This index refers to page numbers in the published volumes. Documents subsequently added to the digital editions are marked with a +. Copies of the published volumes are available at a library near you, or may be purchased through this website or from Princeton University Press. The volumes are also available via two online platforms, the Rotunda version through the University of Virginia Press (subscription required) and the Founders Online version (free).
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- American, 8:245
- cork, 2:140, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n, 5:438, 5:560
- holm, 1:594
- F. A. Michaux on, 5:7, 5:8n, 7:52, 8:248, 8:363
- in Va., 11:624
Oak Hill (J. Monroe’s Loudoun Co. estate)
- construction of, 11:273–11:274, 11:273–11:274, 11:274n
- sale of, 7:487, 7:488n, 15:568
- visits to, 15:105
- and Agricultural Society of Albemarle, 3:348, 3:351n
- for Central College–University of Virginia, 15:93, 15:96, 15:100
- from J. H. Craven, 2:371
- as crop, 6:133, 7:461, 8:305, 8:366, 12:354, 15:11
- damaged by drought, 2:417, 2:491, 2:496, 4:32, 6:210
- as fodder, 8:268n, 9:562, 11:272, 12:197, 12:242
- at Poplar Forest, 4:379, 8:69, 8:70, 8:542, 8:611, 14:430, 15:608–15:609
- potato, 5:657, 5:658n
- price of, 8:268n, 8:592
- purchased by TJ, 1:3, 8:79, 8:79n, 10:118n, 10:168, 14:295n, 14:317, 14:317, 14:472
- as rent, 12:302
- seed, 2:93, 5:384, 12:302, 13:75
- edits C. Cornelii Taciti opera (Tacitus), 9:196, 9:455, 10:212, 10:531, 11:205, 11:296, 11:414, 11:414, 12:356, 14:511
Oberling. See Oberlin, Jeremias Jakob
O’Brien, Richard, 1:479, 1:480n
Observationes siderum habitae Pisis in specula academica (J. A. Slop von Cadenberg), 6:75, 6:84, 6:84n
Observations (H. Banks), 3:296
“Observations concerning the Fly-Weevil, that destroys the Wheat” (L. Carter), 8:643, 8:645n
Observations on Infidelity (Cerus), 2:124–2:125, 2:125n, 2:125n
Observations on man, his frame, his duty, and his expectations (D. Hartley), 3:277–3:278, 3:304, 7:385, 7:386n
Observations on Modern Gardening (T. Whately), 12:534, 13:96, 13:97n
Observations on Penal Jurisprudence, and the Reformation of Criminals (W. Roscoe), 14:78
Observations on Reversionary Payments; on Schemes for providing Annuities for Widows, and for Persons in Old Age … and on The National Debt (R. Price), 6:497, 6:498n
Observations on Robin’s Travels in Louisiana (D. B. Warden), 3:557, 3:558n
“Observations on the annual Passage of Herrings” (J. Gilpin), 5:602, 5:604n
Observations on the Climate in Different Parts of America (H. Williamson), 2:71, 2:71–2:72n
Observations on the Geology of the United States of America (W. Maclure), 12:165–12:166
Observations on the influence of soil and climate upon wool (R. Bakewell), 1:479, 1:480n, 3:263, 3:264n
Observations on the Laws Governing the Communication of Contagious Diseases (D. Hosack), 8:467, 8:468n, 10:133–10:134, 10:147n
Observations on the Pernicious Practice of the Law (B. Austin), 9:249, 9:249n, 9:333
Observations sur la culture du coton (Rohr), 2:83
Observations sur la Relation de la Campagne de 1815, Publiée par le Général Gourgaud (E. Grouchy), 15:232, 15:256, 15:257n
Observations sur “L’art de faire le vin” (J. F. Charpentier de Cossigny), 1:35
Observations sur les Affections Catarrhales (P. J. G. Cabanis), 13:342, 13:358, 13:394, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561, 14:232, 14:461
Observations sur le Systême Actuel d’Instruction Publique (Destutt de Tracy), 9:442, 9:443n, 11:359
