, 8:234, 15:271
  • fur gloves, 2:203
  • gauze, 12:651
  • gloves, 12:257
  • gowns, 12:257
  • handkerchiefs, 6:348, 11:626n, 11:627n
  • hats, 4:361, 6:344, 6:348, 7:71, 7:124, 8:446, 8:449n, 8:570, 9:566, 14:16, 15:450
  • helmets, 14:229
  • homespun, 1:100n, 1:561, 1:591, 1:667, 7:187, 8:234, 8:356, 8:368, 9:562, 10:491n, 10:609
  • hose pantaloons, 11:450, 12:257
  • imported, 8:285, 9:476n
  • knee breeches, 8:234, 10:555n, 10:609
  • lace, 12:651
  • linen, 3:202, 8:460
  • manufacture of, 1:15–1:16, 8:249, 8:249, 8:356, 8:460, 9:536–9:537, 10:32, 11:413, 11:413n, 11:449–11:450, 11:463–11:464, 11:470, 11:471–11:472, 11:506–11:507, 11:602, 12:257–12:258, 12:538
  • military, 4:361, 4:362
  • pantaloons, 11:450, 11:450, 15:475
  • peplums, 14:229
  • petticoats, 11:450, 12:257
  • purses, 11:625
  • for T. J. Randolph in Philadelphia, 1:308
  • shawls, 15:452
  • shoes, 3:202, 4:362, 7:332, 8:234, 8:241–8:242, 10:555n, 12:31, 12:31n, 14:271
  • for slaves, 1:420, 1:666–1:667, 5:307, 5:446, 5:470, 6:308, 6:309, 6:310, 7:71, 7:191, 8:68, 8:158, 8:185, 8:368, 8:380, 8:570, 9:303, 9:303, 9:562, 12:301, 15:95, 15:229, 15:230n, 15:247, 15:248n, 15:282, 15:312, 15:313, 15:450–15:451
  • smallclothes, 8:234, 8:241–8:242
  • socks, 2:129, 2:206
  • stockings, 3:202, 6:344, 6:346, 6:349n, 8:234, 9:489n, 10:129, 10:555n, 11:450, 11:450, 12:257–12:258, 15:452
  • summer, 14:268
  • suspenders, 12:362
  • TJ’s roquelaure, 12:198
  • TJ’s wolf skin pelisse, 9:147, 9:147–9:148n
  • undervests, 11:450
  • velvet, 8:234
  • vests, 9:566, 10:609
  • waistcoats, 8:234, 8:234, 8:241–8:242, 12:257
  • walking sticks, 2:xli–2:xlii, 2:380 (illus.), 11:167, 11:168, 11:344, 14:611
  • winter, 13:321
  • wool, 1:479n, 1:573, 3:202, 5:475, 5:560, 8:174, 8:185, 8:234, 8:570, 10:547

clothing press

  • described, 1:xlviii, 1:390, 1:400
  • picture of TJ’s, 1:380 (illus.)

cloth-of-gold crocus. See crocus, cloth-of-gold

Clotilde, Marguerite Éléonore. See Surville, Clotilde de (Marguerite Éléonore Clotilde de Vallon-Chalys)

Cloud, Joseph

  • and T. Cooper’s scientific collections, 12:238, 14:127, 14:568, 14:568–14:569
  • identified, 14:569–14:570n

Clough, William

  • identified, 12:234–12:235n
  • inquires about Central College, 12:234
  • letter from, 12:234–12:235


  • box, 3:456, 3:461, 9:563, 9:583–9:584, 12:304
  • as crop, 4:93, 4:180, 4:531, 6:132–6:133, 7:71, 7:83, 7:179, 8:304, 8:305, 8:460, 8:520, 9:66, 10:673, 11:163, 11:309, 11:421, 12:255, 12:301, 12:483
  • as fodder, 4:374
  • improves soil, 13:582
  • at Poplar Forest, 8:69, 8:70, 8:78, 8:520, 8:611, 8:611, 9:494, 9:505, 12:483
  • red, 11:39
  • scarlet, 2:271, 2:272
  • seed, 1:45n, 3:180, 3:184, 3:194, 3:448, 4:518, 4:525, 4:525, 4:526, 4:548, 4:557, 5:324, 8:367, 8:459–8:460, 8:520, 8:535, 9:494, 9:583–9:584, 12:304, 12:614n, 14:256, 14:628
  • sent to TJ, 15:578, 15:578–15:579n
  • threshing of, 7:81–7:82, 8:459–8:460, 8:520
  • and Tufton, 2:112
  • white, 10:534

Cloverdale (Bath Co.)

  • tavern at, 13:230, 13:231, 13:232

cloves, 1:44, 2:109, 4:211, 15:71

Cluny, Alexander

  • Le Voyageur Américain … Augmenté d’un Précis sur l’Amérique Septentrionale & la République des Treize-États-Unis (trans. J. Mandrillon), 13:40

Clymer, George

  • signer of Declaration of Independence, 4:475, 13:329, 13:329, 13:333n, 14:292
  • and veterinary education, 5:415n

coaches. See carriages

Coade, Eleanor

  • manufactory of, 11:389, 11:391n

Coahuila, Mexico (now part of Tex.)

  • works on, 8:77n


  • and cement production, 9:466, 9:468n, 9:468n, 9:468n, 9:468n, 9:468n
  • cost of, 8:591–8:592
  • in France
  • and manufacturing, 5:153
  • at President’s House, 1:155
  • for salt production, 5:77, 5:77n
  • shipment of, 14:6
  • in Va., 5:215, 5:676, 11:25, 11:65, 13:104, 15:135

La Coalition et La France (N. A. de Salvandy), 15:51–15:52, 15:52n

Coalter, John

  • and J. C. Cabell, 13:592, 13:592n, 13:601
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:334, 12:232, 13:163n, 15:97
  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 14:13, 14:14
  • family of, 13:592
  • as Va. Court of Appeals judge, 12:285, 12:594, 15:350

coating (textile), 6:345


  • capes, 8:74, 10:491
  • of mail, 10:398
  • mentioned, 8:446, 14:20
  • patterns for, 14:525, 14:526n
  • Quaker-style, 10:555n, 10:609
  • waistcoats, 8:234, 8:241–8:242, 12:257

Cobb, Mr.

  • TJ purchases horse from, 8:174, 8:174n, 8:497n

Cobbett, William

  • J. Adams on, 4:474
  • An Address to the Clergy of Massachusetts, 9:4–9:5, 9:6n, 9:6n, 9:78, 9:79n
  • Bloody Buoy, 3:305, 3:308n, 13:235, 13:235–13:236n
  • journalistic attacks of, 2:539, 2:540n
  • letters of published, 8:450n
  • as “Peter Porcupine,” 4:339, 4:340–4:341n, 6:37, 6:40n, 13:235–13:236n
  • and rutabagas, 14:250
  • and War of 1812, 8:254
  • Weekly Political Register, 5:370n, 5:384

Cobbs, David

  • business activities of, 5:93n
  • seeks employment at University of Virginia, 14:653

Cobbs, Jeffrey, 5:93n

Cobbs, John P.

  • and Central College subscription, 11:333, 13:161

Cobbs, William

  • and survey of Poplar Forest boundaries, 12:209–12:210, 12:211, 12:214n, 12:214–12:215, 12:216, 12:217–12:218, 12:220, 12:221, 12:222, 12:222–12:223, 12:224–12:225, 12:228, 12:261, 12:337
  • TJ seeks to purchase Bedford Co. land of, 5:348–5:349, 5:464, 5:465

Cobel, Ward

  • convicted of perjury, 10:498


  • used in optical instruments, 9:223, 9:225n

Cochlearia. See scurvy grass

Cochran, James & William

  • Richmond grocers, 5:299, 5:299n, 6:347, 6:347, 6:347

Cochran, Robert

  • collector of Wilmington, N.C., 12:379, 13:4

Cochran, Robert E.

  • federal marshal, 6:28, 6:29n, 6:113n

Cochrane, Sir Alexander

  • British admiral, 8:218
  • invites U.S. slaves to join British military, 7:534n

Cochrane (Cochraine), D., 2:433

Cockburn, George

  • as British admiral, 8:317, 8:318n, 10:575, 11:480

Cocke, Mr.

  • and Roanoke chub, 4:650

Cocke, Ann Blaws Barraud (John Hartwell Cocke’s wife)

  • and architectural design of Bremo, 9:502n

Cocke, Benjamin, 3:179, 5:15

Cocke, Charles

  • and Agricultural Society of Albemarle, 11:319
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:323, 11:328, 15:98

Cocke, James

  • militia service of, 7:161

Cocke, James Powell

  • cogwheel for, 4:200
  • identified, 4:650–4:651n
  • and Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 15:348, 15:348
  • letters from, 4:651, 4:684, 6:116
  • letters to, 4:650–4:651, 4:662–4:663, 6:122–6:123
  • and Roanoke chub, 4:650–4:651, 4:662–4:663, 4:684, 6:116, 6:122

Cocke, John Alexander, 6:112

Cocke, John Hartwell (1780–1866)

  • agreement with T. Whitelaw, 14:187, 14:390, 14:479
  • and Agricultural Society of Albemarle, 3:351n, 11:319, 11:319, 12:75, 12:99
  • and American Colonization Society, 14:264
  • appointed to Central College Board of Visitors, 10:473n, 10:474, 10:474n, 12:3
  • appointment of to University of Virginia Board of Visitors, 14:34–14:35, 14:45, 14:74n, 15:82, 15:434
  • and Bremo (house), 1:136n, 9:500–9:501, 9:501–9:502n, 11:274n, 12:526, 13:129–13:130
  • and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:54, 12:60–12:61, 12:69, 12:69
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:322, 11:327n, 11:332, 12:307, 12:315, 12:625–12:626n, 13:161, 15:96, 15:345, 15:398–15:399, 15:399n
  • and Charlottesville Academy, 14:261, 14:268, 14:274, 14:512, 15:500n
  • as commissioner in Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 15:268, 15:269n, 15:348, 15:416
  • and T. Cooper, 14:55, 14:106, 14:324n, 15:108, 15:122, 15:152, 15:179, 15:517, 15:529
  • and corn-shelling machines, 14:96–14:97
  • correspondence of with W. C. Rives, 13:591n
  • correspondence of with R. B. Taylor, 15:604n
  • daguerreotype of, 3:xlvii, 3:358 (illus.)
  • descriptions of Central College Board of Visitors meetings by, 11:318–11:320, 11:565–11:566
  • and fish for TJ, 14:261, 14:268
  • and gypsum, 8:600
  • health of, 8:67, 14:264, 14:268
  • on hedges, 10:194
  • identified, 3:136n
  • introduces J. P. Preston, 13:325
  • and T. Kosciuszko’s estate, 13:384, 14:68, 14:79, 14:130, 14:130, 14:131, 14:158, 14:261, 14:264, 14:268, 15:180, 15:180n
  • letter from, to A. S. Brockenbrough, 15:129–15:130
  • letter from, to T. Cooper, 15:131–15:133
  • letters from, 3:136, 4:59, 6:7, 7:301, 7:608–7:609, 8:66–8:67, 11:218, 11:546–11:547, 12:315, 13:129–13:130, 13:325, 14:261–14:265, 14:268–14:269, 15:122, 15:205, 15:208, 15:529
  • letters to, 3:147, 4:62, 6:7, 7:300, 7:513–7:514, 8:41–8:42, 11:181–11:182, 11:219–11:220, 11:301–11:302, 11:545–11:546, 12:74–12:75, 12:306–12:307, 13:601, 14:46–14:47, 14:261, 14:511–14:512, 15:108–15:109, 15:179, 15:517–15:518
  • as member of Central College Board of Visitors, 14:46, 14:47, 14:48, 14:55, 14:55, 14:72, 14:73
  • as member of University of Virginia Board of Visitors, 14:46, 14:176, 14:179, 14:190, 14:234, 14:322, 14:515–14:516, 14:518–14:519, 15:3, 15:80, 15:82n, 15:108, 15:122, 15:152, 15:179, 15:205, 15:208, 15:224, 15:225n, 15:352n, 15:415, 15:486, 15:508, 15:509, 15:517, 15:529
  • and merino sheep, 3:136, 3:147, 4:59, 4:61, 4:62
  • on militia, 8:66–8:67, 8:67n
  • militia service of, 7:608, 7:632, 8:42, 8:42n
  • and mole trap for TJ, 14:383n
  • and W. C. Nicholas’s debts, 14:587–14:588n
  • as potential Va. legislator, 12:382, 12:539–12:540
  • requests plants from TJ, 6:7
  • and seeds, 6:7, 13:325, 15:398
  • sends sea kale to TJ, 14:385n, 15:137, 15:152
  • slaves of, 11:651n, 14:264
  • and son’s education, 14:210, 14:261, 14:268, 14:383n
  • and R. B. Taylor, 14:561
  • TJ on, 14:130, 14:131
  • TJ purchases horse from, 7:300, 7:300n, 7:301, 7:513–7:514, 7:608, 8:41, 8:42n, 8:47, 8:66
  • TJ provides architectural advice to, 9:500–9:501
  • and TJ’s Catalogue of the Best Classical Editions, 14:511, 14:520, 14:561
  • TJ sends plants to, 11:219–11:220, 11:220n
  • and TJ’s health, 15:543n
  • and TJ’s letters on finance, 7:230
  • and University of Virginia construction, 14:261–14:264, 14:265n, 14:304, 14:390, 14:511–14:512, 15:3, 15:125, 15:125, 15:126n, 15:129, 15:130n, 15:200, 15:200, 15:201n, 15:396
  • visits Monticello, 11:218, 11:258, 11:327n, 11:337, 11:546, 11:565, 12:54, 12:60, 12:74, 12:75, 13:601, 14:47, 15:122
  • and viticulture, 9:349
  • and wheat, 15:528n
  • and wine, 11:218, 11:219, 11:300, 12:53

Cocke, John Hartwell (1804–46)

  • education of, 14:210, 14:261, 14:268, 14:383n

Cocke, Richard, 1:635, 1:642n

Cocke, Sarah Maclin (William Cocke’s wife), 6:112

Cocke, Smith

  • and Central College–University of Virginia, 15:86

Cocke, William

  • and E. Fla. campaign, 5:651–5:652, 6:67, 6:67–6:68, 6:112
  • family of, 6:112, 6:112
  • health of, 6:112
  • identified, 5:652n
  • letters from, 5:651–5:652, 6:112–6:113, 7:160–7:162
  • letters to, 6:67–6:68
  • on campaign against Creek Indians, 7:160–7:162

cocks (valves), 12:362


  • imported, 9:426


  • New England, 1:115n, 1:176, 1:279, 11:66, 11:66n, 11:274, 11:295, 12:551
  • TJ’s report on fisheries, 1:487, 1:487n
  • tongues and sounds, 1:153, 1:154n, 1:369, 2:109, 2:154, 11:66, 11:66n, 11:295, 12:551, 14:542, 14:573

Code de Commerce (D. Raynal), 5:576, 5:576–5:577n, 6:45, 6:372, 6:373n, 6:445, 7:90

Code d’Instruction criminelle, 5:576, 5:576–5:577n, 6:45, 6:372, 6:372–6:373n, 6:445, 7:90

The Code of Agriculture (J. Sinclair), 11:381–11:382, 11:382, 11:382n, 15:465

A Code of Gentoo Laws, or, Ordinations of the Pundits (trans. N. B. Halhed), 7:221n

The Code of Health and Longevity (J. Sinclair)

  • prospectus for, 9:143, 9:144n, 9:144n+, 10:280

Coe, Jesse, 1:66


  • Bourbon, 1:268, 2:109, 12:167, 12:182
  • café au lait, 14:382
  • clarification of, 10:606, 11:5
  • cultivation of, 11:345
  • drinking of, 14:44, 14:44, 14:156–14:157, 14:420
  • East India, 1:268, 1:368, 2:109, 12:167
  • green, 1:268, 1:368
  • imported, 9:426, 9:476n
  • mocha, 14:331–14:332
  • at Monticello, 8:xlvii–8:xlviii, 8:30, 8:30–8:31, 15:312
  • at Poplar Forest, 5:33, 15:474
  • pots, 4:231–4:232n, 8:393, 8:485, 8:486
  • sent to TJ, 4:662, 4:687, 5:41–5:42, 12:182
  • served at Monticello, 1:389
  • smuggling of, 1:439
  • in students’ diet, 14:382, 14:383n
  • TJ purchases, 1:31, 1:318–1:319, 4:210, 4:210, 4:210, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 6:346, 6:346, 6:347, 6:347, 7:180, 11:617, 12:167, 12:182, 12:194, 15:315, 15:450, 15:451, 15:452
  • at U.S. Marine Hospital, 1:299
  • West India, 1:268, 12:167, 12:554
  • and yellow fever, 10:149n

Coffee, John

  • militia service of, 7:160, 7:160, 8:222–8:223, 8:264

Coffee, William John

  • and cement for TJ, 13:343–13:344, 13:344n, 13:362, 13:363–13:364, 14:298–14:299, 14:317, 14:472, 14:573
  • and cisterns at Monticello, 15:318
  • correspondence of, 15:483, 15:483n
  • Estimate for Varnishing TJ’s Paintings, 15:472–15:473
  • identified, 12:523n
  • introduced by TJ, 15:474–15:475
  • letter from accounted for, 14:574n
  • letters from, 13:290, 13:362–13:363, 15:318
  • letters to, 13:305, 13:343–13:344, 14:298–14:299
  • Memorandum on Roman Cement, 13:363–13:364
  • W. C. Nicholas introduces to TJ, 12:522
  • and painting conservation, 15:472–15:473
  • proposed visit of, 14:299
  • terra-cotta busts by, 12:li, 12:lii, 12:348 (illus.), 12:348 (illus.), 12:522, 12:541–12:542, 12:571–12:572, 12:572, 12:586, 12:625, 12:626n, 13:49, 13:49n, 15:318, 15:318, 15:334, 15:474
  • TJ forwards models to, 13:290, 13:305, 13:344
  • TJ recommends, 13:49, 13:69
  • TJ’s debt to, 15:425
  • visits Monticello, 12:lii, 12:572, 12:586, 13:49, 13:362, 13:364, 15:472–15:473, 15:474
  • visits Montpellier (Madison family estate), 12:li, 12:625, 12:625, 15:474
  • visits Poplar Forest, 15:473–15:474, 15:498, 15:537

Coffin, Mr. (ship captain), 10:342

Coffman, Joseph

  • and Central College subscription, 11:328, 13:162

Cogdell, John Stephens

  • identified, 3:62n
  • letters from, 3:61–3:62
  • letters to, 3:136–3:137
  • sends pamphlet to TJ, 3:61–3:62, 3:136–3:137

Coghill, Sir John

  • heir of, 12:248
  • and Lafayette, 5:68–5:69, 5:69n, 5:214, 7:541, 12:248

Coghlan, William

  • identified, 3:549n
  • letters from, 3:548–3:549
  • seeks loan from TJ, 3:548–3:549

Cohen, Philip

  • identified, 6:90n
  • letters from, 6:88–6:90
  • letters to, 6:124–6:125
  • and Seventy-Six Association, 6:88–6:90, 6:124–6:125

