This index refers to page numbers in the published volumes. Documents subsequently added to the digital editions are marked with a +. Copies of the published volumes are available at a library near you, or may be purchased through this website or from Princeton University Press. The volumes are also available via two online platforms, the Rotunda version through the University of Virginia Press (subscription required) and the Founders Online version (free).
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
[return to top]Waddell, Mr. (of Philadelphia), 1:376, 1:457
- identified, 14:636–14:637n
- seeks employment at University of Virginia, 14:636, 14:641–14:642, 15:12
- TJ recommends, 14:641–14:642
Wafford’s Settlement (Tellico Garrison)
- editor of Baltimore Federal Republican, 3:298, 5:682
- hostility to TJ, 3:298, 5:682n
- identified, 3:262n
- letter from to Barry, 3:262–3:263
- letter to from T. Law, 3:261–3:262
- boxes for, 12:362
- built, 10:597, 10:597
- mentioned, 10:561, 10:647, 12:598, 14:19, 14:20, 14:141, 14:337, 14:350, 14:365, 14:605, 14:605
- offer to buy TJ’s, 13:600
- repair of, 1:3, 10:597
- and transportation of corn-shelling machines, 14:118
- and transportation of cotton, 12:349
- and transportation of stone, 12:563
- and transportation of TJ’s library, 8:xlv–8:xlvi, 8:xlvi, 8:142, 8:268, 8:287, 8:287, 8:287–8:288, 8:289–8:290, 8:290n, 8:309
- transport goods between Monticello and Poplar Forest, 13:386, 13:519, 14:636, 15:248, 15:281, 15:311, 15:311, 15:311
Wait, Thomas B., & Sons (Boston firm). See Thomas B. Wait & Sons (Boston firm)
Wait, Thomas Baker See also Thomas B. Wait & Sons (Boston firm)
- firm proposes publication of state papers, 7:701–7:702
- identified, 7:646n
- letters to, 7:701–7:702
- printer and publisher, 7:646n, 7:701–7:702
Wait & Winn (Charlottesville firm). See Wayt & Winn (Charlottesville firm)
Waite, G. & R. (Baltimore firm). See G. & R. Waite (Baltimore firm)
- edits and translates Select Essays of Dio Chrysostom, 12:183
- Greek lexicon of, 12:182–12:183, 12:183n, 12:206, 13:7
- An Abridgment of Waldo’s Rudiments of English Grammar, 7:320, 7:320n
- The Dictionary Spelling Book, 7:320, 7:320n
- health of, 7:319–7:320
- identified, 6:41n
- letters from, 6:40–6:42, 7:319–7:320
- letters to, 6:402–6:407, 7:449
- Rudiments of English Grammar, 6:40–6:41, 6:42n, 6:402, 7:449
Walker, Mrs. (Poplar Forest neighbor), 14:632–14:633
Walker, Elizabeth Moore (John Walker’s wife)
- identified, 3:293n
- letters from, 3:359, 3:520–3:521, 4:50, 4:144, 4:200–4:201, 4:661–4:662
- letters from accounted for, 6:71n
- letters to, 3:293, 6:70–6:71, 6:125
- letters to accounted for, 6:125n
- and mill construction, 3:293, 3:359, 3:520–3:521, 4:50, 4:51, 4:144, 4:144–4:145, 4:145–4:146, 4:200–4:201, 4:661–4:662, 6:70–6:71, 6:85, 6:125, 6:386n
- death of, 4:35
- illness of, 1:498–1:499, 1:500, 1:500
- relations with TJ, 1:279n, 1:499n, 1:500, 1:500
Walker, John (of Albemarle Co.)
- as Va. legislator, 11:106
- family of, 1:157n, 2:291n
- as surveyor, 9:690, 9:690, 9:692n, 14:136, 15:621, 15:622n, 15:622n, 15:622–15:623n, 15:623n
Walker, Thomas (d. 1795), 6:426
Walker, Thomas (of Albemarle Co.), 5:422, 15:12
Walk-in-the-Water (steamboat), 12:401, 12:402n
Wallace, Elizabeth Edmonds (James W. Wallace’s wife)
- delivers letter, 7:569–7:570
- describes Battle of Bladensburg, 7:621–7:623
- education of, 12:348, 12:348n
- and grapes for wine, 12:348, 12:348n
- identified, 1:57n
- letters from, 1:56–1:58, 3:368, 7:460, 7:621–7:624, 7:642–7:643, 7:656, 12:86, 12:348
- letters to, 1:466, 7:593, 12:150, 13:76
- and mammoth’s tooth, 12:86, 12:87 (illus.), 12:87 (illus.), 12:88 (illus.), 12:88 (illus.), 12:150, 12:348
- militia service of, 7:621
- and package for TJ, 7:348, 7:551, 7:593
- plans visit to Charlottesville, 7:621, 7:656
- reports on military activity, 7:642–7:643, 7:656
- seeks sesame seeds, 3:368
- sends geese to TJ, 1:56, 1:466
