This index refers to page numbers in the published volumes. Documents subsequently added to the digital editions are marked with a +. Copies of the published volumes are available at a library near you, or may be purchased through this website or from Princeton University Press. The volumes are also available via two online platforms, the Rotunda version through the University of Virginia Press (subscription required) and the Founders Online version (free).


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Habersham, Joseph

  • as postmaster general, 8:667

Habington, William

  • The Historie of Edvvard the Fourth, King of England, 7:629, 7:631n

Hackley, Harriet (Harriet Randolph Hackley’s daughter), 2:393n

Hackley, Harriet Randolph (Richard S. Hackley’s wife)

  • bears daughter, 2:393, 2:393n
  • family of, 1:114n, 9:57n, 15:48n
  • forwards seeds, 15:157n
  • greetings sent to, 7:394, 11:624n, 11:626n
  • makes purchases for TJ, 4:219, 4:233, 4:234n
  • M. J. Randolph’s correspondence with, 7:328
  • visits Monticello, 15:48n

Hackley, Jane Elizabeth Catherine. See Taylor, Jane Elizabeth Catherine Hackley

Hackley, Richard Shippey

  • bankruptcy of, 8:296n
  • consul at Cádiz, 3:342–3:343, 3:523, 4:219
  • corresponds with J. Madison, 15:156, 15:156–15:157n, 15:157n
  • dispute over vice-consulship at Cádiz, 1:113–1:114, 1:155, 1:156n
  • identified, 9:57n
  • letter from, 9:57
  • and sugar for TJ, 9:57, 9:269, 9:286

Haden, Mr., 3:244

Hadfield, George (Maria Cosway’s brother), 14:209

Hadley, John

  • and astronomical instruments, 3:480, 4:369, 4:370n, 9:223, 9:225n, 9:680, 9:689, 9:691, 9:691–9:692
  • sextant of, 9:622, 9:643, 9:643

Haff, John

  • as customhouse inspector, 12:387n

Hagarty, James

  • identified, 15:501n
  • introduced to TJ, 15:500

Hagers-Town Gazette (Maryland newspaper), 4:37n

Hagner, Peter

  • and J. L. Poirey’s military service claims, 14:147, 14:147n

The Hague See also The Netherlands

  • W. Eustis serves as U.S. minister at, 8:434n

“Hail Columbia” (song), 12:64, 12:70

Haines, Charles Glidden

  • Considerations on the Great Western Canal, from the Hudson to Lake Erie: with a view of its Expence, Advantages, and Progress, 13:245, 13:245n, 13:312–13:313
  • identified, 13:245n
  • letter from, 13:245
  • letter to, 13:312–13:313

Haines, Reuben

  • and Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 12:505, 13:52–13:53
  • and J. Carver, 5:415n, 5:630, 5:631
  • identified, 12:505–12:506n
  • letter from, 12:505–12:506
  • letter to, 13:52–13:53

Haines, Samuel

  • identified, 3:122n
  • letters from, 3:120–3:122
  • letters to, 3:163
  • and military desertion case, 3:120–3:121, 3:163

hair powder, 1:190, 1:245


  • for brewing, 15:527

Αἱρέσεων ἀνάστασις or, A New Way of Deciding Old Controversies (“Basanistes”), 10:241, 10:242, 10:242n, 10:381, 10:382, 13:481

Hairston, George

  • military service of, 7:226–7:227


  • and African Americans, 11:501

Αἱ τοῦ Εὐριπίδου τραγωδίαι σωζόμεναι. Euripidis Tragoediae quae supersunt (Euripides; ed. S. Musgrave), 15:26

Αἱ τοῦ Σοφοκλέους τραγῳδίαι ἑπτά. Sophoclis Tragoediæ Septem (Sophocles; ed. T. Johnson), 10:234, 10:237n, 14:510

Hakluyt, Richard

  • The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation, 8:581, 9:109

Hal (laborer)

  • paid for work, 7:45, 7:45n

Hale, David (ca. 17581822)

  • family of, 13:23n
  • letter to, from S. Hale, 13:22–13:23

Hale, David (17831822)

  • family of, 13:23n

Hale, Sir Mathew

  • De jure maris et brachiorum ejusdem, 3:546, 3:546
  • and King v. Taylor, 7:147–7:148, 7:148, 7:148
  • as legal authority, 11:368
  • and witch trial at Bury Saint Edmunds, 7:147, 7:150–7:151n

Hale, Salma

  • identified, 13:23n
  • introduced to TJ, 13:23n
  • letter from, 13:132
  • letter from, to D. Hale, 13:22–13:23
  • letter from, to A. Livermore, 13:24–13:26
  • letter from, to W. Plumer, 13:24
  • letter to, 13:160
  • Notes on Visit to Monticello, 13:26–13:29
  • observations on Va., 13:22, 13:23, 13:24–13:25, 13:25
  • sends pamphlets to TJ, 13:132, 13:160
  • visits Monticello, 13:22, 13:22, 13:23, 13:23n, 13:24, 13:25, 13:26–13:29, 13:29n

Hale, Thomas

  • A Compleat Body of Husbandry, 1:581, 2:82, 7:626, 11:164

Hales, Stephen

  • Statical Essays: containing Vegetable Staticks, 2:82, 11:164

Halesia. See silver bells

Haley, Nathan, 3:557–3:558n

Halhed, Nathaniel Brassey, trans.

  • A Code of Gentoo Laws, or, Ordinations of the Pundits, 7:221n

Halifax, Nova Scotia

  • prisoners of war at, 10:168
  • Royal Navy station, 5:354
  • rumored discharge of neutral ships from, 8:97, 8:97n, 8:100
  • TJ on prospects of capturing, 8:264, 8:292, 8:300, 8:312, 8:360

Hall (Hal) (TJ’s slave; 1767–1819)

  • death of, 14:494
  • hat for, 7:124
  • health of, 14:218, 15:282
  • hog keeper, 4:381, 5:489
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:382, 4:383, 4:384, 4:385, 5:461, 6:308, 8:60, 8:255, 13:387
  • tasks for, 4:380

Hall, Mr. (publisher)

  • and L. H. Girardin, 13:523

Hall, Charles

  • advises on war strategy, 5:172–5:174
  • identified, 5:174n
  • letters from, 5:172–5:174
  • letters from accounted for, 5:174n

Hall, Daniel, 6:570, 6:570, 6:571n, 6:615n

Hall, David

  • and Pennsylvania Gazette, 8:621

Hall, Dominick A.

  • and batture controversy, 3:247n, 6:388, 6:390, 6:392

Hall, Edward

  • The Union of the two noble and illustre famelies of Lancastre & Yorke, 8:581, 8:582n

Hall, Everard

  • identified, 12:376n
  • letter from, 12:375–12:376
  • letter to, 12:486–12:487
  • receives patent, 12:375
  • and salt manufacture, 12:375–12:376, 12:486, 13:5–13:6, 13:6n

Hall, Francis

  • Account of a Visit to Monticello, 10:643–10:648
  • and cement, 11:113, 11:114n
  • identified, 10:647–10:648n
  • introduced to TJ, 10:594, 10:643
  • letter from, 11:113–11:114
  • visits Monticello, 10:594, 10:643–10:647, 11:113, 11:114n
  • visits Natural Bridge, 10:648n

Hall, Frederick

  • and mineralogy, 15:324n

Hall, Harrison

  • and American Law Journal, 11:541, 11:599–11:600, 12:552, 12:577
  • identified, 11:541–11:542n
  • letters from, 11:541–11:542, 12:552
  • letters to, 11:599–11:600, 12:577
  • and Port Folio, 11:541, 11:599–11:600, 12:552
  • and revised edition of TJ’s Notes on the State of Virginia, 12:552, 12:577

Hall, James

  • improved planting technique of, 8:42–8:43, 8:43n, 8:104, 8:210, 8:366–8:367, 8:369n, 8:457–8:458, 13:149
  • visits TJ at Washington, 8:104, 8:104n

Hall, John (master of Rebecca ), 1:44

Hall, John Elihu

  • address cover to, 7:xliv, 7:434 (illus.)
  • American Law Journal, 5:176, 5:176n, 5:219–5:220, 5:222, 5:245, 5:254, 5:294, 6:627–6:628, 7:95–7:96, 7:96n, 7:241–7:242, 13:368, 13:369n, 14:165, 15:340
  • identified, 5:176n
  • letters from, 5:175–5:176, 6:627–6:628, 7:241–7:242
  • letters to, 5:219–5:220, 7:95–7:96
  • sends books for T. Cooper, 5:175–5:176, 5:223
  • and Storia della Guerra dell’ Independenza degli Stati Uniti d’America (C. G. G. Botta), 14:120, 14:120–14:121n

Hall, John Hancock

  • identified, 13:137n
  • letter from, 13:136–13:137
  • on militia, 13:136

Hall, Lyman

  • signer of Declaration of Independence, 13:329

Hall, Parry, 3:243n

Hall, Sergeant

  • identified, 5:295n
  • letters from, 5:294–5:295
  • sends TJ book, 5:294–5:295

Hall, Thomas

  • as chaplain at Leghorn, 13:376, 13:377n

Hall, Thomas H.

  • and scuppernong wine, 14:76, 14:141

Hall, William (ship captain), 15:72, 15:72n, 15:286

Hallet, Stephen, 3:313n

Hallet, Stephen S., 2:319n

Halley, Edmond

  • and barometric calculation of altitude, 9:314, 9:316n

ham, 2:291

Ham, Elijah

  • mentioned, 6:347
  • as overseer at Lego, 4:101, 9:152, 9:604n, 10:387, 10:388n
  • TJ’s debt to, 12:644

Hamburg (German city-state)

  • banks in, 6:649, 6:649n
  • glass from, 3:520

“Hamilton.” See Richards, George H.

Hamilton, Alexander (1757–1804)

  • and J. Adams, 2:176, 2:177n, 4:474–4:475, 6:254, 6:284, 13:70, 15:298
  • admires British government, 7:102–7:103, 7:103–7:104n
  • and Bank of U.S., 6:534, 13:609, 15:598
  • constitutional ideas of, 2:147n, 2:176, 2:177n, 2:252, 2:542, 2:542n, 2:568, 2:578, 12:420, 14:145, 14:145–14:146n
  • death of, 10:360
  • and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 7:498, 9:352n, 10:536n
  • P. S. Du Pont de Nemours on, 3:80, 4:328
  • family of, 5:43, 5:43n, 6:515, 10:360
  • The Federalist, 7:628, 9:436, 10:417–10:418, 10:418, 10:419n, 13:236, 13:236n, 13:236n, 14:145
  • in D. Fraser’s proposed book, 15:368n
  • and P. Henry, 4:604
  • influence over G. Washington, 6:259
  • and judicial tenure, 10:418
  • J. M. Mason’s proposed biography of, 2:145–2:146, 2:147n, 2:176
  • as member of Continental Congress, 13:578
  • mentioned, 5:615, 5:619, 6:39, 6:576, 10:41
  • and naval expansion, 6:183
  • relationship with TJ, 2:177, 2:272, 8:241
  • secretary of the treasury, 2:273n, 3:205n, 5:13, 5:14n, 6:318, 6:593n, 6:626
  • supporters of, 8:152
  • and tariffs, 13:378, 13:380n
  • TJ on, 2:176, 2:177, 3:305, 3:308n, 5:563–5:565, 5:566n, 9:100–9:101, 9:101n, 10:174, 12:416, 12:421–12:426
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:507

Hamilton, Alexander (1786–1875)

  • as commercial agent, 12:195
  • at siege of Badajoz (1812), 6:515, 6:515n

Hamilton, Elizabeth Schuyler (Alexander Hamilton’s wife), 5:43, 5:43n

Hamilton, Lady Emma (Sir William Hamilton’s wife; Horatio Nelson’s mistress), 6:622–6:623, 6:627n

Hamilton, Henry

  • captured at Vincennes, 4:378, 4:378n, 6:446, 6:510, 6:510n
  • governor of Bermuda, 6:445, 6:446

Hamilton, James

  • identified, 4:619n
  • letters from, 4:618–4:619
  • letters to, 5:14–5:15, 5:174–5:175, 5:328–5:329, 5:639–5:640
  • and W. McClure’s debts, 4:209, 4:209n, 4:618–4:619, 5:14–5:15, 5:17, 5:132, 5:161, 5:174–5:175, 5:328–5:329, 5:575, 5:587, 5:639–5:640, 5:671

Hamilton, Paul (17621816)

  • and J. M. Baker, 2:391
  • and commission for W. J. Harris, 4:91n, 4:171–4:172, 4:178, 4:185
  • and duck cloth, 2:175
  • and R. Fulton’s torpedo, 2:250, 2:251n
  • identified, 2:175–2:176n
  • introduces son to TJ, 4:123
  • and Las Cases’s work, 3:552
  • letters from, 4:123, 4:178–4:179, 5:515–5:516
  • letters to, 2:175–2:176, 4:171–4:172, 5:359, 5:408–5:409, 5:495, 5:502
  • and patronage recommendations, 5:359, 5:408–5:409, 5:495, 5:502, 5:503, 5:515–5:516, 5:547, 5:583, 6:170, 6:211
  • as secretary of the navy, 1:443, 1:475, 3:427, 4:202, 4:372, 5:178, 5:179n, 5:191, 5:550–5:551, 6:163, 6:177n, 8:145n, 11:661, 11:662
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:624
  • visits Monticello, 4:133

Hamilton, Paul (1788–1817)

  • letter of introduction for, from father, 4:123
  • visits Monticello, 4:172, 4:178–4:179

Hamilton, Robert

  • and W. McClure’s debts, 4:618, 4:619n, 5:14, 5:17

Hamilton, Sir William (1730–1803), 6:622

Hamilton, William (ca. 1746–1813)

  • gardens of, at Woodlands, 1:192, 1:479
  • identified, 1:192n
  • letters to, 1:191–1:192
  • and seeds of Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1:192n, 2:302n

Hamilton, William (of Tennessee)

  • militia service of, 7:161

Hamilton Cotton Factory (Baltimore), 9:537n

Hamlet (schooner), 10:409, 11:398, 12:74, 14:499

Hamlin, Amos

  • identified, 12:351n
  • letter from, 12:350–12:351
  • letter to, 12:574–12:575
  • and meteorological observations, 12:350–12:351, 12:352–12:354, 12:574

hammers, 15:86

Hammett, Alexander

  • consul at Naples, 13:316, 13:444, 13:445n

Hammond, Andrew Snape, 6:446

Hammond, George

  • British minister plenipotentiary, 1:516
  • correspondence with TJ, 1:487, 1:487n

Hammond, Jabez Delano

  • Life and Opinions of Julius Melbourn; with sketches of the lives and characters of Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams, John Randolph, and several other eminent American statesmen, 8:243n

Hammond, Judah

  • identified, 1:534n
  • letters from, 1:530–1:534
  • letters from accounted for, 1:533n
  • letters to, 1:568–1:569
  • and meeting of N.Y. Republicans, 1:530–1:534, 1:568–1:569

Hamner, Mr.

  • horse of, 13:518

Hamner, William

  • and Central College subscription, 11:329
  • horse of, 13:518

Hampden, John

  • British patriot, 4:470

Hampden-Sydney College

  • funding for, 12:437n, 13:590, 15:401n
  • mentioned, 12:132n
  • Presbyterian seminary at, 9:379n
  • and state university for Va., 11:134n

Hampton, James, trans.

  • The General History of Polybius, 1:580

Hampton, Wade

  • death mistakenly announced, 2:43, 2:44n
  • mentioned, 3:344, 5:637n
  • War of 1812 service of, 6:242, 6:529–6:530, 6:619, 6:645, 6:645–6:646n, 7:9, 7:9n, 7:10, 7:12, 7:13n, 7:15, 7:16n, 7:61, 7:91, 7:92n, 7:228, 7:531, 8:263

Hampton Academy, 14:550, 15:28

Hampton, Va.

  • British attack on, 6:332, 6:333n, 6:445, 6:446n, 6:515, 8:218, 8:224, 8:224

Hanah (TJ’s slave)

  • house for, 8:70

Hanah (TJ’s slave; b. 1770). See Hannah (Hanah) (TJ’s slave; b. 1770)

Hanah (TJ’s slave; b. 1796)

  • bed and pot for, 8:186
  • and P. Hubbard’s dispute with J. A. Goodman, 8:173, 8:185
  • laborer, 4:379
  • marriage of, 8:173, 8:173, 8:174, 8:185
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 5:462, 6:308, 6:309, 6:309, 8:61, 8:255

Hanbury, John, & Company (London firm). See John Hanbury & Company (London firm)

Hanbury, Osgood, 3:195–3:196, 5:298

Hanckel, Christopher

  • as professor at South Carolina College, 14:103

Hancock, John

  • and American Revolution, 11:312, 12:495, 12:531n, 14:373
  • death of, 10:360
  • and Declaration of Independence, 5:643, 15:liii
  • and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 7:498, 10:536n
  • praised, 9:250n
  • as president of Continental Congress, 10:270, 13:332, 13:578
  • and S. Ward, 12:377

Hancock, Mr. W.

  • purchases TJ’s flour, 4:593

Hand, Capt., 14:437

Hand, Capt. (captain of Happy Return ), 5:558

Hand, Caleb (captain of Unity ), 5:130

Hand, Edward, 1:477

Hand, John (captain of Hilan), 10:494, 10:494n

Hand, John (captain of Sally ), 1:84, 3:63

handball, 11:390, 11:391n

handbarrows, 2:546, 2:547

A Hand Book for Infantry (W. Duane), 5:256, 5:257n, 8:388, 8:672

A Hand Book for Riflemen (Duane), 5:256, 5:257n

Handbuch der allgemeinen Litterargeschichte nach Heumanns Grundriß (C. J. Bouginé), 8:559, 8:562n

Handbuch der ältesten Christlichen Dogmen-Geschichte (F. Münter), 11:307

The Handmaid to the Arts (R. Dossie), 1:582

H. & R. H. Osgood (Baltimore firm), 14:65n

Hanna, Robert (17441821)

  • identified, 15:333n
  • letter from accounted for, 15:333n
  • letter to, 15:332–15:333
  • seeks TJ’s assistance, 15:332–15:333, 15:333

Hanna, Robert (17861858)

  • federal appointment of, 15:333n

Hannah (Old Testament figure), 6:623, 10:504

Hannah (Hanah) (TJ’s slave; b. 1770)

  • as cook, 4:380
  • family of, 12:349, 15:130, 15:138, 15:147, 15:158, 15:162
  • identified, 13:393–13:394n
  • laborer, 4:379, 8:186, 9:713, 12:483
  • letter from, 13:liii, 13:393–13:394, 13:400 (illus.)
  • as nurse, 15:282
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:382, 4:383, 4:383, 4:384, 4:385, 5:461, 6:308, 6:308, 6:308, 6:308, 8:60, 8:61, 8:61, 8:61, 8:61, 8:61, 8:62, 8:62, 8:62, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 13:387, 13:387, 15:247–15:248
  • sends greetings to TJ, 13:393
  • sends household goods to Monticello, 15:229, 15:230
  • and visitors to Poplar Forest, 15:473

Hannah and Elizabeth (schooner), 14:467

Hannibal, 7:24

Hansborough v. Baylor, 15:350, 15:352n

Hansford, Edward

  • identified, 6:341n
  • letters from, 6:340–6:341
  • witnesses unusual atmospheric phenomenon, 6:340–6:341

Hanson, Alexander Contee, 3:262n, 3:262, 3:263n, 7:xlv–7:xlvi

Hanson, Richard

  • attorney for Farell & Jones, 2:142, 2:184, 2:185, 2:513, 7:174

Happart, Joseph St. Leger d’

  • and his proposed publication, 5:290, 5:664
  • identified, 4:537–4:538n
  • letters from, 4:537–4:538, 5:145–5:147, 5:664
  • letters to, 4:622, 5:290–5:291
  • seeks compensation from U.S., 4:537–4:538, 4:622, 5:145–5:147
  • TJ’s correspondence with, forwarded to J. Madison, 4:622, 4:623n


  • of agricultural workers, 2:296
  • of future generations, 2:533

Happy Return (ship), 3:557–3:558n, 5:558

Harbaugh, Leonard, 8:592, 8:592

Hardesty, Samuel

  • and Central College subscription, 11:333

Hardie, James

  • The American Remembrancer, 9:60
  • De Viris Illustribus Urbis Romæ, 13:33, 13:47, 13:47, 13:100, 13:100, 13:107

Hardin, Benjamin

  • Albemarle Co. tavern keeper, 13:232, 13:232n
  • and Central College subscription, 11:325, 11:329, 13:161

Harding, Chester

  • portrait of J. Barbour by, 11:xlvi, 11:232 (illus.)

Harding, H., 2:118

Hardouin, Jean

  • scholar, 9:86

Hardware Mills (Albemarle Co.), 3:359

Hardware River (Albemarle Co.), 3:432, 3:433n, 3:596, 4:146, 4:387, 8:392, 8:485, 9:99n, 12:81n, 14:402, 15:348

Hardy, Samuel

  • and cession of Northwest Territory, 4:567

Hardy, William

  • scientific-instrument maker, 9:223, 9:223, 9:224

Hare, Dr., 2:470

Hare, Robert

  • and American Geological Society, 14:648n
  • A Brief View of the Policy and Resources of the United States, 3:198–3:199, 3:200n
  • and calorimotor, 14:186–14:187n
  • greetings sent to, 1:453n
  • as university professor, 12:27, 12:32, 12:196, 12:228n, 12:238, 12:390n, 12:647, 13:249, 13:255, 13:270, 13:284, 13:285n, 13:298

Hare, William B.

  • attends dinner honoring TJ, 1:608+
  • and Central College subscription, 11:333
  • and meeting of Richmond citizens, 1:611n

Hargrave, Francis

  • A Complete Collection of State-Trials and Proceedings for High-Treason, and other Crimes and Misdemeanours, 2:455, 2:456n

Hargraves, George

  • forwards D. Bushnell’s torpedo drawings, 7:512, 7:620–7:621
  • identified, 7:513n
  • letters from, 7:512–7:513
  • letters to, 7:620–7:621

Hargreaves, James

  • and spinning jenny, 4:418n

haricots, 9:532–9:533

Harlow, Brice, 6:20

Harmar, Josiah

  • military service of, 7:692, 7:693n

Harmer, Josiah

  • anecdote of, 13:464

A Harmony in Greek of the Gospels (W. Newcome), 12:291, 12:337, 12:364, 12:439

A Harmony of the Evangelists (J. Priestley), 10:357

Harnest, Mr.

  • transports timothy seed, 4:194

Harnest’s Tavern (Bath Co.), 13:230, 13:231

Harper, Charles

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:325, 11:329, 15:96

Harper, Robert Goodloe

  • as political candidate, 1:516
  • on Russia, 7:323, 7:323n

Harpers Ferry, Va.

  • armory at, 10:3, 12:103, 13:136
  • description of, 1:197, 1:198–1:199n
  • picture of, 10:453
  • plants from, 11:639

harpsichords, 8:234, 8:393, 8:485, 8:486, 9:xliv, 15:308–15:309, 15:378, 15:408

Harriet (TJ’s slave; b. 1801). See Hemings, Harriet (TJ’s slave and probable daughter; b. 1801)

Harriet (steamboat), 13:254

Harrington, James

  • English political theorist, 6:296, 6:302
  • political opinions of, 1:254n
  • read by J. Adams, 4:474

Harris, Mr.

