This index refers to page numbers in the published volumes. Documents subsequently added to the digital editions are marked with a +. Copies of the published volumes are available at a library near you, or may be purchased through this website or from Princeton University Press. The volumes are also available via two online platforms, the Rotunda version through the University of Virginia Press (subscription required) and the Founders Online version (free).
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- described, 7:581
- identified, 1:111n
- letters from, 1:111
- letters to, 1:252
- sends plow moldboard to TJ, 1:111, 1:252
Tableau de l’École de Botanique du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle (R. L. Desfontaines), 8:429, 8:429, 8:430n
Tableau des Saints (Holbach), 15:26
Tableau du Climat et du Sol des États-Unis d’Amérique (Volney), 1:197, 1:198–1:199n, 1:652n, 6:322–6:323, 6:327
Tableau Historique et Politique de l’Europe, depuis 1786 jusqu’en 1796 (L. P. Ségur), 10:234, 10:237n
Tableau Œconomique (F. Quesnay), 5:56n
Tableaux de la Nature (Humboldt), 1:264, 1:267n, 1:482, 1:483n
Tableaux Historiques des Campagnes d’Italie, depuis l’an IV jusqu’a la bataille de Marengo (L. A. A. Chicoilet de Corbigny), 11:402
Table for Computing the Moon’s Motion, with Explanations (W. Lambert), 1:540–1:554, 1:571–1:572, 1:608–1:609, 1:609n
Table of Post Offices in the United States, 4:10
Table raisonnée des principes de l’économie politique (P. S. Du Pont de Nemours), 5:51–5:54, 5:56n
Tables de Logarithmes pour les Nombres et Pour les Sinus (Lalande), 13:342–13:343n, 13:358, 13:394, 13:394, 13:474, 13:474, 13:474, 13:474–13:475n, 13:476, 13:477n, 13:524, 13:561, 13:561, 14:215, 15:133, 15:160
Tables of Logarithms (J. F. Callet; trans. D. B. Warden), 1:316–1:317, 1:629–1:630, 2:536, 4:148
Tables Portatives de Logarithmes (J. F. Callet), 10:235
Tables Requisite to be used with the Nautical Ephemeris (J. Garnett), 1:492, 1:498n, 8:660, 8:674n, 9:60, 9:274
Tables requisite to be used with the Nautical Ephemeris for finding Latitude and Longitude at Sea (N. Maskelyne), 4:55, 4:55n, 4:244, 4:244–4:245n, 8:674n
Tablettes Chronologiques de L’Histoire Universelle (N. Lenglet du Fresnoy), 10:234
Tabula Cebetis, 7:661, 14:257, 14:551
Tacite (Tacitus; trans. J. B. Dureau de la Malle), 13:342, 13:359, 13:394, 13:428, 13:494, 13:525, 13:561, 13:608, 14:215, 14:511
- J. Adams on, 4:475, 9:432, 11:269
- Annals, 14:551
- C. Cornelii Taciti opera (eds. J. A. Ernesti and J. J. Oberlin), 9:196, 9:455, 10:212, 10:531, 11:205, 11:296, 11:414, 11:414, 12:356, 14:511
- C. Cornelii Taciti opera cum varietate lectionum selecta novisque emendationibus, 6:93, 6:94
- C. Cornelii Taciti Opera, quæ exstant (eds. J. F. Gronovius and J. Gronovius), 9:455, 10:233, 10:236n, 12:480, 12:530, 13:36, 13:53
- in collegiate curriculum, 7:447, 7:659, 7:661
- lost works of, 6:278
- P. Mazzei admires, 9:669
- mentioned, 6:402, 6:542
- and morality, 9:432
- orations in writings of, 2:153
- quoted by J. Q. Adams, 14:316n
- quoted by G. Logan, 10:126, 10:126n
- Supplementa Librorum VII, VIII, IX et X Annalium C. Corn. Taciti (ed. G. Brotier), 12:583
- Tacite (trans. J. B. Dureau de la Malle), 13:342, 13:359, 13:394, 13:428, 13:494, 13:525, 13:561, 13:608, 14:215, 14:511
- Tacitus C. Cornelii Taciti Opera quae supersunt, 5:501, 5:501n, 5:523, 5:524n, 5:594, 6:157, 7:286
- TJ quotes, 6:402, 6:407n, 6:407, 13:427, 13:427n, 13:484, 13:484n, 14:201
- TJ reads, 3:227, 3:257, 3:440, 4:429, 4:472
- tyrants condemned in works of, 6:53
- The works of Cornelius Tacitus (trans. A. Murphy), 6:93, 12:534
- The Works of Tacitus (trans. Gordon), 1:580, 6:93
- writings of, 8:121, 10:553, 12:499, 14:258
Tacitus C. Cornelii Taciti Opera quae supersunt (Tacitus), 5:501, 5:501n, 5:523, 5:524n, 5:594, 6:157, 7:286
- and appointment for son, 5:502, 5:503, 5:515–5:516, 5:547–5:548, 5:583, 6:170–6:171, 6:211, 6:211
- identified, 1:55n
- letters from, 1:55, 1:111–1:112, 5:583, 6:170–6:171
- letters from accounted for, 5:502n
- letters to, 1:97, 5:503, 5:547–5:548, 6:211
- sends oil and paint to TJ, 1:55, 1:77, 1:123
- TJ pays, 1:97, 1:111
Tait, Edmund. See Tate, Edmund
“The Taking of the City of Washington in America” (G. Thompson), 7:xlv, 7:434 (illus.)
Talbot, Isham, 5:32, 5:33n, 5:233
A Tale of a Tub (J. Swift), 9:203, 9:203n, 12:252n
Tales of Fashionable Life (M. Edgeworth), 2:193, 2:264, 3:122, 11:628n
Taliafer apple. See Taliaferro apple (Robinson apple)
Taliaferro apple (Robinson apple), 3:455, 3:455, 3:456n, 7:381, 7:444–7:445, 7:445n, 7:492, 7:492n, 9:533
Talinum. See fameflower
Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de
- French statesman, 7:528, 8:138, 10:54n, 10:54n, 12:9–12:10, 12:81–12:82
- immigrates to Philadelphia, 8:550, 8:551n
- and Napoleon, 7:537, 7:538–7:539, 12:89
- Rapport sur L’Instruction Publique, Fait au Nom du Comité de Constitution a L’Assemblée Nationale, les 10, 11, et 19 Septembre 1791, 8:550, 8:551n
- on U.S. bonds, 10:97
- in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:505
- and D. B. Warden, 8:37, 8:38n, 8:244, 8:420, 10:65
tallow, 3:301, 10:467n, 14:472
Talpa. See moles
Tamaahmaah (brig), 4:19, 4:20n
- of Baltimore, 1:176–1:178
- of N.Y., 4:53–4:54, 6:218, 6:218–6:219n, 6:219n, 6:526n, 15:250, 15:250n, 15:273
- TJ elected member of, 6:218, 6:219n
- TJ on, 4:395–4:396, 6:282–6:283
- of Washington, 1:358–1:359, 2:399, 2:399n, 2:541, 2:566
- and wearing Indian garb, 6:218, 6:219n
Tammany Society, No. 1, Twenty Fourth Anniversary Address (B. Romaine), 6:218, 6:218, 6:218–6:219n, 6:282
T. & J. Swords (New York publisher), 14:276
T. & R. Hunt (London firm), 3:426
- and batture controversy, 2:445–2:446n, 2:446n, 2:517–2:518n, 3:175n, 3:477, 3:484, 3:486, 3:486, 3:487n, 3:496–3:497, 5:86n
Tanner, Benjamin See also Tanner, Vallance, Kearny, & Company (Philadelphia firm)
Tanner, Benjamin (of Richmond)
Tanner, Henry Schenck See also Tanner, Vallance, Kearny, & Company (Philadelphia firm)
Tanner, Vallance, Kearny, & Company (Philadelphia firm)
- price of in Great Britain, 1:82
- protects seed corn, 2:334
- as scab remedy, 5:182n
- U.S. production of, 5:676
Tarquinius Superbus, Lucius (king of ancient Rome), 7:551n
- from P. Derieux, 5:29, 5:30n, 5:98
- medicinal uses of, 5:30
- Notes on Tarragon by an Unidentified Author, 5:30
- from J. P. Reibelt, 5:98–5:99n
- from W. Thornton, 1:479, 1:481, 1:600
tartar emetic (potassium antimony tartrate), 3:466–3:467
The Task, A Poem (W. Cowper), 7:583, 7:590n
Tassoni Estense, Giulio Cesare, 14:63
- and TJ’s Campbell Co. land, 2:322, 2:327, 4:308, 4:309n, 4:680, 4:683n, 5:34, 5:35n, 5:40, 5:48, 5:49, 5:49, 5:49, 5:49, 5:89, 5:89, 5:230, 5:232
- letters from accounted for, 1:677
- lottery for, 13:516, 13:516–13:517n
- Revolutionary War activities, 8:481, 8:482n
- surveys of, 6:120, 6:122n, 6:216
- as absorber of currency, 8:16–8:17, 8:27–8:29, 8:44, 8:44, 8:259
- on alcohol, 9:642n
- auction sales, 6:311
- on banknotes and negotiable paper, 6:311
- on capital, 9:633–9:634
- on carriages, 6:311, 7:xlv, 7:203, 7:708, 8:392–8:393, 8:394n, 9:430, 11:44, 12:415
- on cattle, 8:256, 8:392
- collection of, 7:45, 7:45–7:46n, 7:670, 7:689–7:691, 8:10, 8:63, 8:109, 8:129, 9:562, 12:148
- consumption, 9:633–9:634
- corvée, 12:12, 12:115
- customs, 2:569–2:570, 2:594–2:595, 2:600–2:603, 2:605, 2:615, 2:617–2:618, 3:80–3:81, 3:82n, 6:358n, 6:358n, 9:269, 9:286, 10:414, 12:312, 12:346, 12:381n, 12:406, 12:503, 12:504n, 13:16, 13:253, 13:345, 13:346, 13:492, 14:24–14:25, 14:38, 14:42n, 14:57, 14:72, 14:85, 14:239, 14:244, 14:527, 14:564–14:565, 15:362, 15:369, 15:380, 15:384, 15:395, 15:414, 15:482, 15:503
- direct, 4:519, 4:520n, 6:311–6:312, 6:358n, 6:545n, 8:84, 10:363, 10:376, 10:376n, 10:388, 10:597, 10:597n
- on dogs, 4:161, 4:170, 4:346–4:349, 4:349n, 7:180, 7:180n
- P. S. Du Pont de Nemours on, 2:569–2:618, 3:80, 3:248, 3:515–3:516, 3:517n, 3:559–3:560, 4:328, 4:328–4:329, 4:436–4:440, 4:442–4:445, 4:607–4:608
- on dwellings, 8:256
- excise, 9:217, 9:218n, 9:358
- in France, 8:137, 9:633, 12:146, 12:146–12:147n, 12:246, 13:421
- on free whites, 7:708, 9:430, 11:44, 12:415
- on furniture, 8:255, 8:256n, 8:256, 8:393, 8:394n, 8:485–8:486
- in Great Britain, 9:358, 11:24, 12:254, 14:452
- of ground rents, 2:598–2:599
- on horses and mules, 7:708, 8:256, 8:392, 9:430, 11:44, 12:415, 14:114n
- on imports, 9:513n, 10:358, 10:359, 10:440, 10:521, 10:653n, 11:26n, 12:494, 12:515, 12:554, 13:438–13:439, 13:439n, 13:460, 13:489–13:490, 13:576–13:577, 13:606, 14:446n
- on income, 2:578–2:581, 2:585, 2:586, 2:607, 4:439–4:440, 4:444, 9:358, 9:633–9:634
- increased to fund war, 4:539, 4:540n, 4:568, 8:33n, 8:154, 8:155n, 8:164, 8:329n, 12:42
- indirect, 2:572–2:578, 2:582, 2:584–2:585, 2:586, 2:587, 2:589, 2:590, 2:596, 2:598, 2:601, 2:610–2:613, 2:616–2:617, 4:519, 4:520n, 6:312
- on land, 2:571–2:572, 2:582–2:586, 4:436–4:438, 4:445, 4:607–4:608, 6:311, 6:311, 7:708, 7:708, 8:128–8:129, 8:255, 8:256, 8:257, 8:392, 9:358, 10:363, 10:376, 10:376n, 10:387–10:388, 10:388n, 10:464, 10:465n, 10:476–10:477, 10:529, 10:666, 11:17, 11:17, 11:44, 11:237, 11:238n, 11:472–11:473, 11:474–11:475n, 12:299, 12:301, 12:357–12:358, 12:415, 13:37–13:38, 13:54, 14:114n
- on livestock, 8:256, 8:392
- local, 12:12, 12:12n, 12:13, 12:14, 12:115–12:116, 12:116, 12:117, 12:201, 12:287, 12:357–12:358, 12:359, 12:360, 12:449
- J. Melish on, 3:388
- on mills, 7:708
- on Natural Bridge, 8:123, 8:123n, 8:257, 11:237, 11:238n, 11:428, 11:589, 11:590n
- on net revenue from land, 2:586–2:592, 2:595, 2:597–2:599, 2:601, 2:614–2:616
- in N.Y., 10:662, 12:402n
- passed to landowners, 2:575–2:577, 2:579–2:581, 2:600, 2:601, 2:609–2:611, 2:618
- and patent extensions, 7:111–7:112
- in proposed Va. constitution, 4:119
- receipts for, 7:xlv, 7:434 (illus.)