- sends plants to TJ, 1:56–1:57
- sends saw of a fish to TJ, 7:460, 7:593, 7:621
- and swans for TJ, 7:621
- TJ sends cigars to, 1:466
- TJ sends razor case to, 13:76
- and TJ’s life in retirement, 7:347–7:348
- visits Monticello, 12:348n
- and gift for TJ, 14:310
- identified, 14:75–14:76n
- letter from, 14:75–14:76
- letter to, 14:310
- plans to visit TJ, 14:75
- agent for Robert Cary & Company, 2:349–2:350, 2:497
- and trusteeship of P. Ludwell’s daughters, 7:329
Walnut Street prison (Philadelphia), 1:383, 1:384n
walnut trees, 2:680, 4:524, 4:525n, 8:194
Walpole, Horatio (Horace), first Baron Walpole of Wolterton
Walsh, Marie Louise Martel (Peter Walsh’s wife)
- family of, 13:432
- identified, 13:434n
- and inheritance of P. Walsh, 13:431–13:432
- letter from, 13:431–13:434
- estate of, 13:431–13:432
- identified, 3:505n
- letter from to I. A. Coles, 4:529–4:530
- letters from, 4:189–4:190
- letters from forwarded, 4:325, 4:326n
- letters to, 3:505
- mentioned, 3:538, 3:539
- TJ on, 3:512
- TJ orders wine from, 3:505, 3:512, 4:189, 4:528–4:529, 4:529–4:530, 4:592, 4:666, 6:240
- as U.S. consul at Cette (Sète), 13:282n, 13:431
- and Analectic Magazine, 13:127, 13:143–13:144, 13:174, 13:174n, 13:517, 13:602–13:603, 15:430n
- An Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain respecting the United States of America, 13:603, 13:603–13:604n, 15:379, 15:380n
- and books for TJ, 12:107, 12:344, 12:402
- and Central College, 12:345, 12:403–12:404, 12:488, 13:174
- and T. Cooper, 14:231
- and J. Corrêa da Serra, 7:287–7:288n, 7:321, 11:639, 12:35, 12:100, 12:101, 12:103, 12:107, 12:345, 12:529, 12:611, 12:656
- on death of C. Wistar, 12:404
- and Destutt de Tracy’s Principes Logiques, 12:345, 12:403, 12:487, 12:528–12:529, 12:656
- and Destutt de Tracy’s Treatise on Political Economy, 13:517–13:518
- editor of American Register, or General Repository of History, Politics and Science, 11:178n
- editor of American Register; or Summary Review of History, Politics, and Literature, 11:178, 11:178n, 11:215, 11:635, 11:635–11:636n, 12:35, 12:100, 12:101, 12:345, 12:403, 12:488, 12:514, 12:529, 12:656, 13:100, 13:106, 13:144
- editor of National Gazette and Literary Register, 13:465n, 13:467n, 15:566, 15:566n
- family of, 12:656
- as B. Franklin’s biographer, 13:370–13:371, 13:371n, 13:466–13:467, 13:517, 13:603
- and F. M. Grimm’s Correspondance littéraire, philosophique et critique, 12:403, 12:438, 12:480, 12:488, 12:529, 13:174, 14:222–14:223, 14:267
- health of, 12:345
- identified, 11:178n
- A Letter on the Genius and Dispositions of the French Government, 3:190n, 3:199, 3:200n
- letters from, 11:178, 11:635–11:636, 12:107–12:108, 12:402–12:404, 12:528–12:529, 12:656, 13:127, 13:174, 13:370–13:371, 13:517–13:518, 13:602–13:604
- letters to, 11:215, 12:344–12:345, 12:487–12:488, 13:143–13:144, 13:466–13:467, 14:222–14:223, 15:379–15:380
- and Missouri question, 15:238, 15:238n, 15:566, 15:566n
- moves to Baltimore, 9:514
- praises J. Q. Adams, 7:560
- proposed visit of, 7:287, 7:287, 7:320–7:321, 7:321, 12:35, 12:345, 12:404, 12:611
- on TJ, 12:101n
- translates Complot d’Arnold (Barbé Marbois), 11:635, 11:635–11:636n
- and University of Virginia, 14:223
- visits Monticello, 12:40, 12:100, 12:101n, 12:103, 12:107
- writings of, 7:287, 7:287–7:288n
wampum (wampompeke, wampumpeag; Indian currency), 1:334, 1:334n, 1:369, 14:155
- correspondence for, 13:107, 13:120–13:121, 13:121, 13:144–13:145
- identified, 5:352n
- letters to, 5:352
- TJ forwards letter to, 5:352
Warburton Manor (T. A. Digges’s estate), 13:77, 13:79n
- family of, 12:377
- identified, 12:379–12:380n
- letters from, 12:377–12:380, 13:4–13:6
- letter to, 13:35
- and salt manufacture, 12:377–12:379, 13:4, 13:5–13:6, 13:35
- accused of selling French licenses, 3:539, 3:540n
- admired by Europeans, 3:107–3:108, 3:114
- on Anglo-French relations, 8:37–8:38