  • and S. Kingston’s ownership of Philadelphia land, 10:386

Harris, Mr. (of Virginia)

  • and Central College subscription, 13:163n
  • and E. Rosson case, 10:463

Harris, Benjamin

  • and TJ’s taxes, 10:467n

Harris, Benjamin James

  • identified, 5:291–5:292n
  • inventions of, 5:286, 5:291, 5:307–5:308
  • letters from, 5:291–5:292
  • letters to, 5:307–5:309
  • Saint Louis building project of, 13:524

Harris, Clifton

  • and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:61, 12:65
  • and Central College subscription, 11:323, 11:329, 13:161
  • deputy sheriff, 7:708
  • identified, 7:708–7:709n
  • loans money to TJ, 8:47
  • and TJ’s taxes, 7:708–7:709, 8:47, 9:62, 9:99n, 9:133, 10:467n
  • witnesses agreement, 12:415

Harris, Cunningham

  • identified, 5:361n
  • letters from, 1:84, 5:360–5:361
  • letters to, 1:211–1:212, 5:444–5:445
  • and sesame, 1:84, 1:211–1:212
  • and threshing machines, 5:360, 5:444–5:445

Harris, Frank, 5:210

Harris, Frederick

  • and Agricultural Society of Albemarle, 11:319
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:333, 15:96
  • as potential Va. legislator, 12:540

Harris, George (trans.)

  • D. Justiniani Institutionum libri quatuor. The Four Books of Justinian’s Institutions (Justinian), 5:136, 5:137n, 5:275–5:276, 7:125, 10:207, 10:209, 10:209n, 10:209n

Harris, Ira

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:324, 11:329, 13:162, 15:98

Harris, James (1709–80)

  • Hermes: or, a Philosophical Inquiry Concerning Language and Universal Grammar, 15:337, 15:337, 15:338n
  • as member of parliament, 15:337
  • Philosophical Arrangements, 15:337
  • and philosophy of language, 15:223
  • Three Treatises, 8:388, 15:337, 15:337, 15:337, 15:338n

Harris, James (of Charlotte, N.C.), 14:450

Harris, John (1758–1815)

  • family of, 4:20

Harris, John (d. 1800)

  • Revolutionary War officer, 4:20

Harris, John (d. 1832)

  • and Albemarle Academy, 7:266, 7:267, 7:335, 9:498n
  • Albemarle Co. justice, 6:481, 13:276n
  • and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:67–12:68
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:329, 13:161, 15:98, 15:345
  • identified, 6:482n
  • tobacco crop of, 9:124
  • and Viewmont estate, 8:308n
  • visits Warm Springs, 13:242, 13:250

Harris, Jordan

  • Revolutionary War officer, 4:20, 4:91n, 4:91n

Harris, Levett

  • and F. Adelung, 2:467, 3:150
  • attentions to J. S. Smith, 2:466–2:467
  • as consul at Saint Petersburg, 1:652, 7:433–7:434, 11:123n, 11:562, 13:118–13:119, 13:145
  • forwards letters for TJ, 4:99, 7:433
  • identified, 1:379–1:380n
  • and N. Kosloff affair, 10:483, 10:483n, 13:119, 13:119n
  • letters from, 2:466–2:468, 3:115–3:116, 4:99, 7:433–7:434, 11:562, 13:118–13:119
  • letters to, 1:379–1:380, 11:585–11:586, 13:145
  • mentioned, 12:113
  • and J. Potocki, 3:43, 3:44n, 3:434
  • returns to U.S., 11:562, 11:585
  • sends book to TJ, 4:99, 11:562, 11:562n, 13:118, 13:145
  • TJ introduces J. S. Smith to, 1:379
  • and D. Vandamme, 14:242
  • visits Monticello, 11:562, 11:586, 13:118, 13:119

Harris, Richard

  • purchases patent shares, 7:553, 8:15

Harris, William Jordan

  • identified, 4:91–4:92n
  • letter of introduction for, from H. Turpin, 4:20
  • letter of introduction for, from P. Turpin, 4:41
  • letters from, 4:91–4:92
  • letters to, 4:185
  • seeks naval commission, 4:20, 4:41, 4:91, 4:171–4:172, 4:178, 4:185
  • visits Monticello, 4:20

Harrison, Mr.

  • letters from accounted for, 4:483n
  • sends recommendations, 4:519

Harrison, Mr. (of Cumberland Co.)

  • and Roanoke chub, 6:122–6:123

Harrison, Mr.

  • visits Monticello, 13:271

Harrison, Benjamin (d. 1791)

  • on dyer’s madder, 3:326–3:327
  • family of, 10:268
  • as governor of Va., 4:433
  • as member of Continental Congress, 4:601, 8:644, 12:282
  • and Va. Committee of Correspondence, 9:369n, 14:376–14:377, 14:378n

Harrison, Benjamin (17871842)

  • and W. Byrd manuscripts, 10:470, 11:239, 11:450–11:451, 11:477, 12:168–12:169, 12:256–12:257, 12:371, 12:371
  • identified, 11:477n
  • letter from accounted for, 12:257n
  • letters from, 11:524, 12:256–12:257
  • letters to, 11:477, 12:371–12:372

Harrison, Benjamin (ca. 175199)

  • and W. Short’s Green Sea lands, 13:38n, 13:38–13:39n

Harrison, Carter E.

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:331, 15:98

Harrison, Carter H.

  • witnesses documents, 5:624n, 5:624, 5:624–5:625n, 6:88n

Harrison, Evelyn Taylor Byrd

  • and W. Byrd manuscripts, 11:524, 11:524n, 12:168–12:169

Harrison, George

  • Philadelphia naval agent, 8:490n

Harrison, George Evelyn

  • and W. Byrd’s “History of the Dividing Line,” 12:256–12:257, 12:371, 12:371

Harrison, H.

  • and Central College subscription, 13:161

Harrison, John (of Brunswick Co.), 1:66

Harrison, John (of Philadelphia)

  • and domestic manufactures, 1:170–1:172
  • identified, 1:172n
  • letters from, 1:170–1:172

Harrison, Joseph

  • The Practice of the Court of Chancery, 8:388, 8:672, 11:97n, 11:97n

Harrison, Micajah

  • identified, 4:355n
  • letters from, 4:355
  • seeks TJ’s opinion on cause of fog, 4:355

Harrison, Randolph

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:327n, 11:331, 11:590–11:591, 11:640, 12:472, 14:221, 15:98
  • health of, 12:472, 12:539
  • identified, 9:49n
  • letter from accounted for, 15:456–15:457n
  • letters from, 11:640, 12:472
  • letters to, 9:49, 11:590–11:592, 14:221
  • letter to accounted for, 12:298n
  • and W. C. Nicholas’s debts, 14:587–14:588n
  • as potential Va. legislator, 12:539–12:540
  • TJ’s architectural drawings for, 9:49, 9:49n
  • wheat crop of, 4:105, 4:105

Harrison, Richard (auditor of the treasury)

  • Auditor’s Report on the Purchase of TJ’s Library, 9:494–9:495
  • identified, 1:43n
  • letters from, 1:43
  • as secretary to G. Washington, 15:193, 15:194
  • and settlement of TJ’s account, 1:43n

Harrison, Richard (of N.Y.), 5:66, 5:67n

Harrison, R. N.

  • letter from accounted for, 13:621

Harrison, Robert Monroe

  • as U.S. consul at Saint Thomas, 13:122, 13:123n

Harrison, Samuel (of Philadelphia)

  • engraver, 9:589

Harrison, Samuel Jordan

  • Answer to Bill of Complaint in Scott v. Jefferson and Harrison, 5:282–5:284
  • and brickmasons for Central College, 12:55, 12:93, 12:183, 12:240–12:241, 12:244, 13:531
  • on British blockade, 6:24
  • buys land from TJ, 2:148, 2:149n, 2:323, 2:327, 2:328, 2:330, 3:368–3:369, 3:374–3:375, 3:457, 3:461, 3:518, 3:531, 4:528, 4:549, 4:583–4:585, 4:677–4:678, 4:681, 5:31, 5:61–5:62, 5:242–5:243, 5:486, 14:59
  • buys tobacco from TJ, 3:421n, 3:518, 3:531, 3:561, 3:634, 3:639–3:640, 3:650, 4:6, 4:422, 4:461, 4:467, 4:478–4:479, 4:493–4:494, 4:515, 4:516, 4:549, 5:33, 5:35n, 5:63, 5:64n, 5:91, 5:115, 5:503, 5:531, 5:545, 5:571, 5:593, 5:593, 5:599, 5:600, 5:638, 5:671, 5:672n, 5:673, 6:4, 6:4, 6:5, 6:24–6:25, 6:25n, 6:25–6:26, 6:31, 6:48, 6:48
  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:333, 15:97, 15:281
  • and A. F. De Laage, 11:619, 11:620–11:621, 12:383, 12:395
  • delivers chairs to TJ, 1:287
  • family of, 13:132
  • and Franklin Hotel, 12:269n
  • identified, 1:348n
  • letter from to Gibson & Jefferson, 1:346–1:348
  • letter sent to TJ through, 8:49
  • letters from, 2:327, 3:457, 3:634, 3:639–3:640, 4:422, 4:478–4:479, 4:549, 4:677–4:678, 5:337, 5:503, 5:571, 5:638, 6:24–6:25, 6:31, 12:50–12:51, 12:93, 12:240–12:241, 12:395, 13:132, 14:636–14:637
  • letters from accounted for, 3:461n, 5:283–5:284n, 5:359n
  • letters to, 2:330, 3:374–3:375, 3:461, 4:308–4:310, 4:461, 4:493–4:494, 4:583–4:585, 5:31–5:32, 5:63–5:64, 5:337, 5:531, 5:593–5:594, 5:673, 6:5, 6:48–6:49, 11:620–11:621, 12:29–12:30, 12:55, 12:77–12:78, 12:280
  • and lost trunk, 1:311, 1:346–1:348
  • offer to buy land from, 14:59
  • and payments for TJ, 6:48
  • and proposed Lynchburg bank, 12:50–12:51, 12:77, 12:280, 12:395
  • recommends H. L. Duffel, 5:359
  • recommends J. Wade, 14:636
  • TJ invites to Poplar Forest, 13:132
  • and TJ’s land dispute with S. Scott, 2:97, 2:97n, 2:149, 2:232, 2:327, 4:308–4:309, 4:549, 4:583–4:585, 4:647, 4:677–4:678, 4:679, 4:680–4:684, 5:63–5:64, 5:239, 5:264, 5:265n, 5:282–5:284, 5:337, 5:337, 5:339, 5:339, 5:341, 5:361, 6:332, 6:332n, 6:351, 8:285
  • and wine, 12:29–12:30, 12:30
  • witnesses document, 15:32

Harrison, Thomas H.

  • and Central College subscription, 11:331

Harrison, William (1535–93)

  • The First and Second volumes of Chronicles, 8:581, 8:582n

Harrison, William (of Virginia), 3:634

Harrison, William (of Philadelphia)

  • engraver, 9:589

Harrison, William Henry

  • and appointment of territorial delegate, 1:96
  • governor of Ind. Territory, 1:405, 1:406n, 5:445, 5:445–5:446n, 5:449
  • identified, 1:575n
  • introduces J. Johnston, 1:574
  • letters from, 1:574–1:575
  • presidential electors for, 3:333n
  • prospects for military campaign of, 5:396, 5:441, 5:445, 6:370
  • reports on military situation, 6:131
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:625
  • War of 1812 service of, 5:368, 5:385, 5:611, 5:635–5:636, 5:637n, 5:642–5:643, 5:644, 5:644n, 6:172, 6:529, 7:530, 8:221, 8:263

harrows, 2:259, 12:304, 12:304

Harrow School (England), 12:238

Harry (boatman)

  • carries blankets for slaves, 4:99
  • carries goods from Richmond, 1:319n, 3:434, 3:453, 3:512–3:513, 3:513n, 8:609, 8:609n, 9:273, 9:318, 9:319n
  • and lost trunk, 1:186–1:187, 1:204–1:205, 1:257, 1:268, 1:311
  • transports slave, 3:513, 3:612–3:613, 3:613n

Harry (E. Randolph’s slave), 4:231–4:232n

Harskel, Joshua. See Haskell, Joshua

Hart, Andrew

  • and Central College subscription, 11:329
  • identified, 12:49n
  • letter to, 12:48–12:50
  • and proposed Albemarle Co. road, 11:243, 12:48

Hart, John

  • signer of Declaration of Independence, 13:329

Hart, Samuel L.

  • and Central College subscription, 11:329, 13:161

Hartford, Conn.

  • Federalist convention at, 8:111n, 8:134, 8:134–8:135n, 8:154, 8:163, 8:164n, 8:168, 8:175, 8:254, 8:264, 8:265, 8:518, 9:5, 9:41, 9:42n, 9:78–9:79, 9:89, 9:90–9:91, 9:250n, 9:256, 10:96–10:97, 10:380, 11:353, 11:355n, 12:427, 12:468, 12:591, 13:470, 15:616
  • spotted fever in, 1:95n

Hartley, David (ca. 1705–57)

  • J. Adams on, 8:552
  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:662, 7:667
  • Observations on man, his frame, his duty, and his expectations, 3:277–3:278, 3:304, 7:385, 7:386n

Hartley, David (1731–1813)

  • fireproofing method, 5:309n

Harvard University

  • J. Adams as student at, 13:138, 15:588, 15:589n
  • J. Q. Adams’s professorship at, 4:473
  • and Andover Theological Seminary, 9:255, 9:257n
  • books for, 10:508–10:509, 10:550
  • botanical garden at, 15:369
  • E. Everett’s professorship at, 8:378, 8:378n
  • faculty at, 11:386, 13:238
  • J. T. Kirkland as president of, 11:142, 11:143n, 14:536
  • mathematics and astronomy at, 4:196
  • medical school, 1:51n, 1:51n, 1:300n
  • mentioned, 14:384
  • mineral collection of, 15:324–15:325n
  • T. M. Randolph (1792-1848) attends, 1:524, 1:572–1:573, 1:574
  • and students from U.S. South, 15:345, 15:345n, 15:387
  • G. Ticknor’s professorship at, 14:32, 15:387, 15:389
  • TJ criticized at, 2:352, 2:411
  • TJ on, 9:379, 9:381, 9:382, 9:383, 15:302, 15:304n
  • H. B. Trist plans to attend, 15:142, 15:142n
  • and Unitarianism, 9:4
  • B. Waterhouse’s professorship at, 1:299, 1:300n, 6:37, 6:39n, 6:95, 9:5
  • S. Williams’s professorship at, 8:283, 8:283n

Harvey, William, 2:669, 10:163

Harvie, Mr. (Richmond merchant)

  • and University of Virginia, 15:101

Harvie, Jacquelin Burwell

  • and Central College subscription, 11:334
  • makes payment to TJ, 8:142
  • recommends C. Carter, 14:164n

Harvie, John (1706–67)

  • buys lot in Westham, 8:171n

Harvie, John (1742–1807)

  • mentioned, 8:171n
  • sells land to W. Short, 10:529, 13:37, 13:37, 13:38, 13:38n, 13:38–13:39n, 13:74
  • and Southwest Mountain tract, 2:101–2:102, 2:103n, 2:137, 2:227

Harvie, John (1783–1838)

  • debt to TJ, 8:100, 8:127–8:128, 8:157, 8:582, 9:449
  • identified, 2:102n
  • letters from, 2:114–2:115, 2:136–2:139, 2:347, 3:169–3:170, 3:425–3:426, 4:499
  • letters from accounted for, 3:426n
  • letters to, 2:101–2:103, 2:206–2:208, 2:362–2:363, 3:210
  • mentioned, 3:622
  • and sale of Belmont estate, 2:101, 2:102, 2:114, 2:137, 2:138, 2:139, 2:206, 2:207, 2:227, 2:228, 2:347, 3:169–3:170, 3:170–3:171, 3:172, 3:210, 3:425–3:426, 4:499, 4:532–4:533, 4:555, 4:557, 5:671, 5:672n, 6:20, 8:96–8:97, 8:142
  • TJ’s dispute with, 2:101–2:103, 2:114, 2:137–2:139, 2:206–2:208, 2:227, 2:228–2:229, 2:347, 2:362–2:363, 3:169–3:170, 3:170–3:171, 3:172, 3:210

Harvie, Richard

  • and TJ’s debt to J. Lyle, 2:180, 2:217, 3:280, 3:341, 3:488, 4:75, 4:76

Harwood, William

  • Gloucester Co. magistrate, 4:232n

Haskel, William (ship captain), 10:128–10:129

Haskell, Joshua

  • militia service of, 7:161

Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolph

  • family of, 10:579
  • financial claim on U.S. of, 9:220, 9:221n, 9:273, 9:275
  • health of, 10:579
  • identified, 6:342n
  • and instruments for U.S. Coast Survey, 9:126, 9:220–9:221, 9:221n, 9:221–9:226, 9:275, 9:686, 15:304, 15:305, 15:319, 15:320, 15:321, 15:367
  • letters from, 6:342–6:343, 15:275–15:276, 15:319–15:321
  • letter from, to R. Patterson, 10:578–10:579
  • letter to, 15:305
  • and map of Lewis and Clark Expedition, 12:636, 12:637
  • as mathematician, 13:66, 13:119
  • national observatory proposed by, 15:319–15:320
  • on pendulums, 9:204
  • scientific-instrument maker, 9:205, 9:222–9:223
  • seeks position at University of Virginia, 15:275–15:276, 15:305
  • sends works to TJ, 6:46, 6:342, 7:90
  • and U.S. boundary lines, 15:275, 15:276n
  • and U.S. Coast Survey, 9:221, 9:221n, 9:686, 10:579, 12:492, 15:275
  • and Va. Board of Public Works, 13:58, 13:66
  • and watchmaker for Charlottesville, 10:578, 10:578–10:579, 10:630, 15:305

Hassler, Marianne Gaillard (Ferdinand R. Hassler’s wife)

  • and watchmaker for Charlottesville, 10:578

Hastings, Francis Rawdon, 2d Earl of Moira. See Moira, Francis Rawdon Hastings, 1st Marquess of Hastings and 2d Earl of

Hatch, Crowell

  • recommends O. Rich, 8:602n

Hatcher, Mr., 3:258

Hatcher, Benjamin

  • and Farmers’ Bank of Virginia, 10:295n, 12:364n, 12:411–12:413

Hatfield, George, 11:166


  • C. L. Bankhead’s, 14:16
  • covers for, 6:348
  • for gentlemen, 8:446, 8:449n
  • made by prisoners of war, 4:362
  • for slaves, 7:124, 8:570, 15:450
  • sugarloaf, 4:361
  • TJ orders, 6:344, 9:566

Hatsell, John

  • Precedents of proceedings in the House of Commons; with observations, 4:400–4:401, 4:464, 4:464n, 7:628

Haut-Brion, Château (wine), 9:513

Hauto, George Frederick Augustus

  • and hydrostatic engine, 7:232–7:233, 7:233n, 7:268–7:269
  • identified, 7:233n
  • letters from, 7:232–7:233
  • letters to, 7:268–7:269

Haüy, René Just

  • mineralogical theories of, 7:209, 11:367, 13:102, 14:569
  • Traité Élémentaire de Physique, 12:112, 13:476
  • writings of, 14:168

Havana (brig), 15:119


  • cigars, 1:466
  • commercial agent at, 12:104–12:105, 12:149, 12:195
  • confitures, 1:505
  • goods lost at, 1:504, 1:510
  • price of flour at, 8:390
  • yellow fever at, 10:128, 10:128

Haven, C. S.

  • letter from, 13:296–13:297
  • requests money from TJ, 13:296–13:297

Haven, Nathaniel Appleton, 8:370, 8:371n

Havens, Philetus, 3:505

Havens, Rensselaer

  • The Memorial Of Frederick Jenkins, and Rensselaer Havens, in behalf of the owners, officers, and crew of the late private armed brig General Armstrong, 11:25, 11:26n, 11:65

Haverkamp, Siwart

  • edits Flavii Iosephi Hebraei Opera Omnia Graece et Latine (Josephus), 10:233, 13:476

Hawker, Edward

  • captain of Melampus, 4:19, 4:20n

Hawkins, Mr. (brickmason), 14:113

Hawkins, Mr. (of Rockbridge Co.), 6:107

Hawkins, Benjamin

  • death of, 10:214, 10:215n
  • as Indian agent, 9:66, 9:67n, 10:214, 12:296n
  • and post road, 1:350, 1:351
  • “A Sketch of the Creek Country, in the years 1798 and 1799,” 9:121, 9:383–9:384, 9:384n, 9:453, 14:132n

Hawkins, John Isaac

  • Catalogue of Hawkins’s Museum of Useful and Mechanical Inventions, 6:574, 6:574n
  • inventions of, 6:560n, 6:574, 6:575n
  • and polygraph, 1:46n, 2:xlii, 6:560n, 8:545, 11:481, 14:591
  • TJ inquires about, 6:559
  • as tunnel engineer, 6:574, 6:574, 6:574n

Hawkins, William

  • on land litigation, 2:324
  • Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown, 3:546, 6:479

hawks, 8:6

Hawley, William

  • seeks employment at University of Virginia, 14:652

hawthorn See also thorn, 2:132n, 2:167, 10:238–10:239, 11:228

Haxall, Philip, 14:161

hay, 2:371, 7:83, 7:123, 8:71–8:72, 8:268n, 8:547, 8:592, 10:533–10:534, 11:172, 11:272, 11:272, 11:272, 11:272, 11:272, 12:302, 14:180, 14:317, 14:431n, 14:472, 15:557

hay (rye), 3:65

Hay, Mr., 2:116

Hay, Charles, 5:16, 5:287

Hay, Eliza Monroe (George Hay’s wife)

  • family of, 5:310n, 5:310n
  • illness of, 8:442, 8:537
  • opinion on batture controversy, 2:416n
  • visits Highland, 1:93n

Hay, George

  • attempts to collect debt for TJ, 8:180
  • and batture controversy, 3:31, 3:226–3:227, 3:331–3:332, 3:475–3:476, 3:481–3:483, 3:483–3:488
  • and batture pleadings, 3:401n, 3:420
  • and books borrowed from TJ, 8:285, 8:328
  • consults with TJ on batture case, 2:414–2:416, 2:416–2:417, 2:427, 2:428, 2:432, 2:473–2:474, 2:511, 2:531–2:532
  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 13:592, 14:13
  • family of, 5:310n, 8:518, 8:518n
  • and Gilliam v. Fleming, 3:45, 3:86, 7:99
  • health of, 6:535
  • and Henderson case, 6:572–6:573, 7:29
  • and Highland–Indian Camp dispute, 7:591
  • identified, 2:402n
  • letters from, 2:414–2:416, 2:432, 2:530–2:532, 2:545, 3:201, 3:331–3:332, 4:311, 4:465–4:466, 4:646–4:647, 5:16–5:17, 5:264–5:265, 7:29, 8:328–8:329
  • letters to, 2:401–2:402, 2:473–2:474, 2:659–2:660, 3:152–3:153, 3:203, 3:420, 3:481–3:483, 3:545–3:546, 4:110–4:111, 4:367, 4:594–4:595, 4:678–4:679, 5:239–5:240, 5:245, 5:361–5:362, 6:332, 6:572–6:574, 8:285
  • letter to, from J. Monroe, 2:408+
  • and Livingston v. Jefferson, 4:292, 4:311, 4:367, 4:594–4:595, 4:646
  • loans money, 2:79n
  • mentioned, 1:454, 2:470, 2:475, 3:60
  • and J. Monroe, 1:93n, 3:543
  • newspaper collection of, 1:288
  • on party spirit, 8:328
  • returns batture materials to TJ, 4:465, 4:466, 4:595, 4:646, 4:679, 5:16, 5:17n
  • and Scott v. Jefferson and Harrison, 4:647, 4:679, 8:285, 8:328
  • and suit of A. J. Randolph’s executors, 4:595, 4:597, 4:646, 4:647, 4:679, 5:16, 5:17n
  • TJ hires as counsel, 2:398, 2:401–2:402, 2:406, 2:408+, 2:494
  • TJ pays, 4:594, 4:594–4:595, 4:618, 4:646, 4:678–4:679, 6:332, 6:337
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:624, 4:646
  • and TJ’s land dispute with S. Scott, 5:239, 5:242–5:243, 5:245, 5:264, 5:337, 5:361, 6:332
  • and TJ’s List of Authorities cited in Statement on the Batture Case, 3:545–3:546, 3:546–3:547
  • and TJ’s Statement of Facts in the Batture Case, 3:481–3:483, 3:499, 4:110–4:111, 4:466
  • and TJ’s statement on the batture case, 2:545, 2:657, 2:659–2:660, 3:42–3:43, 3:134, 3:152–3:153, 3:201, 3:203, 3:226
  • as Va. state senator, 15:399
  • and T. Williamson bet, 5:494, 5:494n

