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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z<

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Fabbroni, Adamo

  • identified, 8:322n
  • Istruzioni elementari di agricoltura, 11:164
  • letter to, 8:321–8:323
  • TJ introduces B. S. Barton to, 8:321, 8:326

Fabbroni, Giovanni Valentino Maria

  • as master of petitions, 4:35, 4:36n
  • plans to come to Va. with P. Mazzei, 3:381n
  • on TJ’s letter to P. Mazzei, 7:693–7:694, 9:113
  • and TJ’s mouldboard plow, 3:378

Faber, Mr. See Forber (Faber), Mr.

Faber, Basilius

  • Basilii Fabri sorani Thesaurus Eruditionis Scholasticæ, 10:235, 10:237n

Faber, George Stanley

  • A Dissertation on the Prophecies That Have Been Fulfilled, Are Now Fulfilling, Or Will Hereafter Be Fulfilled, 4:484, 4:485n

Fabius (ship), 1:312

The Fable of the Bees (B. Mandeville), 3:273, 3:275n, 10:508


  • French, 14:258
  • TJ receives books of, 1:37

Fables (J. P. C. de Florian)

  • quoted, 8:680, 8:682n

Fables of Æsop and others (trans. S. Croxall), 13:477

Fabroni, Angelo

  • Historiae Academiae Pisanae, 13:377, 13:377n

Factor (brig), 15:477, 15:477n

Facts and Observations relative to the Nature and Origin of the Pestilential Fever, which Prevailed in this City, in 1793, 1797, and 1798 (College of Physicians of Philadelphia), 10:131–10:133, 10:146n

Facts and Observations, relative to the Origin, Progress and Nature of the Fever … of Philadelphia in the summer and autumn of the present year, (1802.) (W. Currie and I. Cathrall), 10:133, 10:146–10:147n

Facts serving to shew the comparative forwardness of the spring in different parts of the United States (J. Bigelow), 12:617

Fagg, John

  • and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:62, 12:63, 12:67–12:68
  • and Central College subscription, 11:324, 11:329, 13:162
  • identified, 12:71n
  • and lease of Pantops, 5:347–5:348
  • partner of T. E. Randolph, 5:347–5:348, 10:118, 10:118n, 10:168
  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
  • sells goods, 12:242
  • witnesses agreement, 1:420

Faial (Fayal) (wine), 9:513

Faircloth, Robert

  • and E. Aram’s murder trial, 7:378

Fairfax (Culpeper Co.), 1:51–1:52

Fairfax, Ferdinando

  • family of
  • identified, 4:425n
  • letter to, 13:34
  • letters from, 4:424–4:425, 12:654, 15:467–15:468
  • recommends T. Ragland, 15:467–15:468
  • sends work to TJ, 12:654, 13:34
  • and spinning machines, 4:424–4:425, 4:426

Fairfax, Thomas, 6th Baron Fairfax of Cameron

  • lands of surveyed, 9:686–9:687
  • litigation over estate of, 7:329, 7:330n

Fairfax, Wilson Miles Cary

  • and U.S. Military Academy, 15:468n

Fairfax’s Devisee v. Hunter’s Lessee. See Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee

Fairman, Gideon See also Murray, Draper, Fairman & Company (Philadelphia firm)

  • engraver, 7:564, 7:564n, 9:352n, 10:39n
  • identified, 4:357n
  • and Society of Artists of the United States, 4:356

Fair Play (sloop), 10:193, 10:218

Fair Trader (ship), 13:10, 13:16, 13:171, 13:240, 13:443

Falkenstein, Konstantin Karl, 1:24n

Fame (brig), 2:377n

fameflower, 1:436–1:437n

Famin, César, 14:334n

Fancelli, Giovanni Battista

  • and C. Bellini estate, 7:694, 9:113, 9:290, 9:291, 9:291–9:292n, 9:292–9:294, 9:297, 9:492, 9:530, 11:580, 11:643, 12:184, 12:267, 12:550, 12:578, 12:579, 12:581, 12:586
  • letter from, 12:184–12:185
  • power of attorney from, 9:290, 9:292–9:297, 9:530

Fancelli, Pietro

  • family of, 9:292

Fanny (schooner), 10:91, 10:92n, 10:274, 10:299, 10:411, 10:411, 10:416

Fanny (C. L. Bankhead’s slave), 8:395

Fanny (R. Jefferson’s slave)

  • trained to spin, 6:215, 6:282, 6:285–6:286, 6:363, 6:366

Fanny (TJ’s slave; b. 1788). See Hern, Fanny Gillette (TJ’s slave; b. 1788; wife of David Hern [b. 1784])

Fanny (TJ’s slave; b. 1788; daughter of Abby)

  • hempen bed for, 8:71
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:382, 4:384, 4:385, 5:461, 6:309, 6:309, 6:310, 8:61, 8:62, 8:62, 8:62, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 13:387
  • pot for, 8:70–8:71

Farell & Jones (Liverpool firm)

  • B. Skelton’s account with, 2:396, 2:424, 2:433, 2:466
  • TJ’s payments to, 2:184, 2:185, 2:186
  • J. Wayles’s account with, 2:141, 2:142, 2:396, 2:424, 2:433, 2:466, 2:513, 3:211, 3:211n, 5:402n, 7:99, 7:99n, 7:174, 7:175

Faris, Richard, 12:597

Farish, Hazlewood, 1:139n, 13:77, 13:77, 13:79n

Farley, Betsy

  • boards TJ’s slave, 9:567, 9:567n

Farmer, Hugh

  • English theologian, 6:146, 6:146, 6:227, 6:302
  • An Essay on the Demoniacs of the New Testament, 7:77, 7:78n

Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank (Georgetown, D.C.), 9:587, 10:94

Farmers’ & Mechanics’ Bank (Philadelphia), 15:349n, 15:394

The Farmer’s and Monitor’s Letters (J. Dickinson and A. Lee), 6:440

Farmers’ Bank of Virginia (Richmond)

  • and Central College, 12:411–12:413
  • currency issued by, 8:35, 8:36n, 14:532
  • deposits in, 14:535
  • financial condition of, 10:294, 10:295n, 10:361, 10:549, 10:549n, 12:318n
  • and loan to Va., 7:670, 7:670, 8:164, 8:166n
  • and W. C. Nicholas’s debts, 14:587n, 15:20
  • TJ’s loan from, 14:275–14:276, 14:281, 14:287, 14:294–14:295, 14:296, 14:297, 14:308–14:309, 14:309–14:310, 14:316, 14:319, 14:353, 14:354–14:355, 14:415, 14:473, 14:474, 14:548, 14:570, 14:573, 14:586–14:587, 14:603, 14:617, 14:640, 15:20, 15:22, 15:45, 15:49–15:50, 15:64, 15:203–15:204, 15:334, 15:426, 15:470, 15:472
  • and University of Virginia, 15:443n, 15:516, 15:519
  • and Va. Literary Fund, 12:288n

Farmer’s Brother (Seneca chief), 2:59, 2:175

The Farmer’s Calendar (A. Young), 6:280

Farmer’s Fancy (brig), 15:477n

The Farmer’s Guide in Hiring and Stocking Farms (A. Young), 1:581, 2:82, 8:388, 8:672, 11:165

The Farmer’s Tour through the East of England (A. Young), 6:280

Farmington (G. Divers’s Albemarle Co. estate)

  • construction of house, 3:68n
  • crops at, 14:271
  • house designed by TJ, 1:157n
  • TJ visits, 1:98n, 14:271–14:272, 15:567n
  • E. Trist visits, 15:567n

Farnaby, Thomas

  • edits D. Ivn. Ivvenalis et Avli Persii Flacci Satyræ (Juvenal), 14:387, 14:511

Farneyhough, Edward

  • and Central College, 15:95

Farrar, John

  • on climate change, 14:185
  • identified, 13:382n
  • An Introduction to the Elements of Algebra, 13:382, 13:382–13:383n, 13:476
  • letter to, 13:382–13:383

Farrell, Patrick, 8:592, 8:592

Farrow, Samuel, 12:643, 13:84

Fasbender, J. H.

  • merchant, 4:481, 4:481n, 4:607

Faujas de Saint-Fond, Barthélemy

  • as botanist, 13:147
  • Essai de Géologie, 2:47–2:48, 2:49n, 13:147, 13:476
  • identified, 1:202n
  • letters from, 2:47–2:49
  • letters to, 1:201–1:202
  • and R. M. Patterson, 1:201
  • sends book to TJ, 5:402, 5:441, 13:175

Faulcon, Nicholas

  • and J. H. Cocke, 12:60

fauns, 12:443

Fauquier, Francis

  • TJ on, 8:200

Fauquier Court House, Va., 1:466, 8:290

Fawcett, Lieut.

  • letters from, 6:636
  • thanks TJ, 6:636

Fawcett’s Tavern (Bath Co.), 13:230, 13:231, 13:232

Fayal. See Faial (Fayal) (wine)

Fayon, Abbé, 2:10

Fearn, Thomas

  • identified, 15:600–15:601n
  • introduced to TJ, 15:600

feathered hyacinths, 5:358

Featherstonhaugh, George William

  • and Board of Agriculture of the State of New-York, 15:437
  • identified, 15:437–15:438n
  • letter from, 15:437–15:438

The Federalist (A. Hamilton, J. Madison, and J. Jay), 7:628, 9:436, 10:417–10:418, 10:418, 10:419n, 13:236, 13:236n, 13:236n, 14:145

Federalist (schooner), 13:492

Federalist party See also Essex Junto; Hartford, Conn.: Federalist convention at

  • abuses TJ, 2:251, 2:356, 8:532–8:533, 10:176
  • and American foreign policy, 2:73, 2:81, 2:537, 8:372
  • and batture controversy, 2:398, 2:408, 2:414, 3:204
  • blamed for Republican discord, 2:224, 2:235
  • and charges against B. Waterhouse, 1:298
  • in Congress, 3:473, 9:42n
  • in Conn., 1:39, 1:162, 10:65, 12:37, 12:468
  • criticizes J. Armstrong, 5:352–5:353, 5:354n
  • defections from, 12:57
  • in Del., 12:609
  • and election of 1800, 3:305–3:306, 3:308n
  • electoral defeats, 2:348, 2:349n, 2:367, 2:429–2:430, 2:506, 10:379–10:380, 12:609, 13:544
  • J. W. Eppes on, 12:591
  • and R. Fulton’s torpedo, 2:250, 2:301
  • and P. Henry, 4:604
  • and human progress, 6:194
  • W. Jones on, 6:643, 6:643–6:644
  • T. Lehré on, 5:355
  • J. Madison on, 1:246–1:247, 5:156
  • in Mass., 1:301, 4:83, 4:84n, 4:84n, 4:547, 4:612, 4:628, 5:125–5:126, 5:303, 5:317–5:318, 7:92, 8:110, 8:286, 8:358, 10:65, 10:259, 13:578, 14:340
  • in Md., 1:515–1:516, 5:396, 5:397n, 8:419–8:420, 12:609
  • media of, 3:298, 3:606, 4:234, 10:332–10:333, 10:333, 12:309
  • J. Melish on, 5:625–5:628, 8:152
  • and Missouri question, 15:441, 15:441n
  • on J. Monroe, 8:419, 10:65
  • in New England, 1:301, 1:583–1:584, 3:113, 3:120–3:121, 3:122n, 3:229–3:232, 3:257, 5:13, 5:14n, 5:640–5:641, 8:134–8:135n, 9:4–9:6, 9:90–9:91
  • in N.Y., 3:345, 10:332–10:334
  • opposes J. Madison, 4:541, 4:544–4:545, 4:547
  • opposition to purchase of TJ’s library in, 8:26, 8:26n
  • opposition to W. Fla. occupation, 3:256–3:257
  • partisans in, 3:298–3:299, 8:518
  • patriotism of, 7:466
  • and postal appointments, 7:239
  • in R.I., 3:229–3:232, 3:257, 10:65
  • in S.C., 5:285, 5:393, 5:681, 13:318–13:319
  • TJ on, 2:251, 2:252, 2:274, 3:257, 3:305, 3:502, 3:563, 3:586, 3:593, 5:95, 5:125–5:126, 5:563–5:564, 6:68, 8:152, 8:248, 8:532–8:533, 10:259, 10:609, 12:424, 12:426–12:427, 12:430–12:431, 12:467–12:468, 12:609, 13:50
  • on TJ’s presidential administration, 3:256
  • in Va., 8:46–8:47, 12:233, 12:284, 12:501
  • and War of 1812, 12:35, 12:427, 12:468
  • and G. Washington, 7:102, 7:103

Federal Republican (Georgetown, D.C., newspaper), 7:xlv–7:xlvi, 7:434 (illus.), 8:201, 8:202n

Federal Republican & Commercial Gazette (Baltimore newspaper), 3:414n, 4:234

Federal Spy (Springfield, Mass. newspaper), 11:607

Feeling, Thomas

  • letter from, 12:254–12:255
  • and L. Sanders, 12:255n
  • seeks employment at Monticello, 12:254–12:255

Fellenberg, Philipp Emanuel von

  • educational theories of, 11:263–11:264, 11:266n, 12:229–12:230

Fellowes, Nathaniel, 5:41

Feltre, Henri Jacques Guillaume Clarke, duc de, 1:538, 2:353

The Female Speaker (A. L. Barbauld), 7:665


  • in agriculture, 7:80–7:81, 8:70, 8:81, 8:305, 12:483
  • along roadways, 10:581
  • to separate farms and factories, 7:80
  • wire, 9:282


  • at college, 7:480, 7:668, 7:687

Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe

  • The Adventures of Telemachus, the Son of Ulysses, 13:521, 13:522n
  • Les Avantures de Telemaque, 7:195, 7:195n, 12:534, 13:521, 13:522n, 14:258

Fennell, James

  • assists J. Bruce, 11:612–11:613, 11:614n

Fenner, Arthur, 2:319, 2:321n

Fenner, James

  • identified, 15:139n
  • introduces N. Helme, 15:139
  • governor of R.I., 2:321n, 3:229–3:230, 3:232n, 3:257
  • letter from, 15:139

Fenno, John

  • and Gazette of the United States, 2:92, 2:93n, 7:701, 7:701, 7:702, 7:702, 7:702n

Fenno, John W.

  • publishes Gazette of the United States, 7:702n

Fenwick, Benedict J.