Cohen, Shalom ben Jacob

  • Elements of the Jewish Faith, translated from the Hebrew, 12:414–12:415

Coignard, Jean Baptiste

  • as publisher, 13:314n, 13:342, 13:343n


  • TJ and, 1:487, 1:487n, 10:548
  • universal standard for, 4:147–4:148, 4:149n, 4:167, 4:167n, 4:225–4:226, 4:228, 4:229n
  • of Va., 1:334, 1:334n

Coke, Sir Edward

  • The First Part of the Institutes of the Lawes of England: or a Commentary upon Littleton, 2:103, 2:104n, 2:420, 5:136, 7:191, 7:249, 7:627, 7:628, 8:619, 8:620n, 13:53
  • importance of, 10:101
  • Institutes of the Laws of England, 1:382, 7:125, 7:126, 7:126, 7:127, 7:127, 7:127, 7:129, 7:130, 10:417
  • as legal authority, 11:368
  • mentioned, 10:589, 12:324
  • quote attributed to, 13:488
  • The Third Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England, 7:171, 7:173n, 10:12, 10:14n, 10:428

Coke, Thomas William, 13:77, 14:346

Colbert, Burwell (TJ’s slave; 1783–ca. 1862; Critta Colbert’s husband)

  • as caretaker for TJ, 9:456
  • children of, 14:567n
  • clothing for, 4:496, 8:380, 15:450–15:451
  • and financial transactions for TJ, 8:79, 15:366n
  • and goods for TJ, 15:134
  • health of, 10:516–10:517
  • identified, 4:496n
  • illness of, 14:554, 14:565–14:567, 14:574, 14:633, 15:438, 15:439
  • mentioned, 14:9
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387
  • TJ’s relationship with, 14:566
  • travels with TJ, 13:228
  • and wife’s death, 14:567n

Colbert, Charles, marquis de Croissy

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502, 4:504

Colbert, Critta (T. M. Randolph’s slave; Burwell Colbert’s wife), 10:516–10:517, 14:567n

Colbert, Edwin (TJ’s slave; b. 1793)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388

Colbert, Jean Baptiste

  • French finance minister, 9:613, 10:43

Colbert, Martha Ann (T. M. Randolph’s slave; Burwell Colbert’s daughter), 14:567n

Colbert, Mary (TJ’s slave; b. 1801)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387

Colbert, Melinda, 1:156n

Colbert, Robert (TJ’s slave; b. 1799)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387, 12:303

Colbert, Theana (Thenia) (T. M. Randolph’s slave; Burwell Colbert’s daughter), 14:567n

Colclaser, Daniel

  • and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:61
  • identified, 11:603n
  • and Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 14:359, 14:360, 14:367
  • letter from accounted for, 15:332n
  • letter to, 11:603
  • as miller, 10:167, 10:167n, 10:182, 10:182n, 10:475n, 11:168, 11:185, 11:603, 12:29, 12:139, 12:148, 12:167, 12:476, 12:542, 12:547–12:548, 12:563, 13:116, 13:120, 13:355–13:356, 13:393, 14:213, 14:272, 14:317, 14:361, 14:473, 14:554, 14:585, 15:331, 15:426, 15:426, 15:471

Colcock, William, 2:446n, 3:486

Cole, Sally Cottrell (TJ’s slave)

  • as maid, 11:627n

Cole, Samuel

  • hires out slaves to Central College, 15:86, 15:95

Coleman, Mr. (Bedford Co.), 5:486, 5:489

Coleman, Joseph

  • identified, 12:49n
  • letter to, 12:48–12:50
  • and proposed Albemarle Co. road, 11:243, 12:48

Coleman, Napoleon Bonaparte

  • on chaos, 14:236
  • cosmology of, 14:234–14:237
  • on God, 14:236, 14:236–14:237
  • identified, 14:237n
  • letter from, 14:234–14:237
  • on origin of mankind, 14:236–14:237
  • on religion and science, 14:234–14:237
  • seeks opinions from TJ, 14:234–14:235

Coleman, Robert L.

  • and Central College subscription, 11:326, 11:328

Coleman, William (College of William and Mary), 2:535n

Coleman, William (New York editor), 3:540n, 10:111–10:112, 10:185–10:186, 11:490–11:491

Coles, Catharine Thompson (wife of Isaac Coles [1747–1813]), 6:356n

Coles, Edward

  • and emancipation of his slaves, 7:503–7:504, 7:603–7:605, 7:702–7:704
  • forwards letter, 2:225
  • identified, 2:225–2:226n
  • on J. Leslie, 12:227
  • letters from, 3:590–3:591, 4:215, 4:215, 7:503–7:504, 7:702–7:704, 8:99
  • letters to, 2:225–2:226, 3:581–3:582, 4:193, 7:603–7:605
  • as J. Madison’s secretary, 2:124, 2:124n, 2:127, 4:51–4:52, 4:314n, 4:541n, 5:588n, 6:274, 8:99, 11:122, 11:123n
  • observes solar eclipse, 4:238n
  • and TJ’s health, 14:23
  • and TJ’s Washington effects, 3:581–3:582, 3:590–3:591, 4:193, 4:215
  • visits J. Adams, 4:312–4:313, 4:314n, 4:389
  • visits Monticello, 2:127, 4:163
  • visits Warm Springs, 13:242, 13:243n

Coles, Helen Skipwith, 5:269

Coles, Isaac (1747–1813), 5:28, 6:356n

Coles, Isaac A.

  • Account of a Conversation with TJ, 9:500–9:502
  • account of Niagara Campaign, 5:531–5:532, 5:532–5:545, 5:608–5:609, 5:609n, 5:609–5:610, 5:684, 5:685n
  • and affair with Nelson, 2:106–2:107, 2:124, 2:127
  • agent to Europe, 1:65, 1:232, 1:263, 1:263, 1:269–1:270, 1:271–1:272, 1:331, 1:452, 1:528, 1:530n, 1:593, 1:627
  • and Agricultural Society of Albemarle, 11:319, 11:319
  • Armstrong comments on, 1:260
  • as army recruiter, 6:51, 6:52n
  • carries TJ’s correspondence to Europe, 1:19, 1:20, 1:173, 1:175n, 1:207, 1:229, 1:247
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:323, 11:328, 13:161, 15:96
  • certificate of, 3:107
  • and T. Cooper, 14:55, 14:106
  • court-martial of, 7:609, 7:609–7:611n, 8:317
  • and deer for Monticello, 7:260, 7:260n, 8:521
  • family of, 11:336, 11:337
  • greetings to, 2:9, 2:317
  • and Highland–Indian Camp boundary dispute, 8:567, 8:567–8:568, 9:289, 9:488
  • identified, 1:53–1:54n
  • inoculates plants, 3:644–3:645
  • introduces E. Gerry (1793–1867), 6:359
  • introduces B. Peyton, 6:51, 6:52n
  • and Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 15:348
  • and T. Kosciuszko’s finances, 4:488, 4:684
  • and Lafayette’s La. land, 2:244
  • letter forwarded to, 10:542
  • letters from, 1:53–1:54, 1:370–1:377, 1:667–1:668, 2:106–2:107, 2:123–2:124, 2:203–2:204, 3:448, 3:645, 4:528–4:529, 5:410–5:411, 5:531–5:532, 6:51–6:52, 6:359, 7:260, 8:21, 8:521, 9:544–9:545, 11:337
  • letters from J. Walker to, 3:293n
  • letters to, 2:39–2:40, 2:127, 3:644–3:645, 7:609–7:611, 9:488, 11:336
  • letter to a Young Friend in Virginia, 5:532–5:545
  • and M. Lewis’s papers, 2:34, 2:123–2:124
  • J. Madison forwards letter from, 1:518
  • and manuscript on Montesquieu, 2:288
  • mentioned, 3:57–3:58, 3:250–3:251, 5:636, 7:139, 7:145, 7:605, 10:288, 12:53
  • and merino sheep, 1:479, 2:39, 2:39n, 3:136, 3:178, 3:190
  • at Montpellier (Madison family estate), 1:439, 1:441
  • observes D. Parker’s plow, 1:233–1:234, 1:538
  • plans to visit TJ, 6:51, 8:21, 9:545
  • plans visit to Washington, 8:521
  • recommended for military appointment, 4:529
  • recommends Morton & Russell, 6:240
  • requests plants from TJ, 8:21
  • resignations of, 2:107n
  • and Rivanna Company, 3:266
  • and Roanoke chub, 7:260
  • as secretary to TJ, 1:34n, 1:64, 4:313
  • and seeds, 11:336, 11:337, 15:602n
  • sends gloves to TJ, 2:203
  • sends plants to TJ, 2:203–2:204n, 3:448, 3:455, 3:645, 8:21
  • sends wine to TJ, 3:505
  • and shepherd dogs, 2:3, 5:69
  • and Madame de Tessé, 2:311
  • TJ pays, 1:41
  • TJ sends plants to, 9:544–9:545
  • and TJ’s Washington effects, 2:39, 2:106, 2:127, 3:581, 3:582n
  • and tobacco crop, 3:620
  • To the Public, 7:609, 7:609–7:610n
  • transmits messages to and from TJ, 13:398, 13:398
  • visits Monticello, 1:536, 1:632, 1:655, 1:657, 2:68, 3:290, 3:644–3:645, 3:645, 9:488, 9:500–9:501, 9:501n, 13:334
  • visits Warm Springs, 13:242, 13:243n
  • vouches for J. A. Morton, 4:589, 4:684, 5:27, 5:28n
  • P. Walsh sends greetings to, 4:189
  • and War of 1812, 5:410–5:411, 6:359, 8:21
  • and wheat prices, 4:104
  • and wine for TJ, 4:528–4:529, 4:529–4:530

Coles, John (1745–1808)

  • death of, 3:582n
  • witnesses document, 5:570n

Coles, John (1774–1848)

  • and Agricultural Society of Albemarle, 11:319, 11:319, 15:263
  • as Albemarle Co. school commissioner, 15:383n
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:323, 11:328, 13:161, 15:96
  • identified, 14:320n
  • invited to visit Monticello, 14:385, 14:470
  • and Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 14:320, 14:385, 14:400, 14:423, 14:470, 14:477, 14:478, 14:478, 14:480, 14:485, 14:485n, 14:493
  • letters from, 14:320, 14:477, 15:263
  • letters to, 14:385, 14:470
  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349
  • TJ’s debt to, 15:425
  • visits J. Adams, 4:312–4:313, 4:314n, 4:389
  • visits Monticello, 2:127, 14:477

Coles, Leonard

  • captain of Resolution, 10:571

Coles, Rebecca Elizabeth Tucker, 3:582, 3:582n, 3:590, 3:645

Coles, Tucker

  • and Agricultural Society of Albemarle, 11:319
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:323, 11:328, 13:161, 15:98
  • militia service of, 7:609
  • and spinning machines, 5:269
  • as Va. Legislator, 2:98

Coles, Walter

  • and Central College subscription, 11:323, 11:328
  • sends trees to TJ, 9:545

Collateral Bee-Boxes. Or, a New, Easy, and Advantageous Method of Managing Bees (S. White), 8:388

Colle (Albemarle Co. estate)

  • as Derieux family residence, 3:395n, 9:115
  • farmed by P. Mazzei, 3:380–3:381n
  • mentioned, 7:594, 9:648, 12:560
  • and proposed Albemarle Co. road, 11:243, 11:244n, 11:244n, 11:244, 11:244, 11:244
  • sold by TJ, 1:420n
  • sold by TJ for P. Mazzei, 3:383n, 3:541n

Colle (Italian mountain), 9:679n

Collection de décisions nouvelles (J. B. Denisart), 3:130–3:131, 3:160, 3:174n, 3:546

Collection de Moralistes Français, (Montaigne,—Charron,—Pascal,—La Rouchefoucauld,—La Bruyère,—Vauvenargues,—Duclos); publiée avec des commentaires et de nouvelles notices biographiques (ed. A. Duval), 15:24

A Collection of all such Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, of a public and permanent nature, as are now in force (S. Pleasants), 3:146, 3:177, 5:245, 5:245n, 5:253, 5:278, 5:278n, 6:122, 7:260, 7:270, 7:270, 7:270, 10:452, 10:569, 10:572, 10:617, 14:412, 14:456, 15:211, 15:222n

A Collection of Interesting, Authentic Papers, relative to the Dispute between Great Britain and America, 8:619, 8:620n

A Collection of Select Biography (D. Fraser), 5:160n, 5:492, 5:492n

A Collection of State-Papers (J. Adams), 11:49n, 11:201

Collections for An Essay towards a Materia Medica of the United-States (B. S. Barton), 13:248

College of Physicians and Surgeons (later part of Columbia University)

  • mineral specimens for, 15:370–15:371, 15:371n

College of Physicians of Philadelphia

  • Facts and Observations relative to the Nature and Origin of the Pestilential Fever, which Prevailed in this City, in 1793, 1797, and 1798, 10:131–10:133, 10:146n

colleges. See schools and colleges

Collier, Jeremy

  • The Emperor Marcus Antoninus, 1:576

Collin, Nicholas, 1:453n, 5:8

Collings & Maingy (Rotterdam firm)

  • forwards letter to TJ, 9:197n

Collins, Mr.

  • and Niagara Campaign, 5:540

Collins, Charles (of New York)

  • and Chinese immigration, 12:553–12:554
  • free-labor store of, 12:554
  • identified, 12:554–12:555n
  • letter from, 12:553–12:555
  • and T. Paine, 12:554

Collins, Charles (of Rhode Island)

  • chairs meeting of Bristol Co. Republicans, 1:89n
  • identified, 1:89n
  • letter from accounted for, 15:441n

Collins, Zaccheus

  • and American Philosophical Society, 12:455, 13:253
  • and T. Cooper’s scientific collections, 12:238, 14:127, 14:178, 14:568
  • as reference for C. S. Rafinesque, 15:40

Collins’s Marcus Antoninus. See Collier, Jeremy: The Emperor Marcus Antoninus

Colloquia (M. Cordier), 10:516, 11:627, 11:627–11:628n

Colloquia, nunc emendatiora (D. Erasmus), 11:452

Colman (Coleman), Edward

  • and E. Aram’s murder trial, 7:378

Colman, George

  • “The Lady of the Wreck; or, Castle Blarneygig: a poem,” 7:60, 7:62n

Columbia (Fluvanna Co.), 3:104, 3:253–3:254, 9:313, 13:140, 13:140n, 13:277, 15:541

Columbia, S.C.

  • colleges in, 8:352–8:353, 8:354n

Columbia, USS (frigate)

  • destruction of, 7:xlv

Columbia College (later Columbia University)

  • J. M. Mason as provost of, 9:297–9:298, 9:298n

The Columbiad (J. Barlow), 1:35, 5:614, 5:617, 5:618, 5:621

Columbian (N.Y. newspaper)

  • prints J. Barlow obituary, 5:621n

Columbian Agricultural Society for the Promotion of Rural and Domestic Economy

  • members of, 1:23n, 1:40n

Columbian Chemical Society

  • elects TJ as patron, 5:633, 5:634n, 5:661

Columbian Detector (Boston newspaper), 5:110n

The Columbian Ephemeris and Astronomical Diary, for the year 1812 (M. Nash), 4:213–4:214, 4:243–4:245

Columbian Institute for the Promotion of Arts and Sciences

  • An Address, delivered before the Columbian Institute, for the Promotion of Arts and Sciences, at the City of Washington, on the 11th January, 1817 (E. Cutbush), 11:143–11:144n
  • circular of, 11:144n
  • honorary members of, 11:144n
  • TJ elected honorary member of, 11:143, 11:144n, 11:148–11:149

Columbian Society of Artists See also Society of Artists of the United States

  • Charter and by-laws of the Columbian Society of Artists Instituted May, 1810, 7:166, 7:166n
  • constitution of, 7:166
  • Fourth Annual Exhibition of the Columbian Society of Artists and the Pennsylvania Academy. May 1814, 7:401, 7:443–7:444
  • R. Mills as secretary of, 7:166n
  • TJ as president of, 7:166n, 7:401, 7:443–7:444

Columbia River

  • hunting at, 4:8
  • plants along, 4:524
  • trade along, 4:550, 4:551, 4:553, 5:74–5:75

Columbus, Christopher

  • biography of in J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 10:613
  • bust of, 9:128, 9:350
  • described by T. de Bry, 7:614–7:615
  • mentioned, 6:603, 11:193
  • and name for U.S., 14:11
  • and W. Plumer’s proposed book, 2:348
  • and portrait for J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 7:xliii–7:xliv, 7:295, 7:302–7:303, 7:303, 7:330, 7:340, 7:342n, 7:429, 7:429n, 7:498, 7:522–7:523, 7:562–7:564, 7:564, 7:611–7:613, 7:614 (illus.), 8:8, 9:352n, 10:38, 10:39n, 10:71, 10:71, 10:72n, 10:613
  • portraits of, 7:xliii–7:xliv, 7:434 (illus.), 7:614 (illus.), 8:239, 10:71, 10:72n, 10:398
  • and South American republics, 9:702

Columbus, Ferdinand

  • son of C. Columbus, 7:563, 7:563, 7:616
  • writes biography of C. Columbus, 7:611, 7:612, 7:612, 7:613n


  • Rei rusticae, 2:82, 11:164, 11:164

Colvin, John B.

