This index refers to page numbers in the published volumes. Documents subsequently added to the digital editions are marked with a +. Copies of the published volumes are available at a library near you, or may be purchased through this website or from Princeton University Press. The volumes are also available via two online platforms, the Rotunda version through the University of Virginia Press (subscription required) and the Founders Online version (free).
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Kaim. See Kames (Kaim), Henry Home, Lord
Kalb, Johann, baron de, 2:13, 15:190
- sea, 3:439, 3:440n, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n, 13:325, 14:385n, 15:137, 15:152, 15:398, 15:567
- seed, 5:384, 6:44, 6:86
- sprout, 4:498, 4:498n, 4:523, 4:561, 4:562, 5:490, 5:658, 6:7, 6:44, 6:86, 8:272, 9:532, 11:151, 11:174–11:175, 13:111
Kalorama (Barlow’s estate in Washington), 2:146
Kames (Kaim), Henry Home, Lord
- Elements of Criticism, 1:576, 7:629
- Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion, 1:576, 7:415, 7:416n, 7:627
- The Gentleman Farmer, 1:581, 2:82, 7:626, 10:195, 10:196n, 11:164
- Historical Law-Tracts, 3:546
- Principles of Equity, 7:628
- quoted, 7:467, 7:468n
Kanawha River, 14:15n, 14:402, 14:403, 14:404n, 14:412, 14:413
Karay. See Coray, Adamantios
Die Katholischen Briefe: Neu übersesst und erklärt und mit Excursen und einleitenden Abhandlungen (J. C. W. Augusti), 11:307
- identified, 13:389–13:390n
- letters from, 13:461, 14:300
- letter to, 13:388–13:390
- and H. Marks’s estate, 11:567
- as physician, 13:388–13:389
- proposes to visit Monticello, 13:461, 13:461, 14:300
- recommends W. T. Minor, 8:199n
- relocates to Charlottesville, 13:461, 14:300
Kean, Martha Winston Callis (Andrew Kean’s wife)
- letter from, 13:154–13:155
- letter to, 13:178–13:179
- and steam navigation, 13:154–13:155, 13:178–13:179
Kearny, Francis See also Tanner, Vallance, Kearny, & Company (Philadelphia firm)
Keating (Keatinge), Maurice Bagenal St. Leger
Keene, Richard Raynal, 2:681, 2:682n
- The History of the British Plantations in America … Part 1. Containing the History of Virginia, 5:509
- identified, 12:259n
- letters from, 12:257–12:259, 12:365–12:367
- letters to, 12:338–12:339, 12:396–12:397
- and C. Stewart’s apprenticeship, 12:257–12:258, 12:260, 12:274, 12:338–12:339, 12:339, 12:354, 12:365–12:366, 12:396
- weaving enterprise of, 12:338, 12:339, 12:354, 12:365, 12:396–12:397
- and Albemarle Academy, 7:266, 7:267, 7:282, 7:293, 7:335, 7:339, 7:339, 7:570
- and Albemarle Volunteer Company subscription, 5:344
- and corn-shelling machines, 14:118
- creditor of C. L. Bankhead, 8:394
- identified, 2:452n
- introduces E. Alcocke, 2:452
- introduces E. Fletcher, 3:610
- as juror, 5:278, 5:279
- letters from, 2:452
- letters from accounted for, 2:452n
- as merchant, 14:472, 14:472, 15:91
- offers to buy land, 8:277
- petition to General Assembly, 5:378–5:380
- and Rivanna Company, 11:64, 11:76, 11:81, 11:91, 11:99, 11:259–11:260, 11:260n, 11:552, 12:604, 14:356, 15:268
- vouches for O. Norris, 3:465
- witnesses warrants, 5:280
Kelly & Norris (Charlottesville firm), 15:91
Kenney, Mr. See Kinney, Mr.