Observations to shew the propriety of the nomination of Colonel James Monroe, to the Presidency of the United States by the Caucus at Washington (C. Pinckney), 10:339, 10:339n, 10:363, 10:363n
Observer (Baltimore newspaper), 4:336, 4:338n
The Observer (British periodical), 7:665
Occoquan River, 14:402, 14:403, 14:412–14:413
Ocean (brig), 10:170, 10:171, 10:172n, 10:411, 11:531
Ocellus Lucanus, De la Nature de l’Univers (trans. C. Batteux), 12:112
Ocellus Lucanus en Grec et en François (J. B. Boyer), 7:75, 7:78n, 7:148, 8:553, 8:553n, 10:14, 12:112, 12:444
- A Sketch for the Improvement of the Political, Commercial, and Local Interests of Britain, 3:274, 3:275n
“An Ode in Imitation of Alcæus” (W. Jones)
“Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College” (T. Gray), 2:477, 2:478–2:479n, 15:136, 15:137n
“Ode to Thomas Jefferson” (S. G. Tucker), 1:617–1:619
Odobenus rosmarus. See walrus
odometers, 11:504, 11:506n, 13:81, 13:81n
Odyssea Græce et Latine (Homer), 3:546
- mentioned, 8:121, 11:414
- miniature edition of, 10:260, 10:260n
- The Odyssey of Homer (trans. A. Pope), 12:534
- TJ cites, 8:617, 8:617n, 8:658, 8:659n
- TJ orders, 12:583, 13:293
Oeiras. See Oeyras (Oeiras) wine
- identified, 5:617n
- Obituary Notice for Joel Barlow, 5:612, 5:614–5:617, 5:618–5:621, 6:515, 6:516n, 7:525, 10:46
Oeuvres (J. Bacquet), 3:174–3:175n
Œuvres (Renusson), 3:130–3:131, 3:174n, 3:546
Oeuvres (A. R. J. Turgot), 1:202n, 1:263, 1:264n, 1:584–1:585, 1:592, 1:632, 1:667, 1:668n, 2:39, 3:516, 4:22–4:23, 4:24n, 4:125, 4:126–4:127n, 7:7, 7:9n
Œuvres choisies de l’Abbé Prévost (A. F. Prévost), 9:355n
Œuvres Complètes de Xénophon (Xenophon; trans. J. B. Gail), 12:583, 13:293, 13:293, 13:294n
Œuvres Complettes (C. A. Hélvetius), 7:414, 7:415–7:416n, 7:455n
Œuvres complettes de Dêmosthene et d’Eschine (Demosthenes; Aeschines; trans. A. Auger), 7:259
Oeuvres Complettes de Frederic II, Roi de Prusse (Frederick II), 1:580
Œuvres Complettes d’Isocrate (Isocrates; trans. A. Auger), 7:259
Œuvres d’Archimède (trans. F. Peyrard), 11:127, 11:152, 11:175, 11:193, 11:295, 11:297, 11:395
Les Œuvres de Platon (Plato; trans. A. Dacier), 12:112
Oeuvres de Salluste (Sallust; trans. J. B. Dureau de la Malle), 13:342, 13:358, 13:394, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561
Oeuvres de Séneque le philosophe (Seneca; trans. N. de La Grange), 10:233, 10:236–10:237n, 12:534, 14:511
Oeuvres d’Horace (Horace; ed. A. Dacier), 10:235, 13:537, 14:511
Oeuvres Philosophiques de Cicéron (Cicero; Didot edition), 9:354, 9:420, 12:112
Oeyras (Oeiras) wine, 3:240, 3:241n
Official Letters to the Honorable American Congress (G. Washington), 14:193, 14:265, 14:286
Of the Advancement and Proficiencie of Learning: or the Partitions of Sciences (F. Bacon), 8:473, 8:475n, 9:xliv–9:xlv
Of the Importance of Religious Opinions (J. Necker), 7:588–7:590, 7:590n
Of Wisdom (P. Charron; trans. G. Stanhope), 12:534
- Albemarle Co. school of, 3:632n
- on American progress, 3:631
- and G. W. Blaettermann, 14:251, 14:345, 14:347–14:348
- as Earl of Findlater, 7:560
- on education, 9:443n
- forwards newspaper prospectus, 4:276–4:277
- identified, 3:632–3:633n
- introduces C. Clarke, 8:113
- as lecturer, 4:72–4:74, 4:75, 4:113, 4:276–4:277
- letters from, 3:630–3:633, 4:276–4:277, 7:514, 8:113–8:114, 8:352–8:354
- letter from, to G. Ticknor, 14:347–14:348
- letters to, 4:72–4:74
- and memoir of C. B. Brown, 3:632
- on neology, 7:514
- offers assistance to TJ, 8:113–8:114
- Philosophical Essays, 8:352–8:353, 8:354n
