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Ea (ship), 13:112

Eagle (ship), 9:323

Eagle (steamboat), 13:255

eagles (badges), 12:430

Eagle Tavern (Charlottesville), 14:607

Eagle Tavern (Richmond), 1:611n, 1:613, 1:614n, 1:615+, 6:334, 15:366

E. & E. Hosford (Albany firm), 8:470n

Earl, Ralph Eleaser Whiteside

  • and Indian burial mounds and fortifications, 15:619, 15:620–15:621n

Earle, Edward

  • bookseller, 9:447, 9:525, 9:544

Earle, Elias

  • and Cherokee Indians, 7:162, 7:162–7:163n, 7:163–7:164, 7:199–7:200, 7:200n
  • identified, 7:163n
  • ironworks of, 7:162, 7:162–7:163n, 7:163–7:164, 7:199–7:200, 7:200n, 7:203
  • letters from, 7:162–7:163
  • letters to, 7:199–7:200

Earley, Mr., 2:238–2:239n


  • in Lisbon, 4:189, 4:190n
  • near New Madrid, 4:342n, 4:480, 4:573–4:574, 5:407n, 5:524

East, Edward Hyde

  • Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King’s Bench, 2:455, 2:455, 4:300, 4:302n

Eastburn, James See also James Eastburn & Company (New York firm)

  • identified, 10:668n
  • letter from, 10:668, 11:234–11:236
  • letter to, 11:27
  • and New-York Historical Society, 11:234–11:235
  • publication plans of, 10:668, 10:668n, 11:27

Eastburn, James, & Company (New York firm). See James Eastburn & Company (New York firm)

Eastburn, Kirk & Company (New York firm)

  • and Edinburgh Review, 7:367, 10:453n

Easterly, George

  • J. Monroe recommends, 2:283
  • patent received by, 2:283n

East Florida See also Florida

  • and Amelia Island, 4:593, 4:594n, 4:623, 4:665
  • and boundaries of Louisiana Territory, 9:478, 9:479
  • J. Madison on, 4:284n
  • Spanish cession of proposed, 9:391, 9:516, 13:609, 13:610–13:611, 15:105, 15:106n, 15:563
  • TJ favors U.S. seizure of, 3:281–3:282, 3:327, 3:328n, 3:437
  • and War of 1812, 5:651–5:652, 6:67, 6:67–6:68, 6:112, 6:113n, 8:223–8:224

East India Marine Society, 12:379

East Indies Company, 3:174n

Eastman, Mr. (of Coventry, N.H.), 12:343

Eastman, Jonathan, 3:120–3:121, 3:122n

Easton, Mrs.

  • and E. H. Trist, 13:545n

Easton, James

  • Human Longevity, 10:486

Easton, Rufus

  • charged with fraud, 7:365, 7:366n
  • and land claims, 4:70–4:71
  • seeks territorial judgeship, 7:365, 7:366n
  • TJ on, 7:365
  • as U.S. delegate for Missouri Territory, 7:93, 7:94n, 9:338–9:339n

Eastport, Me.

  • newspapers in, 5:110n

East Tennessee College

  • chartered, 2:266, 2:268n
  • letter from trustees of lottery for, 2:266–2:268
  • letter to trustees of lottery for, 2:365–2:366
  • lottery to benefit, 2:266–2:267, 2:268n, 2:365

An Easy First Book for Children; or The First Part of the Rhyming Spelling Book. on a new plan (S. H. Saunders), 2:306–2:308

Eaton, John Henry

  • The Life of Andrew Jackson, Major General in the service of the United States, 12:9, 12:10n

Eaton, William

  • and broad-tailed sheep, 1:477, 11:347, 11:430
  • and A. Burr conspiracy, 7:236

Ebbets, John

  • captain of Enterprize, 4:550, 4:554n

Ebeling, Christoph Daniel

  • correspondence with W. Bentley, 9:137, 9:137–9:138, 9:138n
  • Erdbeschreibung und Geschichte von Amerika, 9:138n, 9:299
  • on Germany, 9:138n, 9:299
  • scientific equipment of, 13:5
  • seeks TJ’s assistance, 9:137, 9:299, 9:300n

An ecclesiastical history, ancient and modern, from the birth of Christ to the beginning of the eighteenth century (J. L. Mosheim), 1:581

Eccleston, Daniel Belteshazzar Plantagenet

  • identified, 2:113–2:114n
  • letters from, 2:113–2:114
  • seeks likeness of TJ, 2:113

Echo (mythological character), 9:636, 9:638n

Eckel, Charles E.

  • as watchmaker, 11:507, 11:507, 11:508, 11:508n

Eckfeldt, John Adam

  • and medals commemorating American Revolution, 15:325

Eckford, Henry, 6:xliv

Eckson, Nicholas, 5:141n

Eclogues (Virgil), 1:345n, 3:370, 3:370–3:371n, 5:319n, 6:616, 9:43, 9:44n, 14:257, 14:551

École de Pharmacie, 1:146n

Écoles Normales. See Séances des Écoles Normales, recueillies par des Sténographes et revues par les Professeurs

Economie de la Vie Humaine (trans. Bordes), 3:50n

The Economy of Human Life (R. Dodsley and Lord Chesterfield), 3:50n, 12:534

Eddy, Caspar Wistar, 10:287

Eddy, John Henry

  • as geographer, 11:582n
  • Map of the Country Thirty Miles Round the City of New York, 5:263n, 5:305–5:306
  • Map of the Western Part of the State of New York, 3:597–3:598

Eddy, Thomas

  • and canals, 11:357–11:358, 11:358n, 11:360, 11:377
  • identified, 11:361n
  • letter from, 11:360–11:361
  • recommends T. Moore, 11:360

Eddystone Rocks (English Channel)

  • lighthouse at, 2:265

Edelen, William J.

  • identified, 15:58n
  • introduced to TJ, 15:58

Edgehill (T. M. Randolph’s Albemarle Co. estate)

  • contour plowing at, 2:254
  • family at, 2:393, 3:644
  • lima beans at, 9:608–9:609
  • location of, 4:6n
  • purchased from TJ, 3:432
  • M. J. Randolph at, 4:132
  • and T. J. Randolph, 6:19, 6:20n
  • in T. M. Randolph’s will, 6:19–6:20
  • spring near, 4:143
  • visitors to, 10:574, 10:574
  • wheat crop at, 6:620

Edgehill School (Albemarle Co.), 3:635n

Edgemont (J. P. Cocke’s Albemarle Co. estate)

  • house at designed by TJ, 4:650–4:651n

Edgeworth, Maria

  • The Absentee, 11:627, 11:628n
  • J. Adams reads, 7:480
  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:665
  • The Modern Griselda: A Tale, 3:623n, 3:633, 3:633n, 3:634n, 4:289
  • Moral Tales for young people, 3:623n, 3:635, 3:635n, 4:289, 8:234
  • The Parent’s Assistant; or, Stories for Children, 2:101, 2:193, 2:264, 3:122, 4:289
  • Tales of Fashionable Life, 2:193, 2:264, 3:122, 11:628n
  • TJ recommends works of, 12:532, 12:534

Edict of Nantes, 5:256–5:257, 10:489, 10:491n

Edict of Tolerance (1781)

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:505

Edinburgh, University of, 2:565, 4:427, 9:644, 12:85, 12:201, 12:238, 12:307, 14:506, 14:618, 15:388–15:389

Edinburgh Botanic Garden

  • fiorin grass from, 5:476

Edinburgh Encyclopedia, 3:51n, 3:589, 3:609

Edinburgh Magazine, or Literary Miscellany

  • and parmesan cheese, 15:418n

Edinburgh Review

  • J. Adams on, 10:509
  • bound for TJ, 13:368, 14:165, 15:340
  • Eastburn, Kirk & Company republishes, 7:367, 10:453n
  • and education, 13:515
  • Fitzwhylsonn & Potter as agent for, 3:599, 7:367, 7:388, 7:389–7:390n, 10:452, 10:572, 10:617, 10:637, 11:205, 11:303, 11:352
  • F. Jeffrey as editor of, 5:634, 5:636n, 10:64n
  • Kirk & Mercein publish American edition of, 13:178n
  • and review of Destutt de Tracy’s Commentary and Review of Montesquieu’s Spirit of Laws, 5:634, 5:636n, 6:52, 9:517, 9:517n, 10:63
  • and review of Greek and English lexicon, 11:335, 11:395, 12:52
  • and review of Humboldt’s Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent, during the years 1799–1804, 10:243, 10:244n
  • and review of J. Malcolm’s The History of Persia, 10:509
  • and review of J. Priestley’s Memoirs of Dr. Joseph Priestley, to the year 1795, written by himself, 14:461, 14:463n
  • and review of D. Ricardo’s On the Principles of Political Economy, and Taxation, 13:572, 13:573n, 13:573
  • and sale of TJ’s library to Congress, 8:83
  • E. Sargeant republishes, 4:367, 4:367n, 4:477–4:478, 4:485, 7:367, 10:453n
  • seen at Monticello, 8:234
  • TJ cites, 9:197n, 9:197n
  • TJ on, 6:402, 6:406, 7:367–7:368, 7:629, 10:523, 12:488, 13:588
  • TJ subscribes to, 1:348, 1:349n, 3:599, 7:367, 7:388–7:389, 7:390n, 7:568–7:569, 9:447, 9:525, 9:544, 10:74, 10:113–10:114, 10:432, 10:432, 10:452, 10:471, 10:486, 10:572, 10:617, 10:637, 11:205, 11:303, 11:352, 13:310, 13:327, 13:367, 15:340, 15:340, 15:340, 15:340
  • and J. F. Watson, 7:344, 7:367, 7:388–7:389, 7:568–7:569, 9:447, 9:525, 9:544, 10:74, 10:113–10:114, 10:432, 10:432, 10:471, 10:486

Edmondes, Clement

  • The Commentaries of C. Julius Cæsar, 10:486

Edmondson, Andrew

  • at Battle of Kings Mountain, 4:135, 4:135n

Edmondson, David

  • land of, 13:221

Edmondson, Robert, Sr.

  • at Battle of Kings Mountain, 4:135, 4:135n

Edmondson, Robert, Jr.