  • as president of Georgetown College, 12:466n

Fenwick, Catherine Éléonore Ménoire

  • advises S. Cathalan, 13:10n

Fenwick, Eliza

  • Mary and Her Cat, 1:294, 1:294n

Fenwick, Francis Columbus

  • identified, 13:79n
  • recommended by T. A. Digges, 13:78, 13:94

Fenwick, John Roger

  • departs from France, 2:331
  • forwards book to TJ, 2:161, 2:162n
  • forwards packages to TJ, 3:41, 3:98–3:99
  • identified, 3:41n
  • and Lafayette’s La. land, 2:244, 3:105, 3:212
  • letters from, 3:41
  • letters to, 3:98–3:99

Fenwick, Joseph

  • conveys letters, 9:323
  • family of, 13:10n, 13:78, 13:78

Feodorovna, Maria, empress consort of Russia

  • and L. Harris, 13:118, 13:119n
  • on TJ, 11:562

Ferdinand (Shakespearean character), 11:624n

Ferdinand II, king of Aragon and Castile

  • and C. Columbus, 7:562, 7:563, 7:612, 7:612, 7:614, 7:616
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:501

Ferdinand IV, king of Naples

  • family of, 10:353
  • and L. Pio, 10:353
  • TJ on, 2:276

Ferdinand, Duke of Parma

  • family of, 9:478, 9:480n

Ferdinand VII, king of Spain

  • capture of, 4:271
  • and Inquisition, 8:490, 8:491n
  • Lafayette on, 7:539
  • as Prince of Asturias, 4:274n
  • repressive policies of, 8:138, 8:339, 8:340n
  • royal claims of, 2:33, 2:35n, 7:450, 7:451n
  • rumored dethronement of, 8:263, 8:267n
  • supposed U.S. subserviency to, 14:23
  • TJ on, 8:490
  • U.S. diplomatic relations with, 9:388–9:389, 9:391, 15:105
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:506, 4:507, 4:507

Ferdinand III, Duke of Tuscany, 8:691, 9:114, 9:115, 9:673n, 9:673

Ferguson, Findlay

  • executor of T. Reed’s estate, 9:258

Ferguson, James

  • Astronomical Tables and Precepts, For calculating the true Times of New and Full Moons, 7:407, 7:408n, 7:409, 7:409, 7:409, 7:626
  • Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton’s principles, 1:576, 1:581, 2:466, 7:626
  • Lectures on Select Subjects in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, and Optics, 1:581, 6:380, 9:638n

Ferguson, John (ship captain), 13:175

Ferguson, Patrick

  • at Battle of Kings Mountain, 4:134, 4:135n

Ferguson, Samuel

  • Rivanna River Company commissioner, 3:254n

Ferlatt & Peillon (New York firm), 2:410n

Fernagus De Gelone, Jean Louis

  • as bookseller, 11:127, 11:152, 12:392–12:393, 12:511–12:512, 13:32, 13:495, 14:303, 15:133, 15:159–15:160, 15:274, 15:274
  • Catalogue of Latin, English, French, Spanish, and Italian Books, Maps, &c. for sale by J. L. Fernagus De Gelone, Agent, for the United States, Canada, New-Orleans, Spanish America, and Isles, 11:152, 11:152n, 11:295, 11:335
  • and Charlottesville Academy, 15:398
  • gives away letter from TJ, 13:474n
  • identified, 11:127–11:128n
  • imports books from Europe, 11:592, 11:646, 13:313–13:314n, 13:494–13:495
  • letter from accounted for, 13:525n
  • letters from, 11:152, 11:193–11:194, 11:338, 11:396–11:397, 11:592, 12:392–12:394, 12:511–12:512, 13:494–13:495, 13:561–13:562, 13:608, 14:303, 15:133, 15:159–15:160, 15:274, 15:346, 15:398, 15:526
  • letters to, 11:127–11:128, 11:175–11:176, 11:179–11:180, 11:234, 11:295, 11:335, 11:352, 11:456, 11:547–11:548, 11:646, 13:524–13:525, 13:595–13:596, 15:173, 15:367
  • letters to accounted for, 14:303n, 15:133n
  • proposed bookstore of, 13:495, 13:562, 13:562n
  • sends book catalogues, 11:152, 11:338, 12:511–12:512, 13:313, 13:313–13:314n, 13:342n, 13:343n, 15:346, 15:346n
  • TJ orders books from, 11:175–11:176, 11:179–11:180, 11:295, 11:296–11:297, 11:335, 11:352, 11:547, 13:494, 13:524–13:525, 13:561–13:562, 13:588, 13:595–13:596, 13:608, 15:133, 15:173
  • TJ pays, 15:367, 15:398, 15:526
  • TJ’s account with, 11:234, 11:396–11:397, 11:397n, 11:456, 11:592, 11:646, 13:595, 15:346, 15:367, 15:526

Fernandez, Mr.

  • and batture controversy, 3:492

Ferrall, Patrick

  • Treasury Department clerk, 9:495n, 9:495n

Ferrer, José J. de

  • calculates longitude, 4:263, 4:654
  • lunar calculations, 5:247
  • observations of solar eclipse, 1:492, 1:498n

ferret (fabric tape), 6:345, 6:346

Ferriar, John

  • Illustrations of Sterne, 7:665

Ferrier, Louis, 1:522

Ferrière, Claude de, 3:130–3:131

Ferrière, Claude Joseph de

  • Dictionnaire de droit et de pratique, 3:130–3:131, 3:174n, 3:175n, 3:546

Fessenden, Thomas

  • translates Latin verse, 9:265, 9:267n

Fessenden, Thomas Green

  • and water-raising machine, 8:196n

Festus, Porcius, 7:575–7:576, 7:590n

La Fête du Petit Blé; ou, L’Heroisme du Poucha-Houmma (le Blanc de Villeneufve), 1:202, 1:203n, 1:509


  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:501

feudal law

  • and batture controversy, 3:174–3:175n

fevers See also malaria (ague and fever); typhus; yellow fever

  • in Albemarle Co., 8:304
  • bilious, 2:53, 6:241, 10:510, 10:546, 12:52, 13:428, 13:443, 13:446, 13:447n, 14:44, 15:15
  • and children, 2:469
  • and colds, 8:442, 14:218
  • epidemic, 8:46
  • and fatigue, 2:542
  • hectic, 6:501
  • inflammatory, 11:461
  • mentioned, 6:189, 10:450, 13:334, 14:157, 14:552
  • and military troops, 6:131
  • tertian, 10:313
  • treatment for, 9:238, 10:570, 14:420
  • in Williamsburg, 10:546

Few, Catharine Nicholson (William Few’s wife), 3:70n

Few, William

  • death of son, 3:70n
  • and sesame, 1:198, 4:39

F.H.C. Society, College of William and Mary, 14:433–14:434

Fiddler, Martin, 6:20

Fidler, Robert

  • scientific-instrument maker, 9:225, 9:225, 9:225

Fielding, Henry

  • A History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, 1:174, 1:175n, 8:238, 8:242n

Fielding, Sarah (trans.)

  • Xenophon’s Memoirs of Socrates, 1:576


  • as crop, 8:305, 13:15, 15:159
  • grown at Monticello, 1:395, 1:398, 4:38
  • Marseille, 1:600, 2:3, 2:32, 2:413, 8:21, 11:175, 11:175n, 11:218, 11:219, 11:220n
  • roots from W. Thornton, 1:479, 1:481, 1:600
  • TJ sends to M. B. J. Eppes, 11:175, 11:175n
  • TJ sends to J. Walker, 1:500, 1:500

La Figure de la Terre (P. Bouguer), 9:314, 9:317n

filberts, 1:631, 7:16

Filcher, Capt., 5:509–5:510

files (tools), 5:133, 6:343, 6:346, 6:346, 6:347, 6:347, 6:347, 6:347, 6:348, 6:348, 6:348, 9:223, 12:li, 15:452

Fillassier, Jean Jacques

  • Culture de la Grosse Asperge dite De Hollande, 11:165

Fillebrown, Thomas

  • identified, 13:458–13:459n
  • letter from, 13:458–13:459
  • letter to, 13:470
  • sends pamphlet to TJ, 13:458, 13:470

Fillietaz, Capt.

  • master of brig Wasp, 2:410n

Finch, Sir Henry

  • Law, or, A Discourse Thereof, In foure Bookes, 7:147–7:148

Finch, John

  • copyrights translation, 4:672n

Findlay, William

  • as governor of Pa., 13:149
  • as Pa. gubernatorial candidate, 11:598n, 12:47, 13:150n

Findley, William

  • and J. S. L. d’Happart’s claim, 4:538n, 4:622n
  • History of the Insurrection, in the Four Western Counties of Pennsylvania, 1:581
  • introduces R. M. Patterson to TJ, 1:193
  • as U.S. representative from Pa., 1:194n

Fingal, an Ancient Epic Poem (J. Macpherson), 4:306n

Finley, Anthony

  • identified, 6:55n
  • letter from, 13:176–13:177
  • letters to, 6:55, 13:309
  • proposes revised edition of TJ’s Notes on the State of Virginia, 13:176, 13:309
  • sends typesetting sample to TJ, 13:177, 13:177n
  • TJ subscribes to work sold by, 6:55

fiorin grass

  • sent to TJ, 3:339–3:340, 4:159, 4:187, 4:192–4:193, 4:201, 4:363, 5:476, 5:553, 5:574
  • TJ on, 3:294–3:295, 4:175, 4:364, 4:561, 4:562, 4:638, 5:384, 5:660–5:661
  • writings on, 3:280n, 3:294–3:295


  • cannon, 11:53–11:54, 11:54–11:55, 12:453–12:454
  • manufacture of, 12:486
  • muskets, 13:136
  • ownership of in U.S., 14:112n
  • repair of, 10:617n
  • rifles, 13:136
  • staining of gun barrels, 1:419
  • TJ hunts with, 15:138n
  • Turkish pistols, 10:320–10:321, 10:357
  • and velocity of military projectiles, 11:51, 11:52n, 11:52–11:54, 11:54–11:55

fire engines

  • described, 11:374, 11:374n

fireflies, 11:39, 12:618

fireplaces See also stoves

  • at Barboursville, 11:223, 11:223–11:224
  • Rumford, 11:225
  • at University of Virginia, 14:262


  • and lease with J. Marr, 5:607–5:608
  • and lease with P. Thornton, 8:120, 8:120
  • price of, 8:591
  • and rent settlement with Henderson heirs, 11:20
  • TJ allows cutting of, 10:621
  • TJ buys, 5:427, 5:427
  • TJ measures use of at Monticello, 4:210, 8:xlvii–8:xlviii
  • used by steam engines, 8:81
  • used in brickmaking, 14:187, 14:390

The First and Second volumes of Chronicles (R. Holinshed, W. Harrison, and others), 8:581, 8:582n

First Independent Church (Baltimore), 14:462

The first lines of the practice of surgery (S. Cooper), 1:35

first meridian. See prime meridian

The First Part of the Institutes of the Lawes of England: or a Commentary upon Littleton (E. Coke), 2:103, 2:104n, 2:420, 5:136, 7:191, 7:249, 7:627, 7:628, 8:619, 8:620n, 13:53

fir trees

  • balsam (balm of Gilead fir), 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n
  • F. A. Michaux on, 7:52
  • scotch, 5:384, 5:438
  • silver, 5:438

Fischer, Gotthelf

  • Essai sur la Turquoise et sur la Calaite, 13:118, 13:119n, 13:145


  • American paddlefish, 3:92, 3:93n
  • anchovies, 1:366, 1:366, 9:371, 9:371–9:372, 9:418, 11:407, 12:374, 12:580, 13:447, 13:565, 13:585, 13:606, 13:607, 15:120, 15:262, 15:300
  • carp, 4:629, 4:668, 4:677, 6:132, 6:134, 6:134, 6:215
  • cod, 1:115n, 1:176, 1:279, 11:66, 11:66n, 11:274, 11:295, 12:551
  • gymnotus, 15:128
  • herring, 1:77, 1:115, 1:176, 1:369, 2:109, 2:422–2:423, 2:430, 2:502, 2:503, 5:155, 5:164, 5:601–5:602, 5:604n, 5:604–5:605, 6:336, 6:337, 7:448, 7:448, 8:536, 10:157, 11:336–11:337, 13:99, 13:99, 14:321, 15:591–15:592
  • ichthyology, 11:191, 14:168
  • in James River, 8:400
  • mentioned, 6:187, 13:612, 14:420
  • perch, 5:604–5:605, 15:378, 15:378–15:379, 15:498–15:499, 15:510
  • at Poplar Forest, 5:33
  • in Rivanna River, 3:139, 3:143, 11:73, 11:73, 11:73, 12:601, 14:410
  • Roanoke chub, 4:650, 4:651n, 4:651, 4:662–4:663, 4:684, 6:116, 6:122–6:123, 7:260, 14:268
  • rockfish, 13:613
  • salmon, 5:601–5:602, 5:604–5:605
  • salted, 1:115n, 1:176, 1:268, 1:268, 1:279, 8:17, 11:66, 11:66n, 11:274, 11:295
  • sent to TJ, 14:261, 14:268
  • shad, 2:109, 3:92, 4:629, 4:668, 5:155, 5:164, 5:601–5:602, 5:604–5:605, 6:132, 6:132, 6:134, 7:321, 7:332, 7:333n, 7:448, 7:448, 8:536, 10:157, 11:39, 11:337, 11:337n, 11:344, 13:99, 14:161, 14:321, 14:542, 14:573, 15:229, 15:230n, 15:248, 15:311, 15:591–15:592
  • shad, white, 1:369
  • sturgeon, 5:601–5:602, 5:604–5:605
  • TJ purchases, 3:530, 3:550, 7:321, 7:332, 7:333n, 7:552n, 8:491n, 10:157–10:158, 11:66, 11:295, 11:336–11:337, 12:551, 13:99, 13:132, 13:141, 14:321, 14:353, 15:365, 15:593
  • TJ’s report on, 1:487, 1:487n, 12:455, 12:482
  • tongues and sounds, 1:153, 1:154n, 1:369, 2:109, 2:154, 11:66, 11:295, 12:551, 14:542, 14:573
  • torpedo, 15:128
  • works on, 5:601–5:602, 5:603–5:604n, 5:604–5:605, 12:455, 12:516, 12:516n, 14:168

Fishback, James

  • identified, 1:255n
  • letter from, 1:254–1:255
  • letters to, 1:563–1:565, 1:565–1:566, 10:394–10:395
  • misquotes TJ, 10:394–10:395
  • A new and candid investigation of the question, is revelation true?, 1:254–1:255, 1:563–1:564, 1:565–1:566
  • An Oration delivered in the First Presbyterian Church in the Town of Lexington, Ky., 10:394–10:395

fisher (animal), 9:605, 9:605n

Fisher, Mr.

  • and payment made for TJ, 11:118–11:119, 11:605

Fisher, Mr. (of Philadelphia), 10:152

Fisher, Mrs., 10:152

Fisher, Archibald

  • letters from, 2:343–2:345
  • letters to, 2:359–2:360
  • and westward migration, 2:343–2:345, 2:359–2:360

Fisher, George

  • The American Instructor: or, Young Man’s Best Companion, 15:182–15:183, 15:183n

Fisher, James Cowles

  • identified, 14:140n
  • and R. Ware, 14:139, 14:248

Fisher, Michael (ship captain), 10:109n

fisheries, Canadian

  • U.S. rights to, 7:451, 7:452–7:453, 7:455n, 7:478, 7:501, 13:371, 13:466–13:467

Fisheries, TJ’s Report on the, 1:487, 1:487n, 12:455, 12:482

fish hawks. See ospreys


  • TJ on, 4:662–4:663

Fisk, Jonathan

  • identified, 10:100n
  • letter to, from W. H. Crawford, 10:96–10:100

Fiske, John (ca. 1601–77), 7:199

Fiske, John (1744–97)

  • family of, 7:199
  • as Revolutionary War naval officer, 7:198–7:199, 7:199n
  • TJ on, 7:242

Fiske, Moses, 7:199

Fiske, Samuel, 7:199

fistulas, 13:77

Fitch, Mr., 2:463

Fitch, Asa

  • as merchant in Marseille, 11:509–11:510, 11:513n, 11:534n, 12:97, 12:320, 12:498, 12:499

Fitch, George, 3:241

Fitch, Gideon. See Fitz, Gideon

Fitch, Jabez, 1:95n

Fitch, John

  • and steamboats, 3:83n, 7:113n, 12:518

Fitch, William D.

  • account with TJ, 5:427, 9:482–9:483, 9:483–9:484n, 11:451, 11:452n, 14:305, 14:305n, 14:307–14:308
  • and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:61
  • forwards box for TJ, 14:570, 14:576
  • identified, 9:483n
  • and Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 14:362–14:363, 14:367
  • letter to, 14:570
  • Milton tavern keeper, 14:380, 14:478, 14:480
  • TJ’s Notes for a Settlement with, 9:482–9:484
  • TJ’s Notes on Account with, 14:307–14:308

Fitz, Gideon

  • drawing of windmill, 2:460–2:461
  • and A. Gallatin, 1:665
  • identified, 1:215n
  • invents windmill, 2:458–2:460, 2:460–2:461, 2:479
  • and La. land claims, 1:635–1:642, 9:584–9:585
  • letters from, 1:635–1:642, 2:458–2:460, 2:479, 9:584–9:587
  • letters from accounted for, 1:650n, 2:461n, 3:474n
  • letters to, 1:215
  • as surveyor, 1:181, 1:650, 5:449, 9:474–9:475, 11:615–11:616, 11:616
  • TJ recommends I. Lewis to, 1:215

Fitz, William, 2:459

Fitzgerald, G. H.