- rhetoric class of, 8:352–8:353, 8:354n
- unconventional views of, 7:258
- visits Monticello, 7:635, 7:649–7:650, 8:113
- antiquities from, 13:82, 13:82–13:83, 13:83n, 13:83n, 13:83n
- banks in, 12:179
- books on, 9:526, 9:526n, 9:647, 13:82
- maps of, 8:77n
- migration to, 2:344, 2:345, 7:93
- newspapers, 11:177, 11:177n
- senator from, 1:643n
- state legislature, 1:380
- TJ on, 2:359
- and Treaty of Ghent (1814), 8:329n
- troops from, 5:319–5:320, 5:336
- connection with James River, 15:400, 15:400–15:401n, 15:492, 15:493n, 15:539, 15:585, 15:587n
- fish of, 3:92
- as geographical boundary, 9:689, 9:690, 13:611
- mentioned, 12:492
- and steamboats, 7:56, 8:591, 13:254
- castor, 5:669, 6:345, 14:554, 14:567n
- ceremonial use of, 12:61, 12:62, 12:62, 12:64, 12:64, 12:65, 12:70
- linseed, 5:33, 5:379, 15:473
- as lubricant, 15:257
- olive, 1:84n, 1:188, 1:188, 1:257, 1:366, 1:366, 3:545, 4:210, 4:686, 9:198, 11:407, 11:653, 11:653, 12:205, 12:374, 12:580, 13:447, 13:448n, 13:565, 13:576–13:577, 13:585, 13:606, 13:607, 14:329, 15:120
- poppy, 2:270, 2:271
- salad, 1:31, 1:161, 2:335, 2:392, 2:438, 3:434
- sesame, 1:84n, 1:212, 3:636–3:637, 4:7, 4:39–4:40
- spermaceti, 1:31
- sweet, 15:262
- for TJ, 5:92, 7:710, 7:716–7:717, 9:541–9:542, 14:626, 15:262, 15:300, 15:313, 15:559
- turpentine, 3:442, 3:453, 3:512–3:513, 3:518, 5:676, 8:81, 15:473
- used in medicine, 4:102, 15:46
- as Albemarle Co. justice, 13:276n, 13:276n
- and Jefferson v. Michie, 6:576n, 7:675, 7:678
- and Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 14:422, 15:348, 15:348
- petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
- as builder for University of Virginia, 13:524, 13:539, 14:40, 14:172, 14:195, 14:197, 14:211–14:212, 14:212, 14:446, 15:98, 15:98, 15:98, 15:100, 15:102, 15:102, 15:559
- and hardware for TJ, 11:548, 11:548, 11:588–11:589, 12:552, 12:633
- health of, 14:197
- identified, 3:520n
- introduces Y. Smith, 14:40
- letter from, to N. Barksdale, 14:172
- letters from, 3:575, 3:588, 8:21, 8:142–8:143, 11:588–11:589, 13:95–13:96, 13:524, 14:40–14:41, 14:197, 14:446
- letters to, 3:520, 7:712, 11:307, 11:548, 12:552, 13:539, 14:211–14:212
- moves to Missouri, 13:95–13:96, 13:524, 13:539
- petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
- TJ recommends, 9:501
- and window glass, 3:518, 3:520, 3:550, 3:575, 3:588, 7:710, 7:712, 7:717, 8:21, 8:142–8:143, 11:307
- and wood, 11:307, 11:548, 14:40
The Olive Branch: or Faults on Both Sides, Federal and Democratic (M. Carey), 8:198, 8:198n, 8:248, 9:40–9:41, 9:41n, 9:41n, 9:58–9:59, 9:74–9:75, 9:75n, 9:217, 9:218n, 10:481n, 10:518, 10:519n, 12:291
Oliveira Fernandes, John Francisco
- and Catholic church, 11:27–11:28, 15:315–15:316, 15:317n
- health of, 10:313
- identified, 9:263–9:264n
- Letter, Addressed to the Most Reverend Leonard Neale, Arch Bishop of Baltimore, 11:28, 11:28n, 11:28n, 11:63, 11:63–11:64n
- letters from, 9:324–9:326, 9:366, 9:659–9:660, 10:219–10:220, 10:313, 10:351, 11:27–11:28
- letters to, 9:263–9:264, 9:401–9:402, 9:602, 10:247, 10:335, 11:63–11:64
- letter to, from J. de Monteverde, 9:660–9:661
- as physician, 9:325, 12:612, 12:656
- plans visit to Monticello, 10:351
- sends book to TJ, 10:219–10:220
- TJ invites to visit Monticello, 9:263, 9:325, 10:335
- and wine for TJ, 9:263, 9:313, 9:324–9:325, 9:325, 9:366, 9:370, 9:401–9:402, 9:449, 9:499, 9:594, 9:602, 9:659, 9:660, 10:219, 10:246, 10:247, 10:247, 10:313, 10:335, 10:351
- identified, 15:63–15:64n
- invoice from, 15:119, 15:120–15:121, 15:284