- on retailers, 6:311
- on salt, 4:529, 4:529n
- on slaves, 7:708, 7:708, 8:63n, 8:255, 8:256, 8:392, 8:485, 9:430, 11:44, 12:301, 12:415, 14:114n
- in Spain, 4:111
- Statement of Albemarle County Property Subject to Federal Tax, 8:485–8:486
- Statement of Albemarle County Property Subject to State Tax, 8:392–8:394, 9:99n
- Statement of Albemarle County Taxes and Court Fees, 7:708–7:709
- Statement of Bedford and Campbell County Property Subject to Federal Tax, 8:255–8:256
- Statement of Bedford and Campbell County Property Subject to State Tax, 8:256
- statement of 1815 Va. revenue tax, 10:363, 10:376, 10:376n
- Statement of Taxable Property in Albemarle County, 9:430–9:431, 11:44–11:45, 12:415
- on stills, 6:311, 7:203
- on sugar, 6:311
- tithes, 2:583, 2:584–2:586, 2:589
- TJ on, 4:483, 4:585–4:586, 6:220–6:225, 6:490–6:497, 7:168, 7:203, 7:654, 8:27–8:29, 8:32, 8:105, 8:108–8:109, 8:110, 8:126, 8:129, 8:163, 8:163–8:164, 8:168, 8:177, 8:177, 8:608, 9:330–9:331, 9:358, 9:568, 9:624, 9:631, 9:633–9:634, 9:649, 10:65, 10:65–10:66, 10:368, 10:435, 11:24, 13:378–13:380, 13:380n, 13:489–13:490, 14:498, 15:295
- TJ pays, 1:470, 1:590, 1:595, 5:409–5:410n, 6:544, 6:544, 6:545n, 7:xlv, 7:708, 7:710, 8:47, 8:73, 8:73n, 8:73, 8:123, 8:123n, 8:256n, 8:351n, 8:392–8:394, 9:50–9:51, 9:51–9:52n, 9:62, 9:99, 9:99n, 9:106, 9:133, 9:133, 9:313, 9:430, 9:562, 9:568, 9:594, 9:604, 9:604, 10:59, 10:356, 10:387–10:388, 10:388n, 10:466, 10:467n, 10:467n, 10:597, 10:597n, 11:44, 11:237, 11:428, 11:589, 12:29, 12:29, 12:38, 12:38n, 12:98, 12:139, 12:415, 13:356, 13:356n, 13:393, 14:113, 14:114n, 14:220, 14:571, 15:117, 15:130, 15:134, 15:138, 15:146–15:147, 15:154, 15:156, 15:156, 15:174
- tobacco, 3:414n
- on whiskey, 4:483
- on wine, 9:512–9:513, 9:513n, 10:358, 10:407, 10:407, 10:407n, 10:440, 10:494, 12:381n, 12:406, 12:503, 12:504n, 12:515, 13:16, 13:378–13:380, 13:380n, 13:438, 13:439n, 13:445n, 13:446, 13:460, 13:557, 14:57, 14:244, 14:328–14:329, 15:384, 15:414, 15:482, 15:503
- forwards letter to TJ, 6:333
- identified, 6:333–6:334n
- letters from, 6:333–6:334
- as postmaster, 7:196, 7:196, 7:239
Taylor, Benjamin (b. ca. 1761)
- Annotated Drawings of Underwater Mines, 7:278–7:279
- identified, 7:277n
- letters from, 7:276–7:277
- and underwater mines, 7:276, 7:278–7:279
Taylor, Benjamin (d. 1807), 3:276, 3:279n
Taylor, Bennett (Edmund Randolph’s son-in-law), 6:12, 6:115+
- and Central College, 12:318, 12:382–12:383
- chancery court judge, 2:407, 2:408n, 4:680
- and establishment of University of Virginia, 13:559, 13:560, 14:13, 14:13–14:14
- as examiner of The Statutes at Large (W. W. Hening), 8:349n
- as University of Virginia commissioner, 13:182, 13:183, 13:222
- acquaintance of W. Short, 7:469–7:470, 7:471, 7:472n
- and bills of exchange, 4:488, 4:489, 4:521
- correspondence with, 7:233, 7:234, 7:261, 7:333, 7:363, 7:441
- forwards letters to W. Short, 6:277
- forwards letters to TJ, 7:381
- and W. Short’s bank stock, 2:478, 3:30, 3:106
Taylor, George (of Pennsylvania)
Taylor, Jane Elizabeth Catherine Hackley
- Arator: being a series of Agricultural Essays, Practical & Political, 6:122, 6:613, 6:613, 7:146, 7:217, 7:221n, 8:383–8:384, 8:442, 8:623, 11:129, 11:165
- and books on agriculture, 11:163n
- criticized, 7:220
- criticizes work of J. Adams, 10:211–10:212, 10:212n
- forwards payment, 3:426
- health of, 10:210
- identified, 10:89–10:90n
- An Inquiry into the Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States, 6:504, 6:505n, 6:567, 6:613, 6:613, 6:622, 7:146, 7:217, 7:221n, 10:86–10:89, 10:210, 10:211–10:212, 10:212n
- letter from, 10:210–10:212
- letters to, 10:86–10:90, 10:263–10:264
- leveling principles challenged, 7:478–7:479, 7:481n
- and T. Martin’s drill, 6:514, 6:515n
- recommends C. Buckner, 4:413–4:414n
- sends seeds to TJ, 10:89, 10:212, 10:263
- on systems of government, 10:210–10:211
- TJ on writings of, 6:567, 10:86–10:89, 10:263, 10:263
- TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:625
- and Va. banks, 10:659
- as Va. legislator, 7:549
- writings of, 10:587
Taylor, John (classical scholar)
Taylor, Martha Jefferson Randolph (TJ’s great-granddaughter; Thomas Jefferson Randolph’s daughter)
- appointment of to University of Virginia Board of Visitors, 14:34, 14:35, 14:93, 15:82, 15:434
- correspondence with J. H. Cocke, 15:604n
- identified, 14:94n
- invited to visit Monticello, 14:93, 14:129, 14:520–14:521, 14:561
- letters from, 14:129–14:130, 14:560–14:561
- letters to, 14:93–14:94, 14:518–14:521, 15:602–15:604
- as member of University of Virginia Board of Visitors, 14:45, 14:56, 14:93, 14:129, 14:176, 14:518–14:521, 14:560–14:561, 15:80, 15:486, 15:602–15:604, 15:605
- portrait of, 14:lii, 14:250 (illus.)
- and scuppernong wine, 14:520, 14:561
- and TJ’s Catalogue of the Best Classical Editions, 14:511, 14:520, 14:561
- TJ converses with, 15:116, 15:116–15:117
- visits Monticello, 14:561
- War of 1812 service of, 7:61
- and establishment of University of Virginia, 13:401, 13:472, 13:473n, 13:490, 13:497, 13:498n, 14:14
- as Va. legislator, 12:127n, 12:413, 12:432, 14:36, 14:55
- and books for TJ, 15:72
- identified, 14:175–14:176n
- letter from, 14:175–14:176, 15:72
- and seeds for TJ, 14:175
- and W. Byrd manuscripts, 11:450–11:451
- identified, 8:130n
- letter from, 8:145–8:146
- letters to, 8:129–8:130, 8:169–8:171
- and P. Mazzei’s Richmond property, 5:621–5:622, 5:660, 6:4, 6:21, 6:43, 6:90–6:91, 6:106, 6:115, 6:115+, 6:116, 6:116, 6:147, 6:168, 6:185–6:186, 6:294, 6:295, 6:295, 6:305–6:306, 6:306, 6:320, 6:321, 6:372+, 6:396, 7:89, 7:89n, 10:252n
- and J. Monroe’s Albemarle Co. land, 7:487
- purchases Belmont estate, 2:101, 2:102, 2:114, 2:137, 2:138–2:139, 2:227, 2:228, 2:347, 2:363, 3:169
- and sale of Chesterfield Co. land, 8:145–8:146, 8:146n
- and sale of Westham land, 4:63, 8:129–8:130, 8:130n, 8:145, 8:146, 8:169–8:171
Taylor, William (burgess), 8:621
- identified, 11:237–11:238n
- letter from accounted for, 11:582n
- letter to, 11:237–11:238
- and TJ’s taxes, 11:237, 11:238n
Taylor v. Bruce, 15:260, 15:261, 15:261n, 15:350–15:351, 15:352n
- and batture controversy, 2:474–2:475, 2:493, 2:494, 2:501–2:502, 2:511, 2:531, 2:545, 2:657, 2:660, 3:270–3:271, 3:332, 5:143–5:145
- and J. Hall’s agricultural improvements, 8:42–8:43
- health of, 2:497
- identified, 2:350n
- letter from to M. Oster, 5:333–5:335
- letters from, 2:349–2:350, 2:497–2:498, 2:501–2:502, 3:55–3:56, 3:130–3:135, 3:270–3:271, 4:149–4:150, 4:303–4:304, 5:43–5:47
- letters to, 2:448–2:449, 2:494, 2:513–2:514, 3:42–3:43, 3:226–3:227, 3:499–3:500, 3:545–3:546, 4:194–4:195, 4:605–4:606, 5:143–5:145, 13:111–13:112
- and Livingston v. Jefferson, 4:292, 4:303–4:304, 4:605–4:606, 4:679, 5:43–5:47, 5:57–5:58, 5:143–5:144
- and P. Piernet’s will, 5:332, 5:333–5:335, 5:351, 5:378
- on state university for Va., 13:111, 13:112n
- TJ invites to Monticello, 13:111–13:112
- TJ pays, 4:594, 4:605, 4:606, 4:618, 5:43–5:44
- and TJ’s account with W. Welch, 2:349–2:350, 2:448–2:449, 2:497–2:498, 2:499–2:500, 2:513–2:514, 2:514–2:515, 2:515, 3:55–3:56, 3:135, 4:149–4:150, 4:194–4:195
- TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:624
- and TJ’s List of Authorities cited in Statement on the Batture Case, 3:545–3:546, 3:546–3:547
- and TJ’s Statement of Facts in the Batture Case, 3:270–3:271, 3:290, 3:420, 3:481–3:483, 3:499–3:500
- and TJ’s statement on the batture case, 3:42–3:43, 3:130–3:135, 3:152–3:153, 3:203, 3:226–3:227, 5:45–5:47
- and University of Virginia Commission, 12:611, 13:lii, 13:109, 13:111–13:112, 13:117
- as Va. state representative, 11:586, 11:588n
- W. Wirt on, 2:493
Tazewell, Sarah, 2:497, 2:498n
- chest, 1:44
- cultivation of, 12:553
- drinking of, 13:228, 14:44, 14:44, 14:156–14:157, 14:383n, 14:420
- gunpowder, 6:348, 6:348
- Hyson, 1:31, 1:32n, 1:44, 1:368, 2:109
- Imperial, 1:31, 1:31, 6:346, 6:346
- imported, 9:476n
- medicinal use of, 14:231, 14:231
- ordered for Monticello, 4:210, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 4:211, 6:343, 6:343, 6:344, 6:344, 6:345, 6:347, 6:347, 6:348, 7:180, 15:144, 15:312
- at Poplar Forest, 6:448, 9:51, 11:617, 15:474
- sassafras, 4:102
- served at Monticello, 1:389, 8:xlvii–8:xlviii, 8:30, 8:30–8:31, 8:235, 8:241
- at U.S. Marine Hospital, 1:299
- wintergreen, 14:231, 14:231
Teach, Edward (Blackbeard), 2:668, 5:600–5:601, 6:53
teapots, 4:231–4:232n, 8:485, 8:486
Telegraphe et le General Advertiser (New Orleans newspaper), 2:657, 3:233, 3:234n
- equatorial, 4:237, 4:238n, 4:369, 9:680–9:681, 9:691–9:692, 15:288
- limitations of TJ’s, 3:480
- lost in transit, 1:180, 1:205
- pocket, 11:625
- repaired, 13:323, 13:596, 14:6, 14:7, 14:270, 14:500
- A. M. Rochon’s, 4:676, 5:507, 5:508n
- for surveying, 11:50
- for University of Virginia, 14:167
- for U.S. Coast Survey, 9:224, 9:224, 9:224, 9:224, 9:224, 9:224
- used to observe solar eclipse, 4:237, 4:238n, 4:238n
Temora, an Ancient Epic Poem (J. Macpherson), 4:306n
Temple, James Bowdoin. See Bowdoin, James Temple
Tenant, Thomas (ship owner), 15:300
Tenerife (wine), 9:324, 9:366, 9:402, 9:499, 9:513, 9:602, 9:659, 9:660, 10:219, 10:247
Tennessee See also East Tennessee College
- antiquities of, 15:619–15:620, 15:620–15:621n
- boundaries of, 15:621, 15:623n
- cultivation of cotton in, 2:359
- Doublehead’s Reserve, 1:7
- Indians in, 1:653
- land warrants in, 3:548, 3:549n
- lottery in, 2:266–2:267, 2:268n
- mammoth bones found in, 8:448
- population centers of, 10:635
- J. Rhea’s letters to constituents in, 2:358, 3:439, 5:662, 6:358, 6:358–6:359n, 7:307, 8:329
- TJ on, 2:359–2:360, 8:516
- volunteers from, 5:651–5:652
- and War of 1812, 7:160–7:161, 7:161–7:162n, 8:516
- whiskey, 1:31
tennis ball lettuce, 5:307, 5:307n
Tennison’s Hotel (Washington), 13:77
Ten practical discourses concerning Earth and Water, Fire and Air (R. Bradley), 2:82
Tenskwatawa (“the Prophet”; Shawnee leader)
Tentamen Physiologico-Medicum inaugurale de Mania (J. Wharton), 15:548, 15:548n
Terence (Publius Terentius Afer), 7:448, 14:258, 14:258, 14:511, 14:551, 15:242n
Termo (wine), 3:240, 3:241n, 9:263
Terra: A Philosophical Discourse of Earth (J. Evelyn), 2:82, 11:164
Terrell, Dabney Carr (TJ’s sister Martha Jefferson Carr’s grandson)
- carries TJ’s letters to Europe, 9:416, 9:416n, 9:417, 9:420, 9:420n, 9:422n, 9:431, 9:454, 9:454n, 9:454, 9:456n, 9:469, 9:469n, 9:481–9:482, 9:649, 9:664
- correspondence for, 13:93, 13:139
- correspondence of, 11:340, 11:340–11:341n, 11:412, 12:561
- family of, 11:340–11:341n, 12:270
- finances of, 11:412, 11:417, 11:539–11:540, 11:606
- identified, 9:482n
- kills fellow student in duel, 9:482, 9:482n, 9:482n
- letters from, 9:481–9:482, 10:160–10:162
- letters of introduction for, 9:413, 9:431, 9:481–9:482, 9:620, 9:621n, 9:663, 9:664, 10:243
- studies in Geneva, 9:417, 10:161, 10:312, 11:443–11:444, 12:270, 13:42, 15:166–15:167
- and G. Ticknor, 10:598, 12:545, 12:561, 12:614
- TJ recommends, 9:413, 9:417, 9:419
- travels of, 10:160–10:161, 15:167, 15:477
Terrell, Lucy Carr (TJ’s niece)
Terrell, Martha Jefferson. See Minor, Martha Jefferson Terrell (TJ’s sister Martha Jefferson Carr’s granddaughter; Dabney Minor’s second wife)
Terril, Mr. (of Albemarle Co.)