- and J. Armstrong, 1:141n, 3:107–3:108, 3:248–3:249, 3:251, 3:279–3:280, 3:309, 3:330, 3:340, 3:463, 3:538–3:539, 3:542, 3:557–3:558
- assists H. E. Say, 7:417, 7:421n, 7:598
- assists N. L. Vauquelin in tobacco experiments, 1:142
- and books for TJ, 9:431, 9:492–9:493, 9:559–9:560, 9:561–9:562n, 10:213, 10:243, 10:243–10:244n, 10:311, 10:312n, 10:393, 10:395, 10:598, 11:255, 11:408, 11:408, 11:414, 11:417, 11:418, 11:418n, 11:454, 11:501, 11:618, 11:632, 12:109, 12:110, 13:42, 13:296, 13:424
- on British allegiance and U.S. citizenship, 8:244
- carries seeds from A. Thoüin, 3:419, 3:419n
- carries TJ’s letters to France, 3:443, 3:444n, 3:512, 3:512n, 3:538, 3:553–3:554, 3:564, 3:565, 3:616, 3:619, 3:627, 4:35, 4:36, 4:56, 4:189, 4:202, 4:325–4:326
- A Chorographical and Statistical Description of the District of Columbia, 4:19, 4:20n, 9:493, 9:493n
- circular letter offering services, 10:312, 10:312n
- as claims agent, 10:312n, 11:417, 11:418n
- conflict with Barlows, 6:484, 6:485n, 8:45
- as consul at Paris, 4:529, 5:576, 6:45, 6:306, 6:469, 6:469n, 7:92, 7:107, 7:428–7:429n, 7:693, 7:696–7:697n, 7:697, 8:38n, 9:112
- and consular circular, 5:437, 5:437n
- and consular nomination, 1:26, 1:207, 1:208n, 1:317, 1:536, 3:250–3:251, 3:260, 3:292, 3:312–3:313, 3:340, 3:427, 3:427n, 3:459, 3:463, 3:503, 3:512, 3:521, 3:538–3:539, 3:599, 4:30, 4:33
- correspondence with W. H. Crawford, 7:490–7:491n, 8:139, 8:139n
- on de Bure Frères, 10:232, 10:311
- departure for France delayed, 4:26, 4:28–4:29, 4:35, 4:36
- Description Statistique, Historique et Politique des États-Unis de l’Amérique Septentrionale, 13:42, 15:477
- and Destutt de Tracy letter, 3:443, 3:444n, 3:538, 7:506, 9:441, 9:441–9:442
- and Destutt de Tracy’s book manuscript, 6:45, 8:38
- and Destutt de Tracy’s work on Montesquieu, 4:54, 4:202, 4:436, 4:446, 4:609, 5:54, 5:612, 6:458, 6:484, 7:506, 10:290
- on European affairs, 10:232
- and fiorin grass, 3:280n, 3:294–3:295, 3:339–3:340, 4:159, 4:159n, 4:175, 4:187
- on foreign relations, 3:274
- forwards chest to TJ, 1:627
- on French expedition to Africa, 8:244
- health of, 8:245
- and A. von Humboldt, 3:557–3:558n, 10:243
- identified, 1:141n
- on impressment, 7:350
- letters from, 1:140–1:141, 1:207–1:209, 1:316–1:317, 1:535–1:536, 1:629–1:630, 2:161–2:162, 2:406, 3:250–3:251, 3:260, 3:279–3:280, 3:308–3:310, 3:312–3:313, 3:339–3:341, 3:427, 3:464, 3:538–3:540, 3:557–3:558, 4:19–4:20, 4:54–4:55, 4:325–4:326, 5:436–5:438, 5:576–5:577, 6:45–6:46, 7:349–7:351, 7:427–7:429, 7:488–7:491, 7:505–7:506, 8:36–8:38, 8:244–8:245, 8:420–8:421, 9:492–9:493, 10:231–10:232, 10:243–10:244, 10:311–10:312, 11:255–11:256, 11:618–11:619, 13:42, 13:137, 15:477, 15:599–15:600
- letters from mentioned, 1:344, 1:359, 6:320, 8:534, 9:96
- letters to, 2:536–2:537, 3:292, 3:294–3:295, 3:443–3:444, 3:512, 3:619, 4:33, 4:35–4:36, 4:36, 7:90–7:93, 8:291–8:293, 9:431, 10:64–10:65, 11:417–11:418, 13:424–13:425
- letters to mentioned, 2:333, 2:333n, 2:544, 7:222
- J. Madison on, 8:45
- mentioned, 2:530, 3:316, 3:505–3:506, 5:580n, 7:302
- Observations on Robin’s Travels, 3:557, 3:558n
- On the Origin, Nature, Progress and Influence of Consular Establishments, 5:437, 5:437–5:438n, 7:350, 7:350–7:351n, 8:36
- Prospectus of a Statistical and Historical Account of the United States of America, 11:619, 11:619n
- and remittances to T. Kosciuszko, 4:418, 4:576
- removed from consulship, 7:427, 7:428–7:429n, 7:488–7:490, 7:505–7:506, 7:506n, 7:598, 8:23, 8:24, 8:37, 8:45, 8:46n, 8:139, 8:161, 8:244, 8:291, 8:420, 9:431, 10:232, 10:311–10:312, 15:599, 15:599–15:600n
- sends books, 1:613n, 1:629–1:630, 1:630n, 5:436, 5:499–5:500, 5:576, 8:420, 10:231–10:232
- sends books to American Philosophical Society, 1:452
- sends dynamometer to TJ, 2:333
- sends greetings to Randolphs, 5:437, 6:45, 6:46, 7:350