- letters from, 15:63–15:64, 15:119
- relationship with S. Cathalan, 1:312, 1:313n, 11:654, 15:63, 15:65–15:66
- as U.S. chancellor at Marseille, 15:63, 15:65
- and wine for TJ, 15:63, 15:119, 15:120, 15:195, 15:195, 15:262, 15:284
- cultivation of, 11:168, 11:168n, 11:345, 11:345
- oil, 1:84n, 1:188, 1:188, 1:257, 1:366, 1:366, 3:545, 4:210, 4:686, 11:407, 11:653, 11:653, 12:205, 12:374, 12:580, 13:447, 13:448n, 13:565, 13:576–13:577, 13:585, 13:606, 13:607, 14:626, 15:120
- seeds, 2:271, 2:271
- sent to TJ, 1:313n, 4:4, 4:215, 4:220, 4:220, 4:487
- trees, 5:560, 5:561n, 9:198–9:199, 10:217, 10:218n, 13:15
Olivet, Pierre Joseph Thoulier d’
Olmstead v. the Executrices of the late David Rittenhouse, 1:213–1:214
Olney Hymns, in Three Books (J. Newton), 10:651n
Omar bin Muhammad, dey of Algiers, 10:216, 10:218n, 10:286, 10:286n
Ὁμήρου Ἰλιὰς καὶ εἰς Αὐτὴν Σχόλια τῶν Παλαιῶν. Homeri Ilias, et Veterum in Eam Scholia (Homer; ed. Didymus Chalcenterus), 9:196, 9:455
Oneale, Mr. (ship owner), 4:215
Onís y González, Frederica de Merkleiny (Luis de Onís y González Vara López y Gómez’s wife), 1:411, 7:328, 7:394
Onís y González Vara López y Gómez, Luis de
- identified, 1:602n
- letters from, 1:601–1:602, 7:291–7:292, 7:390–7:398, 11:377–11:378
- letters to, 1:651, 7:326–7:328, 11:428
- minister plenipotentiary of Spain, 1:410–1:411, 1:604, 1:632, 1:658, 2:33, 9:388–9:389, 9:390n, 9:516, 9:517n, 13:150–13:151, 13:151n, 13:587, 13:587, 13:587, 13:587–13:588n, 13:588n, 15:105, 15:106, 15:106n, 15:568, 15:568n
- negotiations with U.S. government, 9:388–9:389, 9:478–9:480, 9:516, 11:122, 13:609, 13:610–13:611, 13:612n
- sends pamphlet to TJ, 11:377, 11:377n, 11:428
- and Spanish constitution, 7:291, 7:326–7:328, 7:390–7:394
- Yznardy introduces, 1:410–1:411, 1:601–1:602, 1:651
On Literary Composition (Dionysius of Halicarnassus), 6:277
On National Government (G. Ensor), 10:556–10:557, 10:557n, 10:564–10:565, 10:625
Ontario, USS (sloop of war), 11:662, 13:300n, 14:312
On the Crown (Demosthenes), 14:258, 14:551
“On the Eclipse of the Sun of Sept. 17, 1811” (N. Bowditch), 8:455, 8:456n
“On the Geological Formation of the Natural Bridge of Virginia” (F. W. Gilmer), 9:26n
On the Importance of Assisting Young Men of Piety and Talents in Obtaining an Education for the Gospel Ministry (L. Beecher), 9:255, 9:255, 9:255–9:256, 9:257n, 9:257n, 9:378, 9:378–9:379, 9:379n, 9:381, 9:381n, 9:381–9:382, 9:383
On the Mammoth or Fossil Elephant, Found in the Ice, at the Mouth of the River Lena, in Siberia (Tilesius von Tilenau), 2:510n
“On the Motion of a Pendulum” (N. Bowditch), 8:455, 8:456n
On the Origin and Vicissitudes of Literature, Science and Art, and their Influence on the Present State of Society (W. Roscoe), 14:78
On the Origin, Nature, Progress and Influence of Consular Establishments (D. B. Warden), 5:437, 5:437–5:438n, 7:350, 7:350–7:351n, 8:36
On the Principles of Political Economy, and Taxation (D. Ricardo), 13:572, 13:572–13:573n, 13:573, 13:586, 13:586
On the Sublime (“Longinus”), 14:258, 14:551
“On the Utility of Thermometrical Observations at Sea” (Masson), 3:95n
Opelousas District, Orleans Territory, 1:635–1:642, 9:584–9:585, 9:585–9:587n
Opera. Interpretatione et Notis (Virgil; Delphin edition; ed. C. de La Rue), 8:660, 9:274, 9:464, 9:538, 9:639, 13:33, 13:33, 13:47, 13:47
Opera Omnia Graece et Latine (Dionysius of Halicarnassus; eds. H. Estienne, J. J. Reiske, and others), 8:581, 8:582n, 9:109, 14:510, 15:26
Opera Omnia Graece et Latine (Dionysius of Halicarnassus; trans. E. Spelman), 1:580