Tertium Quids, 3:549–3:550, 4:213n, 5:82, 5:95
Tertullianus, Quintus Septimus Florens
Tessé, Adrienne Catherine de Noailles de
- and I. A. Coles, 1:269, 1:528, 1:593
- death of, 7:349, 7:536, 8:266
- and European chestnuts, 4:322–4:323, 7:34
- exchanges seeds with TJ, 1:272, 1:274n, 1:593, 1:594, 3:503–3:504
- garden of, 5:188–5:189, 5:189, 7:34
- health of, 2:9, 2:288, 2:311, 4:649, 5:69, 5:212
- identified, 1:274n
- and Lafayette, 1:528, 1:593–1:594, 1:627, 4:30, 4:358, 7:35, 7:536
- letters from, 1:271–1:274, 1:593–1:594, 2:310–2:312, 4:322–4:324, 5:188–5:190
- letters from accounted for, 4:324n
- letters from mentioned, 2:512
- letters to, 3:503–3:504, 7:33–7:36
- letters to mentioned, 7:15
- J. Madison forwards letter from, 4:326, 5:436
- mentioned, 1:265, 3:512, 3:538, 14:203–14:204
- on T. Pahlen, 2:311
- sends book to TJ, 4:324n, 4:675–4:676, 5:189
- sends engraving of A. von Humboldt, 1:593
- sends greetings to TJ, 3:106, 3:198, 3:447, 4:268–4:269, 4:274n
- sends TJ gifts, 2:310, 2:487
- on W. Short, 2:311
Tessé, René Mans Froulay, comte de
- acquaintance with TJ, 1:274n
- and I. A. Coles, 1:528
- death of, 7:536, 8:266
- health of, 2:9, 4:649, 5:69
- and Lafayette, 1:528, 1:627
- sends greetings to TJ, 2:288, 2:311, 3:106, 3:447, 4:323
- TJ sends greetings to, 3:504, 7:35
- A Complete Treatise on Merinos and Other Sheep, 3:322n
- Instruction sur les bêtes à laine et particulièrement sur la race des mérinos, 3:321, 3:322n, 7:52–7:53
Testa del Tignoso, Count Francesco del
Testimony taken before the Committee of Grievances and Courts of Justice, Relative to the Late Riots and Mobs in the City of Baltimore, 7:231–7:232n
Der Teutsche Merkur, 9:86, 9:88n
- and Adams-Onís Treaty (1819), 14:503, 15:594–15:595, 15:615
- American filibustering expeditions against, 6:188–6:189, 6:190n, 6:293
- French claims to, 9:445–9:446
- map of Coahuila, 8:77n
- sugar from, 14:503, 15:595
- use of bird pepper in, 6:128, 6:195
textiles See also manufacturing; thread
- baize, 5:394
- Bennetts cord, 9:565
- blanket, 9:301, 14:636
- broadcloth, 4:40, 7:88, 8:544
- calico, 2:376, 4:102, 7:558, 7:558
- Canton crepe, 15:452
- cambric, 3:643, 6:343, 9:566
- canvas, 12:340, 12:526, 14:239, 14:239
- cassimere, 1:308, 15:450
- coarse, 9:301, 12:361
- coating, 6:345
- corduroy, 15:475, 15:475n
- cotton, 3:551, 3:577, 4:27, 4:219, 4:515, 4:637, 6:346, 6:347, 7:13, 7:187, 7:191, 7:570, 8:146–8:148, 8:408, 8:464, 8:554–8:555, 8:635n, 9:301, 9:533–9:537, 9:537n, 11:11, 11:11, 12:257, 12:538, 12:554, 14:256, 15:485, 15:485n
- duck, 2:98–2:100, 2:175
- dyeing of, 3:221–3:223, 3:238–3:239, 3:288–3:289, 3:326–3:327, 6:114, 6:314, 6:335, 9:355, 9:447–9:448, 12:257–12:258
- everlasting, 5:394
- ferret (fabric tape), 6:345, 6:346
- flannel, 4:361, 5:370, 5:393, 6:345, 6:345, 15:144, 15:271
- flax, 11:11, 11:11
- hemp, 6:345, 6:345, 8:185, 8:554, 11:136, 12:538
- holland, 6:345, 6:346, 9:565, 9:566n, 15:451, 15:475n
- home manufacture of, 1:561, 1:573–1:574, 1:591, 2:98–2:100, 2:175, 3:221–3:223, 3:238, 4:143, 4:143n, 4:343, 4:417, 4:428, 4:435, 4:571–4:572, 4:637, 5:187, 5:207–5:208, 5:208n, 5:268–5:269, 5:307, 5:439, 5:562–5:563, 6:114, 6:556, 7:52–7:53, 7:187, 7:191, 7:240–7:241, 7:325, 7:347–7:348, 7:406, 7:569–7:570, 7:593, 8:252–8:253, 8:460, 8:535, 8:544, 8:634, 8:635, 9:601, 10:547, 11:141, 12:538
- homespun, 1:100n, 1:561, 1:591, 1:667, 6:308, 6:309, 7:191, 7:325, 8:356, 8:368, 9:562, 10:491n, 10:609, 13:386
- huckaback, 5:394
- humhums, 6:345, 6:349n
- jean, 1:308
- Kendal, 9:301
- kersey, 9:301
- linen, 3:202, 3:280n, 3:309, 3:309n, 4:27, 4:102, 4:138, 4:231–4:232n, 6:344, 6:347, 8:460, 8:554, 9:597, 11:11
- manufacturing, 1:524–1:525, 2:592, 6:114, 6:314, 6:335, 6:631, 6:631–6:632n, 7:72–7:73, 7:81, 8:146–8:148, 8:179–8:180, 8:464, 8:545–8:546, 8:547, 8:547–8:548, 9:533–9:537, 9:564–9:565, 9:601–9:602, 9:616, 10:32, 12:241, 12:257–12:258, 12:260, 12:275, 12:338, 12:339, 12:354, 12:365, 12:396–12:397, 12:408–12:409
- milkweed, 11:135–11:136
- muslin, 4:27, 4:102, 8:464
- Osnaburg, 1:303, 4:358, 4:515, 5:33, 5:385, 6:347, 6:349n, 9:301, 15:485
- plain cloth, 6:308, 6:309, 6:310, 6:344, 6:344, 6:344, 6:344, 6:345, 6:345, 9:301, 10:609, 12:361, 12:362
- rattinet, 7:349, 7:349n, 7:488
- sent to TJ, 15:362, 15:363n
- shirting, 6:308, 6:308, 6:309, 6:309, 6:310, 6:348, 9:303, 9:303, 9:566, 9:597, 12:538, 15:229, 15:247, 15:450, 15:451, 15:452
- silk, 4:85, 4:343, 5:439, 6:345, 6:345, 9:565
- silk manufacturing, 1:341, 1:342n, 1:355, 1:412–1:413, 1:413, 1:414, 1:423–1:424, 1:472, 3:343, 3:343n, 3:635, 12:257
- Taurino, 7:72–7:73, 7:73n, 7:191
- Ticklenburgs, 4:28, 4:28n, 5:385, 6:344, 6:344, 6:345, 6:345, 6:346, 14:636, 15:485, 15:485n
- TJ purchases, 15:451
- velvet, 12:554
- and weaving, 3:238–3:239, 5:446, 5:448, 6:556, 12:185, 12:186, 12:257–12:258, 12:338–12:339, 12:339, 12:354, 12:365–12:366, 12:396–12:397
- wool, 1:15–1:16, 1:479n, 3:637, 4:27, 4:40, 4:102, 4:343, 4:346, 5:129–5:130, 5:130, 5:187, 5:448, 6:114, 6:308, 6:309, 6:310, 6:314, 6:335, 6:631, 6:631–6:632n, 7:13, 7:52–7:53, 7:191, 7:309–7:310, 7:460, 7:570, 8:174, 8:185, 8:234, 8:544, 8:570, 9:535–9:537, 10:547, 12:257, 12:408–12:409, 12:538, 15:229
- yarn, 12:194, 12:257, 12:261, 12:396–12:397, 13:325, 13:349, 15:134
- Principes raisonnés d’agriculture (a trans. of Grundsätze der rationellen Landwirthschaft), 6:17, 6:18n
Thames (steamboat), 9:134, 9:135n
Thames, Battle of the (Canada) (1813), 6:546n, 6:577n, 8:221, 8:263
Théatre d’Æschyle (Aeschylus; trans. La Porte Du Theil), 15:26, 15:490, 15:491n
Le Théâtre d’Agriculture et Mesnage des Champs (O. de Serres), 1:35, 1:581, 2:82, 7:626, 11:164
Théatre d’Aristophane, avec les fragmens de Ménandre et de Philémon (Aristophanes; trans. L. Poinsinet de Sivry), 11:352, 11:397, 11:397, 11:456, 11:547, 11:592, 11:646, 12:153, 12:439
Théatre d’Éducation (S. F. Genlis), 12:534
Théatre de Société (S. F. Genlis), 12:534
Thénard, Louis Jacques, 1:264, 1:267n, 1:317n
- edition of by L. C. Valckenaer, 9:196, 9:456
- mentioned, 6:403, 7:448
- quoted by TJ, 6:231, 6:234n
- Θεοκρίτου τὰ Εὑρισκόμενα. Theocriti quæ extant Cum Græcis Scholiis, 9:456, 14:510
- TJ reads, 6:302
theodolites, 3:480, 4:369, 9:xliii, 9:xliii–9:xliv, 9:82, 9:153, 9:157, 9:168, 9:171n, 9:221, 9:222, 9:222, 9:315, 9:344 (illus.), 9:344 (illus.), 9:622, 9:643, 9:688–9:689, 11:544, 13:385
Theodore I. See Neuhof, Theodor von, king of Corsica
Theodore I Lascaris, emperor of Nicaea, 8:683
Theodore Roosevelt Island. See Mason’s Island (Analostan Island; later Theodore Roosevelt Island)
- writings of, 6:279, 6:280n, 6:386–6:387, 6:388n, 6:465–6:466, 6:467n, 6:504, 6:504, 6:504, 6:505, 6:562, 6:563, 6:563, 6:565, 6:568n, 6:623, 6:623
Θεοκρίτου τὰ Εὑρισκόμενα. Theocriti quæ extant Cum Græcis Scholiis (Theocritus), 9:456, 14:510
Theological works (T. Scott), 2:321
Theophili antecessoris Institvtionvm Libri IV (Theophilus), 3:48, 3:546, 7:125
Theophrastus (Greek philosopher), 12:496
Théorie de La Terre (J. C. Lamétherie), 8:429, 8:429, 8:429–8:430n
Théorie des Fonctions Analytiques (J. L. Lagrange), 13:314n
Théorie des Signes (Sicard), 1:662, 1:662n
The Theory and Practice of Brewing (M. Combrune), 1:582, 6:507, 6:533, 6:597
The theory and practice of finding the Longitude at Sea or Land (A. Mackay), 1:492, 1:498n, 9:60, 10:62, 10:81, 10:158
The Theory of Moral Sentiments (A. Smith), 13:177, 13:177n
- calibration of, 15:343–15:344
- compensating, 5:558, 5:559n
- differential, 14:313
- manufactured by Dollond, 10:xlvii, 10:240 (illus.)
- mentioned, 8:214, 9:689
- and meteorological observations, 8:304, 9:239–9:243, 12:352, 12:353, 12:353, 12:618, 12:619, 14:550n, 14:594, 14:633n
- TJ purchases, 5:xlviii
- TJ uses, 11:34, 12:574–12:575, 14:596, 14:597n, 15:343–15:344
- TJ receives from J. P. Todd, 10:xlvii, 10:320
- for U.S. Coast Survey, 9:224, 9:224
- used in navigation, 3:93, 3:95n
- used to calculate altitude, 12:343–12:344, 12:491–12:492
Thermometrical Navigation (J. Williams), 3:95n
Θησαυρὸς τῆς Ἑλληνικῆς Γλώσσης. Thesaurus Graecae Linguae (ed. H. Estienne), 3:546, 13:342, 13:343n, 13:358, 13:494, 13:494, 13:525, 14:193
Thetis (schooner), 5:665, 5:667n
- as collector at Charleston, 10:411, 11:131–11:132, 11:137–11:138
- identified, 11:132n
- letter from accounted for, 11:138n
- letters to, 11:131–11:132, 11:137–11:138
- and wine for TJ, 11:131–11:132, 11:137, 11:137–11:138
- and batture controversy, 2:524, 2:526, 2:531, 2:678
- Examen des Droits des Etats-Unis et des pretensions de Mr. Edouard Livingston sur la Batture en Face du Faubourg Ste. Marie, 2:439, 2:446n, 2:516, 2:517n, 2:531, 2:532n, 2:658, 3:30, 3:72, 3:133–3:134, 3:135n, 3:159, 3:203, 3:226, 3:233, 3:271, 3:476, 3:484, 4:643n
- identified, 4:643n
- letters to, 4:643
- Reply to Mr. Duponceau, 1:287, 1:287n, 3:484
- TJ differs with, 4:643
- TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:624, 4:643
Things as they are; or, the Adventures of Caleb Williams (W. Godwin), 12:534
The Third Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England (E. Coke), 7:171, 7:173n, 10:12, 10:14n, 10:428
Thomas (TJ’s slave; b. 1813). See Hughes, Thomas (TJ’s slave; b. 1813)
- employee of J. Milligan, 13:408, 13:408n, 13:520, 13:520–13:521n, 14:39, 14:93
- identified, 14:39n
- introduced to TJ, 14:39
- visits Monticello, 14:39, 14:39n, 14:93
Thomas, James (of Albemarle Co.), 5:141n
Thomas, J. L. & N. K. (Richmond firm). See J. L. & N. K. Thomas (Richmond firm)
- and Central College subscription, 11:325, 11:330
- as commission merchant, 4:52
- health of, 6:148
- and Henderson case, 5:274–5:275, 5:277, 5:364, 5:371, 5:651, 5:651n, 5:658, 6:5, 6:148
- identified, 4:52–4:53n
- letters from, 4:52–4:53, 5:364, 5:658, 6:148
- letters to, 5:274–5:275, 5:371, 5:651, 6:5
Thomas, N. K., & Company (Richmond firm). See N. K. Thomas & Company (Richmond firm)
- and Central College subscription, 11:325, 11:334
- as commission merchant, 4:52, 5:277
- identified, 5:277n
- letters from, 5:277
Thomas & Martin (Philadelphia firm), 12:409
Thomas Aquinas, 7:480, 7:667, 12:443
Thomas B. Wait & Sons (Boston firm)
- identified, 7:646n
- letters from, 7:644–7:646
- printing and publishing house, 7:646n
- and State Papers and Publick Documents, 7:644, 7:645–7:646n, 8:156
Thomas Eston Randolph & Company (Shadwell Mill, Va.)
Thomas Gilpin & Company (Brandywine, Pa., firm), 5:654–5:655n
Thos Jefferson the Pride of America (Gimbrede), 1:xlvii, 1:23, 1:23n, 1:32, 1:380 (illus.)
Thomas M. Randolph & Company (Shadwell mills, Va.) See also Randolph, Thomas Eston (TJ’s cousin); Randolph, Thomas Mann (1768–1828) (TJ’s son-in-law; Martha Jefferson Randolph’s husband)
- Account of Flour Shipped, 9:547–9:548
- account with TJ, 10:474–10:475, 10:478
- identified, 9:547n
- letter from, 9:546–9:547
- and TJ’s flour, 9:546–9:547, 9:547, 9:547–9:548n, 9:567–9:568, 9:568n, 10:474–10:475, 10:478
Thomas Smart v. The Magistrates and Town Council of the Burgh of Dundee (Brown’s Reports), 3:151, 3:151n, 3:316, 3:546, 3:546, 3:546
Thompson, Benjamin. See Rumford, Benjamin Thompson, Count
- identified, 4:54n
- letters from, 4:53–4:54
- letters to, 4:76
- An Oration, delivered before the Tammany Society, or Columbian Order, of Brookhaven, (L.I.), 4:53, 4:54n, 4:76
- identified, 8:695–8:696n
- letter from, 8:695–8:696
- military service of, 8:695
- provides lumber for TJ, 8:695–8:696
Thompson, George (of Albemarle Co.)