  • and Central College subscription, 11:331

Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony

  • La Graunde Abridgement, 7:126

Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 5:156, 5:156n, 6:623

Fitzhugh, Denis, 1:327, 1:328n, 1:510

Fitzhugh, Richard

  • and J. W. Eppes, 6:109, 6:139
  • health of, 6:109
  • identified, 6:86n
  • letters from, 6:109
  • letters to, 6:86, 6:139–6:140
  • and Ravensworth peas, 6:86, 6:109, 6:139
  • TJ sends seeds to, 6:86

Fitzhugh, Susannah Meade (Richard Fitzhugh’s wife)

  • and domestic manufactures, 6:139–6:140
  • sends greetings to TJ, 6:109
  • TJ sends greetings to, 6:86, 6:140

Fitzhugh, William Henry

  • identified, 13:52n
  • letter from, 13:51–13:52
  • letter to, 13:80–13:81
  • and road planning, 13:51–13:52, 13:80–13:81

Fitzpartner (TJ’s carriage horse), 5:498, 5:498n

Fitzwhylsonn, William Henry See also Fitzwhylsonn & Potter (Richmond firm)

  • and books for TJ, 13:47
  • and Edinburgh Review, 3:599, 3:599n
  • identified, 3:599n

Fitzwhylsonn & Potter (Richmond firm)

  • account with TJ, 13:165
  • binds publications for TJ, 10:452, 10:452, 10:569, 10:572, 10:637, 11:205, 11:303, 11:352, 11:394–11:395
  • and books for TJ, 10:386, 10:452–10:453, 10:569, 10:572, 10:617, 10:617, 10:637, 11:303
  • agent for J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 9:352n
  • and Edinburgh Review, 3:599, 7:367, 7:388, 7:389, 7:389–7:390n, 10:452, 10:572, 10:617, 10:637, 11:205, 11:303
  • identified, 3:599n
  • letters from, 3:599, 10:572–10:573, 10:637
  • letters to, 10:452–10:453, 10:569, 10:617, 11:205, 11:303–11:304, 11:352, 11:394–11:395
  • letters to accounted for, 3:599n
  • and plows, 4:219

Fitzwilliam, Richard

  • as boundary commissioner, 9:178, 9:178, 11:22, 11:22, 11:22, 11:23n, 11:125

Five Sisters (schooner), 10:109, 10:109n

flag lily, 5:358

flags (emblem)

  • British royal standard, 10:384, 10:423

flags (plant), 10:517

Flanagan, Ambrose, 14:359, 14:367, 14:367–14:368

Flanagan, Charles

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349


  • as medical treatment, 5:393
  • for shirts, 5:370
  • TJ orders, 6:345, 6:345, 15:144

Flash (ship)

  • carries letters to and from Europe, 3:54

Flavigny, Gratien Jean Baptiste Louis, vicomte de

  • translates Correspondance de Fernand Cortès avec l’empereur Charles-Quint, 8:435, 11:127, 11:152, 13:342, 13:342, 13:343n, 13:358, 13:394, 13:455, 13:456, 13:474, 13:561, 14:146

Flavii Iosephi Hebraei Opera Omnia Graece et Latine (Josephus; eds. S. Haverkamp, J. Hudson, and F. Oberthür), 10:233, 13:476


  • and Agricultural Society of Albemarle, 3:348
  • cloth, 11:11, 11:11
  • for clothing, 4:362, 4:428, 4:637, 8:460
  • as crop, 10:534
  • dressed, 10:501, 10:547, 10:548n
  • effect of weather on, 4:32
  • grown at Tufton, 1:420
  • manufactures from, 5:676
  • preparation of, 8:460, 10:547, 10:548n
  • publication about, 3:280n
  • seeds, 2:271, 2:371, 3:636, 8:460, 10:548n, 15:327
  • spinning of, 1:525, 1:591, 7:570, 7:593, 8:554
  • substitutes for, 4:427, 4:667, 5:22, 5:560
  • TJ on, 9:303

Fleischer, Guillaume

  • Annuaire de La Librairie, 9:354, 9:355n, 9:420

Fleming, George

  • as commissioner in Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 15:268, 15:269n, 15:347, 15:348, 15:416
  • Description of a Steam Engine, 9:141–9:143
  • Drawing of a Steam Engine, 9:140
  • identified, 9:139n
  • letters from, 9:138–9:139, 9:461–9:463
  • letter to, 9:302–9:304
  • as miller, 9:139
  • and steam engines, 9:138–9:139, 9:140, 9:141–9:143, 9:302–9:303, 9:462–9:463
  • and TJ’s hemp-brake design, 9:303–9:304, 9:461–9:462, 9:463

Fleming, John (1697–1756)

  • and Gilliam v. Fleming, 1:363, 1:591, 2:397, 2:403, 2:407, 2:425, 2:446–2:447, 2:448, 2:464–2:465, 3:84–3:85
  • mentioned, 8:171n

Fleming, John (d. 1767)

  • as burgess, 8:642
  • mentioned, 8:171n
  • TJ on, 8:642

Fleming, Thomas, 2:403, 2:447

Fleming, William

  • attends dinner honoring TJ, 1:615+
  • and Gilliam v. Fleming, 1:304, 1:305, 1:306, 1:362, 1:363, 1:365, 1:378–1:379, 1:591, 2:397, 2:403, 2:446–2:447, 2:464, 2:674, 3:85
  • identified, 1:364n
  • introduces C. Clarke, 8:75
  • letters from, 1:378–1:379, 1:660, 8:75
  • letters to, 1:363–1:364, 2:36
  • mentioned, 8:171n
  • sends specimens to TJ, 2:36
  • and Stamp Act resolutions, 8:619, 8:642
  • toast by, 1:615+
  • as Va. Court of Appeals judge, 15:350
  • and Va. Literary Fund, 12:502n

Fleming’s Mountains (Blue Ridge Mountains), 3:355

Fleta seu commentarius Juris Anglicani sic nuncupatus, 3:546, 7:257, 7:688

Fletcher, Mr.

  • and package for TJ, 15:326, 15:327, 15:341

Fletcher, Elijah

  • identified, 3:610n
  • Monticello visit described, 3:610–3:611

Fletcher, George (ship captain), 13:16, 13:171, 13:240, 13:443

Fletcher, John

  • letters from, 3:372–3:373
  • seeks loan from TJ, 3:372–3:373

Fletcher, John (dramatist), 7:664

Fletcher, Richard

  • as publishing agent, 11:615

Fletcher v. Peck, 2:417, 3:127–3:128, 3:129n, 3:165–3:166, 3:246

Fleurus, Battle of (1794), 8:560, 8:562–8:563n

Fleury, François Louis Teissèdre de

  • medal commemorating Revolutionary War service of, 9:54, 9:55n, 9:91

flint, 13:550

Flood, Henry

  • Buckingham Co. tavern keeper, 9:19–9:20
  • and burnet seed, 4:515, 4:515, 4:526
  • identified, 4:515n
  • and letters for J. W. Eppes, 6:129, 6:530–6:531, 9:713
  • letters from accounted for, 4:515n
  • letters to, 4:515, 6:486
  • and TJ’s cart wheels, 6:486, 6:486n

Flood, Joel Walker, 6:530

Flood’s Ordinary (Buckingham Co.; proprietor Henry Flood), 3:148, 3:164, 3:195, 4:90, 6:76, 6:76, 6:129, 6:486, 6:486n, 6:487, 6:530, 8:132, 9:19–9:20, 11:596, 12:138, 14:526, 14:541

Flood’s Ordinary (Buckingham Co.; proprietor Noah Flood), 6:486, 6:486n, 6:487, 8:697, 8:697n, 10:491, 14:541, 14:635

Flood’s Ordinary (Buckingham Co.; proprietor unclear), 6:88, 8:513, 13:17

Flora (TJ’s slave; b. 1783)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:382, 4:383, 4:384, 4:385, 5:461, 6:309, 6:309, 6:310, 6:310, 8:61, 8:61, 8:62, 8:62, 8:62, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 13:387
  • pot for, 8:70–8:71

Flora Americæ Septentrionalis (F. Pursh), 2:91n, 9:339n

Flora Antillarum (Tussac), 1:100–1:101

Flora Boreali-Americana (A. Michaux), 1:436–1:437n, 6:421

Flora Carolinæensis (Shecut), 6:252, 6:252n, 6:378, 6:615, 7:566

Flora Helvetica (J. R. Suter), 8:429, 8:429, 8:430n

Flore d’Oware et de Benin, en Afrique (Palisot de Beauvois), 3:472n

Florence, Italy

  • Galleria degli Uffizi, 10:71, 10:72n
  • gnomon at, 15:287
  • wine from, 9:359, 11:131, 11:131–11:132, 11:137, 11:247, 12:30, 12:30, 14:63, 14:256, 14:257, 15:135

Florian, Jean Pierre Claris de

  • Fables quoted, 8:680, 8:682n
  • works recommended, 7:665

Florida See also East Florida; Pensacola, W. Fla.; West Florida

  • acquisition of by U.S., 1:154, 1:160, 1:169, 1:224, 3:33, 3:99–3:100, 3:101n, 3:327, 3:328n, 3:437, 7:42–7:43, 14:24, 14:77, 14:112n, 15:330–15:331, 15:572–15:573n, 15:615, 15:616
  • boundaries of, 9:479
  • coffee from, 4:687
  • description of, 8:77n
  • French citizens in, 1:203
  • land schemes, 3:96
  • TJ on U.S. acquisition of, 1:183, 1:442, 6:68, 7:7, 7:8, 7:11, 7:51, 8:575, 14:503
  • U.S. claim to, 3:177–3:178, 15:595
  • and War of 1812, 7:7–7:8, 7:20

Floridablanca, Conde de. See Moñino y Redondo, José, Conde de Floridablanca

Florula Ludoviciana; or, A Flora of the State Of Louisiana (C. S. Rafinesque), 15:40, 15:41

Florus, Lucius Annaeus

  • L. Annæi Flori Epitome Rerum Romanarum (ed. J. G. Graevius), 14:511

flour See also Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate): flour from

  • British seize, 7:623, 7:624, 7:642, 7:644n
  • buckwheat, 15:353
  • depot for, 10:667
  • destroyed by fire, 15:494
  • distilled into whiskey, 7:240
  • and Embargo, 4:623, 4:664
  • exportation of, 10:379
  • family, 15:487, 15:488n
  • given to slaves, 6:487
  • in Lynchburg market, 3:103, 3:341, 9:562, 12:50–12:51, 12:78, 12:538
  • machinery for manufacture of, 7:107, 7:111–7:112, 7:131–7:132, 7:133n
  • milling of, 7:32, 8:118–8:119, 10:181–10:182, 10:478, 14:213, 14:394, 14:399, 15:11, 15:70, 15:331, 15:334
  • and New England commerce, 8:175
  • from Pa., 12:554
  • from Poplar Forest, 3:421, 3:518, 3:531, 3:561, 3:612, 4:10, 4:11, 4:86, 4:87, 4:165, 4:165–4:166n, 5:307, 5:340–5:341, 5:481–5:482, 5:488–5:489, 5:545, 5:576, 5:600, 5:656, 6:3, 6:487, 7:72, 7:94–7:95, 7:402, 8:70, 8:132, 8:186, 8:284, 8:390, 8:582, 9:133, 9:254, 9:313, 9:370, 9:493, 9:505, 9:593–9:594, 9:594, 10:387–10:388, 10:388, 10:466, 10:597, 11:179, 11:207, 11:207, 11:236, 12:29, 12:349, 12:476, 12:538, 12:541, 12:556, 12:613, 12:632, 12:645, 13:141, 13:279, 13:323, 13:355–13:356, 13:356, 13:386, 13:459, 13:475, 13:492, 13:545, 13:566–13:567, 13:604, 14:7, 14:218, 14:220, 14:220, 14:244, 14:281, 14:326, 15:390, 15:391
  • price of, 1:61, 1:407, 1:451, 3:286–3:288, 3:328, 3:373, 3:413, 3:518, 3:541, 3:550, 3:577, 3:612, 3:620, 3:630, 3:637, 4:57, 4:58, 4:86, 4:87, 4:91, 4:165, 4:321–4:322, 4:341–4:342, 4:467, 4:522, 4:548, 5:82, 5:357, 5:381, 5:413, 5:438, 5:440–5:441, 5:483, 5:562, 5:600, 5:656, 5:660, 6:4, 6:21, 6:91, 6:93, 6:94, 6:113, 6:147, 6:169, 6:203, 6:217, 6:295, 6:314, 6:471–6:472, 6:544, 6:552, 6:561–6:562, 6:615–6:616, 6:621, 7:72, 7:114–7:115, 7:123, 7:141, 7:155, 7:166, 7:188, 7:212, 7:215, 7:222, 7:240, 7:241, 7:290, 7:307, 7:346, 7:401–7:402, 7:412, 7:433, 7:441, 7:457, 7:513, 7:514–7:515, 7:515, 7:516–7:517, 7:518, 7:717, 8:48, 8:128, 8:284, 8:284, 8:323, 8:389–8:390, 8:477, 8:492, 8:610, 8:694, 9:124, 9:133, 9:273, 9:406, 9:500, 9:552, 9:569, 9:624, 9:708, 10:472, 10:480, 10:539, 10:597, 10:665–10:666, 10:671, 11:261, 11:298–11:299, 11:395, 11:635, 12:181, 12:253, 12:476, 12:503–12:504, 12:527, 12:538, 12:654, 13:283, 13:285, 13:289, 13:326, 13:459, 14:42, 14:211, 14:245, 14:326, 14:379, 14:484, 14:496, 14:504, 14:505, 14:505, 14:571, 15:248, 15:457, 15:463, 15:471, 15:473, 15:474, 15:590, 15:610
  • received as pay, 1:419, 1:421, 4:183, 4:233, 5:120–5:121, 5:350, 6:304, 6:556, 8:204–8:205, 8:207, 8:624, 8:625n, 15:426, 15:426, 15:426
  • as rent, 9:665, 10:167, 10:181–10:182, 10:183, 10:396, 10:472, 10:475, 11:185–11:186, 11:194–11:195, 11:210–11:211, 11:213, 11:380, 11:459, 11:459, 11:593, 12:29, 12:139, 12:148, 12:302, 12:644, 12:645, 13:13, 13:18, 13:116, 13:120, 13:141, 13:355, 14:49, 14:50, 14:316, 14:317, 14:468, 14:469, 14:472, 14:473, 14:571, 15:414–15:415n, 15:433, 15:457, 15:471, 15:518, 15:544, 15:544, 15:544–15:545, 15:545
  • at Richmond, 3:371, 3:413, 3:422, 3:518, 3:518, 3:541, 3:577, 3:620, 3:629, 3:650, 6:4, 6:66, 6:84, 6:87, 6:92, 6:94, 6:94, 6:110, 6:135, 6:136, 6:321, 6:336, 6:349, 6:350, 7:69, 7:86, 7:114–7:115, 7:412, 7:441, 7:513, 7:515, 7:516–7:517, 7:572, 7:717, 8:389–8:390, 8:477, 8:582, 8:694, 9:498–9:499, 9:569, 9:708, 10:37, 10:480, 11:142, 11:261, 11:362, 12:148, 12:181, 12:538, 12:632, 12:633, 12:654, 15:202
  • sale of, 2:269, 2:292, 3:111, 3:154, 3:181, 3:421, 3:541, 3:577, 3:613, 3:637, 3:647+, 4:6, 4:12, 4:57, 4:58, 4:321–4:322, 4:557, 4:558, 4:580, 4:593, 4:593, 4:618, 4:633, 5:115–5:116, 5:132, 5:671, 5:673, 6:106, 6:113, 6:116–6:117, 6:118, 6:147, 6:335, 6:356, 6:448, 6:605, 7:69, 7:141, 7:166, 7:179, 7:263, 7:430–7:431, 7:433, 7:441, 7:448, 7:457, 7:459, 7:513–7:514, 7:514–7:515, 7:515, 7:516–7:517, 7:518, 7:572, 7:710, 8:69, 8:69n, 8:302, 8:323, 8:437+, 8:477, 8:491, 8:491, 8:491n, 8:492, 8:582, 9:254, 9:567–9:568, 9:708, 10:36, 10:36, 10:37, 10:59, 10:665–10:666, 10:671, 11:290, 11:290, 11:304, 11:380, 11:464, 11:476, 11:593, 11:593, 11:605, 11:605, 12:29, 12:181, 12:253, 12:503–12:504, 12:541, 12:632, 12:632–12:633, 12:633, 12:634, 13:79, 13:131, 13:393, 14:42, 14:211, 14:244, 14:296, 14:318, 14:318, 14:326, 14:415, 14:473, 14:474, 14:483, 14:487, 14:496, 14:498, 14:504, 14:505, 14:509, 14:570–14:571, 15:22, 15:473, 15:513
  • from Shadwell, 14:211
  • shipment of, 3:512–3:513, 5:575, 6:48, 8:272, 9:547, 9:547–9:548n, 10:474–10:475, 11:104, 12:595, 12:596, 12:597, 12:597–12:598, 13:79, 13:116, 13:277, 13:277, 13:283, 13:566–13:567, 14:355–14:356, 14:358, 14:362, 14:406, 15:414–15:415n
  • J. & I. Shoemaker sell, 3:300–3:301, 3:640–3:642, 3:642–3:643
  • stored at Washington, 4:27
  • TJ purchases, 15:70, 15:70
  • for TJ’s friends, 15:487
  • transported to Richmond, 4:24n, 4:219, 4:233, 4:234n, 4:526, 4:557, 4:580, 5:120–5:121, 5:599, 5:622, 6:331, 6:487, 6:544, 7:94–7:95, 7:95n, 7:123, 8:70, 8:157, 8:186, 8:284, 8:492, 8:624, 9:99, 9:133, 9:272–9:273, 9:273n, 9:312–9:313, 9:370, 9:498–9:499, 9:546–9:547, 10:388, 10:435, 10:475, 10:539, 10:617, 12:29, 12:139, 12:141, 12:148, 12:167, 12:192, 12:476, 12:503–12:504, 12:645, 13:141, 14:50, 14:218, 14:275, 14:296, 14:353, 14:496, 14:555, 14:571, 15:156, 15:280, 15:414, 15:483