  • and “Camillus” essays, 3:360, 3:360n
  • Historical Letters; originally written for and published in the Virginia Argus, 6:32, 6:32n, 6:58, 6:58–6:59
  • identified, 1:107n
  • Laws of the United States of America, from the 4th of March, 1789, to the 4th of March, 1815, 8:151, 8:152n, 8:179, 12:400
  • letters from, 2:264, 3:78–3:79, 3:359–3:360, 5:282, 6:32, 8:151–8:152
  • letters to, 1:107, 2:290–2:291, 3:99–3:102, 5:303, 6:58–6:59, 8:179
  • political writings attributed to, 2:224, 2:225n, 2:290–2:291
  • on printing in the South, 6:32
  • Review of an Address of the Minority in Congress to their Constituents, 5:282, 5:303
  • sends book to TJ, 6:32
  • sends pamphlet to TJ, 2:264, 2:290–2:291
  • sends TJ review, 5:282
  • and spelling of Indian tribal names, 8:151–8:152, 8:179
  • as State Department clerk, 13:20
  • on Washington politics, 3:359–3:360
  • and J. Wilkinson’s memoir, 3:78–3:79, 3:100–3:101, 3:359–3:360

Comanche Indians, 13:227

Combes-Dounous, Jean Isaac

  • translates Histoire des Guerres Civiles de la République Romaine (Appian), 13:342, 13:359, 13:359n, 13:394, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561

Combrune, Michael

  • The Theory and Practice of Brewing, 1:582, 6:507, 6:533, 6:597


  • curry, 6:343, 6:346, 6:347, 6:347

Combs, Leslie

  • sends books to J. Adams, 11:382, 11:384n

Comenius, Johann Amos. See Komenský (Comenius), Jan Amos

Comet (ship), 15:25n, 15:72, 15:72n, 15:72n

The Comet: Elements of the Orbit of the Comet, now visible (N. Bowditch), 4:195–4:196, 4:196–4:197n, 4:237


  • properties of, 13:553–13:554
  • H. Williamson on, 15:128, 15:128

comforters, 1:64, 1:76, 1:153, 1:286, 1:310

Comines (Commynes, Commines), Philippe de

  • memoirs of, 7:664

Commentaire sur l’Esprit des Lois de Montesquieu (Destutt de Tracy)

  • bound for TJ, 13:476
  • publication of, 14:201–14:202

Commentaria in Sacram Scripturam (Origen; ed. P. D. Huet), 12:447

The Commentaries of C. Julius Cæsar (C. Edmondes), 10:486

Commentaries on the Gallic and Civil Wars (J. Caesar), 7:661, 14:185

Commentaries on the Laws of England (W. Blackstone), 2:420, 3:546, 4:302n, 5:136, 5:136, 5:137n, 7:125, 7:126–7:127, 7:127, 7:148, 7:148, 7:249, 7:628, 9:697, 10:417, 10:428–10:429

Commentarius Perpetuus et Plenus in Orationem M. Tullii Ciceronis pro M. Marcello (B. Weiske), 9:87, 9:88n

Commentary and Review of Montesquieu’s Spirit of Laws (Destutt de Tracy)

  • J. Adams on, 10:587, 11:45
  • bound for TJ, 12:153, 12:439
  • J. C. Cabell on, 8:317
  • T. Cooper on, 5:276, 6:599
  • delivered to Destutt de Tracy, 7:506, 9:485, 9:485, 9:486n
  • Destutt de Tracy on, 4:204, 4:239, 4:240, 7:472–7:473, 9:441–9:442, 9:442, 12:622, 14:114–14:115
  • W. Duane sends to TJ, 4:25, 4:25n, 4:56
  • and P. S. Du Pont de Nemours, 4:436–4:448, 4:457n, 4:607–4:609, 4:611n, 5:51, 5:54, 5:436, 5:612, 6:484, 6:509, 7:4, 7:5n, 7:6–7:7, 7:473, 7:475n, 8:242, 9:484–9:485, 10:290, 10:327
  • epigraphs in, 10:371
  • extracts from, 3:7–3:11, 3:11–3:15, 3:15–3:19, 3:20–3:21, 3:21–3:23, 3:23–3:25
  • Lafayette requests copies of, 9:377, 10:61–10:62, 10:62n, 10:62, 10:66, 10:80, 10:81, 10:154, 10:290
  • manuscript of, sent to TJ, 2:288, 5:436, 6:52, 7:4
  • praised, 13:590
  • praises work of J. B. Say, 7:416, 7:420–7:421n
  • preparation of, 1:260–1:261, 1:262–1:263n, 1:270, 3:xlvi, 3:3–3:4, 3:6–3:7, 3:7–3:11, 3:11–3:15, 3:15–3:19, 3:20–3:21, 3:21–3:23, 3:23–3:25, 3:89, 3:105, 3:184–3:185, 3:189, 3:207, 3:208n, 3:213, 3:310–3:311, 3:311–3:312, 3:329, 3:339, 3:339n, 3:358 (illus.), 3:444, 3:449, 3:452, 3:509, 3:584, 10:64n
  • published in Belgium, 12:248, 12:622
  • published in France, 7:130n
  • reviews of, 5:634–5:635, 5:636n, 6:52, 10:63
  • sent to J. Adams, 10:657, 10:658, 11:31
  • as textbook, 7:4, 9:435–9:436, 10:294
  • TJ forwards to Destutt de Tracy, 4:19, 4:36, 4:36, 4:56, 4:57n, 4:202, 4:325, 6:458
  • TJ on, 3:86–3:87, 3:334–3:339, 5:557, 5:557n, 5:577, 7:3, 7:4, 7:5n, 7:15, 7:16n, 7:129, 7:607, 7:607n, 7:628, 8:182–8:183, 8:236, 8:242, 8:294, 8:294, 9:517, 9:517n, 10:66, 10:459–10:460, 10:550, 10:657, 11:359, 13:336–13:337, 14:108, 14:201–14:202
  • TJ’s preface for, 3:310–3:311, 3:311–3:312, 3:335
  • TJ’s role in publication of, 4:30, 10:289–10:290

Commerce, Report on (Thomas Jefferson), 1:487, 1:487n, 11:65, 11:65n

Del Commercio de’ Romani Dalla prima Guerra Punica (Mengotti), 1:36

Comminges family

  • and Albigensian heresy, 7:65

commode, 6:88, 11:307

Commodus, Lucius Aurelius (Roman emperor)

  • TJ references, 15:272

common law

  • and batture controversy, 2:357, 2:521, 2:522, 2:527, 2:532, 3:117, 5:135–5:136
  • and jurisprudence, 11:369, 11:433
  • and libel prosecutions, 1:276, 1:278
  • and Livingston v. Jefferson, 4:293, 4:296–4:297n, 4:297–4:298, 4:300–4:301
  • and New England lawyers, 3:165
  • in TJ’s legal commonplace book, 7:190–7:191
  • and TJ’s mill, 3:144, 14:540
  • and TJ’s revision of laws, 1:381–1:382, 5:136, 11:432–11:433, 11:434n
  • J. Tyler on, 5:58–5:59, 5:135–5:136

Common Sense (T. Paine), 14:447–14:448

“Common Sense & Co.”

  • criticizes TJ, 13:568–13:569
  • letter from, 13:568–13:569

Commonwealth (Pittsburgh newspaper), 4:372, 4:373n

Comœdiæ (Aristophanes; ed. R. F. P. Brunck), 8:581, 14:240, 14:266, 14:351, 14:510

Compagnie d’Occident

  • and La., 12:156, 12:294

A Comparison of the Institutions of Moses with those of the Hindoos and Other Ancient Nations (J. Priestley), 7:218–7:220, 7:220, 7:221, 7:221n, 10:424, 10:424–10:425, 10:508

compass (magnetic)

  • surveying, 2:152, 4:341, 9:xliii–9:xliv, 9:222, 9:508, 9:509, 9:643, 10:289, 10:324–10:325, 12:337

compass (mathematical tool)

  • beam, 9:225
  • proportional, 9:225

A Compendious View of the Establishment & Operations of Manufactory of Arms (H. Banks), 1:614–1:615

Compendium of Ancient Geography (Anville), 4:311–4:312

A Compendium of the History of All Nations (D. Fraser), 4:305, 4:395

A Compendium of the Law of Evidence (T. Peake), 2:676, 2:677n

The Complaint: or, Night-Thoughts on Life, Death, & Immortality (E. Young), 10:656

A Compleat Body of Husbandry (T. Hale), 1:581, 2:82, 7:626, 11:164

Complément des élémens d’algèbre (Lacroix), 4:79, 4:80n

A Complete Collection of all the Lavvs of Virginia now in force (J. Purvis), 1:404, 1:404n

A Complete Collection of State-Trials and Proceedings for High-Treason, and other Crimes and Misdemeanours (F. Hargrave), 2:455, 2:456n

A Complete Historical, Chronological, and Geographical American Atlas (H. C. Carey), 5:650n

A Complete History of England (W. Kennett), 1:580, 2:51

A Complete System of Astronomy (S. Vince), 7:436, 7:437n

A Complete Treatise on Merinos and Other Sheep (A. H. Tessier), 3:322n

A Complete Treatise on the Mineral Waters of Virginia (J. Rouelle), 5:118, 5:119n

Complot d’Arnold et de Sir Henry Clinton contre les États-Unis d’Amérique et contre le Général Washington. Septembre 1780 (Barbé Marbois), 11:436, 11:438n, 11:503, 11:635, 11:635–11:636n


  • collegiate education in, 7:638, 7:663, 7:685–7:686, 7:686

Compte Rendu, Dans Divers Journaux Français, Des Observations du Mal Grouchy, sur la relation de la campagne de 1815 (E. Grouchy), 15:256, 15:257n

Compton, James

  • recommends G. W. Blaettermann, 14:253n, 14:345

Comyns, Sir John

  • A Digest of the laws of England, 3:546, 13:53

Le Conciliateur (M. A. Jullien), 9:304

Conciones et Orationes ex Historicis Latinis Excerptæ (J. Périon and H. Estienne), 7:458, 7:458n

Conciones et Orationes Ex Historicis Latinis excerptæ, 11:452

Concklin, Mr. (ship captain), 14:62, 14:255, 14:255, 14:495, 14:498

Concluding Address of Mr. Fulton’s Lecture on the Mechanism, Practice and Effects of Torpedoes (R. Fulton), 2:250, 2:251n

Concord, N.H.

  • new statehouse in, 10:556n

Concordantiae Veteris Testamenti graecae, ebræis vocibvs respondentes (K. Kircher), 5:36

Concordia (ship), 4:364n, 4:535

Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de

  • J. Adams on, 7:480, 7:481, 15:410
  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:662, 7:667
  • Essai sur l’origine des connoissances humaines, 5:277n
  • La logique, ou, Les premiers developpemens de l’art de penser, 5:276, 5:277n
  • and philosophy of language, 15:223
  • Traité des sensations, 5:277n

Condit, John

  • letters to, 4:164
  • as U.S. senator, 4:163, 4:164n

Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, marquis de

  • J. Adams on, 5:184, 5:595, 6:228, 6:287, 7:23–7:24, 7:220, 7:477, 7:480, 7:481n, 8:551, 8:552, 10:7, 11:45, 11:527, 11:527n
  • bust of, 15:149, 15:150n, 15:165
  • criticized, 7:587, 10:13
  • death of, 6:293
  • Esquisse d’un Tableau Historique des Progrès de l’Esprit Humain, 10:234
  • friendship with J. de Lespinasse, 14:30
  • Lettres d’un Bourgeois de New-Heaven, 5:595, 5:595–5:596n
  • The Life of M. Turgot, 11:527, 11:527n
  • mentioned, 6:296, 6:624
  • and Montesquieu, 1:261, 1:262–1:263n
  • Outlines of An Historical View of the Progress of the Human Mind, 6:302, 7:627, 8:552, 8:553n
  • on the philosophes, 8:551
  • TJ’s acquaintance with, 9:13, 9:14n, 12:105
  • TJ on, 7:413
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:503
  • Vie de Monsieur Turgot, 11:527, 11:527n

Condorcet, Marie Louise Sophie de Grouchy, marquise de

  • family of, 9:694, 9:696n, 10:253
  • TJ’s acquaintance with, 9:13, 9:14n

Condrieu (wine), 9:513

Condy, Thomas Doughty

  • identified, 11:530n
  • letter from, 11:528–11:530
  • letter to, 11:582
  • An Oration, Delivered, In St. Philip’s Church … On the 5th Day of July, 1819, 14:572, 15:53
  • and Seventy-Six Association, 11:528–11:529, 11:582

The Confession of Faith, of The Reformed Churches in the Netherlands, 10:506

Confessions (J. J. Rousseau), 9:651, 9:652n, 13:397

Le Confiseur Royal (L. B. A. Utrecht), 15:26


  • Havana, 1:505

Confucius (K’ung Ch’iu), 6:298, 7:76, 13:29


  • and Christian primitivism, 13:267n

Congress (ship), 3:568

Congress, U.S. See also Capitol, U.S.; House of Representatives, U.S.; Library of Congress; Senate, U.S.

  • activities of, 3:323–3:325, 11:122–11:123, 11:123n, 15:235, 15:275
  • acts of published, 10:120, 10:120n, 10:618, 12:400
  • Acts passed at a Congress of the United States of America, begun … in the Year 1789, 3:546
  • and Adams-Onís Treaty (1819), 15:254, 15:568, 15:569n
  • adjourns, 2:68, 2:70n, 2:320, 2:325, 2:340, 2:341n, 3:437, 3:437n, 6:207, 6:397, 8:107, 8:129n, 12:438, 12:463, 12:465, 12:480, 12:490, 12:531, 12:590–12:591, 14:110
  • and aliens, 6:43, 6:43n
  • altercation between Alston and Randolph, 3:330
  • annual presidential messages to, 8:252, 12:251, 12:252, 12:252–12:253n, 12:272n
  • anti-British sentiment in, 3:443
  • approves B. H. Latrobe’s capital design, 1:473
  • and assumption of Revolutionary War debts, 12:422–12:424
  • awards land warrants, 2:121, 2:122n
  • and banks, 15:181, 15:236–15:237
  • and batture controversy, 2:357, 2:358n, 2:427–2:428, 2:440n, 2:441n, 2:441n, 2:442n, 2:450n, 2:450n, 2:451n, 2:455, 2:455, 2:494, 2:519, 2:659, 2:660, 2:662, 2:682, 3:31–3:32, 3:68–3:69, 3:109, 3:125, 3:147, 3:176n, 3:203–3:204, 3:244
  • committee on alleged British cruelties, 8:218
  • and compensation for consuls, 9:577
  • compensation for members of, 10:260–10:261, 10:261n, 10:379, 10:380n, 11:122, 11:123n, 11:269, 11:270n, 11:410
  • constitutional amendments proposed in, 6:320, 6:320n
  • and consular appointments, 12:568, 14:86, 14:388–14:389
  • convenes early, 4:78–4:79n
  • and copper mines, 12:454n
  • critics of administration in, 12:609
  • and currency regulation, 4:225–4:226, 4:229n, 6:223–6:224, 6:533n, 7:654–7:655
  • J. David’s Petition and Memorial on American Viticulture, 9:426–9:428
  • debates in, 2:105, 2:142, 2:190, 12:398–12:399, 12:399, 12:400, 12:528
  • and debt to state of Va., 7:670, 7:690–7:691
  • documents presented to, 13:586–13:587
  • W. Duane advises, 8:99
  • duel between members of, 2:53, 2:73
  • and G. Du Jareau, 2:484, 2:485, 2:665n
  • early session called, 1:21n
  • and education, 8:345
  • elections to, 6:80, 6:80n, 6:276, 7:176–7:177, 7:177n, 8:276, 9:42n, 9:185, 9:186n, 10:66–10:67, 10:379, 10:380n, 10:556, 10:556n, 10:611n, 11:410
  • and Embargo Act, 2:533–2:534, 2:537–2:538, 8:532–8:533, 8:533–8:534n
  • O. Evans’s petition to, 7:110–7:113, 7:131, 7:131
  • and federalism, 11:433
  • and foreign affairs, 2:35–2:36, 2:70, 2:70n, 2:105, 2:130–2:131, 2:194, 2:235, 2:325, 2:406, 8:18–8:19, 8:113, 8:113n, 8:133, 13:151
  • foreign-language skills of members of, 8:3, 8:6
  • and R. Fulton’s torpedo, 2:250, 2:251n
  • and Gallatin-Smith feud, 2:146, 2:235
  • hypothetical impeachment of J. Madison, 6:276
  • and incorporation of learned societies, 8:208
  • investigates S. Smith, 1:361, 1:362n, 1:378
  • investigates J. Wilkinson, 3:324, 3:325n, 3:358, 3:428–3:431
  • and A. Jackson’s W. Fla. campaign, 14:28, 14:100
  • and Lafayette’s La. land, 2:8, 2:15, 2:16, 2:17, 2:243
  • W. Lambert’s calculations presented to, 2:54, 2:55n
  • B. H. Latrobe’s drawings of U.S. Capitol, 2:39, 2:40n, 2:106
  • and H. Lee’s medal, 2:104–2:105, 2:106n, 2:125–2:126, 2:224, 2:253
  • loans contracted by, 6:222–6:225, 6:225–6:226n, 6:496, 6:498n, 7:136–7:138, 7:139n, 7:170, 7:189, 7:192, 7:193–7:194, 7:203, 7:211–7:212, 7:216, 7:234, 7:247–7:248, 7:248n, 7:261, 7:283–7:284, 7:284, 7:284n, 7:294, 7:314, 7:316, 7:316, 7:333, 7:334, 7:334, 7:354, 7:363, 7:365–7:366, 7:432n, 7:440–7:441, 7:442–7:443, 7:456–7:457, 7:499, 8:19–8:20, 8:20n
  • and Macon’s Bill No. 1, 2:130, 2:131n, 2:169
  • and Macon’s Bill No. 2, 2:345, 2:346n, 2:418, 2:419n, 3:255, 3:256n, 3:463, 3:464n, 3:600, 7:463, 7:466n
  • J. Madison’s messages to, 2:70, 2:70n, 3:244, 3:244n, 3:260, 4:234, 4:236, 4:237n, 4:541, 4:542, 4:544, 6:131, 6:131n, 6:154, 7:15, 7:16n, 7:21, 7:23n, 7:88, 7:90, 7:694, 8:17, 8:18–8:19, 8:27, 8:223, 8:224, 8:569–8:570, 9:113–9:114, 9:150, 9:151n
  • and manufacturing, 15:384
  • and F. De Masson’s military writings, 8:250
  • members of, 2:106–2:107, 2:124, 2:127, 14:35, 14:144, 15:128
  • Memorial to Congress on Evans’ Patent, 7:106, 7:106n, 7:108, 7:109n, 7:109n, 7:128–7:129, 7:130n, 7:170, 7:173n
  • The Memorial Of Frederick Jenkins, and Rensselaer Havens, in behalf of the owners, officers, and crew of the late private armed brig General Armstrong, 11:25, 11:26n, 11:65
  • The Memorial Of Ship-owners, and others, interested in foreign commerce, convened by public notice at the Tontine Coffee House, in the city of New-York, the 17th January, 1817, 11:25, 11:26n
  • mentioned, 1:224, 2:570, 3:473, 3:474n, 3:502, 6:185, 6:264, 6:268, 6:312, 6:443, 8:33, 8:35, 8:126, 8:128, 8:214, 10:565, 12:320, 12:422, 12:424–12:425, 12:436, 12:467, 12:536, 12:643, 13:84, 14:108, 14:508, 14:544
  • and military preparedness, 2:258
  • and militia bill, 7:652, 7:655n, 7:678
  • and Missouri question, 15:li, 15:497, 15:497–15:498n, 15:530, 15:530–15:531, 15:532–15:533, 15:535n, 15:536n, 15:617
  • J. Monroe’s messages to, 12:496
  • and name for U.S., 14:11
  • and national observatory, 15:320
  • and naval expansion, 6:170n, 6:444, 6:444n
  • negative opinions of, 2:387, 2:430, 3:27–3:28, 6:74
  • and Non-Intercourse Act, 1:21n, 1:314, 2:69, 6:556
  • opens, 2:58, 2:59n, 8:51, 8:259, 8:338, 8:340n, 12:496, 15:154
  • and Orleans Territory act, 3:328, 3:328n
  • and paintings for U.S. Capitol, 10:615–10:616, 10:616n, 10:654, 11:145, 11:166, 11:167n
  • and patents, 10:279
  • and petition against O. Evans’s patent, 7:386, 7:386n
  • petitions to, 2:88n, 2:158–2:159n, 2:484, 2:665n, 6:179, 8:494–8:495, 9:424, 9:426–9:427, 9:474–9:476, 9:477n, 9:477, 9:507–9:510, 9:510n, 9:515, 9:577, 9:606–9:607, 9:610, 9:611n, 10:4, 10:635, 10:653, 10:653n, 10:670, 10:677, 10:678n, 11:25, 11:26n, 11:60, 11:279n, 11:279n, 11:609n, 12:19, 12:21n, 12:300n, 12:355, 12:355n, 12:400, 12:565n, 13:140, 13:141n, 13:504–13:505, 13:505–13:506n, 13:593, 13:593n, 13:614, 15:50–15:51, 15:51n, 15:277, 15:382–15:383
  • power of state legislatures to instruct members of, 4:128–4:130
  • and preparations for war, 4:568, 5:582n
  • and prime meridian, 2:337–2:338n, 2:398–2:399
  • proposed offer of Philadelphia Museum to, 12:368, 13:540
  • and publication of journals of Constitutional Convention, 15:409, 15:409n
  • publication of proceedings of, 12:398, 12:398–12:400
  • and public works, 2:213–2:214, 2:244, 2:246n, 2:589, 2:613–2:614, 12:252
  • quorum reached in, 2:35
  • and reconstruction of U.S. Capitol and President’s House, 8:592, 8:596n, 12:466, 12:466n
  • on removal of capital from Washington, 8:592, 8:596n
  • and renewal of bank charter, 3:259, 3:274–3:275, 3:317, 3:331, 3:386, 3:388, 6:581, 6:594, 8:556–8:557
  • Report of the Committee Appointed to Inquire into the Conduct of General Wilkinson, 3:428–3:431
  • reports to, 13:235, 13:236n
  • resolution on common-law prosecutions, 1:276, 1:278
  • and Revolutionary War compensation claims, 14:108, 14:110–14:111, 14:198–14:199
  • T. B. Robertson as member of, 14:583
  • and salaries of federal clerks, 8:115–8:116, 8:117
  • and Second Bank of U.S., 9:354, 9:354–9:355n
  • secret journals of, 15:615
  • W. Short on membership of, 9:695–9:696
  • and slavery, 7:704n, 11:61, 11:61n, 15:177–15:178, 15:238, 15:513–15:514, 15:531, 15:535n
  • and standing army, 3:94, 3:95–3:96, 7:678, 8:66, 8:105, 8:108, 8:259
  • support for J. Madison’s administration in, 6:131
  • and tariffs, 13:438–13:439, 13:439n, 13:489–13:490, 14:328–14:329, 15:29
  • and tax on distilled spirits, 3:82n
  • temporary home of, 8:445n
  • TJ on, 4:509, 8:254, 8:532–8:533, 15:184, 15:550
  • TJ’s batture pamphlet sent to, 4:521–4:522, 4:565, 4:575, 4:581, 4:582, 5:219, 5:219
  • TJ sends works to members of, 13:476
  • TJ’s messages to, 8:7n, 8:156, 8:156–8:157n, 8:252
  • toasts honoring, 1:615+
  • transfers office to New Orleans, 2:356
  • and J. Trumbull’s historical paintings, 13:329
  • 12th Congress, 3:441–3:442
  • and U.S. Military Academy, 15:467, 15:468n
  • and vessel for R. Fulton’s underwater cannon, 6:272
  • wartime taxes passed by, 6:311, 6:311, 6:311, 6:313n, 6:601–6:602, 6:602, 8:32, 8:33n, 8:105, 8:154, 8:155n, 8:255, 8:256n, 8:257, 8:329n