Opera Omnia Quæ Extant (Suetonius; ed. A. Babelon), 1:580, 14:511
Opere di Platone (Plato; trans. D. Bembo), 9:394, 12:583, 15:258
“Ophellot de La Pause, Henri.” See Delisle de Sales, Jean Baptiste Claude
Ophrys loeselii (Loesel’s twayblade), 12:611n
Opinion de M. de Broglie Sur la Loi d’amnistie portée par les Ministres de Sa Majesté à la Chambre des Pairs le 9 janvier 1816 (Broglie), 9:377, 9:377n
The Opinion of Judge Cooper, on the Effect of a Sentence of a Foreign Court of Admiralty (T. Cooper), 2:376, 2:377n, 2:480, 2:489, 2:491, 2:668
Opinion on a Project for Removing the Obstructions to a Ship Navigation to Georgetown, Col. (B. H. Latrobe), 12:521
Opinion on the case of the alluvion land or batture, near New-Orleans (Du Ponceau), 5:45, 5:47n
Opinion sur la Contagion de la Fièvre Jaune (V. F. Bally), 10:130, 10:135, 10:147n
Oporto, vin d’. See port (wine)
opossum, 7:210, 7:211n, 8:422–8:423n, 11:367–11:368, 11:370n
- collegiate education in, 13:195, 13:209, 13:214, 13:215n
- study of, 7:638, 7:639, 7:663, 7:666, 7:686, 12:515
Orange Court House (Orange Co.)
- and J. Madison, 1:328, 1:359
- mentioned, 8:290
- TJ’s merino sheep sent to, 2:366, 2:409, 2:418, 2:490, 2:492, 2:512
- TJ stops at, 1:52n
Orange Society of Ireland, 5:641, 5:642n
Oratio Dominica … Nimirum, Plus Centum Linguis, Versionibus, aut Characteribus Reddita & Expressa, 10:357
An Oration. A Project For the Civilization of the Indians of North America (A. Clark), 11:393, 11:394n
An Oration delivered at Mr. Harvey’s, Spring Garden, before a Very Numerous Meeting of Democratic Citizens, July 4, 1812 (C. J. Ingersoll), 5:225–5:226
An Oration, Delivered, at the County Court-House, Philadelphia, on the Forty-Second Anniversary of American Independence (S. Jackson), 13:148, 13:149n
Oration delivered at Washington, July Fourth, 1809 (J. Barlow), 1:588, 1:590n
An Oration, Delivered before the Tammany Society (H. Wheaton), 3:46, 3:137, 3:157
An Oration, delivered before the Tammany Society, or Columbian Order … 1815 (S. Berrian), 8:614, 8:615n
An Oration, delivered before the Tammany Society, or Columbian Order, of Brookhaven, (L.I.) (B. F. Thompson), 4:53, 4:54n, 4:76
An Oration, delivered before the Washington Society, in Boston, on the Fourth of July, 1816 (A. Ware), 10:340, 10:341n, 10:341
An Oration, delivered in St. Michael’s Church, before the inhabitants of Charleston, South Carolina, on the Fourth of July, 1812 (W. Crafts), 5:284, 5:285n
An Oration, delivered in St. Michael’s Church, Charleston, South-Carolina; on Tuesday, the Fourth of July, 1815 (C. R. Greene), 8:586n
An Oration, delivered in St. Philip’s Church (L. Cheves), 3:61–3:62, 3:136–3:137
An Oration, delivered in St. Philip’s Church, before the inhabitants of Charleston, South-Carolina; on Friday, the Fourth of July, 1817, in commemoration of American Independence (B. Elliott), 11:528, 11:529n, 11:582
An Oration, Delivered, In St. Philip’s Church … On the 5th Day of July, 1819 (T. D. Condy), 14:572, 15:53
An Oration delivered in the First Presbyterian Church in the Town of Lexington, Ky. (J. Fishback), 10:394–10:395
An Oration, delivered in the hall of the House of Representatives (R. Rush), 5:259, 5:259n, 5:286–5:287
An Oration, Delivered in the Third Episcopal Church, before the Inhabitants of Charleston, South-Carolina, On the 4th March, 1815, in commemoration of the adoption of the Federal Constitution (J. B. White), 8:315
An Oration, delivered July 5, 1819, In the Chamber of the House of Representatives (R. B. Lee), 14:581–14:582, 14:603