  • at Battle of Kings Mountain, 4:135, 4:135n

Edmondson, William

  • at Battle of Kings Mountain, 4:135, 4:135n

Edmonia (slave), 4:231–4:232n

Edmund (M. Daingerfield’s slave)

  • death of, 3:180–3:181, 5:104, 5:104n
  • TJ hires, 2:41, 3:112, 4:142, 4:217–4:218, 4:556, 5:225n

Edmund (TJ’s slave; b. 1809)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:385, 4:385, 5:461, 6:308, 8:62, 8:255

Edmund (TJ’s slave; b. 1813)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 12:303

education See also education, collegiate; schools and colleges; specific entries for TJ’s Eppes and Randolph descendants

  • and African colonization, 11:11, 11:11
  • of African-Americans, 14:264
  • agricultural, 13:574, 13:597
  • of Alexander I, 8:671
  • of J. W. Baker, 10:183, 10:356n, 10:664, 10:672, 14:294
  • in Baltimore, 11:606
  • G. Blackburn on, 14:101–14:103, 14:104n, 14:198
  • books on, 8:382, 8:383n, 8:550–8:551, 8:551n, 9:443n, 9:502, 9:503n, 9:529, 9:530n, 10:45–10:46, 10:328, 10:370–10:372, 10:390–10:391, 10:481, 10:482n, 10:550, 10:604, 11:604, 11:604n, 11:638–11:639, 11:639–11:640n, 12:17, 12:100–12:101, 12:162–12:163, 12:229–12:230, 12:534, 12:573, 12:648n, 13:153, 14:51
  • bound pamphlets on, 8:630, 8:630, 13:455
  • and bullying, 7:342
  • for child workers, 9:535
  • classical, 8:111, 9:626, 10:664, 12:4, 12:32, 12:45, 12:238, 14:184, 14:274, 14:438, 14:536, 14:550–14:551, 14:607, 14:629–14:631, 14:642, 15:28–15:29, 15:136–15:137, 15:231–15:232, 15:387
  • coeducational, 9:540, 9:541n
  • in Conn., 12:513
  • T. Cooper on, 7:657, 7:657–7:666, 7:684–7:688, 8:12–8:13, 8:447, 8:449n, 12:238
  • for deaf, mute, and blind, 7:638, 9:361, 9:395, 9:396n, 9:397, 9:654–9:655, 9:656n, 10:39, 10:343, 10:489, 14:312, 15:411n
  • P. S. Du Pont de Nemours on, 1:202n, 1:584–1:585, 4:125, 7:168, 7:169n, 7:223, 8:382, 8:383n, 8:429, 10:45–10:46, 10:328
  • effect of mothers on, 14:565
  • effect of War of 1812 on, 7:194–7:195, 8:111
  • elementary, 7:637, 7:661, 7:668, 7:685, 8:183, 9:436–9:438, 9:626, 9:626, 9:627, 10:336, 10:338, 11:133–11:134n, 12:10–12:15, 12:15, 12:18, 12:85, 12:114–12:117, 12:126, 12:160–12:163, 12:201, 12:204, 12:285, 12:287, 12:289, 12:318, 12:357–12:361, 12:381–12:382, 12:449, 12:501n, 13:195–13:196, 13:215–13:216, 14:4, 14:51, 14:132, 14:530, 15:295, 15:295, 15:444–15:446
  • English language, 14:251
  • Essai Général d’Education (Jullien), 2:353, 2:405, 2:504, 2:532–2:533
  • female, 12:252, 12:406–12:407, 12:407n, 12:471, 12:532–12:533, 12:534–12:535, 14:103, 14:208, 14:261, 14:347, 15:294
  • in fine arts, 7:639, 7:687, 9:529
  • in France, 11:633–11:634, 11:638–11:639, 11:640n, 12:39, 12:204, 14:208
  • French language, 8:68, 8:512–8:513, 8:513–8:514, 8:585, 10:183, 10:370–10:372, 10:390–10:391, 10:481, 10:482n, 10:558, 12:3, 12:33, 12:45, 12:120, 14:124, 14:132, 14:151, 14:210, 14:251, 14:253n, 14:258, 14:274, 14:294, 14:311, 14:345, 14:425, 14:425, 14:438–14:439, 14:512, 14:517, 14:519, 14:525–14:526, 14:571
  • German language, 14:251
  • in Great Britain, 7:658–7:659, 7:659, 12:238
  • of Indian children, 1:7, 1:660–1:662, 2:55–2:57, 2:58n, 3:369–3:370, 3:543, 3:543n
  • Italian language, 14:151, 14:251, 14:252n, 14:260, 14:438
  • in Italy, 14:208, 15:74
  • T. Kosciuszko on, 4:469, 8:344–8:345, 12:23
  • in Ky., 1:456, 14:638
  • Lancasterian system, 9:502–9:503, 9:503, 9:529–9:530, 9:642n, 10:45, 10:336, 10:338, 10:390–10:391, 10:481, 10:482n, 12:39, 12:402n, 15:445–15:446, 15:447, 15:447
  • Latin, 3:327–3:328, 3:372, 3:501, 6:65, 7:447, 7:658, 7:659, 7:660–7:661, 7:662–7:663, 7:666, 7:685–7:686, 8:13, 8:513, 8:514, 10:358, 10:358, 10:664, 11:112, 12:3–12:4, 12:33, 12:120, 14:132, 14:251, 14:257–14:258, 14:294, 14:425, 14:438, 14:516, 14:519
  • J. Mackey on, 10:33–10:34
  • military instruction, 6:209, 7:640, 8:344–8:345, 8:388, 10:609, 12:23, 12:170, 14:151
  • at Monticello, 1:181–1:182, 1:215n, 1:245, 1:389, 1:416, 1:650, 2:28, 2:51, 2:58, 2:92, 2:103, 2:129, 2:206, 2:341, 2:378, 6:132, 6:134, 7:647, 8:240, 8:585, 9:250–9:251, 10:672, 10:672, 11:18–11:19, 11:112, 11:233, 11:261, 11:409
  • H. Niles on, 12:160–12:163
  • Pestalozzi system, 10:390–10:391, 11:266n, 12:229
  • of the poor, 13:223n, 13:401, 13:405n, 13:515, 13:589, 13:590–13:591n, 13:607–13:608, 13:608n, 13:613, 13:614–13:615, 14:12–14:13, 14:22, 14:36, 14:51, 14:55–14:56, 14:56, 14:105, 14:121, 15:445–15:446, 15:447–15:448
  • in Portugal, 15:74
  • professional, 7:638–7:640, 7:640, 7:685, 8:135
  • religious, 8:7n, 8:12, 8:341–8:342, 12:14, 12:117, 12:281–12:282, 12:285, 12:507, 12:647
  • Sketch of a Plan and Method of Education (Neef), 4:661
  • S. H. Smith on, 1:30n
  • Spanish language, 10:672, 10:672, 11:14, 11:18–11:19, 11:112, 11:175, 11:233, 11:261, 12:3, 12:120, 14:151, 14:438
  • in Switzerland, 11:263–11:264, 11:266n
  • textbooks, 10:336, 10:338, 11:11, 12:507, 14:51, 14:100, 14:132–14:133, 14:143, 14:200, 14:203, 15:465
  • W. Thornton’s proposed system of, 11:390, 11:391n
  • I. H. Tiffany on, 10:417
  • of TJ, 8:297
  • TJ on, 2:365–2:366, 2:420, 4:162–4:163, 6:180, 6:208, 6:565, 6:565, 6:606, 7:177, 7:447–7:448, 7:636–7:641, 8:12–8:13, 8:90–8:94, 8:101, 8:103, 8:183–8:184, 8:341–8:342, 8:385–8:386n, 8:512–8:513, 8:513–8:514, 8:646–8:647, 9:330–9:331, 9:436–9:438, 9:607–9:608, 9:623, 9:626–9:627, 9:701–9:702, 9:712–9:713, 10:72–10:73, 10:263, 10:264n, 10:338, 10:390–10:391, 12:10–12:15, 12:15–12:16, 12:18, 12:98, 12:114–12:127, 12:204–12:205, 12:289, 12:357–12:361, 12:467, 12:507, 12:513–12:514, 12:524, 12:532–12:533, 12:549, 13:191–13:199, 13:211–13:219, 13:484, 14:123, 14:132–14:133, 14:294, 14:355
  • TJ solicits advice on, 7:606, 7:649, 7:678, 12:620
  • of H. B. and N. P. Trist, 4:573, 4:574n, 10:449, 10:545–10:546, 10:595–10:596
  • J. Tyler on, 2:384–2:385, 2:457
  • in Va., 9:398–9:399, 9:399n, 9:496–9:497, 9:506, 9:507n, 9:590, 9:592n, 9:649, 9:711, 10:263, 10:264n, 10:664, 11:133–11:134n, 12:10–12:15, 12:15–12:16, 12:18, 12:28, 12:33, 12:42, 12:68, 12:73–12:74, 12:85, 12:98, 12:101, 12:114–12:127, 12:128, 12:129–12:132, 12:133, 12:201–12:202, 12:204–12:205, 12:232–12:234, 12:256, 12:288–12:290, 12:307, 12:318, 12:319n, 12:324–12:325, 12:329, 12:357–12:361, 12:381–12:383, 12:388, 12:413, 12:432–12:433, 12:448–12:450, 12:457, 12:467, 12:488, 12:488–12:489, 12:500–12:502, 12:507, 12:511, 12:513–12:514, 12:539–12:540, 13:269, 13:270, 13:589–13:590, 14:4, 14:12–14:13, 14:22, 14:36, 14:55–14:56, 14:56, 14:101, 14:104n, 14:105, 14:121, 14:123, 14:344–14:345, 14:519, 14:530–14:531, 14:562
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502
  • vocational, 7:639–7:640, 7:687, 13:198, 13:218
  • C. Wistar on, 8:243, 8:445–8:447

education, collegiate See also schools and colleges; specific entries for academic subjects

  • J. Adams on, 9:529, 9:529n
  • Catholic, 12:281–12:282
  • T. Cooper on, 7:657–7:666, 7:684–7:688, 8:12–8:13, 8:447, 8:449n, 12:32–12:33, 12:647–12:648
  • J. Corrêa da Serra on, 14:159
  • curriculum of, 8:446–8:447, 10:161, 12:15–12:16, 12:467, 12:620
  • faculty for, 7:641, 7:663, 7:687, 12:620
  • R. Parat on, 12:508–12:509
  • reform of, 8:446–8:447, 8:449n, 11:133–11:134n
  • in rhetoric, 8:352–8:353, 8:354n
  • TJ on, 7:637–7:638, 7:640, 8:12–8:13, 8:90–8:94, 8:183, 9:626–9:627, 10:545–10:546, 10:595–10:596, 12:8–12:9, 12:15–12:16, 12:98, 12:117–12:127, 12:204–12:205, 12:289, 12:467, 14:132
  • at University of Pennsylvania, 8:445–8:447, 8:449n

Edward (Saint Edward, “the Confessor”), king of England, 7:125

Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn, 14:41, 15:571, 15:572n

Edwards, Mrs., 2:14

Edwards, James L.

  • and Georgia Republican, 4:92, 4:127–4:128, 4:130–4:131
  • identified, 4:93n
  • letters from, 4:92–4:93
  • letters to, 4:127–4:128

Edwards, Jonathan

  • American theologian, 6:302, 6:623, 7:480

Edwards, Lewis

  • reference for J. L. Edwards, 4:92

Edwards, Ninian

  • and sedition law, 1:278

Edwin (TJ’s slave; b. 1793). See Colbert, Edwin (TJ’s slave; b. 1793)

Edwin, David

  • engraver, 6:125, 7:295, 7:341, 8:388, 8:389
  • engraving of TJ, 5:221, 5:288, 8:281

Edy (Eday, Eady) (TJ’s slave)

  • health of, 9:40
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:382, 4:383

Edy (TJ’s slave; b. 1787). See Fossett, Edith (Edy) Hern (TJ’s slave; b. 1787)

Edy (TJ’s slave; b. 1792)

  • and child rearing, 13:605
  • children of, 13:567, 13:567n
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 4:386n, 5:462, 6:308, 6:308, 8:61, 8:62, 8:255, 8:255, 13:387, 13:387
  • pot for, 8:70–8:71
  • weaver, 4:380, 4:380

Edy (TJ’s slave; b. 1806)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 5:462, 6:308, 6:309, 8:62, 8:255

Effets du blocus continental (F. D’Ivernois), 3:198, 3:200n, 3:274

Eggleston, Matilda Hill Maury

  • visits Monticello, 8:628
  • visits Va. springs, 13:242

eggplant, 2:481, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n

eggs, 2:291, 4:12n, 8:307, 9:616, 9:620n, 9:620n, 12:442, 14:430


  • and batture controversy, 3:45–3:46, 3:132–3:134, 3:135n, 3:226
  • deities of, 7:33, 7:35–7:36n
  • financial system of, 2:582
  • horse beans from, 9:672
  • rulers of, 7:66, 7:67n
  • salt from, 14:466
  • TJ on, 2:274
  • water-raising technology in, 6:380
  • works on, 11:612–11:613, 11:614n, 11:650

Eichhorn, Johann Gottfried

  • theology professor, 9:86

Eirenarcha: or, Of the office of the Iustices of peace (W. Lambarde), 3:546

Ἡ Καινὴ Διαθήκη. Novum Testamentum Graece (J. J. Griesbach), 13:305, 13:305n, 13:439, 13:469, 14:184, 14:215, 14:215

Eldredge, Nathaniel T.