Conjectures sur les Memoires Originaux Dont il paroit que Moyse s’est servi pour composer le Livre de la Genese (J. Astruc), 10:504, 10:506–10:507n

Connaissance des Temps: ou, des Mouvements célestes à l’usage des astronomes et des navigateurs, 1:35, 4:244, 4:244, 4:244n, 9:690, 10:580, 10:642, 11:13


  • Antient Plymouth Society, 1:58, 1:59, 1:102
  • banks in, 12:179
  • blue laws of, 7:148
  • and canals, 2:674
  • Connecticut Society for the Encouragement of American Manufactures, 11:169, 11:169–11:170n, 11:215
  • deference to certain families in, 6:564
  • education in, 12:513
  • elections in, 11:269–11:270, 11:270n, 11:312, 12:37
  • and embargo, 3:638–3:639
  • Federalists in, 1:39, 1:162, 10:65, 12:37, 12:468
  • governor of, 8:444n, 11:270n, 11:354, 11:355n
  • Hartford, spotted fever at, 1:95n
  • and Hartford Convention, 8:111n, 8:163, 8:164n
  • legislature of, 8:164n, 11:354, 12:37, 14:648n
  • libel prosecutions in, 1:276–1:278, 1:278n, 1:349–1:350, 2:179, 2:179–2:180n, 7:206, 7:236–7:237, 7:238
  • meteor falls on, 2:406
  • New London Bee, 3:185n, 3:227
  • politics in, 14:421
  • Republicans in, 12:37, 12:609
  • Republicans of, address TJ, 1:95
  • TJ addresses Republicans of, 1:126–1:127
  • TJ on, 2:301, 8:110

Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences

  • Memoirs, 14:185

Connecticut Asylum for the Education and Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons, 9:656n

Conner, Dudley, 3:120–3:121, 3:122n

Conner, Samuel Shepard

  • U.S. representative from Mass., 9:42n

The Connoisseur, 7:665

Conolly, J.

  • and T. Cooper’s finances, 15:301

Conrad, Andrew, 1:412, 1:412n

Conrad, C. & A., & Company (Philadelphia firm). See C. & A. Conrad & Company (Philadelphia firm)

Conrad, Cornelius, 1:412, 1:412n

Conrad, John, 1:412n, 1:412n, 1:669n, 6:599, 10:260

Conrad, Michael, 1:412n

Conrad, Solomon White

  • and Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture, 10:527
  • as publisher, 1:256n

Conring, Hermann

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502

Conroux, Nicolas François

  • yellow fever among troops of, 10:135–10:136

Considerations on the Executive Government of the United States of America (Woodward), 1:164–1:165, 1:236, 1:253–1:254

Considerations on the Great Western Canal, from the Hudson to Lake Erie: with a view of its Expence, Advantages, and Progress (C. G. Haines), 13:245, 13:245n, 13:312–13:313

Considerations on the Necessity of Establishing an Agricultural College (S. DeWitt), 13:574, 13:574n, 13:597

Considérations sur les principaux événemens de La Révolution Françoise (Staël Holstein), 11:116–11:117, 11:118n, 13:397, 13:397n, 13:476, 13:488, 13:511, 14:637

Consolationis Philosophiæ Libri V. Anglo-Saxonice Redditi ab Alfredo (A. M. S. Boethius), 8:236

Conspiracy of Catiline (Sallust), 14:257

Constant de Rebecque, Henri Benjamin

  • De La Liberté des Brochures, des Pamphlets et des Journaux, 11:601n
  • as electoral candidate, 12:39
  • as purported author of Manuscrit venu de St. Hélène, d’une manière inconnue (J. F. Lullin de Châteauvieux), 12:92n
  • works of, 12:39, 12:46, 12:452n, 13:55

Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, Byzantine emperor, 2:82


  • intellectuals flee, 14:277

Constantius II, Roman emperor

  • religious beliefs of, 11:424n, 11:425n

Constellation, USS (frigate), 6:20, 11:509, 11:534n, 11:662

Constitution (steamboat), 13:254

Constitution, U.S.

  • apportionment of taxes under, 6:311, 6:312, 10:368
  • and batture controversy, 2:436
  • and biblical book of Revelation, 15:582
  • Bill of Rights, 6:232, 8:315n, 8:343, 12:420–12:421
  • and bills of credit, 7:690, 7:691n
  • breach of, 13:150, 14:23, 14:24
  • cited in Livingston v. Jefferson, 4:293, 4:301, 4:302–4:303n
  • citizenship under, 8:526, 8:528n, 9:259, 9:261n, 15:18, 15:19n
  • civil servants’ duty to defend, 14:182
  • contractual obligations protected by, 8:524–8:525, 8:527n
  • and court jurisdiction, 9:46n, 9:73
  • Destutt de Tracy on, 4:204–4:205
  • and ex post facto legislation, 6:379, 6:385n
  • and federalism, 11:123n, 11:369, 11:410–11:411, 11:415, 13:7n, 15:16–15:18, 15:19n
  • A. Hamilton’s plan for, 2:147n, 2:252, 2:542, 2:542n, 2:568, 2:578, 12:420
  • P. Henry’s opposition to, 4:604
  • impact of taxation on, 2:163, 2:569
  • Journal, Acts and Proceedings, of the Convention, assembled at Philadelphia … 1787, which formed the Constitution of the United States, 15:409, 15:409n
  • judicial review under, 8:525–8:526
  • and judicial tenure, 10:419n
  • and W. Lambert’s ode, 2:401
  • mentioned, 2:429, 2:505, 6:89n, 6:518–6:519, 6:535, 7:173n, 7:466, 7:467, 7:476, 8:24, 8:117, 8:163, 8:164n, 9:375, 9:441n, 10:418, 10:418, 10:594, 12:400, 12:418, 14:282, 14:285
  • and national defense, 8:46
  • T. H. Palmer’s publication on, 5:649–5:650
  • and patents, 10:279, 10:280n
  • proposed amendments to, 6:320, 6:320n, 6:626, 8:134n, 10:608, 10:608, 10:611n, 12:252, 12:252–12:253n
  • and religion, 9:255
  • and residency requirements for congressmen, 7:144–7:145, 7:176–7:177, 7:177n
  • role of department heads under, 2:236, 2:237n, 2:272–2:273
  • C. A. Ruelle on, 3:56–3:57
  • 1787 Constitutional Convention, 8:657–8:658, 8:659n, 8:683, 12:420–12:421, 14:145–14:146n, 14:581n
  • representation of slaves under, 10:368, 10:369n
  • and slavery, 15:178, 15:532
  • and state militias, 6:209, 6:599n, 8:442–8:443, 8:443–8:444n
  • taxation of exports under, 8:608
  • and term limits, 6:432, 9:695–9:696, 9:696n, 14:145–14:146n
  • threats to, 6:340n, 11:177n, 12:418, 12:424–12:425, 12:427
  • TJ on, 2:92, 2:153, 2:253, 2:272, 2:273, 2:505, 3:305, 4:570, 6:232, 6:567, 8:524–8:528, 8:608, 9:73, 10:368, 13:50, 13:143, 15:16–15:18
  • and treaty powers, 6:433n, 9:548–9:550, 9:550–9:552n, 10:519n
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:505, 5:459
  • and Va. Ratification Convention, 11:503
  • J. B. White on, 8:315n

Constitution, USS (frigate), 4:34, 4:35n, 4:325, 4:350, 4:358–4:359, 4:528, 4:529, 4:539, 4:540n, 4:547, 5:69, 7:465, 7:467n

Constitutional Republicanism (B. Austin), 9:249, 9:250n

Constitution de L’Angleterre (J. L. de Lolme), 7:628

Constitution de la République Beninienne (C. A. Ruelle), 1:219, 1:220n, 3:57–3:58, 3:59n, 9:149, 9:149n, 9:150

Constitution for Proposed Agricultural Society of Albemarle (Thomas Jefferson), 3:347–3:352

Constitution for The State of Maine: formed in Convention, at Portland, 29th of October, A. D. 1819, … And recommended to the People for their adoption in town meetings, on the Sixth of December, 15:174, 15:174n, 15:226, 15:226n

Constitution of the Bible Society of Virginia, 6:608n

The Constitution of the Society of Artists of the United States, Established at Philadelphia, May, 1810, 2:437, 2:438n, 4:356

Constitution of the Spanish Monarchy. Promulgated at Cadiz on the 19th of March, 1812, 7:291, 7:292n, 9:702n

Constitution or Form of Government of the State of Louisiana, 4:648, 4:649n

The Constitutions of the United States (W. Duane), 5:649, 5:650n

Consulatus suus (Cicero), 9:306

La Contagion Sacrée, ou Histoire Naturelle de la Superstition (Holbach), 15:26

Continental Congress, U.S.

  • addresses to British people and Crown, 4:600–4:602, 6:440, 6:612, 6:612–6:613, 6:614n, 10:421
  • compared to the Council of Nicaea, 8:683
  • and committees of correspondence, 9:368
  • and Convention Army, 8:359, 8:359–8:360n
  • and Declaration of Independence, 11:202, 12:282–12:283, 12:309, 12:557, 13:20, 13:21–13:22n, 13:463–13:464, 14:225–14:226, 14:290–14:292, 14:293, 14:374–14:376, 14:447–14:448, 14:463–14:464, 14:524
  • depicted in J. Trumbull’s Declaration of Independence, 13:liii, 13:liii, 13:328–13:330, 13:331–13:333, 13:333n, 13:400 (illus.), 13:577–13:578, 13:578–13:579n, 14:375, 14:377–14:378n, 14:464
  • and friendship of J. Adams and TJ, 4:486, 13:27, 13:28
  • and P. Henry, 4:600–4:602, 6:612, 6:612, 8:620, 8:643–8:644, 10:421, 10:422, 10:423n, 10:488
  • journal of, 6:183, 13:21n, 15:73
  • and martial law, 10:422–10:423, 10:423n
  • and Mecklenburg Co., N.C., “Declaration of Independence,” 14:449–14:450, 14:450n, 14:524, 14:546, 14:563
  • and medals for Revolutionary War service, 15:277, 15:277, 15:292
  • and meeting with R. Howe, 8:20n
  • mentioned, 8:231, 12:574
  • military appointments by, 13:114, 13:115, 13:115, 15:189
  • and nonimportation, 13:462
  • president of, 10:269–10:270
  • reputation for truthfulness of, 6:207
  • resolution on public lands, 3:72, 3:73n
  • speeches given in, 8:620, 8:625–8:626, 8:643–8:644, 8:657, 10:646–10:647, 14:49, 14:137–14:138, 14:156, 14:293
  • TJ as member of, 12:146, 12:146n, 12:419, 12:429, 13:619, 14:447, 14:524, 14:563, 15:73, 15:73n, 15:144
  • TJ’s gubernatorial correspondence with, 4:468
  • TJ’s Notes of Proceedings in the Continental Congress, 8:657, 8:659n
  • and U.S. Navy, 6:183, 6:184n
  • and Va. land warrants, 4:134–4:135, 4:176, 4:566–4:567, 4:568–4:569n, 4:585
  • G. Washington’s correspondence with, 14:193, 14:265, 14:286

The Continuation of Mr. Rapin’s History of England (N. Tindal), 8:581, 9:109

Continuation of the Complete History of England (T. G. Smollett), 15:569, 15:572n

Convention Army

  • in Albemarle County, 8:359, 8:359–8:360n

A Convention To regulate the Commerce between the Territories of The United States and of His Britannick Majesty (1815), 8:655n

Conversations on Chemistry: in which the elements of that science are familiarly explained (J. H. Marcet), 1:36, 1:37, 1:581, 7:626

Conversations on the Science of the Human Mind (E. S. Ely), 14:432–14:433, 14:470–14:471

Convolvulus batatas L. (Ipomoea batatas var. batatas). See sweet potatoes

Cook, Capt.

  • carries package, 8:640

Cook, Amos Jones

  • identified, 9:266n
  • letter from, 9:264–9:267
  • letter to, 9:374–9:375
  • as preceptor of Fryeburg Academy, 9:264–9:266
  • seeks handwriting samples, 9:264–9:266, 9:374–9:375

Cook, J.

  • clips TJ’s signature, 8:143n

Cook, James

  • biography of, 12:438, 12:480
  • J. Ledyard (1751–89) accompanies, 6:420, 12:188
  • and preventing scurvy, 5:550, 5:552n
  • A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, 1:445, 1:446, 1:449n

Cook, John

  • and American Magazine, 8:470n, 8:471n
  • and W. Frend’s Evening Amusements, 12:653–12:654, 13:59
  • identified, 12:653–12:654n
  • letter from, 12:653–12:654
  • letter to, 13:59

Cook, Orchard, 1:25

Cook, William

  • and B. Fry’s Revolutionary War pension, 7:280, 7:356, 7:356n
  • identified, 7:280n
  • letters from, 7:280–7:281
  • letters to, 7:356

Cooley, Ariel

  • and Schuylkill Navigation Company, 15:493, 15:494n

Cooley, Jabez, 6:428, 6:428n

Cooley, Lucy Calkins

  • asks TJ to forward letter, 6:428
  • identified, 6:428n
  • letters from, 6:428

Coolidge, Ellen Wayles Randolph (TJ’s granddaughter)

  • books critiqued by, 3:633, 11:627n, 12:635
  • buys books, 9:275n, 12:439
  • on P. Cardelli’s busts of TJ, 14:liii
  • W. J. Coffee’s terra-cotta bust of, 12:lii, 12:626n
  • on B. Colbert’s illness, 14:565–14:567
  • and C. Colbert’s death, 14:567n
  • delivers books and manuscripts, 9:318, 9:531, 10:125
  • delivers message, 11:669
  • described, 1:387, 9:592, 10:160
  • education of, 10:516, 11:625, 11:626–11:627, 11:631–11:632n, 11:670, 14:633n
  • friends of, 11:181, 15:48n
  • gold watch for, 6:118, 6:258, 6:338–6:339, 6:339n, 6:467–6:468, 6:561, 6:569, 6:569n
  • greetings sent to, 9:434, 11:289, 12:8, 13:119
  • health of, 8:390, 8:391n, 9:592, 10:301, 11:625, 11:625, 11:629
  • as hostess at Monticello, 10:420n, 10:607, 10:610
  • identified, 6:646–6:647n
  • letters from, 9:578–9:579
  • letters from, to M. J. Randolph, 10:516–10:517, 11:625–11:626, 11:626–11:628, 12:634–12:635, 14:565–14:567, 14:631–14:634
  • letters to, 6:646–6:647, 9:553–9:554
  • and letter writing, 1:245, 10:491, 10:518
  • as linguist, 7:178, 7:226, 9:608
  • and J. Lomax, 6:464n
  • mentioned, 6:347, 8:235, 8:237n, 8:239
  • on W. C. Nicholas’s debts, 14:631–14:632
  • plans to visit T. J. Randolph and J. H. N. Randolph, 8:390–8:391
  • plans visit to Montpellier (Madison family estate), 10:288, 15:152, 15:152–15:153n
  • and Poplar Forest neighbors, 14:632–14:633
  • praised, 10:583, 10:655–10:656
  • purchases fabric for TJ, 7:349
  • requests money from mother, 10:516
  • sends greetings to relatives, 11:624n
  • and M. B. Smith’s visit, 1:389, 1:390, 1:391
  • as teacher, 9:147, 9:608
  • TJ gives money to, 8:491n, 9:553, 9:553–9:554, 9:578, 9:579n, 9:587, 10:93, 11:523, 14:244, 14:275n, 14:287, 14:296, 14:318
  • TJ on, 2:103, 10:10
  • as TJ’s amanuensis, 15:133n, 15:237n, 15:491, 15:493n, 15:538, 15:562
  • and TJ’s clocks, 10:420n
  • TJ seeks information from, 6:646, 9:554, 9:578–9:579
  • TJ sends greetings to, 6:107
  • and TJ’s pocketknife, 12:li
  • and TJ’s wine, 10:420n
  • travels of, 7:349n, 9:318, 9:318n, 9:412–9:413n, 9:531, 9:553, 9:554, 9:554n, 9:578–9:579, 9:579n, 9:587, 9:666, 9:693–9:694, 9:711, 10:10, 10:40, 10:72, 10:72n, 10:93, 10:160, 10:262–10:263, 10:656, 11:xlv, 11:631n
  • and E. Trist, 10:215n, 10:450
  • visits Natural Bridge, 11:xlvii–11:xlviii, 11:596, 11:617, 11:618n, 11:621–11:622, 11:622–11:624, 11:625, 11:628–11:630, 11:631, 11:641
  • visits Poplar Forest, 10:183, 10:184n, 10:491, 10:492n, 10:516–10:517, 10:517, 10:546, 10:554, 10:555n, 10:570, 10:570n, 10:570–10:571, 11:626, 11:626–11:627, 11:628, 11:641, 11:669–11:670, 12:634–12:635, 14:430–14:431n, 14:532, 14:532n, 14:542, 14:549–14:550, 14:565–14:567, 14:597n, 14:631–14:633, 15:lii, 15:230
  • works sent to, 10:528, 13:36

Coolidge, Joseph

  • and TJ’s pocketknife, 12:li

Coolidge, William

  • identified, 3:289n
  • letters from, 3:288–3:289
  • letters to, 3:326–3:327
  • and madder cultivation, 3:288–3:289, 3:326–3:327

Cooney, James

  • sells horse to TJ, 9:254, 9:255n

Cooper, Elizabeth Pratt Hemming (Thomas Cooper’s wife)

  • mentioned, 12:33, 12:199, 12:200, 14:231
  • proposed relocation of, 15:151, 15:238, 15:386–15:387, 15:456, 15:458, 15:478
  • proposed visit of, 13:252, 13:280, 13:287
  • and seal for University of Virginia, 15:518–15:519

Cooper, Joseph

  • farmer, 4:138
  • wine made by, 2:220, 2:339

Cooper, Richard

  • and copper mines, 12:454n

Cooper, Samuel

  • The first lines of the practice of surgery, 1:35

Cooper, Samuel, Rev.