- sends publications to TJ, 2:161–2:162, 2:406, 3:41n, 3:220, 3:221n, 3:260, 3:260n, 3:279, 3:280n, 3:308–3:309, 3:393, 3:464, 3:512, 3:562, 4:19, 4:325–4:326, 4:574–4:575, 6:45, 6:45–6:46, 6:342, 6:342–6:343n, 6:372, 6:445, 7:90, 8:36, 8:244, 8:245, 8:291, 8:420–8:421, 10:64–10:65, 11:444, 13:137, 15:477
- sends seeds to TJ, 1:141, 2:162, 2:536, 5:114, 6:17, 6:45, 6:152, 6:196, 7:90, 8:420
- Statistical, Political, and Historical Account of the United States of North America, 13:42
- “Sulphate of lime of Onondago, State of New-York,” 3:333n
- and Talleyrand-Périgord, 8:37, 8:38n, 8:244, 8:420, 10:65
- TJ introduces D. C. Terrell to, 10:160–10:161, 10:243
- TJ introduces G. Ticknor to, 8:292, 10:64–10:65
- TJ on, 3:248–3:249, 8:23–8:24
- TJ sends works to, 8:291
- and TJ’s foreign correspondence, 7:92, 8:36, 8:36–8:37, 8:653, 10:312n
- translates J. F. Callet’s work, 1:316–1:317, 1:629–1:630, 4:148
- translates Eulogium on Marcus Aurelius, 3:309, 3:310n
- translates N. L. Vauquelin’s tobacco experiments, 1:142, 1:482, 1:608–1:609, 1:609n
- visits Monticello, 3:273
- on War of 1812, 7:350
- writes about magnolia bark and upas tree, 3:280n
- writes for Encyclopaedia Britannica, 8:244, 8:420
Warden, John, 2:84, 2:85n, 5:90
War Department, U.S. See also Calhoun, John Caldwell; Dearborn, Henry; Eustis, William; Monroe, James: as secretary of war; Smith, John (chief clerk of War Department)
- accountants in, 10:496, 10:496n, 10:525
- and batture controversy, 2:426, 2:427, 2:435
- books for, 11:452
- building superintendent for, 13:289, 13:307
- clerical salaries at, 8:115
- clerks at, 2:142, 10:525, 10:677, 12:465–12:466, 14:110
- and copper mines, 12:411, 12:454
- W. Duane’s opinions on, 5:255, 5:352–5:353
- and E. Earle’s negotiations with Cherokees, 7:200, 7:200n
- fire at, 3:68, 3:69n, 3:73
- forwards publication, 1:571
- and A. Jackson, 12:271–12:272n
- letters of recommendation sent to, 2:304, 2:305n, 2:315, 4:376, 4:483, 4:516
- military stores, 5:81, 5:104–5:105, 5:107
- offer to supply duck cloth to, 2:99
- and papers of Lewis and Clark Expedition, 10:257, 10:377, 10:377, 11:487, 12:172, 12:295
- and J. L. Poirey’s military service claims, 12:299–12:300, 12:355, 13:414, 14:111, 14:147
- secretaryship of, vacant, 12:149, 12:172, 12:299, 14:110
- and scientific instruments, 15:319, 15:320
- and Spring Hill School (Mich. Territory), 2:55–2:57, 2:58n
Warder & Brothers (Philadelphia firm), 10:299
- and apothecary supplies, 3:183, 3:200, 7:594, 7:602, 8:613, 8:627, 8:641
- identified, 3:183n
- and Jefferson v. Michie, 8:613, 8:627, 8:641
- letters from, 3:200, 7:228, 7:292, 7:602, 8:613, 8:641
- letters to, 3:183, 7:249–7:250, 7:594, 8:627
- letter to accounted for, 8:613n
- as surety for G. Jefferson, 4:277–4:278n, 4:277–4:278n, 4:325
- and Va. laws, 7:228, 7:249–7:250, 7:292
- witnesses document, 5:570n
- A Circumstantial Report of the Evidence and Proceedings upon the Charges preferred against His Royal Highness the Duke of York (included in Book of Kings compiled by TJ; see also Book of Kings), 1:182, 1:182n, 8:33, 8:240, 8:242n
- identified, 10:340–10:341n
- letter to, 10:340–10:341
- An Oration, delivered before the Washington Society, in Boston, on the Fourth of July, 1816, 10:340, 10:341n, 10:341
- accused of fraud and incompetence, 14:247–14:248
- and builders for University of Virginia, 14:216–14:217, 14:238, 14:241, 14:303–14:304, 14:304n, 14:350, 14:437, 14:489, 14:492, 14:502, 14:641, 15:131, 15:386n
- as carpenter for University of Virginia, 14:170, 14:195, 14:214, 14:216, 14:230, 14:237–14:238, 14:238, 14:241, 14:247, 14:390, 14:442n, 14:489, 14:492, 14:516, 14:520, 14:533, 14:605, 15:97, 15:98, 15:98, 15:98, 15:100, 15:103, 15:103, 15:131
- family of, 14:230
- identified, 14:139–14:140n
- insolvency of, 14:237, 14:304, 14:319, 14:350
- letter from, to N. Barksdale, 14:170
- letters from, 14:241, 14:437
- letter to, 14:216–14:217
- recommendations of, 14:139, 14:152, 14:247
- E. Beyer’s painting of, 13:li, 13:400 (illus.)