Thompson, George (London publisher)
Thompson (Thomson), John (Campbell Co. landowner)
- and Bedford Co. land, 5:476, 5:479, 5:487
- and lumber for TJ, 8:695
- and survey of Poplar Forest, 12:210, 12:212–12:213
Thompson (Tompson), John (clerk in Orleans Territory), 1:635, 1:642n
Thompson, John (judge in Orleans Territory), 1:635, 2:211, 2:212
- and establishment of University of Virginia, 13:473, 13:473n, 13:473n, 13:491, 13:558, 14:14
- as U.S. representative, 4:64, 4:67n
- as Va. legislator, 13:592
- friendship with TJ, 9:340–9:342, 9:708–9:709, 10:59
- health of, 10:59–10:60, 10:60, 10:649–10:650, 11:29
- The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Covenant, 3:596, 3:596n, 10:214, 10:300, 10:450, 15:159, 15:159n, 15:223
- identified, 9:342n
- letters from, 10:59–10:61, 10:649–10:651
- letters to, 9:340–9:342, 11:29
- secretary of Continental Congress, 3:39, 3:40n, 6:207, 6:373, 6:612
- and speeches of the American Revolution, 10:602, 10:602n
- A Synopsis of the Four Evangelists, 8:472, 8:472n, 8:672, 8:673n, 9:194, 9:194n, 9:340, 10:300, 11:115–11:116, 11:116n
- and TJ’s religious beliefs, 10:262, 10:300–10:301, 10:480, 10:518, 10:521, 10:541, 10:649, 10:650, 11:29
Thomson, John. See Thompson (Thomson), John (Campbell Co. landowner)
Thomson, Bonar, & Company (London firm), 14:343
- as agricultural fence, 7:80–7:81, 10:194–10:195, 10:196n, 11:228
- Cockspur hawthorn, 10:238
- Maple-leaf (Washington hawthorn), 10:195, 10:196n, 10:197, 10:198n
- New Castle, 7:80
- propagation of, 10:194–10:195, 10:197, 10:292–10:293
- pyracantha, 10:197, 10:197, 10:238
- Virginia, 7:80
- writings on, 10:195, 10:196n, 10:197
Thornton, Anna Maria Brodeau (William Thornton’s wife)
Thornton, Henry, 3:319, 3:320n
- identified, 8:96n
- leases Natural Bridge from TJ, 8:96, 8:96n, 8:119–8:120, 8:120–8:121, 8:123, 8:257, 8:281, 8:308–8:309, 8:347, 9:402, 9:402n, 9:449, 9:450, 10:520, 11:237, 11:238n, 11:428, 11:642, 12:340, 12:525, 12:525–12:526, 12:544
- letters from, 8:96, 9:402, 12:544
- letters to, 8:123, 9:450, 11:642, 12:340, 12:525–12:526
- and T. M. Randolph’s gubernatorial prospects, 8:96n
- and shot manufactory, 1:367n, 8:96, 8:96n, 8:119–8:120, 8:120–8:121, 8:257, 8:281–8:282, 8:309, 8:347, 10:520, 11:642, 12:340, 12:525, 12:525–12:526, 12:544
- and TJ’s rumored death, 9:402, 9:450
- visits Monticello, 8:96n, 8:123
- as agent for O. Barrett, 4:592, 4:666–4:667, 5:21–5:22, 5:23
- borrows paintings from TJ, 8:136, 8:160, 8:195, 9:592, 10:71, 10:71n, 10:71–10:72, 10:159–10:160, 10:258, 10:258–10:259, 10:274, 11:135, 11:266–11:267, 11:342, 11:387
- and design of Central College, 11:315, 11:342–11:343, 11:387–11:390, 11:393
- Drawing and Description of a Water and Cider Filter, 8:196, 8:403, 8:404–8:405
- educational system proposed by, 11:390, 11:391n
- and fig trees, 2:3, 2:32, 2:367–2:368, 2:379, 2:412–2:413, 2:456
- health of, 5:22, 5:80, 5:142, 5:181, 5:210, 5:242, 9:592
- A. von Humboldt sends greetings to, 1:453n
- identified, 1:466n
- introduces T. Freeborn to TJ, 11:454, 11:462
- inventions of, 8:253, 8:402–8:403, 8:404–8:405
- and W. Janes’s loom, 8:135–8:136, 8:160, 8:195, 8:249, 8:252–8:253
- letter from, to G. Greer, 7:508–7:509
- letters from, 1:476–1:480, 2:3–2:4, 2:367–2:368, 2:379–2:380, 2:456–2:457, 3:63–3:64, 4:425–4:428, 5:21–5:23, 5:141–5:142, 5:181–5:182, 5:241–5:242, 7:438–7:439, 7:506–7:507, 8:135–8:137, 8:195–8:196, 8:402–8:403, 8:408, 9:592–9:593, 10:159–10:160, 10:258–10:259, 11:135–11:136, 11:266–11:267, 11:387–11:392, 11:454
- letters to, 1:465–1:466, 1:599–1:600, 2:32–2:33, 2:412–2:414, 2:492–2:493, 4:417–4:418, 4:666–4:668, 5:80, 5:134, 5:148, 5:209–5:210, 7:405–7:407, 7:486–7:487, 7:568, 8:160–8:161, 8:252–8:253, 10:71–10:72, 10:274, 11:342–11:343
- letter to, from W. Cranch, 5:23–5:24
- letter to, from W. Janes, 7:507–7:508
- mentioned, 8:314
- and merino sheep, 1:199, 1:224–1:225, 1:286, 1:464, 1:465–1:466, 1:467, 1:476–1:477, 1:479, 1:480–1:481, 1:599, 2:3–2:4, 2:32, 2:379, 2:380, 2:413, 2:431, 2:456–2:457, 2:492, 5:142, 5:181
- musical instrument invented by, 7:439, 7:487
- opinion of Spanish army, 2:379–2:380
- on B. Otis’s portraits, 10:258
- as patent office superintendent, 2:5n, 2:367, 5:22–5:23, 5:23n, 7:405–7:406, 7:438–7:439, 7:486–7:487, 7:506–7:507, 7:507, 7:508, 7:523, 7:568, 7:668–7:669, 7:669n, 8:160, 8:408, 9:138, 9:339–9:340, 9:592, 9:592–9:593, 11:6, 11:135, 13:155, 13:155n
- portrait of TJ by, 8:136, 8:137n, 9:592, 10:72, 10:159–10:160, 10:258, 10:258–10:259, 10:274, 11:135, 11:266, 11:267n
- on reformation of English language, 6:414, 6:415n
- and sale of TJ’s library, 8:136
- and sculpture of TJ, 11:267
- sends cotton cloth to TJ, 8:408
- sends publications to TJ, 8:195, 8:253, 8:408, 8:408n, 9:592, 11:135
- sends publications to T. M. Randolph, 8:408
- and shepherd dogs, 2:3, 2:32, 2:409, 2:413, 2:431, 2:456, 2:490, 2:492, 2:492, 2:511–2:512, 2:568, 2:666, 3:63, 3:63, 5:181, 5:209–5:210
- Short Account of the Origin of Steam Boats, 8:195
- Sketches for a Corinthian Pavilion, 11:393
- and spinning machines, 4:417–4:418, 4:424, 4:425–4:426, 4:512, 4:592, 4:666–4:667, 5:21–5:22, 5:22, 5:24, 5:80, 5:134, 5:141, 5:145, 5:148, 5:181, 5:209, 5:241–5:242
- on G. Stuart’s portraits, 10:159–10:160, 10:258
- and TJ’s cisterns, 8:252, 8:253n
- and water-raising machine, 8:195–8:196
- and C. Whitlow’s botanical discoveries, 4:426–4:427, 4:667, 5:22
- and work on U.S. Capitol, 3:534, 3:535, 3:537n, 3:555–3:556
Thoughts on Instinctive Impulses (T. Law), 3:209, 3:261, 3:298, 3:578, 3:579n, 7:467, 7:468n
Thoughts on Religion, and other curious Subjects (B. Pascal), 7:386, 7:386n
- asks TJ to submit scholarship for publication, 6:17
- as director of Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 8:680, 13:85–13:86, 13:147, 13:147
- on education, 11:263–11:264
- on European interest in U.S., 11:264
- on grafting, 4:320, 4:321n, 4:538, 4:621, 7:55, 7:55n
- identified, 1:202n
- and Institut de France, 5:433
- introduces J. Corrêa da Serra, 4:319–4:320, 4:539n, 7:55, 7:55n
- introduces J. Lakanal, 9:267–9:268
- letters from, 2:308–2:309, 3:419, 4:319–4:321, 6:17–6:18, 9:267–9:268, 11:263–11:266, 12:482, 13:85–13:87
- letters to, 1:201–1:202, 7:54–7:55, 8:321–8:323, 8:480
- and R. M. Patterson, 1:201
- recommends book to TJ, 6:17
- recommends G. Troost, 2:308
- requests assistance in procuring seeds, 6:17, 6:152
- sends greetings to TJ, 1:141, 1:629
- sends rice to TJ, 1:208, 1:596
- sends seeds to TJ, 2:91n, 3:419, 3:544, 3:583, 3:604, 3:604, 3:614, 3:629, 4:84, 4:85n, 4:498, 4:621, 5:382, 5:553, 6:17, 6:44, 6:45, 6:152, 6:196, 7:54–7:55, 7:90, 7:90, 8:420, 8:615, 8:615n, 8:615, 10:239–10:240, 11:263, 12:477, 12:482, 13:85, 14:175
- TJ introduces B. S. Barton to, 8:321, 8:325
- TJ introduces L. H. Girardin to, 8:480
- on viticulture, 11:264
Θουκυδίδου Πλάτωνος καὶ Λυσίου λόγοι ἐπιτάφιοι (Thucydides, Plato, and Lysias), 10:358
thread, 4:358, 6:344, 6:344, 6:345, 6:345, 6:345, 6:349n, 9:565, 9:566, 9:597, 12:362, 12:397, 15:450, 15:451, 15:451, 15:451, 15:451, 15:452, 15:452n, 15:475n, 15:475n
Three Dissertations on Boylston Prize Questions for the Years 1806 and 1807 (G. C. Shattuck), 1:50–1:51, 1:51n
Three Treatises (J. Harris), 8:388, 15:337, 15:337, 15:337, 15:338n
Threlkeld, Elizabeth (John Threlkeld’s wife)
Threlkeld, Jane, 3:433, 3:433n, 3:458, 3:513n
- encloses wife’s letter to M. B. Eppes, 3:513n
- identified, 1:40n
- letters from, 1:40, 3:433
- letters to, 1:40, 3:458–3:459
- sends plants to TJ, 1:40
- TJ forwards letter for, 3:433, 3:433n, 3:458
threshing machines, 3:293, 3:371, 5:324, 5:325–5:326, 5:360, 5:444–5:445, 5:445n, 6:203, 7:81–7:82, 8:185, 8:368–8:369, 8:369n, 8:464, 8:520, 8:535–8:536, 10:32–10:33, 11:200, 14:588, 15:290, 15:591n, 15:607
Threshly (Thresly), Mr. See Sthreshly, Robert B.
Thrimston (Thrimson) (TJ’s slave; b. ca. 1799). See Hern, Thrimston (Thrimson) (TJ’s slave; b. ca. 1799)
throat distemper. See diphtheria (throat distemper)
Thruston (TJ’s slave; b. 1795). See Hern, Thruston (TJ’s slave; b. 1795)
- J. Adams reads, 4:475
- De Bello Peloponnesiaco Libri Octo Graece et Latine (eds. J. Wasse and K. A. Duker), 9:195, 9:455, 10:233, 14:510
- Θουκυδίδου Πλάτωνος καὶ Λυσίου λόγοι ἐπιτάφιοι, 10:358
- TJ on, 7:447
- TJ reads, 3:440, 4:429, 6:302
- identified, 8:148n
- letter from, 8:146–8:148
- letter to, 8:179–8:180
- and relocation of cotton manufactory, 8:146–8:148, 8:179–8:180
- attends dinners honoring TJ, 1:608+, 1:615+
- and Central College subscription, 11:327n, 11:590–11:591, 12:41–12:42, 12:472
- and Eppington, 12:141
- family of, 12:139
- financial situation of, 12:472
- and fish for TJ, 15:378
- and Gilliam v. Fleming, 2:83–2:85, 2:122–2:123, 2:141–2:142, 2:256, 2:340, 2:368, 2:396–2:397, 2:403, 2:407–2:408, 2:424, 2:424–2:425, 2:433–2:434, 2:446–2:448, 2:464, 2:540–2:541, 2:674–2:675, 3:44–3:45, 3:84–3:86, 5:90, 5:91n, 7:99
- identified, 2:85n
- letters from, 2:122–2:123, 2:368–2:369, 2:396–2:398, 2:403, 2:424, 2:446–2:448, 3:44–3:45, 5:161–5:162, 5:287, 12:41–12:42, 12:452, 12:472
- letters from accounted for, 2:142n, 2:256n, 2:369n, 2:469n, 3:86n, 5:91n, 5:162n, 5:548n, 7:99n, 7:175n, 11:132n, 11:201n, 11:233n, 12:141n
- letters from mentioned, 2:378
- letters to, 2:83–2:85, 2:141–2:142, 2:256, 2:407–2:408, 2:424–2:426, 2:433–2:434, 2:468–2:469, 3:84–3:86, 5:90–5:91, 5:210–5:211, 5:548, 7:99, 7:175, 10:581–10:582, 10:628, 10:666–10:667, 11:200–11:201, 11:590–11:592, 12:140–12:141, 12:487
- letters to accounted for, 2:469n, 12:298n
- and mill construction, 11:200
- and petition of P. I. Barziza, 10:628, 10:628, 11:146, 11:147n
- and proposed Albemarle Co. road, 10:581–10:582, 10:664, 10:666–10:667, 11:59, 11:59, 11:59n, 11:59n, 11:66, 11:119, 11:132, 11:133, 11:200
- seeks appointment, 12:139–12:140, 12:140–12:141
- TJ recommends, 2:468–2:469, 12:139–12:140, 12:140–12:141
- TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 5:548, 7:175
- and TJ’s land dispute with S. Scott, 5:89, 5:90–5:91, 5:161–5:162, 5:162n, 5:210–5:211, 5:287, 5:287–5:288
- and TJ’s newspapers, 1:469
- toast by, 1:615+
- visits J. Madison, 2:468–2:469
- and J. Wayles’s estate, 7:99, 7:174, 7:175, 9:647, 10:110, 12:452, 12:487, 15:260
Thweatt, Lucy Eppes (Archibald Thweatt’s wife)
- sends greetings to TJ, 2:424, 3:45, 5:162, 5:287
- TJ sends greetings to, 2:85, 2:142, 2:256, 2:408, 2:425, 2:434, 5:91, 5:211, 7:99, 11:201, 12:141, 12:487
Thweatt, Mary (Polly) Eppes (John Wayles Eppes’s sister; Richard Noble Thweatt’s wife)
- family of, 2:70n, 13:350
- identified, 10:540n
- letters from, 10:565–10:566, 13:173, 13:350
- letters to, 10:540, 13:126–13:127, 13:287
- and package for TJ, 10:500, 10:540, 10:540, 10:565
- and wine for TJ, 13:126–13:127, 13:173, 13:283, 13:287, 13:350
Tibullus (Roman poet), 7:661, 9:196, 11:126
Ticklenburgs (textile), 4:28, 4:28n, 5:385, 6:344, 6:344, 6:345, 6:345, 6:346, 14:636, 15:485, 15:485n
- and books for TJ, 10:212, 10:212, 10:320, 10:484–10:485, 10:502, 10:531–10:532, 10:576, 10:576–10:577, 11:414
- and elementary schools, 12:513–12:514
- forwards letters to and from TJ, 8:370, 8:371, 8:579, 8:584, 8:589, 8:651, 8:673n, 8:684–8:685, 9:82, 9:196, 9:353, 9:359, 9:403–9:404, 9:454, 9:456n, 9:460, 9:561, 10:502, 10:598, 11:419, 11:634, 12:203, 12:203, 12:466–12:467, 12:512, 12:513, 13:239, 13:337–13:338
- health of, 8:650
- identified, 8:584n
- letters from, 8:650–8:651, 8:684–8:685, 9:403–9:404, 10:484–10:485, 10:502, 10:531–10:532, 12:512–12:514
- letters to, 8:583–8:584, 9:359, 9:460, 10:320, 10:576–10:577, 11:419–11:420, 12:203, 12:466–12:467, 13:337–13:338
- letter to accounted for, 8:673n
- mentioned, 8:149n, 9:196, 13:337
- as overseer of Dartmouth College, 10:383, 10:383n
- relationship with son, 14:32
- G. Ticknor sends books to, 9:195, 9:697, 10:383, 10:531
- and G. Ticknor’s travels, 8:242n, 8:650–8:651, 8:684–8:685, 9:359, 9:403–9:404, 9:460, 10:383, 10:484, 10:485, 10:577, 12:466, 12:467, 12:512–12:513, 13:337–13:338
- TJ sends greetings to, 15:304
Ticknor, Elizabeth Billings Curtis (Elisha Ticknor’s wife)
- Account of a Visit to Monticello, 8:238–8:243
- and J. Adams, 15:587
- and G. W. Blaettermann, 14:251, 14:345–14:346, 14:347–14:348, 15:302
- and books for TJ, 8:292, 8:325, 8:361–8:362, 8:370, 8:523, 8:549, 8:550, 8:578–8:580, 8:580–8:581, 8:583–8:584, 8:587, 8:589, 8:590n, 8:603, 8:627, 8:632, 8:633n, 8:673, 9:82–9:83, 9:87, 9:152, 9:195–9:196, 9:353, 9:354, 9:420, 9:420, 9:431, 9:454–9:456, 9:559–9:560, 9:561–9:562n, 9:696–9:697, 10:64–10:65, 10:212–10:213, 10:320, 10:383, 10:484–10:485, 10:531–10:532, 10:576–10:577, 10:598, 10:598n, 11:255, 11:296, 11:408, 11:408, 11:414–11:415, 11:455, 11:632, 12:109–12:110, 12:203–12:204, 12:576, 13:239
- books sold by, 9:186, 9:186n, 9:276, 9:277n
- carries TJ’s letters to Europe, 8:253, 8:266, 8:292, 8:308, 8:310, 8:320, 8:320n, 8:361, 8:370, 8:488, 8:489, 8:549–8:550, 9:8, 9:83, 9:195, 9:560, 9:562n, 11:281, 11:355–11:356
- on education in Europe, 9:83–9:87, 9:195, 9:403–9:404, 9:560–9:561, 9:697–9:698, 11:633–11:634, 12:204, 13:238–13:239, 15:302–15:304
- and education in Va., 12:9, 12:101, 12:204–12:205
- enlists D. B. Warden’s assistance in procuring books for TJ, 9:431, 9:492–9:493, 9:559–9:560, 9:561–9:562n, 10:64–10:65
- family of, 14:32, 14:345
- forwarding address of in London, 8:549–8:550, 8:684
- friendship with A. Bigelow, 14:58
- friendship with F. W. Gilmer, 8:193, 9:87–9:88, 12:545
- on Great Britain, 15:388
- and Harvard professorship, 14:32, 15:387, 15:389
- health of, 10:383, 10:485, 15:387
- identified, 8:242n
- introduced to TJ, 8:148, 8:149n, 8:156, 8:193, 8:232, 8:243, 8:260, 8:267
- introduces J. Blomfield, 14:346, 14:347n
- H. Jackson conveys letters to, 8:582–8:583, 9:362, 9:417, 9:429, 9:454
- letters from, 8:324–8:325, 8:370–8:371, 8:549–8:550, 9:82–9:88, 9:195–9:197, 9:559–9:562, 9:696–9:699, 10:212–10:213, 10:598, 11:632–11:634, 13:236–13:240, 14:31–14:33, 14:344–14:347, 15:387–15:390
- letters from accounted for, 9:456n, 14:347n
- letters to, 8:361–8:362, 8:578–8:581, 8:673, 9:353–9:355, 9:420, 9:454–9:456, 11:414–11:416, 12:203–12:205, 13:338–13:339, 15:301–15:304
- letter to accounted for, 8:362n
- letter to, from J. Ogilvie, 14:347–14:348
- library of, 13:238, 13:238
- plans return to U.S., 13:238–13:239
- portrait of, 8:xlviii, 8:272 (illus.)