  • identified, 10:600n
  • letter to, 10:600
  • and New-York Public Sale Report, 10:600, 11:648

Eleanor (ship), 5:173


  • books on, 8:685, 13:378
  • medical use of, 13:346–13:347, 13:347n
  • study of, 7:663, 7:667, 7:686, 14:306

An Elegy on the late honorable Titus Hosmer (J. Barlow), 5:614, 5:617n, 5:618

“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” (T. Gray), 1:238, 1:240n, 11:254n

Élémens d’Algèbre (L. Euler; trans. J. G. Garnier), 13:394, 13:413, 13:428, 13:474, 13:595–13:596, 13:608, 13:608, 15:160

Elemens de Botanique (J. P. de Tournefort), 14:168

Les Élémens de Géométrie d’Euclide (F. Peyrard), 11:295, 11:297, 11:338, 11:352, 11:395, 11:397

Élémens de la morale universelle (Holbach), 12:583, 13:295

Élemens de l’Histoire de France, depuis Clovis jusqu’à Louis XV (C. F. X. Millot), 1:580, 12:534

Élémens d’Histoire Générale (C. F. X. Millot), 1:580, 7:629, 12:534

Élémens d’hygiène (Tourtelle), 1:597n

Élémens d’Idéologie (Destutt de Tracy)

  • J. Adams on, 10:586
  • bound for TJ, 8:630, 8:630
  • T. Cooper on, 5:276
  • Destutt de Tracy on, 9:485, 10:603–10:604, 12:622, 14:115, 14:116
  • manuscript of, sent to TJ, 4:203, 4:209n, 5:436, 5:576, 6:458, 7:3, 7:90, 7:472–7:473
  • preparation of, 4:239–4:241, 4:242–4:243n, 5:578, 5:579n, 5:635, 6:526, 6:530n, 7:3–7:4, 7:527, 7:532n, 9:441–9:442
  • sent by J. Vaughan, 5:7, 5:8n, 5:83, 5:114, 5:211
  • TJ on, 5:577, 6:52, 7:3–7:4, 7:450, 10:459, 10:550, 10:657–10:658
  • TJ sends to T. Cooper, 5:223, 7:125

Elementary or Fundamental Principles of The Philosophy of Natural History (J. G. Burkhard), 8:388, 8:672

An Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology (P. Cleaveland), 14:168

Elements (Euclid), 7:662, 7:700, 9:394

Éléments de Géométrie (A. M. Legendre), 13:394, 13:413, 13:428, 13:474, 13:561, 14:215

Eléments de Morale (A. C. Renouard), 15:26

The Elements of Algebra (N. Saunderson), 14:193

Elements of Botany (B. S. Barton), 1:35, 1:581, 7:626

Elements of Chemistry (J. A. Chaptal), 1:307

Elements of Criticism (H. H. Kames), 1:576, 7:629

The Elements of English Composition (D. Irving), 7:662

The Elements of Euclid (R. Simson), 1:576, 1:650, 7:250, 7:253n, 13:476, 14:102

Elements of Mineralogy (R. Kirwan), 2:375, 2:377n

Elements of the Greek Language … Being a Translation of Dr. Moor’s Celebrated Greek Grammar (eds. S. Blatchford and G. Ewing), 8:660, 9:464, 9:464n, 9:538, 9:639

Elements of the Jewish Faith, translated from the Hebrew (S. J. Cohen), 12:414–12:415

Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind (D. Stewart), 1:576, 7:627, 8:118, 8:472, 8:672, 8:673n, 9:543, 15:410


  • compared to mammoths, 2:508–2:509, 5:94, 5:572, 10:398, 10:399, 12:86, 12:150
  • and extinction, 2:510

Elgin Botanic Garden (New York City), 9:369–9:370, 10:239–10:240, 10:240n, 10:287, 12:477, 12:481

Elias (prophet)

  • and Carmelites, 7:220

Eliason, John

  • identified, 5:484n
  • introduced by J. Mason, 6:92
  • letters from, 6:123
  • letters to, 6:149–6:150
  • and Shadwell mills, 5:483–5:484, 5:499, 5:530, 5:570–5:571, 6:91, 6:118, 6:123, 6:149–6:150, 6:166

Eliot, Charles

  • and F. A. Van der Kemp’s writings, 9:596

Eliza (TJ’s slave; b. 1805)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388, 12:303
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:718

Eliza Ann (sloop), 8:79

Elizabeth I, queen of England

  • W. Camden’s biography of, 7:629, 7:631n
  • reign of, 1:382, 7:377, 12:581n, 13:317

Elizabeth (brig), 15:341n, 15:476, 15:547

Elizabeth Wilson (ship), 4:325

Eliza Reilly (brig), 11:653, 11:654, 12:205

elk, 7:84, 7:86n, 8:238, 10:398, 13:60, 13:62, 13:63, 13:63n, 13:95

Elk Hill (TJ’s Goochland Co. estate), 1:305n, 1:615n, 2:84, 10:575, 10:575n

Elk Island, 1:305n, 2:84, 2:397, 2:397, 2:397, 2:407, 2:424, 2:447, 3:44, 3:85, 11:502

Ellen (TJ’s slave; b. 1808)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388, 12:303
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:718

Ellen (TJ’s slave; b. 1809). See Hern, Ellen (TJ’s slave; b. 1809)

Ellen (TJ’s slave; b. 1814)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 8:62, 8:255

Ellenborough, Lord. See Law, Edward, 1st Earl of Ellenborough

Ἑλληνικῶν παθημάτων θεραπευτική (Theodoret), 11:452

Ellery, Christopher

  • identified, 15:413n
  • letter from, 15:412–15:413
  • letter to, 15:440
  • seeks appointment, 15:412–15:413, 15:440, 15:441
  • TJ praises, 15:441

Ellery, William

  • death of, 15:412, 15:439

Ellicott, Andrew (1733–1809), 3:501n

Ellicott, Andrew (1754–1820)

  • astronomical observations of, 4:651, 4:656, 5:100–5:101, 6:422
  • and B. Banneker, 1:588
  • greetings sent to, 1:453n
  • and gypsum, 3:437
  • identified, 5:101n
  • and latitude of U.S. Capitol, 1:357
  • letters from, 5:100–5:101
  • letters to, 5:165–5:166
  • as surveyor, 5:100–5:101, 5:165–5:166
  • TJ offers appointment to, 5:101n

Ellicott, Elias, 1:590n

Ellicott, George, 1:590n

Ellicott, Jonathan

  • and O. Evans’s patent machinery, 6:453, 6:454, 6:455–6:457, 6:514
  • identified, 6:457n
  • letter from to T. Worthington, 6:455–6:458

Ellicott, Nathaniel

  • identified, 3:501n
  • letters from, 3:509–3:510, 6:651
  • letters to, 3:500–3:501
  • and proposed Va. road, 6:651, 6:651n, 6:651n
  • TJ seeks milling advice from, 3:500–3:501, 3:509–3:510

Elliot, Samuel, 1:535

Elliot, William

  • printer, 9:80n

Elliott, Benjamin

  • identified, 8:315–8:316n
  • letter from, 8:315–8:316
  • An Oration, delivered in St. Philip’s Church, before the inhabitants of Charleston, South-Carolina; on Friday, the Fourth of July, 1817, in commemoration of American Independence, 11:528, 11:529n, 11:582
  • Oration on the Inauguration of the Federal Constitution, 6:88–6:89, 6:89n, 6:124–6:125
  • and Seventy-Six Association, 8:315

Elliott, Charles

  • identified, 6:90n
  • letters from, 6:88–6:90
  • letters to, 6:124–6:125
  • and Seventy-Six Association, 6:88–6:90, 6:124–6:125

Elliott, Jesse Duncan

  • War of 1812 service of, 7:530

Elliott, Robert

  • identified, 3:431n
  • letters from, 3:431
  • letters to, 3:456–3:457
  • obtains subscription from TJ, 3:431, 3:456–3:457

Elliott, Stephen, 10:287

Ellis, Charles

  • travels of, 11:305

Ellis, Richard S.

  • and Central College subscription, 11:331

Ellis, William (1730–1801)

  • translates A Treatise on Government. Translated from the Greek of Aristotle (Aristotle), 10:349, 10:349n

Ellis, William (brewer)

  • The London and Country Brewer, 6:507

Ellis & Allan (Richmond firm)

  • goods sent to, 13:361

Ellsworth, Oliver

  • as legal authority, 11:369

elm, 4:532

elm, witch, 1:192n


  • study of, 7:659–7:660

Éloge historique de François Péron (Alard), 5:463, 5:464n, 6:489, 6:509, 7:50, 7:50n

Elogio d’Amerigo Vespucci (S. Canovai), 7:444, 7:522, 7:523n, 7:564, 7:613, 7:613n, 10:182

Elogio del Dr. D. Eusebio Valli (T. Romay y Chacón), 11:377, 11:377n, 11:377–11:378n, 11:428

Eloisa (J. J. Rousseau), 7:665

Elrington, Thomas, 14:551n

Elsner, Mr., 10:505

Ely, Aaron

  • identified, 14:27–14:28n
  • letter from, 14:27–14:28
  • and Society of Teachers of the City of New-York for Benevolent and Literary Purposes, 14:27
  • urges TJ to read the Bible, 14:27

Ely, Ezra Stiles

  • Conversations on the Science of the Human Mind, 14:432–14:433, 14:470–14:471
  • identified, 14:433n
  • letter from, 14:432–14:433
  • letter to, 14:470–14:471
  • writings of, 6:302

Ely, William

  • and A. Burr conspiracy, 7:236

Elzevir, Daniel

  • as publisher of classical works, 12:576, 13:293, 15:258

Elzey, Dr. See Elzey, Arnold

Elzey, Arnold

  • purchases chariot from TJ, 1:41
  • treats J. Madison, 6:241, 6:242

Embargo Act (1807)

  • American vessels seized under, 1:373
  • criticism of, 13:568
  • effects of, 4:14, 4:622, 7:580–7:581
  • A. Gallatin on, 3:68
  • G. Gilpin on, 1:418
  • G. Granger on, 3:128
  • and J. Henry’s mission, 4:542
  • T. Lehré on, 5:284, 5:681
  • J. Madison on, 3:638–3:639
  • mentioned, 2:569, 6:376n, 8:5
  • and merchants, 2:343, 2:444n, 12:553–12:554, 12:555n
  • M. Nack on, 3:345–3:346
  • W. C. Nicholas on, 2:194
  • opposition to, 1:86n, 1:138n, 10:332–10:333
  • W. Pinkney on, 2:69, 2:70n
  • repeal of, 2:421, 2:533, 2:534n, 2:537, 2:538, 7:530
  • Republican resolutions on, 3:229, 3:232n
  • C. A. Rodney on, 2:189–2:190
  • support for, 1:94n, 1:95, 1:100n, 1:532, 3:345–3:346, 3:502, 6:219n, 6:462
  • TJ accused of smuggling during, 1:426
  • TJ on, 1:19–1:20, 1:21n, 1:39, 1:85–1:86, 1:99–1:100, 2:491, 2:506, 2:506n, 2:533–2:534, 2:537–2:538, 3:502, 7:12, 9:437–9:438
  • works on, 1:37, 1:38n, 3:522n

Embargo Act (1812)

  • effects of, 4:548, 4:593–4:594, 4:612, 4:622–4:623, 4:664, 11:284
  • passage of, 4:586–4:588

Embargo Act (1813)

  • passage of, 7:78, 8:533–8:534n
  • repeal of, 7:290, 7:291n, 7:300, 7:307
  • TJ on, 7:78, 7:88–7:89, 7:92, 7:212, 8:532–8:533, 9:313, 11:284
  • TJ’s alleged opinion on, 7:299, 7:299n, 7:311–7:312
  • and TJ’s flour, 7:69, 7:70n, 7:167, 7:300, 7:307
  • western reaction to, 7:345