Kennon, Elizabeth Beverley Munford
Kentucky See also Howard, Benjamin
- J. Adams on, 12:404–12:405
- and Bank of U.S., 4:113, 4:113n, 4:128–4:130, 4:130n, 12:179
- banks in, 13:610
- and batture controversy, 3:204
- boundaries of, 15:623n
- British prisoners of war incarcerated in, 8:219
- education in, 1:456, 14:638
- elections in, 5:581
- French émigrés settle in, 10:107, 10:276
- goods carried to, 4:27
- growth of, 4:113
- hemp grown in, 2:359
- history of, 8:200
- judiciary, 1:405
- land prices in, 11:151
- land speculation in, 1:129, 1:131n, 1:256+
- Lewis family in, 1:168n
- literature from, 11:364, 12:9
- mammoth bones found in, 2:507, 5:572, 5:573n, 8:448, 8:449n, 12:150
- J. Monroe’s trip to, 2:35
- newspapers, 4:277n, 4:285, 4:285n, 8:486, 8:487n, 11:157n
- prospects in, 2:344, 2:359
- rice cultivation in, 5:560
- sheep raised in, 6:370
- shepherd dogs for, 6:369–6:370
- slaves in, 3:92, 3:242–3:243
- TJ on, 2:359, 8:516, 13:48
- troops from, 5:319–5:320, 5:336, 6:577, 6:577n
- war sentiment in, 5:478, 7:201–7:202, 7:462, 7:464–7:465, 7:522, 8:516
- weather in, 6:605
Kentucky Palladium (Frankfort newspaper)
Kentucky Society for Promoting Agriculture
- letters from accounted for, 1:48n
- letters to accounted for, 1:48n
- president of Fredericksburg bank, 1:47, 1:48n, 3:112n
- identified, 1:567n
- Letters addressed to the people of Virginia, 10:162–10:163, 10:323, 10:367, 10:434
- letters from, 1:566–1:567, 10:162–10:163, 10:322–10:323
- letters from accounted for, 2:148n
- letters to, 2:147–2:148, 10:222–10:228, 10:367–10:369, 10:435–10:436
- and publication of TJ’s letters, 10:221, 10:322, 10:323, 10:367
- and reform of Va. constitution, 10:162–10:163, 10:322–10:323, 10:361, 10:367–10:368, 10:405–10:406, 10:434, 10:435–10:436
- solicits donation for school, 1:566–1:567, 2:147, 2:148n
Kerens, Heinrich Johann von, 8:560, 8:562n
Kerr, Sarah Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; John B. Kerr’s wife), 1:439–1:440, 1:459, 1:460, 1:461, 5:422, 5:424n, 5:427, 5:427, 5:427, 11:42–11:43n, 12:559–12:560
Kershaw & Lewis (Charleston firm)
Kersner (Kershner), Martin, 1:27
- edits Discours sur les Progrès des Sciences, Lettres et Arts, 1:656, 13:147, 13:394, 13:394–13:395n, 13:428, 13:596
- identified, 1:657n
- letters from, 1:656–1:657
Key, Ann (Martin Key’s wife), 5:425
- and Central College subscription, 11:334
- as juror, 5:278, 5:279
- petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
- witnesses warrant, 5:280
Kickapoo Indians, 6:323–6:324, 8:222
Kiel, Treaty of (1814), 15:573n
- identified, 9:590n
- letter from, 9:589–9:590
- map published by, 9:589, 9:590n
- as publisher, 1:256n, 9:589
Kimber & Conrad (Philadelphia firm)
- identified, 1:256n
- letters from, 1:256
- solicits book subscription, 1:256
- TJ purchases books from, 5:443n
Kimber & Richardson (Philadelphia firm)
Kincaid’s Tavern (Augusta Co.), 13:230, 13:231, 13:232
Kinder, Arthur See also Shotwell & Kinder (New York firm)
King, Mary Alsop (Rufus King’s wife), 14:3
- identified, 7:589n
- letters from, 7:573–7:590
- letters to, 7:704–7:706