Hay, Hortensia, 2:408+, 5:309, 5:310n

Hay, Jehu

  • captured at Vincennes, 4:378, 4:378n, 6:510, 6:510n

Hay, Udney

  • military service of, 13:114–13:115, 13:115

Hay, William, 6:356

Hayes, Joseph

  • business partner of J. Miller, 7:485, 8:35, 8:79, 9:279, 9:523
  • executor of T. Reed’s estate, 9:258

Hayne, Frances Henrietta Pinckney (Robert Y. Hayne’s wife)

  • death of, 13:318–13:319, 13:319n

Hayne, Robert Young

  • family of, 13:318–13:319, 13:319n
  • identified, 6:90n
  • letters from, 6:88–6:90, 8:315–8:316
  • letters to, 6:124–6:125
  • and Seventy-Six Association, 6:88–6:90, 6:124–6:125, 8:315

Hazard, William, 1:312

Hazen, Asa

  • family of, 14:386, 14:386n
  • identified, 14:386n
  • letter from, 14:386
  • regarded as insane by TJ, 14:386n

Hazen, William Cogswell (Asa Hazen’s son), 14:386, 14:386n

The Heads of Illustrious Persons of Great Britain (T. Birch, J. Houbraken, and G. Vertue), 7:399, 7:400n

health See also aging; hygiene; Jefferson, Thomas: Health; medicine; public health; yellow fever

  • achilles tendon cut, 2:438
  • albinism, 9:12
  • alcohol abstinence, 11:293, 12:8, 14:81, 14:84, 14:324n, 14:382
  • alcohol abuse, 2:87, 2:191–2:192, 9:131–9:132, 10:461–10:462, 10:537, 13:514n, 14:26, 14:81, 14:84, 14:121, 14:158, 14:160, 14:322–14:323, 14:419, 14:594
  • apoplexy, 1:526
  • appetite loss, 10:650
  • and bathing, 8:544, 10:513, 14:420, 15:501
  • bile, 2:542, 6:276–6:277, 10:60
  • bladder stones, 14:206
  • blindness, 11:359, 12:248, 12:621
  • blisters, 3:569, 6:570, 14:219
  • boils, 14:105, 14:231
  • bowel complaint, 13:567, 14:231, 14:231, 14:554, 14:565–14:567, 14:574
  • breast constriction, 12:113
  • calculus, 5:58
  • cancer, 6:293, 6:516–6:517
  • cataracts, 10:323–10:324, 11:283, 14:115
  • catarrh, 14:44, 14:157, 14:232, 14:461
  • colds, 11:625, 13:472
  • colic, 4:140, 10:306, 10:306, 10:359, 14:566–14:567, 15:108, 15:117, 15:137–15:138, 15:140, 15:152, 15:153n, 15:162–15:163
  • correspondents described by TJ as insane, 2:683, 3:209n, 3:226n, 11:607n, 13:514n, 14:316n, 14:386n, 15:583n
  • cough, 7:619, 8:82
  • cowpox, 2:88, 2:89n, 2:149, 12:564, 12:564–12:565n, 12:577
  • in Culpeper Co., 8:433
  • deafness, 8:133, 9:361, 9:395, 9:396n, 9:397, 9:654–9:655, 9:656n, 10:39, 10:60, 10:343, 10:489, 10:650
  • dental, 5:108n, 5:252–5:253, 8:462, 10:60, 10:306, 11:158
  • diarrhea, 7:84, 10:135, 10:592, 10:593n
  • and diet, 14:44, 14:156–14:157, 14:419
  • diphtheria (throat distemper), 8:233
  • dysentery, 1:354, 1:416, 1:483, 4:361, 5:669, 6:277, 8:636, 9:185
  • dyspepsia, 14:21n
  • earache, 10:306
  • edema, 14:231, 14:420
  • epilepsy, 7:566
  • erysipelas, 9:583, 9:583n
  • exercise, 8:82, 10:557, 10:600, 12:345, 14:461
  • exercise, TJ on, 3:257, 3:304, 3:315
  • fatigue, 12:354
  • fever, 2:53, 2:469, 2:542, 3:63, 3:64n, 4:200, 4:200n, 4:361, 5:670n, 6:131, 6:189, 6:241, 6:256, 6:501, 6:569–6:570, 7:187, 7:187–7:188, 7:194, 8:46, 8:232, 8:304, 8:442, 9:238, 10:60, 10:288, 10:313, 10:450, 10:510, 10:546, 10:570, 11:461, 12:52, 12:292–12:293, 13:334, 13:428, 13:443, 13:446, 13:447n, 14:44, 14:157, 14:218, 14:420, 14:552
  • fistulas, 13:77
  • flatulence, 14:246
  • fractured bones, 2:289, 9:567, 10:106, 10:106
  • frostbite, 3:36–3:37, 3:196, 3:250
  • gall, 12:113
  • gallstones, 10:306
  • gangrene, 3:250, 3:284
  • gout, 1:192, 2:353, 7:69, 7:143, 7:187, 8:82, 8:388, 10:306, 10:306, 14:230, 14:231, 14:420
  • gravel, 4:183
  • headaches, 4:140, 10:306, 10:306, 12:8, 12:519, 14:9n, 14:44
  • hearing loss, 14:284
  • hemorrhages, 8:99n, 10:135, 13:592, 13:601
  • hernia, 3:180–3:181, 8:690, 9:114, 9:115
  • hypochondria, 2:336, 10:529
  • impact of farming on, 4:139–4:140, 4:180
  • inflammation, 8:245, 8:330, 8:494, 12:196, 12:232, 13:225
  • influenza, 6:397
  • jaundice, 10:130, 10:135
  • of R. Jefferson, 4:183, 4:416, 4:481, 4:607
  • kidney stones, 10:285–10:286, 10:286n, 10:306
  • knife wounds, 14:8–14:9, 14:10n, 14:10n, 14:20, 14:20
  • malaria (ague and fever), 8:232, 8:233
  • Means of Preserving Health, and Preventing Diseases (S. Ricketson), 1:257, 1:257n, 1:294–1:295
  • measles, 11:460
  • melaena (black vomit), 6:377–6:378, 6:378n, 10:128, 10:130, 10:135, 10:136, 10:152, 10:152
  • memory loss, 10:649, 12:96–12:97, 12:518, 14:283, 14:284, 14:284, 14:284–14:285, 14:285, 14:461, 14:463n
  • mental illness, 1:209n, 3:276–3:277, 3:279n, 3:304, 3:308n, 8:355, 8:356n, 14:302–14:303
  • and mineral waters, 8:688–8:689
  • mortality rates, 3:373–3:374, 8:84–8:85
  • motion sickness, 6:103–6:104
  • muscle strain, 2:408
  • obesity, 8:688
  • palsy, 7:566, 12:496
  • pamphlets on, 1:257, 1:257n, 1:294–1:295
  • paralysis, 6:183, 8:99, 8:390, 8:391n, 14:208
  • in Petersburg, Va., 8:609
  • phobias, 8:332
  • and physical habits, 14:43, 14:44–14:45
  • plague, 9:207, 10:127, 10:131, 10:132, 10:133, 10:134, 10:136
  • pleurisy, 6:569, 14:44, 14:218–14:219, 15:429
  • pneumonia, 7:26, 7:27n, 14:231
  • podiatric, 12:397
  • pregnancy and childbirth, 7:82, 7:178, 11:15, 11:15n, 12:647, 12:648, 13:567, 15:123, 15:124n
  • pulmonary complaint, 14:44, 14:206, 15:15, 15:190
  • rabies, 14:442–14:443, 14:489, 15:281, 15:281n
  • rash, 13:17, 13:73
  • rheumatism, 1:192, 1:223, 1:644n, 2:197, 2:226, 2:232, 2:269, 2:329, 2:368, 2:378, 3:163n, 3:395–3:396n, 3:449, 3:548, 4:57, 4:60, 4:61, 4:83–4:84, 4:88, 4:90, 4:98, 4:132, 4:459, 4:573, 5:26, 5:252, 6:569, 6:615, 6:646, 7:69, 7:143, 7:187, 7:188, 7:566, 7:648, 8:74, 8:82, 8:180, 8:232, 8:494, 9:63, 9:250, 9:408, 9:415, 10:314, 10:324, 11:229, 11:292, 11:396, 12:521, 12:524, 12:532, 13:228, 14:420, 14:596, 14:604, 14:627, 14:629, 14:633, 14:635, 14:636, 14:643, 15:46, 15:46, 15:48n, 15:56, 15:106, 15:108, 15:117
  • scarlet fever, 6:74
  • sciatica, 8:442
  • scurvy, 5:30, 5:550–5:551
  • skin diseases, 10:107n, 15:438
  • of slaves, 3:180–3:181, 7:387, 8:636, 9:40, 9:238, 9:238n, 9:494, 9:505, 9:567, 10:105–10:107, 10:355, 11:497, 12:7, 13:567, 13:582, 13:605, 14:218, 14:443, 14:476, 14:477n, 14:494, 14:585, 14:596, 15:61, 15:427–15:428, 15:438–15:439, 15:608
  • and sleep, 14:157
  • smallpox, 2:88, 10:127
  • smallpox vaccination, 1:300n, 14:461, 14:462–14:463n
  • speech impairment, 10:650
  • spitting blood, 13:584, 13:601, 14:44, 14:124
  • spotted fever (typhus), 1:95n
  • staphylococcus infection, 13:73n, 13:228–13:229, 13:278, 13:302, 13:303, 13:303, 13:324, 14:230–14:231, 14:319, 14:459–14:460, 14:466, 14:502–14:503
  • stillbirth, 13:567
  • stroke, 9:98, 10:649–10:650, 14:208, 14:420
  • sunburn, 10:60, 10:61n
  • swelling, 13:486, 15:438
  • in Tidewater Va., 1:306, 8:84–8:85, 8:233, 8:565
  • of TJ’s family, 1:387, 1:391, 1:392, 1:395, 1:410, 1:519, 1:536, 7:178, 8:85, 8:163, 11:172, 11:631n
  • and treatments, 3:36–3:37, 3:196, 3:283, 5:393, 5:669, 5:670n, 8:453–8:454, 10:105–10:107, 10:183, 14:466, 14:503
  • tuberculosis, 6:501, 13:567, 14:420, 15:506, 15:506, 15:508n
  • typhoid pleurisy, 7:345
  • typhus, 6:570, 7:194, 8:233, 12:386, 12:404, 14:476
  • venereal disease, 10:107n, 10:107n, 12:589
  • vertigo, 9:598, 14:44
  • vision loss, 3:280–3:281, 3:341–3:342, 3:488, 8:133, 10:60, 10:120, 10:550, 10:603, 12:8, 14:115, 14:276, 14:284, 14:371n
  • and warm springs, 1:192, 1:451, 4:90, 4:107, 4:132, 7:512–7:513, 10:183, 10:256, 10:313, 11:666, 14:502–14:503, 15:71, 15:153n
  • weather’s effect on, 9:456–9:457, 10:128, 10:128, 10:136–10:137, 10:579, 12:7, 14:562, 15:15
  • and weight, 10:275
  • whooping cough, 7:178, 15:427–15:428
  • of women, 13:582
  • works on, 9:143, 9:144n, 9:144n+, 10:280, 10:486, 14:44–14:45
  • wounds, 15:246

Heard, Josiah

  • publishes Zanesville Muskingum Messenger, 11:177, 11:177n

Hearne, Samuel

  • Journey from Fort Prince Wales in Hudson’s Bay to the Northern Ocean, 1:443, 1:444–1:445n

Heath, James

  • as engraver, 12:283

Heath, James Ewell

  • as Va. auditor of public accounts, 15:536, 15:537n

Heath, William, 14:373

Heaton, John

  • English estate of, 10:501–10:502n

Hebe (ship), 5:514

Hebrew language

  • applicants to teach at University of Virginia, 13:569–13:570, 13:571n
  • Bible in, 13:570n, 13:571n
  • collegiate education in, 13:214, 13:218, 13:402
  • study of, 7:715, 14:269, 15:239
  • writings in, 8:5, 9:652

Heckewelder, John

  • and Indians, 9:65–9:66, 9:121, 12:385, 13:89–13:90, 14:132n

Hector, Cape, 1:448

Hederich, Benjamin

  • Graecum Lexicon Manuale (ed. J. A. Ernesti), 9:276, 9:277n, 10:234, 12:153, 12:439, 13:429, 13:429n

Heeren, Arnold Hermann Ludwig

  • Ideen über die Politik, den Verkehr und den Handel der vornehmsten Völker der alten Welt, 9:698

The Heidelberg Catechism, 10:506

Heineccius, Johann Gottlieb

  • Scriptorum de Jure Nautico et Maritimo Fasciculus, 8:387, 8:387–8:388n
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502

Heinrich, A. P. (of Baltimore), 10:296, 10:297n, 10:639, 10:641

Heinrich, Karl Friedrich

  • edits Hesiodi Scutum Herculis cum Grammaticorum Scholiis Graecis (Hesiod), 15:258

Heleborine, 1:436–1:437n

Helen (schooner), 6:163


  • Αἰθιοπικῶν βιβλία δέκα, 11:452

Hellenica (Xenophon), 1:580

Hellings, John See also Delaplaine & Hellings (Philadelphia firm)

  • and book trade, 1:256, 3:50–3:51, 3:589n
  • identified, 3:51n

Helme, James

  • family of, 15:6, 15:139
  • as presidential elector, 15:139, 15:139n

Helme, Nathaniel

  • identified, 15:6n
  • introduced to TJ, 15:5–15:6, 15:139

Helmont, Jan Baptista van

  • physician and chemist, 9:633


  • Lectures on Mechanics, 1:581

Helvétius, Claude Adrien

  • J. Adams on, 7:479, 7:480
  • criticism of, 10:13
  • on equality of mankind, 6:286–6:287
  • letter of on Montesquieu’s Esprit des Lois, 3:6, 3:7n, 3:9, 3:13, 3:17, 3:87, 3:89n, 3:330
  • Œuvres Complettes, 7:414, 7:455n
  • TJ on, 7:414
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502

Hembel, William

  • and T. Cooper’s mineral collection, 14:568, 14:568–14:569
  • identified, 14:569n

Hemings, Betsey (J. W. Eppes’s slave)

  • carries books, 1:321

Hemings, Beverly (TJ’s slave and probable son; b. 1798)

  • as cooper, 15:11
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388

Hemings, Critta (TJ’s slave; b. 1769)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387

Hemings, Elizabeth (Betty) (TJ’s slave)

  • family of, 5:163n

Hemings, Eston (TJ’s slave and probable son; b. 1808)

  • family of, 3:610–3:611n
  • marries Julia Ann Isaacs, 7:321–7:322n
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Hemings, Harriet (TJ’s slave and probable daughter; b. 1801)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387

Hemings, Julia Ann Isaacs

  • as wife of Eston Hemings, 7:321–7:322n

Hemings, Madison (TJ’s slave and probable son; b. 1805)

  • family of, 3:610–3:611n
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Hemings, Nance (TJ’s slave; b. 1761)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:386

Hemings, Robert (former TJ slave)

  • death of, 14:594
  • identified, 2:111n
  • and oysters for TJ, 2:111

Hemings, Sally (TJ’s slave and mother of children probably fathered by him; b. 1773–1835)

  • and cider-making, 12:192n
  • family of, 5:163n
  • identified, 3:610–3:611n
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387
  • and smallpox vaccination, 9:717
  • and TJ, 3:610, 8:7n, 8:312n

hemlock, 6:293

Hemmenway, Moses, 6:501

Hemmings, John (TJ’s slave; b. ca. 1776)

  • and clothing press, 1:xlviii, 1:380 (illus.), 1:397n
  • constructs round table for Poplar Forest, 4:xlv, 4:307, 4:370 (illus.)
  • delivers letters, 15:623n
  • English dictionary for, 10:491–10:492n
  • health of, 10:516–10:517
  • identified, 15:60–15:61n
  • and illness of B. Colbert, 14:566, 14:567n
  • letters from, 15:lii, 15:60–15:61, 15:143, 15:172, 15:209–15:210, 15:257–15:258, 15:264–15:265, 15:346 (illus.)
  • letters to, 15:206, 15:247
  • and S. A. R. Meikleham, 10:516
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387
  • tools of, 3:119, 12:454, 15:281
  • travels to and from Poplar Forest, 10:389, 10:516, 10:570, 12:324, 13:386, 14:476–14:477, 15:lii, 15:206, 15:229, 15:229, 15:230, 15:230n, 15:257–15:258, 15:261, 15:265, 15:282–15:283
  • as woodworker, 10:570n, 11:179, 12:198, 12:227, 12:228, 13:581, 14:636, 14:649n, 15:lii, 15:60, 15:61, 15:143, 15:154, 15:172, 15:174, 15:174, 15:206, 15:208, 15:209–15:210, 15:229, 15:247, 15:257–15:258, 15:264–15:265, 15:281

Hemmings, Peter (TJ’s slave; b. 1770)

  • as cook, 1:162n
  • greetings to, 10:571
  • and Monticello brewery, 6:507n, 8:438–8:439, 8:439n, 8:565, 9:4, 9:4n, 10:340, 10:462, 11:189, 11:189n, 11:216, 11:216n, 15:527, 15:527n
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387

Hemmings, Priscilla (T. M. Randolph’s slave; John Hemmings’s wife), 10:492n, 10:516–10:517, 15:258


  • Bologna, 15:326, 15:341, 15:476
  • brake, 6:442, 6:452, 9:303–9:304, 9:461–9:462, 9:463, 10:32–10:33
  • as cash crop, 2:359, 2:360, 3:348, 5:676, 8:460, 10:532, 10:534, 12:51, 12:78
  • fabric, 6:345, 6:345, 8:185
  • grown at Monticello, 4:428, 9:303
  • grown at Poplar Forest, 4:379, 4:380, 5:489, 6:486, 8:71
  • grown at Tufton, 1:420, 2:371
  • Indian, 4:667–4:668, 5:22
  • preparation of, 10:548n
  • price of, 3:550
  • purchased by TJ, 5:33, 5:35n
  • Russian, 4:427, 15:326
  • spinning of, 1:525, 8:554, 12:538
  • substitute for, 5:560, 11:136
  • weaving, 4:380, 4:440–4:441, 4:637

Hemsterhuis, Tiberius

  • edits Λουκιανός Luciani Samosatensis Opera (Lucian), 15:26
  • edits Λουκιανοῦ Σαμοσατέως Ἅπαντα. Luciani Samosatensis Opera (Lucian), 14:510

Hénault, Charles Jean François

  • Nouvel Abregé Chronologique de l’Histoire de France, 10:235, 10:237n

Henderson, Bennett

  • dam of, 12:598, 14:357, 14:358, 15:215
  • lands of, 1:415–1:416n, 1:439–1:441, 1:454, 1:459–1:463, 1:463, 1:470, 3:92n, 4:386, 5:138–5:141, 5:147–5:148, 5:149–5:150, 5:156–5:157, 5:280, 5:424n, 6:78, 6:196, 6:197, 6:197, 6:473, 6:474, 7:118, 7:352–7:353, 7:672–7:673, 7:675, 10:103, 10:104–10:105, 10:117, 10:471, 10:499–10:500, 10:590–10:591, 10:591, 10:619–10:622, 10:623–10:624, 10:624, 10:624, 11:15, 11:16–11:18, 11:263n, 12:559–12:561, 12:562–12:563, 12:614n
  • legatees of, 4:115n, 7:676, 10:103, 10:104–10:105, 10:117, 11:19–11:20, 11:20–11:42, 11:42, 11:42–11:43n, 15:577
  • mill of, 6:473–6:474, 9:53, 9:443–9:444, 11:521, 11:576–11:577, 11:577n, 11:651, 14:395, 14:396

Henderson, Bennett Hillsborough

  • identified, 3:594–3:595n
  • letter from, 13:46–13:47
  • letter from to C. Peyton, 3:594–3:595
  • and Milton lands, 1:440, 1:454, 1:454, 1:454, 1:454n, 1:459, 1:460, 1:461, 1:462, 3:594–3:595, 3:617–3:618n, 5:421, 5:422, 5:423, 5:424n, 5:427, 5:427, 5:427, 6:472, 10:620, 10:622, 10:623n, 10:624, 10:624n, 11:57, 13:46–13:47

Henderson, Blair Munro

  • and J. Blair’s will, 9:93, 9:94n

Henderson, Charles

  • and Henderson estate, 1:440, 1:454, 1:459, 1:460, 5:141n, 5:274–5:275, 5:275n, 5:280, 5:364, 5:371, 5:422, 5:422, 5:651, 5:651n, 6:196, 6:196, 6:315, 6:472

Henderson, Eliza. See Bullock, Eliza Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; John H. Bullock’s wife)

Henderson, Elizabeth Lewis (Bennett Henderson’s wife)

  • and deposition in Jefferson v. Michie, 7:596–7:597, 7:597, 9:52–9:54, 9:63, 9:443–9:444, 9:444n
  • identified, 7:119n
  • and Jefferson v. Michie, 5:192–5:194, 5:280, 6:196, 6:197, 6:198, 6:198, 6:198, 6:198, 6:199, 6:200, 6:200, 6:472, 6:480, 7:117, 7:118–7:119, 7:119n, 7:597n, 7:597, 7:676–7:678
  • poverty of, 10:622
  • and rights to millrace, 6:201n, 6:201n, 6:201n, 7:117–7:118, 7:676–7:678
  • and sale of Henderson lands, 1:415n, 1:439–1:440, 1:454, 1:459, 1:461, 5:422, 5:422, 5:426, 6:75, 6:78, 6:78, 6:107, 6:315, 6:315, 6:316, 6:367, 6:367n, 6:609–6:610, 6:611n, 7:118n, 7:118–7:119, 7:351–7:352, 7:673, 10:499, 11:57
  • Statement by, 7:118–7:119

Henderson, Frances. See Hornsby, Frances Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; Thomas Walker Hornsby’s wife)

Henderson, Isham, 1:440, 1:454, 1:459, 1:462, 3:594, 5:422, 5:422, 6:315, 6:472

Henderson, James

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Henderson, James (1764–1818)

  • and J. Blair’s will, 9:27–9:28, 9:29n, 9:29n, 9:93–9:94, 9:94n
  • and hawthorn hedges, 10:194–10:195, 10:197
  • identified, 10:197–10:198n
  • letter to, from T. Main, 10:197–10:198

Henderson, James (son of James Henderson [d. 1818])

  • and M. B. Andrews’s will, 9:94n

Henderson, James L.