- proposed visit to, 4:90, 4:132, 7:648
- TJ on, 11:666, 13:243, 13:525–13:526
- TJ visits, 13:73n, 13:166–13:167, 13:168, 13:168, 13:169, 13:169n, 13:178, 13:226, 13:228–13:229, 13:230–13:231, 13:232, 13:233–13:234, 13:242–13:243, 13:250, 13:251n, 13:277, 13:277n, 13:278, 13:279, 13:279–13:280, 13:283, 13:302, 13:302, 13:303, 13:309, 13:321, 13:324, 13:372, 13:438, 13:468n, 13:510–13:511, 13:519, 13:523, 14:502–14:503, 15:71, 15:153n
- visitors to, 13:242–13:243, 13:395
Warner (J. Daingerfield’s slave), 15:94
Warner (M. Daingerfield’s slave), 3:112
War of 1812 See also Ghent, Treaty of (1814); Hull, William; New Orleans, Battle of
- B. Austin on, 9:247–9:248
- T. Bailey on, 5:581–5:582
- Battle of Beaver Dams, 8:259, 8:261n
- Battle of Bladensburg, 7:621–7:623, 7:624n, 7:656n, 8:19n, 8:153, 8:155
- Battle of Chippewa, 7:525n, 8:259, 8:263–8:264, 11:494
- Battle of Frenchtown, 8:259, 8:263
- Battle of Lundy’s Lane, 7:525n, 8:267n
- Battle of Queenston Heights, 8:219, 8:259, 8:263
- Battle of the Thames, 6:546n, 6:577n, 8:221, 8:263
- British attack on Hampton, Va., 6:332, 6:333n, 6:445, 6:446n, 6:515, 8:218, 8:224, 8:224
- British attitudes toward, 9:16, 9:16, 9:17
- British blockade, 7:166–7:167, 7:212, 8:21, 8:32, 8:97, 8:97n, 8:132, 8:167
- British destruction in Washington, 7:xlv, 7:160n, 7:616, 7:621–7:623, 7:642, 7:645, 7:648, 7:652, 7:653, 7:656, 7:668–7:669, 7:669n, 7:681–7:682, 7:691–7:692, 7:698, 7:699, 7:709, 8:xlv, 8:xlvi, 8:5, 8:11, 8:13–8:14, 8:15, 8:57, 8:57n, 8:84, 8:94, 8:136, 8:160–8:161, 8:176, 8:214, 8:214–8:215, 8:216, 8:218, 8:224, 8:226n, 8:259, 8:264, 8:284, 8:292, 8:300, 8:301, 8:425, 8:593–8:595, 9:350, 9:710, 9:710n, 10:425–10:426, 10:442, 10:468–10:470, 10:470n, 10:510, 10:615, 11:480, 12:156, 12:181, 12:295, 12:398, 12:521, 12:640, 13:20, 14:64, 14:543
- British liberate slaves during, 8:317–8:318, 8:318n
- British raids on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, 6:545, 6:546n
- W. A. Burwell on, 5:642–5:643, 6:307
- call for publication justifying U.S. participation in, 8:94–8:95
- capture of USS Chesapeake during, 6:250, 6:251n, 6:265, 9:331n, 12:310n
- compensation claims related to, 11:122, 11:123n
- condition of troops, 7:61, 8:233
- W. H. Crawford on, 10:96–10:100
- defense of Baltimore, 7:656, 7:656n, 8:153, 8:154, 10:426, 10:439, 10:441
- defense of New Orleans, 8:38–8:39, 8:84, 8:85n, 8:270, 8:295–8:296, 8:296n
- defense of Plattsburgh, N.Y., 8:112n, 8:259
- defense of Richmond, 7:643, 7:644, 7:669, 7:670
- defense of Washington, 7:609, 7:617–7:618, 7:656, 8:153, 8:155n, 8:178, 8:264
- W. Duane on, 5:352–5:353, 5:635–5:636, 6:526–6:530, 7:527–7:531, 8:99
- and East Florida, 6:67, 6:67–6:68, 6:112, 6:113n
- and economy, 7:13–7:14, 7:81, 7:134, 7:136–7:138, 7:139n, 7:144, 7:166–7:168, 7:169–7:170, 7:186–7:187, 7:513–7:514, 7:514–7:515, 7:517, 7:553–7:554, 7:653–7:655, 7:669–7:671, 7:678–7:679, 7:689–7:691, 7:692, 7:699, 8:109, 8:126, 8:301, 8:437+, 8:536, 8:544, 8:544, 8:591–8:592, 8:654, 9:313, 9:335, 9:644, 10:175, 10:251, 11:284
- effect on education, 7:194–7:195
- encampment near Buffalo, 5:544n
- An Exposition of the Causes and Character of the War (A. J. Dallas), 8:338–8:339, 8:340n, 8:371–8:372, 8:381, 8:381n, 8:471, 8:471n, 8:472, 8:576–8:577, 8:577n, 8:672, 10:280
- E. Gerry on, 5:127