Emerigon, Balthazard Marie

  • in law curriculum, 7:688

Emerson, William

  • The Doctrine of fluxions, 1:576

Emilius (J. J. Rousseau), 7:665

Emlen, Samuel

  • and antislavery, 15:178

Emlyn, Thomas

  • Unitarian minister, 6:302

Emma Matilda (ship), 15:186n, 15:186, 15:187n, 15:413

Emmet, Thomas Addis

  • identified, 9:56n
  • introduces J. F. Dumoulin to TJ, 9:55–9:56, 9:125
  • letters from, 9:55–9:57
  • mentioned, 10:102, 10:334
  • reference for R. Reynolds, 14:550, 14:594
  • TJ meets, 9:55, 9:56n

Emmons, Hernan

  • robs bank, 15:278n

Emory, Robert

  • chairs meeting of Queen Annes Co. Republicans, 1:62–1:63
  • identified, 1:63n
  • letters from, 1:62–1:63

The Emperor Marcus Antoninus (J. Collier), 1:576

Emporium of Arts & Sciences

  • bound for TJ, 13:368, 13:449, 14:166
  • mentioned, 3:51n, 6:559, 6:559, 6:599, 7:128, 7:258, 7:386, 7:386n, 7:406, 7:607, 8:160, 8:161n, 8:249
  • publication ceases, 7:679, 8:13
  • TJ references, 12:156, 12:157n
  • TJ subscribes to, 4:663, 4:685, 5:18, 5:19n, 5:100, 12:655, 13:43, 13:60, 13:60n, 13:72

Emulous, HMS, 4:133

The Enchanted Throne, An Indian Story translated from the Persian Language (D. Lescallier), 11:351, 11:351n, 11:441

Enchiridion (Epictetus)

  • Enchiridion Unà cum Cebetis Thebani Tabula , 14:193, 14:265, 14:286
  • Ἐπικτήτου Ἐγχειρίδιον. Manuale di Epitteto (trans. “E. Pilenejo” [G. M. Pagnini]), 13:394, 13:413, 13:428, 13:474, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561, 14:215
  • study of, 7:661

Encyclopædia (T. Dobson), 1:577, 1:582, 4:365, 4:366n, 10:195

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 4:366n, 8:244, 8:420, 11:271–11:272, 11:273n, 12:312

Encyclopédie (J. d’Alembert and D. Diderot), 6:381, 6:408, 8:580–8:581, 8:581n, 14:82–14:83, 15:589, 15:589n

Encyclopédie Méthodique, 4:228, 7:616, 7:617n, 9:317n, 12:156, 12:157n, 12:420, 12:430

Encyclopédie Méthodique: Jurisprudence (Lerasle), 3:130, 3:174n, 3:175n, 3:546

Endecott, John, 5:510

endive, 5:550–5:551, 8:305

Endymion, HMS (frigate), 8:264, 8:267n

Enfield, William

  • The History of Philosophy, 1:576, 6:439, 6:548, 6:548–6:549, 6:549, 6:551n, 7:148, 7:627, 9:60, 10:580, 10:642–10:643, 11:30, 11:31, 11:283
  • Institutes of Natural Philosophy, Theoretical and Practical, 11:30, 11:30n

Engano, Cape, 1:447

Englefield, Sir Henry Charles, 14:313

English, David

  • bank cashier, 10:568

English, George Bethune

  • The Grounds of Christianity Examined, by Comparing the New Testament with the Old, 7:435n, 12:414–12:415, 13:476
  • A Letter to The Reverend Mr. Cary, containing Remarks Upon His Review of the Grounds of Christianity Examined, by Comparing the New Testament with the Old , 7:435n
  • and writings on religious freedom, 7:436n

English Botany; or, Coloured Figures of British Plants (J. E. Smith and J. Sowerby), 10:287, 10:288n

English Grammar, Adapted to the Different Classes of Learners (L. Murray), 6:41, 6:41–6:42n

English language

  • Anglo-Saxon (Old English), 6:404–6:405, 6:414, 10:358, 10:358, 10:465, 14:251
  • books on grammar of, 6:40–6:41, 6:41–6:42n, 6:402, 7:320, 7:320n, 12:534, 14:458, 14:504, 15:69n, 15:171–15:172
  • dialects of, 13:612
  • dictionaries, 6:387, 8:514, 8:581, 8:628, 8:672, 8:672, 10:491–10:492n, 12:534, 14:193, 14:265, 14:286
  • evolution of, 6:402–6:406
  • improvement of, 15:419–15:422
  • new words in, 8:203, 8:203n, 9:632–9:633
  • orthography of, 6:355, 6:355n, 6:413–6:415, 6:415n, 12:173, 12:236
  • phonology of, 12:173, 12:236
  • study of, 14:251
  • TJ on study of, 4:162–4:163, 6:402–6:406, 11:252

An English Padlock (M. Prior), 7:480, 7:481n

English Phonology; or, An Essay Towards an Analysis and Description of the Component Sounds of the English Language (P. S. Du Ponceau), 12:173, 12:236

Enniscorthy (I. A. Coles’s Albemarle Co. estate), 1:53n, 2:39, 2:127, 3:290, 3:645

Enoch (Old Testament patriarch)

  • and biblical apocrypha, 7:77, 7:78n, 7:218, 7:219

Enquirer (Richmond newspaper). See Richmond Enquirer (newspaper)

An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice (W. Godwin), 7:195

An Enquiry concerning the Intellectual and Moral Faculties, and Literature of Negroes (H. Grégoire), 4:19, 4:19–4:20n

An Enquiry respecting the Capture of Washington by the British, on the 24th August, 1814 (J. Armstrong), 9:710, 9:710n

Ensor, George

  • Defects of the English Laws and Tribunals, 10:557n, 10:564–10:565, 10:625
  • On National Government, 10:556–10:557, 10:557n, 10:564–10:565, 10:625

Enterprise (steamboat), 9:89, 9:89n

Enterprise, USS (brig), 6:509, 6:510n, 6:526

Enterprize (ship), 4:550, 4:554n


  • in Europe, 9:84

Entretiens sur la Pluralité des Mondes (Fontenelle), 1:581

Enville, Louis Alexandre de La Rochefoucauld, duc d’, 15:150n

Enville, Louise Elisabeth de La Rochefoucauld, duchesse d’, 14:30, 15:149, 15:150n

Ἔπεα Πτερόεντα. or, the Diversions of Purley (J. H. Tooke), 13:223n

Epernon, Jean Louis de Nogaret de La Valette, duc d’

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:504

Epicteti Stoici Philosophi Enchiridion: Unà cum Cebetis Thebani Tabula. Quibus adjiciuntur hac Editione Simplicii Commentarius in Enchiridion Epicteti. Item Arriani Commentariorum de Epicteti Disputationibus, Lib. IV (Epictetus, Cebes, Simplicius, and Arrian; ed. H. Wolf), 14:510

Epictetus (Greek philosopher)

  • Enchiridion, 7:661, 14:193, 14:265, 14:286
  • Epicteti Stoici Philosophi Enchiridion: Unà cum Cebetis Thebani Tabula. Quibus adjiciuntur hac Editione Simplicii Commentarius in Enchiridion Epicteti. Item Arriani Commentariorum de Epicteti Disputationibus, Lib. IV (ed. H. Wolf), 14:510
  • Ἐπικτήτου Ἐγχειρίδιον. Manuale di Epitteto (trans. “E. Pilenejo” [G. M. Pagnini]), 13:394, 13:413, 13:428, 13:428n, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561, 14:215
  • mentioned, 6:299, 7:447
  • Stoici Philosophi Encheiridion item (trans. E. Carter), 1:576, 15:43, 15:65, 15:159
  • TJ on, 15:163, 15:164
  • works of, 14:257, 14:551, 15:391n
  • writings on, 6:317

Epicurus (Greek philosopher)

  • doctrines of, 9:341, 13:258, 13:267n, 15:165–15:166, 15:166n, 15:337, 15:338n
  • mentioned, 6:299
  • La Morale d’Epicure, Tirée de ses Propres Écrits (C. Batteux), 15:26
  • W. Short on, 15:149, 15:252–15:253
  • TJ on, 15:163–15:164

Epidemiologia Española ó Historia Cronológica de las Pestes, Contagios, Epidemias y Epizootias (J. Villalba), 10:129, 10:146n

Epigrammata (Martial)

  • quoted, 10:59, 10:60–10:61n
  • TJ references, 9:341, 9:342n

Ἐπικτήτου Ἐγχειρίδιον. Manuale di Epitteto (Epictetus; trans. “E. Pilenejo” [G. M. Pagnini]), 13:394, 13:413, 13:428, 13:428n, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561, 14:215


  • beliefs of, 13:481, 13:482n
  • and education, 13:452, 14:103
  • mentioned, 10:587
  • TJ subscribes for minister, 13:476n
  • in Va., 9:380, 9:382, 13:341, 15:466

Epistles (Horace), 14:257, 14:551, 14:615, 14:616n

Epitome of Military Science (Vegetius), 7:529, 7:532n

Epodes (Horace), 14:551

Eppes, Archibald

  • and fish for TJ, 15:378, 15:378–15:379

Eppes, Elizabeth Wayles (TJ’s sister-in-law; John Wayles Eppes’s mother)

  • death of, 2:468, 2:469n, 4:35, 5:162n
  • and F. Eppes, 2:126, 2:129, 2:153, 2:206, 12:141n
  • health of, 1:337, 1:338n
  • identified, 2:130n
  • letters from, 2:206
  • letters from accounted for, 2:130n
  • letters to, 2:129–2:130
  • TJ sends greetings to, 1:363, 2:341, 2:378

Eppes, Francis (TJ’s brother-in-law)

  • acquires land through marriage, 6:130
  • death of, 4:35, 5:162n
  • and Eppington, 11:200, 12:141n
  • and fish, 15:378
  • and Gilliam v. Fleming, 2:674
  • manages TJ’s business affairs, 6:535n
  • and TJ’s account with W. Welch, 2:497, 2:513–2:514, 2:514
  • as J. Wayles’s executor, 1:339n, 2:141, 2:142n, 2:369, 2:370, 2:540, 7:99, 7:99n, 7:174, 7:175, 9:647, 10:110, 15:250, 15:260

Eppes, Francis Wayles (TJ’s grandson)