  • death of, 7:117, 7:186, 7:345, 7:346n
  • deposition of, 7:596–7:597, 7:597n
  • health of, 6:189
  • and Henderson estate, 1:440, 1:459, 1:460, 3:594, 3:617–3:618, 5:141n, 5:192–5:194, 5:275n, 5:280, 5:422, 5:426, 5:651n, 6:51n, 6:76, 6:78, 6:81, 6:128, 6:189, 6:196, 6:196, 6:198, 6:198, 6:198, 6:199, 6:199, 6:200, 6:200, 6:200, 6:201n, 6:201n, 6:315–6:316, 6:316, 6:472, 6:479, 6:479, 6:480, 6:480, 6:609–6:610, 6:610, 6:611n, 6:614, 7:118, 7:118n, 7:118–7:119, 7:186, 7:325, 7:345, 7:346n, 7:351–7:352, 7:673, 7:677, 9:63, 10:499, 10:620, 10:621, 10:622, 10:623n, 10:624n, 11:17–11:18, 11:19, 13:46, 13:47n
  • letters to accounted for, 6:82n, 7:188n

Henderson, Jane Blair (James Henderson’s [d. 1818] wife)

  • and J. Blair’s will, 9:27–9:28, 9:29n, 9:29n, 9:93, 9:94n

Henderson, John

  • Deed of Milton Property to C. Peyton, 7:352, 7:352n, 7:352–7:353, 10:624, 10:624, 11:5, 11:5n, 11:16, 11:19
  • deed to J. Lewis and M. Henderson, 5:192–5:194, 6:197, 6:478, 6:479, 6:572, 6:574n, 7:673
  • and division of father’s estate, 6:196, 7:673–7:674
  • and B. H. Henderson, 3:594
  • identified, 7:353n
  • and Milton mill, 11:521, 11:577n, 11:651, 15:577
  • and Milton warehouses, 4:114, 4:114–4:115n, 15:577, 15:577, 15:578n, 15:596–15:597
  • and Peyton v. Henderson, 1:415–1:416n, 4:401–4:402, 5:138–5:141, 5:149–5:150, 5:224, 6:153, 6:197, 6:200, 6:472–6:473, 6:475
  • receipt to C. Peyton for Milton lands, 7:352, 7:352n, 7:352n, 10:624, 10:624
  • and rights to millrace, 7:117–7:118, 7:119n, 7:676–7:678, 9:52–9:53
  • and sales by minor heirs, 6:78, 6:609, 6:610, 10:624, 10:624, 11:17
  • sells Milton properties, 1:440, 1:454, 1:459, 1:460, 5:138–5:141, 5:149–5:150, 5:422, 5:422, 5:423, 5:424n, 6:197–6:198, 10:621
  • TJ makes payment for, 7:708
  • and TJ’s land dispute with D. Michie, 5:149–5:150, 5:260–5:261, 5:280, 6:198, 6:198, 6:198, 6:201n, 6:201n, 6:201n, 6:201n, 6:201n, 6:201n, 6:464–6:465, 6:475, 6:475–6:476, 6:480, 6:480, 6:481–6:482n, 6:572–6:573, 6:573–6:574n, 7:596–7:597, 7:635, 7:675, 7:676–7:678, 9:3, 9:53, 9:63, 9:443, 11:209

Henderson, Lucy. See Wood, Lucy Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; John T. Wood’s wife)

Henderson, Matthew

  • co-security for J. Henderson, 5:139–5:141, 5:192–5:194, 6:197, 6:197, 6:478, 6:572, 6:574n
  • and Henderson estate, 1:440, 7:673
  • and TJ’s land dispute with D. Michie, 5:139–5:141, 5:260–5:261, 7:673

Henderson, Nancy Crawford. See Nelson, Nancy Crawford Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; Matthew Nelson’s wife)

Henderson, Richard, 10:150

Henderson, Richard (17351785)

  • as boundary commissioner, 15:622n

Henderson, Sarah. See Kerr, Sarah Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; John B. Kerr’s wife)

Henderson, Thomas

  • offers medical instruction, 7:121

Henderson, Thomas Hamilton

  • and J. Blair’s will, 9:27–9:28, 9:29n, 9:93, 9:94n

Henderson, William, 1:459, 1:461

Henderson case See also Michie, David

  • and J. Brand, 8:528–8:529
  • chancery case of 1795, 11:72, 11:93n
  • claims by minor heirs, 6:50–6:51, 6:51n, 6:75–6:76, 6:78–6:79, 6:107, 6:315–6:316, 6:367, 6:460, 6:608–6:610, 7:117–7:118, 7:118n, 7:118–7:119, 7:119n, 9:443–9:444, 10:471, 10:499–10:500, 10:590–10:591, 10:591, 10:619–10:622, 10:623–10:624, 10:624, 10:624, 11:5, 11:15, 11:16–11:18, 11:19–11:20, 11:42, 11:56–11:57, 11:58, 11:263, 13:46–13:47
  • deeds related to, 5:274–5:275, 5:277, 5:364, 5:651, 5:651n, 5:658, 6:5, 6:50–6:51, 6:51n, 6:148, 6:572, 6:572–6:573, 6:574n, 7:352, 7:352–7:353, 7:673–7:674, 10:624, 10:624, 11:5, 11:5n, 13:46, 13:47n
  • Deposition by James Lewis, with Queries Posed by Thomas Jefferson and David Michie, 5:192–5:197, 6:153
  • described, 1:415–1:416n, 11:70
  • Draft Agreement for Sale of Henderson Lands by John T. Wood, 10:102–10:104
  • Draft Conveyance of Henderson Lands by John T. Wood and Lucy Henderson Wood, 10:104–10:105
  • and B. H. Henderson, 3:594–3:595, 13:46–13:47
  • and F. H. Hornsby, 3:617–3:618, 6:50, 6:51n, 6:78, 6:78–6:79, 6:315–6:316, 6:608–6:610, 7:117–7:118, 10:117
  • and Peyton v. Henderson, 4:401–4:402, 5:138–5:141, 5:261, 5:371, 6:153, 6:200, 6:572, 6:609, 7:117, 7:677, 7:677, 7:678n, 8:692–8:693, 8:693n
  • TJ purchases Henderson estate, 1:459–1:463, 6:78, 6:78, 6:476, 10:117, 10:499, 10:619, 10:621, 10:622, 10:623n, 13:46–13:47
  • TJ’s role in, 1:415, 1:439–1:441, 1:453–1:454, 5:147–5:148, 5:149–5:150, 5:156–5:157, 5:158, 5:179, 5:180, 5:224, 7:119n

Henderson, McCaul & Company (Scottish firm) See also Lyle, James

  • B. Skelton’s debt to, 2:433
  • TJ’s debt to, 2:180, 2:216–2:217, 3:280, 3:341, 3:488, 3:538, 3:627–3:628

Henderson’s Creek (Albemarle Co.), 13:92

Hening, Mr.

  • and dispute of C. L. Lewis and C. Peyton, 11:485, 11:485, 11:486, 11:514, 11:515, 11:517, 11:518, 11:520

Hening, William Waller

  • as court clerk, 5:265n, 8:351, 8:351n
  • criticized by A. McRae, 1:615–1:616
  • identified, 1:158–1:159n
  • letters from, 1:158–1:159, 1:333–1:334, 1:369–1:370, 1:403–1:404, 1:472–1:473, 1:488–1:489, 1:619–1:620, 2:30, 8:348–8:349, 8:399–8:400, 8:424–8:425, 10:404
  • letters to, 1:570, 2:50, 2:50, 8:329–8:330, 8:379, 8:418–8:419, 8:439–8:440, 10:390, 10:457
  • library of, 8:425
  • and Peyton v. Henderson, 4:402n
  • Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (Hening & Munford), 1:334, 1:370, 1:404
  • The Statutes at Large, 1:158–1:159n, 1:333–1:334, 1:489, 1:619–1:620, 2:30, 2:50, 2:50, 3:168, 3:169n, 5:135, 5:137n, 5:253, 5:254n, 5:278, 6:122, 6:374, 6:412–6:413, 7:190, 7:228, 7:292, 7:292n, 8:175, 8:231, 8:330, 8:348–8:349, 8:379, 8:399–8:400, 8:418–8:419, 8:424–8:425, 8:440n, 8:474, 8:475n, 9:107, 9:237, 9:318, 10:390, 10:404, 10:404n, 10:457
  • and TJ’s collection of Va. laws, 1:158–1:159, 1:334, 1:381, 3:191, 5:509, 5:513n, 7:249, 7:250, 7:292, 8:329–8:330, 8:348–8:349, 8:379, 8:399–8:400, 8:418–8:419, 8:424–8:425, 8:439–8:440, 8:474, 8:475n, 9:107, 9:237, 9:318, 10:404, 10:457

Henkel, Solomon

  • as beekeeper, 11:503–11:504, 11:504n
  • and A. Bourier, 13:246–13:247
  • identified, 11:504n
  • letter from, 11:503–11:504

Henley, Leonard

  • attests document, 12:135

Henrico County, Va.

  • Chesterfield Co. created from, 7:228, 7:228n
  • sheriff of, 10:388n

Henry (C. L. Bankhead’s slave), 8:395

Henry (TJ’s slave; b. 1805). See Hern, Henry (TJ’s slave; b. 1805)

Henry (TJ’s slave; b. 1812)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 5:460, 5:463n, 6:309, 6:310, 8:62, 8:255

Henry VII, king of England

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:501

Henry II, king of France

  • edicts of, 3:174n

Henry III, king of France, 7:66

Henry IV, king of France

  • biography of, 12:534, 13:342n, 13:359, 13:394, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561
  • medal commemorating statue of, 15:392, 15:393n
  • print of, 11:403
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:501, 4:504, 4:504

Henry, Bernard

  • conveys documents, 15:442

Henry, Dorothea Dandridge (P. Henry’s second wife), 10:365

Henry, John

  • mission of, 4:541, 4:542, 4:547, 4:568, 4:574, 4:627–4:628, 4:674, 5:4, 5:188, 5:282n, 5:305, 5:316–5:317, 5:330, 7:11, 7:530, 8:540, 8:543, 8:545n, 8:566, 8:569–8:570
  • picture of, 8:5

Henry, John V.

  • and P. Henry (of Rockbridge Co.), 14:248
  • identified, 14:248–14:249n
  • letter from, 14:248–14:249

Henry, Patrick (173699)

  • J. Adams on, 6:612, 6:612
  • and bill of attainder against J. Philips, 8:334, 8:335, 8:335, 8:336, 8:338n, 8:620, 10:438
  • cowardice of, 10:421–10:422, 10:423n
  • declines federal appointments, 4:604, 4:605n
  • and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 10:536n
  • as delegate to Continental Congress, 8:620, 8:643–8:644, 10:422, 10:488
  • governor of Va., 3:381n, 3:580n, 4:378, 4:432, 4:578, 4:602, 4:625, 7:495, 7:495, 7:496n, 7:548–7:549, 7:549, 11:399, 11:472, 11:474–11:475n, 14:136
  • and A. Hamilton, 4:604
  • identified, 4:604–4:605n
  • as lawyer, 4:598, 4:603, 7:493–7:494, 10:365–10:366, 10:366n
  • as legislator, 4:598–4:601, 4:602, 7:493, 7:494–7:495, 7:544–7:546, 7:548, 8:620, 8:621, 8:621
  • library of, 10:384
  • military service of, 10:421–10:422, 10:423n
  • opposes U.S. Constitution, 4:604
  • oratorical abilities of, 4:599, 4:599, 4:600, 4:602, 4:603, 7:493–7:495, 7:545–7:546, 7:548, 7:550–7:551n, 8:141, 8:335, 10:384, 10:422, 12:495
  • organizes Va. militia, 14:289
  • and Parsons’ Cause, 7:493, 7:493–7:494, 7:496n, 7:546, 13:138, 13:138n
  • and E. Pendleton (1721–1803), 10:384, 10:421, 10:422, 10:423n, 10:488
  • projected biography for Port Folio, 7:318
  • and proposed dictator for Va., 7:496, 7:549, 8:122, 8:122n, 8:140–8:141, 13:274–13:275, 13:275n
  • as reader of Livy, 10:365, 10:384, 10:384n
  • and Stamp Act, 7:493, 7:494–7:495, 7:544–7:545, 7:546–7:547, 7:549, 7:550–7:551n, 8:621
  • and Stamp Act Resolves, 7:496–7:497, 7:546–7:547, 7:549, 7:550–7:551n, 8:619, 8:620n, 8:642, 10:269
  • TJ’s recollections of, 4:595–4:596, 4:597, 4:598–4:605, 4:616, 7:411, 7:492–7:495, 7:496n, 7:544–7:550, 8:140–8:141, 8:335, 8:620, 8:642, 8:643–8:644, 8:645, 10:365, 10:421–10:422, 14:289
  • and Va. Committee of Correspondence, 9:367, 9:369n
  • and Va. Convention resolutions, 14:524, 14:525n
  • W. Wirt’s book on, 2:155–2:156, 2:314, 7:492–7:496, 7:551, 8:140, 8:619–8:621, 9:219, 9:407, 10:315–10:316, 10:337, 10:346–10:347, 10:347n, 10:365–10:366, 10:384, 10:406, 10:408, 10:419–10:420, 10:421–10:423, 10:423n, 10:431, 10:434, 10:437–10:438, 10:487–10:488, 10:523–10:524, 12:l, 12:44, 12:322, 12:348 (illus.), 12:493, 12:496, 12:496–12:497, 12:517–12:518, 12:531n, 12:549n, 14:288, 14:289
  • and Yazoo land scheme, 4:603, 4:604

Henry, Patrick (of Rockbridge Co.)

  • identified, 11:397–11:398n
  • and lease of Natural Bridge, 12:525
  • letter from, 14:248–14:249
  • letters to, 12:525
  • rents land adjoining Natural Bridge, 14:248
  • and shot manufactory, 12:340, 12:525, 12:526
  • and survey of Natural Bridge, 12:98, 12:310, 12:394, 12:525
  • as tenant at Natural Bridge, 11:397, 11:428, 11:589, 11:590n, 11:629, 11:630, 12:38, 12:38n, 12:525, 14:248
  • TJ on, 12:340
  • visits Monticello, 12:310, 12:311n

Henry, Robert, 7:664

Henry, Robert Norris See also Littell & Henry (Philadelphia firm)

  • identified, 15:373–15:374n

Henry, William

  • cowardice of, 10:421

Henry County

  • militia of, 6:265, 7:226–7:227

Henrys, Claude

  • Œuvres, 3:174n

Henschen, Godfrey

  • Acta Sanctorum, 7:220, 8:559, 8:561, 8:562n

Ἡ Παλαιὰ Διαθήκη κατὰ τοὺς Ἑβδομήκοντα. Vetus Testamentum Græcum, 10:233

Hepburn, Alexander

  • letters to, 14:588–14:589, 15:44, 15:607
  • List of Materials for Work at Poplar Forest, 15:109–15:111
  • as millwright, 14:588–14:589, 14:602, 15:44, 15:61, 15:109–15:110, 15:110, 15:110, 15:112–15:114, 15:115, 15:115, 15:115, 15:118, 15:281, 15:311, 15:428, 15:498, 15:591, 15:607, 15:608, 15:608, 15:609, 15:617–15:618
  • repairs machines, 15:61–15:62, 15:110, 15:110, 15:111, 15:112–15:114, 15:115, 15:117, 15:130, 15:230n, 15:230n, 15:591n
  • TJ pays, 15:428, 15:474, 15:552, 15:590, 15:591, 15:591n, 15:607, 15:608
  • TJ’s debt to, 15:229–15:230, 15:248, 15:391, 15:426

Hepburn, David

  • The American Gardener, 4:289n, 6:118, 6:167, 6:214, 6:214, 6:215, 8:388, 8:672, 11:165, 12:438, 12:480, 13:350, 13:351n, 13:408, 13:408n, 13:441, 14:93, 14:215n

Heraclitus (Greek philosopher), 10:398, 11:527, 11:527n

Herard, Claude Victoire. See Leuba, Claude Victoire Herard

Herard, Jean Baptiste

  • finances of, 15:265–15:266

Herbert, Edward

  • The Life and Reign of King Henry the Eighth, 7:629, 7:631n

Herbert, Henry, 2d Earl of Pembroke

  • quoted, 13:488, 13:489n

Herbouville, Charles Joseph Fortuné, marquis d’, 8:558, 8:561, 8:562n


  • basil, sweet, 15:429
  • marjoram, pot, 15:429
  • marjoram, sweet, 15:429
  • savory, summer, 15:429
  • savory, winter, 15:429
  • thyme, 15:429

Hercules (TJ’s slave; b. 1794)

  • accused of murder, 14:494, 14:596
  • hat for, 7:124
  • laborer, 4:379, 14:443
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:386, 5:462, 6:308, 8:61, 8:255
  • as runaway, 6:331

Hercules (mythological character), 10:459

Heredia, José de

  • secretary to L. de Onís, 9:478

Heriot, Thomas, 5:440, 5:561

Hermes: or, a Philosophical Inquiry Concerning Language and Universal Grammar (J. Harris), 15:337, 15:337, 15:338n

Hermes Trismegistus (mythological deity), 13:267n, 13:268n


  • and cosmology, 13:257–13:266, 13:266–13:267n

Hermitage (wine)

  • described, 9:209, 9:209–9:210, 9:212n, 11:246
  • sent to TJ, 9:470, 9:569, 10:68, 10:109, 11:531
  • tariff on, 9:513
  • TJ orders, 8:570–8:571, 8:571, 8:572, 9:323, 9:421, 9:421
  • TJ recommends, 11:405, 12:30, 13:243, 13:302

Hern, Aggy (TJ’s slave; b. 1789)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387, 8:62n

Hern, Celia (Calia) (TJ’s slave; b. 1806)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Hern, David (Davy) (TJ’s slave; b. 1755)

  • family of, 1:464n
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:386

Hern, David (Davy) (TJ’s slave; b. 1784)

  • boatman, 12:192
  • identified, 1:464n
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387
  • wagoner, 1:464n, 1:467, 1:467, 1:480, 1:481, 1:486, 5:145, 5:148, 5:177, 5:177, 5:181, 6:167

Hern, David (Davy) (TJ’s slave; b. 1803)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Hern, Ellen (TJ’s slave; b. 1809)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Hern, Fanny Gillette (TJ’s slave; b. 1788; wife of David Hern [b. 1784])

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387, 8:62n
  • and smallpox vaccination, 9:717
  • trained as chef, 1:162, 1:188, 1:189n

Hern, Henry (TJ’s slave; b. 1805)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717
  • travels to and from Poplar Forest, 14:555, 14:633, 14:635–14:636, 15:12, 15:230, 15:247, 15:247, 15:258, 15:265, 15:281

Hern, Indridge (TJ’s slave; b. 1797)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388

Hern, Isabel (TJ’s slave; David Hern’s wife [b. 1758])

  • family of, 1:464n, 6:36
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:386

Hern, James (TJ’s slave; b. 1776)

  • carries letters for TJ, 5:570n, 5:572n, 5:573, 5:622, 5:624n
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387, 4:388

Hern, James (TJ’s slave; b. 1815)

  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Hern, Jenny (TJ’s slave; b. 1811)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 8:62n
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Hern, John (TJ’s slave; b. 1800)

  • as messenger, 11:624, 11:626n, 11:626, 11:628
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387
  • sent to Poplar Forest, 10:517, 10:517–10:518, 10:536, 12:197, 12:198, 12:242
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Hern, Lilburn (TJ’s slave; b. 1809)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Hern, Lilly (TJ’s slave; b. 1791)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387, 8:62n, 12:303
  • and smallpox vaccination, 9:718

Hern, Lovilo (TJ’s slave; b. 1801)

  • clothes for, 8:570, 9:562
  • health of, 9:238, 9:238n, 9:494, 9:505
  • hired out, 2:371
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387

Hern, Mary (TJ’s slave; b. 1780)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387, 8:62n
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Hern, Matilda (TJ’s slave; b. 1811)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 8:62n
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Hern, Milly (TJ’s slave; b. 1807)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Hern, Moses (TJ’s slave; b. 1779)

  • family of, 9:147, 9:148n, 15:147, 15:162, 15:174
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387
  • and smallpox vaccination, 9:717

Hern, Patsy (TJ’s slave; b. 1815)

  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Hern, Randal (TJ’s slave; b. 1802)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387
  • sent to Poplar Forest, 10:517, 10:517–10:518, 10:536
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Hern, Thrimston (Thrimson) (TJ’s slave; b. ca. 1799)

  • as carpenter, 12:227
  • clothes for, 8:570
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387, 4:388

Hern, Thruston (TJ’s slave; b. 1795)

  • escapes slavery, 11:438–11:439, 11:439n, 11:522
  • given to T. J. Randolph, 6:36
  • hired out, 2:371
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388

Hern, Tucker (TJ’s slave; b. 1810)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 8:62n
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Hern, William (TJ’s slave; b. 1801)

  • escape of, 15:147, 15:158, 15:162, 15:174, 15:391, 15:427
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717
  • transports goods, 9:147, 9:148n

Hern, Zacharias (TJ’s slave; b. 1812)

  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

hernia, 3:180–3:181, 8:690, 9:114, 9:115


  • Ἡρωδιανοῦ Ἱστοριῶν βιβλία ηʹ. Herodiani Historiarum Libri 8, 10:233, 14:510

Ἡρωδιανοῦ Ἱστοριῶν βιβλία ηʹ. Herodiani Historiarum Libri 8 (Herodian), 10:233, 14:510

Herodoti Musae sive Historiarum Libri IX (Herodotus; ed. J. Schweighaeuser), 9:195, 9:455, 10:213, 11:414–11:415, 11:632, 12:203, 12:583, 13:295, 14:510

Ἡροδότου Ἁλικαρνησσῆος Ἱστοριῶν (Herodotus; eds. G. H. Schaefer and F. W. Reiz), 11:414–11:415


  • W. Beloe’s translation of, 8:22, 8:23n, 8:671, 8:672n
  • cited in batture case, 3:132–3:133, 3:226
  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:447, 7:662
  • Herodoti Musae sive Historiarum Libri IX (ed. J. Schweighaeuser), 9:195, 9:455, 10:213, 11:414–11:415, 11:632, 12:203, 12:583, 13:295, 14:510
  • Ἡροδότου Ἁλικαρνησσῆος Ἱστοριῶν (eds. G. H. Schaefer and F. W. Reiz), 11:414–11:415
  • Littlebury translation, 1:580
  • mentioned, 6:403
  • Oxford edition of, 9:195, 9:455, 10:213
  • TJ quotes, 4:604, 4:605n

Herodotus, Translated From The Greek, With Notes (Herodotus; trans. W. Beloe), 11:268

Heroine (ship), 11:170, 11:302

Heron, Sinton & Company (Richmond firm)

  • and W. C. Nicholas’s debts, 14:587–14:588n, 14:617, 14:639

Herrera, Simón de

  • and Louisiana Territory, 9:658

Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de

  • quoted, 10:399

Herrick, Ebenezer

  • and Domestic Spinner (spinning machine), 4:417–4:418, 4:425, 4:425–4:426, 4:514, 4:544, 4:545n, 4:571–4:572, 4:589, 4:591, 4:637, 5:131–5:132, 5:142–5:143, 5:175, 5:201, 5:202, 5:211, 5:220
  • identified, 4:514n
  • letters from, 4:571–4:572, 5:142–5:143
  • letters to, 4:514, 4:591, 5:131–5:132, 5:202
  • roving and spinning machine of, 5:208


  • sent to TJ, 1:176, 5:164, 6:336, 6:337
  • TJ orders, 1:77, 1:115, 1:369, 2:109, 2:422–2:423, 2:430, 2:502, 2:503, 5:155, 7:448, 7:448, 7:448, 8:536, 11:336–11:337, 13:99, 13:99, 14:321, 15:591–15:592
  • works on, 5:602, 5:604n, 5:604–5:605