- returns TJ’s letter to W. H. Crawford, 8:371
- sends greetings to Randolphs, 10:598, 15:389–15:390
- and D. C. Terrell, 10:598, 12:545, 12:561, 12:614
- TJ on, 8:247, 8:260, 8:266–8:267, 8:292, 8:294, 8:308, 8:523, 8:583–8:584, 9:431, 9:460, 10:485, 11:408, 12:202, 12:462
- and TJ’s health, 14:31
- TJ’s letters of introduction for, 8:240, 8:241, 8:260, 8:266–8:267, 8:292, 8:294, 8:308, 8:325, 8:360, 8:370, 8:370, 8:651, 11:634, 12:202, 12:203, 12:203, 12:462, 12:466–12:467, 12:512, 12:513, 13:236–13:237, 13:239, 13:337, 13:337–13:338, 13:338, 13:339, 14:82
- travels of, 8:149n, 8:193–8:194, 8:260, 8:292, 8:294, 8:324–8:325, 8:360, 8:361, 8:362, 8:370–8:371, 8:488n, 8:489, 8:549–8:550, 8:579, 8:582–8:583, 8:583–8:584, 8:589, 8:650–8:651, 8:684–8:685, 9:83, 9:83, 9:186, 9:195, 9:196, 9:359, 9:362, 9:403–9:404, 9:460, 9:559–9:560, 10:64, 10:213, 10:320, 10:484, 10:485, 10:577, 10:598, 11:142, 11:419, 11:618–11:619, 11:632–11:633, 12:202, 12:462, 12:466, 12:467, 12:512–12:513, 12:545, 13:237–13:239, 13:337, 13:337–13:338, 14:344, 14:346, 14:347, 15:301, 15:469
- and University of Virginia, 13:239, 13:338–13:339, 14:31–14:32, 14:344–14:346, 14:517, 14:519, 14:525, 15:301–15:302, 15:302, 15:387–15:389, 15:389
- visits Monticello, 4:596, 8:232, 8:238–8:242, 8:247, 8:253, 8:260, 8:267, 8:325, 8:360, 8:553, 8:650–8:651, 10:383, 11:639, 12:513, 13:239, 14:31, 15:301
ticks, 1:478, 7:649, 11:39, 12:618
- and definitions of political terms, 14:145, 14:146n, 14:201–14:202
- and education, 10:417
- identified, 10:304n
- and institute for Schoharie Co., N.Y., 10:660–10:661, 10:661, 10:662–10:664
- interest of in Aristotle’s works, 10:304, 10:349, 10:417
- and judicial tenure, 10:418
- and learned societies, 10:661
- letters from, 10:304–10:305, 10:417–10:419, 10:660–10:661, 14:144–14:146
- letters to, 10:349, 14:201–14:202
- and N.Y. militia, 10:661, 10:662, 10:663
- and political chart of U.S., 14:144–14:145, 14:146n, 14:201, 14:202
- and representative government, 10:417–10:418
Tilesius von Tilenau, Wilhelm Gottleib
- and mammoths, 2:507, 2:508, 2:508, 2:509, 2:510n
- On the Mammoth or Fossil Elephant, Found in the Ice, at the Mouth of the River Lena, in Siberia, 2:510n
- An Address delivered before the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture; at its anniversary meeting, January 18, 1820, 15:442, 15:442–15:443n, 15:464
- and American Philosophical Society, 9:178–9:179n, 12:455, 12:556, 12:636–12:637
- An Eulogium in commemoration of Doctor Caspar Wistar, 12:455, 12:456, 12:482, 12:556–12:557, 12:608
- identified, 12:557n
- letter from, 12:556–12:557
- letter to, 12:608
- letter to, from N. Biddle, 12:636–12:638
- recommends T. Cooper, 15:125n
- as University of Pennsylvania trustee, 14:5n
Tiltis. See Tullos, Richard
Timaeus (character in dialogue by Plato), 6:439, 6:440–6:441n, 7:75, 8:553, 8:553n, 9:528, 9:528
Timée de Locres en Grec et en François (Timaeus of Locri; trans. J. B. Boyer), 8:553, 8:553n, 10:14, 12:112
Timor (South Malay Archipelago), 5:202–5:203
Timpanari Vigano, Guiseppe, 3:377
tin, 2:376, 4:522, 4:612, 5:133, 6:343, 6:347, 6:348, 13:380–13:381, 14:li, 14:71, 14:242, 14:440–14:441, 14:489, 14:568, 14:624, 15:96, 15:100, 15:144
Tinsley, Mr. (of Amherst Co.), 1:670–1:671
Tinsley Tavern (Goochland Co.), 8:399, 12:152, 12:573
Titi Livii Historiarum quod exstat (Livy; ed. J. F. Gronovius), 5:523, 5:524n, 5:549
Titi Livii Historiarum quod exstat (Livy; eds. J. Leclerc and J. Freinsheim), 5:501, 5:594, 5:594–5:595n, 5:625, 6:157, 7:286, 10:233, 11:414, 12:576, 14:510
Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum Libri qui extant (Livy; eds. J. Doujat and J. Freinsheim), 1:580, 5:549, 5:549n, 12:576
T. Livii Patavini Historiarum libri qui supersunt (Livy; ed. G. A. Ruperti), 11:414
- British take from Alexandria, 7:623, 7:624, 7:642, 7:644n
- as cash crop, 3:348, 4:91, 4:622, 7:431, 7:452, 7:493–7:494, 7:496n, 8:109, 8:175, 8:544, 8:611, 10:189, 10:449, 11:285, 12:255, 13:25, 14:218, 14:315, 15:22, 15:192
- chemical experiments with, 1:142
- cigars (Havana), 1:466
- and depletion of land, 1:561, 15:47
- and drought, 2:491, 10:355, 15:62
- effect of weather on, 1:285, 9:51, 10:65, 10:379, 10:449, 15:118, 15:130, 15:130, 15:282
- J. W. Eppes on, 3:474
- export of, 3:255, 8:79, 8:100, 8:531
- export tax on, 8:608
- French duties on, 4:54–4:55
- grown at Monticello, 3:421, 3:518, 3:531, 3:620, 3:630, 9:604, 11:236, 11:593, 14:281
- grown in N.Y., 14:277
- grown at Poplar Forest, 1:157n, 2:27–2:28, 2:96, 2:217, 2:230, 3:375, 3:392, 3:420–3:421, 4:307, 4:373–4:374, 4:379, 4:381, 4:422, 4:461, 4:515, 4:516, 4:528, 4:555, 5:132, 5:489, 5:599, 5:638, 6:203, 6:486, 6:544, 7:71, 7:124, 7:179, 7:263, 8:70, 8:70, 8:97, 8:132, 8:157, 8:158, 8:186, 8:203, 8:284, 8:284, 8:417, 8:542, 8:611, 8:697, 9:51, 9:133, 9:254, 9:313, 9:370, 9:493, 9:505, 9:505, 9:562, 9:568, 9:593–9:594, 9:594, 9:604, 10:355, 10:539, 11:179, 11:207, 11:290, 11:380, 11:593, 12:29, 12:349, 12:476, 12:483, 12:541, 12:645, 12:657, 13:141, 13:386, 13:545, 13:567, 13:567, 13:567, 14:7, 14:113–14:114, 14:218, 14:220, 14:220, 14:244, 14:275, 14:281, 14:317, 14:326, 14:353, 14:430, 14:473, 14:477, 14:494, 14:496, 14:498, 15:260–15:261, 15:261, 15:334, 15:390, 15:391, 15:427, 15:474, 15:498, 15:498, 15:537, 15:552, 15:590, 15:608, 15:608–15:609, 15:609–15:610, 15:613, 15:618
- grown at Shadwell and Lego, 2:86, 2:200, 2:239, 2:240
- grown at Tufton, 4:12
- grown in Va., 7:203, 8:170, 10:610, 11:62, 12:7, 14:277
- inspection of, 7:179, 8:492, 9:552, 9:568–9:569, 9:569, 14:277, 15:596, 15:597n
- leaf capitals, 10:510–10:511, 10:511 (illus.), 10:511, 11:xlv–11:xlvi, 11:232 (illus.), 11:481, 11:481n, 11:481n, 11:535, 11:572, 12:143
- in Liverpool market, 15:334
- in Lynchburg market, 3:103, 3:373, 5:531, 5:571, 7:124, 9:588, 12:50–12:51, 12:78, 12:349, 14:477, 15:498
- payments for, 3:341, 3:639–3:640
- physical effect on user, 1:152
- planting techniques, 8:104, 13:438
- poor quality of TJ’s, 4:547–4:548, 7:307, 9:568, 9:568–9:569, 9:593–9:594, 9:604
- price of, 7:124, 7:240, 8:272, 8:453, 8:492, 8:544, 10:65, 12:538, 14:218, 14:245, 14:277, 14:379, 14:484
- price of in Europe, 8:694
- price of in Great Britain, 1:82, 8:100, 8:694, 9:17, 9:182, 9:183n, 10:513, 11:635
- price of in Lynchburg, 4:95, 4:105, 4:461, 5:599, 9:562, 15:552, 15:609–15:610
- price of in Richmond, 1:157, 1:180, 1:302, 1:655–1:656, 2:27–2:28, 3:318, 3:373, 3:525, 3:612, 3:620, 3:630, 4:52+, 4:95, 4:461, 4:467, 4:478, 4:522, 4:548, 5:503, 5:531, 7:179, 7:215, 8:128, 8:132, 8:323, 8:390, 8:477, 8:694, 9:124, 9:133, 9:254, 9:273, 9:562, 10:37, 11:142, 11:240, 11:261, 12:476, 12:654, 14:326, 15:609–15:610, 15:613
- prizing of, 3:457, 4:510, 8:70, 8:97
- quality of Monticello crop, 3:620, 3:630
- replaced by corn production, 5:82
- in Richmond market, 3:154, 3:258, 9:545, 9:568–9:569, 9:569, 15:498, 15:552
- sale of, 4:52+, 4:105, 4:510, 4:557, 4:593, 4:594, 6:356, 7:179, 7:307, 8:128, 8:157, 8:180, 8:180n, 8:284, 8:302, 8:437+, 8:477, 8:491, 8:491n, 8:492, 9:523, 9:545, 9:553–9:554, 9:568, 9:568, 9:568–9:569, 9:569, 9:579n, 10:36, 11:290, 11:362, 11:593, 12:383, 12:483, 12:538, 12:645, 13:91, 13:91, 14:275, 14:296, 14:318, 14:326, 14:473, 14:473, 14:474, 14:477, 14:487, 15:260–15:261
- as scab remedy, 3:453, 5:181, 5:182n
- shipment of, 11:104, 12:596, 12:597, 12:598, 14:355–14:356, 14:358, 14:362, 14:396–14:397
- shipped to Holland, 2:262
- shipping costs, 9:588
- smoking of, 14:420
- sold to S. J. Harrison, 3:421n, 3:518, 3:531, 3:561, 3:634, 3:639–3:640, 5:33, 5:35n, 5:545, 5:599, 5:600, 5:673, 6:4, 6:5, 6:24–6:25, 6:25n, 6:25–6:26, 6:31, 6:48
- stalks of converted into barilla, 2:283
- tax on, 9:217, 9:218n
- and TJ’s debts, 2:151, 4:94, 4:95, 4:463, 4:555, 9:406, 15:426
- TJ sends seed to A. von Humboldt, 7:31
- TJ’s income from, 1:422, 4:10–4:11, 4:493–4:494, 4:549, 5:401, 7:166, 9:579n, 10:37, 14:317
- transported to Richmond, 4:548, 8:132, 8:186, 8:492, 9:99, 9:449, 9:505, 9:505, 9:541, 9:562, 10:617, 12:29, 14:275, 14:353, 15:498
- N. L. Vauquelin’s Analysis of Green, 1:142–1:146, 1:482
- N. L. Vauquelin’s Analysis of Prepared, 1:147–1:152, 1:482
- warehouses for in Richmond, 10:37, 10:37, 10:37n
Tobacco Row (Blue Ridge Mountains), 3:355
- carries documents, 7:488, 7:598, 8:37, 9:441, 9:443n
- W. J. Coffee’s terra-cotta bust of, 12:li
- identified, 4:188–4:189n
- introduces Montlezun to TJ, 10:396
- introduces G. Valaperta to TJ, 10:389
- letters from, 10:357, 10:389–10:390, 10:396–10:397, 15:454
- letters to, 4:188–4:189, 10:320–10:321, 15:464
- and medals, 15:454, 15:454n, 15:464, 15:464n
- mentioned, 10:160, 15:407
- sends prints to TJ, 15:454
- and W. Thornton, 11:267n
- TJ invites to Monticello, 15:464
- TJ receives thermometer from, 10:xlvii, 10:320
- TJ sends pistols to, 10:320–10:321, 10:357
- and TJ’s observations of solar eclipse, 4:188
- visits Monticello, 15:404, 15:404
- and walking stick for TJ, 11:167
Todd, Lucy Payne Washington (Thomas Todd’s wife)
Toledano, Manuel, 3:235, 3:237n, 3:484
Toledo y Dubois, José Álvarez de
Tom (J. Daingerfield’s slave), 15:94
Tom (M. Daingerfield’s slave), 2:41, 2:41n
Tom (N. H. Hooe’s slave), 3:112, 4:183, 4:217, 4:397, 4:556, 6:314
Tomahawk plantation (part of TJ’s Poplar Forest estate)
- acreage of, 4:387
- corn grown at, 13:567, 15:428, 15:609, 15:609n
- fields at, 6:488, 6:488n, 6:488n, 6:488–6:489n, 8:69–8:70, 8:70, 13:567, 14:430, 14:430, 15:428
- hogs at, 15:229
- instructions for management of, 4:379, 4:381–4:382, 5:488–5:490, 6:486–6:487, 8:69–8:72
- map of, 4:xlv, 4:370 (illus.)