  • and Central College, 12:7, 12:281, 12:435, 12:435–12:436, 12:463, 12:529, 13:175, 13:278, 13:321, 13:428–13:429, 13:483
  • clothing for, 2:129, 2:206, 13:321, 14:525, 14:526n
  • conveys dog to TJ, 2:378
  • delivers letters, 10:600, 10:673n
  • education of, in Charlottesville, 14:210, 14:280, 14:280–14:281, 14:294, 14:525–14:526, 15:141, 15:142n, 15:378, 15:379n
  • education of, in Lynchburg, 6:64, 6:65, 6:130–6:131, 6:531, 7:483, 8:68, 8:99, 8:512–8:513, 8:585, 9:607–9:608, 9:712–9:713, 9:714n, 10:672, 13:17
  • education of, at Monticello, 2:58, 2:92, 2:103, 2:129, 2:206, 2:341, 2:378, 3:327–3:328, 3:501, 7:647, 8:68, 8:512–8:513, 8:513–8:514, 8:585, 9:147, 9:250–9:251, 10:672, 10:672, 11:233, 11:261, 13:18
  • education of, at New London Academy, 10:59n, 10:72–10:73, 10:183–10:184, 10:356n, 12:435, 12:436, 12:465, 12:529, 12:591, 12:612, 13:175, 13:292, 13:321, 13:458, 13:483
  • education of, in Richmond, 10:664, 10:672, 11:18–11:19, 11:49, 11:50, 11:59, 11:59n, 11:112–11:113, 11:175, 11:233–11:234, 11:261, 11:292, 11:396
  • education of, in Staunton, 14:183–14:184, 14:188, 14:210, 14:210, 14:280, 14:281
  • education of, in and around Washington, D.C., 12:7, 12:52, 12:252, 12:281–12:282, 12:435, 12:435, 12:463, 12:464–12:465, 12:590–12:591
  • education of, TJ on, 5:102, 5:171–5:172, 6:73, 7:483, 7:647, 8:512–8:513, 8:513–8:514, 9:607–9:608, 9:712–9:713, 10:72–10:73, 10:183, 11:14, 11:303, 11:409, 11:596, 13:278, 13:537
  • education of, with Baker family, 13:321, 13:428–13:429, 13:483, 14:294
  • family of, 1:488n
  • and fish for TJ, 15:378
  • health of, 6:131, 7:647, 10:389, 11:233, 13:428
  • identified, 4:115n
  • letters from, 4:115–4:116, 6:65, 8:99–8:100, 12:281–12:282, 12:463–12:464, 13:175, 13:428–13:429, 15:308–15:309
  • letters from accounted for, 3:195n, 4:132n, 6:648n, 7:648n, 11:597n, 13:537n, 14:526n
  • letters to, 4:131–4:132, 6:451, 6:648, 7:647, 8:68–8:69, 10:72–10:73, 12:435, 13:278, 13:537
  • mentioned, 3:513, 13:279
  • at Monticello, 3:195, 3:204, 3:244, 3:255, 3:282, 3:317, 7:647, 9:147, 11:14, 12:7, 15:48n, 15:500n
  • and Pantops, 5:102–5:103, 5:325–5:326, 6:71–6:73, 6:129, 7:482–7:483
  • and plants for TJ, 15:308
  • and Poplar Forest, 6:71–6:73, 7:400, 7:482–7:483, 10:183, 10:184n, 11:596, 11:624n
  • relationship with J. W. Baker, 15:377
  • relationship with father, 2:68, 2:92, 2:126, 2:129, 2:130, 2:153, 2:206, 2:325, 2:368, 3:195, 3:255–3:256, 3:282, 3:458, 4:131, 7:647, 7:648, 8:99, 8:100n, 8:585, 9:607–9:608, 9:712–9:713, 10:664, 11:14, 12:281–12:282, 12:463, 12:464, 12:464–12:465, 12:590–12:591, 13:17, 15:308
  • returns to Eppington, 3:290, 3:458, 3:473, 3:474, 3:501, 3:502
  • room and board payment for, 15:270, 15:280
  • TJ sends greetings to, 4:173, 5:172, 5:349, 6:88, 9:713
  • TJ’s relationship with, 1:336–1:337, 2:92, 2:126, 2:129, 2:341, 4:115, 4:131–4:132, 5:102–5:103, 5:171–5:172, 6:65, 6:71–6:73, 6:73, 6:225, 6:451, 6:451, 6:497–6:498, 6:531, 6:648, 6:649, 8:68, 8:99, 9:712–9:713, 10:59n, 10:72–10:73, 10:183, 10:355, 12:435, 12:435–12:436, 12:529–12:530, 12:612
  • witnesses document, 15:38

Eppes, John Wayles (TJ’s son-in-law)

  • and batture controversy, 3:203–3:204, 3:244, 3:254–3:255, 3:256, 3:290, 3:317
  • and W. Bentley, 2:169–2:170n, 2:184, 2:185n, 3:155
  • on British threat to Washington, 6:312–6:313
  • and Central College, 11:303, 12:7, 12:8, 12:463, 12:529, 12:540, 13:17–13:18
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:327n, 11:331, 11:590–11:591, 11:596, 12:7, 12:98–12:99, 12:464, 13:17–13:18, 13:321–13:322, 13:322n, 15:97
  • challenges J. Randolph to duel, 3:425, 3:425n
  • and Committee on Foreign Relations, 3:275n
  • copies J. Madison’s notes from Federal Convention, 2:542n
  • and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 12:527
  • on destruction of Washington, 7:642
  • election of, 6:73, 6:80, 6:80n, 6:112
  • family of, 10:672, 11:409, 12:7, 12:141n
  • on Federalist party, 12:591
  • and fish for TJ, 15:378, 15:378–15:379
  • and R. Fitzhugh, 6:109, 6:139
  • on foreign affairs, 3:255
  • on A. Gallatin’s nomination, 6:313
  • and Gilliam v. Fleming, 1:304, 1:305, 1:306, 1:307, 1:331, 1:339, 1:362, 1:365, 2:325, 2:369–2:370, 2:540, 3:44
  • gubernatorial prospects of, 8:47
  • and O. Hanbury’s executors, 3:195, 5:299n
  • and harpsichord for Poplar Forest, 15:308–15:309, 15:378
  • health of, 2:68, 2:325, 2:378, 4:132, 7:648, 9:250, 10:183, 10:540, 10:600, 10:672, 10:673n, 11:292–11:293, 12:8, 12:590, 15:308, 15:378
  • identified, 1:337–1:338n
  • invites C. A. Rodney to visit, 13:311n
  • and W. Lambert’s astronomical calculations, 2:54, 2:55n
  • letters from, 1:336–1:338, 2:68–2:70, 2:130–2:131, 2:169–2:170, 2:325, 3:195–3:196, 3:254–3:256, 3:256–3:257, 3:317, 3:473–3:474, 6:129–6:131, 6:311–6:313, 6:530–6:531, 7:642, 8:585, 9:250–9:251, 10:600, 10:672–10:673, 11:292–11:293, 12:7–12:8, 12:251–12:253, 12:464–12:466, 12:590–12:592, 13:321–13:322, 13:564, 14:299–14:300, 15:377–15:379
  • letters from accounted for, 1:338n, 2:378n, 3:244n, 4:115–4:116n, 4:173n, 5:172n, 5:349–5:350n, 6:73n, 6:355n, 8:585n, 9:714n, 11:15n, 11:597n, 12:138n, 13:18n, 14:211n, 14:526n
  • letters to, 1:362–1:363, 2:58–2:59, 2:91–2:93, 2:153–2:154, 2:184, 2:340–2:341, 2:378, 2:540–2:541, 3:203–3:205, 3:244, 3:281–3:282, 3:290, 3:327–3:328, 3:501–3:503, 3:513, 4:132–4:133, 4:172–4:173, 5:102–5:103, 5:171–5:172, 5:347–5:350, 6:71–6:73, 6:88, 6:220–6:226, 6:490–6:499, 6:578–6:594, 7:482–7:483, 7:648, 8:513–8:514, 9:607–9:609, 9:712–9:714, 10:183–10:184, 11:14–11:15, 11:174–11:175, 11:233–11:234, 11:302–11:303, 11:409, 11:590–11:592, 11:596–11:597, 12:137–12:138, 12:435–12:436, 12:529–12:530, 12:612, 13:17–13:18, 14:210–14:211, 14:525–14:526
  • letters to accounted for, 1:338n, 5:349–5:350n, 12:298n
  • library of, 13:429
  • on luxury in U.S. government, 12:465–12:466
  • mentioned, 2:142n, 3:433
  • and national debt, 12:592
  • and W. C. Nicholas’s debts, 14:621
  • opposes Anglo-American trade bill, 12:591–12:592, 12:592n
  • on party sentiment in Congress, 3:473, 3:502
  • portraits of, 13:540, 13:540n
  • and proposed land exchange with TJ, 6:71–6:73, 6:129–6:130
  • receives slaves from TJ, 1:156n
  • recommends W. J. Harris, 4:91n, 4:185
  • relationship with son, 2:68, 2:92, 2:126, 2:129, 2:130, 2:153, 2:206, 2:325, 2:368, 3:195, 3:255–3:256, 3:282, 3:458, 4:131, 6:71–6:73, 6:130–6:131, 6:531, 7:647, 8:68, 8:99, 8:100n, 8:512, 8:514, 8:585, 9:250–9:251, 9:607–9:608, 9:712–9:713, 10:664, 10:672, 11:14, 11:18–11:19, 11:49, 11:112–11:113, 11:175, 11:233–11:234, 11:261, 11:292, 11:596–11:597, 12:7, 12:52, 12:252, 12:281–12:282, 12:435, 12:435–12:436, 12:463, 12:464, 12:464–12:465, 12:529–12:530, 12:590–12:591, 12:612, 13:17, 13:321, 14:183, 14:184, 14:210–14:211, 14:280, 14:280, 14:294, 14:525–14:526, 15:308, 15:377, 15:378, 15:379n
  • on religion, 12:465
  • rents part of Lego, 2:279, 2:280n
  • reports convoy bill, 2:254n
  • and reports of George III’s death, 4:172–4:173
  • on routes to Monticello, 14:299
  • and sale of Pantops, 5:102–5:103, 5:171, 5:325, 5:347–5:348, 5:349–5:350n, 6:130, 7:482–7:483
  • sends book manuscript to TJ, 6:355, 6:355n, 6:413
  • sends greetings, 10:672, 12:8, 12:252, 12:281, 12:463
  • sends seeds to TJ, 14:299
  • and sheep, 2:252, 2:431–2:432
  • slaves of, 1:156n, 1:321, 1:321n, 10:600, 10:673, 11:14, 11:174, 11:292, 12:7
  • sundial for, 11:174
  • TJ on, 2:340–2:341
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:625
  • TJ sends furniture to, 6:88
  • and TJ’s health, 13:564, 13:564n
  • and TJ’s letters on finance, 6:220–6:225, 6:311, 6:490–6:497, 6:578–6:592, 6:594, 6:595–6:596, 6:600, 7:133, 7:144, 7:692, 8:29, 8:206
  • and TJ’s memorandum on U.S. Bank, 2:70, 2:70n, 2:92
  • and TJ’s newspapers, 1:457, 1:469
  • TJ visits, 4:132, 4:346n, 10:516, 12:591
  • travels to N.C., 2:58, 2:68, 2:325, 2:340, 2:368, 2:378, 2:491
  • and University of Virginia, 14:210
  • as U.S. senator, 12:138, 12:251–12:252, 13:429
  • as U.S. senatorial candidate, 8:47, 10:672, 10:673n, 11:14
  • visits Monticello, 13:488, 14:299–14:300
  • visits Poplar Forest, 11:596, 11:624n
  • on War of 1812, 6:131, 6:531, 7:642
  • on wartime finance, 6:311–6:312
  • and J. Wayles’s papers, 5:287
  • and Ways and Means Committee, 2:59n, 6:220, 9:217
  • on W. Fla. controversy, 3:256, 3:281–3:282
  • and wine for TJ, 10:673, 11:50, 11:175, 11:238, 11:292, 11:300, 11:302, 13:126, 13:127n, 13:173

Eppes, Maria (Mary) Jefferson (TJ’s daughter; John Wayles Eppes’s first wife)

  • acquaintances in France, 1:174, 1:175n
  • death of, 3:307, 4:xlvi, 4:389, 6:131n, 12:146, 12:147n
  • education of, 12:406–12:407, 12:407n, 12:478, 12:480n, 12:532
  • and Eppington, 12:141n
  • family of, 11:252
  • greetings sent to, 12:406
  • harpsichord of, 15:308–15:309
  • mentioned, 2:xliii, 6:451, 11:202
  • receives slaves from TJ, 1:156n, 1:321n
  • travels to France, 1:450n

Eppes, Martha Burke Jones (John Wayles Eppes’s second wife)