An Oration Delivered on 4th July, 1811, in commemoration of American Independence, before the ’76 Association (B. A. Markley), 4:105, 4:106n, 4:175+
An Oration, delivered on the Fourth of July, 1816, In St. Michael’s Church, S. C. by appointment of the ’76 Association (W. Lance), 11:530n
An Oration, delivered on the 17th March, 1817, before the Shamrock Friendly Association of New-York (A. Pyke), 11:204–11:205n
An Oration, delivered in St. Michael’s Church, before an assemblage of the inhabitants of Charleston, South-Carolina; On the Fourth of July, 1818. In Commemoration of American Independence (H. L. Pinckney), 13:157, 13:157–13:158n
Oration on the Inauguration of the Federal Constitution (B. Elliott), 6:88–6:89, 6:89n, 6:124–6:125
An Oration, Pronounced at Alfred, on the 4th of July, 1815 (J. Holmes), 8:648–8:649, 8:649–8:650n, 9:4, 9:6n, 9:41–9:42, 9:78
An Oration, Pronounced at Boston, on the Fourth Day of July, 1810, before the “Bunker-Hill Association” (D. W. Lincoln), 2:504, 2:505n, 2:666
An Oration, Pronounced at Lexington, Mass. (J. T. Austin), 8:585–8:586, 8:614, 9:4, 9:6n, 9:78
Oration pronounced by Samuel H. Smith, Esquire (S. H. Smith), 6:428, 6:429n, 6:444
Oratio Pro M. Marcello (Cicero; ed. F. A. Wolf), 9:87
Oratorum Graecorum, quorum princeps est Demosthenes (Demosthenes; ed. J. J. Reiske), 9:196, 9:456, 10:234, 14:510
Orbis Sensualium Pictus (J. A. Komenský [Comenius]; trans. C. Hoole), 14:276, 14:351
Orders in Council. See Great Britain: Orders in Council
Ordinances Passed at a General Convention of Delegates and Representatives, From the several Counties and Corporations of Virginia, Held at the Capitol, in the City of Williamsburg, on Monday the 6th of May, Anno Dom: 1776, 9:405, 9:406n
Orense, bishop of. See Quevedo y Quintana, Pedro, bishop of Orense
- identified, 12:211n
- and survey of Poplar Forest, 12:209–12:211, 12:212–12:213, 12:218, 12:219–12:220, 12:228
- Commentaria in Sacram Scripturam (ed. P. D. Huet), 12:447
- Hexaplorum Origenis (ed. K. F. Bahrdt), 12:582, 13:295
Original correspondence of Jean-Jacques Rousseau with Mad. La Tour de Franqueville and M. Du Peyrou (J. J. Rousseau), 7:389
Origine de Tous les Cultes: ou, Religion Universelle (C. Dupuis), 10:424–10:425, 10:459, 10:507, 10:508, 10:509, 10:573, 10:573, 10:573, 10:584n, 10:587, 10:604
Orléans, Duchess d’. See Maria Amalia Teresa, duchesse d’Orléans
Orléans, Louis Charles d’ See Beaujolais, Louis Charles d’Orléans
Orléans, Louis Philippe. See Montpensier, Antoine Philippe d’Orléans
Orléans, Louis Philippe, duc d’, 10:608
Orléans, Louis Philippe Joseph, duc d’
Orleans Territory See also Claiborne, William Charles Coles; Louisiana (Spanish and French colony); Louisiana (state); Louisiana Territory
- banks in, 2:121, 2:192
- clerk in, 1:635, 1:642n
- drainage plan, 2:372, 2:484
- elections in, 2:443n
- and Embargo, 2:444n, 14:583
- federal bench in, 2:211, 2:212
- French refugees in, 1:203
- indefensibility of, 4:133
- Lafayette’s land in, 1:270n, 1:529, 1:628
- land claims in, 1:635–1:642, 9:584–9:585, 9:585–9:587n
- land commissioners in, 2:517, 2:518, 2:519, 3:27n, 9:584–9:585, 9:585–9:587n, 9:587n
- laws governing, 3:325
- legislature of, 2:135, 2:159–2:160, 2:192, 2:355, 2:483, 2:484, 2:528, 2:657, 2:658n, 2:659n, 2:682, 3:25, 3:26–3:27n, 3:157–3:158, 3:258, 3:326, 3:344, 3:344n, 3:420, 3:498
- militia of, 2:177, 2:178n
- J. Monroe offered governorship of, 2:42–2:43, 2:44, 2:46n
- secretary of, 14:583