Herring, Henry

  • identified, 14:537–14:538n
  • letter from, 14:537–14:538
  • as wheat-fan manufacturer, 14:537, 14:538–14:540

Herron, James

  • Catholic trustee in Norfolk, 15:317n

Herron, John

  • as overseer at University of Virginia, 15:98, 15:100, 15:101

Herschel, William

  • British astronomer, 5:137n, 14:237n, 15:583n

Hersey, Ezekiel

  • J. Adams on, 6:501–6:502, 6:503, 6:504

Hertford, Isabella Anne Ingram Conway, 2d marchioness of, 5:156, 5:156n

Herttell, Thomas

  • Expose of the Causes of Intemperate Drinking and the Means by which It May be Obviated, 15:203, 15:203n, 15:233
  • identified, 15:203n
  • letter from, 15:203
  • letter to, 15:233

Herty, Thomas

  • A Digest of the Laws of the United States of America, 11:120n, 11:147n

Hervey, James

  • The whole works of the late Rev. James Hervey, 2:322n

Hesiod (Greek poet)

  • Hesiodi Ascraei Quae Exstant (ed. C. F. Loesner), 9:196, 9:455, 9:697, 10:212
  • Hesiodi Scutum Herculis cum Grammaticorum Scholiis Graecis (ed. K. F. Heinrich), 15:258
  • quoted, 7:23, 7:27n
  • quote misattributed to, 7:23, 7:27n

Hesiodi Ascraei Quae Exstant (Hesiod; ed. C. F. Loesner), 9:196, 9:455, 9:697, 10:212

Hesiodi Scutum Herculis cum Grammaticorum Scholiis Graecis (Hesiod; ed. K. F. Heinrich), 15:258

Hessian fly, 2:496, 3:607, 3:630, 3:634, 3:639, 3:644, 4:32, 4:532, 6:119, 6:156, 6:210, 6:290, 6:331, 7:360, 10:309, 11:345, 11:366, 11:385, 11:475, 11:482–11:483, 11:536, 11:537n, 11:588, 11:644, 12:476, 12:483, 12:556, 12:556, 12:613, 13:25, 13:77, 14:249, 14:460

Heston, Jacob Franklin

  • dedicates book to TJ, 4:43–4:47, 4:466
  • identified, 4:47n
  • letters from, 4:43–4:47
  • letters to, 4:466
  • Moral & Political Truth; or Reflections Suggested by reading History and Biography, 4:43–4:47, 4:466

Heth, John, 1:615, 1:616

Heth, William

  • and Revolutionary War claimants, 4:267, 4:267n

Heusinger, Johann Michael

  • edits Iuliani Imp. Caesares (Julian), 12:583

Hewat, Alexander

  • An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia, 1:581

Hewes, Joseph

  • as member of Continental Congress, 14:447–14:448, 14:449–14:450, 14:524

Hewes, Nimrod. See Hughes, Nimrod

Hewes Crab apple, 7:381, 7:382, 7:382n, 7:444, 7:445n

Hewson, Thomas Tickell

  • acknowledges gifts to American Philosophical Society, 1:608–1:609, 2:536, 2:536–2:537n
  • and American Philosophical Society elections, 2:128, 2:170, 3:284–3:285, 3:312, 4:411–4:412, 4:462
  • identified, 1:609n
  • letters from, 1:608–1:609, 2:128, 3:284–3:285, 4:411–4:412
  • letters to, 2:170, 3:312, 4:462

Hexaplorum Origenis (Origen; ed. K. F. Bahrdt), 12:582, 13:295

Heylen, Adrian, 8:558, 8:560–8:561

Heyne, Christian Gottlob

  • and authenticity of works of Homer, 9:86–9:87, 9:88n
  • classical scholar, 9:84, 9:698
  • edits Albius Tibullus, 9:196
  • edits Διόδωρος. Bibliothecae Historicae Libri qui Supersunt (Diodorus Siculus), 10:233, 10:236n, 14:510
  • edits Pindari Carmina (Pindar), 9:196, 9:197n
  • edits The Iliad (Homer), 9:196, 9:455, 10:212, 10:531, 11:205, 11:296, 11:414, 11:414, 11:414, 11:537, 12:439, 14:510
  • edits Virgil, 9:196, 9:455, 10:212, 10:212, 10:531, 11:205, 11:296, 11:414, 11:414, 14:511

Heyward, Thomas

  • signer of Declaration of Independence, 13:332

Hibbert, Thomas, 2:477, 3:29

Hichborn (Hitchbourne), Benjamin, 6:283

Hickes, George

  • J. Adams on, 11:268
  • Institutiones Grammaticæ Anglo-Saxonicæ, 10:358

Hickey, D. (plasterer)

  • delivers letter, 14:142n, 14:161n
  • recommendations of, 14:160–14:161

Hickman, Mr. (of Albemarle Co.)

  • and cedar trees, 11:566

hickory nuts

  • Gloucester-nut, 1:657, 3:544, 4:524
  • requested from TJ, 9:348n
  • P. Tabb’s, 1:111n, 1:252

Hicks, Mr., 2:223

Hicks, Robert D., trans.

  • Lives of Eminent Philosophers (Diogenes Laertius), 7:24, 7:221n

Hierobotanicon (O. Celsius), 7:715, 7:716n

Hierocles (Greek author of witticisms)

  • A. Coray edition of, 9:195, 9:455, 11:251
  • Ἱεροκλέους Φιλοσόφου Ἀστεῖα. Facéties. D’Hiéroclès Le Philosophe (ed. A. Coray), 9:88n
  • stories attributed to, 9:85, 9:88n

Hierozoicon (S. Bochart), 7:715, 7:716n

Hiester, Joseph

  • as Pa. gubernatorial candidate, 11:597–11:598n, 11:599n, 11:647, 12:47, 13:149, 13:150n

Higginbotham, David

  • and Belmont appraisal, 3:169, 3:170–3:171, 3:172, 3:426n
  • carries letter, 6:552
  • cider for, 15:297
  • and clover seed for TJ, 4:548
  • crops of, 11:385, 12:242, 14:478, 14:487
  • forwards books to TJ, 5:447, 5:455, 5:493
  • and Highland–Indian Camp boundary dispute, 7:136, 7:157, 7:159, 7:168, 7:169n, 7:197–7:198, 7:271, 8:568, 9:289–9:290, 9:319, 9:357, 9:519, 9:520
  • identified, 4:154n
  • invited to dine with TJ, 8:95
  • letters from, 11:142, 11:245, 11:366, 14:478
  • letters from accounted for, 1:139n, 2:422n, 3:513n, 4:11n, 4:154–4:155n, 4:288n, 4:548n, 4:582n, 5:76n, 5:314n, 5:444n, 5:448n, 5:493n, 6:366n, 6:545n, 7:272n, 8:95n, 9:290n, 9:519n, 10:255n, 11:470n
  • letters to, 4:154–4:155, 5:75–5:76, 5:443–5:444, 6:365–6:366, 8:95, 9:289–9:290, 9:519, 11:197–11:198, 11:385, 12:301, 14:487
  • letters to accounted for, 1:139n, 2:113n, 3:513n, 4:11n, 4:24n, 4:155n, 4:288n, 4:557n, 4:581–4:582n, 5:314n, 5:448n, 9:290n
  • loans money to TJ, 8:95, 8:95n
  • mentioned, 3:119–3:120, 3:465, 5:51, 12:272
  • as merchant, 2:112, 2:392, 2:421, 3:183, 3:394, 3:512–3:513, 3:551, 4:581, 5:222, 5:425, 6:122, 11:142, 14:213
  • and paint for TJ, 11:142, 11:197–11:198
  • and payments made for TJ, 8:48
  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
  • presents bill to TJ, 9:449
  • purchases Richmond lot from TJ, 4:xliv, 4:154, 4:287–4:288, 5:75–5:76, 5:76n, 5:362–5:363, 6:304, 6:365–6:366, 6:371, 12:279
  • and T. M. Randolph’s will, 6:20n
  • and repair of TJ’s watch, 6:552
  • Rivanna River Company commissioner, 3:254n
  • seeks consulship at Lisbon, 5:313, 5:313–5:314, 5:314n, 5:319
  • and W. Short’s land, 5:399–5:402, 5:443–5:444, 5:446, 5:506, 5:622–5:623, 5:623–5:624n, 5:624–5:625, 6:86, 6:87–6:88n, 6:204, 6:274, 6:604, 7:136, 7:157, 7:157n, 7:159, 7:166, 7:168, 7:169n, 7:212–7:213, 7:271, 7:510, 7:591, 8:568, 8:568n, 8:688, 8:689n, 9:319, 9:320, 9:357, 9:519, 9:520, 9:693, 10:21, 10:253, 10:464, 10:465n, 10:529, 11:245, 11:457, 11:500–11:501, 12:102–12:103, 12:301
  • TJ orders groceries from, 4:210, 4:211
  • TJ orders salt from, 8:95, 8:95n
  • TJ pays, 4:10, 4:24, 4:52+, 4:233, 4:557, 6:306, 6:321, 6:544, 7:72, 7:72n, 7:155, 12:613, 12:633
  • TJ’s account with, 4:557–4:558n, 6:343–6:349, 7:180–7:181, 8:95n, 10:159n, 14:317, 14:472, 14:478, 14:487, 15:426
  • TJ’s debt to, 1:137, 1:138–1:139, 1:353, 1:364, 1:407, 1:421, 11:385, 12:613, 12:645
  • and TJ’s mill, 11:576–11:577
  • and TJ’s Westham lots, 11:366, 11:385
  • and wine from S. Cathalan, 11:584, 12:566–12:567, 14:328–14:329

Higginbotham, John, 14:368

Higginbotham, Mary Elmslie Garrigues (David Higginbotham’s wife), 3:635, 5:362–5:363, 8:95, 9:290

Higgins, Eugene

  • Catholic trustee in Norfolk, 15:317n

Highland (J. Monroe’s Albemarle Co. estate)

  • boundary dispute, 6:522–6:523, 6:524, 6:524, 6:575, 6:604, 6:604–6:605, 6:636, 7:70–7:71, 7:136, 7:157, 7:159, 7:168, 7:169n, 7:197–7:198, 7:271, 7:405, 7:487, 7:510, 7:591–7:592, 7:594–7:595, 7:655, 8:50–8:51, 8:107, 8:129, 8:332, 8:382, 8:428–8:429, 8:556, 8:567–8:568, 8:588, 8:598, 8:687–8:688, 9:289–9:290, 9:319, 9:357, 9:362, 9:388, 9:488, 9:519, 9:519, 9:519–9:520, 9:648, 9:649n, 9:661, 9:662
  • family dispute over, 5:310n
  • B. Galloway proposes to visit, 7:272, 8:419, 8:433
  • G. Hays plan to visit, 1:93n
  • J. Monroe at, 2:408+, 4:123, 4:123n, 4:133, 8:537, 10:363, 12:22, 12:60, 12:93, 12:104, 12:373, 13:225, 13:226n, 14:593–14:594, 14:619
  • J. Monroe plans to visit, 6:575, 7:272, 7:308, 7:351, 8:382, 8:419, 8:428–8:429, 8:433, 8:556, 8:588, 8:588–8:589, 9:710, 11:258, 11:439–11:440, 11:569, 13:150, 13:151, 13:339, 15:568
  • naming of, 13:276
  • sale of, 6:523n, 6:523n, 7:487, 7:510, 8:53n
  • TJ visits, 2:42, 2:44, 13:299
  • visitors to, 10:400, 14:593

High Mountain. See Montalto (part of TJ’s Monticello estate)

Hilan (schooner), 10:494, 10:494n

Hill, Aaron

  • identified, 2:412n
  • letters from, 2:411–2:412
  • sends pamphlet to TJ, 2:411, 2:412n

Hill, Charles

  • as Va. legislator, 12:414n, 12:489, 12:489n

Hill, Henry, 1:26

Hill, John

  • militia service of, 7:160

Hill, Mark Langdon

  • biography of J. Langdon proposed by, 15:546–15:547
  • identified, 15:497n
  • letters from, 15:496–15:498, 15:546–15:547
  • letter to, 15:510–15:511
  • and Missouri question, 15:497, 15:497–15:498n, 15:511, 15:530, 15:533
  • and TJ’s correspondence, 15:496, 15:497, 15:510–15:511, 15:511n, 15:547n

Hill, Rowland, Lord

  • British general, 8:53, 8:53n

Hill, Thomas

  • as Va. legislator, 12:457

Hill, William (1618–1667)

  • edits Διονυσίου Οἰκουμένης Περιήγησις, μετὰ τῶν Εὐσταθίου Ὑπομνημάτων. Dionysii Orbis Descriptio (Dionysius Periegetes), 10:234, 10:237n

Hill, William, Rev.

  • and Theological Seminary of Virginia, 9:379n

Hillard, Isaac

  • identified, 3:75n
  • letters from, 3:74–3:75
  • letters to, 3:156
  • A Retaliation: Containing some Strictures on Doctor Parish’s Infamous Sermon, 3:74–3:75, 3:156

Hillet, John

  • letters from accounted for, 2:683

Hillhouse, James

  • opposes Embargo, 3:639, 3:639n
  • Propositions for Amending the Constitution of the United States, 5:12–5:13, 5:13–5:14n
  • as U.S. senator, 2:70

Hilliard (C. L. Bankhead’s slave), 8:395

Hinckley, Capt., 1:124


  • books on, 7:218–7:219, 7:220, 7:221, 7:221n
  • deities of, 7:77
  • sacred texts of, 7:76–7:77, 7:77, 7:78n, 7:218, 7:219, 7:221n

Hiort, Henry

  • identified, 1:196n
  • letters from, 1:195–1:196
  • and C. Morneveck’s stucco, 1:195–1:196

Hippocrates (Greek physician)

  • medical theories of, 8:669, 13:197, 13:217
  • TJ on, 14:630
  • Τὸ Περὶ Ἀέρων, Ὑδάτων, Τόπων (ed. A. Coray), 11:251, 11:251n
  • Traduction des œuvres médicales d’Hippocrate, sur le texte grec, d’après l’édition de Foës (ed. D. J. Tournon; trans. J. B. Gardeil), 11:152, 11:193, 11:297, 11:395
  • works of, 11:127, 13:525

Hirzel, Hans Caspar

  • The Rural Socrates, 8:388, 8:678, 8:679n, 11:165

Histoire Abrégée des Insectes (É. L. Geoffroy), 14:168

Histoire Critique de l’Inquisition d’Espagne (J. A. Llorente), 13:562

Histoire d’Angleterre (P. de Rapin Thoyras), 1:580, 8:235

Histoire de Constantinople Depuis le régne de l’Ancien Justin (trans. L. Cousin), 12:112

Histoire de France (F. E. Toulongeon), 3:340, 3:340n, 5:436, 6:45–6:46, 6:342–6:343n, 7:90, 7:90, 7:349–7:350, 8:291, 8:309, 8:359, 8:359n, 8:656, 10:235, 10:237n, 13:616

Histoire de France, pendant Le Dix-Huitième Siècle (J. C. D. Lacretelle), 15:26

Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane (A. R. Le Sage), 4:163n, 7:665, 9:598, 9:600n, 10:573, 12:534, 14:258

Histoire de la fièvre jaune qui fut observée parmi les troupes françaises, en Espagne, en 1812 (J. C. A. Peysson), 10:147n

Histoire de la jurisprudence romaine (A. Terasson), 5:276, 5:277n

Histoire de l’Ambassade dans le Grand Duché de Varsovie en 1812 (D. D. de Pradt), 12:90, 12:92n

Histoire de l’Anarchie de Pologne, et du Démembrement de Cette République (Rulhière), 1:35, 3:516, 3:517n, 3:517n

Histoire de la Virginie (R. Beverley), 5:509, 8:388

Histoire de l’empire de Russie sous Pierre le Grand (Voltaire), 1:580

Histoire des Animaux d’Aristote, Avec la Traduction Françoise (Aristotle; trans. A. G. Camus), 8:656, 8:659n, 10:233

Histoire des arbres forestiers de l’Amerique septentrionale (F. A. Michaux), 2:680, 2:681n, 3:320–3:321, 3:322n, 3:561–3:562, 5:7, 5:8n, 5:83, 7:52, 7:53n, 8:194, 8:248, 8:248n, 8:363, 8:363n

Histoire des Causes Premières (C. Batteux), 6:439, 7:75, 7:148, 12:112

Histoire des Celtes, et particulierement des Gaulois et des Germains (S. Pelloutier), 14:185

Histoire des Chênes de l’Amerique (A. Michaux), 6:421

Histoire des Croisades pour la delivrance de la Terre Sainte (L. Maimbourg), 11:274n

Histoire des Croisades (J. F. Michaud), 7:664, 7:666n

Histoire Des Douze Césars de Suétone, … Avec des Mêlanges Philosophiques & des Notes (Suetonius; trans. J. B. C. Delisle de Sales [writing as “Henri Ophellot de La Pause”]), 13:342, 13:358, 13:359n, 13:394, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561

Histoire des Guerres Civiles de la République Romaine (Appian; trans. J. I. Combes-Dounous), 13:342, 13:359, 13:359n, 13:394, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561

Histoire des Mathématiques (J. E. Montucla and J. Lalande), 6:381, 7:250, 7:626, 10:235, 12:344

Histoire des Républiques Italiennes du moyen âge (Sismondi), 10:234, 11:308, 11:308n, 11:313, 11:409, 15:258

Histoire du Roy Henry Le Grand (H. de Péréfixe), 12:534, 13:342n, 13:359, 13:394, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561

Histoire Generale de la Naissance & des progrès de la Compagnie de Jesus, 10:508

Histoire Naturelle de l’Homme (Lacépède), 1:250n

Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux (Buffon), 1:581

Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertèbres (Lamarck), 12:33, 14:168

Histoire Naturelle Du Genre Humain (J. J. Virey), 7:458, 7:458n, 8:481–8:482, 8:482n

Histoire Naturelle Économique et Politique des Poissons Utiles (Noël de la Morinière), 5:601, 5:603–5:604n, 12:455

Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière (G. L. L. Buffon), 6:225n, 7:626, 12:361n, 12:534, 12:590, 14:232, 14:387

Histoire Naturelle, Generale et Particuliere (G. L. L. Buffon; ed. C. N. S. Sonnini de Manoncourt), 14:387, 14:388n, 14:451

Histoire Philosophique et Politique (G. T. F. Raynal), 3:175n, 7:664, 10:646, 13:40, 13:464–13:465, 13:465n

Histoire Romaine (J. Xiphilinus, J. Zonaras, and Zosimus; trans. L. Cousin), 12:112, 13:476

Histoire Romaine de Tite-Live (Livy; ed. J. Freinsheim; trans. J. B. Dureau de la Malle), 11:632, 12:112, 12:203, 12:576, 14:510

Historia Alexandri Magni Regis (Q. Curtius Rufus; trans. Digby), 1:580

Historia Animalium (Aristotle), 10:208, 10:209n

Historia Critica Philosophiæ (J. J. Brucker), 6:548, 6:548, 6:551n, 7:148

Historia de España, 13:369, 14:166, 15:340

Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, poblacion, y progresos de la America Septentrional, conocida por el nombre de Nueva España (A. de Solís y Rivadeneira), 11:179, 11:193, 11:395

Historia del Nuevo-Mundo (Muñoz), 7:562–7:564, 7:611–7:612, 7:612, 7:613

Historia de Nueva-España (H. Cortés), 1:390, 1:396n, 8:236, 8:237n

La Historia d’Italia (F. Guicciardini), 12:372, 12:389, 12:514

Historiae Academiae Pisanae (A. Fabroni), 13:377, 13:377n

Historiæ Anglicanæ Scriptores X (R. Twysden), 7:127

Historiæ Byzantinæ Scriptores Tres Graeco-Latini (G. Akropolites, L. Chalcocondylas, and N. Gregoras), 11:452

Historia et Concordia Evangelica (A. Arnauld), 10:233

Historiarum Libri Aliquot, qui extant, opera & studio Vincentii Obsopoei in lucem editi (Diodorus Siculus), 1:580

An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia (A. Hewat), 1:581

Historical Law-Tracts (H. H. Kames), 3:546

Historical Letters; originally written for and published in the Virginia Argus (J. B. Colvin), 6:32, 6:32n, 6:58, 6:58–6:59

Historical Memoir of the War in West Florida and Louisiana in 1814–15 (Latour), 9:129n

An Historical Narrative and Topographical Description of Louisiana, and West-Florida (T. Hutchins), 10:626

Historical Register of the United States (T. H. Palmer), 6:77n, 6:124, 8:260

An Historical Review of the State of Ireland (F. Plowden), 1:580

The Historie of Edvvard the Fourth, King of England (W. Habington), 7:629, 7:631n

The Historie of the Reigne of King Henry The Seventh (F. Bacon), 7:629, 7:631n

Historiettes Nouvelles (J. Manesca and V. Value), 9:97, 9:97n, 9:129


  • of American Revolution, 1:288–1:289, 1:334, 1:634n, 6:231n
  • of Great Britain, 13:410–13:412, 15:375–15:376
  • of U.S., 2:145–2:146, 2:347–2:348, 2:505–2:506, 7:139–7:140, 7:140n, 7:190, 7:232, 7:256, 7:256, 7:317–7:318
  • of Va., 1:619, 4:467, 7:140, 7:190, 7:492–7:496, 7:544–7:550, 9:137, 9:138n
  • of Va. statutes, 1:334, 1:381–1:384, 1:489, 2:30, 2:50, 3:190–3:191, 3:569–3:570, 5:136, 5:137n

history See also books: on history

  • applicants to teach at University of Virginia, 13:419, 13:419
  • bound pamphlets on, 8:630, 12:9, 13:455, 13:456
  • classifications of, 6:409
  • collegiate education in, 7:480, 7:480, 7:638, 7:638, 7:640, 7:641, 7:664, 7:667, 7:686, 7:686–7:687, 12:3, 12:76, 12:123, 12:204, 13:195, 13:214, 13:403
  • naval, 6:146, 6:167, 6:206–6:207, 6:289, 7:139, 7:155, 7:190, 7:198–7:199, 7:199n
  • of New England, 5:386–5:390, 5:390n, 5:508–5:513, 5:513n, 5:583–5:584, 5:585n
  • of New York, 6:352
  • R. Peters on, 11:483–11:484
  • study of, 14:258
  • TJ asked to write, 6:375, 11:346
  • TJ donates historical manuscripts, 7:520, 7:595–7:596, 8:207, 9:383–9:384, 9:453
  • TJ on, 2:50, 2:505–2:506, 2:529, 6:52–6:53, 8:143, 8:203, 8:252, 10:523, 13:571
  • TJ on study of, 4:162, 4:162, 6:58, 8:341
  • TJ orders books on, 2:264, 3:122–3:123, 3:635–3:636, 8:581, 8:581, 8:582n
  • TJ recommends books on, 1:508, 1:580–1:581, 3:5–3:6, 3:7n, 7:629
  • works of proposed, 11:460–11:461, 11:461n
  • works on, bound for TJ, 1:36, 1:36

The History and Fall of Caius Marius (T. Otway), 4:479, 4:480n

The History and Proceedings of the House of Commons (R. Chandler), 7:373

History of America (W. Robertson), 1:521, 1:521n, 1:581, 1:620n, 6:326, 7:629, 7:664, 12:534

The History of Ancient Greece, its Colonies, And Conquests (J. Gillies), 11:26, 11:110, 12:439, 12:534

The History of Charles XII (Voltaire), 1:580, 7:664

An History of Early Opinions Concerning Jesus Christ (J. Priestley), 6:302, 6:440, 7:627, 8:682