- oats grown at, 15:609, 15:609n
- overseer at, 8:493n, 9:34, 9:34n, 11:285, 12:197, 12:262, 14:317, 14:326, 14:477, 14:494, 14:549n, 14:571, 15:158, 15:229
- proposed exchange of portion of, 6:71–6:73, 6:129, 6:130
- slaves at, 4:384–4:386, 5:463n, 15:130
- surveys of, 6:488, 6:488–6:489n
- attends dinner honoring TJ, 1:608+
- and brickmasons for Central College, 12:317, 12:318n
- as justice of peace, 15:38n
- recommends W. B. Phillips, 14:164n
- circular sent to, 11:595
- and D. Fraser’s subscription, 5:492
- as governor of N.Y., 2:367n, 5:160, 5:320, 6:122n, 8:665, 9:236, 10:100n, 10:443, 15:235
- identified, 7:370n
- letters to, 7:370
- and party politics, 10:111–10:112, 10:112n, 10:185, 10:186, 11:490–11:491
- C. W. Peale paints, 13:540
- portrait of, 7:295
- presidential prospects of, 8:332
- recommends B. O. Tyler, 12:536, 12:537n
- as Republican vice-presidential candidate, 9:563, 10:379–10:380, 10:443
- TJ introduces W. C. Rives to, 7:370
- TJ on, 10:609
- TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:624
- as vice president, 15:235
Tompkins, Richard, 1:519, 1:585
Tompkins, William (d. by 1809), 1:200
- Deposition of in Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 14:417–14:418
- identified, 14:417–14:418n
- as surveyor, 6:135, 6:136n, 14:417, 14:418–14:419
Tompkins & Murray (Richmond firm), 2:300, 3:577
Tompkinson, Henry. See Kercheval, Samuel
Tompson, John. See Thompson (Tompson), John (clerk in Orleans Territory)
- Essay on the Necessity of Improving Our National Forces, 14:415–14:416, 14:491, 14:531, 14:584
- identified, 14:416n
- W. Sampson recommends, 14:415–14:416
- edits and translates The Pantheon, Representing the Fabulous Histories of the Heathen Gods (F. A. Pomey), 14:444
- and Anglo-Saxon language, 13:197, 13:217
- Diversions of Purley, 7:629
- Ἔπεα Πτερόεντα. or, the Diversions of Purley, 13:223n
- education of, 7:660
- imprisonment of, 3:5, 3:7n, 13:410
- and “Junius” letters, 10:371
- adzes, 14:541
- and African colonization, 11:11
- augers, 4:315, 6:346, 6:347, 6:347, 14:541
- axes, 7:83, 8:23, 8:313, 12:304, 12:304, 13:83, 13:408, 13:409, 15:86, 15:86
- and Belmont estate, 3:171
- band saw, 9:593n
- blades, 12:304
- carpentry, 14:241
- chains, 15:87
- chisels, 14:541
- compass, surveying, 2:152, 9:222, 9:508, 9:509, 9:643, 10:289, 10:324–10:325, 12:337
- corkscrews, 12:li
- coulters, 12:304, 12:304
- crosscut saw, 5:133
- drills, 12:li
- files, 5:133, 6:343, 6:346, 6:346, 6:347, 6:347, 6:347, 6:347, 6:348, 6:348, 6:348, 9:223, 12:li, 15:452
- froes, 12:304
- glue brushes, 12:454
- hammers, 15:86
- handbarrows, 2:546, 2:547
- handsaws, 6:348, 12:li, 14:541
- harrows, 2:259, 12:304, 12:304
- hedge shears, 8:652–8:653
- hoes, 2:546, 2:548, 11:163, 12:304, 12:304, 12:304, 14:180, 14:181, 15:86, 15:86
- Indian, 14:236
- levels, 11:176, 12:61, 12:63, 12:63, 12:69
- mallets, 14:181
- mattocks, 8:313, 12:304, 12:304
- for measuring, 12:304
- at Monticello, 1:397n
- at New London arsenal, 5:81n
- owned by TJ, 1:135–1:136
- pickaxes, 2:546, 2:546, 2:547, 2:548
- planes (woodworking), 11:176, 12:454, 14:541
- plumbs, 12:61, 12:63, 12:63, 12:69
- at Poplar Forest, 3:119–3:120, 14:595
- radial saws, 9:592–9:593, 9:593n
- rafter levels, 6:70, 9:539, 9:540n, 11:162, 11:163–11:164n
- reaping hooks, 12:304
- sandpaper, 12:454
- scythes, 7:83, 12:304
- shovels, 2:546, 2:546, 2:547, 2:548, 15:86
- spades, 2:546, 2:546, 2:547, 2:548, 6:346, 15:86, 15:86
- squares, 11:176, 12:61, 12:63, 12:63, 12:69
- surveying, 4:341, 4:369, 4:370n, 10:289, 10:324–10:325
- vices, 13:92
- wedges, 12:304, 12:304, 14:167, 15:86
- wheat fans, 12:304, 14:537, 14:539–14:540
- wheelbarrows, 2:546, 2:547
- windlasses, 15:87
- wooden press, 3:636
- woodworking, 1:135–1:136, 6:344, 9:223
Τὸ Περὶ Ἀέρων, Ὑδάτων, Τόπων (Hippocrates; ed. A. Coray), 11:251, 11:251n
A Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America (G. Imlay), 8:200
Tories. See Federalist party
torpedo (mine), 6:56, 6:243, 6:260, 6:261, 6:261–6:262, 6:313, 7:48–7:49, 7:276, 7:512, 7:620–7:621, 9:623
Torpedo War, and Submarine Explosions (R. Fulton), 2:250, 2:301, 2:317, 2:318n, 3:114, 3:115n
- consults TJ on legal question, 8:524–8:525
- identified, 8:527n
- letter from accounted for, 8:527n
- letter to, 8:524–8:528
- identified, 8:669n
- The Intellectual Flambeau (written under pseudonym of “Discipulus Libertatis atque Humanitatis”), 9:641, 9:642n
- letters from, 8:668–8:669, 9:641–9:642
- physiological studies by, 8:668–8:669, 8:669n, 9:641
- visits Monticello, 8:668–8:669, 8:669n, 9:641
To the Critical Reviewers of Boston (W. Lambert), 3:285
To the Honourable the Legislature of Virginia. The Memorial of Oliver Pollock, of the State of Maryland (O. Pollock), 4:267, 4:267n
To the Public (I. A. Coles), 7:609, 7:609–7:610n
Tott, François, baron de, 14:153
Tott, Sophie Ernestine, madame de, 14:153
Toulongeon, François Emmanuel, vicomte de
- Histoire de France, 3:340, 3:340n, 5:436, 6:45–6:46, 6:342–6:343n, 7:90, 7:90, 7:349–7:350, 8:291, 8:309, 8:359, 8:359n, 8:656, 10:235, 10:237n, 13:616
- TJ on, 8:292
A Tour in Holland, in MDCCLXXXIV (E. Watson), 11:277, 11:279n
Tour-Maubourg, Anastasie, comtesse de (Lafayette’s daughter), 5:212
Tour-Maubourg, Jenny de Fay de la (Lafayette’s granddaughter), 5:212, 5:215n
Tourneysen (Tourneron, Tourneyzon), Jean Jacques
Tournillon, Etienne St. Julien de
Tournillon, Mary Louisa Brown Trist Jones (wife successively of Hore Browse Trist [1775–1804], Philip Livingston Jones, and Etienne St. Julien de Tournillon)
- assets of seized, 2:265, 2:266n, 2:284, 2:285n, 3:474, 3:475n, 3:558n, 5:112–5:113
- and children’s education, 4:573, 4:574n, 10:449
- family of, 5:112–5:113, 6:266, 10:450
- marries E. S. J. de Tournillon, 7:59–7:60, 7:62n
- mentioned, 1:74n, 1:509
- edits Traduction des œuvres médicales d’Hippocrate, sur le texte grec, d’après l’édition de Foës , 11:127, 11:152, 11:175, 11:193, 11:297, 11:395
- Elemens d’hygiène, 1:597n
- The Principles of Health, [Elements of Hygiene] (trans. G. Williamson), 14:507, 14:529–14:530
A Tour through Sicily and Malta (P. Brydone)
- and American Magazine, 11:659, 11:659n, 12:51
- identified, 11:659n
- letter from, 11:659
- letter to, 12:51
Tractatvs de legibus et consuetudinibus regni Anglie, tempore Regis Henrici secundi compositus (R. de Glanville), 7:126
Tracts Ethical, Theological and Political (T. Cooper), 7:386, 7:386n, 15:553, 15:553n
Tracts on the Unitarian Controversy, 13:29n, 13:132, 13:160
Tracy. See Destutt de Tracy, Antoine Louis Claude
Traduction d’Anciens Ouvrages Latins relatifs à l’Agriculture et à la Médecine Vétérinaire, avec des Notes (C. F. Saboureux de La Bonnetrie), 2:82, 11:164, 12:112
Traduction des œuvres médicales d’Hippocrate, sur le texte grec, d’après l’édition de Foës (Hippocrates; ed. D. J. Tournon; trans. J. B. Gardeil), 11:127, 11:152, 11:175, 11:193, 11:297, 11:395
Trafalgar, Battle of (1805), 2:317, 6:623
Les Tragédies d’Euripide (Euripides; trans. P. Prévost), 11:179, 11:193, 12:153, 12:439, 13:596
The Tragedies of Æschylus (Aeschylus; trans. R. Potter), 15:490, 15:491n, 15:503, 15:594
The Tragedies of Euripides (Euripides; trans. R. Potter), 15:490, 15:503–15:504, 15:594, 15:607
The Tragedies of Sophocles (Sophocles; trans. R. Potter), 15:159, 15:159n, 15:504, 15:594
The Tragedies of Sophocles, from the Greek (Sophocles; trans. T. Francklin), 15:43, 15:43, 15:65
Traité Complet sur les Abeilles (Della Rocca), 11:165
Traité d’Économie Politique (J. B. Say), 6:596, 7:5–7:6, 7:176, 7:416–7:417, 7:420n, 7:598, 7:599, 7:628, 8:169n, 8:303, 8:308, 8:361, 8:362n, 8:630, 8:632n, 9:396, 9:396n, 9:497–9:498, 9:498n, 9:517, 9:517n, 9:631, 10:195–10:196, 10:239, 10:294, 10:331n, 10:659, 10:660n, 11:356, 11:356n
Traité de la Culture du Figuier, suivi d’observations & d’expériences sur la meilleure maniere de cultiver (La Brousse), 2:83n, 11:165
Traité de la Fièvre Jaune (L. Cailliot), 10:130, 10:136–10:137, 10:146n, 10:147n
Traité de la volonté et de ses effets (Destutt de Tracy), 4:203–4:204, 4:243n, 9:441–9:442, 9:443n, 9:485, 9:485, 9:485, 9:485, 9:486n, 9:493, 9:493n, 10:460, 10:604, 11:359, 11:359, 12:28, 12:153, 12:439
Traité de l’usage des fiefs et autres droits seigneuriaux (Boissieu), 3:174–3:175n
Traité de Mécanique Céleste (P. S. Laplace), 12:566n, 13:342, 13:359, 13:494, 13:525, 14:45
Traité des Moyens de Désinfecter l’Air (L. B. Guyton de Morveau), 10:136, 10:147n
Traité des premières veritez, et de la source de nos jugemens (C. Buffier), 10:357
Traité des sensations (Condillac), 5:277n
Traité du droit de domaine de propriété (R. J. Pothier), 3:174n
Traité Élémentaire d’Astronomie Physique (J. B. Biot), 10:235
Traité Élémentaire de Chimie (A. L. Lavoisier), 7:626, 10:234
Traité Élémentaire de Minéralogie suivant les Principes du Professeur Werner (Brochant de Villiers), 2:551, 2:552n, 14:168
Traité élémentaire de Morale et du Bonheur (J. Z. Paradis de Raymondis), 6:510–6:511, 6:511n, 6:533, 6:597, 6:647, 7:286, 7:627, 12:534
Traité Élémentaire de Physique (R. J. Haüy), 12:112, 13:476
Traité élémentaire de trigonométrie rectiligne et sphérique et d’application de l’algèbre à la géométrie (S. F. Lacroix), 4:79, 4:80n
Traité élémentaire d’Histoire Naturelle (A. M. C. Duméril), 10:234, 14:460
Traités sur les Coutumes Anglo-Normandes (D. Hoüard), 7:125
Traité sur la nature et sur la culture de la Vigne (N. Bidet and H. L. Duhamel Du Monceau), 11:164
Traité sur les Bêtes-à-Laine d’Espagne (C. P. De Lasteyrie), 2:83, 11:164
Traité théorique et pratique sur la Culture de la Vigne (J. A. Chaptal, A. A. Parmentier, F. Rozier, and L. d’Ussieux), 2:82, 10:234, 10:237n, 11:164
Transactions of the Society, instituted in the State of New-York, for the promotion of Agriculture, Arts, and Manufactures, 11:165
Transit (schooner), 8:339, 8:340n, 9:211
transits (scientific instruments)
A Translation of the Table of Chemical Nomenclature (G. Pearson), 8:429, 8:430n
Transylvania University (Lexington, Ky.)