- histories of, 9:103, 9:103n, 9:128–9:129, 9:129n, 9:414n, 9:522, 10:168–10:169, 10:214–10:215, 10:215n, 10:457–10:458
- and House of Representatives, 5:282, 5:282n, 5:303
- and Indians, 6:389, 6:577, 6:577n, 7:7–7:8, 7:14, 7:15–7:16n, 7:20, 7:30–7:31, 7:51–7:52, 7:91, 7:160–7:161, 7:162n, 7:531, 8:17, 8:112, 8:217, 8:218, 8:219, 8:221–8:224, 8:227n, 8:228n, 8:329n, 9:66, 14:111n, 14:137
- and La., 7:227, 7:384, 8:38–8:39, 8:64, 8:295, 8:357, 14:583
- and military preparations, 7:644, 7:697–7:698, 8:105, 10:186–10:187, 10:188n, 10:556n, 11:493
- militia activity, 7:226–7:227, 7:600–7:601, 7:624, 7:632–7:633, 8:27, 8:31, 8:42n, 8:46, 8:64, 8:111–8:112, 8:112n, 8:178, 8:219, 8:220, 8:442–8:443, 8:443–8:444n, 8:575, 8:575n, 9:151n, 9:236, 10:100n
- J. Monroe on, 6:171–6:176
- Niagara Campaign, 5:410–5:411, 5:531–5:532, 5:532–5:545, 5:608–5:609, 5:609n, 5:609–5:610, 5:610n, 5:684, 5:685n, 6:172, 6:527, 7:160n, 7:501, 7:502n, 8:44, 8:45n, 8:84, 8:254, 8:259, 8:264, 15:393
- in Norfolk, 7:484–7:485, 7:485, 7:513–7:514, 7:515, 7:515, 7:517, 7:697–7:698, 8:233
- opinions on impending conflict, 5:124–5:125, 5:251–5:252
- opposition to, 6:259, 6:275, 6:512, 6:633n, 7:38–7:44, 8:84, 8:94, 10:96–10:97, 12:35, 12:468
- orations supporting, 5:225–5:226, 5:227n, 6:219n, 6:429n, 7:247–7:248, 7:248n, 7:462–7:466, 8:648–8:649, 8:649–8:650n, 14:572n
- and peace negotiations, 6:74, 6:124, 6:143–6:144, 6:171, 6:175–6:176, 6:538–6:539, 7:11, 7:20, 7:43–7:44, 7:114–7:115, 7:115n, 7:116, 7:116n, 7:138, 7:155, 7:156n, 7:159–7:160, 7:167, 7:198, 7:198n, 7:201–7:202, 7:202n, 7:212, 7:223–7:224, 7:359–7:360, 7:499–7:500, 7:515–7:516, 7:516, 7:542–7:543, 8:5, 8:17, 8:18–8:19, 8:20, 8:44, 8:50, 8:75–8:76, 8:77n, 8:112–8:113, 8:125, 8:137, 8:138, 8:157, 8:163, 8:168, 8:186–8:187, 8:338, 8:380–8:381
- O. H. Perry’s victory on Lake Erie, 6:526, 6:530n, 6:531, 6:546n, 7:11, 7:14, 7:56, 7:57n, 7:88, 7:89n, 7:530, 8:259, 8:263
- in Petersburg, 12:42
- and politics, 5:167, 14:581n
- G. Prevost’s threats against U.S., 6:641n
- and prices, 7:72, 7:115, 7:155, 7:212, 7:215, 7:241, 7:346, 8:544, 9:17
- The Pride of Britannia Humbled (T. Branagan), 8:450–8:451
- prisoners of war, 7:57–7:58, 8:218–8:219, 8:219–8:220, 8:220–8:221, 8:221–8:222, 8:222, 10:168–10:169, 10:247, 10:259
- privations caused by, 7:273–7:274, 8:425, 10:214–10:215
- public opinion of, 5:352–5:353, 7:203, 7:511–7:512, 7:524, 7:578–7:579, 8:94–8:95, 8:176–8:177, 9:15
- A Scriptural View of the Character, Causes, and Ends of the Present War (A. McLeod), 8:228, 8:228, 8:340–8:341, 8:344, 8:344, 11:159
- W. Short on, 8:51–8:52, 8:52–8:53, 9:320–9:321
- in the South, 5:352–5:353
- J. Strachan on, 8:214–8:226
- support for, 5:160, 5:167, 5:172–5:174, 5:191, 5:192n, 5:220, 5:259, 5:332, 5:366–5:367, 5:546, 5:547n, 5:591, 5:680–5:681, 5:681n, 6:155, 6:340n, 6:376n, 6:636, 8:39, 10:97, 10:100n
- surrender of Alexandria, 7:618, 7:642, 7:643–7:644, 7:648
- TJ on, 5:546, 5:561, 5:579, 5:606, 5:608–5:609, 5:645, 6:53, 6:64, 6:141–6:145, 6:205, 6:205, 6:205–6:206, 6:209, 6:293, 6:491, 6:538–6:539, 6:645, 7:7–7:8, 7:9–7:12, 7:12, 7:13–7:14, 7:51–7:52, 7:56, 7:87–7:88, 7:90–7:91, 7:159–7:160, 7:167–7:168, 7:517, 7:519, 7:522, 7:593, 7:601, 7:648, 7:681–7:682, 7:691–7:692, 8:26–8:27, 8:31, 8:41–8:42, 8:107–8:109, 8:133, 8:134, 8:163, 8:176, 8:230–8:231, 8:241, 8:253–8:254, 8:259–8:260, 8:263–8:265, 8:292, 8:300, 8:303–8:304, 8:311–8:312, 8:341, 8:344, 8:348, 8:357, 8:360, 8:371–8:372, 8:533, 8:542–8:544, 8:570, 8:574–8:575, 8:576–8:577, 9:88–9:89, 9:335–9:336, 9:411, 9:644, 10:175–10:176, 10:280, 10:281, 10:609, 11:353–11:354, 12:427