- and TJ’s salvation, 7:573–7:589, 7:704–7:705
- and colonization of Sierra Leone, 3:319, 3:320n
- and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 11:202
- and T. Kosciuszko’s estate, 14:3–14:4, 14:68
- and Missouri question, 15:441, 15:441n, 15:532, 15:536n
- and offer of crown to G. Washington, 12:429
- C. W. Peale paints, 13:540
- and plan for New England secession, 5:13, 5:14n
- sends money to Lafayette, 2:14
- U.S. minister to Great Britain, 3:96n, 4:670, 4:671n, 10:281–10:282
- as U.S. senator, 6:176, 6:177n, 6:178, 6:202, 6:241, 6:242n, 7:115, 7:115n, 12:592n
King, Walter, 3:179, 3:211, 5:15–5:16
- as governor of Maine, 15:497, 15:511
- identified, 13:508n
- introduced to TJ, 13:508
- letter from, 15:174
- letter to, 15:226
- and Maine constitution, 15:174, 15:226
- visits Monticello, 15:174, 15:497
King, William (of South Carolina)
- and calculation of latitude and longitude, 12:643–12:644, 13:84–13:85, 13:119–13:120
- identified, 12:644n
- letters from, 12:643–12:644, 13:84–13:85
- letter to, 13:119–13:120
King’s College (later part of the University of Aberdeen), 13:138, 13:139n
Kings Mountain, Battle of (1780)
- identified, 10:387n
- letter from, 10:386–10:387
- letter to, 10:406–10:407
- and ownership of Philadelphia land, 10:386, 10:387n, 10:406–10:407
Kingston, Upper Canada, 5:319–5:320, 7:10, 7:14, 7:51, 7:56, 7:88, 7:91
King v. Taylor, 7:147–7:148, 7:148, 7:148
King v. Woolston, 7:147–7:148, 7:148
- and Central College subscription, 11:329
- and Mutual Assurance Society, 15:575–15:576, 15:595
- petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
- TJ pays, 6:337, 6:338n
Kippen & Company (Glasgow firm), 2:513, 12:645
Kirby, Mr. (boatman), 14:361, 14:363
Kirk & Mercein (New York firm), 13:178n
- and B. Franklin, 13:603
- as minister of New South Church, Boston, 14:310
- as president of Harvard University, 11:142, 11:143n, 14:536
- identified, 4:106–4:107n
- letters from, 4:105–4:107
- letter to, 4:175+
- letters to accounted for, 4:107n
- and Seventy-Six Association, 4:105, 4:106–4:107n, 4:175+
- Elements of Mineralogy , 2:375, 2:377n
- The Manures Most Advantageously Applicable to The various Sorts of Soils, 11:164
- mineralogical theories of, 13:102
Kite, Benjamin See also Benjamin & Thomas Kite (Philadelphia firm)
Kite, Benjamin & Thomas (Philadelphia firm). See Benjamin & Thomas Kite (Philadelphia firm)
Kite, Thomas See also Benjamin & Thomas Kite (Philadelphia firm)
Kluyskens, Jean François, 10:230
Knickerbocker, Diedrich. See Irving, Washington: A History of New York
Knigge, Adolph Franz Friedrich, 7:587, 7:590n
- and brickwork for Central College, 11:558–11:559, 11:602, 11:602n, 11:610, 11:669, 12:xlix, 12:55, 12:55, 12:93, 12:183, 12:184, 12:269, 12:318, 12:319n, 12:363, 15:86, 15:89, 15:93, 15:93
- identified, 11:559n
- letter from, 11:558–11:559
- letters to, 11:610, 12:55–12:56
- A Treatise on the Culture of the Apple & Pear, and on the Manufacture of Cider & Perry, 1:582, 2:83, 11:165
- C. L. Bankhead’s, 14:8, 14:10n, 14:16, 14:20, 14:20, 14:20
- drawknives, 1:135, 1:136n
- pocketknives, 12:l–12:li, 12:348 (illus.)