- slave insurrection in, 3:326, 3:326n, 3:344n
- and statehood, 3:328, 3:328n, 3:344n
- superior court of, 2:439, 2:440–2:444n, 2:450n
- TJ on, 2:360
- TJ on batture rights of, 3:153, 3:168
- TJ’s land grant proposal for, 2:258, 2:259
- and yellow fever, 2:135–2:136, 2:356
Ornithorhyncus. See platypus
- The Anglo-Saxon Version, From the Historian Orosius. By Ælfred the Great, 8:236, 8:237n
- works of, 8:234
Orvault, Marie Armand de Guerry de Maubreuil, marquis d’
- Lettre Intéressante adressee à S. A. R. le Prince Régent d’Angleterre, 15:574, 15:574–15:575n, 15:598–15:599
- Lettre Intéressante adressée à son excellence, le comte Bathurst, ministre des colonies Britanniques, 15:574, 15:574–15:575n, 15:598–15:599
Orvieto (wine), 12:578, 13:252
Osage Indians, 1:520, 3:501, 13:227
Osage orange (bow-wood), 7:287, 7:288n, 7:321, 7:326
Osgood, H. & R. H. (Baltimore firm). See H. & R. H. Osgood (Baltimore firm)
- A Discourse Delivered at Cambridge, 2:411, 2:412n
- A. Hill’s opinion of, 2:411
- mentioned, 8:343, 8:343n, 8:358, 8:359n, 9:79, 9:381, 9:383, 12:426
Osmond, René Eustache, marquis d’
Ossian. See Macpherson, James
Ostenaco (Outacity; Outassetè) (Cherokee chief), 5:124, 5:125n
- identified, 4:70n
- letters from, 4:81–4:82, 4:166, 5:332–5:333
- letters to, 4:70, 5:216
- letter to from L. W. Tazewell, 5:333–5:335
- and P. Piernet’s will, 3:466, 3:467–3:468, 3:472n, 3:652, 4:70, 4:81–4:82, 4:89, 4:166, 4:517, 5:99, 5:116–5:118, 5:216, 5:216–5:217, 5:228, 5:332–5:333, 5:333–5:335, 5:378
Othello (brig), 10:415n, 10:476
Otis, Asa & Joseph (Richmond firm). See Asa & Joseph Otis (Richmond firm)
- and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 11:203
- drawing of Minerva, 14:444–14:445, 14:528–14:529
- identified, 10:90–10:91n
- portrait of O. Evans, 7:xliii, 7:434 (illus.)
- portrait of TJ, 6:149n, 7:xliii, 10:xlv, 10:38, 10:71, 10:71, 10:90n, 10:198, 10:240 (illus.), 10:258, 10:259n, 10:274, 10:493, 14:444, 15:liii
- portraits of D. and J. Madison, 10:198, 10:199n, 10:258, 10:259n
- visits Monticello, 10:38, 10:71, 10:71, 10:80, 10:90
- C. Wistar introduces to TJ, 10:90
- correspondence of, 13:575, 13:618–13:619
- family of, 12:497
- health of, 12:497
- The Life of James Otis, of Massachusetts (W. Tudor), 13:575, 13:576n, 13:618–13:619
- and origin of American Revolution, 12:494–12:495, 12:496, 12:497, 12:531n, 14:340, 14:373
- proposed biographical essay on, 12:493
- writings of, 14:190, 14:191n
- death of, 10:360
- identified, 4:575n
- letters from, 4:578, 4:588
- letters to, 4:575
- secretary of U.S. Senate, 1:535, 4:521–4:522, 4:565, 4:575, 4:578, 4:581, 4:582, 4:588
- TJ on, 10:609
Otis, Dunlop & Company (Richmond firm), 14:455, 14:494, 14:505–14:506
Ottawa Indians, 4:181, 4:182n, 4:537
Oudinot, Nicolas Charles, Duc de Reggio, 1:371, 1:372
- educator, 9:502–9:503, 9:503, 9:529–9:530
- identified, 9:503n
- letter from, 9:502–9:503
- letter to, 9:529–9:530
- sends book to TJ, 9:502, 9:503n, 9:529
Outassetè. See Ostenaco (Outacity; Outassetè) (Cherokee chief)
Outlines of An Historical View of the Progress of the Human Mind (Condorcet), 6:302, 7:627, 8:552, 8:553n
overseers See also Bacon, Edmund; Bishop, Jonathan; Darnil (Darnell; Darniel; Darnold), Nimrod; Freeman, John Holmes; Goodman, Jeremiah Augustus; Griffin, Burgess; Lilly, Gabriel; Miller, Robert; Monticello: Overseers at; Montpellier: overseers at; Poplar Forest: Overseers at; Richardson, Richard; White, Jacob W.; Wilson, John A.; Yancey, Joel (d. 1833)
- accommodations for, 8:204