  • minister of Brattle Street Church, 8:49, 8:50n

Cooper, Thomas

  • academic career of, 6:598–6:599, 6:599n, 7:128, 8:609, 12:25–12:28, 12:28, 12:28, 12:32–12:33, 12:44–12:45, 12:134, 12:135–12:136, 12:180, 12:195–12:196, 12:199–12:200, 12:200, 12:227–12:228, 12:237–12:238, 12:305, 12:389, 12:434, 12:435–12:436, 12:490, 12:490, 12:647, 12:648, 13:45, 13:45, 13:102, 13:226, 13:233, 13:249, 13:252–13:253, 13:255, 13:270, 13:284, 13:298, 13:537, 14:80, 14:125, 15:29, 15:151–15:152, 15:307–15:308, 15:341, 15:436
  • J. Adams on, 6:318, 6:318, 6:318
  • alcohol abuse of rumored, 14:81, 14:84, 14:121, 14:158, 14:160, 14:322–14:323, 14:324n
  • and American Philosophical Society, 13:249, 13:249–13:250n
  • and Analectic Magazine, 13:127, 13:143–13:144, 13:602–13:603, 13:603n, 14:446, 15:29, 15:29n
  • The Bankrupt Law of America compared with The Bankrupt Law of England, 11:369, 11:370n
  • and bankruptcy commissioner application, 15:123, 15:125n, 15:151, 15:155, 15:208
  • and botanist for University of Virginia, 14:445, 14:529, 14:568
  • and builders for University of Virginia, 13:546, 13:595, 14:5, 14:91, 14:125, 14:214, 14:218, 14:230, 14:237–14:238, 14:238, 14:241, 14:304, 14:304n, 14:529, 14:568
  • J. C. Cabell on, 14:55
  • on capitalism, 7:559–7:560
  • and Central College, 11:566, 12:4–12:5, 12:5, 12:19, 12:28, 12:32–12:33, 12:40, 12:45, 12:74, 12:76, 12:76, 12:79–12:80, 12:83–12:85, 12:101, 12:134–12:135, 12:136, 12:152, 12:180, 12:187, 12:193, 12:195–12:196, 12:199–12:200, 12:200–12:201, 12:227, 12:228n, 12:237, 12:238, 12:239–12:240, 12:263, 12:286, 12:297, 12:298, 12:305, 12:306–12:307, 12:315, 12:325, 12:332–12:333, 12:345, 12:434, 12:435–12:436, 12:437, 12:454, 12:490, 12:490, 12:529, 12:610, 12:610, 12:647, 12:648, 12:655, 13:36, 13:45, 13:56, 13:233, 13:252, 13:284, 13:298–13:299, 13:300–13:301, 13:305–13:306, 14:55, 14:79–14:80, 14:92, 14:105–14:106, 14:178, 14:198, 14:384
  • compares British and American society, 7:557–7:560, 7:650–7:653, 7:678
  • and Conrad & Co., 2:376
  • conveys letters, 15:483
  • and J. Corrêa da Serra, 15:566
  • on Destutt de Tracy’s publication, 6:599, 12:28, 13:602–13:603, 13:603n
  • A Discourse on the Connexion between Chemistry and Medicine, 13:546, 13:546n
  • on domestic manufacturing, 7:558–7:559, 14:446, 15:29, 15:29n
  • on education
  • and Emporium of Arts & Sciences, 4:663n, 6:559, 6:559, 6:599, 7:128, 7:258, 7:259n, 7:386, 7:386n, 7:406, 7:607, 7:679, 8:13, 8:160, 8:161n, 8:249, 12:156, 13:449
  • on European monarchies, 7:385
  • on European politics, 7:557
  • and O. Evans’s patent claim, 7:386
  • family of, 12:33, 12:490, 14:126, 14:126–14:127, 14:517, 14:520, 15:435
  • and fire at Monticello, 14:244
  • Geology Syllabus, 13:102, 13:102–13:105
  • health of, 12:196, 13:45, 14:81, 14:84, 14:206, 14:218–14:219, 14:219, 14:229, 14:231, 14:238, 14:243
  • and J. Horwitz’s application for professorship, 13:569, 13:571n
  • and hydrostatic engine, 7:232, 7:233n
  • identified, 2:377n
  • The Institutes of Justinian. With Notes, 5:275–5:276, 5:277n, 5:588, 6:598, 7:125, 8:472, 8:672, 11:369, 11:369, 11:370n, 11:433–11:434
  • on intolerance, 7:257, 7:258
  • The Introductory lecture of Thomas Cooper, Esq., professor of chemistry at Carlisle College, Pennsylvania, 5:223, 6:598, 7:124–7:125, 7:130n
  • Introductory Lecture, on Chemistry, Delivered at the College of South-Carolina, in Columbia, January, 1820, 15:553, 15:554n
  • “Introductory Lecture on Mineralogy,” 12:240, 12:240n
  • invited to visit Monticello, 12:5, 12:28, 12:40, 12:44, 12:85, 12:490, 12:610, 12:610, 12:614, 12:625, 12:648
  • and W. Janes’s patent, 8:160, 8:161n, 8:249
  • on La. boundary question, 9:478, 9:480n, 9:518
  • legal compilation proposed by, 7:257–7:258
  • letters from, 2:375–2:377, 3:79, 5:275–5:277, 6:598–6:599, 7:257–7:259, 7:385–7:386, 7:557–7:561, 7:657, 7:657–7:666, 7:678–7:679, 7:684–7:689, 12:25–12:28, 12:28–12:29, 12:32–12:34, 12:44–12:45, 12:134–12:136, 12:180, 12:195–12:196, 12:237–12:239, 12:239–12:240, 12:389–12:390, 12:490–12:491, 12:647–12:648, 13:102, 13:249–13:250, 13:252–13:253, 13:255, 13:269–13:270, 13:270–13:271, 13:287, 13:298–13:299, 13:305–13:307, 13:546, 14:5–14:6, 14:125–14:128, 14:218–14:220, 14:229–14:230, 14:237–14:238, 14:243–14:244, 14:444–14:446, 14:568, 15:29, 15:122–15:125, 15:151–15:152, 15:155–15:156, 15:238, 15:290–15:291, 15:301, 15:386–15:387, 15:435–15:437, 15:478, 15:553–15:554, 15:565–15:566
  • letters from accounted for, 13:301n, 15:489n
  • letters to, 2:667–2:669, 5:223–5:224, 7:124–7:131, 7:190–7:191, 7:606–7:607, 7:649–7:655, 8:12–8:13, 12:3–12:5, 12:40, 12:83–12:86, 12:199–12:200, 12:332–12:333, 12:434, 12:610, 12:620, 13:232–13:233, 13:279–13:280, 13:300–13:301, 13:595, 14:90–14:91, 14:191–14:192, 14:214, 14:528–14:529, 15:131–15:133, 15:224–15:225, 15:456–15:457, 15:466–15:467, 15:474–15:475, 15:483, 15:515–15:517
  • library and scientific apparatus of, 12:25, 12:26, 12:33, 12:79–12:80, 12:83, 12:84, 12:135–12:136, 13:300, 13:301, 14:126, 14:127, 14:127, 14:178, 14:178, 15:83, 15:517, 15:603
  • litigation of, 13:252–13:253, 13:253n, 14:5, 15:238, 15:238n
  • on medical education, 13:269, 13:270, 13:280, 15:122–15:123, 15:124n
  • mentioned, 12:74n, 14:550, 15:546
  • and mineralogy, 2:375–2:376, 2:489, 2:550, 2:551–2:552, 2:667–2:668, 3:79, 12:25–12:26, 12:27, 12:44, 12:79–12:80, 12:83, 12:135–12:136, 12:238, 12:240, 12:648, 13:45, 13:102–13:104, 14:127, 14:442, 14:445, 14:517, 14:520, 14:568, 14:568–14:570, 15:151
  • and Missouri question, 15:566
  • Notes on University Curricula, 7:666–7:668
  • The Opinion of Judge Cooper, on the Effect of a Sentence of a Foreign Court of Admiralty, 2:376, 2:377n, 2:480, 2:489, 2:491, 2:668
  • and paper currency, 14:445, 14:529
  • and patent law, 7:258, 7:259n, 7:386
  • C. W. Peale’s portrait of, 12:xlix, 12:348 (illus.)
  • Political Arithmetic, 6:583
  • A Practical Treatise on Dyeing, and Callicoe Printing, 2:377n
  • and J. Priestley’s library and philosophical apparatus, 6:598, 7:128
  • and J. Priestley’s memoirs, 15:140, 15:436–15:437n, 15:553
  • professor at South Carolina College, 15:291, 15:307, 15:321–15:322, 15:341, 15:386, 15:387, 15:442, 15:516, 15:553, 15:565–15:566, 15:603
  • proposed editorships for, 14:219, 14:445
  • and proposed national museum, 13:249
  • proposed visit of, 13:233, 13:252–13:253, 13:270, 13:279–13:280, 13:284, 13:287
  • and rabies, 14:443n
  • religious beliefs of, 11:367, 12:647
  • religious beliefs of criticized, 15:140, 15:435–15:436, 15:436–15:437n, 15:466–15:467, 15:515–15:516, 15:517, 15:525–15:526, 15:553, 15:566, 15:603–15:604
  • on religious education, 7:663, 7:688, 7:714–7:715, 7:715, 7:716n, 8:12, 12:647
  • and seal for University of Virginia, 14:192, 14:219, 14:229–14:230, 14:444–14:445, 14:528–14:529, 14:568, 14:606, 15:29, 15:122, 15:144, 15:290, 15:301, 15:518–15:519
  • sends greetings to T. M. Randolph, 13:546
  • sends TJ thoughts on education, 7:657, 7:657–7:666, 7:678, 7:684–7:688, 12:647–12:648
  • on sensation in vegetables, 5:276, 5:277n, 7:560, 7:560–7:561n
  • on J. A. Smith, 12:490
  • and G. E. Stack, 14:5–14:6, 14:90, 14:192, 14:210, 14:219, 14:223, 14:229, 14:267, 14:280, 14:294, 15:243, 15:488, 15:489, 15:490
  • on state militias, 6:599
  • and stoves for University of Virginia, 14:91, 14:128, 14:214, 14:218–14:219, 14:229, 14:243–14:244, 14:319–14:320, 14:444, 15:96, 15:100
  • TJ introduces W. J. Coffee to, 15:474–15:475
  • TJ on, 2:489, 2:491, 8:646, 14:80–14:81, 14:267
  • and TJ’s batture pamphlet, 5:275, 6:627, 7:242, 7:242n
  • and TJ’s health, 13:486
  • and TJ’s legal commonplace book, 7:190–7:191
  • Tracts Ethical, Theological and Political, 7:386, 7:386n, 15:553, 15:553n
  • and university curriculum, 7:606, 7:649, 7:657–7:666, 7:666–7:668, 7:678, 7:684–7:688, 7:716, 8:12–8:13, 8:183, 8:447, 8:449n, 12:3–12:4, 12:33, 12:620
  • University of Virginia professorship proposed for, 13:233, 13:252, 13:534, 13:535n, 13:595, 14:5, 14:5–14:6, 14:46, 14:56, 14:79–14:81, 14:84, 14:90, 14:99, 14:105–14:106, 14:109, 14:121, 14:121, 14:125–14:128, 14:159–14:160, 14:178, 14:191, 14:198, 14:199, 14:219, 14:231, 14:322–14:323, 14:323–14:324, 14:517, 14:520, 14:618, 15:29, 15:79–15:80, 15:81, 15:83, 15:108, 15:122, 15:123, 15:123, 15:131–15:133, 15:140, 15:149–15:150, 15:151–15:152, 15:155–15:156, 15:179, 15:205, 15:208, 15:224, 15:238, 15:251, 15:262, 15:291, 15:301, 15:302–15:303, 15:307, 15:321–15:322, 15:341, 15:345, 15:346n, 15:386–15:387, 15:398–15:399, 15:435–15:436, 15:436–15:437n, 15:442, 15:443, 15:456, 15:458, 15:464, 15:466–15:467, 15:475, 15:478, 15:479, 15:509, 15:515–15:516, 15:516, 15:517, 15:519, 15:525–15:526, 15:529, 15:539–15:540, 15:553, 15:555, 15:556n, 15:566, 15:603–15:604
  • visits Monticello, 13:308, 13:395, 13:571n, 14:80, 14:81, 14:84, 14:126, 15:490
  • writes on education for Port Folio, 7:657, 7:657–7:666, 8:12, 8:447, 8:449n

Cooper, William

  • Drawing of a Floating Battery, 6:642 (illus.)
  • floating battery of, 6:637–6:641, 6:642
  • identified, 6:641n
  • letters from, 6:637–6:642

Cooper, William, Rev.

  • minister of Brattle Street Church, 8:49, 8:50n

Coote, Charles

  • The History of Modern Europe, 3:296–3:297, 8:152

Copaiba brasiliensis. See balsam copaiba trees

Copeland, Charles, 1:288

Copeland, David

  • and Gilliam v. Fleming, 1:304, 1:330, 1:331, 1:362
  • letters from accounted for, 1:305n
  • letters to, 1:304–1:305, 1:362

Copeland, Susan Skelton (David Copeland’s wife), 1:304, 3:85, 3:86n


  • British attack on, 1:442, 1:442n, 1:559, 2:275, 6:623, 7:653, 7:681, 7:709, 8:214


  • as building material, 15:60
  • engraving on, 7:559
  • from Latin America, 12:411
  • manufacture of, 2:376, 12:411
  • mines, 12:411, 12:453–12:454, 12:454n
  • for naval ordnance, 12:453–12:454
  • in N.Y., 8:209n
  • plates and cylinders, 7:559
  • F. A. Van der Kemp’s work about, 4:614

copper utensils

  • tinning of, 1:467, 1:467, 3:183, 3:200

Coppinger, Joseph

  • The American Practical Brewer and Tanner, 6:510, 6:511n, 6:533, 6:597, 6:647, 7:259, 7:285, 7:292, 8:410–8:411, 8:412n, 8:439, 9:29, 9:30n, 9:50n
  • Catholic Doctrines and Catholic Principles Explained, 8:411n, 12:5–12:6, 12:6n
  • citizenship of, 8:409–8:410, 8:412n
  • identified, 8:411–8:412n
  • letters from, 8:409–8:412, 9:29–9:30, 12:5–12:6
  • letter to, 8:438–8:439
  • Plan for a Brewing Company, 8:412–8:413
  • proposed national brewery, 8:410, 8:412–8:413
  • prospectus of sent to TJ, 9:29, 9:30n, 9:50n

Coptic language

  • writings in, 8:3


  • and revised edition of TJ’s Notes on the State of Virginia, 12:552
  • of H. G. Spafford, 7:273
  • and TJ’s batture pamphlet, 4:478
  • of translation of French work, 4:672n

coral tree, 6:188

Coramandel (ship), 2:90

Coray, Adamantios

  • edition of Hierocles by, 9:195, 9:455, 11:251
  • edition of Homer by, 9:195, 9:455, 11:251
  • edits á¼¹εροκλá½³ους Φιλοσá½¹φου Ἀστεá¿–α. Facéties. D’Hiéroclès Le Philosophe (Hierocles), 9:88n
  • edits Πλουτá½±ρχου Βá½·οι Παρá½±λληλοι (Plutarch), 9:195, 9:197n, 9:455, 11:251, 11:296, 12:112, 14:510
  • edits Τὸ Περὶ Ἀέρων, á½™δá½±των, Τá½¹πων (Hippocrates), 11:251, 11:251n
  • works of, 9:197n, 9:697, 10:213

Corbin, Francis

  • identified, 7:330n
  • letters from, 7:329–7:330
  • letters to, 7:370–7:373
  • and L. L. Paradise estate, 7:329–7:330
  • and trusteeship of P. Ludwell’s daughters, 7:329

Corbin, Gawin (Garvin, Gavin)

  • and mammoth teeth, 4:43

Corbin, John R. F.

  • identified, 10:61n
  • letter from, 10:61
  • letter to, 10:110
  • seeks inheritance, 10:61, 10:110

Corbin, John T.