- Calliopean Society of, 14:282, 14:283n, 14:437–14:438, 14:553, 14:553n
- A Catalogue of Officers and Students in Transylvania University, Lexington, Kentucky, January 1st, 1820, 15:344, 15:345n
- president of, 12:404, 14:126
- professors at, 14:589–14:590, 15:41, 15:149–15:150, 15:150n, 15:234
- professorship for T. Cooper proposed at, 15:29, 15:122–15:123, 15:149–15:150, 15:155
- TJ on, 15:344–15:345
Trattato di Piero Vettori delle lodi e della coltivazione degli ulivi (P. Vettori), 2:82, 11:164
The Traveller’s Pocket-Farrier (H. Bracken), 8:388, 8:672
Travels during the years 1787, 1788 and 1789 (A. Young), 1:581, 2:82, 6:280, 11:165, 11:308–11:309
Travels from France to Italy, through the Lepontine Alps (A. Beaumont), 7:389
Travels in England, France, Spain, and the Barbary States, in the years 1813–14 and 15 (M. M. Noah), 14:222
Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt, and Barbary, during the years 1806 and 1807 (Chateaubriand), 7:26, 7:26, 7:27n
Travels in North America in the Years 1780, 1781 and 1782 (Chastellux), 1:197, 1:198–1:199n, 11:370n
Travels in Spain (J. F. de Bourgoing), 12:169
Travels in the United States of America (J. Melish), 3:386n, 3:386n, 4:423–4:424, 4:494, 5:492, 5:493n, 5:562–5:566, 5:628–5:629, 5:629–5:630n, 8:77n, 8:140
“Travels in the Western Country” (N. G. M. Senter), 5:407, 5:407n
Travels into several Remote Nations of the World … by Lemuel Gulliver (J. Swift), 6:70n, 7:26, 9:535, 9:537n, 11:269
Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt (C. N. Sonnini de Manoncourt), 7:389
Travels in Various Countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa (E. D. Clarke), 6:327, 6:329n
Travels, or Observations relating to Several Parts of Barbary and the Levant (T. Shaw), 6:380, 6:380, 6:380–6:381, 6:381
Travels to discover the Source of the Nile, In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 (J. Bruce), 6:127, 6:129n+, 11:612–11:613, 11:614n, 11:650
Treasury Department, U.S. See also Anderson, Joseph: as comptroller of Treasury; Campbell, George Washington; Crawford, William Harris; Dallas, Alexander James; Duvall, Gabriel: as comptroller of Treasury; Gallatin, Albert
- and batture controversy, 2:426–2:427, 2:427, 2:435, 2:516
- clerks at, 2:142, 8:437, 8:438n, 12:465–12:466
- Furniture Fund, 1:43n
- and A. Gallatin’s nomination as minister to Russia, 6:105n, 6:202, 6:241
- and government stock, 8:18, 8:109, 8:145, 8:145n, 8:172, 8:172, 8:194–8:195, 8:195n, 8:300–8:301, 8:346, 10:295–10:296, 10:312, 10:313, 10:431–10:432, 10:451, 10:568, 10:584, 10:585, 10:598–10:599, 10:599, 10:625, 10:626, 10:639–10:640, 10:641, 10:665, 11:27, 11:57, 11:58n, 11:124–11:125, 11:155, 11:155, 11:187, 12:347, 12:347, 12:347, 12:347, 12:424, 14:23n, 14:158
- and T. Kosciuszko’s estate, 14:130, 14:131, 14:427
- and B. H. Latrobe’s expenses, 5:205, 5:238
- and proposed national observatory, 15:319, 15:320n, 15:320–15:321n
- and public debt, 13:7n
- remittance of to Holland, 2:73
- report on Degen & Purviance, 1:361, 1:361–1:362n
- and sale of TJ’s library to Congress, 9:494–9:495
- and Spring Hill School (Mich. Territory), 2:55, 2:56
- TJ on, 10:609
- and TJ’s salary as minister plenipotentiary, 1:43
- treasurer of U.S., 8:427, 8:440–8:441, 9:321–9:322
- treasury notes, 6:312, 6:534, 6:594, 6:649, 8:6, 8:27–8:29, 8:32, 8:165, 8:177, 8:259–8:260, 8:270, 8:279–8:280, 8:288, 8:301, 8:302, 8:302n, 8:306, 8:331–8:332, 8:363, 8:377, 8:382, 8:428, 8:437+, 8:437, 8:440, 8:441n, 8:451, 8:466, 8:471, 8:483, 8:491, 8:491, 8:491n, 8:501, 8:509–8:510, 8:510, 8:511, 8:511, 8:511–8:512, 8:556, 8:556, 8:557, 8:573–8:574, 9:95, 9:97n, 9:360n, 9:367, 9:448, 9:465, 9:500, 9:514, 9:552, 10:93, 10:94, 10:94, 10:251, 10:608, 10:638–10:639, 10:640
- and U.S. Coast Survey, 10:579, 15:304, 15:320n, 15:321, 15:321n
- and wartime finance, 7:654–7:655, 7:689–7:690, 8:154, 8:259–8:260, 9:8, 13:87n
- identified, 1:97–1:98n
- journal of Arkansas meteorological observations, 1:97, 1:98n, 1:482, 1:608–1:609, 1:609n, 2:46–2:47, 2:135, 2:198, 2:226
- letters from, 1:97–1:98, 2:198
- letters to, 2:46–2:47, 2:226–2:227
A Treatise of Algebra (T. Simpson), 1:576
A Treatise of Equity (Fonblanque), 5:222, 5:254, 7:628, 11:70, 11:97n, 11:98n, 11:98n, 13:53, 14:133, 14:146, 14:147n, 14:166
A Treatise of Fluxions (C. MacLaurin), 13:57
A Treatise of Human Nature (D. Hume), 9:635–9:636, 9:638n, 10:587
A Treatise of Practical Arithmetic, intended for the Use of Schools; in two parts (R. Patterson), 14:100, 14:132–14:133
A Treatise of Practical Surveying (R. Gibson), 1:576, 1:650
Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown (W. Hawkins), 3:546, 6:479
A Treatise of the Venereal Disease (J. Astruc; trans. W. Barrowby), 12:589
A Treatise on Agriculture and Rural Affairs (R. Brown), 11:165, 11:228
A Treatise on Brewing (A. Morrice), 8:411, 8:412n
A Treatise on Gardening (J. Randolph), 11:165, 13:350, 13:351n, 13:408, 13:408n, 13:441, 14:215n
A Treatise on Government. Translated from the Greek of Aristotle (Aristotle; trans. W. Ellis), 10:349, 10:349n
A Treatise on Internal Navigation. To which is Annexed, the Report of Albert Gallatin on Roads and Canals (comp. S. Young), 13:53, 13:476, 13:477n
A Treatise on Martial Law, and Courts-Martial (A. Macomb), 1:571
A Treatise on Political Economy (Destutt de Tracy), 4:243n, 5:577–5:579, 5:579n, 6:509, 7:628, 7:713, 8:15–8:16, 8:33, 8:38, 8:83, 8:105, 8:106, 8:164, 8:182, 8:253, 8:266, 8:268n, 8:317, 8:566, 8:628–8:629, 8:674, 9:131, 9:439, 9:441, 9:463–9:464, 9:485, 9:485, 9:485, 9:537–9:538, 9:543, 9:568n, 9:603–9:604, 9:630–9:633, 9:633–9:634, 9:638–9:639, 9:640–9:641, 9:663–9:664, 10:62–10:63, 10:64n, 10:65–10:66, 10:67, 10:120, 10:154, 10:154–10:155, 10:260, 10:290–10:291, 10:294, 10:327, 10:380, 10:452, 10:460, 10:479, 10:480, 10:550, 10:603, 10:618, 10:618, 10:625, 10:637–10:638, 10:649, 10:652, 10:658, 11:13, 11:26, 11:67, 11:109–11:110, 11:110, 11:110n, 11:140, 11:205, 11:248, 11:248n, 11:356, 11:356n, 11:359–11:360, 11:362, 11:573, 11:574n, 11:618, 11:619n, 12:41, 12:41n, 12:311, 12:438, 12:480, 12:530, 12:623, 13:36–13:37, 13:322, 13:336, 13:336–13:337, 13:350–13:351, 13:408, 13:408n, 13:414, 13:421, 13:422n, 13:423, 13:439, 13:441, 13:442n, 13:476, 13:517–13:518, 13:520, 13:520, 13:529, 13:529n, 13:558, 13:564, 13:564n, 13:572, 13:589, 13:590, 13:602–13:603, 13:603n, 13:615, 14:39, 14:60–14:61, 14:82–14:83, 14:93, 14:108, 14:114, 14:115, 14:116, 14:155, 14:190, 14:190, 14:215, 14:224, 14:298, 14:457, 15:306
A Treatise on Practical Farming (J. A. Binns), 2:198n
A Treatise on the Culture and Management of Fruit Trees: in which A New Method of Pruning and Training is Fully Described (W. Forsyth), 1:17, 2:82, 2:293, 11:165
A Treatise on the Culture of the Apple & Pear, and on the Manufacture of Cider & Perry (T. A. Knight), 1:582, 2:83, 11:165
A Treatise on the Culture, Preparation, History and Analysis of Pastel, or Woad (C. P. De Lasteyrie; trans. H. A. S. Dearborn), 3:461–3:462, 10:471
A Treatise on the Improvement of Canal Navigation (R. Fulton), 8:388, 14:193, 14:265, 14:286
A Treatise on the Pleadings in Suits in the Court of Chancery, by English Bill (J. F. Mitford), 11:70
- almond, 11:39
- apple, 4:140–4:141, 7:381–7:382, 7:382n, 7:444–7:445, 7:445n, 8:258, 12:445, 15:297
- apricot, 1:40, 1:40, 2:294n, 2:294, 2:313
- arborvitae, 10:197
- ash, 1:398, 5:438
- aspen, 1:398, 3:353, 3:354, 3:448, 5:482n, 9:533, 13:581
- balsam copaiba, 1:56, 1:56, 1:58n
- bark of, 14:305, 14:317, 14:431, 14:472, 15:431–15:432
- basswood (American linden), 8:545, 8:549n
- beech, 7:52, 8:248
- birch, 5:7, 5:8n, 7:52, 8:248
- cedar, 1:478, 10:195, 10:195, 10:238–10:239, 11:566
- cedar of Lebanon, 2:140, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n, 5:438, 8:245, 8:246n
- cherry, 8:258, 11:39
- chestnut, 11:624, 12:202, 12:612
- chestnut, European, 1:594n, 3:503, 4:322–4:323, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n, 5:188–5:189, 7:34, 7:52, 12:152, 12:612
- chestnut, horse, 1:272, 1:593, 1:594n, 2:310, 3:503, 3:504n
- chinaberry, 11:179, 11:179n
- coral, 6:188
- destroyed by animals, 8:70
- dogwood, 1:272, 1:274n, 3:353, 5:189, 11:39, 12:618
- elm, 4:532
- elm, witch, 1:192n
- fig, 1:479, 1:481, 2:3, 2:32, 2:367–2:368, 2:379, 2:412–2:413, 2:456, 11:219, 11:220n, 13:15
- filbert, 7:16
- fir, 7:52
- fir, balsam (balm of Gilead), 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n
- fir, scotch, 5:384, 5:438
- fir, silver, 5:438
- flowering of, 12:617
- forest management, 1:131–1:134, 1:256+, 1:561, 3:33–3:34
- fringe, 11:39
- fruit, 3:439, 4:427, 8:272, 10:65, 13:15
- gingko, 1:192n
- goldenrain, 1:272, 1:274n, 1:594n, 3:503
- grafting of, 4:320, 4:321n, 4:532, 4:538, 4:561, 4:562, 4:621, 7:55, 7:55n, 9:542
- gum arabic, 2:302, 7:16, 7:16n
- hickory, Gloucester-nut, 1:657, 3:544, 4:524
- lime, 1:631–1:632
- locust, bristly, 3:354, 11:174, 11:219–11:220
- locust, common, 3:353, 11:39, 12:618
- locust, Kentucky (honey locust), 3:353, 3:354, 9:533, 10:238
- Lombardy poplar, 1:192n, 11:218, 11:219
- magnolia, 7:122
- maple, red, 1:61, 11:39
- maple, sugar, 1:657
- F. A. Michaux catalogues, 4:524, 4:525n, 5:7, 5:8n, 7:52, 8:194, 8:248, 8:248n, 8:363, 8:363n
- Missouri scaly bark, 1:657
- at Monticello, 8:233–8:234
- mulberry, 1:40, 1:40, 2:404n, 5:482n, 9:183, 9:183n, 9:533, 9:542, 9:544–9:545, 11:218, 11:219
- oak, 5:7, 5:8n, 7:52, 8:245, 8:248, 11:624
- oak, cork, 2:140, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n, 5:438, 5:560
- oak, green, 1:272
- oak, holm, 1:594
- olive, 1:313n, 5:560, 5:561n, 9:198–9:199, 10:217, 10:218n, 11:168, 11:168n, 13:15
- orange, 1:631–1:632
- orange, wild, 8:21
- peach, 1:93, 2:107, 2:294n, 2:294, 2:313, 4:34, 4:141, 4:532, 8:71, 9:542, 9:545, 11:39, 12:618
- peach-apricot, 1:40, 1:40
- pear, 3:190, 4:561, 4:562
- pecan, 1:657
- persimmon, 7:52
- pine, 1:478, 7:52, 8:194, 8:248
- plum, 4:532, 9:542
- poplar, 3:353, 3:354, 3:355, 8:613, 9:533, 11:624, 13:581, 13:604
- at Poplar Forest, 8:70, 8:613
- redbud, 3:353, 11:39, 12:618
- and reproduction, 12:442
- Roanoke, 1:657
- sassafras, 4:102
- seeds of, sent to TJ, 3:419, 3:544, 3:583, 3:604, 3:604
- sent to TJ, 4:497–4:498, 9:545
- silk, 1:631, 2:103, 2:104n
- spruce, 11:624
- sweet acacia, 1:555, 1:631–1:632
- TJ sends, 8:132
- walnut, 2:680, 4:524, 4:525n, 8:194
- D. B. Warden on, 3:280n
- C. Whitlow’s collection of, 4:427
- willow, 1:61, 3:353, 3:354
Trenton Federalist (newspaper), 15:178
- identified, 6:483–6:484n
- letters from, 6:483–6:484
- letters to, 6:561
- and Literary and Philosophical Society of South Carolina, 6:377, 6:483, 6:561
Treutell & Würtz (publishers), 11:414, 12:583
The Trial: Calvin and Hopkins versus the Bible and Common Sense (“A Lover of the Truth” [C. Prentiss?]), 14:223, 14:302, 14:526, 14:582, 14:612–14:613
Trial of Col. Aaron Burr (A. Burr), 1:35
“Tribute To the memory of the brave, though successless defenders of the U.S. frigate Chesapeake,” 12:310n
Trichechus. See manatee
Trinity College (Dublin), 12:4, 12:238, 12:648, 14:517, 14:519, 14:550–14:551
- asks TJ to translate a French letter, 7:60, 7:226
- and W. Brown, 1:73, 1:74n, 1:80, 1:85, 1:98, 2:265, 2:284, 2:285n
- and W. Byrd’s “History of the Dividing Line,” 12:392n
- and campeachy chairs, 14:636
- and W. J. Coffee’s terra-cotta busts, 12:lii
- and E. W. R. Coolidge, 10:215n, 10:450
- describes illness among TJ’s slaves, 14:477n
- on earthquakes, 4:573–4:574
- on European affairs, 10:214–10:215
- and fight between C. L. Bankhead and T. J. Randolph, 14:8–14:9, 14:19–14:20
- friends and family of, 1:475, 1:513, 4:572–4:573, 6:110–6:111, 6:264–6:265, 6:266–6:267, 6:645, 7:59–7:60, 7:62, 7:501–7:502, 8:84, 8:85, 8:163, 8:296, 8:296n, 9:711, 10:214, 10:450, 10:596, 15:48–15:49n
- and grandchildren’s education, 10:449, 10:545–10:546, 10:595–10:596, 15:141, 15:142, 15:142n, 15:500n
- greetings sent to, 15:567
- health of, 6:264, 6:266, 8:85, 10:214, 10:596, 14:9n
- identified, 1:73–1:74n
- letters from, 1:73–1:74, 1:98, 2:283–2:285, 4:572–4:574, 5:111–5:113, 6:264–6:267, 7:59–7:63, 7:226–7:228, 7:500–7:502, 8:84–8:85, 8:295–8:296, 9:456–9:457, 10:214–10:215, 10:449–10:450, 10:595–10:596
- letters from, to N. P. Trist, 14:8–14:10, 14:19–14:21
- letters to, 1:80–1:81, 2:265–2:266, 5:26–5:27, 6:110–6:111, 6:644–6:646, 7:178–7:179, 7:409–7:410, 8:163–8:164, 8:515–8:517, 9:710–9:712, 10:545–10:546
- on E. Livingston, 4:572–4:573, 8:295
- on Napoleon, 10:214–10:215
- and W. C. Nicholas’s debts, 14:633–14:634n
- penmanship of, 14:9n
- property of, 7:59
- and M. J. Randolph, 10:596
- on T. M. Randolph, 5:345n, 5:591n
- requests dyspepsia pills, 14:21n
- on standing armies, 10:215
- on TJ, 3:163n, 6:266
- TJ forwards letter to, 13:545n
- TJ on, 2:356
- TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:625, 5:27, 5:111–5:113
- TJ sends books to, 6:110, 6:644, 7:60, 7:62n
- and TJ’s health, 9:456–9:457, 9:710–9:711, 10:214, 15:138n, 15:399n, 15:606n
- and TJ’s preferred edition of Bible, 10:450
- and trees, 6:67
- visits Farmington, 15:567n
- visits Liberty, Va., 9:xliii
- visits Monticello, 1:210, 1:396n, 1:509, 14:633–14:634n, 15:48–15:49n
- visits Poplar Forest, 12:198
- on War of 1812, 6:265–6:266, 7:61–7:62, 7:226–7:227, 7:227, 7:227–7:228, 7:500–7:501, 8:84–8:85, 8:295–8:296
Trist, Hore Browse (1775–1804)
- collector at New Orleans, 1:615, 1:616n, 2:284, 2:285n, 2:285n, 2:356, 2:357n
- death, 1:73n, 1:74n, 1:210n
- W. W. Hening on, 1:615
- TJ on, 2:356
- and University of Pennsylvania, 8:564, 8:565n
- and Charlottesville Academy, 15:140–15:141, 15:242n, 15:500n
- correspondence with N. P. Trist, 15:345–15:346n
- education of, 4:573, 4:574n, 7:60, 7:62n, 10:449, 10:545–10:546, 10:595–10:596, 15:142n
- identified, 15:142n
- letter from, to N. P. Trist, 15:140–15:142
- provided for by W. Brown, 1:74n
- E. Trist on, 5:112, 5:113n, 6:266–6:267, 7:60
- and Va. General Assembly, 13:589n
- visits Bentivar, 14:21n
- visits Monticello, 12:561, 13:589n, 15:48n, 15:140, 15:500n
- witnesses document, 15:38
Trist, Mary (wife of Hore Browse Trist [1775–1804]). See Tournillon, Mary Louisa Brown Trist Jones
- and W. Byrd’s “History of the Dividing Line,” 12:391, 12:392n, 12:486
- correspondence with E. Trist, 14:633–14:634n, 15:48–15:49n, 15:138n
- correspondence with H. B. Trist, 15:242n, 15:345–15:346n
- education of, 4:573, 4:574n, 6:266, 7:60, 7:62n, 10:449, 10:545–10:546, 10:595–10:596
- and fight between C. L. Bankhead and T. J. Randolph, 14:8–14:9, 14:19–14:20
- health of, 10:450
- identified, 14:9–14:10n
- letter to, from H. B. Trist, 15:140–15:142
- letters to, from E. Trist, 14:8–14:10, 14:19–14:21
- provided for by W. Brown, 1:74n
- reconstructs catalogue of TJ’s library, 7:684n, 8:475n
- as secretary of University of Virginia Board of Visitors, 14:liii
- and telescope, 13:323, 13:596
- TJ gives books to, 13:343n
- E. Trist on, 5:112, 5:113n, 6:266–6:267, 7:60
- and University of Virginia, 15:345–15:346n
- visits Monticello, 12:391, 12:392n
Trist, Virginia Jefferson Randolph (TJ’s granddaughter)
- asked to put away letters, 10:492n
- correspondence with siblings, 14:550n, 14:567n, 15:14n, 15:23n
- education of, 2:58, 2:92, 2:103
- guitar for, 9:xliv, 9:554n
- identified, 10:492n
- illness of, 8:636
- letters to, from C. J. Randolph, 10:491–10:492, 11:622–11:624, 11:628–11:630, 11:631–11:632
- and music, 11:626n
- M. B. Smith on, 1:390, 1:397n
- TJ’s advice to, 3:635
- and TJ’s ice-cream recipe, 14:li
- visits Poplar Forest, 10:397, 10:420n, 10:491, 10:492n, 12:634–12:635
- visits springs, 11:631n
tritonia fenestrata (open-flowered tritonia; windowed tritonia), 5:412
Trokes, Maxwell See also Gordon, Trokes & Company (Richmond firm)
Le Trône Enchanté, Conte Indien traduit du Persan (D. Lescallier), 11:351n
- forwards publication to TJ, 1:656, 13:147, 13:175, 13:175
- on his life in U.S., 13:147
- identified, 13:148n
- introduced to TJ, 2:48, 2:49n, 2:308, 2:472
- letter from, 13:147–13:148
- scientific-instrument maker, 9:221–9:222, 9:223, 9:223, 9:223, 9:224, 9:224, 9:224, 9:224, 9:224, 9:224, 9:225, 15:275
- and Conn. libel prosecution, 1:278n
- forwards letter to TJ, 6:261, 6:321
- identified, 6:322n
- letters from, 6:321–6:322
Trudeau, Charles, 3:475n, 3:490
Trudeau, Lavau, 3:247n, 3:484, 5:86n
True American (Trenton, N.J., newspaper), 1:226–1:229, 15:178
- and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:333, 15:97
- as potential Va. legislator, 12:539–12:540
- recommends W. T. Minor, 8:199n
- The Death of General Montgomery in the Attack on Quebec, 13:332
- The Death of General Warren at the Battle of Bunker’s Hill, 13:332
- The Declaration of Independence, 11:145, 11:166, 11:166, 12:282–12:283, 12:340–12:341, 13:liii, 13:328, 13:328n, 13:328–13:330, 13:330n, 13:331–13:333, 13:333n, 13:390, 13:400 (illus.), 13:472, 13:472n, 13:577, 13:579n, 14:375, 14:377–14:378n, 14:464
- Europeans on, 10:653–10:654
- friendship with TJ, 10:615, 10:615–10:616, 10:651, 10:654, 11:160, 11:166, 12:282
- historical paintings of, 10:615–10:616, 10:616n, 10:651–10:652, 10:653–10:654, 10:654–10:655, 11:3, 11:135, 11:145, 11:166, 12:282–12:283, 12:340, 13:158n, 13:332
- identified, 10:616n
- letter from, to “Detector,” 13:331–13:334
- letters from, 10:615–10:617, 11:166–11:167, 12:282–12:284, 13:328
- letters to, 10:654–10:655, 12:340–12:341, 13:390
- mentioned, 14:209
- portrait of E. Livingston, 4:xliv, 4:370 (illus.)