- TJ requests information on, 6:646
- E. Trist on, 5:112–5:113, 7:61–7:62, 7:226–7:227, 7:227, 7:227–7:228, 7:500–7:501, 8:84–8:85, 8:295–8:296
- U.S. atrocities in Canada, 8:57, 8:57n, 8:214–8:215, 8:215–8:218, 8:219, 8:221, 8:222, 8:224, 8:225–8:226
- U.S. capture of Fort George, 7:656, 8:263, 8:357, 11:494
- U.S. capture of York, 7:656, 8:357, 11:494
- U.S. declaration of, 6:145n, 7:87, 8:107, 8:215, 8:329n
- U.S. financing of, 6:131n, 6:220–6:225, 6:311–6:312, 6:358n, 6:490–6:497, 6:578–6:592, 6:601–6:602, 7:360, 7:365–7:366, 8:19–8:20, 8:20, 8:20n, 8:27–8:29, 8:32, 8:33n, 8:35, 8:36n, 8:46, 8:47, 8:52–8:53, 8:84, 8:105, 8:108–8:109, 8:109–8:110, 8:111n, 8:125, 8:126, 8:154, 8:155n, 8:163, 8:164–8:165, 8:166n, 8:168, 8:169, 8:177, 8:254, 8:257, 8:259–8:260, 8:265, 8:329n, 9:8, 9:202, 9:358, 12:592, 13:87n
- U.S. naval victories during, 6:14–6:15, 7:8, 7:14, 7:17, 7:56, 7:57n, 7:88, 7:91, 7:350, 7:692, 7:699, 8:84, 8:85n, 8:177–8:178, 8:259, 8:263, 8:264, 8:264, 8:490
- and U.S. privateers, 8:177–8:178
- and Va., 14:562
- veterans of, 15:330
- volunteer troops, 5:82, 5:344–5:345, 5:531–5:532, 7:16–7:20, 7:624, 7:632–7:633, 7:648, 7:649, 13:543
- as war of independence, 7:58
- weapons, 7:48–7:49, 7:276, 7:278–7:279
War of the Spanish Succession, 6:192
- identified, 10:82n
- letter from, 10:82
- letter to, 10:113
- partnership with R. Lorton, 10:83–10:85
- recommended by A. Stuart, 2:93, 2:94n
- and Virginia Museum, 10:82, 10:83–10:85, 10:113
- Revolutionary War service commemorated, 15:446
- The Death of General Warren at the Battle of Bunker’s Hill (J. Trumbull), 13:332
- decline of, 3:104
- ferry at, 14:541
- grocery at, 2:453
- industrial complex at, 1:223n
- TJ visits, 2:329, 12:198, 12:649, 14:633
Warrener, Mr. (brickmason), 13:493
Warwick, D. W. & C. (Richmond firm). See D. W. & C. Warwick (Richmond firm)
- identified, 3:418n
- introduces E. Crafts, 3:418
- introduces J. T. Mason, 4:53
- letters from, 3:418, 4:7–4:8, 4:53
- letters to, 3:616
- sends map, 3:418, 3:616
- sends newspaper to TJ, 4:7–4:8
Washington, D.C. See also Capitol, U.S.; National Intelligencer (Washington newspaper)
- bank of, 1:30n, 1:481, 1:481n, 1:535
- banks in, 6:168, 8:475, 8:499, 9:203, 9:587–9:588, 12:179, 14:308, 14:470n
- Blodget’s Hotel, 4:577, 7:680, 7:698, 7:699n, 8:445n
- bookstores in, 13:562, 13:562n
- British destruction in, 7:xlv, 7:160n, 7:616, 7:621–7:623, 7:632, 7:642, 7:645, 7:648, 7:652, 7:653, 7:656, 7:668–7:669, 7:669n, 7:681–7:682, 7:691–7:692, 7:698, 7:699, 7:709, 8:xlv, 8:xlvi, 8:5, 8:11, 8:13–8:14, 8:15, 8:57, 8:57n, 8:84, 8:94, 8:136, 8:160–8:161, 8:176, 8:214, 8:214–8:215, 8:216, 8:218, 8:224, 8:226n, 8:259, 8:264, 8:284, 8:285, 8:292, 8:300, 8:301, 8:593–8:595, 9:350, 9:710, 9:710n, 10:425–10:426, 10:442, 10:468–10:470, 10:470n, 10:510, 10:615, 12:156, 12:181, 12:295, 12:398, 12:521, 12:640, 14:64, 14:543
- builders’ prices in, 12:159, 14:87, 14:195, 14:512, 14:516, 14:520, 14:522, 14:575, 14:652, 14:652
- calculation of prime meridian for, 1:275–1:276, 1:356–1:358, 1:359n, 1:489–1:498, 1:511–1:512, 1:534, 1:551