  • killed in duel, 9:482n, 9:482n

Corbin, Richard

  • as trustee to P. Ludwell’s daughters, 7:329, 7:330n, 7:371–7:372, 9:283

Corcoran, Thomas, 1:23n

Cordelia (ship), 10:212, 10:502, 10:598, 10:598n

Cordero, Antonio

  • and Louisiana Territory, 9:658n

Cordier, Mathurin

  • Colloquia, 10:516, 11:627, 11:627–11:628n

Córdoba, Spain

  • yellow fever in, 10:129

Cordova, Celestino de, 2:480n

corduroy, 8:234, 10:609, 15:475, 15:475n

coreopsis, 1:436–1:437n

Corinne ou l’Italie (Staël Holstein), 1:35, 1:35


  • for beer bottles, 8:186, 9:542
  • sent to TJ, 4:522, 4:530, 7:188, 7:717, 7:717, 9:418, 9:523, 9:582, 9:602–9:603, 10:571, 11:216, 14:37, 14:37, 14:166–14:167, 14:175
  • TJ orders, 1:190, 1:191n, 1:245, 2:109, 7:155, 7:710, 9:371, 9:371–9:372, 9:542, 10:462–10:463, 11:189, 11:193, 13:616–13:617
  • velvet, 2:109, 5:394, 11:204, 11:204n, 15:353, 15:353n
  • for wine bottles, 10:416, 13:15

corkscrews, 12:li

Cormon, Jacques Louis Barthélemi

  • Dictionnaire portatif et de prononciation, Espagnol-Français et Français-Espagnol, 8:435, 10:235, 11:335, 11:352, 11:396, 11:397, 13:369, 14:166, 15:340
  • Dizionario Portatile e di Pronunzia, Francese-Italiano, ed Italiano-Francese, 11:547, 11:592, 12:153, 12:439


  • from C. L. Bankhead, 10:118, 12:242
  • at Belmont estate, 3:171
  • in brewing beer, 8:410, 8:439, 8:565
  • brown, 4:139
  • ceremonial use of, 12:61, 12:62, 12:62, 12:64, 12:64, 12:65, 12:70
  • Cherokee, 3:502
  • cob capitals, 1:473, 1:475n, 1:595, 10:xlvii, 10:240 (illus.), 10:350, 10:350 (illus.), 10:350, 10:510, 11:xlv–11:xlvi, 11:232 (illus.), 11:481
  • cobs, 8:460, 12:542
  • and contour plowing, 7:79–7:80
  • contracts for, 7:459–7:460
  • cornmeal, 8:71, 13:28
  • as crop, 3:111, 4:14, 4:93, 4:138, 6:132–6:133, 8:129, 8:304, 8:305, 8:585, 10:435, 10:449, 11:39, 11:163, 11:197–11:198, 11:284, 11:426, 12:228, 12:255, 12:302, 13:15, 13:23, 13:25, 13:134, 14:118, 14:180, 14:181, 15:11, 15:60
  • as currency, 1:419, 1:421, 12:242, 12:357, 15:116
  • and drills, 7:246–7:247, 7:306
  • effect of weather on, 2:3, 6:210, 6:366, 6:605, 7:167, 7:194, 7:431, 8:366, 10:355, 10:379, 10:412, 10:449, 11:111, 11:290, 12:353, 12:354, 13:15, 14:554, 14:576, 14:584–14:585, 14:586, 14:594, 14:633n, 14:636, 15:62, 15:182
  • and O. Evans’s patent mill screws, 7:154
  • as fodder, 8:158, 9:562, 11:158, 11:199, 11:272, 11:272, 12:242, 14:554, 15:229
  • as food, 4:143, 9:672, 10:73, 15:93
  • grinding at Shadwell, 3:527, 5:120–5:121, 5:385, 12:542, 12:542, 12:547–12:548, 14:213, 14:554
  • Guinea, 4:139, 4:142n
  • hominy, 4:138, 7:82, 8:367–8:368
  • Indian, 1:436–1:437n, 3:348, 4:179, 4:179, 5:324, 6:510, 9:66, 11:39, 11:271, 11:309, 11:482, 13:149, 15:327, 15:327n
  • at Lego, 2:86, 2:239
  • from Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1:436–1:437n
  • machine for shelling, 7:83–7:84, 8:367, 8:458–8:459, 8:463, 8:535, 14:96–14:97, 14:118, 14:472
  • at Monticello, 1:592–1:593, 2:491, 6:290, 6:331, 6:544, 6:605, 6:620, 7:431, 10:388–10:389, 12:242, 14:584–14:585, 14:586
  • Pani, 3:501, 3:502–3:503
  • C. Peyton’s, 12:542
  • planting techniques for, 8:42–8:43, 8:43n, 8:104, 8:366–8:367, 8:369n, 8:457–8:458, 13:149
  • at Poplar Forest, 2:96, 4:379, 4:380, 4:526, 5:489, 6:486, 6:486, 8:69, 8:70, 8:71, 8:72, 8:158, 8:542, 8:610, 8:611, 8:611, 8:697, 9:505, 10:355, 10:389, 13:567, 14:430, 14:596, 15:134, 15:229, 15:282, 15:427, 15:428, 15:608–15:609
  • price of, 6:472, 6:605, 7:240, 8:272, 8:305, 9:151–9:152, 9:505, 10:389, 10:435, 11:62, 11:207, 12:242, 12:266, 14:213, 15:427, 15:474
  • purchased by J. Wayles, 2:397
  • as rent, 12:302
  • requested by J. W. Eppes, 3:473
  • seeds of, protected by tar and plaster, 2:334
  • at Shadwell, 2:86, 2:239
  • shipping costs, 3:413
  • for slaves, 4:511, 6:181–6:182, 6:366, 6:605, 7:155, 8:72, 8:158, 8:610, 8:611, 11:547
  • stalks, 2:283, 15:70
  • stored in Washington, 4:27
  • supply of, 15:70
  • TJ buys, 1:81n, 2:116, 2:234n, 2:292n, 2:342, 2:421, 2:422, 2:661, 3:214, 3:224–3:225, 3:225n, 3:329, 3:529, 3:529, 5:298, 5:425, 6:553, 6:554, 6:554n, 6:620, 7:45, 7:72, 7:72n, 7:155, 7:212, 7:263, 7:290, 7:291n, 7:619n, 8:78, 8:610, 8:676n, 9:51, 9:58, 9:58n, 9:58n, 9:151–9:152, 9:152n, 9:255n, 9:588, 9:588, 10:59n, 10:73, 10:168, 10:168, 10:466, 10:539n, 10:617, 10:670, 10:670n, 11:57, 11:179, 11:207, 11:214, 11:214, 11:236, 11:594n, 12:54, 12:644, 13:169n, 13:169n, 14:213, 14:305, 14:305n, 14:307, 14:317, 14:317, 14:431, 14:472, 14:472, 14:478, 14:487, 14:555, 15:60
  • tops, blades, and shucks, 2:112, 2:112, 2:112, 2:113n, 8:71, 12:302, 15:70
  • transportation of, 7:124, 11:179, 13:545, 14:365
  • at Tufton, 2:112, 2:112, 2:371, 2:371, 4:414, 9:152
  • for University of Virginia, 15:94, 15:95, 15:96, 15:100

Cornaro, Luigi, 14:419, 14:421n

corne de cerf. See buckhorn plantain

Corneille, Pierre, 7:665, 12:439, 12:532, 12:534

Corneille, Thomas

  • Le Dictionnaire des Arts et des Sciences, 7:386
  • TJ on, 12:532

Cornelius (TJ’s slave; b. 1811). See Hughes, Cornelius (TJ’s slave; b. 1811)

Cornelius, Robert

  • daguerreotype of P. S. Du Ponceau by, 9:xlv, 9:344 (illus.)

Cornplanter (Seneca Indian)

  • speech of, 7:373–7:374, 7:374n

Cornus florida. See dogwood

Cornwallis, Charles, 2d Earl Cornwallis

  • steals candlestick, 10:575
  • surrender of, 10:398, 11:166
  • J. Trumbull’s painting of, 11:145, 11:166, 13:332, 14:464
  • Va. invasion by, 3:315n, 4:432, 4:434n, 8:178, 10:575, 10:575n

Corny, Louis Dominique Ethis de, 1:175n

Corny, Marguérite Victoire de Palerne de

  • health of, 11:166, 14:208–14:209
  • identified, 1:175n
  • letter left with, 1:377
  • letter to, 11:160–11:161
  • letters from, 1:173–1:175
  • TJ inquires about, 10:654, 11:160–11:161, 11:173–11:174
  • TJ introduces R. C. Derby and M. C. Derby to, 11:142, 11:160

Corotoman (J. C. Cabell’s Lancaster Co. estate)

  • slaves from, 8:317–8:318

Corpus juris civilis (Justinian), 2:677n, 3:48n, 3:175n, 3:546, 7:125

Corpus Juris civilis Romani (D. Godefroy), 2:677, 3:48, 3:546

Corran, James (ship captain), 13:42, 15:477, 15:477n

Corran, Patrick

  • forwards book to TJ, 7:350, 8:36
  • forwards letter to TJ, 8:36

Corrêa da Serra, José

  • advises TJ, 8:131
  • and American Philosophical Society, 8:167, 8:193, 11:125, 13:249, 13:253
  • animal specimens requested from, 6:469, 6:470, 7:302
  • and N. Biddle, 6:532
  • on botanical gardens, 15:147
  • botanical lectures of, 8:519, 8:557, 8:568–8:569, 10:164, 10:195, 10:254
  • and Central College, 12:103, 12:151–12:152, 12:187, 12:200–12:202, 12:403–12:404, 12:610, 12:610, 13:284
  • and chestnuts for TJ, 12:152, 12:202, 12:612
  • on collegiate education, 14:159
  • conveys letters, 6:252, 6:253, 6:359, 6:415, 7:29
  • conveys minerals to TJ, 6:291, 6:373
  • and E. W. R. Coolidge, 10:40
  • and T. Cooper, 13:255, 13:284, 13:287, 13:305, 14:80, 14:81, 14:81, 14:84, 14:109, 14:121, 14:158, 14:159–14:160, 14:324n, 15:566
  • correspondence for, 13:291, 13:308
  • correspondence of, 9:308–9:309
  • and Destutt de Tracy’s Principes Logiques, 12:528
  • on European public opinion, 8:130–8:131
  • on European scholarship, 9:84, 15:74–15:75
  • forwards work on grafting, 4:538, 4:621
  • friendship with P. S. Du Pont de Nemours, 8:502, 9:234n, 9:235n, 9:271, 9:304, 9:306
  • friendship with F. W. Gilmer, 8:58, 8:78, 8:103, 8:243, 9:18, 9:26, 9:37–9:38, 9:38, 9:39, 10:205, 12:35, 12:100, 12:101, 12:614, 13:527, 14:484
  • and A. Gallatin, 4:547
  • greetings sent to, 12:74, 12:488
  • health of, 9:514, 9:552, 10:314, 12:529, 12:612, 12:648, 12:656, 13:45
  • identified, 4:538–4:539n
  • introduced by TJ, 9:26–9:27, 9:38, 9:39
  • introduces R. C. Derby to TJ, 11:141
  • introduces Col. Jones to TJ, 10:40
  • invited to dinner, 10:352
  • and John VI, king of Portugal, 15:351, 15:352n
  • and journals of M. Lewis, 9:309, 9:466, 9:467, 9:605, 9:704–9:706, 10:40, 10:125, 10:164, 11:454, 11:486–11:487, 12:171–12:172
  • letter of introduction for, from P. S. Du Pont de Nemours, 4:350–4:352
  • letter of introduction for, from A. von Humboldt, 4:353
  • letter of introduction for, from Lafayette, 4:359
  • letter of introduction for, from A. Thoüin, 4:319–4:320, 7:55, 7:55n
  • letter of introduction for, from C. Wistar, 6:252–6:253
  • letters from, 4:538–4:539, 6:468–6:469, 7:287–7:288, 7:671–7:672, 8:130–8:132, 9:466–9:469, 9:605, 10:40, 10:124–10:125, 10:164–10:165, 11:141, 11:526, 12:35, 12:151–12:153, 12:611–12:612, 13:284–13:285, 13:527, 14:158, 14:159–14:160, 15:74–15:75
  • letters to, 4:621, 7:301–7:302, 7:320–7:321, 8:166–8:169, 8:320, 8:568–8:569, 9:37–9:38, 9:308–9:310, 9:704–9:707, 10:256–10:257, 11:439–11:440, 12:200–12:202, 12:610–12:611, 14:83–14:84, 14:490–14:491, 15:147, 15:525–15:526
  • letter to from G. Cuvier, 6:470
  • Memorandum on Religious Education, 7:714–7:716
  • mentioned, 9:64, 10:45, 10:253, 12:169
  • mineral specimen sent to, 6:230n, 8:166–8:167
  • on Napoleon, 7:403, 7:404, 8:688
  • on naval construction, 6:468–6:469, 7:302
  • and Nouveau Bulletin des Sciences, 9:325, 9:326n
  • and Osage orange, 7:287, 7:288n, 7:321, 7:326
  • and papers of Lewis and Clark Expedition, 10:377
  • personality of, 15:491–15:492, 15:562–15:563
  • plans to relocate to Brazil, 15:351–15:352
  • plans to return to Europe, 6:469, 8:53, 8:193–8:194, 8:247, 8:320, 8:378, 15:525, 15:556
  • plans visit to J. Madison, 8:557
  • plants sent to, 12:611n
  • on population growth of U.S., 8:375
  • as Portuguese minister plenipotentiary, 10:124–10:125, 10:125n, 10:155–10:156, 10:164, 10:254, 14:613–14:614, 14:615n
  • on presidential contenders, 8:332
  • and J. Priestley’s library, 10:357
  • proposed visit of, 4:621, 5:83, 5:83n, 5:114, 6:87, 6:204, 6:274, 7:139, 7:213, 7:287, 7:301–7:302, 7:320–7:321, 7:321, 7:403, 7:560, 7:650, 7:671, 7:684, 8:320, 8:505, 8:519, 8:557, 8:568, 8:568–8:569, 8:569, 8:618, 8:663, 8:688, 9:37, 9:310, 9:467, 10:125, 10:156, 10:164, 10:165, 10:205, 10:247, 10:254, 10:313, 10:314, 10:335, 11:439–11:440, 11:526, 12:5, 12:33, 12:35, 12:200, 12:611–12:612, 12:614, 13:226, 13:233, 13:252, 13:270, 13:270, 13:270, 13:280, 13:284, 13:287, 14:454n, 14:484, 14:488, 14:490–14:491, 14:613–14:614, 14:627, 15:9, 15:74, 15:147, 15:149, 15:253, 15:525, 15:526, 15:526n, 15:540, 15:546, 15:562–15:563, 15:566
  • and rabies, 14:443n
  • and T. M. Randolph, 7:287, 7:301, 7:302, 12:612, 13:527
  • and Royal Academy of Sciences of Lisbon, 9:325
  • and J. B. Say’s proposed immigration to America, 8:167–8:168, 8:320
  • sends cement recipe to TJ, 10:164–10:165, 10:165n
  • sends greetings to Randolphs, 14:160
  • sends greetings to TJ, 8:59, 8:378
  • sends work to TJ, 6:468
  • and W. Short, 7:139, 7:224–7:225, 7:287, 7:301, 8:53, 14:613–14:614, 15:164, 15:253–15:254
  • and Société Philomathique de Paris, 9:326n
  • TJ forwards letters to, 6:415, 9:317
  • TJ invites to Monticello, 15:554
  • TJ on, 6:155–6:156, 6:415, 6:605–6:606, 6:606, 7:7, 7:15, 7:29, 7:55, 7:326, 8:247–8:248
  • TJ recommends to S. Brown, 7:326
  • and TJ’s cisterns, 8:130, 8:166, 9:309, 9:466, 9:468n
  • TJ sends greetings to, 7:213, 8:103, 8:519
  • and TJ’s health, 14:159, 15:148–15:149
  • and TJ’s plan for Albemarle Academy, 7:714–7:716
  • travels with TJ, 9:18, 9:26, 9:26–9:27, 9:33, 9:33n, 9:38, 9:39, 9:108, 9:122, 9:153, 9:308, 9:309, 11:xlvii–11:xlviii, 11:621–11:622
  • on treason in U.S., 7:671–7:672
  • and University of Virginia, 12:610–12:611, 13:527, 14:83–14:84, 14:159, 14:160, 14:445, 14:488, 14:490–14:491, 14:568, 15:74, 15:147, 15:491, 15:525–15:526
  • U.S. travels of, 7:55, 7:287, 7:287, 7:326, 7:403, 7:608, 7:671–7:672, 9:18, 9:37–9:38, 9:39, 9:108, 9:122, 9:184–9:185, 9:186n, 9:308–9:309, 9:467, 11:526, 11:639, 12:35, 12:614, 13:253, 14:232, 14:613
  • J. Vaughan on, 5:7–5:8, 5:114
  • and vegetable sensation, 7:560
  • on Virginia, 11:502, 14:160
  • visits Monticello, 6:359, 6:360n, 6:415, 6:532, 7:7, 7:29, 7:55, 7:716n, 9:66, 9:231, 9:234n, 9:235n, 9:263, 9:308, 9:308, 10:352, 10:352n, 10:465, 12:40, 12:100, 12:101, 12:103, 12:345, 12:490, 12:529, 12:610, 12:610, 12:611, 12:625, 12:648, 12:656, 13:395
  • and R. Walsh, 12:35, 12:100, 12:101, 12:103, 12:107, 12:345, 12:611
  • and D. B. Warden’s consulship, 6:469, 6:469n, 7:302, 8:291
  • and C. Wistar, 12:404

Correspondance Choisie de Benjamin Franklin (ed. W. T. Franklin), 11:255, 11:255n

Correspondance de Fernand Cortès avec l’empereur Charles-Quint (trans. Flavigny), 8:435, 11:127, 11:152, 13:342, 13:342, 13:343n, 13:358, 13:394, 13:455, 13:456, 13:474, 13:561, 14:146

Correspondance Littéraire (J. F. de La Harpe), 10:589

Correspondance littéraire, philosophique et critique (F. M. Grimm), 6:532, 6:532n, 8:382, 8:383n, 9:527, 9:529, 10:7, 10:13–10:14, 10:285, 10:306, 10:573, 12:403, 12:438, 12:480, 12:488, 12:529, 12:582–12:583, 13:107, 13:126, 13:144, 13:174, 14:31, 14:222, 14:222–14:223, 14:240, 14:266, 14:267, 14:351, 14:384, 14:467, 14:505

Correspondence between Mr. Secretary Canning and Hon. D. Erskine as printed and laid before the House of Lords, 2:540n

corrosive sublimate (mercuric chloride)

  • medicinal use of, 13:73, 13:73n, 13:73n, 14:230

Corsaire (ship), 14:334n

Corse, Miss

  • marries S. House, 1:475

corsets, 10:491n

Corsica, France

  • chestnut trees in, 12:612

Corso di agricoltura (M. A. Lastri), 11:164

Corson, Mr. (ship captain), 15:413

Cortés, Hernán

  • Historia de Nueva-España, 1:390, 1:396n, 8:236, 8:237n
  • mentioned, 6:326
  • portrait of owned by TJ, 7:342n, 10:71, 10:72n
  • correspondence of, 8:435, 11:127, 13:342, 13:342, 13:343n, 13:358, 13:394, 13:455, 13:456, 13:474, 13:561, 14:146

Corylus avellana. See filberts

Cosby, Dabney

  • as brickmason for University of Virginia, 13:500, 13:523, 14:4, 14:5n, 14:136, 14:195, 14:216, 14:216n
  • identified, 13:500–13:501n
  • introduces P. Bolinger, 14:131, 14:213
  • letters from, 13:500–13:501, 14:131
  • letter to, 13:523
  • recommendations of, 13:501n, 14:4, 14:5n, 14:21, 14:112–14:113, 14:113n, 14:136

Cosby, Minor M.