Flournoy, Daniel

  • seeks employment at University of Virginia, 14:653

Flournoy, John J., 14:14

Flournoy, Thomas

  • War of 1812 service of, 6:389

Flournoy, Thomas C.

  • career of, 13:543, 13:599
  • Fourth of July Speech of, 7:462–7:467
  • identified, 5:331n
  • letters from, 5:330–5:331, 5:580–5:581, 7:462, 13:542–13:543
  • letters to, 5:368–5:369, 7:522, 13:598–13:599
  • requests TJ to seek presidency, 5:330–5:331, 5:368–5:369, 5:408, 5:581
  • sends speech to TJ, 7:462, 7:522
  • and War of 1812, 7:462–7:466, 13:543

Flower, George

  • Account of a Visit to Monticello, 10:574–10:576
  • Account of a Visit to Poplar Forest and Natural Bridge, 10:554–10:555
  • family of, 12:241, 12:242n
  • identified, 9:668–9:669n
  • introduced to TJ, 9:667, 9:679, 10:299, 10:559, 10:560, 10:560, 10:592
  • letter from, 10:299, 11:609–11:610
  • letters to, 10:331–10:332, 12:19–12:21
  • and settlement in U.S., 11:221–11:222, 11:609, 11:609n, 12:19–12:20
  • TJ introduces, 10:559, 10:560, 10:560, 10:592, 11:124, 11:300–11:301
  • U.S. tour of, 9:667, 9:679, 10:299, 10:299, 10:299, 10:331–10:332, 10:559, 10:560, 10:560, 10:592, 11:124
  • visits Monticello, 10:560, 10:570, 10:574–10:575, 10:575n
  • visits Natural Bridge, 10:554–10:555, 10:570
  • visits Poplar Forest, 10:554, 10:555n, 10:570

Flower, Richard

  • and G. Flower’s settlement in U.S., 11:221–11:222
  • identified, 11:222–11:223n
  • letter from, 11:221–11:223
  • sends cloth to TJ, 12:241, 12:275

flowers See also plants; specific flower names

  • commercial market for, 10:216
  • preserved, sent to TJ, 10:215, 10:216, 10:494, 10:494n, 10:521, 10:536–10:537, 10:537, 13:444, 13:565, 13:585, 14:329
  • M. J. Randolph sends seeds to M. B. J. Eppes, 9:608
  • sent to TJ, 10:536–10:537, 10:537
  • TJ compares human life to, 3:633

Floyd, William

  • signer of Declaration of Independence, 6:137, 6:183

Flushing (Netherlands), 1:529, 1:530n, 1:593n

Fluvanna County, Va.

  • and Agricultural Society of Albemarle, 3:351n
  • Bremo, 1:136n
  • Columbia, 3:104, 3:253–3:254
  • deer hunting in, 4:603
  • and Gilliam v. Fleming, 1:305n
  • Magruder’s Mill, 1:109, 1:110n, 3:218, 3:254n
  • petition for dam in, 2:97–2:98
  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
  • schools in, 4:546
  • Scott’s Mills, 3:371n
  • and W. J. Stone’s land, 3:179, 5:15–5:16
  • taverns in, 12:526
  • Wood’s Mill, 3:218, 3:219n

Fluvanna Court House, Va., 3:254n

fly. See Hessian fly


  • for cattle, 11:158, 11:199, 11:271, 11:308–11:309, 14:180–14:181, 14:250
  • for hogs, 8:71, 8:71, 8:158, 11:272, 13:134, 14:585, 14:636, 15:11, 15:229
  • for horses, 8:32, 8:71, 8:109, 8:126, 8:129, 8:158, 8:158, 8:163, 8:268n, 11:171–11:172, 11:272, 12:302, 12:635, 14:180–14:181
  • mentioned, 10:449, 12:302, 12:302
  • for Monticello, 1:81n, 2:113n, 2:371, 13:169n, 14:585, 14:602
  • for mules, 12:197, 12:242
  • for oxen, 11:171–11:172, 11:272, 14:180
  • for sheep, 8:71, 8:158, 11:171–11:172, 14:180

Foix family

  • and Albigensian heresy, 7:65

Folch, Vicente, 2:444n

Folsom, Mr.

  • Richmond merchant, 13:132, 13:165

Folsom, Charles, 12:473

Folsom, John W.

  • publisher, 12:514

Folwell, Richard

  • House Carpenters’ Book of Prices, and Rules, for Measuring and Valuing all their different kinds of Work, 12:157, 12:159

Fonblanque, John de Grenier

  • A Treatise of Equity, 5:222, 5:254, 7:628, 11:70, 11:97n, 11:98n, 11:98n, 13:53, 14:133, 14:146, 14:147n, 14:166

Fonson, Jean Baptiste, 8:558, 8:561

Fontaine, Claudius G., 2:410n

Fontaine, Martha Henry (Patrick Henry’s daughter), 6:265

Fontaine, Peter

  • as boundary commissioner, 11:22, 11:23n

Fontaine, William

  • drunkenness, 1:526, 1:645–1:646
  • identified, 1:527–528n
  • letters from, 1:525–1:528, 1:645–1:646
  • letters to, 1:591–1:592
  • and merino sheep, 3:136, 4:59, 4:62
  • and T. M. Randolph, 1:525, 1:527, 3:136
  • visits Monticello, 1:525–1:527, 1:645–1:646

Fontanes, Jean Pierre Louis, marquis de, 12:508, 12:510n

Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de

  • Entretiens sur la Pluralité des Mondes, 1:581
  • on Plato, 7:454, 7:455n, 7:455n

food See also alcohol; coffee; corn; currants; flour; herbs; oil; recipes; rice; salt; sesame (benne; benni); spices; sugar; tea; wine

  • almonds, 3:455, 4:4, 4:215, 4:220, 4:220, 4:487, 4:522, 4:530, 6:163, 11:39
  • anchovies, 1:366, 1:366, 9:371, 9:371–9:372, 9:418, 11:407, 11:653, 12:374, 12:580, 13:447, 13:565, 13:585, 13:606, 13:607, 14:329, 15:120, 15:262, 15:300
  • apples, 3:448, 3:448, 3:448n, 3:448n, 3:455–3:456, 4:141, 7:78, 7:381–7:382, 7:382n, 7:444–7:445, 7:492, 9:533, 11:623, 12:192, 12:192n, 14:632, 15:206, 15:208, 15:229, 15:230
  • artichokes, 8:305, 11:39, 11:179
  • asparagus, 2:334, 2:368, 5:26+, 5:48, 6:93, 6:94, 7:288, 8:305, 9:702, 11:39, 12:618, 14:246, 14:271
  • bacon, 2:371, 5:489, 6:343, 7:45, 8:184, 9:588, 9:588, 9:713, 11:298, 11:299, 11:623, 12:51, 13:566, 13:581
  • barley, 1:44, 1:268, 1:368, 2:109, 2:272, 3:348, 8:439
  • beef, 1:81n, 1:419, 1:421, 2:291, 4:12n, 4:180, 4:209, 5:260, 6:187, 7:649, 8:xlvii–8:xlviii, 8:280, 8:307, 10:539n, 12:324, 12:538, 13:519, 13:612, 14:383, 14:472
  • beets, 1:56, 1:157, 2:37, 2:38, 7:54, 7:54n, 7:55, 7:55n
  • berries, 3:190
  • biscuits, 8:79, 8:97, 8:100, 8:565, 15:72, 15:108, 15:134, 15:174, 15:306
  • black-eyed peas, 1:157
  • bon-bons, 9:317–9:318
  • bran, 3:541
  • bread, 7:649, 8:613, 9:505, 9:616, 9:620n, 9:620n, 10:379, 10:539, 10:597, 10:666, 11:271, 12:39, 13:278, 14:213, 14:382, 14:383n, 14:602, 14:636, 15:23n
  • broccoli, 14:385n
  • buckwheat, 3:348, 3:351n
  • butter, 2:269, 2:371, 3:301, 3:541, 4:138, 4:194, 4:210, 4:236, 4:380, 4:381, 6:40, 7:82, 8:132, 8:174, 8:184, 8:307, 9:616, 9:620n, 9:620n, 9:656, 12:302, 12:324, 13:566, 14:243, 14:382, 14:383n, 14:420, 14:632–14:633, 15:206, 15:208, 15:311
  • cabbage, 2:90, 2:271, 2:272, 5:658, 11:221
  • cakes, 11:670, 12:635n, 14:632
  • candy, 12:651
  • cantaloupe, 3:473, 3:501, 3:503n
  • capers, 1:366
  • carp, 6:132, 6:134, 6:134, 6:215
  • carrots, 1:56, 1:157, 2:37, 2:38, 2:38, 4:139, 5:489, 5:658, 11:271–11:272
  • cauliflower, 2:90
  • celery, 1:157, 2:37, 4:180, 4:182n
  • cheese, 1:45, 1:368, 1:369, 4:211, 5:204, 5:464, 6:344, 9:616, 9:620n, 9:620n, 10:300, 13:28, 13:80, 13:278, 13:307, 13:314–13:315, 13:315, 13:325, 13:369, 14:420, 14:542, 14:573, 14:574n, 15:72, 15:108, 15:134, 15:172, 15:174, 15:206, 15:208, 15:229, 15:230, 15:313, 15:360, 15:361n
  • cherries, 3:448, 3:448n, 3:455, 3:455, 3:455, 3:644–3:645, 3:645n, 4:9, 8:305, 9:533, 11:39, 11:464, 12:618, 14:477n
  • chestnuts, 1:594n, 2:310, 12:152, 12:391, 12:612
  • chicken, 9:616, 9:620n, 9:620n, 9:713, 11:623, 14:632
  • chicory (succory) greens, 13:438
  • chickpeas, 6:188, 6:293, 7:326
  • chocolate, 1:44, 6:306, 6:321
  • cocoa, 9:426
  • cod, 1:115n, 1:176, 1:279, 11:274, 11:295, 12:551
  • cod tongues and sounds, 1:153, 1:154n, 1:369, 2:109, 2:154, 11:66, 11:66n, 11:295, 12:551, 14:542, 14:573
  • confitures, 1:505
  • cornbread, 6:304, 14:382
  • cowpeas, 1:157, 7:288
  • crabs, 13:612
  • crackers, 1:45, 1:45, 1:368, 2:109, 14:542, 14:573, 15:172
  • crowder beans, 1:157
  • cucumbers, 4:38, 5:658, 6:214, 11:39, 12:618
  • dates, 1:366, 2:271, 2:271
  • dessert, 14:383n
  • eggplant, 2:481, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n
  • eggs, 2:291, 4:12n, 8:307, 9:616, 9:620n, 9:620n
  • endive, 5:550–5:551, 8:305
  • figs, 1:395, 1:398, 1:479, 1:481, 1:500, 1:500, 1:600, 2:3, 2:32, 2:413, 4:38, 8:21, 8:305
  • filberts, 1:631
  • fish, 6:187, 8:17, 8:400, 8:491n, 8:536, 10:157–10:158, 11:66, 11:66n, 11:336–11:337, 13:612, 14:420, 15:365, 15:591–15:592, 15:593
  • fowl, 14:383n
  • frijole beans, 6:188
  • geese, 4:12n, 4:210, 8:307
  • gingerbread, 11:641
  • gooseberries, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n, 4:523, 4:535, 4:561, 5:31
  • grapes, 1:587n, 2:221, 2:222, 2:223, 2:339
  • ham, 2:291
  • haricots, 5:489–5:490, 5:658, 6:44–6:45, 9:532–9:533
  • herring, 1:77, 1:115, 1:176, 2:109, 2:422–2:423, 2:430, 2:502, 2:503, 5:164, 6:336, 6:337, 7:448, 7:448, 7:448, 8:536
  • hickory nuts, 1:111, 1:252, 1:657, 3:544, 9:348n
  • hominy, 4:138, 7:82, 8:367–8:368
  • honey, 11:503, 12:54
  • horse beans, 9:672
  • ice cream, 14:li, 14:250 (illus.)
  • kale, sea, 3:439, 3:440n, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n, 14:385n, 15:567
  • kale, sprout, 4:498, 4:498n, 4:523, 4:561, 4:562, 5:490, 5:658, 6:44, 6:86, 9:532, 11:151, 11:174–11:175, 13:111
  • lamb, 14:383, 14:632
  • lemon acid, 7:594, 7:602
  • lettuce, 4:38, 4:527, 5:31, 5:307, 5:307n, 5:490, 6:187, 8:305
  • lima beans, 1:631, 1:657, 3:502, 5:658, 9:608–9:609
  • macaroni, 2:109, 2:109, 2:154, 8:571, 8:571, 8:572, 9:323, 9:323, 9:421, 9:470, 9:470, 9:569, 10:68, 10:109n, 10:170, 10:170, 10:171, 10:171, 10:172n, 10:307, 10:342, 10:411, 10:435, 11:404, 11:407, 11:407, 11:531, 11:531, 11:653, 11:654, 12:374, 12:580, 12:645, 13:14, 13:16, 13:16, 13:16, 13:171, 13:240, 13:253, 13:253, 13:277, 13:283, 13:285, 13:345, 13:443, 13:448, 13:448n, 13:449, 13:565, 13:576–13:577, 13:585, 13:606, 13:607, 14:239, 14:329, 14:499, 15:44, 15:45, 15:120, 15:262, 15:300
  • meat, 14:44, 14:44, 14:156, 14:382, 14:383n, 14:419, 14:420, 14:610
  • melons, 10:317, 10:346, 14:632
  • milk, 4:140, 6:103, 6:501, 9:616, 9:620n, 9:620n, 12:8, 14:382, 14:383n
  • millet, 2:335, 3:348, 5:48
  • molasses, 2:109, 4:27, 4:211, 4:522, 4:530, 6:346, 6:448, 6:451, 10:157, 10:187, 11:237, 11:493
  • mustard, 1:45, 2:109, 6:345, 6:348, 14:420, 15:451
  • mutton, 1:16, 1:477, 1:481, 2:371, 5:545, 8:307, 11:240, 13:519
  • nectarines, 8:548
  • oats, 1:3, 2:93, 2:371, 3:348, 3:351n
  • oats, potato, 5:657, 5:658n
  • okra, 4:180
  • olive oil, 1:84n, 1:188, 1:188, 1:257, 1:366, 1:366, 3:545, 9:198, 11:407, 11:653, 11:653, 12:580, 13:606, 13:607, 14:329
  • olives, 1:313n, 2:271, 2:271, 4:4, 4:215, 4:220, 4:220, 4:487
  • onions, 12:651
  • oysters, 2:110–2:111, 11:653, 13:612, 15:300
  • parsnips, 1:157, 2:37, 2:38, 5:658
  • peaches, 1:483, 8:697, 11:39, 11:221, 12:324, 12:619, 13:581, 14:632, 15:206, 15:208, 15:229, 15:229, 15:230, 15:230, 15:230n, 15:230n, 15:248, 15:281, 15:283
  • pears, 3:448, 4:561, 4:562
  • peas, 1:157, 3:348, 3:351n, 3:501–3:502, 4:379, 4:379, 5:658, 6:45, 6:109, 6:110, 6:139, 6:140n, 6:486, 6:514, 7:71, 7:288, 7:356, 8:69, 8:71, 8:305, 8:305, 8:454, 8:516, 8:611, 8:611, 10:74, 11:39, 11:379, 12:618, 13:67, 13:80, 14:271
  • pecans, 1:80, 1:81n, 1:211n, 1:631, 1:657, 2:103, 2:294n, 3:455
  • pickles, 2:291
  • pies, 7:78, 10:187, 11:493, 12:651
  • plums, 3:455, 8:548
  • pork, 1:419, 1:421, 1:451, 2:112, 2:371, 4:143, 5:545–5:546, 6:304, 8:184–8:185, 8:307, 10:187, 10:597, 11:493, 12:242, 12:302, 12:302, 12:324, 12:357, 13:519, 13:545, 13:566, 13:604, 15:93, 15:207, 15:229, 15:230n, 15:248, 15:281, 15:282, 15:311, 15:311, 15:311
  • potatoes, 1:157, 1:196–1:197, 2:38, 4:141, 4:180, 4:531, 11:221, 11:272, 12:255, 12:302, 13:612, 14:246
  • preservation of, 8:697
  • pumpkins, 4:379
  • radishes, 2:271, 2:271, 5:658
  • raisins, 1:366, 1:366, 1:368, 2:109, 11:407, 11:654, 12:580, 13:444, 13:447n, 13:564–13:565, 14:239, 14:329, 14:499, 14:542, 14:573, 15:120, 15:262, 15:299, 15:313, 15:353
  • raspberries, 1:222, 3:353, 3:394, 3:456, 5:31, 11:624
  • Roanoke chub, 6:116, 6:122–6:123
  • rutabagas, 2:481, 2:543, 10:212, 14:181
  • salad oil, 1:31, 1:161, 2:335, 2:392, 2:438, 3:434
  • salsify, 1:157, 2:37, 2:38, 2:38, 3:150, 3:150n, 3:166, 5:489, 5:490, 5:658
  • salt, 1:77, 3:301, 4:27, 4:529, 4:529n, 6:187, 6:195, 6:343, 6:344, 6:344, 6:344, 6:344, 6:345, 6:345, 6:346, 6:347, 6:347, 6:347, 6:348, 6:348, 6:487, 7:124, 7:180, 7:180, 7:649, 8:63, 8:67, 8:68, 8:72, 8:95, 8:95n, 8:105, 8:109, 8:109, 8:132, 8:132, 8:174, 8:184, 10:215, 12:377–12:379, 13:6, 13:6n, 13:35, 14:245n
  • secured with lock, 15:474
  • sesame oil, 1:84n, 1:212, 3:636–3:637
  • shad, 2:109, 5:155, 5:164, 6:132, 6:134, 7:321, 7:332, 7:333n, 7:448, 7:448, 8:536, 14:542, 14:573, 15:229, 15:230n, 15:248, 15:311
  • snap beans, 3:501–3:502, 5:658, 6:44–6:45, 6:487, 13:519
  • soup, 14:382
  • spinach, 5:489, 5:658
  • squash, 1:170, 5:658, 6:487
  • strawberries, 2:140, 2:481, 2:482n, 2:543, 3:353, 3:377, 3:439, 3:545, 4:34, 4:139, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n, 4:523, 4:561, 4:562, 5:31, 8:305, 11:39, 12:618
  • sweetmeats, 14:632
  • sweet potatoes, 8:680, 8:682n
  • tarragon, 1:479, 1:481, 1:600, 5:29, 5:30n, 5:98–5:99
  • tavern charges for, 9:19, 9:19, 9:19, 9:19, 9:20, 9:20n, 9:20, 9:21n, 9:21, 9:21n, 9:21
  • tomatoes, 4:180, 5:658, 13:28
  • tuckahoes, 8:232–8:233
  • turkey, 4:12n, 4:210, 8:307, 9:616, 9:620n, 9:620n
  • turnip greens, 13:438
  • turnips, 2:37, 2:38, 2:481–2:482n, 2:543, 5:658, 6:514, 8:457, 10:212, 12:302, 14:181
  • veal, 2:371, 5:260, 7:442n, 11:240
  • vegetable pudding, 6:501
  • vegetables, 12:8, 14:44, 14:44, 14:81, 14:156, 14:382, 14:383n, 14:562, 14:632
  • venison, 12:237n, 13:234, 13:250
  • vinegar, 6:187
  • vinegar syrup, 1:161, 1:188, 1:188, 1:190, 1:190, 1:222, 1:257
  • winter melon, 2:302