- for scalping, 8:222
- and De Jure Regni Apud Scotos (G. Buchanan), 2:172, 2:174n, 2:215
- as educator, 11:566, 11:570, 11:606, 12:76, 13:450–13:454, 13:454n
- identified, 2:174n
- letters from, 2:172–2:174, 13:450–13:455
- letters to, 2:215–2:216, 13:484
- public disputes of, 13:450–13:451, 13:452–13:453, 13:455n
- seeks position at University of Virginia, 13:450, 13:453–13:454, 13:484
- supposed retirement of, 12:19
- TJ on, 2:215
- A Vindication of the Religion of Mr. Jefferson, 2:173, 2:174n, 2:215–2:216
Koelreuteria paniculata. See goldenrain tree
- Coup-d’Oeil rapide sur les causes réelles de la Décadence de la Pologne, 1:535, 1:536n, 4:56
- Memoir on a subterranean graphometer, 1:535, 1:536n
- sends books to TJ, 1:535, 1:536n, 2:536
- identified, 10:274n
- letter from, 10:240+
- letter from accounted for, 10:272n
- letter to, 10:273–10:274
- military service claims of, 10:240+, 10:272, 10:273–10:274
Kosciuszko, Tadeusz (Thaddeus) Andrzej Bonawentura
- account with J. Barnes, 7:432, 7:456–7:457, 7:499, 7:713, 8:430, 8:484, 8:499, 8:500, 8:500–8:501, 9:465, 9:465, 10:94–10:95, 10:295–10:296, 10:431, 10:638, 10:638–10:642, 11:57, 11:58n, 11:125, 12:317, 12:347, 12:347–12:348, 13:319, 13:320–13:321, 14:68, 14:68, 14:69, 14:70, 14:131, 14:158, 14:482
- on acquisition of Canada, 6:150
- and American Revolution, 13:114–13:115, 13:116n, 13:153–13:154, 13:155–13:156
- J. Armstrong’s Notes on, 13:114–13:116
- Bank of Columbia stock of, 9:587–9:588, 10:93, 10:94–10:95, 10:295–10:296, 10:312, 10:431–10:432, 10:451, 10:568, 10:584, 10:585, 10:598–10:599, 10:625, 10:626, 10:639, 10:640, 10:641, 10:665, 11:57, 11:124, 11:155, 12:347, 12:347, 13:320, 13:320, 13:321, 14:158, 14:426, 14:508n, 15:376
- Bank of Pennsylvania stock of, 1:408, 2:135, 2:181, 3:89, 3:90n, 3:284, 3:289, 3:524, 4:17, 4:18n, 4:26, 4:418, 4:463, 4:487–4:488, 5:374, 5:380, 5:381n, 6:168, 6:307, 6:546, 7:170, 7:189, 7:192, 7:193–7:194, 7:211–7:212, 7:215–7:216, 7:233–7:234, 7:261, 7:283–7:284, 7:294, 7:294, 7:314–7:316, 7:333–7:334, 7:334, 7:353, 7:354, 7:355, 7:369, 7:380–7:381, 7:421, 7:432n, 7:432, 7:432, 7:432, 7:432, 7:440–7:441, 7:442–7:443, 7:456–7:457, 8:20, 8:300, 8:499, 8:499, 8:500, 8:573, 14:69
- and J. Barnes, 1:206, 7:233–7:234, 7:261, 7:283–7:284, 7:294, 7:294, 7:333–7:334, 7:334, 7:334, 7:353, 7:354, 7:363, 7:380–7:381, 7:421, 7:431–7:432, 7:437, 7:440, 7:440–7:441, 7:442–7:443, 7:456–7:457, 7:475, 7:553–7:554, 8:125, 8:145, 8:172, 8:172, 8:194–8:195, 8:430, 8:472–8:473, 8:497, 8:498–8:499n, 9:181–9:182, 9:182n, 9:500, 10:312–10:313, 10:479, 11:350, 11:362, 12:23, 12:319, 12:322–12:323, 14:324, 14:370, 14:425–14:426, 14:426–14:427, 14:444