  • and F. Eppes, 2:126, 2:129, 2:153, 8:68
  • and harpsichord for Poplar Forest, 15:378
  • identified, 2:127n
  • letter to, 2:126–2:127
  • mentioned, 1:338n, 11:624n, 12:7
  • M. J. Randolph sends plants and seeds to, 9:608, 10:537
  • sends greetings, 10:600, 10:672, 12:281, 12:463
  • sends plants to TJ, 11:292
  • TJ forwards letter to, 3:433, 3:433n, 3:458, 3:513
  • TJ sends greetings to, 2:341, 2:378, 4:173, 5:102, 5:172, 5:349, 6:88, 7:483, 8:68, 9:609, 9:713, 11:175, 11:303, 11:409, 11:596–11:597, 12:138, 13:537
  • TJ sends plants to, 11:14, 11:174–11:175, 11:175
  • visits N.C., 2:68
  • watch of, 12:137–12:138, 12:252, 13:527, 13:537
  • and wine for TJ, 11:50

Eppes, Mary (Polly). See Thweatt, Mary (Polly) Eppes (John Wayles Eppes’s sister; Richard Noble Thweatt’s wife)

Eppes, Mary Elizabeth Cleland Randolph (Francis Wayles Eppes’s wife; Thomas Eston Randolph’s daughter)

  • correspondence of, 11:628
  • identified, 11:632n
  • letter to, from C. J. Randolph, 11:631–11:632
  • marriage of, 1:488n
  • travels of, 11:624n, 11:631n

Eppes, Richard

  • as a burgess, 8:621

Eppington (Eppes’s Chesterfield Co. estate)

  • and F. Eppes, 2:325, 2:378, 3:290, 3:458, 3:473, 3:474, 3:501, 3:502
  • and J. W. Eppes, 3:195, 12:141n
  • family returns to, 2:68
  • James River at, 11:200
  • mill at, 15:498–15:499
  • proposed sale of, 12:141
  • TJ directs letter to, 2:340
  • TJ plans to visit, 1:363, 1:364, 1:365, 1:595
  • TJ visits, 1:626, 2:129, 2:130n, 12:141n
  • J. Wayles’s papers at, 2:84–2:85, 2:141, 2:256, 5:90–5:91, 5:161–5:162, 5:162n, 5:210–5:211, 5:287, 5:287–5:288, 9:647, 10:110, 12:452, 12:487

eprouvette, 6:117

equatorial (astronomical instrument)

  • and calculation of longitude, 15:288
  • owned by TJ, 4:237, 4:238n, 4:369
  • and surveying, 9:680–9:681, 9:691–9:692

Erasmus, Desiderius

  • Colloquia, nunc emendatiora, 11:452
  • Novum Testamentum Græce et Latine, 8:235
  • quoted by J. Adams, 6:299, 6:300n
  • and Renaissance, 7:23, 7:147

Erastus, Thomas (Thomas Lüber)

  • mentioned, 6:302
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502

Erdbeschreibung und Geschichte von Amerika (C. D. Ebeling), 9:138n, 9:299

Erie, USS, 11:509, 11:534n

Erie Canal, 3:333, 3:459–3:460, 3:521, 3:597–3:598, 11:218–11:219, 11:219n, 11:259, 11:280–11:281, 11:339, 11:357–11:358, 11:358n, 11:360, 11:364–11:365, 11:376–11:377, 11:415, 11:434–11:435, 11:448, 12:23, 12:194, 15:492–15:493, 15:493n

Eriugena, John Scotus

  • quoted by TJ, 12:443

Ernest, Mathew, 2:56, 2:58n

Ernesti, Johann August

  • edits C. Cornelii Taciti opera (Tacitus), 9:196, 9:455, 10:212, 10:531, 11:205, 11:296, 11:414, 11:414, 12:356, 14:511
  • edits Clavis Ciceronis; sive indices rerum et verborum (Cicero), 12:313, 12:356, 12:356
  • edits Graecum Lexicon Manuale (B. Hederich), 9:276, 9:277n, 10:234, 12:153, 12:439, 13:429, 13:429n
  • edits Ὁμήρου ἅπαντα. h. e Homeri opera omnia (Homer), 10:234, 10:237n
  • edits M. Tullii Ciceronis Opera Omnia (Cicero), 12:355–12:356, 12:575

Erskine, David M.

  • agreement with U.S., 1:271, 1:271n, 1:407, 1:409–1:410n, 1:438–1:439, 1:441, 1:504n, 1:518, 1:658, 2:35n, 2:69, 2:325, 2:358n, 3:463
  • conversation with A. Gallatin, 3:69, 3:70n, 3:600, 3:602, 3:626
  • dispatches for, 1:108, 1:113
  • instructions to, 1:170n, 1:284–1:285, 1:409, 1:418, 1:438–1:439, 2:540n
  • negotiates with R. Smith, 1:168, 1:170n, 1:409

Erskine, David Steuart, 11th Earl of Buchan. See Buchan, David Steuart Erskine, 11th Earl of

Erving, George William

  • appointed special minister to Denmark, 3:293, 3:459, 3:539
  • and A. Burr conspiracy, 3:128, 3:129n, 7:206, 7:235, 7:239
  • and Cádiz consulate, 1:87, 1:96, 1:113–1:114
  • carries letter, 2:477, 3:106, 9:620
  • diplomatic appointment, 7:67, 7:68n
  • gives medals to TJ, 9:91n
  • identified, 2:32n
  • letters from, 2:246–2:248, 3:342–3:343
  • letters to, 2:31–2:32, 12:202
  • mentioned, 3:64, 3:330
  • and merino sheep, 2:3, 2:31–2:32, 2:246
  • as minister plenipotentiary to Spain, 9:388–9:389, 11:634, 12:512, 13:237, 13:587, 13:588n
  • sends wool specimens, 3:342–3:343, 3:343n
  • TJ introduces G. Ticknor to, 12:202, 12:203, 12:203, 13:236, 13:237
  • U.S. agent in London, 3:37–3:38, 4:21, 4:31–4:32, 4:32–4:33n
  • visits Monticello, 3:45–3:46, 3:342
  • visits Montpellier (Madison family estate), 3:46

erysipelas, 9:583, 9:583n

Erythryna corolladendron (Erythrina corallodendrum). See coral tree

Esclignac, Madame d’, 2:11

Escopiniche (Escopinichi), Marcus

  • identified, 14:151n
  • recommended to TJ, 14:150, 14:199, 14:438, 14:530

Escot, John, 3:476, 3:477n, 3:478n, 3:485

Escovar, Antonio Gonzales de, 2:480n

Esdrass. See Ezra (Hebrew scribe and priest)

Eskridge, William Scott

  • as chancery court clerk, 12:605, 14:400, 14:401n, 15:221–15:222n, 15:269n, 15:269n

Esopus Spitzenburg. See Spitzenburg apple

Espagne, Jean Louis Brigitte, comte d’, 1:372

Esperanza (brig), 10:133

Espinville, Charles, comte d’

  • as French consul at New York, 14:608
  • seeks West Point appointment for son, 4:375n, 4:376, 4:434, 5:405

L’Esprit de la Fronde (J. B. Mailly), 7:664

L’Esprit de la Ligue (L. P. Anquetil), 7:664

Esprit de la méthode d’éducation de Pestalozzi (M. A. Jullien), 12:229

L’Esprit des Croisades (J. B. Mailly), 7:664

Esprit des Lois (Montesquieu), 3:xlvi, 3:6–3:7, 3:7n, 3:89n, 3:311, 3:334–3:335, 5:579n, 10:417, 10:417, 11:438n

Esquisse d’un Essai sur la Philosophie des Sciences (M. A. Jullien), 14:51, 14:143

Esquisse d’un Tableau Historique des Progrès de l’Esprit Humain (Condorcet), 10:234

Esquisse et Vues Préliminaires d’un Ouvrage sur l’Éducation Comparée … et Séries de Questions sur l’Éducation (M. A. Jullien), 11:604, 11:604n, 12:17, 12:230, 13:153

Essai de Géologie (Faujas de Saint-Fond), 2:47–2:48, 2:49n, 13:147, 13:476

Essai Général d’Éducation physique, morale, et intellectuelle (M. A. Jullien), 1:674, 1:676n, 2:353, 2:405, 2:504, 2:532–2:533, 11:604n, 12:17, 12:229, 13:153, 13:153

Essai historique et critique (Paganel), 3:219–3:220, 3:562

Essai politique sur le royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne (Humboldt), 1:24, 1:25n, 1:264, 1:267n, 1:267n, 3:107, 3:108n, 3:623n, 4:289, 4:352, 4:354n, 6:323, 6:326, 6:329, 7:29, 10:127, 10:128, 10:130, 10:145n

Essai Preliminaire, ou observations historiques, politiques, théoriques et critiques. Sur les monnoies (J. P. L. Beyerlé), 12:156, 12:157n

Essai sur la géographie des plantes (Humboldt), 1:265, 1:267n

Essai sur la Turquoise et sur la Calaite (G. Fischer), 13:118, 13:119n, 13:145

Essai sur la Vie, les Écrits et les Opinions de M. de Malesherbes (Boissy d’Anglas), 14:204

Essai sur l’emploi du tems (M. A. Jullien), 2:504, 12:229

Essai sur les Préjugés (Holbach), 15:26

Essai sur l’Histoire Génerale des Mathématiques (C. Bossut), 6:381, 7:626

Essai sur l’origine des connoissances humaines (Condillac), 5:277n

Essarts, Peter Poinsot des. See Poinsot, Peter

An Essay concerning Human Understanding (J. Locke), 1:576, 7:627, 10:658

An Essay on Crimes & Punishments (C. B. Beccaria), 8:388, 8:672, 8:673n

An Essay on diseases incidental to Europeans in hot Climates (J. Lind), 3:38, 3:40n, 10:136, 10:147n

An Essay on Education (W. Barrow), 7:658, 7:666n

An Essay on Electricity … with corrections and additions, by William Jones (G. Adams), 8:685

An Essay on Government (R. F. A. Lee), 1:123–1:124, 3:116, 3:117n

An Essay on Longevity (J. Sinclair), 4:140, 4:142n

An Essay on Man. In Epistles to a Friend. Epistle III (A. Pope), 9:432, 9:434n

An Essay on Naturalization & Allegiance (J. F. Dumoulin), 9:665–9:666, 9:666n, 10:20

An Essay on Ophthalmia, or Inflammation of the Eyes (E. Griffiths), 1:237n

Essay on Sheep (R. R. Livingston), 1:667, 1:668n, 2:39, 2:83, 3:63, 3:64n, 4:637, 5:181, 5:182n, 11:165

An Essay on the Best Method of Teaching Foreign Languages (P. S. Chazotte), 12:259–12:260, 12:291–12:292

An Essay on the Demoniacs of the New Testament (H. Farmer), 7:77, 7:78n

An Essay on the First Principles of Government (J. Priestley), 7:628, 9:436

An Essay on the Geology of the Hudson River, and the adjacent regions: illustrated by A Geological Section of the Country (S. Akerly), 15:601n

Essay on the Necessity of Improving Our National Forces (W. T. W. Tone), 14:415–14:416, 14:491, 14:531, 14:584

An Essay on the Prevailing, or Yellow-Fever, of 1817 (Shecut), 12:253–12:254, 12:292–12:293

An Essay on the principle of population (T. R. Malthus), 1:35, 7:195, 7:628, 10:327, 10:331n, 12:622–12:623, 13:586, 13:586n

An essay on the probability of sensation in vegetables (J. P. Tupper), 5:276, 5:277n

An Essay on the Pronunciation of the Greek Language (J. Pickering), 14:31, 14:153, 14:155, 14:536–14:537, 14:629, 14:647n, 15:54, 15:55, 15:135

Essay on the Theory of the Earth (G. Cuvier; ed. R. Jameson; appendix by S. L. Mitchill), 12:444, 12:588, 12:589, 12:590

Essays and Notes on Husbandry and Rural Affairs (J. B. Bordley), 1:581, 11:165

Essays on poetical and prosaic numbers, and elocution (J. Mason), 1:576, 7:629

Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man (T. Reid), 9:636, 9:637, 9:638n

Essays on the Lives and Writings of Fletcher of Saltoun and the poet Thomson: Biographical, Critical, and Political (D. S. E. Buchan), 2:172, 2:174n

“Essays on the Natural History and Origin of Peat” (R. Rennie), 8:678, 8:679n, 9:75–9:76

Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion (H. H. Kames), 1:576, 7:415, 7:416n, 7:627

Essay sur l’histoire générale et sur les moeurs et l’esprit des nations (Voltaire), 12:534

An Essay to promote Domestic Happiness (C. W. Peale), 4:531–4:532, 6:68–6:69, 6:70n

An Essay towards a general history of Feudal Property in Great Britain (J. Dalrymple), 2:51

An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision (G. Berkeley), 9:637, 9:638n

Essay upon Projects (D. Defoe), 1:572

“Essenus.” See Jones, John (of London)

Essex, USS, 3:577, 3:638, 3:638, 4:17, 4:19, 4:36, 7:501, 7:502n

Essex County, Mass.