Forber (Faber), Mr.

  • and carding machines, 7:79, 7:114, 7:116

Forbes, John M., 3:60, 3:61n

Force, Peter

  • and American Colonization Society, 14:577, 15:57
  • identified, 14:577–14:578n
  • letter from, 14:577–14:578

Ford, Benjamin Bowles

  • and B. B. Bernard’s invention, 2:5, 2:5n, 2:36
  • identified, 2:5n
  • letters from, 2:5
  • letters to, 2:36

Ford, James Westhall

  • portrait of C. Johnson, 5:xlviii, 5:358 (illus.)

Ford, Peter, 1:505

Forman, Samuel

  • as builder for University of Virginia, 15:385
  • letter from, 15:385–15:386

formica leo (Myrmeleon formicarius). See ant lion

Formigli, Giuseppe

  • archivist in Florence, 9:291n, 9:291n, 9:291n

Fornés, Mr.

  • on yellow fever, 10:131

Foronda, Valentín de

  • Apuntes ligeros sobre la nueva constitución, 1:470–1:471, 1:577, 1:604, 1:606n, 4:282, 4:284n
  • identified, 1:471n
  • letters from, 1:470–1:471, 1:604–1:606, 4:282–4:284, 5:19–5:21, 6:80–6:81
  • letters of forwarded, 4:509, 4:539, 5:296, 5:396
  • letters to, 1:577–1:578, 7:50–7:52
  • letters to mentioned, 7:107, 7:222
  • on J. Madison, 5:20, 5:21n, 5:296, 6:80
  • sends writings to TJ, 6:80, 7:50–7:51
  • on Spanish colonial policy, 7:50–7:51, 7:393–7:394
  • on Spanish Cortes, 5:19–5:20, 5:21n

Forrest, Joseph, 5:205

Forrest, Richard

  • letters from accounted for, 1:313n

Forster, Johann Reinhold

  • on Indians, 6:137, 6:138

Forsyth, Benjamin

  • U.S. officer, 8:221

Forsyth, John

  • identified, 13:579–13:580n
  • letter from, 13:579–13:580
  • as minister plenipotentiary to Spain, 15:106, 15:106n, 15:157n
  • and University of Virginia commissioners’ report, 13:579

Forsyth, William

  • A Treatise on the Culture and Management of Fruit Trees; in which A New Method of Pruning and Training is Fully Described, 1:17, 2:82, 2:293, 11:165

Fort Adams (Miss. Territory), 2:118, 2:360

Fort Defiance (Ohio), 5:396

Fort Erie (Upper Canada), 7:501, 7:502n, 7:656, 8:215, 8:217, 8:259, 8:264, 8:267n, 11:494

Fort George (Upper Canada), 6:525, 6:526n, 7:656, 7:657n, 8:216, 8:216, 8:263, 8:357, 11:494

Forti, Anton Francesco

  • family of, 9:673

Forti, Gaspero

  • witnesses will, 9:673

Fortier, John Michael

  • and batture controversy, 3:235n, 3:247n, 3:248n, 3:265, 5:137n, 5:144–5:145

Fortin, Jean Nicolas

  • scientific-instrument maker, 9:223, 9:223

Fort Jefferson (Ky.), 14:136–14:137, 14:137n

Fort McHenry (Md.)

  • War of 1812 defense of, 10:426, 10:439, 10:441

Fort Malden (Upper Canada), 5:319–5:320, 5:336, 5:441, 5:642–5:643, 5:644

Fort Masonic (Brooklyn, N.Y.), 10:186–10:187, 10:188n, 11:493, 11:495n

Fort Massac, 1:511, 1:511n

Fort Meigs (Ohio), 6:370, 6:371n, 8:227n, 12:401

Fort Moultrie (S.C.), 6:250, 6:251n

Fort Saint Philip (Fort Plaquemine) (Orleans Terr.)

  • destruction at, 5:383

Fort Stephenson (Ohio), 6:446, 6:447n

Fort Stoddert (Ala.), 1:350, 1:351, 1:351–1:352

Fort Warburton (later Fort Washington), 1:517, 1:517n, 6:312, 8:153, 13:77, 13:79n

Fort Wayne (Ind. Territory), 5:396

Fosgate, Bela

  • D. Holt recommends, 7:49
  • identified, 7:49n
  • letters from, 7:48–7:49
  • and torpedo, 7:48–7:49

Fossett, Betsy-Ann (Betsy) (TJ’s slave; b. 1812)

  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Fossett, Edith (Edy) Hern (TJ’s slave; b. 1787)

  • family of, 11:438
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387, 8:62n
  • trained in French cooking, 1:162, 1:188, 1:189n

Fossett, James (TJ’s slave; b. 1805)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Fossett, Joseph (Joe) (TJ’s slave; b. 1780)

  • assists M. Lewis, 5:357
  • and fire at Monticello, 14:593
  • identified, 4:245n
  • mentioned, 6:347, 6:349n
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387
  • plates saddle trees, 4:245, 4:543

Fossett, Maria (TJ’s slave; b. 1807)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Fossett, Patsy (TJ’s slave; b. 1810)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 8:62n
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Fossett, Peter (TJ’s slave; b. 1815)

  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717


  • T. Cooper’s collection of, 14:569
  • in Ky., 8:448, 8:449n, 12:150
  • in N.Y., 8:209, 8:209n
  • and New-York Historical Society, 11:187, 11:188–11:189, 11:192
  • study of, 8:447–8:448, 10:165, 10:165n
  • TJ’s collection of, 8:447–8:448, 8:448, 8:449n, 12:150
  • in Va., 12:86, 12:87–12:89

Fossombroni, Vittorio

  • article on alluvion by, 6:468, 6:469n
  • Memorie Idraulico-Storiche sopra la Val-di-Chiana, 6:468, 6:469n, 7:302

Foster, Augustus John

  • and armistice proposals, 5:320–5:321, 5:396
  • attends J. Madison’s inauguration, 1:8, 1:10n
  • British minister to U.S., 3:568, 3:577, 3:600, 3:606, 4:19, 4:32, 4:77–4:78, 4:90–4:91, 4:133, 4:151, 4:234, 4:237, 4:568, 5:72, 5:267n, 7:41, 7:44n, 8:220–8:221, 9:572

Foster, John S.

  • and Boston Glass Manufactory, 14:455
  • identified, 14:455n
  • letter from, 14:455

Foster, Jonathan

  • identified, 2:120n
  • letters from, 2:120
  • letters to, 2:174–2:175

Foster, Jonathan & Thomas (Winchester firm). See Jonathan & Thomas Foster (Winchester firm)

Foster, Theodore, 2:319

Foster, Thomas

  • identified, 2:120n
  • letters from, 2:120
  • letters to, 2:174–2:175

Fothergill, Anthony

  • relationship with B. Franklin, 13:462
  • Remarks on the Smut and Mildew of Wheat, 1:72, 1:72n

Fothergill, John

  • certificate commending B. Waterhouse, 6:99
  • identified, 6:101n

Fouché, Joseph, duc d’Otrante, 1:528, 1:530n, 1:538, 1:629, 2:39, 9:317, 9:318n, 9:376, 9:572, 11:282, 11:501

Fouchet, Pierre, 3:478n

Fouler, Albert Louis Emmanuel de, comte de Relingue, 1:372

Foulis, Andrew, 5:501, 5:501n, 12:576

Foulis, Robert, 5:501, 5:501n, 12:576

Foulke, Mr.

  • and window glass for TJ, 8:21, 8:142

Fountain, Mrs. See Fontaine, Martha Henry (Patrick Henry’s daughter)

Fountain Rock (Samuel Ringgold’s Md. estate), 8:518

Fouquet, Henri

  • and climate change, 4:189

Fourcroy, Antoine François, comte de

  • writings of, 14:168

Fourth Annual Exhibition of the Columbian Society of Artists and the Pennsylvania Academy. May 1814, 7:401, 7:443–7:444

Fourth of July

  • celebrations, 11:497, 12:245, 12:248n, 13:129, 13:130n, 13:150n
  • orations, 2:399, 2:400–2:401, 2:504–2:505, 2:666, 4:175+, 5:225–5:226, 5:226, 5:259, 5:284, 5:285n, 5:286–5:287, 6:428, 6:429n, 6:444, 7:462, 7:462–7:466, 7:522, 8:585–8:586, 8:614, 8:614, 8:615n, 8:648–8:649, 8:649–8:650n, 9:4, 9:6n, 9:41–9:42, 9:78, 10:340, 10:341n, 10:341, 11:528–11:529, 11:529n, 11:530n, 13:148–13:149, 13:149–13:150n, 13:157, 13:157–13:158n, 13:456, 13:457n, 14:572, 14:581–14:582, 14:603, 15:53
  • sentiments evoked by, 11:483–11:484

Foushee, William

  • attends dinner honoring TJ, 1:615+
  • chairs meeting of Richmond citizens, 1:609–1:611, 1:620–1:621
  • identified, 1:611n
  • letters from, 1:609–1:611, 5:286
  • letters from accounted for, 1:611n
  • letters to, 1:620–1:621, 6:63
  • as postmaster of Richmond, 15:183, 15:206, 15:244
  • as E. Randolph’s trustee, 4:231–4:232n
  • recommends B. Harris, 5:286
  • and steamboats, 6:62, 6:63
  • toast by, 1:615+

Fowler, Mr., 1:129

Fowler, John

  • identified, 4:285n
  • introduces T. Smith (ca. 1792–1865), 8:509
  • introduces W. W. Worsley, 4:285
  • letters from, 4:285, 8:509

Fox (brig), 12:142

Fox, Charles James

  • alleged remarks on TJ, 3:261n, 3:262, 3:262–3:263, 3:298, 4:234
  • British politician, 3:463, 3:464n, 4:339, 4:670
  • education of, 7:660
  • as historian, 13:412
  • A History of the Early Part of the Reign of James the Second, 1:36, 1:37, 1:580, 7:629
  • TJ on, 1:507, 3:261n, 3:298

Fox, Henry Richard Vassall, 3d Baron Holland. See Holland, Henry Richard Vassall Fox, 3d Baron

Fox, Joseph

  • dedicates work to TJ, 9:355, 9:448
  • identified, 9:355–9:356n
  • letters from, 9:355–9:356, 9:597
  • letter to, 9:447–9:448
  • proposed work on dyeing, 9:355, 9:447–9:448, 9:597