- believes TJ to be secretary of state, 8:344
- death of, 12:143–12:144, 12:144, 12:145–12:146n, 12:228–12:229, 12:293–12:294, 12:313, 12:316, 12:319, 12:319, 12:322, 12:347, 12:546, 13:155–13:156, 13:320, 13:351, 13:353–13:354, 14:130, 14:130, 14:131, 14:228, 14:482
- on education in the U.S., 4:469, 8:344–8:345, 12:23
- estate of, 12:315n, 12:317, 12:319, 12:346, 12:546, 13:319, 13:351–13:352, 13:384, 13:528, 14:3–14:4, 14:68, 14:69, 14:70, 14:79, 14:130, 14:131, 14:158, 14:228, 14:264, 14:324, 14:341, 14:343, 14:370, 14:426–14:427, 14:444, 14:454, 14:482–14:483, 14:488, 14:508, 15:180, 15:210–15:211, 15:376–15:377
- on European affairs, 12:23
- and European opinions of U.S., 9:714, 9:715
- financial distress of, 7:151, 7:316, 7:355, 8:344, 8:480–8:481, 9:715, 10:567, 14:68, 14:68–14:69
- funeral of, 12:293, 12:313, 13:84, 13:84n
- gives animal fur to TJ, 9:147, 9:147–9:148n
- gives military advice, 6:150–6:151
- identified, 1:207n
- and investment in U.S. government loan, 7:170, 7:333–7:334, 7:334, 7:355, 7:363, 7:369, 8:20, 8:145, 8:145n, 8:172, 8:172, 8:194–8:195, 8:300–8:301, 8:346, 8:425–8:426, 8:472–8:473, 8:499, 8:500, 8:573–8:574, 9:448, 9:587–9:588, 10:295–10:296, 10:312, 10:431–10:432, 10:451, 10:568, 10:584, 10:585, 10:598–10:599, 10:599, 10:625, 10:626, 10:638, 10:639–10:640, 10:641, 10:665, 11:27, 11:27n, 11:57, 11:58n, 11:124–11:125, 11:155, 11:155, 11:187, 12:347, 12:347, 12:347, 12:347, 13:320, 13:320, 13:320, 13:320–13:321, 13:542, 14:158, 14:426, 14:427, 15:376
- letters delivered to, 4:326, 5:319–5:321
- letter from, to J. Barnes, 9:465
- letters from, 1:206–1:207, 3:415–3:418, 4:469–4:470, 6:150–6:152, 7:151–7:152, 7:363–7:364, 7:475–7:476, 8:344–8:345, 9:714–9:716, 11:398–11:399, 12:23–12:24
- letters from accounted for, 6:507n
- letters to, 2:257–2:261, 3:565–3:567, 3:617, 4:28–4:29, 5:186–5:188, 5:295–5:296, 7:9–7:13, 7:442–7:443, 8:300–8:301, 8:573–8:575, 11:447–11:449
- letters to mentioned, 2:256, 2:268, 2:410, 2:463, 4:33, 7:349, 7:441
- mentioned, 3:62n, 12:38
- on military preparedness, 1:206, 3:415–3:416
- mislaid bank stock of, 1:166, 1:217, 1:218n, 2:181, 2:188
- plan to emancipate and educate American slaves, 2:260, 2:261n, 13:154, 13:156, 14:130, 14:228, 14:482, 15:180
- and P. Poinsot’s consular nomination, 13:272, 13:282n, 13:282n, 13:282n, 13:282n, 13:282n, 13:282n, 14:388–14:389
- and P. Poinsot’s land grant, 11:398–11:399, 11:472, 11:473, 12:299, 12:432, 13:54, 13:54, 13:273, 13:273, 13:280–13:281, 13:427