  • Federalist sentiment in, 4:83, 4:84n
  • TJ addresses Republicans of, 1:85–1:86

Essex Junto, 1:246–1:247, 1:298, 1:300n, 4:547, 4:628, 5:282n, 5:564, 5:640–5:641, 6:37, 6:96–6:97, 6:98, 7:359–7:360, 8:152, 8:407, 9:4, 9:5, 9:256, 9:457, 10:97, 14:466

Essex Register (Salem, Mass., newspaper), 14:447, 14:450n, 14:523–14:524, 14:545–14:546, 14:546n, 14:563

Estes, Coleman

  • and firewood, 5:427
  • witnesses land conveyance, 4:288, 5:624n

Estes, Triplett T.

  • and Albemarle Academy, 7:266, 7:267, 7:282, 7:283, 7:293, 7:335, 7:570, 9:93n, 9:361, 9:361n, 9:496–9:497, 9:498n
  • Charlottesville tavern keeper, 4:619, 4:619n, 5:193

Esther (TJ’s slave; b. 1795)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388, 12:303
  • and smallpox vaccination, 9:717

Estienne, Charles

  • Dictionarium Historicum, Geographicum Poeticum, 12:112
  • Maison Rustique, or the Countrie Farme, 2:82, 4:139, 4:142n

Estienne, Henri (Stepani; Stephani)

  • Bibliothecae Historicae Libri Quindecim de quadraginta, 6:382
  • Conciones et Orationes ex Historicis Latinis Excerptæ, 7:458, 7:458n
  • edits Διογένους Λαερτίου περὶ βίων, δογμάτων καὶ ἀποφθεγμάτων τῶν ἐν φιλοσοφίᾳ εὐδοκιμησάντων, βιβλία ιʹ. Diogenis Laertii de vitis, dogmatis & apophthegmatis eorum qui in philosophia claruerunt, libri X (Diogenes Laertius), 10:233
  • edits Διονυσίου Οἰκουμένης Περιήγησις, μετὰ τῶν Εὐσταθίου Ὑπομνημάτων. Dionysii Orbis Descriptio (Dionysius Periegetes), 10:234, 10:237n
  • edits Opera Omnia Graece et Latine (Dionysius of Halicarnassus), 9:109, 14:510, 15:26
  • edits Θησαυρὸς τῆς Ἑλληνικῆς Γλώσσης. Thesaurus Graecae Linguae, 3:546, 13:342, 13:343n, 13:358, 13:494, 13:494, 13:525, 14:193
  • Lexicon Græco-Latinum, 14:193, 14:221, 14:240, 14:265, 14:266, 14:286
  • works of, 14:483

Estko, Stanislaw

  • and T. Kosciuszko, 12:293, 12:294n, 14:324, 14:343, 14:427, 14:482, 15:210, 15:211n, 15:376, 15:377, 15:377n

Eston (TJ’s slave; b. 1808). See Hemings, Eston (TJ’s slave and probable son; b. 1808)

Estrées, Gabrielle d’

  • print of, 11:403

État des étoiles fixes au second siecle, par Claude Ptolemée, comparé a la position des mêmes étoiles en 1786 (Ptolemy; H. Montignot), 10:233

Les États-Unis et L’Angleterre (W. Lee), 8:150–8:151, 8:151n, 10:342, 10:489

The Ethereal Physician: or Medical Electricity Revived (T. Brown), 13:346–13:347, 13:347n, 13:378

Etheridge, Samuel

  • The Christian Orator; or, a collection of speeches, delivered on Public Occasions before religious Benevolent Societies, 12:507


  • books on, 7:627, 8:630, 8:630, 10:304, 10:349, 10:460, 10:550, 10:573, 10:580, 10:642–10:643, 10:657–10:658, 12:312, 12:313, 12:355, 12:356, 12:402–12:403
  • bound pamphlets on, 8:630
  • collegiate education in, 13:195, 13:214, 13:403
  • study of, 7:480, 7:480, 7:638, 7:640, 7:641, 7:667, 7:686, 12:124
  • TJ on study of, 4:162, 13:198, 13:217–13:218

Ἠθικὴ Ποίησις: Sive Gnomici Poetæ Græci (ed. R. F. P. Brunck), 6:279, 6:280n, 12:583, 13:295

Étienne, Denis Germain

  • pianist, 9:694–9:695, 9:696n

Eton College (England), 12:238

Études de la Nature (Saint-Pierre), 7:26, 7:27n

Eubank, Ambrose

  • as deputy sheriff, 12:29n

Eubanks, Thomas

  • and Central College subscription, 11:636


  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:454, 7:659, 7:659
  • and cosmology, 15:581, 15:581, 15:582, 15:582
  • Les Élémens de Géométrie d’Euclide (F. Peyrard), 11:295, 11:297, 11:338, 11:352, 11:395, 11:397
  • Elements, 7:662, 7:700, 9:394
  • The Elements of Euclid (R. Simson), 1:576, 1:650, 7:250, 7:253n, 13:476, 14:102
  • mentioned, 6:508, 12:177
  • TJ reads, 4:429, 6:302
  • writings of, 8:12, 10:460, 13:17, 13:441, 15:540

L’Eugène (ship), 6:33

Eugenia (slave), 14:431n

Euler, Leonhard

  • Élémens d’Algèbre (trans. J. G. Garnier), 13:394, 13:413, 13:428, 13:474, 13:595–13:596, 13:608, 13:608, 15:160
  • as mathematician, 13:382, 13:382–13:383n

An Eulogium in commemoration of Doctor Caspar Wistar (W. Tilghman), 12:455, 12:456, 12:482, 12:556–12:557, 12:608

Eulogium on Marcus Aurelius (A. L. Thomas), 3:309, 3:310n

Eulogium Sacred to the Memory of the Illustrious George Washington (B. O. Tyler), 12:536, 12:536–12:537n, 13:21n

An Eulogy, illustrative of the life, and commemorative of the beneficence of the late Hon. James Bowdoin (W. Jenks), 5:597, 5:597n, 7:65

Eunice (brig), 14:334n


  • authenticity of works of, 9:87
  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:659, 7:662
  • Dramata (ed. E. Zimmermann), 11:415
  • Αἱ τοῦ Εὐριπίδου τραγωδίαι σωζόμεναι. Euripidis Tragoediae quae supersunt (ed. S. Musgrave), 15:24, 15:26
  • Euripidis Tragoediae Fragmenta Epistolae (ed. J. Barnes), 14:510, 15:24
  • Euripidis Tragœdiæ Viginti (ed. J. Barnes), 14:193
  • Hippolytus, 14:551
  • Iphigenia at Aulis, 14:551
  • The Nineteen Tragedies and Fragments of Euripides (trans. M. Wodhull), 15:504, 15:594, 15:607
  • Σχόλια τῶν πάνυ δοκίμων εἰς ἑπτὰ τραγῳδίας τοῦ Εὐριπίδου, συλλεγέντα ἐκ διαφόρων παλαιῶν βίβλων καὶ συναρμολογηθέντα παρὰ Ἀρσενίου ἀρχιεπισκόπου μονεμβασίας. Scholia In Septem Evripidis Tragœdias ex antiquis exemplaribus ab Arsenio archiepo monebasie collecta, & nunc primu in lucem edita (ed. A. Apostolios), 14:193, 14:265, 14:286
  • Les Tragédies d’Euripide (trans. P. Prévost), 11:179, 11:193, 12:153, 12:439, 13:596
  • The Tragedies of Euripides (trans. R. Potter), 15:490, 15:503–15:504, 15:594, 15:607
  • works of, 14:258

Euripidis Tragoediae Fragmenta Epistolae (Euripides; ed. J. Barnes), 14:510

Euripidis Tragœdiæ Viginti (Euripides; ed. J. Barnes), 14:193


  • allied powers of as threat to U.S., 9:89, 9:90–9:91
  • attitudes toward U.S. in, 15:303
  • botanic gardens in, 12:254
  • commerical treaties with nations of, 8:372–8:373
  • climate of, 11:34, 14:185, 14:186n
  • crop failures in, 10:597
  • emigrants from, 12:19–12:20
  • intellectual freedom in, 9:85–9:87, 10:328
  • liberal constitutions for, 12:23, 12:451
  • liberty in, 12:621
  • maps of, 8:77n
  • monarchies of, 7:385
  • public opinion in, 8:131, 8:138, 8:176–8:177, 13:586–13:587
  • relations with U.S., 9:109–9:111, 13:586–13:587
  • scarcity of bread in, 10:539, 10:666
  • scholarship respected in, 10:625
  • and silk manufacturing, 1:341, 1:342n, 1:355, 1:412–1:413, 1:413, 1:424, 1:425n, 1:472
  • TJ on best places to summer in, 8:326
  • TJ on cities of, 8:326
  • TJ on freedom in, 9:515, 9:711, 12:276
  • TJ on titles of nobility in, 13:587
  • TJ on traveling in, 8:240, 8:326
  • TJ on tyranny in, 4:157–4:158, 5:26, 7:592–7:593, 15:184
  • TJ’s notes on territorial changes in, 15:52n, 15:52
  • trade among nations of, 10:91–10:92

Eustace, John Chetwode

  • J. Adams on, 11:45, 11:268

Eustace, John H.

  • as director of Farmers’ Bank of Virginia, 15:443n

Eustathius of Thessalonica

  • edits Διονυσίου Οἰκουμένης Περιήγησις, μετὰ τῶν Εὐσταθίου Ὑπομνημάτων. Dionysii Orbis Descriptio (Dionysius Periegetes), 10:234, 10:237n

Eustis, Caroline Langdon (William Eustis’s wife), 10:160

Eustis, William

  • and batture controversy, 2:426, 2:427, 2:435, 3:477, 3:485, 3:486n, 3:498n
  • departs Boston for the Netherlands, 8:378n, 8:378, 8:379n, 8:421, 8:436
  • W. Duane on, 6:527
  • identified, 1:584n
  • introduces F. W. P. Greenwood, 14:317
  • letters from, 1:624–1:625, 2:435, 14:317–14:318
  • letters from accounted for, 2:412n
  • letters to, 1:583–1:584, 2:426, 4:458, 4:482, 4:516, 5:10–5:11, 5:104–5:105, 5:327, 5:443
  • and military appointments, 5:328, 5:441–5:442, 5:443
  • as minister plenipotentiary to the Netherlands, 8:378, 8:378n, 8:378, 10:160
  • on New England politics, 1:624
  • and New London military stores, 5:104–5:105, 5:107
  • opposes B. Waterhouse, 6:37–6:38, 6:97
  • and public opinion on war, 5:355
  • recommendations sent to, 4:458, 4:516, 5:10–5:11, 5:11
  • as secretary of war, 1:583–1:584, 1:607, 1:625, 1:644, 1:661, 2:57, 2:58n, 2:118, 2:175, 2:176n, 2:253, 2:320, 2:452, 3:120, 4:273, 4:374, 4:376, 4:482, 4:483, 4:519, 4:520n, 4:537, 4:538n, 4:539, 4:540n, 4:623, 5:327, 5:328, 5:354, 5:366–5:367, 5:398, 5:399n, 5:493, 5:494n, 6:97, 6:100n, 6:171, 6:173, 6:177n, 8:537, 10:677
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:624, 5:366–5:368
  • TJ sends letter through, 8:434n
  • and TJ’s health, 14:466
  • visits Monticello, 4:133
  • and J. Wilkinson’s court-martial, 5:635, 5:637n

Eutropii Breviarium Historiae Romanae (Eutropius; trans. Paeanius), 10:233, 14:511


  • Eutropii Breviarium Historiae Romanae (trans. Paeanius), 10:233, 14:511
  • study of, 7:661

Evans (TJ’s slave; b. 1794)

  • hat for, 7:124
  • laborer, 4:379
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 5:462, 6:308, 6:309, 8:61, 8:255

Evans, Mr., 14:245n

Evans, Bird

  • militia service of, 7:161

Evans, Frederick

  • as U.S. Army officer, 10:433

Evans, George

  • and education of his grandsons, 15:499, 15:499–15:500n, 15:510
  • and fish for TJ, 15:498–15:499, 15:510
  • identified, 15:499n
  • letter from, 15:498–15:500
  • letter to, 15:510
  • visits Monticello, 15:498–15:499

Evans, John

  • The Builder’s Universal Price Book, 12:159, 14:87, 14:652

Evans, John J.