  • as Milton postmaster, 3:438, 3:438n
  • TJ recommends as Milton postmaster, 1:505–1:506


  • of N. B. Coleman, 14:234–14:237
  • and the four elements, 13:257, 13:267n
  • of R. Miller, 13:257–13:266, 13:268n
  • of E. P. Page, 15:580–15:582

Cossigne. See Charpentier de Cossigny, Joseph François

Cosway, Louisa Paolina Angelica (Maria Cosway’s daughter), 14:208

Cosway, Maria Louisa Catherine Cecilia Hadfield (Richard Cosway’s wife)

  • as educator, 14:208
  • family of, 14:208, 14:208, 14:208, 14:209
  • friendship with TJ, 11:160, 11:166, 14:207–14:208, 14:209
  • health of, 14:208
  • identified, 14:209n
  • letter from, 14:207–14:209
  • retires to convent, 10:654

Cosway, Richard (Maria Cosway’s husband)

  • health of, 14:208, 14:208

Côte d’Or (Burgundy, France)

  • wines of, 4:177, 4:177n

Côte-Rôtie (wine), 9:513

Cottom, Peter

  • as bookseller, 13:17
  • and goods for TJ, 15:li, 15:363
  • identified, 7:561n
  • letters from acounted for, 7:561n
  • letters to, 7:561, 10:19–10:20
  • as subscription agent, 7:561, 10:19, 11:541


  • black, 1:258, 1:259–1:260n
  • books on, 2:83, 2:376, 2:377n, 14:29–14:30, 14:47
  • carding machine, 5:322, 5:335, 5:356, 5:477, 5:566–5:567, 5:655, 5:683–5:684, 7:79, 7:116, 8:185, 8:554–8:555
  • cards, 12:362
  • for clothing, 4:219, 4:362, 4:428, 4:515, 4:637, 5:560, 7:191, 8:68, 8:185, 12:538, 15:229
  • as crop, 3:348, 7:452, 8:175, 10:547, 12:547
  • damask, 3:551
  • diaper, 3:551, 3:577
  • and 1810 census, 3:171, 3:202
  • in Europe, 4:85, 8:453
  • export of, 3:255, 8:351, 8:531
  • export tax on, 8:608
  • gin, 8:408
  • green seed (Sea Island), 1:82, 1:258, 1:259–1:260n, 1:666
  • manufactures from, 2:4, 5:439, 5:676, 7:53, 7:54, 7:81, 7:187, 7:187, 7:570, 8:146–8:147, 8:179–8:180, 8:464, 9:534–9:537, 9:537n, 9:616, 10:547
  • mills, 9:475
  • in Mississippi Territory, 2:360, 7:187
  • napped, 8:68, 12:361, 12:362
  • at New Orleans, 2:118
  • price of, 3:577, 4:16, 7:187, 8:515n, 8:608, 9:303, 10:547
  • price of, in Great Britain, 1:82, 1:82, 9:182, 9:183n, 11:635, 14:206
  • purchased by TJ, 4:210, 4:211, 5:33, 5:35n, 6:343, 6:347, 7:180, 7:491n, 7:551, 7:602, 8:71, 8:97, 8:100, 8:515n, 8:582, 8:608–8:609, 8:625, 9:133, 10:539, 11:593
  • scarcity of, 12:349
  • scarcity of seed, 1:81
  • seed offered to TJ, 4:40
  • spinning of, 1:525, 1:591, 4:572, 5:560, 7:88, 7:191, 7:570, 8:146–8:148, 8:179–8:180, 8:304, 8:554, 12:362
  • in Tennessee, 2:359
  • tenting, 2:175
  • as textile, 4:27, 4:219, 4:515, 4:637, 6:346, 7:13, 8:635n, 9:301, 11:11, 11:11, 12:554, 14:256, 15:485, 15:485n
  • TJ orders, 12:141, 12:260, 13:109, 13:314
  • TJ orders seed, 1:115n, 1:154, 1:159, 1:176, 12:547, 12:551
  • TJ sends seed to A. F. Silvestre, 1:258, 1:596
  • at Tufton, 1:420
  • used at Monticello, 8:xlvii–8:xlviii, 8:30–8:31, 8:97
  • used at Poplar Forest, 8:97
  • yarn, 12:194, 12:257, 12:261, 13:325, 13:349, 15:134
  • yellow, 14:256, 14:628

Cotton, Charles (16301687)

  • Scarronides: or, Virgile Travestie, 2:466

Cotton, Sir Charles (17531812)

  • British admiral, 11:661

Cotton, Nathaniel

  • Visions in Verse, for the Entertainment and Instruction of Younger Minds, 15:504, 15:508n

Cottrell, Sally (TJ’s slave). See Cole, Sally Cottrell (TJ’s slave)

Couch, James Bartlett

  • slaves of, 1:346–1:348

Couch, Lewis

  • Campbell Co. landholder, 2:324n, 4:309n, 4:683n

Couch, William, 1:44

Coulomb, Charles Augustin de

  • and weights and measures, 4:224, 4:227

Coup-d’Oeil rapide sur les causes réelles de la Décadence de la Pologne (J. C. Komarzewski), 1:535, 1:536n, 4:56

Coup-D’œil sur Les Universités et Le Mode D’Instruction Publique de L’Allemagne Protestante (C. F. D. de Villers), 8:550–8:551

Coup d’Oeil sur les Révolutions et sur la réforme de la Médecine (P. J. G. Cabanis), 10:234, 10:237n

Coup-d’Oeil sur l’État Actuel de la Litterature Ancienne et de l’Histoire en Allemagne (C. F. D. de Villers), 11:414–11:415, 12:583

Courcelles, Étienne de

  • translates Janua Linguarum Reserata (J. A. Komenský), 8:482, 8:482n

Cours complet d’agriculture, théorique, practique, économique, et de médicine rurale et vétérinaire … ou dictionnaire universel d’agriculture (F. Rozier), 2:81, 2:82, 2:83n, 9:468n, 9:468n, 11:164

Cours de Mathématique (Wolff; trans. J. F. de Brézillac), 6:381, 7:250, 7:253n

Cours De Mathématiques (É. Bézout), 7:481, 7:626, 9:79, 9:107, 11:409, 11:452, 13:17, 13:382

Cours de Mathematiques à l’usage de l’École Centrale des Quatres-Nations (S. F. Lacroix), 4:71–4:72, 4:72n, 4:79, 5:14, 5:36, 8:640, 8:670, 8:685, 8:686, 9:60

Cours de Mathématiques, à l’usage de la Marine et de l’Artillerie (É. Bézout; ed. F. Peyrard), 10:235

Cours de Mathématiques, a l’usage Des Gardes du Pavillion et de la marine (É. Bézout), 7:458, 7:458n, 8:309–8:310, 9:69–9:70, 9:229, 9:229n

Cours de Mathématiques, a l’Usage du Corps Royal de l’Artillerie (É. Bézout), 8:309–8:310, 9:69–9:70, 9:80–9:82, 9:82n

Cours de Physique Experimentale et Mathematique (P. V. Musschenbroek), 7:626

A Course of Experimental Agriculture (A. Young), 2:81, 2:82, 2:83n, 6:219

A Course of Experimental Philosophy (J. T. Desaguliers), 6:381, 7:386

A Course of Lectures on Elocution (T. Sheridan), 1:576, 7:629

A Course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts (T. Young), 12:157n

A Course of Mathematics (C. Hutton), 5:447, 5:448n, 5:455, 5:493, 7:250–7:251, 7:253n, 9:192n, 13:382

Court de Gébelin, Antoine

  • works of, 11:363, 11:363, 11:527

Courtois, Edme Bonaventure

  • Rapport fait au nom de la commission chargée de l’examen des papiers trouvés Chez Robespierre et ses complices, 11:127, 11:152

Couscher, Mr.

  • letter from, 13:139
  • offers to fulfill commissions for TJ, 13:139

Cousin, Louis

  • translates Histoire de Constantinople Depuis le régne de l’Ancien Justin, 12:112
  • translates Histoire Romaine (J. Xiphilinus, J. Zonaras, and Zosimus), 12:112, 13:476

Coutts, Patrick

  • and TJ’s Richmond lot, 4:154, 4:287, 12:279

Coutumes du comté et bailliage de Mante et Meulant (C. Du Moulin), 3:130–3:131, 3:174n

Coûtumes generales du paîs et duché de Bretagne (Argentré and C. Du Moulin), 3:130–3:131, 3:174n

Covington, Leonard, 1:516

Cowan, Joseph

  • house of, 13:380–13:381

Cowden, Joseph

  • and University of Virginia, 15:98, 15:100

Coweta, Ga., 1:350, 1:351, 1:351–1:352

cowpeas, 1:157, 7:288

Cowpens, Battle of (1781), 15:277

Cowper, Henry

  • Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King’s Bench, 2:455, 2:456n

Cowper, William

  • quoted, 8:298, 8:299n
  • The Task, A Poem, 7:583, 7:590n

cowpox, 2:88, 2:89n, 2:149, 12:564, 12:564–12:565n, 12:577

cows. See cattle

Cox, John

  • TJ pays, 1:41

Coxe, Mr. (lockkeeper), 14:365

Coxe, Charles D.

  • consul at Tunis, 1:26, 9:572
  • plans to visit TJ, 9:471

Coxe, Daniel W., 3:324, 3:519n

Coxe, John Redman

  • and Emporium of Arts & Sciences, 4:663n, 4:685, 5:18, 5:19n, 5:100, 13:449
  • identified, 5:19n
  • letters from, 5:18–5:19
  • letters to, 5:100
  • as university professor, 12:25, 12:136, 12:195, 12:237, 12:389, 12:389–12:390n, 12:647, 13:45, 13:102
  • and vaccination, 14:461

Coxe, Tench

  • An Addition, of December 1818, to the Memoir, of February and August 1817, on the subject of the cotton culture, the cotton commerce, and the cotton manufacture of the United States, 14:29–14:30, 14:47
  • and J. Adams, 6:227, 6:228n+
  • articles by in A. Rees’s Cyclopædia, 14:30
  • and B. Rush, 4:341n

Coxe, William

  • as orchardist, 7:381, 7:445n, 7:492

Cox, Heisch & Company (London firm), 1:652

Crabbe, George

  • poems of, 6:517

crabs, 13:612

crackers, 1:45, 1:45, 1:368, 2:109, 14:542, 14:573, 14:633, 15:172

Craddock (Cradock), John (boatman), 14:267, 14:364, 14:366, 15:545n

Cradock, Thomas, 5:298

Crafts, Erastus

  • declines to visit Monticello, 4:7
  • letters of introduction for, 3:418, 3:616

Crafts, William

  • as congressional candidate, 13:319n
  • An Oration, delivered in St. Michael’s Church, before the inhabitants of Charleston, South Carolina, on the Fourth of July, 1812, 5:284, 5:285n

Craig, Ann Pasteur

  • identified, 1:68n
  • letters from, 1:67–1:68
  • seeks TJ’s aid, 1:67

Craig, Isaac

  • and J. S. L. d’Happart, 4:537

Craig, Sir James Henry

  • governor general of Canada, 4:541, 4:542
  • health of, 14:231

Craig, Margaret Murphy

  • death of, 7:383, 7:383n
  • family of, 7:383

Craig, Robert

  • executor for R. Jefferson, 8:662n

Craig, Samuel See also William & Samuel Craig (N.Y. firm)

  • identified, 4:281n

Craig, Thomas, 1:68n

Craig, William (of Arkansas)

  • identified, 13:400n
  • introduced to TJ, 13:399
  • letter from, 13:399–13:400
  • seeks judgeship, 13:399–13:400

Craig, William (New York merchant) See also William & Samuel Craig (N.Y. firm)

  • identified, 4:281n

Craig, William & Samuel (New York firm). See William & Samuel Craig (New York firm)

Craighead, Robert

  • and East Tennessee College, 2:266–2:267, 2:365–2:366
  • identified, 2:268n
  • letters from, 2:266–2:268
  • letters to, 2:365–2:366

Crambe maritima. See kale: sea

Cramer, Zadok

  • identified, 1:630n
  • letters from, 1:630
  • The United States spelling book, 1:630, 1:630n

Cranch, Richard (J. Adams’s brother-in-law), 6:623, 6:627n

Cranch, William

  • buys merino sheep, 2:456–2:457, 5:142
  • buys spinning machine, 4:426, 4:512, 4:592, 5:21–5:22, 5:22, 5:23, 5:181, 5:182n
  • identified, 5:24n
  • letter to W. Thornton from, 5:23–5:24

Crane, Gabriel

  • and divine revelation, 13:546–13:548, 13:548, 14:316
  • Essay on Light as an Element, 13:549–13:554
  • identified, 13:548–13:549n
  • letter from, 13:546–13:549, 14:316

cranes, 8:6

Craney Island

  • British attack on, 8:224

Craufurd, Quintin

  • papers of, 11:613

Craughan. See Croghan, George

Craven, Elizabeth N. (John H. Craven’s wife)

  • family of, 9:151

Craven, John H.

  • and Albemarle Volunteer Company subscription, 5:344
  • and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:62, 12:67–12:68
  • and Central College subscription, 11:324, 11:328, 13:161
  • financial transactions of, 9:151–9:152, 9:483, 14:305, 15:557, 15:557, 15:557, 15:557
  • identified, 2:112–2:113n
  • leases Tufton, 1:419, 2:112, 2:113n, 2:280, 2:281n, 2:370–2:371, 5:325, 5:325n
  • Pen Park mill, 1:136n
  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349, 5:378–5:380
  • sells hay, 14:431, 14:431n
  • ships goods to Richmond, 3:135
  • TJ’s account with, 2:116, 2:370–2:372, 14:307, 14:317, 14:472, 15:425

Craven’s Mill (Albemarle Co.), 11:186

Crawford, Mr.

  • attends Albemarle Co. Court, 15:271

Crawford, Adair

  • An Experimental Enquiry into the Effects of Tonics, and other medicinal substances, on the cohesion of the animal fibre, 14:206
  • Experiments and Observations on Animal Heat, 4:395n

Crawford, John

  • family of, 10:453
  • identified, 4:338n
  • A Lecture, introductory to a Course of Lectures on the Cause, Seat and Cure of Diseases, 4:336, 4:338n, 4:394
  • letters from, 4:336–4:338
  • letters to, 4:394–4:395
  • on slavery, 4:337, 4:338n

Crawford, William Harris

  • and T. Appleton’s consular ambitions, 8:162, 8:162n, 11:239
  • and appointments, 10:438–10:439, 10:442, 10:496, 10:519, 10:525, 10:602
  • correspondence of, 15:367
  • and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 9:352
  • and drawback system, 10:95–10:96, 10:97–10:99
  • forwards book to TJ, 7:350, 7:350–7:351n
  • health of, 10:95
  • identified, 7:425–7:426n
  • on immigration, 10:254, 10:255n
  • introduces J. J. Brown, 15:392
  • introduces J. P. Labouchere, 15:478
  • and T. Kosciuszko’s estate, 12:317, 12:319, 12:323, 12:346, 12:369, 13:528
  • letter from, to J. Fisk, 10:96–10:100
  • letters from, 7:422–7:426, 8:137–8:139, 10:95–10:96, 10:496, 15:392–15:393, 15:478–15:479
  • letters to, 4:164, 8:258–8:261, 8:321, 9:521–9:522, 10:173–10:176, 10:272, 10:438–10:439, 10:519, 10:602–10:603, 12:319, 13:378–13:380
  • and J. P. G. de Lormerie’s passage, 6:102–6:103, 6:103–6:104, 9:657
  • J. Madison on, 8:45
  • as minister plenipotentiary to France, 6:190, 6:191n, 6:240, 6:485n, 6:485, 6:575, 6:575n, 7:104, 7:151–7:152n, 7:316, 7:422–7:425, 7:428n, 7:488–7:490, 7:499, 7:541, 7:542, 7:693, 8:38n, 8:260, 8:680–8:681, 9:112, 9:119n, 9:211, 9:522, 9:571, 9:574, 10:95, 11:661
  • on New England states, 10:96–10:97
  • C. W. Peale paints, 13:540
  • recommends J. Meigs, 5:297, 5:298n
  • and remittances for T. Kosciuszko, 7:151, 7:151–7:152n, 7:334
  • reports on European affairs, 7:422–7:425, 8:137–8:138, 10:95
  • and Republican presidential nomination, 9:563
  • returns to U.S., 8:488, 8:680–8:681
  • as secretary of the treasury, 13:291, 13:308, 13:378–13:380, 13:380n, 13:438, 14:301, 15:126, 15:304, 15:304n, 15:321
  • as secretary of war, 9:521n, 10:96n, 10:257, 10:257n, 10:272, 10:273, 11:146, 13:414, 13:415n
  • seeds sent to, 11:171, 14:256, 15:326, 15:326–15:327, 15:327, 15:327
  • and subscriptions, 13:22n
  • TJ introduces B. S. Barton to, 8:321, 8:326
  • TJ introduces G. Ticknor to, 8:260
  • TJ on, 8:23–8:24
  • transmits letters to and from TJ, 7:222, 8:680–8:681
  • as U.S. senator, 4:163, 4:164n, 10:96, 10:96n, 10:100n, 11:165–11:166
  • and D. B. Warden’s removal as consul, 7:428n, 7:428–7:429n, 7:488–7:490, 8:23, 8:24, 8:37, 8:45, 8:46n, 8:139, 8:244, 15:599n
  • on War of 1812, 10:96–10:100

Crawford’s Hotel (Georgetown, D.C.), 4:19, 14:3

Crawford’s Tavern (Augusta Co.), 13:230, 13:231

Creager, George

  • and debts of J. McKinney, 7:358–7:359, 7:382–7:383
  • identified, 7:359n
  • letters from, 7:358–7:359
  • letters to, 7:382–7:383

cream cheese

  • H. Julien’s recipe, 5:204

Creasy, William

  • and lost trunk, 1:348

La Création du Monde (R. de Bécourt)

  • attacked as antireligious, 5:467n, 7:284, 7:303–7:305, 7:324
  • prospectus of, 5:466, 5:467n, 5:607
  • sent to TJ, 6:133, 6:134n, 6:213, 6:368

Crébillon. See Jolyot, Prosper

Creek Indians

  • agents to, 9:67n, 12:371n
  • language of, 12:331, 12:385
  • secret treaty article with, 9:548–9:549, 9:550–9:551n, 9:551n
  • “A Sketch of the Creek Country, in the years 1798 and 1799” (B. Hawkins), 9:383–9:384, 9:384n, 9:453, 14:132n
  • TJ on government of, 1:110
  • and U.S. post road, 7:347
  • and War of 1812, 6:389, 7:91, 7:93n, 7:160–7:161, 7:162n, 8:222–8:223, 8:329n, 14:111n, 14:137

Creighton, Isaac (ship captain), 15:299

Crenshaw, William

  • as juror, 5:278, 5:279
  • witnesses warrant, 5:280

Cresap, Michael, 2:204–2:205n, 10:115, 10:117n


  • capucine (Indian cress), 5:550
  • garden, 5:550
  • water, 5:550
  • winter, 11:271, 11:273n

Cress, Aaron

  • as builder for University of Virginia, 15:385, 15:386n
  • identified, 15:385n
  • letter from, 15:385–15:386

Cretia (TJ’s slave; b. 1779)

  • family of, 12:197, 12:198
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387, 8:62n
  • and smallpox vaccination, 9:717

Creuzer, Georg Friedrich

  • Symbolik und Mythologie der alten Völker, besonders der Griechen, 9:698

Crèvecoeur, J. Hector St. John de

  • in London, 11:xlvii–11:xlviii

Cribbs, Mr. (brickmaker), 14:238

Crillon, duc de

  • picture of, 8:6

criminal law, 1:382, 1:384n, 7:374–7:378

The Criminal Recorder, 7:511n, 7:569, 7:630, 8:472, 8:672

Crispi Opera Omnia (Sallust; trans. T. Gordon), 1:580, 6:93, 12:534

Critical Observations on the poem of Mr. Joel Barlow, The Columbiad (H. Grégoire), 1:588, 1:590n

A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary, and Expositor of the English Language (J. Walker), 8:472, 8:672, 12:534

The Critical Review; or, Annals of Literature, 12:182

criticism (art)

  • TJ on, 10:523

criticism (literary)

  • books on, 7:629, 12:438, 12:475, 12:480, 14:193, 14:200, 14:265, 14:286
  • TJ on, 10:523

Critta (TJ’s slave; b. 1769). See Hemings, Critta (TJ’s slave; b. 1769)

Crocket, Joseph, 1:78n

Crockett, Granville S.