- as Polish patriot, 2:257, 9:714–9:715, 12:23, 13:114, 13:115
- power of attorney from, 8:345, 8:346, 10:312–10:313, 10:313n, 10:432, 10:432, 10:451, 10:479, 10:568, 10:584, 10:584, 10:599, 11:57, 11:58n, 12:230, 12:316, 12:319, 12:322–12:323
- profile of TJ by, 2:39, 2:39–2:40n, 2:106, 10:258
- proposed biography of, 12:228–12:229, 12:230–12:231, 12:546, 13:113, 13:114–13:115, 13:153–13:154, 14:50, 14:51, 14:143
- on Quakers, 4:469
- remittances to, 2:134–2:135, 2:151–2:152, 2:181–2:182, 2:219, 2:256, 2:257, 2:260, 3:284, 3:524–3:525, 3:528, 3:558, 3:567, 3:587, 3:613, 3:617, 3:619, 4:3, 4:17, 4:26, 4:29, 4:418, 4:462, 4:469, 4:487–4:488, 4:521, 4:576, 4:576, 4:591–4:592, 4:621, 4:629–4:630, 4:665–4:666, 4:684–4:685, 5:27–5:28, 5:59–5:60, 5:192, 5:295, 5:296, 5:380, 5:381n, 5:393, 5:484, 5:531, 5:571, 6:85, 6:91–6:92, 6:118, 6:151, 6:166, 6:168, 6:211–6:212, 6:212, 6:239–6:240, 6:262–6:263, 6:307, 6:507, 6:546, 6:558, 6:577–6:578, 6:606–6:607, 6:607n, 7:9–7:10, 7:46, 7:151, 7:151–7:152n, 7:169, 7:189, 7:216, 7:333–7:334, 7:354, 7:355, 7:363–7:364, 7:380, 7:421, 7:431–7:432, 7:432, 7:437, 7:439–7:440, 7:441, 7:442, 7:456, 7:456–7:457, 7:475, 7:499, 7:572, 7:617, 8:125, 8:125, 8:344, 8:430, 8:480–8:481, 8:484, 8:497, 8:498–8:499n, 8:500, 8:573–8:574, 9:181, 9:181, 9:182, 9:367, 9:448, 9:465, 9:465, 10:250, 10:250, 10:296, 10:296–10:297n, 10:479, 10:567–10:568, 10:584, 10:599, 10:638, 10:639, 10:641, 10:641–10:642, 11:361, 11:447–11:448, 11:522, 11:523, 12:317, 12:347, 14:68–14:69, 14:70, 14:324, 14:426
- sends regards to TJ, 7:505, 9:465
- G. Ticknor carries letter to, 9:560
- TJ invites to live at Monticello, 11:449, 12:23
- TJ praises, 7:12
- TJ’s debt to, 6:167, 6:168, 7:680, 8:300–8:301, 8:425–8:426, 8:430, 8:437–8:438, 8:472–8:473, 8:573–8:574, 9:715
- TJ’s draft to, 1:281, 2:135, 2:181–2:182, 2:256, 2:260, 3:416, 3:528, 4:28–4:29, 4:462–4:463
- on U.S., 12:23
- in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:507
- and B. West’s The Fright of Astyanax, 8:137n, 8:160
- wills of, 2:260, 2:261n, 12:313–12:314, 12:314–12:315, 12:316, 12:319, 12:323, 12:369–12:370, 13:lii, 13:154, 13:156, 14:3, 14:3, 14:68, 14:79, 14:130, 14:131, 14:261, 14:261n, 14:264, 14:268, 14:343, 14:426–14:427, 14:482, 14:508, 15:180, 15:180, 15:210–15:211, 15:336, 15:336n, 15:358, 15:358n, 15:376, 15:377, 15:377n
Kotzebue, August Friedrich Ferdinand von
- and Boston Glass Manufactory, 14:274n, 14:434–14:435, 14:435, 14:455, 14:475–14:476
- identified, 14:435n
- letters to, 14:434–14:435, 14:475–14:476
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