Foxall, Henry

  • identified, 1:76–1:77n
  • iron castings for TJ, 1:157, 1:158n
  • iron press, 3:636
  • letters from, 1:122, 3:576, 4:191–4:192, 4:232–4:233
  • letters to, 1:76–1:77, 3:530, 3:609, 4:215–4:216, 4:560
  • payment from TJ, 3:576, 3:582, 4:555, 4:560, 4:576
  • and stew stove for TJ, 1:76, 1:122, 3:530
  • and Swedish stove, 3:609, 4:191–4:192, 4:215–4:216, 4:232–4:233, 4:560

Foxall Foundry, 1:76n, 8:402

Fox & Richardson (Richmond firm) See also Richardson, Thomas

  • and wine for TJ, 9:499

Fox Indians, 2:57

Foy, Edward

  • as private secretary, 10:421

Fracastoro, Girolamo

  • quoted, 12:589
  • writings of, 12:589

fractures, bone, 9:567

Fragaria vesca. See Alpine strawberry

Francais, Port des, 1:445, 1:446

France See also Armstrong, John: U.S. minister to France; Barlow, Joel: U.S. minister to France; Crawford, William Harris: minister plenipotentiary to France; Gallatin, Albert: minister plenipotentiary to France; Institut de France; Napoleon I, emperor of France

  • abolition of feudal rights in, 2:12
  • agriculture in, 12:39, 12:103, 12:254
  • allies invade, 7:259, 9:211
  • allies occupy, 13:459–13:460, 13:461n
  • assassinations in, 15:479, 15:479n
  • Assembly of Notables (1787), 6:287
  • attempted conveyance of plow to, 2:312–2:313, 2:326, 2:333, 2:345
  • J. Barnes on, 8:497–8:498
  • Berlin and Milan decrees, 1:19–1:20, 1:21n, 1:183, 1:313–1:314, 1:658, 2:8, 2:162, 2:162n, 2:195, 2:231, 2:345, 2:346, 2:470, 4:429, 4:611–4:612, 5:82, 6:142, 7:87, 7:462–7:464, 8:107, 9:210–9:211, 9:571
  • bishops of, 10:394–10:395
  • Bourbon dynasty restored, 6:192, 6:466, 6:625, 7:350, 7:351n, 7:385, 7:592, 8:137–8:138, 8:151, 8:151n, 8:263, 8:263, 8:449, 8:476, 8:477, 8:477, 8:489, 8:504, 8:508n, 8:516, 8:518, 8:522, 8:522, 8:531, 8:533, 8:552, 8:552, 8:588, 8:658, 8:660, 8:684, 8:688, 8:688, 9:9, 9:45, 9:108, 9:202, 9:210, 9:211, 9:247, 9:304–9:305, 9:309–9:310, 9:353, 9:359, 9:360n, 9:376–9:377, 9:432, 9:458, 9:576, 10:494, 11:281–11:282, 11:351, 11:633–11:634, 12:9–12:10, 12:56–12:57, 12:81–12:82, 12:89–12:90
  • calendar in, 4:148, 4:149n
  • canals in, 14:607
  • Catholic League, 6:228, 6:228n
  • and censorship, 3:219–3:220, 8:294, 10:394
  • Chambre des Députés, 11:282, 11:283n, 12:38–12:40, 12:246–12:247, 12:248n, 12:450, 12:566, 13:568, 14:260
  • Chambre des Pairs, 9:376–9:377, 9:377, 9:391–9:392, 9:393n, 14:242
  • Chambre des Représentants, 9:68, 9:69n, 9:376–9:377, 9:377n
  • chestnut trees in, 12:152, 12:612
  • climate of, 11:412, 11:412n
  • and cloth manufacture, 5:448
  • colonies returned to, 8:37, 8:38n
  • and colonization in West Africa, 11:255, 11:256n, 11:457, 11:501
  • commerce of, 8:137, 9:570, 10:216, 14:607–14:608
  • and Congress of Vienna, 11:540, 11:541n
  • and conscription, 9:74–9:75, 9:75n
  • Constituent Assembly, 2:582, 9:377
  • constitutional monarchy of, 9:68
  • Constitution of 1791, 8:262, 9:346
  • Constitution of Year III (1795), 10:44
  • and consular convention of 1788, 5:437, 5:437–5:438n
  • Council of Prizes, 1:629
  • Council of State, 6:52
  • cultivation of plants in, 2:270
  • Destutt de Tracy on, 3:8, 3:12, 3:16
  • Directory, 3:336, 3:338, 8:292, 8:331, 9:74, 9:75n, 9:575, 10:22, 10:44, 11:160, 11:435, 11:436
  • J. Dortic offers to carry letters to, 3:619–3:620, 3:628, 3:629, 3:637–3:638
  • economy of, 6:212, 9:329, 9:331n, 9:354, 9:407, 9:561n, 9:715, 15:279
  • edict of 1664, 3:235, 3:236n, 3:484
  • edict of 1710, 3:174n, 3:235, 3:236–3:237n, 3:484
  • education in, 11:633–11:634, 11:638–11:639, 11:640n, 12:39, 14:51, 14:143, 14:208
  • education of deaf and mute in, 9:654–9:655, 15:411n
  • 1801 treaty, 5:333–5:335
  • emigrants from, 10:489–10:491, 10:491n, 11:255, 11:256n, 11:448, 11:457–11:458
  • exchange rate in, 8:377, 8:572
  • excise taxes and duties in, 2:600
  • expeditions to Africa from, 8:244
  • financial system of, 2:582, 2:584–2:585, 2:617, 6:586, 6:591–6:592
  • freedom of the press in, 7:422, 7:422, 7:539, 7:607, 8:262, 8:267n, 12:450–12:451, 12:622, 13:56, 14:115
  • the Fronde, 6:228, 6:228n
  • gardens in, 8:615, 10:239–10:240, 12:477, 14:325
  • E. Gerry on, 5:316–5:317
  • and Great Britain, 2:242, 2:245, 2:246n, 2:274, 2:289, 2:475–2:476, 4:78, 4:151, 4:236–4:237, 4:472, 4:587, 7:21, 7:23n, 7:298–7:299, 7:462–7:464, 8:37, 8:138, 8:138, 8:229–8:230, 8:339, 8:477, 8:483, 8:489, 8:518, 8:522, 8:588, 8:598, 8:599n, 9:516, 9:663, 10:216, 10:218n, 12:271
  • guillotine used in, 8:551
  • gypsum in, 3:333, 3:333n
  • and Holland, 2:242, 2:245, 2:246n, 2:325
  • imperial university for, 1:676n
  • and independence movements in South America
  • interest rates in, 15:352n
  • M. A. Jullien on, 14:51
  • and Lafayette, 2:12, 2:14, 2:15, 7:536–7:541, 9:484, 10:323, 10:324, 12:245–12:247
  • land patents of 1539, 3:160
  • laws of, 2:676, 2:678, 3:47–3:48, 3:71, 3:73n, 3:130–3:132, 3:159–3:160, 3:203, 3:226–3:227, 3:236–3:237n, 4:477, 4:643n, 9:317, 9:391, 9:393n, 14:222, 14:240, 14:242
  • leaseholding in, 2:592–2:593
  • W. Lee on, 10:490
  • literature of, 15:420
  • G. Logan’s unofficial peace mission to, 6:512, 6:513n, 7:38
  • Louis XVIII’s constitutional charter for, 7:537, 7:542n, 8:263, 8:263, 8:267n, 8:293, 11:282, 11:283n, 12:451, 14:108
  • Maison Carrée, 13:96–13:97, 13:97n
  • mangel-wurzel grown in, 10:547
  • manufacturing in, 8:37–8:38, 8:137
  • Marie Antoinette, queen of, 1:250n, 2:592
  • marriage in, 1:121, 1:122n
  • medal commemorating U.S. alliance with, 9:91, 9:91–9:92n
  • military operations in Austria, 1:140–1:141, 1:328, 1:370–1:371
  • military operations in Spain and Portugal, 2:166, 2:233, 2:242, 2:246, 2:247, 2:248n, 2:342, 2:667
  • military power of, 9:9
  • ministers of, 8:137, 8:138, 8:138, 8:139n, 10:494, 10:496n
  • musicians from, 9:694–9:695, 9:696n
  • Napoleon’s constitution, 7:350, 7:425, 7:476
  • National Assembly, 8:262, 8:263
  • and native discoveries, 2:591–2:592
  • newspapers of, 8:449, 9:390–9:391, 9:393n, 13:42, 15:485
  • oppression in, 7:598–7:599, 9:333–9:334, 9:458, 9:711, 10:22
  • parlements of, 2:575
  • and partition of Poland, 9:345
  • patent rights in, 8:605
  • political situation in, 9:388, 9:390–9:392, 10:41, 10:42, 10:45, 10:53–10:54n, 10:153, 10:153n, 10:323, 10:324, 11:600, 12:9–12:10, 12:38–12:40, 12:46, 12:81–12:82, 12:245–12:247, 13:42, 13:55–13:56, 13:397, 13:397n, 13:422, 13:568
  • postwar indemnity levied on, 10:376n
  • Protestants in, 2:11, 10:489, 10:491n
  • public opinion in, 12:450
  • relations with Austria, 8:138, 9:347
  • religion in, 8:682, 10:394–10:395
  • reparations of to allied powers, 14:242
  • revenue from harvest in, 2:615
  • revolutionary calendar, 5:93n, 7:455n, 9:576, 9:578n
  • rumored massacre in, 8:659–8:660
  • Saint Bartholomew’s Day massacre, 8:551, 8:551n, 9:175, 9:257
  • sales and mortgage contracts in, 2:598
  • seeds from, 8:590, 8:615–8:616, 8:640, 10:239–10:240, 13:111, 13:141, 14:175
  • Senate, 9:630
  • sheep raising in, 1:375–1:376, 1:479, 1:537–1:538, 1:584–1:585n
  • ships quarantined in, 1:373, 1:374, 1:376
  • W. Short on, 3:197, 4:269–4:271, 7:224, 7:224–7:225, 8:330–8:331, 8:557, 10:22
  • social conditions in, 9:9, 10:42, 10:45
  • and Spain, 15:105
  • and Spanish colonies, 11:354
  • Staël Holstein on, 11:116–11:117
  • and standards of weights, measures, and coinage, 4:147–4:149, 4:149n, 4:222–4:223, 4:226, 4:228, 4:410, 5:92, 12:90–12:91, 12:154–12:156, 12:157n
  • taxes in, 8:137, 12:146, 12:146–12:147n, 12:246
  • TJ on, 2:273, 2:274n, 2:275, 3:335–3:336, 3:338, 4:429, 5:186–5:187, 7:409–7:410, 7:450, 8:110, 8:261–8:263, 8:382, 8:476–8:477, 8:482–8:483, 8:489, 8:490, 8:516, 8:519, 8:522, 8:580, 8:614, 8:658, 8:670, 9:108, 9:304, 9:305, 9:333–9:334, 9:333–9:334, 9:346–9:347, 9:353, 9:403, 9:421–9:422, 10:63–10:64, 10:276, 10:375, 10:608, 10:645, 11:160, 11:435–11:436, 12:9–12:10, 12:46, 12:102, 13:55–13:56, 13:414, 13:489, 14:108
  • TJ’s acquaintances in, 1:120–1:121
  • TJ’s travels in, 14:153, 14:607, 14:646
  • and Treaty of Tilsit, 1:516, 1:517n+, 1:529, 1:627
  • trees from, 11:219
  • and United Provinces of South America, 14:116
  • and U.S., 1:162, 2:43, 2:69, 2:194, 2:231, 2:341–2:342, 2:345, 2:346, 2:366–2:367, 2:406, 2:412n, 2:418, 2:419n, 2:470, 2:471n, 2:480, 2:519, 4:30, 4:31n, 4:89, 4:90n, 4:611–4:612, 4:649, 4:650n, 4:665, 4:670, 5:217, 7:187, 7:424, 8:178, 8:477, 12:271, 13:415, 15:572–15:573n, 15:595
  • U.S. consulships in, 14:150
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:501, 4:502, 4:502, 4:502, 4:502, 4:502, 4:503, 4:503, 4:503, 4:504, 4:505, 4:505, 4:505, 4:506, 4:507
  • wines from, 1:313n, 1:387, 2:339, 10:58, 10:68, 10:75, 10:109, 10:112, 10:118–10:119, 10:157, 10:170–10:171, 10:193–10:194, 10:217, 10:218, 10:229–10:230, 10:292, 10:307, 10:338, 10:343, 10:358, 10:610, 13:460, 13:490
  • A. B. Woodward on government of, 1:254n
  • yellow fever among troops of, 10:135–10:136

France (S. O. Morgan), 12:312, 12:439

Francis (ship), 2:472

Francis, John Wakefield

  • identified, 11:235–11:236n
  • letter from, 11:234–11:236
  • and New-York Historical Society, 11:234–11:235
  • praises American people, 10:287, 10:287–10:288n

Francis I, emperor of Austria

  • daughter of marries Napoleon, 2:242, 2:246n, 7:426n
  • evades capture, 1:344
  • makes peace with France, 2:7, 2:9n, 7:423–7:424
  • and Napoleon, 7:410n, 7:423–7:424, 7:537, 12:90, 12:92n
  • and treaty with Russia, 1:529

Francisco, Peter (Pedro), 14:75

Francis of Assisi, Saint, 7:26

Francklin, Thomas

  • translates The Tragedies of Sophocles, from the Greek (Sophocles), 15:43, 15:43, 15:65

Franclieu, Louis Henri Camille Pasquier, comte de

  • identified, 10:153n
  • letter from, 10:153
  • sends writings to TJ, 10:153, 10:153n

Frank, Jacob (newspaper editor), 10:333, 10:335n

franking privilege

  • abuse of, 7:196
  • requested, 15:421
  • and H. G. Spafford, 6:449, 6:450n
  • of TJ, 1:82, 1:190, 1:191n, 1:278, 1:349, 1:455–1:456, 4:365, 4:408, 4:676, 7:xliv, 8:121, 8:175, 8:409, 8:409n, 9:270, 10:79, 12:364, 12:554

“Franklin” (pseudonym)

  • Address to Western Citizens, 13:610–13:612
  • on banks, 13:609–13:610
  • letter from, 13:609–13:610
  • on U.S. policies, 13:609, 13:610–13:612