The History of England from the Accession of James I. to that of the Brunswick Line (C. Macaulay), 1:580, 3:635–3:636, 4:22n, 7:629

The History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688 (D. Hume), 3:5, 3:7n, 3:7n, 3:86, 6:551, 6:552n, 7:249, 7:527–7:528, 7:532n, 8:235, 8:581, 10:164n, 10:552–10:553, 10:553n, 10:588–10:589, 13:24, 13:24n, 13:410–13:412, 13:585, 14:185, 15:376

History of Great Britain (W. Belsham), 1:580, 3:122–3:123

The History of Greece (W. Mitford), 2:264, 2:264n, 3:122, 3:635–3:636, 4:22n, 7:662

The History of Herodotus (trans. W. Beloe), 8:22, 8:23n, 8:671, 8:672n

The History of Hindostan, Translated from the Persian (A. Dow), 7:664

The History of Land Titles in Massachusetts (J. Sullivan), 3:125

The History of Modern Europe (C. Coote), 3:296–3:297, 8:152

History of Modern Europe (W. Russell), 1:580, 7:629, 12:534

History of New-England (D. Neal), 5:387, 5:390n

The History of New-Hampshire (J. Belknap), 1:581

A History of New York (W. Irving), 3:625, 5:397n

The History of North Carolina (H. Williamson), 9:178, 9:179n, 14:450, 14:524

The History of Pennsylvania in North America (R. Proud), 1:581

The History of Persia (J. Malcolm), 10:509, 11:363

The History of Philosophy (W. Enfield), 1:576, 6:439, 6:548, 6:548–6:549, 6:549, 6:551n, 7:148, 7:627, 9:60, 10:580, 10:642–10:643, 11:30, 11:31, 11:283

The History of Philosophy (T. Stanley), 1:580, 15:166n

The History of Printing in America (I. Thomas), 1:333, 1:334n

The History of Scotland (W. Robertson), 1:580, 7:629, 7:664, 12:439, 12:534

The History of the American Indian (J. Adair)

  • J. Adams on, 5:182
  • TJ on, 5:122–5:124, 5:125n

A History of the American Revolution (P. Allen), 6:231, 6:231n, 6:373

History of the American Revolution (D. Ramsay), 1:581, 6:258, 7:512, 7:629

The History of the Ancient Borough of Pontefract (B. Boothroyd), 7:389

The History of the British Plantations in America … Part I. Containing the History of Virginia (W. Keith), 5:509

The History of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay (T. Hutchinson), 1:581, 5:387, 5:390n, 5:508–5:509

The History of the Colony of Nova Caesaria, or New-Jersey (S. Smith), 1:581

The History of the Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients (P. D. Huet), 10:486

History of the Corruptions of Christianity (J. Priestley), 1:581, 6:302, 6:440, 7:627

The History of the Crusade; or, the Expeditions of the Christian Princes for the Conquest of the Holy Land (L. Maimbourg; trans. J. Nalson), 11:274, 11:274n, 11:447

The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (E. Gibbon), 1:580, 3:546, 7:629, 7:662, 12:534

“The History of the Dividing Line” (W. Byrd [16741744])

  • manuscript of, 9:178, 9:179n, 9:384, 9:453, 10:470n, 11:21, 11:22, 11:125–11:126, 11:127n, 11:206, 11:426, 11:477, 11:487, 11:524, 11:524n, 12:168–12:169, 12:236, 12:256–12:257, 12:294, 12:331, 12:371, 12:371–12:372, 12:390–12:392, 12:486, 12:504–12:505

A History of the Early Part of the Reign of James the Second (C. J. Fox), 1:36, 1:37, 1:580, 7:629

A History of the English Law (J. Reeves), 7:127

History of the Expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clark (N. Biddle), 6:417, 7:63–7:64, 7:64n, 7:289, 7:289n, 7:290, 7:517–7:518, 7:555, 7:555n, 7:556, 9:704, 9:705, 9:706–9:707n, 10:60, 10:257, 10:257n, 10:377, 10:444, 10:445, 12:171, 12:188, 12:636, 12:637, 12:638n

The History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia (W. Stith), 5:508–5:509, 10:365

The History of the General Council (C. Caines), 3:522n, 4:157

History of the Insurrection, in the Four Western Counties of Pennsylvania (W. Findley), 1:581

The History of the Insurrections (G. R. Minot), 1:581

A History of the Introduction and Use of Scutellaria Lateriflora, (Scullcap,) as a Remedy for Preventing and Curing Hydrophobia (L. Spalding), 15:281, 15:281n

History of the Jugurthine War (Sallust), 14:257

The History of the Late War between the United States and Great Britain (G. J. Hunt), 9:414n, 9:522, 10:457–10:458, 11:493–11:494, 11:495n

History of the Late War in the Western Country (R. B. McAfee), 11:364, 11:382, 12:9

The History of the Life of Henry the Second, and of the Age in which he lived (G. Lyttelton), 2:51

History of the Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero (C. Middleton), 1:35, 1:580

The History of The Life, Reign, and Death of Edward II (E. Cary), 7:629, 7:631n

“The History of the Linen Manufacture” (S. M. Stephenson), 3:280n, 3:309, 3:309n

The History of the Lives of Abeillard and Heloisa (J. Berington), 7:664

The History of the Peloponnesian War, Translated from the Greek of Thucydides (W. Smith), 1:580

The History of the Province of New-York (W. Smith), 1:581

The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, Begun in the Year 1641 (E. Clarendon), 8:581, 8:582n, 9:109

The History of the Reign of Charles V (W. Robertson), 1:580, 7:629, 7:664, 12:534

The History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain (R. Watson), 7:664

History of the Rise, Progress, and Establishment of the Independence of the United States of America (W. Gordon), 1:581, 6:258, 6:258, 7:629, 7:664

History of the Rise, Progress, and existing Condition of the Western Canals in the State of New-York (E. Watson), 15:573, 15:605

History of the Rise, Progress and Termination of the American Revolution (M. O. Warren), 1:37, 1:581

History of the Wars of the French Revolution (E. Baines), 13:288, 13:288n, 13:304, 13:317, 13:317, 13:616, 14:16, 15:524, 15:525n, 15:606

The History of the Wars which arose out of the French Revolution (A. Stephens), 7:664

The History of the World, from the reign of Alexander to that of Augustus (J. Gillies), 1:539, 1:539n, 7:662, 11:26, 11:110, 12:439, 12:534

A History of Tom Jones, a Foundling (H. Fielding)

  • characters in, 1:174, 1:175n, 8:238, 8:242n

The History of Virginia (J. D. Burk, S. Jones, and L. H. Girardin)

  • on A. Cary, 8:122n
  • dedication page, 10:xlvi, 10:240 (illus.)
  • W. W. Hening criticizes, 1:619, 1:620n
  • mentioned, 8:482n, 9:137, 9:369n, 9:407, 10:278, 12:531, 14:284, 14:285
  • publication of, 11:296
  • sources for, 7:547, 7:550n, 9:108, 9:109n, 11:283, 11:283n
  • TJ recommends, 1:581, 7:629, 8:478, 8:482n, 12:534
  • TJ’s role in the preparation of, 1:288–1:289, 1:331, 1:457, 1:634n, 3:569–3:570, 8:121–8:122, 8:140–8:141, 8:200, 8:203, 8:266, 8:309, 8:334–8:337, 8:338n, 8:359–8:360, 8:384–8:385, 8:385–8:386n, 8:423, 8:431, 8:478–8:479, 8:481, 9:367, 10:xlvi

History of Virginia, from Its Discovery Till the Year 1781 (J. W. Campbell), 4:350, 4:467–4:468

Hoadley, Benjamin

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:505

Hoban, James

  • oversees repair of President’s House, 8:592, 8:592, 8:596n

Hobart, John Henry

  • as bishop of N.Y., 11:607, 11:608n

Hobbes, Thomas

  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:667
  • De Cive, 10:208, 10:209, 10:209n
  • De Cive quoted by TJ, 1:507–1:508, 1:508n, 3:508, 3:509n, 10:226, 10:228n
  • on justice, 10:460
  • quoted, 4:25, 4:26n, 10:208, 10:209
  • read by J. Adams, 4:474
  • referenced, 14:61n
  • TJ on philosophy of, 10:155
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502
  • writings of, 8:4, 10:207–10:208

Hobbs, Hubbard, 1:66

Hobson, Mr.

  • land owned by, 2:237, 2:239n

Hochie, James

  • and Antient Plymouth Society, 1:58, 1:59, 1:102
  • letters from, 1:58
  • letters to, 1:102

hock (wine), 9:513, 14:327, 14:338

Hodge’s Tavern (Augusta Co.), 13:230, 13:230, 13:231, 13:232

Hodges, Nathaniel

  • Loimologia: or, an Historical Account of the Plague in London in 1665, 10:131, 10:146n

Hodgkinson, Francis, 14:551n

Hodgson, George, 8:460

Hodgson, Isaac, 8:460

Hodgson, Joseph, 3:69n

Hodgson, Portia

  • and L. L. Paradise estate, 11:59, 11:59n

hoes, 2:546, 2:548, 11:163, 12:304, 12:304, 12:304, 14:180, 14:181, 15:86, 15:86

Hoffingan & Company (Paris firm), 2:219, 3:558, 4:418, 5:60

Hog, David, 1:26

Hogan, David, 3:51n

Hogg, John

  • as scientist, 13:5–13:6

Hogg, William

  • paid for cattle, 12:541n, 12:614n
  • paid for oats, 5:6, 5:6n, 5:6n

hogs. See pigs

Holbach, Paul Henri Thiry, baron d’

  • Le Bon-Sens, ou Idées Naturelles Opposées aux Idées Surnaturelles, 9:650, 9:652n
  • La Contagion Sacrée, ou Histoire Naturelle de la Superstition, 15:26
  • Élémens de la morale universelle, 12:583, 13:295
  • Essai sur les Préjugés, 15:26
  • Lettres a Eugénie, 15:26
  • philosophy of, 9:650, 10:7
  • Systême de la Nature. Ou Des Loix du Monde Physique & du Monde Moral, 9:650, 9:652n
  • Systême Social ou principes naturels de la morale et de la politique, 12:583, 13:295
  • System of Nature; or, The Laws of the Moral and Physical World, 9:652n
  • Tableau des Saints, 15:26
  • TJ on, 7:413, 9:651

Holcombe, John

  • payment to, 9:588, 9:589n

Holcombe, Thomas Anderson

  • and festivities for A. Jackson, 9:145, 9:147n
  • identified, 6:451–6:452n
  • invited to visit TJ, 6:451, 6:649
  • letter from, 9:145–9:147
  • letters to, 6:451–6:452, 6:649, 8:512–8:513
  • militia service of, 6:531
  • school principal, 6:451, 6:451, 6:648, 6:649
  • students’ opinion of, 6:64
  • tutor to F. W. Eppes, 6:497–6:498, 6:498n, 7:483, 7:647, 7:647n, 9:608, 9:712
  • visits Poplar Forest, 8:512

Holcroft, Thomas

  • Memoirs of Bryan Perdue: A Novel, 7:467, 7:468n
  • translates Posthumous Works of Frederic II. King of Prussia (Frederick II, king of Prussia), 9:709n

Holcus sorghum (Johnsongrass), 1:436–1:437n

Holeman, George

  • and Central College subscription, 11:325, 11:332

Holinshed, Raphael

  • The First and Second volumes of Chronicles, 8:581, 8:582n

Holland. See The Netherlands

holland (textile), 6:345, 6:346, 9:565, 9:566n, 15:475n

Holland, Henry Richard Vassall Fox, 3d Baron

  • and J. Blomfield, 14:346
  • as British politician, 3:462–3:463, 3:464n, 3:481, 5:156, 7:541
  • introduction to requested, 13:239, 13:339

Holland, James

  • and E. Earle’s ironworks, 7:162, 7:162–7:163n, 7:199, 7:200n
  • TJ writes to, on behalf of I. Briggs, 9:509, 9:510n, 9:515

Holland, Thomas, 5:110n

Holley, Horace

  • delivers works to TJ, 12:450
  • identified, 12:405n
  • introduced to TJ, 12:404–12:405, 13:48, 13:69
  • as president of Transylvania University, 14:126, 15:345n

Hollingsworth, Levi

  • copper manufacturer, 12:411
  • and copper mines, 12:411, 12:453–12:454
  • identified, 12:411n
  • letter from, 12:411
  • letter to, 12:453–12:454

Hollins, Jane Smith (John Hollins’s wife)

  • family of, 2:198n
  • proposed visit to Monticello, 5:345, 5:357, 5:404
  • sends greetings to TJ, 2:205, 3:341, 8:421
  • TJ sends greetings to, 2:226

Hollins, John

  • Account with University of Virginia, 15:9
  • family of, 5:345, 5:356–5:357, 12:615
  • friends of, 8:432
  • and gypsum, 2:197–2:198, 2:205, 2:226, 2:304, 2:329, 2:341, 3:313, 3:341, 3:525–3:526, 3:531, 5:357, 8:421
  • identified, 2:197–2:198n
  • letters from, 2:205, 2:304, 2:341–2:342, 3:341, 3:567–3:568, 5:356–5:357, 5:404, 8:421–8:422, 12:615, 14:474–14:475, 14:527, 15:542
  • letters from, to A. S. Brockenbrough, 15:8, 15:542
  • letters to, 2:197–2:198, 2:226, 2:329, 3:313, 3:525–3:526, 3:606–3:607, 5:345, 5:404, 8:432, 12:584, 14:497
  • and Maryland Insurance Company, 14:527
  • and J. Peyton’s estate, 5:345, 5:346, 5:350
  • plans visit to Monticello, 5:357, 5:404, 5:404
  • requests letter of introduction, 8:421–8:422
  • residence of, 8:422n
  • and R. Smith’s dismissal, 3:567–3:568, 3:568, 3:595, 3:606, 3:608
  • and stonecutters, 12:578–12:579, 12:584, 12:615, 13:618, 14:62, 14:62–14:63, 14:64, 14:64–14:65n, 14:255, 14:349, 14:464–14:465, 14:474–14:475, 14:486n, 14:495–14:496, 14:497, 14:497–14:498, 14:498–14:499, 14:527, 14:532, 14:564–14:565, 14:605, 15:8, 15:8n, 15:9, 15:542, 15:542
  • TJ pays, 3:525–3:526, 3:531, 3:550, 3:551, 3:567
  • TJ sends letters through, 8:432

Hollins, William S.

  • family of, 12:149, 12:149n

Hollis, Thomas Brand

  • and J. and A. Adams, 6:227, 6:228, 6:228–6:229n, 9:176n

Holloway, Edmunds B.

  • estate of, 15:350

Holloway & Hanserd (Petersburg firm), 15:350

holly (shrub), 10:195, 10:195, 10:238, 10:293

Holman, George

  • and fish for TJ, 4:668, 4:677

Holman, John

  • ship captain, 9:572

Holmes, Andrew Hunter

  • War of 1812 service of, 7:530, 7:532

Holmes, Benjamin D. (ship captain), 12:512

Holmes, Charles Rutledge

  • and U.S. Military Academy, 15:468n

Holmes, David

  • appointed governor of Miss. Territory, 1:25
  • C. W. Peale paints, 13:540
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:625

Holmes, Hugh

  • and Central College subscription, 11:334, 12:655
  • and Chinese pigs, 4:109
  • and corn-shelling machines, 14:96–14:97, 14:118
  • identified, 6:114–6:115n
  • introduces G. Blackburn to TJ, 13:234, 15:67–15:68n
  • as judge, 6:573, 6:631, 7:709
  • letters from, 6:114–6:115, 6:335–6:336, 6:631–6:632, 7:309–7:310, 7:460–7:461, 13:234–13:235, 13:468, 14:118–14:119
  • letters to, 6:314, 13:507, 14:96–14:97
  • proposed visit to Monticello, 7:309, 7:460, 14:118
  • TJ pays, 6:306, 6:321
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:625
  • TJ’s debt to, 15:425
  • and TJ’s letters on Va. constitution, 10:405
  • and TJ’s merino wool, 6:114, 6:306n, 6:314, 6:335, 6:631, 6:631–6:632n, 7:309–7:310, 7:460
  • and University of Virginia Board of Visitors, 14:35
  • as University of Virginia commissioner, 12:611, 13:182, 13:183, 13:223, 13:234
  • visits Monticello, 13:468, 13:507, 14:118
  • and wine from S. Cathalan, 13:468, 13:506, 13:507, 14:118

Holmes, John

  • as chairman of Maine’s constitutional convention, 15:530, 15:535n, 15:535–15:536n
  • on future of U.S., 8:649, 8:650n
  • identified, 8:649n
  • letters from, 8:648–8:650, 15:529
  • letters to, 9:41–9:42, 15:li, 15:346 (illus.), 15:550–15:551
  • Letter to the People of Maine, 15:529, 15:529–15:536, 15:550
  • and Missouri question, 15:li, 15:497, 15:497–15:498n, 15:529, 15:529–15:535, 15:535n
  • opinion on War of 1812, 8:649, 8:649–8:650n
  • An Oration, Pronounced at Alfred, on the 4th of July, 1815, 8:648–8:649, 8:649–8:650n, 9:4, 9:6n, 9:41–9:42, 9:78

Holmes, Samuel (ship captain), 15:286

Holt, Charles

  • and American Magazine, 8:470n, 8:471n
  • identified, 3:185–3:186n
  • letters from, 3:185–3:186
  • letters to, 3:227
  • and N.Y. Daily Columbian, 3:185, 3:227

Holt, David

  • identified, 7:49n
  • note from, 7:49
  • recommends B. Fosgate, 7:49

Holt, John, Sir

  • and Ashby v. White, 8:526, 8:527n

Holt, Thomas, 5:81n

Holy Alliance

  • and Alexander I, 10:265, 10:266n
  • formation of, 10:266n
  • mentioned, 11:383, 11:384n, 12:245

The Holy Bible (A. Clarke), 3:356–3:357

The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Covenant (C. Thomson), 3:596, 3:596n, 10:214, 10:300, 10:450, 15:159, 15:159n, 15:223

Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments (T. Scott), 2:321–2:322n, 2:337, 2:349, 7:36–7:37, 7:195

Homans, Benjamin

  • and Bunker Hill Association, 2:504–2:505, 2:666
  • identified, 2:505n
  • letters from, 2:504–2:505
  • letters to, 2:666
  • as Navy Department chief clerk, 14:183n
  • reference for J. L. Edwards, 4:92

Home, Everard

  • on platypuses, 7:153, 7:153n

Home, Francis

  • The Principles of Agriculture and Vegetation, 2:82, 11:164

Home, Henry, Lord Kames. See Kames (Kaim), Henry Home, Lord

home manufacturing. See manufacturing


  • authenticity of works of, 9:86–9:87
  • blindness of, 11:359
  • Clavis Homerica: sive Lexicon Vocabulorum Omnium, Quæ continentur in Homeri Iliade Et potissimâ parte Odysseæ (ed. S. Patrick), 11:205
  • A. Coray edition of, 9:195, 9:455, 11:251
  • Foulis editions of, 12:576
  • Homeri Odyssea Græce et Latine (ed. S. Clarke), 14:510
  • Iliad, 10:260, 10:260n, 10:306, 12:583, 13:293, 14:154, 14:551
  • Iliad (ed. C. G. Heyne), 9:196, 9:455, 10:212, 10:531, 11:205, 11:296, 11:414, 11:414, 11:414, 11:537, 12:439, 14:510
  • Ὁμήρου ἅπαντα. h. e Homeri opera omnia (eds. S. Clarke and J. A. Ernesti), 10:234, 10:237n
  • Ὁμήρου Ἰλιὰς καὶ εἰς Αὐτὴν Σχόλια τῶν Παλαιῶν. Homeri Ilias, et Veterum in Eam Scholia (ed. Didymus Chalcenterus), 9:196, 9:455
  • Ὁμήρου Ἰλιὰς σὺν τοῖς σχολίοις (ed. Villoison), 11:414
  • The Iliad of Homer (trans. A. Pope), 5:595, 5:596n, 8:121, 8:298, 8:299n, 10:284, 10:286n, 10:417, 12:534
  • The Iliad of Homer (trans. A. Pope/J. Macpherson), 2:51
  • mentioned, 10:589
  • Odyssea Græce et Latine, 3:546
  • Odyssey, 8:121, 10:260, 10:260n, 11:414, 12:583, 13:293
  • The Odyssey of Homer (trans. A. Pope), 12:534
  • study of, 7:448, 7:661, 7:661, 13:429
  • TJ cites, 8:617, 8:617n, 8:658, 8:659n, 10:284, 10:286n
  • TJ on, 4:396, 6:403, 9:700, 14:154
  • works of, 14:257, 14:258
  • works of translated by J. H. Voss, 9:84

Homeri Odyssea Græce et Latine (Homer; ed. S. Clarke), 14:510

Ὁμήρου ἅπαντα. h. e Homeri opera omnia (Homer; eds. S. Clarke and J. A. Ernesti), 10:234, 10:237n

Ὁμήρου Ἰλιὰς σὺν τοῖς σχολίοις (Homer; ed. Villoison), 11:414

Homes, Governor. See Holmes, David

Homes, Judge. See Holmes, Hugh

Homo’s Letters on a National Currency, addressed to the People of the United States (T. Law), 11:61, 11:62n

honey, 11:503, 12:54

Hooe, James Hewitt

  • identified, 2:361n
  • letters from, 2:360–2:361
  • letters to, 2:379
  • and merino sheep, 2:360–2:361, 2:379, 2:453–2:454, 2:491, 2:496, 3:178

Hooe, John

  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 13:473n

Hooe, Nathaniel Harris

  • account with, 4:556
  • hires out slaves to Central College–University of Virginia, 15:86
  • identified, 3:55n
  • letters from, 3:55, 4:81, 4:142, 6:471–6:472
  • letters from accounted for, 6:315n
  • letters to, 3:111–3:112, 3:180–3:181, 3:302–3:303, 4:183, 4:217–4:218, 4:558, 6:314–6:315
  • mentioned, 1:48n, 5:104
  • offers to sell slave to TJ, 4:397
  • and spinning machines, 4:558, 4:558n
  • TJ hires slaves from, 3:55, 3:111–3:112, 3:181, 3:302, 4:81, 4:142, 4:183, 4:217–4:218, 4:221, 4:397, 4:556, 6:306n, 6:314
  • TJ pays, 4:556, 4:557, 4:558, 6:306, 6:314–6:315, 6:321, 6:471
  • on wheat and corn prices, 6:472

Hooe, Sarah Daingerfield (Nathaniel H. Hooe’s wife)

  • TJ hires slaves from, 2:41, 2:661, 3:55, 3:111–3:112

Hooke, Nathaniel

  • The Roman History, 7:662

Hooker, Richard

  • The Works Of that Learned and Judicious Divine, Mr Richard Hooker, in Eight Books of Ecclesiastical Polity, 10:208, 10:209n

Hoole, Charles

  • translates Orbis Sensualium Pictus (J. A. Komenský [Comenius]), 14:276, 14:351

Hoomes, Thomas Claiborne

  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 13:560, 13:584, 13:592, 14:13
  • as Va. state senator, 12:233

Hooper, William

  • Rational Recreations, 10:486

Hooper, William (1742–90)

  • as member of Continental Congress, 14:447, 14:449–14:450, 14:524

Hope (steamboat), 4:199

Hope, Robert, 5:419, 5:426, 5:426

Hope (sloop), 11:216

Hope, Thomas (European banker), 2:245

Hope, Thomas (of Philadelphia)

  • Hope’s Philadelphia Price-Current, and Commercial Record, 5:133, 5:133n, 8:307, 8:629, 8:632n

Hope & Company (Amsterdam firm), 3:54, 3:314, 3:315n

Hope’s Philadelphia Price-Current, and Commercial Record (T. Hope), 5:133, 5:133n, 8:307, 8:629, 8:632n

Hopkins, Arthur, 3:432

Hopkins, Arthur Francis

  • identified, 9:43n
  • introduced to TJ, 9:42

Hopkins, Cornelia

  • and L. L. Paradise estate, 11:59, 11:59n

Hopkins, David K.