  • and Georgia Republican, 4:127

Evans, Joseph, 6:455, 6:458n

Evans, Lewis, 6:453, 6:454n, 6:455, 6:458n

Evans, Nathaniel, 2:118, 2:255

Evans, Oliver

  • asserts patent rights, 6:353, 6:354n, 6:453, 6:453, 6:454, 6:455, 6:455, 6:456, 7:107–7:108, 7:109n, 7:110–7:113, 7:113n, 7:131–7:133, 7:170–7:173, 7:386, 8:535, 13:128–13:129, 13:131, 13:131n
  • and grinding-mill patent, 5:93n, 8:535, 8:536n
  • identified, 7:109n
  • letters from, 7:107–7:109, 7:170–7:173
  • letters to, 7:131–7:133
  • machinery of installed at Shadwell mills, 6:384–6:385
  • machinery of patented, 6:353, 6:354n, 6:379, 6:380, 6:382, 6:385, 6:454, 6:454, 6:454n, 6:455, 6:455, 6:455, 6:456, 6:457–6:458n, 7:107–7:108, 7:133n, 7:154n, 7:386n, 7:386n
  • originality of machinery questioned, 6:353, 6:353–6:354, 6:380–6:382, 6:384, 6:453, 6:453–6:454, 6:454n, 6:454n, 6:455–6:457, 6:514, 7:xliii, 7:106, 7:106n, 7:107–7:108, 7:109n, 7:131–7:133, 7:386n
  • and perpetual-motion machine, 5:559n
  • Petition to the United States Congress, 7:110–7:113, 7:131
  • portrait of, 7:xliii, 7:434 (illus.)
  • sells milling screws, 3:510, 7:154, 7:155
  • steam power improvements of, 7:113n, 7:113n
  • TJ’s opinion on patent rights of published, 7:107, 7:107, 7:108, 7:109n, 7:128–7:129, 7:170–7:171, 7:173n, 7:246, 7:247n
  • The Young Mill-wright & Miller’s Guide, 6:xliv, 6:456, 6:456, 11:352

Evans, Robert I.

  • on abolition of slavery, 14:378–14:379, 15:75–15:76, 15:182
  • identified, 14:379n
  • letters from, 14:378–14:379, 15:75–15:76
  • letter to, 15:182
  • writings of, as “Benjamin Rush,” 14:378, 14:379n, 15:75

Evanson, Edward

  • The Dissonance of the four Generally Received Evangelists, and the Evidence of their Respective Authenticity Examined, 7:595, 7:595n, 7:633, 7:646

Evans v. Robinson, 6:353, 6:354n, 6:453, 6:453, 6:454, 7:108, 7:109n

Eve (Old Testament figure), 6:623, 10:424

Eve (TJ’s slave; b. 1779)

  • delivers letter, 8:158n
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387, 12:303
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:382, 4:383
  • transports hogs, 8:158

Evelina (TJ’s slave; b. 1797)

  • medical treatment for, 10:105
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388, 12:303

Evelyn, John

  • Sylva, or a Discourse on Forest-Trees, 2:82, 11:165
  • Terra: A Philosophical Discourse of Earth, 2:82, 11:164

Evening Amusements; or, the Beauty of the Heavens Displayed (W. Frend), 12:653–12:654, 13:59

Evenings at Home (J. Aikin and A. L. Barbauld), 12:534

Everett, Alexander Hill

  • identified, 10:364n
  • letter from, 10:364
  • letter to, 10:394
  • secretary to J. Q. Adams, 8:378
  • secretary to W. Eustis, 8:378, 8:378n
  • and Société Hollandoise des Sciences, 10:364, 10:394

Everett, David

  • and Boston Patriot, 4:92

Everett, Edward

  • books sold by, 9:186, 9:186n, 9:276, 9:277n
  • identified, 8:49–8:50n
  • introduced to TJ, 8:49, 8:49, 8:148
  • professorship at Harvard, 8:378, 8:378n
  • proposed visit to TJ of, 8:148
  • travels to Europe, 8:370, 8:371n, 9:186, 9:403, 11:142

Everett, Jesse

  • and medical use of electricity, 13:347n

Everett, John

  • edits Journal of Belles Lettres, 15:234, 15:234n

Everette, Charles

  • account with TJ, 3:196, 3:270, 3:283–3:284, 3:367–3:368, 3:529, 5:5, 5:6n
  • and Albemarle Co. elections, 7:310, 12:458
  • and Albemarle Volunteer Company subscription, 5:344, 5:345n
  • and bill regarding the Rivanna Company, 7:33, 7:33n, 7:185
  • J. C. Cabell on, 12:458, 12:459n, 12:540
  • and Central College subscription, 11:329
  • identified, 3:196n
  • Latin school of, 6:426
  • letters from, 3:196
  • letters to, 4:9
  • mentioned, 1:499, 1:499n, 2:39
  • TJ pays, 4:10
  • treats slaves, 3:36, 3:37, 3:196, 3:250, 3:270, 3:529, 4:9, 4:9
  • as Va. legislator, 15:416n
  • welcomes TJ, 1:47n

Everitt, John F.

  • and Georgia Republican, 4:127

everlasting (fabric), 5:394

Every Man his own Doctor: or, The Poor Planter’s Physician (J. Tennent), 15:182–15:183, 15:183n

Every Man His Own Gardener (T. Mawe), 11:165

The Evidence and Authority of the Christian Revelation (T. Chalmers), 13:19, 13:19n, 15:137, 15:137n

Evidence and Proceedings upon the Charges preferred against the Duke of York, in 1809 (M. A. Clarke), 7:34, 7:36n

Ewell, James

  • identified, 15:127n
  • introduces J. E. White, 15:127
  • letter from, 15:127
  • letter to, 15:182–15:183
  • The Medical Companion, 13:73n, 15:127, 15:127n, 15:182–15:183
  • The Planter’s and Mariner’s Medical Companion, 8:472, 8:472n, 8:672, 8:673n, 13:73n, 15:127n

Ewell, Thomas

  • and D. Hume’s Philosophical Essays, 12:438, 12:475, 12:480
  • identified, 12:475n
  • letters from, 14:600–14:601, 14:616
  • letters from accounted for, 5:588n
  • letters to, 12:475, 14:618
  • and Navy Department contract, 5:587, 5:588n
  • seeks position at University of Virginia, 14:601, 14:618
  • Statement of Improvements in the Theory and Practice of the Science of Medicine, 14:600–14:601, 14:616, 14:618

Ewell’s Mill (Fairfax Co.), 1:52n, 1:52n, 8:290

Ewen, Mr. See Ewing, Greville

E. Williams (New York firm), 4:662

Ewing, Mr.

  • Richmond school of, 10:664

Ewing, Greville

  • Elements of the Greek Language … Being a Translation of Dr. Moor’s Celebrated Greek Grammar, 8:660, 9:464, 9:464n, 9:538, 9:639

Examen de la Sentence rendue dans la Cause entre Jean Gravier et la Ville de la Nouvelle-Orléans (Moreau Lislet), 2:658, 3:483, 4:466

Examen des Droits des Etats-Unis et des pretensions de Mr. Edouard Livingston sur la Batture en Face du Faubourg Ste. Marie (Thierry), 2:439, 2:446n, 2:516, 2:517n, 2:531, 2:532n, 2:658, 3:30, 3:72, 3:133–3:134, 3:135n, 3:159, 3:203, 3:226, 3:233, 3:271, 3:476, 3:484, 4:643n

The Examination of Joseph Galloway, Esq; Late Speaker of the House of Assembly of Pennsylvania. Before the House of Commons, in a Committee on the American Papers (J. Galloway), 14:225–14:226, 14:290, 14:374–14:375, 14:463–14:464

Examination of the Boundaries of Louisiana (Thomas Jefferson), 3:256, 3:281, 3:282–3:283, 12:295, 12:295n, 12:331, 12:385

An Examination of the British Doctrine, which subjects to capture a Neutral Trade, not open in Time of Peace (J. Madison), 8:387, 8:388n

Examination of the Memorial of the Owners and Underwriters of the American Ship the New Jersey, 1:36

Examination of the title of the United States (E. Livingston), 3:476, 3:483

exercise, physical

  • at college, 7:480, 7:640, 7:668, 7:687, 11:390, 13:198, 13:218
  • and good health, 8:82, 10:557, 10:600, 12:345, 14:461

Exmouth, Edward Pellew, 1st Viscount of

  • as British admiral, 11:661
  • and dey of Algiers, 10:216–10:217, 10:218n

“The Expedient” (J. McCoy), 1:322–1:327

The Experienced Farmer (R. Parkinson), 4:110n

The Experimental Husbandman and Gardener (R. Bradley), 2:82

An Experimental Enquiry into the Effects of Tonics, and other medicinal substances, on the cohesion of the animal fibre (A. Crawford), 14:206

Experiments and Observations on Animal Heat (A. Crawford), 4:395n

“Experiments and Observations on Cutaneous Absorption” (T. Sewall), 15:501, 15:502n

Expose of the Causes of Intemperate Drinking and the Means by which It May be Obviated (T. Herttell), 15:203, 15:203n, 15:233

Exposition du Systême du Monde (P. S. Laplace), 1:348, 1:349n, 1:357, 1:491, 13:342, 13:359, 13:494, 13:525

Exposition of Motives for Opposing the Nomination of Mr Monroe for the office of President of the United States, 10:339, 10:339n

An Exposition of the Causes and Character of the War (A. J. Dallas), 8:338–8:339, 8:340n, 8:371–8:372, 8:381, 8:381n, 8:471, 8:471n, 8:472, 8:576–8:577, 8:577n, 8:672, 10:280


  • of species, 2:509, 2:510, 12:441–12:442, 12:443–12:444, 12:588–12:589

“Extract of an Inaugural Dissertation on the Functions and Diseases of the Pancreas” (T. Sewall), 15:501, 15:502n

eyeglasses, 3:280–3:281, 3:341–3:342, 3:488, 8:74, 8:159, 8:192, 8:212–8:213, 8:246, 8:279, 8:279n, 9:341, 10:609, 10:649, 12:8, 12:367–12:368, 12:481, 12:515–12:516, 14:44, 14:157

Eyring, Jeremias Nicolaus

  • edits Διόδωρος. Bibliothecae Historicae Libri qui Supersunt (Diodorus Siculus), 10:233, 10:236n, 14:510

Ezekiel (Hebrew prophet), 6:542

Ezra (Hebrew scribe and priest), 6:542

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