Franklin (steamboat), 13:255

Franklin, Benjamin

  • account of British negotiations, 3:87–3:88
  • on J. Adams, 4:313, 4:314n, 12:426
  • J. Adams on, 6:284, 6:285n, 6:287, 6:622, 7:23, 7:478, 14:311, 14:311n
  • almanac of, 5:301, 5:303n, 8:457, 8:465n
  • as American commissioner in France, 9:362–9:363, 9:363n, 9:446, 10:115, 10:116, 12:621, 13:463
  • anecdotes about, 10:646, 11:375, 13:462–13:465
  • autobiography of, 15:254, 15:255n, 15:493
  • busts of, 15:li, 15:149, 15:383
  • and cheese-making, 15:418, 15:418n
  • and climate change, 14:185, 14:186n
  • Correspondance Choisie de Benjamin Franklin (ed. W. T. Franklin), 11:255, 11:255n
  • correspondence of, 3:38–3:39, 3:40n, 3:88, 11:255, 11:289, 11:290n, 11:375, 11:376n, 11:426–11:427, 11:458, 11:502
  • and Declaration of Independence, 11:202–11:203, 11:252, 13:330, 14:290–14:291
  • and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 10:536, 10:536n, 13:127, 13:371, 13:371n, 13:517
  • and diplomatic colleagues, 8:23
  • P. S. Du Pont de Nemours on, 4:609
  • and P. S. Du Pont de Nemours’s Table raisonnée, 5:56n
  • and educational reform, 8:243, 8:446, 8:449n
  • enemies of, 13:466
  • estate of, 3:452n
  • family of, 3:39, 3:40n, 3:87, 3:88, 3:94n, 3:451, 3:452n
  • health of, 10:285, 10:286n, 15:235
  • and E. F. S. Houdetot, 4:376
  • and T. Hutchinson’s letters, 15:128
  • inventions of, 8:548, 11:342n, 14:320
  • The Life of Doctor Benjamin Franklin (M. L. Weems), 8:633–8:634, 8:638, 8:639n
  • on loss of appetite, 6:623–6:624
  • and lunette, 5:507, 7:53
  • and medal commemorating Franco-American alliance, 9:91, 9:91–9:92n
  • meeting with R. Howe, 8:20, 8:20n
  • as member of Continental Congress, 12:574n, 13:462, 13:463–13:464, 13:619n
  • Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin, LL.D. F.R.S. &c. (ed. W. T. Franklin), 15:255n
  • mentioned, 1:124, 2:604, 5:635, 6:296, 6:623, 9:327, 14:323, 15:122n
  • as minister to France, 10:115, 10:116, 12:320, 13:371, 13:371n, 13:466–13:467, 13:603
  • Miscellaneous and philosophical pieces, 1:581
  • and Pennsylvania Gazette, 8:621
  • on population growth, 14:11, 14:12n
  • portraits of, 7:498, 8:239, 10:398, 14:421
  • praised, 11:489–11:490, 11:572, 12:229
  • as president of American Philosophical Society, 12:322
  • The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin, LL.D. F.R.S. &c. (ed. W. T. Franklin), 11:255, 11:255n, 13:371, 13:517
  • and privateering, 15:73, 15:73n
  • quoted, 8:446, 8:457, 8:465n
  • on reading, 6:437
  • on reformation of the English language, 6:414, 6:415n
  • and religion, 13:591, 13:591–13:592n
  • republishes S. Chew’s speech, 4:153n
  • reputation of, 8:634, 10:192
  • science of, 5:223, 8:668
  • on slavery, 4:444, 7:704, 7:704n
  • statue of, 4:340
  • on taxation, 2:575, 4:447
  • TJ on, 10:280
  • TJ’s relationship with, 8:638
  • toasts honoring, 1:615+
  • and A. R. J. Turgot, 4:22, 4:24n
  • M. L. Weems on, 8:633–8:634
  • The Works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, in Philosophy, Politics, and Morals (ed. W. Duane), 3:449, 3:451, 4:56, 6:374, 6:413, 8:634, 11:289, 11:290n, 11:376n

Franklin, Bernard, 5:576n

Franklin, Jesse

  • letters to, 4:164
  • as U.S. senator, 4:163, 4:164n

Franklin, William Temple

  • edits Correspondance Choisie de Benjamin Franklin, 11:255, 11:255n
  • edits Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin, LL.D. F.R.S. &c., 15:255n
  • edits The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin, LL.D. F.R.S. &c., 11:255, 11:255n, 13:127n, 13:371, 13:517
  • and publication of B. Franklin’s papers, 3:39, 3:40n, 3:88, 11:255, 11:289, 11:290n, 11:376n

Franklin Gazette (Philadelphia newspaper), 12:307–12:308, 12:309–12:310, 12:370

Franklin Hotel (Lynchburg), 12:269

Franklin Republican (Chambersburg, Pa., newspaper), 11:597–11:598n, 11:647, 12:31–12:32

Franzoni, Giuseppe Antonio

  • and carving for TJ, 1:473–1:474, 1:595, 4:66, 4:459, 5:206
  • sculptor at U.S. Capitol, 1:78n, 3:536, 5:206, 5:238, 9:350, 9:351n
  • wages of, 1:87, 1:113

Fraser, Donald

  • asks TJ for loan, 5:160
  • and biographical sketch of J. Adams, 15:122n
  • and biographical sketch of TJ, 15:121, 15:121–15:122, 15:368, 15:368n
  • The Bulwark of Truth, 5:160, 5:160n
  • certificate of republicanism for, 6:526n
  • A Collection of Select Biography, 5:160n, 5:492
  • A Compendium of the History of All Nations, 4:305, 4:395
  • criticizes W. Coleman, 10:111–10:112, 10:185–10:186, 11:490–11:491
  • defends certain politicians against newspaper attacks, 10:110–10:112, 10:185–10:186, 11:490–11:491
  • family of, 10:186, 15:121
  • identified, 4:305n
  • An Interesting Companion for a Leisure Hour, 7:656, 7:657n, 10:185, 10:187n
  • letter from accounted for, 10:112n
  • letters from, 4:305, 4:545–4:546, 5:159–5:160, 5:492, 6:525–6:526, 7:656–7:657, 10:110–10:112, 10:185–10:188, 11:489–11:495, 15:121, 15:368
  • letters to, 4:395, 4:564–4:565, 5:545
  • on partisan politics, 10:110–10:112, 10:185–10:186
  • Party-Spirit Exposed, or Remarks on the Times, 5:160, 5:160n, 10:111, 10:111, 10:187–10:188n
  • poetry of, 10:186–10:187, 11:493–11:494, 15:368
  • Proposals, For Publishing, By Subscription, An Original Work, entitled “The Biographical Compendium, and Patriot’s Mirror”, 15:368, 15:368n
  • seeks appointment, 4:545–4:546, 4:564–4:565, 5:160, 6:525, 6:526n, 7:656–7:657
  • solicits subscription, 5:492, 5:492n, 5:545

Fraser, Donald, Jr.

  • military career of, 6:525, 7:656, 10:186, 11:494
  • toast by, 11:494

Fraser (Frazer), Simon

  • British general, 15:408

Fraser, Thomas

  • and Battle of Culloden, 11:494

Fraser, Upton Sheridan

  • military career of, 7:656

Fray, Aaron

  • Agreement by Elijah Huffman and Aaron Fray to Lay Pipe at the University of Virginia, 15:545
  • identified, 15:545n

Freaman, Samuel

  • letters to T. Geffers accounted for, 2:504n

Fréart de Chambray, Roland

  • architectural drawings by, 14:446, 14:446n

Frederic (C. L. Bankhead’s slave), 8:395

Frederic (slave), 3:36, 3:37n, 3:529

Frederick II (“the Great”), king of Prussia

  • J. Adams on, 9:527, 9:527, 9:528, 10:7
  • epigram of, 2:44–2:45, 2:46n
  • Mémoires de Frédérique Sophie Wilhelmine de Prusse, Margrave de Bareith, 4:323, 4:324n, 4:676, 5:189, 5:505–5:506, 7:33–7:34
  • mentioned, 2:276, 6:238, 8:552, 8:682, 10:14
  • Oeuvres Complettes de Frederic II, Roi de Prusse, 1:580
  • Posthumous Works (trans. T. Holcroft), 9:709n
  • quoted, 5:431, 5:435n
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502, 4:504
  • on Voltaire, 9:709

Frederick Academy (Md.), 2:173, 2:174n, 13:450–13:451, 13:454n

Frederick Augustus, Duke of York and Albany, 1:82–1:83n, 1:182, 7:34, 7:36n, 8:240, 8:242n

Frederick County, Va., 3:276, 8:693

Fredericksburg, Va. See also Bank of Fredericksburg

  • J. Benson (postmaster), 1:592, 1:667, 5:83, 5:114
  • citizens of, invite TJ, 1:14
  • D. C. Ker (bank president), 1:47, 1:48n
  • oysters from, 15:300
  • post office at, 6:471, 8:566
  • proposed bank in, 12:553n, 12:558, 12:559n
  • racecourse at, 1:632
  • TJ’s bank account at, 1:47

Frederick William I, king of Prussia

  • death of, 4:323

Frederick William II, king of Prussia

  • and Declaration of Pillnitz, 7:299–7:300n
  • military expansion under, 10:305

Frederick William III, king of Prussia

  • in France, 11:458, 11:458n
  • and Napoleon, 7:410n, 7:537

Frédérique Sophie Wilhelmine, margravine de Bayreuth

  • Mémoires de Frédérique Sophie Wilhelmine de Prusse, Margrave de Bareith (included in Book of Kings compiled by TJ; see also Book of Kings), 4:323, 4:324n, 4:676, 5:189, 5:363, 5:505–5:506, 6:274, 7:33–7:34, 8:33, 8:240

Freeborn, Thomas

  • identified, 11:462–11:463n
  • introduced to TJ, 11:454, 11:462
  • letter from, 11:462–11:463
  • and plows, 11:462

Freeholder, 7:665

Freeland, Nelson

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Freeman, James

  • compared to TJ, 8:239
  • on grief, 10:359, 10:459
  • identified, 10:430–10:431n
  • introduced to TJ, 10:359
  • letters from, 10:430–10:431, 10:528
  • letter to, 10:447
  • Sermons on Particular Occasions, 10:528
  • and TJ’s granddaughters, 10:528
  • visits Monticello, 10:430, 10:447, 10:459, 10:528

Freeman, John (dining room servant)

  • and indenture with TJ, 1:155, 1:155, 1:156

Freeman, John Holmes

  • letters from accounted for, 1:48n
  • Monticello overseer, 1:48n, 4:543

Freeman, Richard, 1:357

Freeman, Thomas

  • expedition of, 13:344–13:345
  • as surveyor, 11:615–11:616

The Freeman’s Journal and Philadelphia Mercantile Advertiser, 3:50n


  • and Central College, 11:669–11:670, 12:36, 12:40–12:41, 12:45, 12:54, 12:60–12:61, 12:61–12:65, 12:67–12:71
  • and Christian primitivism, 13:267n
  • and cosmology, 15:580–15:582, 15:582, 15:583–15:584n, 15:584n, 15:584n
  • negative views of, 8:150
  • in New York City, 10:186–10:187, 10:188n, 11:493, 11:495n
  • and occultism, 13:267n

Free Ocean (brig), 13:11, 13:166

A free translation of the Preface to Bellendenus, containing animated strictures on the great political characters of the present time (S. Parr), 1:35

Freinsheim, Johann

  • edits Histoire Romaine de Tite-Live (Livy; trans. J. B. Dureau de la Malle), 14:510
  • edits Titi Livii Historiarum quod exstat (Livy), 5:501, 5:594, 5:594–5:595n, 5:625, 6:157, 7:286, 10:233, 11:414, 12:576, 14:510
  • edits Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum Libri qui extant (Livy), 1:580, 5:549, 5:549n, 12:576

Fremantle, Sir Thomas Francis

  • British naval officer, 11:661

French, Benjamin F.