  • and hydraulic screw, 1:646–1:649
  • identified, 1:649n
  • letters from, 1:646–1:649

Hopkins, Henry, 2:177, 2:178n

Hopkins, John

  • and P. Allen’s History of the American Revolution, 6:231, 6:373
  • letters from, 6:231
  • letters to, 6:373

Hopkins, John (commissioner of loans)

  • and lawsuit against E. Randolph, 15:557n
  • and L. L. Paradise estate, 11:59

Hopkins, Judith Jefferson (TJ’s cousin; Field Jefferson’s daughter)

  • family of, 9:42, 9:43n

Hopkins, Matthew (of Snow Hill, Md.), 1:649

Hopkins, Samuel

  • American theologian, 6:302, 14:223
  • TJ on, 14:302–14:303

Hopkins, Stephen

  • as member of Continental Congress, 13:619, 13:619–13:620n

Hopkinson, Francis

  • and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 10:536
  • and lunette, 5:507

Hopkinson, Joseph

  • and antislavery, 15:178
  • as University of Pennsylvania trustee, 14:5n


  • J. Adams on, 11:269, 11:269
  • allusions to, 7:405, 7:405n, 9:695, 9:696n, 10:7, 10:8n, 11:270n
  • Ars Poetica, 14:257, 14:551, 15:132, 15:133n
  • Carmen Saeculare, 14:551
  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:448, 7:659, 7:659, 7:661, 7:661, 7:685
  • Epistles, 14:257, 14:551, 14:615, 14:616n
  • Epodes, 14:551
  • J. Minellius edition of, 14:511
  • Odes, 14:257, 14:551
  • Oeuvres d’Horace (ed. A. Dacier), 10:235, 13:537, 14:511
  • Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera (ed. L. Desprez), 14:511
  • quoted by J. Adams, 6:504, 6:505n, 7:26, 7:27n, 7:64, 7:67n, 7:477, 7:481n, 9:432, 9:434n, 10:424, 13:69, 13:70n
  • quoted by T. Cooper, 15:566, 15:566n
  • quoted by J. Corrêa da Serra, 9:467, 9:469n, 12:35, 12:35n, 12:152, 14:159
  • quoted by Destutt de Tracy, 4:240, 4:243n
  • quoted by P. Freneau, 1:226, 1:228n
  • quoted by B. Galloway, 4:151, 4:153n
  • quoted by W. Jones, 6:644, 6:644n
  • quoted by J. Lakanal, 10:108
  • quoted by C. A. Rodney, 8:275, 8:276n
  • quoted by W. Short, 8:52, 14:615, 14:616n
  • quoted by F. A. Van der Kemp, 10:121, 10:122–10:123n
  • quoted by B. Waterhouse, 12:495
  • quoted by A. Woodward, 6:411, 6:411n
  • quote misattributed to, 7:582, 7:590n
  • Satires, 14:257, 14:551
  • study of, 11:396, 13:175, 14:184
  • TJ quotes, 2:389, 2:390n, 6:156, 6:605, 6:606n, 7:629, 7:631n, 8:384, 8:386n, 9:374–9:375, 9:375n, 11:346, 11:346–11:347n, 11:417, 11:418n, 12:468, 14:157, 14:464
  • TJ reads, 3:227, 3:257, 4:472
  • translators of, 6:551, 6:552n, 6:616
  • works of, 11:205, 12:439, 15:242n


  • as snakebite remedy, 1:57

horizon. See artificial horizon

Horizon (brig), 14:85

Horne, John. See Tooke, John Horne

Hornet, USS (schooner), 11:662, 11:662

Hornet, USS (sloop), 2:544, 3:76, 4:273, 4:587, 4:649, 4:650n, 4:665, 4:665n, 5:72, 5:73n, 5:82, 5:82, 5:114, 6:45, 7:90, 7:350

Hornsby, Frances Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; Thomas Walker Hornsby’s wife)

  • and Milton lands, 1:440, 1:459, 1:460–1:461, 1:463, 3:617–3:618, 5:422, 5:423, 6:50, 6:51n, 6:78, 6:79, 6:315, 6:315, 6:367, 6:367n, 6:472, 6:609, 6:610, 7:117–7:118, 7:118–7:119, 7:119n, 7:352, 7:352n, 7:352n, 7:352, 10:117, 10:471, 10:471–10:472n, 10:499–10:500, 10:590–10:591, 10:591, 10:619–10:622, 10:623–10:624, 10:624, 11:18, 11:19, 11:20, 11:20, 11:20, 11:42, 11:42–11:43n, 11:56–11:57, 12:559–12:560

Hornsby, Joseph

  • death of, 6:315, 6:367
  • and Henderson case, 6:78–6:79
  • identified, 6:79n
  • letters to, 6:78–6:80
  • on TJ, 6:315

Hornsby, Joseph, Jr., 6:315

Hornsby, Thomas Walker

  • and Henderson estate, 7:117–7:118, 7:352
  • identified, 6:316n
  • letters from, 6:315–6:316, 7:117–7:118
  • letters to, 6:608–6:611, 7:596–7:597
  • and Milton lands, 3:617, 3:618n, 6:50, 6:51n, 6:78, 6:78–6:79, 6:315–6:316, 6:367, 6:367, 6:608–6:610, 7:117–7:118, 7:596–7:597, 10:471–10:472n, 10:590, 10:591

Horrors of Slavery: or, The American Tars in Tripoli (W. Ray), 1:33, 1:33–1:78n, 1:77–1:78, 8:388, 9:237, 9:531

Horry, Peter

  • The Life of Gen. Francis Marion, 8:633, 8:634n, 8:638, 14:524

Horse-Hoeing Husbandry: or, An Essay on the Principles of Vegetation and Tillage (J. Tull), 1:581, 2:82, 6:219, 6:280, 7:626, 11:164


  • and E. Bacon, 14:469, 14:586
  • and batture controversy, 2:546, 2:548
  • books on, 5:447, 5:448n, 5:455, 8:388, 8:672
  • S. Carr loans, 7:625, 7:632
  • and carriage accidents, 11:622
  • for Central College–University of Virginia, 15:86, 15:86, 15:94
  • cost to hire, 8:268n
  • death of, 10:611
  • disabled, 2:368, 8:390, 9:269, 11:475, 11:558, 11:659, 14:232, 15:12
  • as draft animals, 10:561–10:562, 12:302, 12:303, 12:303, 14:586, 15:23n
  • falls from, 12:293, 13:302
  • fed, 2:543
  • fodder for, 8:32, 8:71, 8:109, 8:126, 8:129, 8:158, 8:158, 8:163, 8:268n, 9:562, 9:624, 11:171–11:172, 11:272, 12:302, 12:635, 14:180–14:181, 15:70
  • grooming equipment for, 6:343, 6:343, 6:346, 6:347, 6:347
  • and hemp brakes, 9:303–9:304
  • horseshoes, 8:313
  • and H. Marks’s estate, 5:73
  • medical conditions of, 7:301, 7:301n
  • mentioned, 8:241, 10:647, 10:656, 12:262, 12:422, 12:526, 12:651, 14:19
  • owned by E. Randolph, 4:231–4:232n
  • owned by TJ, 1:51, 1:51, 1:52n, 5:497n, 5:498n, 8:390, 8:392, 13:228
  • and plows, 7:80, 9:599–9:600
  • at Poplar Forest, 4:373, 4:381, 5:653, 5:653n, 7:124, 8:10, 8:70, 8:71, 8:71, 8:174, 8:174n, 8:520, 10:466, 14:564, 14:586
  • price of, 8:307, 15:463, 15:557
  • provide power for machinery, 10:562
  • purchased by U.S. Navy, 14:183n
  • returned to TJ, 2:112
  • riding of, 15:149
  • saddlery, 8:233
  • for sale, 3:180, 5:497, 5:497–5:498, 5:498, 5:499
  • slaves care for, 15:609
  • Spanish, 1:478
  • tavern charges for, 9:19, 9:19, 9:19, 9:20, 9:20n, 9:20, 9:21, 9:21
  • taxes on, 7:708, 8:256, 8:392, 9:430, 11:44, 12:415, 14:114n
  • theft of, 13:518
  • and threshing machines, 5:444, 7:83, 11:200, 15:111n
  • TJ loans, 7:625
  • TJ purchases, 2:155, 3:453–3:454, 3:454, 5:404–5:405, 5:406–5:407, 5:663, 7:300, 7:300n, 7:301, 7:513–7:514, 7:608, 8:41, 8:42n, 8:47, 8:66, 8:71, 8:78, 8:79n, 8:174, 8:174n, 8:497n, 8:515n, 9:52n, 9:58n, 9:255n, 10:73, 10:539n
  • TJ rides, 8:236, 8:639, 8:697, 13:28, 13:29n, 13:94, 13:111, 13:117, 13:233, 13:286, 13:388, 13:529, 14:46–14:47, 15:163, 15:283
  • transport tobacco, 4:373
  • value of, 4:15, 15:116, 15:117, 15:192
  • and veterinary treatment, 5:668–5:670
  • wartime treatment of, 5:411, 7:649, 8:6

Horsey, Outerbridge

  • forwards TJ’s letter, 5:601n
  • and Missouri question, 15:364

Horsley, James

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Horsley, John

  • Britannia Romana: or the Roman Antiquities of Britain, 8:581, 9:109

Horsley, John (of Buckingham Co.)

  • and Central College subscription, 12:464

Horsley, Samuel

  • English theologian, 6:302, 6:440

Horticultural Society of London

  • transactions of, 5:514, 5:514–5:515n

Hortus Siccus (J. Crowninshield), 1:37, 1:189, 1:191n

Horwitz, Jonas

  • and Hebrew-language Bible, 13:570, 13:570n, 13:571n
  • identified, 13:570–13:571n
  • letter from, 13:569–13:571
  • recommended to TJ, 14:269
  • seeks position at University of Virginia, 13:569–13:570, 13:571n, 14:269

Hosack, David

  • American Medical and Philosophical Register: or, Annals of Medicine, Natural History, Agriculture, and the Arts, 11:4, 11:4n
  • A Biographical Memoir of Hugh Williamson, M.D. LL.D., 15:127–15:128, 15:128n, 15:144, 15:144n
  • botanical studies of, 10:287
  • and Elgin Botanic Garden, 2:90, 2:91n, 10:239–10:240, 10:240n, 10:287, 12:477, 12:481
  • identified, 8:467–8:468n
  • letters from, 10:287–10:288, 15:127–15:128
  • letters to, 8:467–8:468, 10:239–10:240, 11:4, 12:477, 15:144
  • letter to, from R. C. Moore, 10:150–10:151
  • as medical educator, 11:350, 11:351n, 12:490
  • and national pharmacopoeia, 12:573n
  • and N.Y. board of agriculture, 13:249
  • Observations on the Laws Governing the Communication of Contagious Diseases, 8:467, 8:468n, 10:133–10:134, 10:147n
  • sends books to TJ, 11:4, 11:4n
  • TJ sends seeds to, 10:287, 12:477, 12:481
  • on yellow fever, 10:133–10:134, 10:147n

hose pantaloons, 11:450

Hosford, E. & E. (Albany firm). See E. & E. Hosford (Albany firm)

Hoskins, William, 14:561


  • European, 6:650
  • marine, 5:178, 5:179n, 5:206, 5:370, 5:439, 5:641, 5:642n
  • and university education, 12:490, 13:197, 13:217

Hot Springs (Bath Co.)

  • TJ on, 13:243
  • TJ visits, 13:228, 13:242, 13:243
  • visitors to, 13:242

Hottinguer, Jean Conrad

  • and T. Kosciuszko, 4:469

Hottinguer & Compagnie (French firm)

  • and books for TJ, 10:233, 10:236n, 10:243, 10:243–10:244n, 10:244–10:245, 10:394
  • drafts on, 12:74
  • identified, 10:244n

Hoüard, David

  • Anciennes loix des François, 3:130–3:131, 3:175n, 3:546
  • Traités sur les Coutumes Anglo-Normandes, 7:125

Houbraken, Jacobus

  • as engraver, 7:399, 7:400n

Houdetot, Elisabeth Françoise Sophie de La Live de Bellegarde, comtesse d’

  • family of, 13:397
  • letters from accounted for, 4:377n
  • marital arrangement of, 1:121, 1:122n
  • and military appointment for C. Despinville, 4:374, 4:377n, 5:405
  • sends regards to TJ, 3:198
  • TJ’s acquaintance with, 4:376, 5:431, 7:404

Houdon, Jean Antoine

  • bust of J. Barlow, 5:l, 5:358 (illus.)
  • bust of Condorcet, 15:150n
  • bust of B. Franklin, 15:li
  • bust of J. P. Jones, 15:li
  • bust of Lafayette, 15:li
  • bust of J. Necker, 9:328n
  • bust of TJ, 8:40, 8:41n, 11:267, 12:541–12:542
  • bust of G. Washington, 9:352n, 15:li
  • statue of G. Washington for Va. state capitol, 9:385–9:386, 9:387n

Houmas Indians, 1:509

House, James, 2:122

House, Mary, 1:475, 1:513

House, Samuel

  • death of, 1:475, 1:476n, 1:513

House, William S.

  • midshipman, 8:84, 8:85n

The House Carpenters’ Book of Prices, and Rules for measuring and valuing all their different kinds of work

  • published by M. Carey, 12:264, 12:291, 12:369, 12:397, 14:87, 14:119, 14:138, 14:170, 14:170, 14:173, 14:187, 14:196n, 14:196n, 14:211, 14:212, 14:216, 14:516, 14:520, 14:651, 14:651

House Carpenters’ Book of Prices, and Rules, for Measuring and Valuing all their different kinds of Work (R. Folwell), 12:157, 12:159

houseflies, 11:39

household articles See also building materials; clocks; clothing; furniture; tools

  • alabaster lamp, 1:190, 1:309
  • alum, 13:147, 15:46
  • artwork, 8:393, 8:485, 8:486, 10:200
  • bags, 6:346, 6:346, 12:304, 15:86
  • basins, 6:348
  • baskets, 14:632
  • bedclothes, 13:17
  • beds, 4:231–4:232n, 4:383, 6:309, 6:310, 8:71, 8:186, 13:17, 13:68, 13:112, 13:169, 13:226, 13:386, 13:387, 15:230n, 15:247–15:248, 15:248n
  • beer jugs, 7:154, 7:155, 7:204, 7:710, 7:712, 7:716, 8:11, 8:11, 8:12
  • blankets, 3:647+, 4:99, 4:231–4:232n, 4:382–4:383, 5:33, 5:34, 5:460–5:463, 6:308–6:309, 6:310, 6:344, 6:344, 8:68, 8:132, 8:158, 8:186, 9:76, 9:147, 12:361, 13:386, 13:387, 15:230n, 15:247–15:248, 15:248n
  • blinds, 15:172, 15:174, 15:206, 15:209, 15:247, 15:247
  • bolts, 11:548, 11:588, 15:206
  • bottles, 8:11, 8:12, 9:371, 9:371–9:372, 9:418, 9:512, 13:15, 13:15, 13:243
  • brooms, 1:3, 5:119, 6:345, 12:362
  • brushes, 6:344, 6:448, 12:362, 12:454
  • button molds, 15:451, 15:453n
  • buttons, 6:344, 6:345, 9:565, 12:362, 15:475, 15:475n, 15:475n
  • candles, 1:31, 1:31, 1:31, 1:32, 3:202, 3:301, 11:617, 15:209, 15:313, 15:325
  • candlesticks, 8:393, 8:485, 8:486, 10:575
  • carpet, 4:231–4:232n, 7:73, 7:73n
  • carriage handles, 7:360
  • carts, 2:112, 15:86, 15:86, 15:257
  • charcoal, 2:299, 3:625, 6:517
  • chariots, 1:41
  • clocks, 1:85, 1:96
  • cloth, 2:98–2:100, 2:175, 5:119, 9:565, 12:362
  • coal, 1:155
  • coffeepots, 4:231–4:232n, 8:393, 8:485, 8:486
  • comforters, 1:64, 1:76, 1:153, 1:286, 1:310
  • corks, 2:109, 4:522, 4:530, 5:394, 7:155, 7:188, 7:189, 7:710, 7:717, 7:717, 8:186, 9:371, 9:371–9:372, 9:418, 9:523, 9:542, 9:582, 9:602–9:603, 10:416, 10:462–10:463, 10:571, 11:189, 11:193, 11:204, 11:204n, 11:216, 13:15, 13:616–13:617, 14:37, 14:37, 14:166–14:167, 14:175, 15:353, 15:353n
  • cotton cards, 8:185, 12:362
  • counterpanes, 7:348
  • cups, 4:231–4:232n, 4:477, 6:348, 8:235, 8:393, 12:54, 12:54
  • curtains, 8:393, 8:485, 8:486
  • decanters, 8:393, 8:485, 8:486
  • dishes, 4:231–4:232n, 4:477
  • distiller’s syphon, 1:482
  • drawknives, 1:135, 1:136n
  • dumbbells, 5:xlix, 5:310n, 5:358 (illus.)
  • earthenware, 7:154, 7:602, 7:602
  • and 1810 census, 3:202
  • eyeglasses, 3:280–3:281, 3:341–3:342, 3:488, 8:74, 8:159, 8:192, 8:212–8:213, 8:246, 8:279, 8:279n, 10:609, 10:649, 12:8, 12:367–12:368, 12:481, 12:515–12:516, 14:44, 14:157
  • fig-blue, 6:343, 6:349n, 15:71, 15:71n
  • forks, 4:102, 6:347
  • gigs, 1:488, 2:55, 2:60, 2:453
  • haircloth, 15:527
  • hair powder, 1:190, 1:245
  • hinges, 15:172, 15:172, 15:174, 15:206
  • inkstands, 5:38, 5:39n, 5:109, 5:111, 14:591, 14:624
  • iron combs, 4:102
  • isinglass, 12:454
  • knitting needles, 4:362, 12:397
  • knitting pins, 6:344
  • knives, 6:347, 6:348, 8:222, 12:l–12:li, 12:348 (illus.), 14:8, 14:10n, 14:16, 14:20, 14:20, 14:20
  • lamps, 4:362–4:363
  • lanterns, 1:303
  • lightning rods, 11:341–11:342, 11:342n, 11:469–11:470
  • linseed oil, 1:55n, 1:77, 1:97, 5:33, 5:379, 15:473
  • locks, 6:346, 11:548, 11:588, 11:589, 12:552, 12:633, 15:172, 15:174, 15:206
  • mattresses, 13:17, 13:169, 14:383n, 14:528, 15:378
  • milkpans, 1:303, 15:451, 15:485, 15:485n
  • mirrors, 1:303, 8:393, 8:485, 8:486, 10:555n
  • napkins, 7:348, 14:632
  • needles, 5:33, 6:345, 6:345
  • padlocks, 1:302–1:303, 6:344, 6:344, 6:348, 15:451
  • pickling tubs, 15:86
  • pipes, tobacco, 8:109
  • portmanteaus, 14:245n
  • pots, 8:70–8:71, 8:113+, 8:186, 15:86
  • powder puff, 10:534
  • putty, 6:344, 6:348
  • razor case, 13:76
  • razors, 8:23
  • razor-strop paste, 15:523
  • razor strops, 7:260, 7:270, 15:523, 15:523n, 15:551
  • refrigerators, 14:632–14:633
  • saddles, 1:3
  • sal ammoniac, 1:467, 1:467, 3:183, 3:200, 13:73, 13:73n, 13:73n
  • saucers, 4:477
  • sheets, 4:231–4:232n
  • shot, 9:301
  • shutters, 15:143, 15:209
  • sifters, 8:71, 10:534
  • soap, 3:202, 12:324, 13:566, 13:581, 15:311, 15:313
  • spoons, 4:231–4:232n
  • stoves, 1:122, 3:530, 3:609, 4:191–4:192, 4:215–4:216, 4:232–4:233, 4:560, 5:38, 5:38–5:39n, 14:91, 14:128, 14:214, 14:218–14:219, 14:229, 14:243–14:244, 14:319–14:320, 14:442n, 14:444, 14:489, 14:493, 15:29, 15:122
  • sugar dishes, 4:231–4:232n
  • tablecloths, 3:551, 7:348, 8:xlvii, 8:241
  • tallow, 3:301, 10:467n, 14:472
  • tea chests, 1:44
  • teapots, 4:231–4:232n, 8:485, 8:486
  • thread, 4:358, 6:344, 6:344, 6:345, 6:345, 6:345, 6:349n, 9:565, 9:566, 9:597, 12:362, 12:397, 15:450, 15:451, 15:451, 15:451, 15:451, 15:452, 15:452n, 15:475n, 15:475n
  • toothbrushes, 11:626n
  • tooth powder, 11:626n
  • towels, 11:626n
  • turpentine, 1:82, 3:442, 3:453, 3:512–3:513, 3:518, 4:102, 4:102, 5:182n, 5:676, 8:81, 14:230, 15:450, 15:473
  • varnish, 1:419, 9:225, 15:473
  • wafers (for sealing letters), 4:647, 15:451
  • waiters (trays), 4:231–4:232n, 8:241
  • wax, 5:119, 8:81
  • wine glasses, 6:344
  • wool cards, 4:362, 4:417, 4:612, 6:345, 8:185, 12:362

House of Representatives, U.S. See also Congress, U.S.; Magruder, Patrick

  • and J. Anderson bribery case, 12:398–12:399, 12:400–12:401n
  • and assumption of Revolutionary War debts, 12:423
  • and batture controversy, 2:428, 3:203–3:204
  • chamber of, 3:555–3:556, 10:615, 11:480, 11:571, 11:612, 12:640, 12:642
  • chaplains to, 13:425
  • Claims Committee, 9:508–9:509
  • clerical salaries in, 8:115
  • clerkship of, 1:275
  • and commercial edicts by foreign powers, 2:195, 2:195n
  • and convoy bill, 2:253, 2:254n
  • Currency Committee, 11:165–11:166, 11:166n
  • debates in, 7:560n, 12:251–12:252
  • and declaration of war, 5:142n
  • and duration of wartime taxation, 6:311, 6:313n
  • and electoral districts, 10:611n
  • and Embargo Act of 1812, 4:586, 4:587n
  • Foreign Relations Committee, 4:377n
  • and R. Fulton’s torpedo, 2:251n
  • honor disputes in, 2:53, 2:106–2:107, 2:124, 3:425, 3:425n
  • and implementation of treaties, 9:548–9:550, 9:550–9:551n, 9:551n, 9:551–9:552n
  • journals of, 2:427–2:428, 7:701, 8:631, 12:398, 12:400
  • and Macon’s Bill No. 1, 2:130, 2:131n, 2:169
  • and Macon’s Bill No. 2, 2:345, 2:346n, 2:418, 2:419n, 3:255, 3:256n, 3:463, 3:464n, 3:600
  • marble for, 15:284, 15:284n
  • members subscribe to book, 11:110
  • mentioned, 1:512, 1:534, 2:570, 12:368
  • and Missouri question, 15:238n, 15:364, 15:433–15:434, 15:434n, 15:443–15:444, 15:444, 15:444n, 15:492, 15:512n, 15:564
  • number of members in, 8:594, 8:596n
  • and office of postmaster general, 7:196
  • party sentiment in, 3:473, 3:474n, 3:502
  • petitions to, 11:8–11:12, 11:498–11:499, 11:500n, 15:51n
  • and public works, 2:589, 2:613–2:614
  • and purchase of TJ’s library, 7:679–7:680, 7:680, 8:26, 8:26n, 8:36, 9:409, 9:409–9:410n
  • qualifications for membership in, 7:144–7:145, 7:176–7:177, 7:184, 8:526, 8:528n, 15:18, 15:19n
  • and R. Randall and C. Whitney bribery case, 12:401n
  • and removal of U.S. capital from Washington, 8:14–8:15n
  • Report of the Committee Appointed to Inquire Into the Conduct of General Wilkinson, 3:428–3:431
  • Roads and Canals Committee, 9:338, 9:338–9:339n
  • and select committee on clerks, 14:182, 14:183n
  • and taxes, 4:529, 4:529n, 4:539, 4:540n, 9:513n, 13:378–13:380, 13:380n
  • TJ’s proposal to limit debate in, 2:153–2:154
  • and trade licenses, 5:637n
  • and Va. land warrants, 4:568–4:569n
  • on War of 1812, 5:282, 5:282n
  • Ways and Means Committee, 2:59n, 4:519, 4:520n, 5:23n, 6:220, 8:16, 8:32, 8:33n, 8:155n, 9:510n, 13:438, 13:439n
  • and weights and measures, 12:90

How, Hezekiah

  • and American Journal of Science, 12:627n

How, John (ship captain), 14:334n

Howard, Mr.