- portrait of TJ by, 10:615
- The Resignation of General Washington, 11:145, 11:166
- The Surrender of General Burgoyne at Saratoga, 11:145, 11:166
- The Surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, 11:145, 11:166, 13:332, 13:332, 14:464
trunk, lost in return from Washington
- account of, 1:346–1:348, 1:555–1:556
- contents of, 1:153, 1:180–1:181, 1:205, 1:269, 1:284, 1:311, 2:111, 2:333, 12:172, 12:294
- presumed lost, 1:159, 1:166, 1:180, 1:186–1:187, 1:257, 1:408
- returned to TJ, 1:483
Tuckahoe (Randolph family’s Goochland Co. estate)
Tuckahoe cherry (gray cherry), 3:448, 3:448n, 3:455
Tuckahoe Creek, 14:403, 14:403, 14:412–14:413
Tucker (TJ’s slave; b. 1810). See Hern, Tucker (TJ’s slave; b. 1810)
- and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 9:461
- identified, 5:458–5:459n
- letters from, 5:458–5:459
- A Letter to a member of the General Assembly of North Carolina, 5:458, 5:458n
- mentioned, 12:287
- Pittsylvania Co. home of, 6:265, 6:265
- sends work on navigation, 5:458
- and Central College subscription, 11:334, 11:636
- and University of Virginia Board of Visitors, 14:35
- as Va. state senator, 14:36
Tucker, Maria Ball Carter (George Tucker’s second wife), 6:264, 6:265
Tucker, Mary Byrd Farley (George Tucker’s first wife), 6:265
- attends dinner honoring TJ, 1:615+
- and bill of attainder against J. Philips, 8:334, 8:334, 8:336, 8:338n, 8:338n, 10:438, 10:438n
- and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:334, 12:232, 13:163n, 15:98
- and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 10:198
- delivers message, 11:546
- edits Blackstone’s Commentaries (W. Blackstone), 7:616, 7:617n, 7:628, 8:336, 10:438
- identified, 1:617n
- as legal authority, 11:369
- letters from, 1:617
- letters from accounted for, 1:78n
- mentioned, 10:530
- “Ode to Thomas Jefferson,” 1:617–1:619
- as potential federal judge, 3:158
- seeks statutes from W. W. Hening, 1:333
- TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:624
- identified, 8:441n
- lettter from, 8:440–8:441
- letter to, 8:483
- pays TJ for his library, 8:440–8:441, 8:483
- sends respects to TJ, 7:308–7:309
- and W. Short’s certificates, 2:478, 3:29
- as treasurer of U.S., 8:427
- treats J. Madison, 6:241
- identified, 5:491–5:492n
- letters from, 5:491–5:492
- letters to, 5:548–5:549
- and ship design, 5:491, 5:492n, 5:548–5:549
- Some Memorandums, by which it is attempted to be shewn that An Improved Model may be adopted in the Construction of Ships, 5:491, 5:491n
- identified, 13:576n
- letter from, 13:575–13:576
- letter to, 13:618–13:619
- The Life of James Otis, of Massachusetts, 13:575, 13:576n, 13:618–13:619
- visits Monticello, 13:576n
Tufton (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate)
- acreage of, 4:386
- corn grown at, 9:152
- J. H. Craven’s lease of, 2:112, 2:113n, 2:280, 2:281n, 2:370–2:371, 5:325n
- horses at, 8:390
- livestock at, 12:303–12:304
- W. C. Nicholas moves to, 1:223n
- overseer report, 4:414
- overseers at, 1:419–1:420, 3:29n, 3:35–3:36, 4:12, 4:58n, 4:101, 4:414, 5:260, 6:304, 8:203, 8:204n, 8:611, 8:611n, 8:676n, 9:105, 9:604n, 12:272, 12:272n, 14:213n
- T. J. Randolph resides at, 1:190–1:191n, 11:xlvi–11:xlvii, 11:404, 11:407n, 13:618, 14:297–14:298, 15:48
- T. J. Randolph’s lease of, 12:301–12:305, 13:355, 15:545
- sale of wheat from, 2:116
- slaves at, 12:303
- tobacco grown at, 4:12
- wheat grown at, 2:112, 2:112, 2:116, 2:371, 9:152
- Horse-Hoeing Husbandry: or, An Essay on the Principles of Vegetation and Tillage, 1:581, 2:82, 6:219, 6:280, 7:626, 11:164
- TJ on, 11:308
- and Campbell Co. land, 1:670, 2:6, 2:324n, 3:369, 5:33, 5:34, 5:39, 5:40, 5:49, 5:49, 5:90, 5:128–5:129
- Campbell Co. landholder, 4:308, 4:309n, 4:683n
Tully. See Cicero
Tunnicliff, Mr. (William Tunnicliff’s son), 2:143
- identified, 2:143n
- imports items for TJ, 2:142, 2:143n
- letters from, 2:142–2:143
- letters to accounted for, 1:31n, 2:143n
- seeks TJ’s aid in securing an appointment, 2:142–2:143
Tupac Amarú (José Gabriel Condorcanqui)
- Réflexions Succinctes sur l’état de l’Agriculture, et de quelques autres parties de l’administration, dans le Royaume de Naples, sous Ferdinand IV, 11:164
- J. Adams on, 5:185n, 6:287, 6:287, 6:288n, 7:480
- on American independence, 15:297
- biography of, 11:527, 11:527n
- busts of, 15:149
- P. S. Du Pont de Nemours a pupil of, 2:592
- French economist, 6:53, 6:296, 9:630
- friendship with J. de Lespinasse, 14:30
- Oeuvres, 1:202n, 1:263, 1:264n, 1:584–1:585, 1:592, 1:632, 1:667, 1:668n, 2:39, 3:516, 4:22–4:23, 4:24n, 4:125, 4:126–4:127n, 7:7, 7:9n
- Réflexions sur la formation et la distribution des richesses, 7:7, 7:9n
- in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:503
- writings of, 15:589, 15:589n
- in American workers’ diet, 9:616, 9:620n, 9:620n
- crested, 12:152–12:153, 12:202
- and dogs, 6:511
- gastric juice of, 6:188
- kept at Tufton, 1:420
- at Monticello, 12:202, 12:242
- price of, 8:307
- purchased by E. Bacon, 12:242
- purchased by TJ, 4:12n, 4:210, 15:185n
- received as pay, 9:105
- as agriculturist, 10:502n
- Mangel Wurzel. Account of a Crop of this most valuable Root grown in the Year 1815, 10:501, 10:501–10:502n, 10:547
- account with TJ, 4:557–4:558n
- document to be left with, 2:294
- mentioned, 3:465
- witnesses documents, 7:352n, 7:353
- as crop, 3:348, 14:34
- greens of, 13:438
- as rent, 12:302
- seed, 2:481–2:482n, 2:543, 4:363, 5:384, 5:658, 6:514, 10:89, 10:212, 10:263
- storage of, 8:457
- as table vegetable, 14:181
- TJ orders, 2:37, 2:38
turnips, Swedish. See rutabagas (Swedish turnips)
turnsole plant, 1:142, 1:143, 1:146n
- and painting conservation, 15:473
- price of in Great Britain, 1:82
- as rheumatism remedy, 4:102, 4:102
- as scab remedy, 3:442, 5:182n
- spirit of, 8:81, 15:450
- TJ procures oil and spirit of, 3:442, 3:453, 3:512–3:513, 3:518
- used in medicine, 14:230
- U.S. production of, 5:676
- identified, 3:250n
- introduces E. Ross to TJ, 6:568
- letters from, 3:249–3:250, 4:20, 6:568–6:569
- letters to, 3:316–3:317
- seeks appointment for W. J. Harris, 4:20
- seeks marshal appointment, 3:249–3:250, 3:316–3:317
Turpin, Mary Ann Bancroft (Horatio Turpin’s wife), 4:20
Turpin, Mary Jefferson, 3:250n
- and A. Craig, 1:67
- identified, 4:41–4:42n
- letters from, 4:41–4:42
- letters from accounted for, 4:482n
- recommends W. J. Harris, 4:41, 4:91n
- recommends relatives, 4:483, 4:520n
- TJ unable to visit, 3:317
- on foreign relations, 1:654–1:655
- identified, 1:655n
- letters from, 1:654–1:655
- opposes slavery, 1:655n
- praises TJ, 1:654
- writes TJ anonymously, 1:654
Turreau de Garambouville, Louis Marie
- arrival in Washington, 2:35
- dispatches to France, 1:370
- French minister to U.S., 4:32
- identified, 1:417n
- letter to, 1:417
- and J. Moreau, 4:674
- negotiations with U.S., 1:183
- sends ship to France, 1:118, 1:224
- TJ transmits letter to, 1:249, 1:417
- A general system of nature, through the three grand kingdoms of animals, vegetables, and minerals (C. Linnaeus), 1:581, 7:626
- chestnut trees in, 12:612
- wheat from, 15:327, 15:341, 15:476
- wine from, 10:58, 10:58n, 10:91, 10:92n, 10:274–10:275, 10:407, 10:407n, 11:131, 13:277, 13:283, 14:628, 15:117n
Tusculan Disputations (Cicero), 7:627, 9:374, 9:375n, 12:575
Loesel’s twayblade (Ophrys loeselii), 12:611n
twinleaf. See Jeffersonia diphylla (twinleaf)
Two Discourses preached before the University of Cambridge (C. Buchanan), 4:230, 4:231n
Two-Penny Act (1758), 7:493–7:494, 7:496n, 7:546, 8:619
Two Sermons, Addressed to the Second Congregational Society in Newburyport (S. Spring), 1:138
- and Albemarle Buckmountain Baptist Church, 1:63–1:64
- identified, 1:63–1:64n
- letters from, 1:63–1:64
- letters from accounted for, 1:64n
Tybout, Andrew, 1:15, 1:16, 1:19n
Tye River, 14:402, 14:403, 14:412
- Declaration of Independence. A Candid Statement of Facts, 5:644n
- engraving of Declaration of Independence by, 12:531, 12:535–12:536, 12:557–12:558, 13:liii, 13:20, 13:21n, 13:21–13:22n, 13:400 (illus.), 13:477, 13:478n, 15:liii
- Eulogium Sacred to the Memory of the Illustrious George Washington, 12:536, 12:536–12:537n, 13:21n
- identified, 12:537n
- introduced to TJ, 11:217, 12:536
- letter of recommendation for, 12:536, 12:537n
- letters from, 12:535–12:537, 13:20–13:22
- letter to, 12:557–12:558
- prospectus for work on U.S. Navy by, 13:22n
- subscription book of, 13:22n
- attends dinner honoring TJ, 1:615+, 1:615+
- on common law, 5:58–5:59, 5:135–5:136
- and distillation of spirits, 2:457
- as governor, 1:608+, 2:123, 2:123n, 2:386
- health of, 5:58
- and P. Henry, 7:493, 7:494, 8:619
- identified, 1:614n
- invites TJ to Richmond dinner, 1:613
- letters from, 1:613–1:614, 2:384–2:388, 2:457–2:458, 3:205–3:207, 5:57–5:59
- letters to, 2:420–2:421, 3:228, 5:134–5:137
- and Livingston v. Jefferson, 4:291
- opinion in Livingston v. Jefferson, 4:293–4:297, 5:58, 5:59n, 5:135, 5:176n
- opinions of, 2:384–2:386, 2:387
- seeks judicial appointment, 2:386–2:387, 2:416, 2:420
- TJ on, 2:416
- TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:624, 5:57–5:58
- toast by, 1:615+
- toasts honoring, 1:615+
- and G. Wythe’s lectures, 3:205–3:206, 3:228
Tyler, Walter (Wat) (leader of English peasant revolt)
typhus, 8:233, 12:386, 12:404, 14:476
The Tyro’s Dictionary, Latin and English (J. Mair), 9:274, 9:464, 9:538, 9:639, 10:358
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