- accounting practices of, 4:94
- attempt to capture runaway slaves, 3:513, 3:612–3:613, 3:613n, 11:438–11:439, 11:522
- crop share of, 2:27, 2:28, 2:230, 2:230n, 4:10–4:11, 4:342, 4:493–4:494, 4:515, 8:173, 8:186n
- depart, 1:558, 8:610–8:611, 9:99, 9:99n
- hire slaves, 1:48n
- hiring of, 4:132, 4:133n, 4:307, 8:203–8:204, 8:432–8:433, 8:493, 8:496, 8:542, 8:555, 9:34, 9:34n
- at Lego, 9:604n, 10:387, 10:388n, 12:167n, 13:476n
- list slave beds and blankets, 4:382–4:383, 5:463n
- make contracts for sale of wheat, 4:165, 4:170–4:171, 4:184, 4:212
- and nailery, 4:464–4:465
- pay rent to TJ, 1:137
- plantation accounts of, 1:81n, 2:155, 3:196, 3:642, 3:643, 4:557n
- plantation management by, 2:149–2:150, 2:279, 2:281n, 2:670, 3:180, 3:181n, 3:394, 4:386n, 4:543, 5:6n, 5:488–5:490
- at Poplar Forest, 5:31, 5:306–5:307, 5:482, 5:482n, 5:488–5:490, 5:600, 5:663, 7:179–7:180
- positions for, 3:29, 3:276
- and prizing of tobacco, 3:269, 3:457, 8:70
- report plantation activities, 1:180, 2:96–2:97
- retrieve merino sheep for TJ, 2:666
- and sale of tobacco to S. J. Harrison, 3:457, 3:561, 3:634, 3:639–3:640, 3:650, 4:422, 4:461, 4:515, 4:549
- send tobacco to Richmond, 1:157n, 8:132
- TJ entrusts documents to, 2:328, 2:330, 2:422, 4:308
- TJ on, 8:643, 9:604, 9:604n, 12:556
- TJ’s accounts with, 1:419–1:420, 4:12, 4:58n, 9:105
- TJ’s instructions to, 2:232, 2:233n, 4:306–4:307, 4:379–4:382, 4:515–4:516, 4:526–4:527, 5:31, 5:488–5:490, 7:179–7:180, 8:10–8:11, 8:69–8:72, 8:78, 8:132, 8:157–8:158, 8:184–8:186, 9:147, 10:388–10:389
- at Tufton, 8:611, 8:611n, 9:604n, 12:272, 12:272n, 14:213n
- at Varina (T. M. Randolph’s Henrico Co. estate), 14:161
- wages for, 8:204, 12:272, 13:134
- family of, 3:210n
- A Vindication of the Measures of the President and His Commanding Generals, in the Commencement and Termination of the Seminole War, 15:234n, 15:567n
- petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
- TJ purchases land from, 4:386
- vouches for O. Norris, 3:465
- identified, 3:209–3:210n
- letters from, 3:xlvii, 3:209–3:210, 3:358 (illus.)
- regarded as insane by TJ, 3:209n
- in collegiate curriculum, 7:661, 7:685
- Metamorphoses, 7:661, 8:670, 8:685, 9:274, 9:464, 10:191, 10:192n, 12:439, 13:317, 13:317n, 14:511, 15:149, 15:150n
- Minellius Anglicanus, sive Publii Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon (ed. N. Bailey), 9:464, 9:538, 9:639
- P. Ovidii Nasonis Opera (ed. P. Burmann), 9:646n
- Pub. Ouidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon (ed. J. Pontanus), 9:274, 9:275n, 9:464, 9:538, 9:639
- quoted, 4:340, 4:391, 4:392n, 7:582, 7:590n, 10:191, 10:192n, 12:334, 12:442, 12:444, 13:479, 13:482n, 15:149, 15:150n
- works of bound for TJ, 8:630, 9:464, 9:538, 9:639
- at Belmont, 3:170–3:171
- blood of, 9:466, 9:468n, 9:468n, 9:468n
- as draft animals, 12:304, 12:304, 12:563, 13:534
- fodder for, 11:171–11:172, 11:272, 14:180, 15:70
- as food, 4:362
- and hides used in shoemaking, 4:362
- mentioned, 3:371n
- sent from Poplar Forest, 4:373
- price of, 8:307
- TJ purchases, 6:306n
- used in agriculture, 3:348, 3:349, 7:80, 8:10, 8:70, 8:72
- used in brickmaking, 14:238
- used on batture, 2:546, 2:548
- yokes for, 14:179
Oxford, University of, 2:565, 7:659, 7:666n, 12:238, 12:573, 12:647, 14:219, 15:388–15:389
Oxford Iron Works (Campbell Co. firm), 5:485, 5:485, 5:485n, 5:505, 6:350, 6:568n
oysters, 2:110–2:111, 11:653, 13:612, 14:230–14:231, 15:300
Oznabrig. See Osnaburg (Oznabrig)
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