  • and Niagara Campaign, 5:536

Howard, Mr. (of Philadelphia)

  • travels of, 11:305

Howard, Benjamin

  • governor of La. Territory, 4:53, 4:71
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:625
  • U.S. representative from Ky., 1:199, 1:200n, 1:224

Howard, Benjamin (Bedford Co. clerk), 5:32, 5:32–5:33, 5:33n, 5:35, 5:233

Howard, E.

  • letters from, 2:219–2:220
  • seeks loan from TJ, 2:220

Howard, Mrs. E., 2:220

Howard, John Eager

  • medal commemorating Revolutionary War service of, 9:54

Howard, Thomas, 8:592, 8:592

Howard family

  • as aristocrats, 7:67

Howe, Caroline, 3:87–3:88

Howe, Richard, Earl Howe

  • as British admiral, 3:87–3:88, 8:20, 8:20n

Howe, William

  • as British general, 8:20, 8:20n

Howel, Dr.

  • and E. Aram’s murder trial, 7:378

Howell, Mr., 5:121

Howell, Mr. (of Philadelphia)

  • and payment made for TJ, 11:118–11:119

Howell, David

  • identified, 3:232n
  • introduces N. Helme, 15:5–15:6
  • letters from, 3:229–3:232, 15:5–15:6
  • letters from accounted for, 3:232n
  • letters to, 3:257
  • and R.I. politics, 3:229–3:232, 3:257

Howell, Jeremiah Brown, 3:229–3:230, 3:232n, 8:147

Howell, Samuel

  • transports flour, 13:13

Howell & Jones. See Jones & Howell (Philadelphia firm)

Howland, Jonathan (ship captain), 12:566

Hoyle, Charles

  • identified, 9:21n
  • Lynchburg innkeeper, 9:20–9:21

Hubbard, Cate (TJ’s slave; b. 1747)

  • at Bear Creek plantation, 15:428
  • family of, 3:412n
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:382, 4:383, 4:383, 4:384, 4:385, 5:460, 5:460, 5:460, 6:309, 6:309, 6:309, 6:310, 6:310, 8:60, 8:60, 8:61, 8:62, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 13:387, 13:387, 13:387, 13:387
  • spinner, 4:380

Hubbard, Jame (TJ’s slave; father of James Hubbard)

  • delivers letter to TJ, 5:306
  • family of, 3:412n
  • hat for, 7:124
  • hog for, 8:72
  • hog keeper, 4:381, 5:489
  • mentioned, 5:34
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 5:460, 6:309, 8:60, 8:255

Hubbard, James (Jame) (TJ’s slave)

  • capture of, 4:620, 5:5, 5:5n, 5:34
  • identified, 3:412–3:413n
  • reward for return of, 3:612–3:613, 3:613n
  • sold by TJ, 3:411–3:412, 3:513, 7:45
  • witness in court, 5:381

Hubbard, James (TJ’s slave; b. 1818)

  • birth of, 13:387, 13:387n, 13:567, 13:567n

Hubbard, Pascal E.

  • identified, 12:341n
  • letter from, 12:341
  • letter to, 12:374–12:375
  • and T. A. Massillon, 12:341, 12:374–12:375

Hubbard, Phill (TJ’s slave)

  • delivers message, 4:12
  • dispute of with J. A. Goodman, 8:173–8:174, 8:174, 8:185
  • hat for, 7:124
  • laborer, 4:379, 8:185, 8:185–8:186, 14:443
  • marriage of, 8:173, 8:173, 8:174, 8:185
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 4:388n, 5:462, 6:308, 8:61
  • TJ on, 8:186
  • works at Poplar Forest, 2:89, 2:149, 2:150, 5:403

Hubbard, Sally (TJ’s slave; b. 1797)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 5:461, 6:308, 8:61, 8:255
  • spinner, 4:380, 5:489, 5:663

Hubbard, Sarah (Sally) (TJ’s slave; b. 1788)

  • family of, 5:463n
  • hempen bed for, 8:71
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:382, 4:384, 4:385, 5:460, 6:309, 6:309, 6:310, 8:61, 8:62, 8:62, 8:62, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255

Hubbard, William H.

  • purchases TJ’s flour, 9:708, 10:37

Hubbs, Charles (of Germantown, Pa.), 10:151–10:152

Hubbs, Mary Clemens (of Germantown, Pa.), 10:151–10:152, 10:152

Hubens, Ignace, 8:559, 8:560

huckaback (fabric), 5:394

Huckstep, Charles

  • as juror, 5:278, 5:279
  • witnesses warrant, 5:280

Huckstep, David

  • witnesses land conveyance, 4:288, 5:280

Hudnall, Ezekiel Wayles

  • seeks employment at University of Virginia, 14:195, 14:196n

Hudson, Charles

  • and Limestone Survey lawsuit, 3:432–3:433, 3:433n, 10:302, 10:302n, 12:81, 14:428–14:430

Hudson, Christopher

  • exchanges tree cuttings with TJ, 9:542
  • identified, 8:653n
  • letters from, 9:542, 14:119
  • letter to, 8:652–8:653
  • and Limestone Survey, 3:433n, 8:392, 8:393n, 8:485, 14:428–14:430, 15:156
  • and W. McClure’s debts, 5:174–5:175, 5:328–5:329, 5:574, 5:639–5:640
  • mentioned, 5:658–5:659
  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349
  • recommends D. White, 14:119
  • TJ lends hedge shears to, 8:652–8:653

Hudson, John

  • and Central College subscription, 11:329, 13:162
  • and Limestone Survey lawsuit, 3:432–3:433, 3:433n, 10:302, 10:302n, 12:81, 14:428–14:430

Hudson, John (editor)

  • edits Flavii Iosephi Hebraei Opera Omnia Graece et Latine (Josephus), 10:233, 13:476

Hudson, Walter

  • and Central College, 15:94

Hudson Bay, 1:448

Hudson River, 3:333, 3:459–3:460, 3:597–3:598, 9:558, 11:219n, 11:259, 12:652, 13:114

Hudson strawberry, 2:140, 3:439, 3:545, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n, 4:523, 4:561, 5:382, 9:563

Huet, Pierre Daniel

  • edits Commentaria in Sacram Scripturam (Origen), 12:447
  • The History of the Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients, 10:486

Huffman, Elijah

  • Agreement by Elijah Huffman and Aaron Fray to Lay Pipe at the University of Virginia, 15:545
  • identified, 15:545n

Huger, Daniel Elliott

  • as congressional candidate, 13:318, 13:319n
  • education of, 10:443n
  • family of, 10:443

Hughes, Mr.

  • convicted of perjury, 10:498

Hughes, Anne (TJ’s slave; b. 1807)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Hughes, Cornelius (TJ’s slave; b. 1811)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 8:62n
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Hughes, Dolly (TJ’s slave; b. 1809)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388

Hughes, E. P.

  • witnesses land conveyance, 4:318n

Hughes, Jesse

  • and Central College subscription, 11:331

Hughes, Joe (TJ’s slave; b. 1805)

  • medical treatment for, 10:106
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Hughes, Joseph. See Hewes, Joseph

Hughes, Nimrod

  • prophecies of, 4:483, 4:626, 5:12
  • A Solemn Warning To All Dwellers Upon the Earth, 4:483, 4:484n, 5:12

Hughes, Thomas (TJ’s slave; b. 1813)

  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Hughes, Wormley (TJ’s slave; b. 1781)

  • brings A. Marks to Monticello, 4:417n
  • and campeachy chair, 14:636
  • and earthworks at Monticello, 3:244, 7:400, 7:400n
  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387
  • sends plants and seeds to TJ, 10:517–10:518, 10:536
  • transports TJ’s horses, 8:390
  • transports wine, 10:300, 10:300n, 10:434–10:435, 10:435

Hughes & Fettyplace (Marseille firm), 15:348, 15:369

Hughes Crab apple. See Hewes Crab apple

Hulbert, John

  • and proposed national board of agriculture, 11:279n

Hũlings, William E., 1:521, 1:521n

Hull, Isaac

  • American naval commander, 6:645, 6:645n, 7:465

Hull, William

  • American general, 8:215, 8:222, 8:227n, 8:540
  • governor of Mich. Territory, 1:660–1:661, 2:58n, 11:277
  • J. Madison on, 5:319–5:320
  • papers of captured, 5:635–5:636, 5:637n
  • and surrender of Northwest Army, 5:330, 5:331n, 5:336n, 5:336–5:337, 5:345, 5:352–5:353, 5:355, 5:357, 5:366, 5:368, 5:385, 5:437, 5:445, 5:449, 5:493, 5:538, 5:580, 6:112, 6:171, 6:209, 6:276, 6:645, 6:645n, 7:8, 7:9n, 7:10, 7:11, 7:12n, 7:14, 7:87, 7:89n, 7:91, 7:92–7:93n, 7:525, 8:215, 8:219, 8:219, 8:259, 8:263, 8:357
  • TJ compares to B. Arnold, 5:366
  • TJ favors execution of, 6:619

Hulshoff, Maria Aletta

  • family of, 12:94–12:95
  • identified, 12:96n
  • Peace-Republicans’ Manual, 12:94–12:96, 12:276
  • TJ thanks, 12:276

Human Longevity (J. Easton), 10:486

Humbert, Jean Joseph Amable

  • filibustering expedition of, 9:389

Humbert, Jonas

  • identified, 10:334n
  • letter from, 10:332–10:335
  • political views of, 10:332–10:334, 10:335n
  • seeks federal appointment, 10:334, 10:335n

Humboldt, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander, Baron von

  • B. S. Barton’s acquaintance with, 8:325–8:326
  • De Distributione Geographica Plantarum, 11:395, 11:395n, 11:434
  • engravings of, 2:310, 2:487, 2:512, 3:503–3:504, 3:504n, 3:563
  • Essai politique sur le royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne, 1:24, 1:25n, 1:264, 1:267n, 1:267n, 3:107, 3:108n, 3:623n, 4:289, 4:352, 4:354n, 6:323, 6:326, 6:329, 7:29, 10:127, 10:128, 10:130, 10:145n
  • Essai sur la géographie des plantes, 1:265, 1:267n
  • family of, 7:541
  • identified, 1:24–1:25n
  • influence of, 9:392
  • introduces J. Corrêa da Serra, 4:353, 4:539n, 4:547
  • and Lafayette, 4:358
  • letters from, 1:264–1:267, 3:107–3:108, 4:352–4:354
  • letters from accounted for, 4:354n
  • letters to, 1:24–1:25, 3:553–3:555, 7:29–7:32, 11:434–11:435
  • likeness of, at Monticello, 1:593
  • and map of Mexico, 4:352–4:353, 4:354n
  • and Mémoires de Frédérique Sophie Wilhelmine de Prusse, Margrave de Bareith, 4:323, 5:189
  • mentioned, 2:287, 11:463, 11:618
  • Nivellement barométrique, 1:452, 1:453n, 1:455, 1:455n, 1:482
  • observations in natural history, 7:210
  • Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent, during the years 1799–1804. by Alexander de Humboldt, and Aimé Bonpland (trans. H. M. Williams), 10:243, 10:244n
  • proposed letter of introduction to, 8:322n
  • Recueil d’observations astronomiques, 1:24, 1:25n, 1:264, 1:267n, 1:455, 1:455n, 4:352, 4:354n, 7:29
  • rumored trip to Tibet, 4:353
  • sends books to TJ, 4:352–4:353, 4:354n, 4:586
  • sends greetings to TJ, 1:141, 1:629, 3:106, 10:243
  • sent geophysical work, 2:536
  • and South American independence, 9:391, 11:434
  • Tableaux de la Nature, 1:264, 1:267n, 1:482, 1:483n
  • TJ praises scientific writings of, 1:482
  • TJ sends greetings to, 11:417
  • and TJ’s Notes on the State of Virginia, 4:352, 4:354n
  • travels to India, 3:447
  • and University of Berlin, 4:354n
  • visits Germany, 4:325
  • Voyage aux régions équinoxiales du nouveau continent, 1:25n, 1:37, 1:267n, 1:482, 3:447n, 3:554, 3:555n
  • Voyage de Humboldt et Bonpland, 1:24–1:25n, 1:455, 1:455n
  • and D. B. Warden, 3:557–3:558n, 7:506, 7:506n+, 10:243
  • on yellow fever, 10:127, 10:128, 10:130, 10:145n

Humboldt, Karl Wilhelm von

  • Prussian ambassador, 4:352, 4:354n, 7:541

Hume, David

  • J. Adams on, 15:410
  • autobiography of, 10:553, 10:553n
  • cited by TJ, 6:582, 6:593n, 10:163, 10:164n
  • and climate change, 14:185, 14:186n
  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:664
  • criticized, 7:74, 8:328
  • death of, 10:6
  • The History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688, 3:5, 3:7n, 3:7n, 3:86, 6:551, 6:552n, 7:249, 7:527–7:528, 7:532n, 8:235, 8:581, 10:164n, 10:552–10:553, 10:553n, 10:588–10:589, 13:24, 13:24n, 13:410–13:412, 13:585, 14:185, 15:376
  • mentioned, 6:228, 6:238, 6:296, 6:302, 7:480, 7:480, 7:629, 7:715, 10:589
  • Philosophical Essays on Morals, Literature, and Politics, 12:438, 12:475, 12:480
  • political opinions of, 1:254n, 6:296, 8:328, 8:328–8:329n
  • quoted, 13:487, 13:489n
  • TJ on, 14:138
  • A Treatise of Human Nature, 9:635–9:636, 9:638n, 10:587
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:507
  • works of, 8:49, 8:657, 11:383

humhums (textile), 6:345, 6:349n

Humphrey, Hosea

  • A Dissertation on Fire, 9:307, 9:307, 9:307n, 9:308n, 10:163–10:164
  • identified, 9:308n
  • letter from, 9:307–9:308
  • letter to, 10:163–10:164
  • Long Talk, spoken at Seekhonk, on the Fourth of July, 1812, 9:307, 9:307–9:308n, 10:164
  • sends works to TJ, 9:307–9:308
  • works of, 10:163–10:164

Humphrey, John, Jr., 5:443n

Humphreys, Charles

  • and Declaration of Independence, 13:329, 13:330, 14:292

Humphreys, David

  • anecdote of, 13:464
  • imported sheep of, 1:16, 1:17, 1:18, 1:19n, 1:666–1:667, 2:431, 2:431, 5:496, 6:504
  • and medals commemorating Revolutionary War, 9:91, 15:292
  • mentioned, 1:647, 3:241n
  • mission to Algiers of, 10:676–10:677, 11:60
  • secretary of legation in Paris, 2:126
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:507
  • wool factory of, 4:40

Humphreys, Richard

  • captain of Saucy Jack, 10:411, 10:475, 11:131, 11:171

Humphreys, Solomon

  • agent for E. Kimber, 9:589

Humphreys, Thomas

  • on emancipation of slaves, 11:7–11:8, 11:8–11:12, 11:60–11:61
  • identified, 11:8n
  • as justice of the peace, 5:283
  • letters from, 11:7–11:8, 11:497
  • letter to, 11:60–11:61
  • as physician, 11:497
  • Plan for Emancipating and Colonizing American Slaves, 11:8–11:12

Humphries, George

  • recommended for military appointment, 4:529

Hunn, John, 2:454, 2:456n

Hunt, Gilbert John

  • The History of the Late War between the United States and Great Britain, 9:414n, 9:522, 10:457–10:458, 11:493–11:494, 11:495n
  • identified, 9:414n
  • letters from, 9:414, 10:457–10:458
  • letters to, 9:522
  • sends prospectus to TJ, 9:414, 9:522

Hunt, Samuel

  • dispute with G. Granger, 7:206, 7:207n
  • and D. Madison, 7:207n

Hunt, Seth, 3:280

Hunt, T. & R. (London firm). See T. & R. Hunt (London firm)

Hunt, Thomas, 3:426

Hunt, Wilson Price

  • expedition of, 4:550, 4:553, 4:554n

Hunter, Mr.

  • and H. Marks’s estate, 5:73

Hunter, Alexander, 2:82

Hunter, George

  • expedition of, 11:574, 11:574n

Hunter, James

  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 13:473, 13:473n, 13:516, 13:583

Hunter, Joseph

  • identified, 4:397n
  • letters from, 4:527, 6:213–6:214
  • letters to, 4:396–4:397, 6:213
  • and TJ’s clocks, 4:396–4:397, 4:527, 6:213, 6:213, 6:214n

Hunter, Robert

  • Campbell Co. innkeeper, 9:20, 10:491, 10:518, 13:126, 14:541, 14:542n, 14:635
  • identified, 9:20n

Hunter, William, 5:496

Hunter, William (coachmaker)

  • partner of A. Quarrier, 9:531

Hunter’s Ordinary (Campbell Co.; proprietor Robert Hunter), 8:79, 8:79n, 10:491, 10:492n, 10:518, 12:634–12:635

Hunter v. Fairfax. See Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee

Huntingdon, Selina Hastings, countess of

  • address of, 1:110, 1:111n

Huntington, N.Y.

  • yellow fever in, 10:137

Huntington, Samuel

  • as district attorney, 1:277, 1:278
  • president of Continental Congress, 4:468n

Huntington, William

  • identified, 13:157n
  • letter to, 13:157
  • as merchant, 13:349, 13:349n
  • TJ invites to Monticello, 13:157

Hunton, Charles B.

  • identified, 7:709n
  • sheriff, 7:708
  • and TJ’s taxes, 7:708–7:709

Hunts, Mr.

  • and estate of Major Walsh, 13:431–13:432

Hus (Huss), Jan (John), 8:551, 9:431

The Husbandry of the Ancients (A. Dickson), 1:581, 2:82, 7:626, 11:164, 14:222, 14:240

Huskisson, William

  • The Question concerning the Depreciation of our Currency, 4:271, 4:274n

Hutcheson, Francis

  • in collegiate curriculum, 7:662
  • A Short Introduction To Moral Philosophy, 7:458, 7:458n, 7:627
  • writings of, 14:60

Hutchins, Thomas

  • An Historical Narrative and Topographical Description of Louisiana, and West-Florida, 10:626

Hutchinson, Israel P.

  • and consulship at Lisbon, 5:313n

Hutchinson, James, 6:254, 7:217, 13:148

Hutchinson, Thomas

  • correspondence of published, 6:258, 6:259, 15:128
  • The History of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay, 1:581, 5:387, 5:390n, 5:508–5:509
  • mentioned, 6:258
  • as royal official, 12:494, 12:494, 12:495, 12:496

Hutchinson, Travers & Company (Lisbon firm), 8:694

Hutton, Catherine

  • The Miser Married, 12:635

Hutton, Charles

  • A Course of Mathematics, 5:447, 5:448n, 5:455, 5:493, 7:250–7:251, 7:253n, 9:192n, 13:382
  • A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, 7:251, 7:253n
  • Mathematical Tables, 1:576, 4:148, 4:149n, 8:674n, 9:60, 9:131, 9:274, 12:372, 12:389, 12:439, 12:514
  • and velocity of fired cannonballs, 6:245, 6:249n

Hutton, James

  • as geologist, 13:102, 13:480, 13:482n
  • J. Playfair’s biographical essay on, 12:403

Hutton, Joseph

  • identified, 13:297n
  • letter from, 13:297
  • sends prospectus to TJ, 13:297

hyacinths, 3:545, 3:633, 4:523, 5:358, 5:465, 5:553, 10:517, 10:536–10:537, 10:537

Hyacinthus monstrosus. See feathered hyacinths

Hyde, Cyrus

  • as deputy sheriff, 12:38n

Hyde, Edward, 1st Earl of Clarendon. See Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of

Hyde de Neuville, Anne Marguerite Joséphine Henriette Rouillé de Marigny (Jean Guillaume Hyde de Neuville’s wife), 11:166, 11:167n, 12:li–12:lii, 12:348 (illus.)

Hyde de Neuville, Jean Guillaume

  • family of, 11:166, 11:167n
  • as French ambassador to U.S., 9:656–9:657, 10:253–10:254, 10:483, 10:484n, 11:267, 11:267n, 12:473
  • identified, 4:374–4:375n
  • letters from, 4:434–4:435, 5:405–5:406, 13:459–13:461
  • letters from accounted for, 4:375n
  • letters to, 4:374–4:375, 5:430–5:431, 13:489–13:490
  • and Louis XVIII, 7:404
  • and military appointment for C. Despinville, 4:374, 4:375n, 4:376, 4:434, 5:405, 5:430–5:431, 5:435–5:436
  • poses as “Dr. Rolland,” 14:601n
  • proposed visit of to Monticello, 10:253, 10:314
  • reports on French affairs, 13:459–13:460, 13:489
  • and Statement of Improvements in the Theory and Practice of the Science of Medicine (T. Ewell), 14:601
  • and tariffs, 13:460
  • visits Monticello, 13:490
  • visits Montpellier (Madison family estate), 12:lii


  • collegiate education in, 13:208, 13:215n
  • and manufacturing, 7:558
  • study of, 7:638, 7:639, 7:663, 7:666, 7:686

hydrochloric acid. See acid, marine (hydrochloric, muriatic)


  • collegiate education in, 13:208, 13:215n
  • study of, 7:638, 7:639

hydrostatic engine, 7:232–7:233, 7:233n, 7:268–7:269


  • collegiate education in, 13:208, 13:214n
  • and manufacturing, 7:558
  • study of, 7:638, 7:639, 7:663, 7:666, 7:686

hygiene See also health; medicine; public health

  • works on, 14:44–14:45, 14:507, 14:529–14:530


  • TJ purchases, 5:xlviii

Hylton, Daniel L.

  • appointment considered, 1:25
  • death of, 4:35
  • E. Randolph’s trustee, 4:231–4:232n

Hylton, William

  • and lima beans, 9:608–9:609

L’Hymen et La Naissance, ou Poésies en l’honneur de leurs majestés Impériales et Royales, 5:214, 5:215n

Hymn to Zeus (Cleanthes), 6:520–6:521, 6:521–6:522, 6:522n, 6:540–6:541, 6:542–6:543n, 6:550, 6:551

hypochondria, 2:336, 10:529

hysteria, 7:388

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