  • as assistant postmaster, 14:553
  • identified, 14:553n
  • letter from, 14:553

crocus, cloth-of-gold, 5:358

Crocus vernus, 5:358

Croft, Sir Herbert

  • Love & Madness, A Story too True, 2:204, 2:204n, 2:339–2:340

Crofts, Mr. See Crafts, Erastus

Croghan, George

  • alumnus of College of William and Mary, 7:214
  • War of 1812 service of, 6:446, 6:447n, 7:530, 7:532

Crolius, Clarkson

  • attests document, 6:526n
  • identified, 15:250n
  • letter from, 15:250
  • letter to, 15:273–15:274
  • and New York Tammany Society, 15:250, 15:273

Cromwell, Oliver

  • mentioned, 6:296, 7:495, 7:551n, 8:683
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502

Cromwell, Richard, 6:181, 6:181n

Crookes, John

  • identified, 7:484n
  • letters from, 7:484
  • letters from accounted for, 1:96n
  • letters to, 7:521
  • letters to accounted for, 1:96n
  • and Logan’s speech, 7:484, 7:521

Cropper, Thomas, 11:221

crops See also corn; cotton; tobacco; wheat

  • alfalfa, 11:308–11:309
  • barley, 2:109, 2:272, 4:562, 5:384, 8:439, 12:255, 14:34, 15:156
  • benne, 2:301, 2:302
  • buckwheat, 12:354
  • clover, 2:112, 4:93, 4:180, 4:531, 5:324, 6:132–6:133, 7:81–7:82, 7:83, 7:179, 8:69, 8:70, 8:78, 8:304, 8:305, 8:460, 8:520, 8:611, 8:611, 9:66, 9:494, 9:505, 9:583–9:584, 10:673, 11:163, 11:309, 11:421, 12:255, 12:301, 12:483
  • damaged by hail, 14:430, 14:494
  • failure of, 10:597, 11:122, 11:465
  • flax, 4:32, 4:428, 5:560, 8:460, 10:534
  • Guinea grass, 14:181
  • growth, 3:638
  • hay, 2:371, 7:83, 8:71–8:72, 8:547, 10:533–10:534, 11:172, 11:272, 11:272, 11:272, 11:272
  • hemp, 2:359, 2:360, 2:371, 4:379, 4:380, 4:428, 4:667–4:668, 5:22, 5:33, 5:34, 5:35n, 5:489, 5:560, 5:676, 6:486, 8:71, 8:460, 10:532, 10:534, 12:51, 12:78
  • in Ky., 7:194
  • mangel-wurzel, 10:501, 10:501–10:502n, 10:547
  • millet, 2:335, 5:48
  • in Mississippi Territory, 2:360
  • at New Orleans, 2:118
  • oats, 2:93, 2:371, 2:417, 2:491, 2:496, 4:32, 4:379, 5:384, 5:657, 5:658n, 6:133, 7:461, 8:69, 8:70, 8:305, 8:366, 8:542, 12:354, 14:430, 15:11
  • potatoes, 4:141, 4:180, 4:531, 7:308, 9:229–9:230, 11:221, 11:272, 11:272, 11:272–11:273, 11:309, 12:354, 13:612
  • price of, 15:623
  • rice, 2:109, 2:479, 2:554, 2:555, 4:39–4:40, 5:560, 8:175, 12:554
  • rutabagas, 14:180–14:181, 14:249–14:250, 14:460, 14:461
  • rye, 2:271, 8:70, 11:475, 12:302, 12:354, 13:167, 14:585–14:586, 15:12
  • sales of, 3:629, 10:319, 15:453, 15:453–15:454, 15:463, 15:593
  • strawberries, 8:305, 11:39, 12:618
  • in Tenn., 2:359
  • tenting, 2:175
  • in Va., 15:598
  • yields of, 3:607, 8:585, 10:411–10:412, 14:53

Crosbie, Richard

  • loom of, 8:195, 8:201, 8:202n, 8:249, 8:252–8:253

Cross, Caleb

  • identified, 1:138n
  • letters from, 1:138
  • sends pamphlet to TJ, 1:138

Cross, Stephen

  • chairs meeting of Essex Co. Republicans, 1:86n

Cross, William

  • as revenue inspector, 8:407, 8:408n, 8:667, 8:667n

Crotalus. See rattlesnake

Crotona (Italy), 5:185n

Crouch, John G.

  • and Central College subscription, 11:332

Croudson et al. v. Leonard, 2:377n

crowder bean, 1:157

crown imperial lily, 2:140, 3:545, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n, 5:346, 5:412, 10:537

Crowninshield, Benjamin

  • witnesses document, 14:336, 14:337n

Crowninshield, Benjamin Williams

  • and S. Cathalan’s proposed resignation, 12:320–12:321, 12:350, 12:373, 12:568, 13:8, 13:9, 13:9, 14:149, 14:645
  • as character reference, 13:4, 13:555
  • and J. Dodge, 12:36, 12:277, 12:320, 12:320, 12:321, 12:350, 12:568, 14:332–14:333, 14:334n, 14:619, 14:622, 14:625, 14:645
  • family of, 9:412, 9:413n, 9:458, 11:488, 11:489n, 12:36, 12:321, 12:350
  • forwards letter, 12:277
  • identified, 9:412n
  • letters from, 9:458, 10:162, 12:36, 12:277, 12:350, 14:622
  • letters to, 9:412–9:413, 10:439–10:440, 12:158–12:159, 12:320–12:321, 14:645
  • as secretary of the navy, 8:181n, 9:271, 9:412, 9:415, 9:458, 9:482, 9:498, 10:94n, 10:162, 10:183, 10:439, 10:447, 10:566, 10:566, 11:146, 11:488, 11:509, 11:512, 11:513, 11:533–11:534, 11:652, 12:97, 12:158, 14:543

Crowninshield, George

  • and Cleopatra’s Barge, 11:512–11:513, 13:555, 14:337n
  • family of, 11:488, 11:489n
  • identified, 11:488n
  • letter from, 11:487–11:489
  • recommends J. Dodge, 11:487–11:488, 11:512–11:513, 12:277, 12:320, 12:321, 14:619, 14:625
  • witnesses document, 14:336, 14:337n

Crowninshield, Jacob

  • Hortus Siccus, 1:37, 1:189, 1:191n
  • TJ expresses esteem for, 9:412, 9:458
  • as U.S. representative from Mass., 2:537, 9:413n

Croxall, Samuel

  • translates Fables of Æsop and others, 13:477

Crozat, Antoine

  • charter of, 3:47, 3:48n, 5:8, 5:8–5:9n, 5:85, 9:445–9:446, 9:518

Crozet, Claudius

  • seeks position at University of Virginia, 15:345–15:346n

Crud, Élie Victor Benjamin

  • translator, 6:17, 6:18n

Cruger, Catherine “Kitty” Church, 1:174, 1:175n, 10:654, 11:142, 11:166, 11:173

Crump, Benedict

  • identified, 14:623n
  • letter from, 14:623, 15:143
  • as notary public, 14:623, 15:143, 15:143n

Crump, George William

  • as Va. legislator, 12:540, 12:540n, 15:416n

Crump, Sterling Jamieson

  • purchases TJ’s flour, 13:79, 13:393

Cruse, Englehart

  • Drawing and Explanation of an Apparatus for Blowing Up Ships, 6:261–6:262 (illus.)
  • identified, 6:260–6:261n
  • introduced by J. McHenry, 6:260, 6:260, 6:261n
  • letters from, 6:260–6:261
  • letters to, 6:319
  • and underwater mines, 6:260, 6:261, 6:261–6:262, 6:319, 6:321


  • bird pepper used in, 6:188
  • W. C. C. Claiborne on, 3:265
  • possible acquisition by U.S., 1:154, 1:169–1:170, 1:224
  • refugees from, 1:203, 1:450, 1:510, 1:624n
  • sugar from, 14:503
  • TJ on U.S. acquisition of, 1:183, 13:315n, 14:503, 15:595

cucumbers, 4:38, 5:658, 6:214, 11:39, 12:618

Cudworth, Ralph

  • works of, 11:383

Le Cuisinier Royal (A. Viard), 15:26

Cullen, William

  • medical theories of, 7:565, 7:567n
  • and nosology, 7:152, 11:367

Cullock, Robert W.

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Culloden, Battle of (1746), 11:494, 11:495n

Culpeper County, Va.

  • disease in, 8:433

Culpeper Court House (later Culpeper), Va., 1:51–1:52, 3:184, 8:290, 8:588–8:589

Culture de la Grosse Asperge dite de Hollande (J. J. Fillassier), 11:165

Cumberland, Md.

  • commerce at, 4:26–4:27

Cumberland, Richard

  • Memoirs written by himself, 1:35, 7:659, 7:666n

Cumberland College (Nashville, Tenn.), 13:451

Cumberland County, Va.

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 14:221, 14:221

Cumberland Court House, Va., 3:148, 3:164

Cumberland Road

  • commissioners of, 1:26, 1:172–1:173


  • characters reproduced in print, 11:115n, 11:136

Cupid (mythological deity), 10:589


  • Jefferson Cups, 2:315–2:316, 2:316n, 2:474, 8:235, 8:237n
  • ordered by TJ, 2:315–2:316, 2:316n, 4:477, 6:348
  • owned by E. Randolph, 4:231–4:232n
  • sent to TJ, 2:474
  • silver, 8:235, 8:237n, 8:393, 12:54, 12:54
  • tin, 15:144

Curd, Isaac

  • and Central College subscription, 11:328

Curia philipica: donde breve y comprehendioso se trata de los juyzios, mayormente forenses (Bolaños), 3:175n, 3:176n, 3:546

Curran, John Philpot

  • anecdote of, 11:492–11:493


  • sweet-scented, 4:427, 4:523–4:524, 4:524n, 5:323–5:324, 5:382, 11:174
  • TJ orders, 2:109
  • white, 5:369
  • wine from, 2:221–2:222, 5:323–5:324, 5:369, 8:82, 9:348
  • yellow, 4:524, 4:525n, 5:382


  • amount of in circulation, 8:16, 8:27–8:29, 8:32, 8:44, 9:95–9:96, 9:202–9:203, 15:236–15:237, 15:249, 15:453, 15:453–15:454, 15:463, 15:514
  • Baltimore, 3:525–3:526
  • and change for TJ, 8:79
  • Continental, 8:44
  • depreciation of, 14:61, 15:192, 15:193, 15:193, 15:194, 15:195n, 15:195n
  • exchange of, 8:248, 8:377, 8:382, 8:488, 8:497, 8:498–8:499n, 8:500, 8:509–8:510, 8:510, 8:511, 8:511, 8:511–8:512, 8:556–8:557, 8:572, 9:181–9:182, 9:500, 9:588, 10:249, 10:250, 10:252, 10:296, 10:297n, 10:297n, 11:455, 11:585, 12:74, 14:170
  • gambled, 12:651
  • Indian, 1:334, 1:334n, 1:369, 14:155
  • metallic, 8:16, 8:16, 8:17, 8:27, 8:28, 8:28, 8:32, 8:306–8:307, 11:67, 11:67n, 11:111, 12:178–12:179, 12:402n, 14:61, 14:66, 14:608, 14:610
  • in Missouri Territory, 14:469
  • paper, 8:6, 8:16–8:17, 8:19, 8:27–8:29, 8:32, 8:35, 8:36n, 8:52, 8:154, 8:165, 8:167, 8:168, 8:177, 8:182, 8:259–8:260, 8:306–8:307, 8:331–8:332, 8:654–8:655, 9:8, 9:88–9:89, 9:97n, 9:329–9:330, 9:353–9:354, 9:407, 9:500, 9:561–9:562n, 10:74, 10:175–10:176, 10:432, 10:440, 10:463, 10:465, 10:471, 10:473, 10:521, 10:600, 10:630, 10:643, 11:67, 11:67n, 11:194, 11:346, 11:356, 11:486, 11:523, 12:45+, 12:313, 12:406, 12:421, 12:514, 12:576, 13:79, 13:609, 13:609, 13:610, 14:6, 14:7, 14:61, 14:85, 14:101, 14:125, 14:155, 14:265–14:266, 14:286, 14:321, 14:445, 14:452, 14:469, 14:500, 14:529, 14:532, 14:565, 14:614, 14:616n, 15:180–15:181, 15:236–15:237, 15:249, 15:357, 15:367, 15:369, 15:380, 15:396, 15:457, 15:481, 15:481, 15:482, 15:503, 15:552
  • sent to TJ, 6:147, 6:321, 6:372+, 6:396, 6:552, 6:552, 6:561, 6:615, 8:97, 8:100, 8:157, 8:180, 8:180n, 8:182, 8:186, 8:389, 8:477, 8:478n
  • standards for, 4:222–4:229, 8:556–8:557, 13:571–13:572
  • TJ’s plan for reducing circulating medium, 15:236–15:237, 15:249
  • U.S. House of Representatives Committee on, 11:165–11:166, 11:166n
  • in Va., 14:173, 15:480
  • works on, 8:6, 11:61, 11:62n, 13:456, 13:457n

Currie, Ellyson

  • and Central College subscription, 11:636, 11:636, 12:318
  • as Va. state senator, 1:616

Currie, James (1745–1807), 3:520

Currie, James (1756–1805)

  • Medical Reports, on the Effects of Water, Cold and Warm, as a remedy in Fever, and Febrile Diseases, 7:187–7:188, 7:188n

Currie, William

  • Facts and Observations, relative to the Origin, Progress and Nature of the Fever … of Philadelphia in the summer and autumn of the present year, (1802.), 10:133, 10:146–10:147n

Currin, James

  • Rivanna River Company commissioner, 3:254n

Curson, Samuel

  • and sugar for TJ, 9:57

Curtius (mythological character), 12:545

Curtius Rufus, Quintus

  • Q. Curtii Rufi, Historia Alexandri Magni (ed. C. Schrevel), 14:510
  • Historia Alexandri Magni Regis (trans. Digby), 1:580

Cushing, Mr. (ship captain), 15:442

Cushing, Charles

  • friendship with J. Adams, 11:217, 11:218n

Cushing, Isaac

  • description of, 14:611
  • family of, 14:608
  • theft by, 14:607–14:608, 14:610–14:612, 14:646, 15:160–15:161

Cushing, Thomas

  • as member of Continental Congress, 13:390

Cushing, Thomas H., 5:353

Cushing, William

  • death of, 3:118, 3:119n, 3:124, 3:126, 3:158, 3:165, 3:182, 3:230, 3:231
  • and origin of American Revolution, 12:531n, 14:373

Cushman, Joshua

  • and Missouri question, 15:530, 15:535n

Custis, George Washington Parke

  • dissuades Archbalds from leaving N.Y., 1:240n
  • and sheep raising, 1:667, 1:668n
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:507

Cutbush, Edward

  • An Address, delivered before the Columbian Institute, for the Promotion of Arts and Sciences, at the City of Washington, on the 11th January, 1817, 11:143–11:144n

Cutbush, James

  • The American Artist’s Manual, 5:633n, 5:634n, 5:661, 6:571, 6:571n, 8:43, 8:195, 8:196n, 15:307
  • and chemistry, 15:322
  • and Columbian Chemical Society, 5:633, 5:634n, 5:661
  • domestic life of, 8:210–8:211
  • and G. Gregory’s Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 8:210
  • and J. Hall’s agricultural improvements, 8:42–8:43, 8:104, 8:210, 13:149
  • health of, 8:210
  • identified, 5:633–5:634n
  • as lecturer, 15:307
  • letters from, 5:633–5:634, 6:571, 8:42–8:43, 8:210–8:211, 13:148–13:150, 15:307–15:308, 15:341–15:343
  • letters from accounted for, 6:571n
  • letters to, 5:661, 8:104, 15:321–15:322
  • on party politics
  • Proposals by Redwood Fisher, for printing by subscription, the American Artist’s Manual, or Dictionary of Practical Knowledge, 5:633, 5:633n, 5:661
  • seeks position at University of Virginia, 15:307–15:308, 15:321–15:322, 15:341
  • sends works to TJ, 13:148–13:149
  • and J. Sloan’s financial reverses, 8:43, 8:104
  • and U.S. Military Academy, 15:341–15:342, 15:342–15:343n

Cutting, Nathaniel

  • as consul at Le Havre, 9:363, 9:363n, 11:60
  • and D. Humphreys’s mission to Algiers, 10:676–10:677, 11:60
  • identified, 10:677–10:678n
  • letter from, 10:676–10:678
  • letter to, 11:60
  • and rope manufactory, 11:60
  • seeks congressional land grant, 10:677, 10:678n, 11:60
  • as War Department clerk, 10:677

Cutts, Anna Payne (Richard Cutts’s wife), 1:53, 1:53, 1:54n, 9:554, 9:579

Cutts, Richard, 1:53, 1:53, 1:54n, 1:434

Cuvier, Frédéric

  • and Nouveau Bulletin des Sciences, 9:325, 9:326n

Cuvier, Georges

  • analyzes bones for Institut de France, 1:xlviii, 1:100–1:101, 1:103–1:104, 1:187, 5:572–5:573, 5:573n
  • and classification of animals, 7:152, 7:152, 7:208–7:209, 7:210, 11:367
  • Essay on the Theory of the Earth (ed. R. Jameson; appendix by S. L. Mitchill), 12:444, 12:588, 12:589, 12:590
  • identified, 6:470n
  • identifies mastodon, 8:238
  • and Lacépède’s Histoire naturelle de l’homme, 1:250n
  • Leçons d’Anatomie Comparée, 8:429, 8:429n
  • letter to J. Corrêa da Serra from, 6:470
  • and mammoth bones, 2:508, 5:94, 5:94n, 5:572–5:573, 12:150
  • mentioned
  • praised, 7:661
  • Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles, 1:101n, 5:94n
  • requests animal specimens from J. Corrêa da Serra, 6:469, 6:470, 7:302
  • on TJ, 5:580
  • works of, 12:33, 12:335, 12:443

C. Velleii Paterculi Quae supersunt ex Historiae Romanae (Velleius Paterculus; ed. P. Burmann), 14:511

Cyclopes, 12:443

Cypripedia (Cypripedium). See lady-slipper

Cyropaedia (Xenophon), 7:661, 13:17, 14:551

Cyrus’s Expedition into Persia, and the Retreat of the Ten Thousand Greeks (The Anabasis) (Xenophon; trans. Spelman), 1:580

Czartoryski, Adam, 2:466, 7:433

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