  • and English translation of B. de La Harpe manuscript, 9:659n

French and Indian War, 1:290, 1:291n, 1:334–1:335, 6:223, 14:562

French drains, 4:179

French language

  • applicants to teach at University of Virginia, 13:419, 13:419, 13:555, 13:617, 14:124, 15:448
  • Bible for distribution in La., 7:183
  • books on grammar of, 15:69n, 15:171–15:172
  • collegiate education in, 12:3, 12:33, 12:45, 12:120, 12:509, 13:58, 13:195, 13:214, 13:246–13:247, 13:402, 14:132, 14:345, 15:40
  • dictionaries, 3:97–98, 3:137, 3:393, 4:71, 4:79, 5:557, 8:236, 8:237n, 8:435, 8:469, 8:514, 8:628, 8:672, 9:60, 9:60, 10:62, 10:81, 10:172, 10:235, 10:391, 11:67, 11:161, 11:161, 11:233, 11:233n, 11:247, 11:248n, 11:335, 12:153, 12:439, 12:534, 13:32, 13:342, 13:342, 13:343n, 13:358, 13:369, 13:476, 14:166, 14:215, 14:303, 15:26, 15:133, 15:133, 15:160, 15:340
  • documents in, by
    • S. Cathalan and J. Dodge, 14:335–14:337
    • J. David, 9:426–9:428, 10:24–10:25, 10:25–10:29, 10:29–10:31
    • de Bure Frères, 12:112–12:113, 13:295, 13:296, 15:27
    • Destutt de Tracy, 3:7–11, 3:20–21, 9:441–9:443
    • P. S. Du Pont de Nemours, 9:616–9:619, 9:619–9:620
    • Lafayette, 2:10–26
    • Franclieu, 10:153
    • L. P. G. de Lormerie, 1:131–134
    • P. E. Meinadier, 14:610–14:612
    • Noël de la Morinière, 5:604–5:606
    • Orleans Territorial Legislature, 2:159–161
    • T. Pahlen, 3:563+
    • L. de Prunner, 2:299
    • Société Agricole et Manufacturière Française, 10:635–10:637
    • TJ, 15:10n, 15:52
  • evolution of, 6:405–6:406, 9:632–9:633, 12:173
  • letters in, from
    • R. de Bécourt, 5:466–5:468, 5:554–5:556, 6:133–6:134, 6:368–6:369
    • S. Bernard, 11:139–11:140
    • G. W. Blaettermann, 14:251–14:253
    • Boissy d’Anglas, 14:203–14:206
    • J. M. de Bordes, 3:49–50
    • C. G. G. Botta, 9:207–9:208
    • A. Bourier, 13:246–13:247
    • Madame Bureaux de Pusy, 5:71–5:72, 5:402–5:403
    • A. Burot, 1:622–624
    • P. Cardelli, 14:522–14:523, 15:27–15:28
    • P. Cardelli to T. J. Randolph, 15:154–15:155
    • E. M. Cathalan, 14:599–14:600, 14:637–14:638, 15:65–15:67, 15:195–15:196
    • J. S. Chaudron, 14:17–14:19
    • Madame de Corny, 1:173–175
    • Mr. Couscher, 13:139
    • G. Cuvier to J. Corrêa da Serra, 6:470
    • A. Daschkoff, 1:328–329, 1:484–485
    • J. David, 9:197–9:201, 9:311–9:312, 9:422–9:425, 10:22–10:24
    • de Bure Frères, 12:109–12:112, 13:293–13:294, 13:335–13:336, 15:23–15:25
    • A. F. De Laage, 11:575–11:576, 11:620, 12:383–12:384
    • F. C. A. Delamotte, 14:512–14:513
    • C. de Montcarel, 13:418–13:421
    • P. Derieux, 5:29–5:30, 6:269–6:271, 6:332–6:333, 9:251–9:253, 9:451–9:453, 10:201–10:203, 10:494–10:496, 11:566–11:567
    • Madame Deshay, 1:450–451
    • Destutt de Tracy, 1:260–263, 4:202–209, 4:239–243, 6:458–6:460, 7:472–7:475, 10:603–10:606, 12:621–12:625, 14:114–14:117
    • Destutt de Tracy to P. S. Du Pont de Nemours, 9:484–9:486
    • N. G. Dufief, 3:97–98, 3:393, 4:79–80, 4:278, 4:370, 5:36, 5:442–5:443, 5:523–5:524, 5:594–5:595, 6:280–6:281, 6:471, 6:533–6:534, 6:647, 7:284–7:285, 7:292–7:293, 7:324–7:325, 7:633–7:634, 7:646–7:647, 8:468–8:469, 8:640–8:641, 8:685–8:686, 9:50, 10:80–10:81, 10:172, 10:370–10:373, 10:481–10:482, 10:590, 10:642–10:643, 11:30, 11:31–11:32, 11:161–11:162, 11:241, 11:247–11:248
    • G. Du Jareau, 2:372–375, 2:483–487, 2:552–563, 2:563–564, 2:663–665
    • V. du Pont, 5:198–5:201
    • P. S. Du Pont de Nemours, 1:263–264, 2:162–165, 2:330–332, 2:503–504, 2:569–656, 3:80–82, 3:515–517, 4:22–24, 4:124–127, 4:327–336, 4:350–352, 4:436–458, 4:607–611, 5:51–5:56, 5:612–5:614, 6:484–6:485, 8:501–8:505, 8:618, 9:231–9:235, 9:270–9:272, 9:611–9:616, 10:40–10:55, 10:327–10:331
    • Durot, 11:402–11:404
    • C. A. P. Duvernois, 3:65–66
    • B. Faujas de Saint-Fond, 2:47–49
    • M. Godefroy, 10:453–10:457
    • E. Grouchy, 12:105–12:107
    • L. A. Gruchet, 15:574–15:575
    • A. von Humboldt, 1:264–267, 3:107–108, 4:352–354
    • J. G. Hyde de Neuville, 4:434–435, 5:405–5:406, 13:459–13:461
    • A. L. Joncherez, 5:202–5:204
    • H. Julien, 2:115, 5:204–5:205, 12:176–12:177, 13:278–13:279, 13:315–13:316
    • M. A. Jullien, 1:674–676, 12:229–12:232, 14:50–14:53, 14:143–14:144
    • J. Keller, 12:257–12:259, 12:365–12:367
    • J. L. Kesteloot, 1:656–657
    • T. Kosciuszko, 1:206–207, 3:415–418, 4:469–470, 6:150–6:152, 7:151–7:152, 7:363–7:364, 7:475–7:476, 9:714–9:716, 11:398–11:399, 12:23–12:24
    • Lacépède, 1:248–250
    • Lafayette, 7:542–7:544
    • J. Lakanal, 10:107–10:109
    • P. Laporte, 14:383, 14:528, 14:571–14:572, 15:270, 15:484
    • C. P. De Lasteyrie, 3:114–115, 3:461–462
    • É. Lemaire, 1:59–60, 1:71–72, 1:188–189, 1:222
    • L. Leroy, 12:477–12:480
    • C. V. H. Leuba, 15:265–15:268
    • L. P. G. de Lormerie, 1:128–131, 1:256+, 1:342–343, 3:32–35, 5:265–5:267, 5:375–5:377, 5:431–5:435, 5:550–5:551, 5:665–5:667, 6:33–6:34, 6:102–6:105, 6:190–6:191, 8:680–8:682, 9:656–9:657
    • J. Manesca, 9:97–9:98
    • A. Maréchal,
    • P. E. Meinadier, 14:607–14:610, 15:160–15:162
    • F. A. Michaux, 2:679–681, 3:320–322, 13:91
    • S. P. Milon, 13:555–13:556
    • K. von Moll, 5:270–5:272
    • J. Mourer, 11:305–11:306
    • J. B. Moussier, 1:522–524
    • Noël de la Morinière, 5:601–5:604
    • L. de Onís, 7:291–7:292, 7:390–7:398
    • M. Oster, 4:81–82, 4:166, 5:332–5:333
    • P. Paganel, 3:219–221
    • T. Pahlen, 2:487–489, 3:532
    • Palisot de Beauvois, 3:465–473, 4:89–90, 4:517–518
    • R. Parat, 12:508–12:510
    • F. Paszkowski, 13:353–13:355
    • M. A. Pictet, 11:443–11:447, 15:166–15:169
    • Pierre Mages & Compagnie to S. Cathalan, 11:656–11:657
    • L. Pio, 10:353–10:355, 14:259–14:260
    • P. Poinsot, 11:472–11:475, 13:54–13:55, 13:280–13:282
    • P. de Polética, 14:341–14:343
    • J. B. Porée, 2:353–354
    • J. Potocki, 3:43–44
    • L. de Prunner, 2:297–298
    • Quinette de Rochemont, 11:600–11:601, 12:450–12:452
    • F. Redon, 13:391–13:392
    • Madame Reibelt, 2:394–395
    • A. M. Rochon, 5:301–5:303
    • C. A. Ruelle, 1:219–221, 3:56–59, 9:149
    • C. A. Ruelle to J. Madison, 9:150–9:151
    • J. V. A. Sasserno, 14:134–14:136, 15:76–15:78
    • J. B. Say, 7:416–7:421, 7:598–7:600
    • A. F. Silvestre, 1:258–260, 1:611–613, 15:145–15:146
    • Société Agricole et Manufacturière Française, 10:631–10:634
    • A. Spreafico to S. Cathalan, 9:471–9:473, 9:573–9:574, 11:656–11:657, 11:657–11:658
    • Madame de Staël Holstein, 5:449–5:453, 9:326–9:328, 11:116–11:118
    • A. F. Tardieu, 1:247–248
    • Madame de Tessé, 1:271–274, 1:593–594, 2:310–312, 4:322–324, 5:188–5:189
    • A. Thoüin, 2:308–309, 3:419, 4:319–321, 6:17–6:18, 9:267–9:268, 11:263–11:266, 12:482, 13:85–13:87
    • P. de Valltone, 11:542–11:543
    • V. Value, 9:97–9:98
    • G. Vrolik, 1:194–195, 10:230–10:231
    • M. L. M. Walsh, 13:431–13:434
    • Jozéf ZajÄ…czek to P. de Polética, 14:343–14:344
    • F. X. Zeltner, 12:143–12:146, 14:228–14:229
    • P. J. Zeltner, 13:351–13:353
  • spoken in boardinghouses, 14:210, 14:274, 14:294, 14:425, 14:425, 14:438–14:439, 14:512, 14:517, 14:519, 14:525–14:526, 14:571, 15:141, 15:241, 15:243
  • study of, 6:102, 6:103, 6:253, 7:480, 7:658, 7:659, 7:660–7:661, 7:662–7:663, 7:666, 7:686, 7:686–7:687, 8:68, 8:512–8:513, 8:585, 9:251, 10:183, 10:370–10:372, 10:390–10:391, 10:481, 10:482n, 10:558, 11:233, 11:261, 12:76, 12:85, 12:252, 12:259–12:260, 12:534, 13:238, 13:238, 14:151, 14:210, 14:251, 14:253n, 14:258, 14:274, 14:294, 14:311, 14:425, 14:425, 14:438–14:439, 14:512, 14:517, 14:519, 14:525–14:526, 14:571
  • TJ on study of, 4:162, 5:557, 7:483, 7:647, 8:513–8:514, 9:607, 11:252, 12:533, 13:196, 13:216
  • TJ translates from, 3:3–4, 3:6–7, 3:11–15, 3:21–23, 3:89, 3:184–185, 3:189, 3:207, 3:310–311, 3:335, 3:339, 3:652–653, 9:463–9:464, 9:537–9:538, 9:638–9:639, 12:366–12:367n
  • translation of, 11:638–11:639, 12:100–12:101
  • works written in, 8:5, 8:164, 9:445–9:446, 9:447n, 9:516, 9:658–9:659n, 11:501, 14:323, 15:465

French Revolution

  • J. Adams on, 6:286, 6:297, 6:505, 7:479, 10:508
  • and aristocracy, 7:479
  • W. Cobbett’s account of, 3:305, 3:308n, 13:235
  • and conscription, 9:74–9:75, 9:75n
  • Convention, 10:530, 10:531n
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man, 9:377, 9:377n, 12:245, 12:248n
  • P. S. Du Pont de Nemours on, 10:44
  • impact on French people, 13:54, 15:75
  • massacre of prisoners in Paris, 8:689, 8:689n, 14:614, 14:615n
  • mentioned, 1:622, 6:192, 6:192, 8:504, 8:508n, 9:68, 9:211, 9:376, 9:575, 9:576, 10:495, 10:508, 12:46, 12:89, 12:246, 12:478
  • and millennial prophecy, 4:483–4:484
  • pessimism inspired by, 7:557
  • positive opinions of, 2:289
  • Reign of Terror, 10:531n, 12:427
  • and religion, 10:395n
  • riots in Marseille, 10:171
  • suicide during, 6:293
  • TJ on, 3:305, 3:562, 4:471, 6:286, 6:288, 6:566, 6:566, 8:229–8:230, 8:230, 8:262, 8:265, 8:291–8:292, 8:293, 11:436–11:437, 12:421, 12:426–12:427, 15:598–15:599
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:505
  • works on, 3:219–3:220, 3:562, 8:291–8:292, 8:388, 8:672, 8:673n, 9:60, 11:116–11:117, 11:118n, 13:288, 13:288n, 13:304, 13:317, 13:317, 13:397, 13:397n, 13:476, 13:488, 13:511, 13:616, 14:16, 15:524, 15:525n, 15:606
  • and XYZ Affair, 12:426

Frenchtown, Mich. Territory

  • American army captured at, 6:54n, 7:14, 7:15–7:16n, 8:259, 8:263

Frend, William

  • Evening Amusements; or, the Beauty of the Heavens Displayed, 12:653–12:654, 13:59

Freneau, Peter

  • death of, 6:611
  • described, 6:611n
  • newspaper pieces about, 6:611, 6:611n, 6:636, 6:636n
  • newspaper publisher, 7:519n

Freneau, Philip

  • family of, 6:255
  • identified, 1:113n
  • letters from, 1:112–1:113, 1:225–1:226
  • letters to, 1:211
  • “Poem on Thomas Jefferson’s Retirement,” 1:226–1:229
  • Poems Written and Published during the American Revolutionary War, 1:112, 1:113n, 1:211, 1:225–1:226, 2:309, 2:336, 2:369, 3:241, 3:243, 3:296, 3:334
  • TJ on, 2:336

Fretwell, Mr. (Freemason)

  • and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:62, 12:64

Fretwell, John

  • and Central College subscription, 11:326, 11:329, 13:161
  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Friend of Peace

  • bound for TJ, 13:456
  • N. Worcester as editor of, 9:104, 9:104, 9:104, 9:105n, 9:105n, 9:410, 9:411n, 9:681–9:682n, 10:500, 10:500–10:501, 10:501n, 15:50–15:51, 15:51, 15:51n, 15:73n

“A Friend to the Christian Religion.” See “Goodwill” (“A Friend to the Christian Religion”)

Fries’s Rebellion, 6:254, 6:256n

The Fright of Astyanax (B. West), 8:136, 8:137n, 8:160, 8:195, 9:592, 9:593n, 10:259, 11:135, 11:266, 11:342, 11:387

frijole beans, 6:188

fringe (tree), 11:39

Frisby, Richard, 14:540n

Fromentin, Eligius

  • clerk of U.S. House of Representatives, 2:160n, 3:258
  • and congressional Joint Library Committee, 8:14
  • as U.S. Senator, 6:241, 6:242n

Frontignan (wine), 14:327, 14:338

frostbite, 3:36–3:37, 3:196, 3:250

Frulani, Leonard

  • and wine for TJ, 10:416

Fry, Mr.

  • recommends Thompson, 5:495

Fry, Mr. (father of Benjamin Fry)

  • employed by P. Jefferson, 7:280, 7:356

Fry, Benjamin

  • Revolutionary War pension of, 7:280, 7:280–7:281n, 7:356, 7:356n
  • TJ gives money to, 7:356n

Fry, John

  • as keeper of Warm Springs hotel, 13:228, 13:234

Fry, Joshua

  • buys lots in Westham, 8:171n
  • and limestone survey, 3:432
  • surveyor, 9:687, 9:690, 9:690
  • and Viewmont estate, 8:308n

Fry, William

  • as printer, 6:627, 6:628n, 7:241, 13:570n
  • publisher of National Gazette and Literary Register, 15:566n

Fryeburg Academy (Me.), 9:264–9:266, 9:267n, 9:375

Fuller, Bartholomew

  • as educator, 14:188, 15:271
  • identified, 15:289n
  • letter from
  • letter to, 15:287–15:289
  • longitude observations of, 15:271, 15:287–15:289, 15:293
  • and proposed Charlottesville bookstore, 15:14–15:15, 15:53, 15:53n, 15:139–15:140, 15:140n

Fuller, Henry Holton, 2:352

Fulton, Harriet Livingston (Robert Fulton’s wife)

  • and A. H. Quincy’s stove, 7:361

Fulton, James Forrest

  • British officer, 8:221

Fulton, Robert

  • and J. Barlow’s death, 6:57
  • Concluding Address of Mr. Fulton’s Lecture on the Mechanism, Practice and Effects of Torpedoes, 2:250, 2:251n
  • and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 11:202
  • engraving of, 9:405, 9:405n, 9:459
  • identified, 2:250–2:251n
  • and inland navigation, 6:268–6:269n, 8:591
  • letters from, 2:250–2:251, 2:316–2:318, 6:55–6:57, 6:243–6:250, 6:272, 6:330–6:331
  • letters from accounted for, 2:333n
  • letters to, 2:301, 2:332–2:333, 5:673–5:674, 6:313–6:314
  • loans dynamometer to TJ, 2:317, 2:332–2:333, 5:673, 5:674n, 6:55–6:56
  • and perpetual-motion machine, 5:559n
  • portrait of by B. West, 9:405n
  • and profit-making scheme, 3:577, 3:578n
  • and A. H. Quincy’s stove, 5:673–5:674, 5:674–5:675, 6:56, 7:361
  • Report of the Practicability of Navigating with Steam Boats, on the Southern Waters of the United States, 7:68n
  • self-acting hydraulic ram, 2:250, 2:301, 2:316, 2:318–2:319, 2:332
  • self-portrait of, 6:xliv, 6:386 (illus.)
  • and steamboats, 6:56–6:57, 6:62, 6:62, 6:247–6:249, 6:272, 6:639, 6:642n, 7:56–7:57, 7:68n, 7:112, 7:113n, 8:591, 10:674, 11:499, 11:565, 11:565n, 12:518
  • submarine of, 6:206
  • TJ on, 6:290
  • and torpedo, 2:250, 2:251n, 2:301, 2:316–2:317, 5:674, 6:56, 6:243, 6:313, 6:319
  • Torpedo War, and Submarine Explosions, 2:250, 2:301, 2:317, 2:318n, 3:114, 3:115n
  • A Treatise on the Improvement of Canal Navigation, 8:388, 14:193, 14:265, 14:286
  • and underwater cannon, 6:243–6:249, 6:272, 6:272, 6:272n, 6:272–6:273, 6:290, 6:313, 6:330
  • warship designed by, 9:623, 9:628–9:629n

A Funeral Discourse [for] John Fiske (W. Bentley), 7:198–7:199, 7:199n, 7:242

Funk, Mr. (ship captain), 11:652

Fuqua, John

  • and Central College subscription, 11:325, 11:332

Furiosi, Francesco

  • chancellor at Pisa, 9:645n


  • alcove beds, 8:235
  • bookcases, 8:xlv–8:xlvi, 8:55, 8:256, 8:272 (illus.), 8:289, 8:289–8:290, 8:393, 8:485, 8:486
  • A. S. Brockenbrough’s, 14:605
  • bureau typographique, 11:639, 11:640n, 12:100–12:101
  • campeachy chairs, 1:80, 1:81n, 1:211n, 2:351n, 9:xliv, 14:liv, 14:250 (illus.), 14:583–14:584, 14:636, 15:129, 15:144, 15:184
  • chairs, 8:xlvii, 8:234, 8:393, 8:485, 8:485, 8:486, 14:20, 15:lii
  • chests of drawers, 8:393, 8:485, 8:486, 11:307, 12:635
  • clothing press, 1:xlviii, 1:380 (illus.)
  • commodes, 6:88, 11:307
  • desks, 8:485, 8:486
  • dumbwaiters, 8:xlvii
  • drawings of by C. J. Randolph, 15:lii, 15:346 (illus.)
  • Lafayette’s, 2:12, 2:15
  • W. C. Nicholas’s, 14:587n
  • and President’s House, 1:42, 1:43n, 12:235n
  • presses, 6:88, 12:418
  • E. Randolph’s, 4:231–4:232n
  • secretaries, 8:393
  • seed stand, 1:190, 1:191n, 1:245, 1:308, 1:309n, 1:390, 1:400n
  • sideboards, 8:xlvii, 8:393, 8:485, 8:486
  • of slaves, 8:71, 8:132, 8:158, 8:186
  • sofas, 8:393, 8:485, 8:486
  • tables, 4:xlv, 4:307, 4:370 (illus.), 8:xlvii, 8:256, 8:393, 8:485, 8:486, 15:lii, 15:lii
  • taxes on, 8:255, 8:256n, 8:256, 8:393, 8:394n, 8:485–8:486
  • TJ orders, 1:44
  • transportation of, 15:224
  • for U.S. Capitol, 12:640
  • Windsor chairs, 1:44, 1:287, 1:319

fur trade

  • J. J. Astor on, 4:550–4:553, 6:557, 6:557
  • on Northwest Coast, 1:445–1:446, 1:447, 5:74–5:75

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