- Capitol Hill, 3:289–3:290
- citizens of, address TJ, 1:11–1:12
- City of Washington Gazette, 8:5
- and Columbian Institute for the Promotion of Arts and Sciences, 11:143–11:144n, 11:148–11:149
- J. B. Colvin on politics in, 3:359–3:360
- commissioners of public buildings in, 8:591, 8:591, 8:592, 8:592, 8:592, 8:595, 8:596n, 8:596n
- Davis’s Hotel, 12:346
- defenses of, 6:307, 7:554, 7:601, 7:609, 7:617–7:618, 7:621–7:623, 7:656, 8:153, 8:155n
- digest of city code, 1:632, 1:633n
- fever in, 3:63, 3:64n, 4:200, 4:200n
- government evacuation of, 8:19n
- groceries available in, 4:630, 4:685
- Lindsey’s Hotel, 1:359n
- longitude of, 4:236, 4:275, 4:651–4:660
- Long’s Hotel, 1:10n, 2:250, 2:251n
- McKeown Hotel, 8:663
- mail service to, 8:172, 15:244
- Navy Yard, 6:307, 8:5
- newspapers in, 8:475
- Orphans’ Court of the District of Columbia, 12:315n, 14:508
- plans for, 7:165
- population increase, 4:27
- proposed botanical garden in, 4:426–4:427, 4:535, 4:563–4:564n, 11:136, 11:143n, 11:144n
- proposed national observatory in, 15:319–15:320, 15:320–15:321n
- proposed marine hospital at, 5:178, 5:179n
- proposed national bank at, 3:391
- proposed removal of U.S. capital from, 8:14, 8:14–8:15n, 8:104, 8:104n, 8:136, 8:313, 8:592, 8:596n
- repair of public buildings in, 8:313–8:314, 8:314–8:315n, 8:591–8:596
- Rhodes’ Hotel, 1:357, 4:275
- roads in, 12:640, 12:640, 13:51–13:52, 13:80–13:81
- as site for cotton manufactory, 8:179
- slaves run away to, 11:438–11:439, 11:439n, 11:522
- snowfall in, 2:71
- soapstone deposits, 5:109–5:110, 5:111, 5:167–5:168
- stagecoach from, 11:413
- and standards of weights, measures, and coinage, 4:228
- and supplies for TJ, 4:26–4:28, 4:630, 4:685
- surveying of, 5:101n
- Tammany Society of, 2:399, 2:399n, 2:541, 2:566
- Tennison’s Hotel, 13:77
- threatened by British forces, 6:312–6:313, 7:554, 8:178
- TJ addresses citizens of, 1:13–1:14
- Washington Stocking Knit Factory, 12:259n, 12:338, 12:339, 12:354, 12:365, 12:396–12:397
- weather in, 4:26, 4:32
- wool from TJ’s flock analyzed at, 2:492
Washington (C. L. Bankhead’s slave), 8:395
Washington (TJ’s slave; b. 1805)
Washington (TJ’s slave; b. 1810)
- and American Colonization Society, 11:61n
- as legal authority, 11:369
- and sculpture of G. Washington, 8:577
- witnesses stucco demonstration, 1:195n
- J. Adams on, 5:3, 6:254, 6:284, 7:477, 11:46
- answers by to addresses, 6:180
- and appointments, 1:43n, 5:615, 5:619–5:620, 8:599, 8:600n, 9:446, 10:676–10:677, 12:320
- as army commander, 14:464, 15:189, 15:189, 15:189–15:190
- assists Chamberlain, 4:15
- and Bank of U.S., 15:598
- biographies of, 8:672, 12:416, 12:417–12:419, 12:419, 12:427, 12:429–12:431, 12:431
- on board of agriculture, 11:279n
- bust of, at Monticello, 11:406, 15:li, 15:383
- cabinet of, 2:70, 2:70n, 2:272, 2:273–2:274n, 4:389, 12:425
- complains of oppressive correspondence, 10:614n
- and Continental Congress, 4:601, 13:330, 13:331–13:332
- death of, 10:360
- and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 9:352n
- depicted in T. Gimbrede engraving, 4:540 (illus.)
- and design of U.S. Capitol, 14:580
- difficulty filling cabinet posts, 6:259, 6:259n
- divine inspiration of, 8:405, 8:406
- and donation to Liberty Hall Academy, 1:367–1:368n
- W. Duane’s pamphlet on, 1:49n
- Eulogium Sacred to the Memory of the Illustrious George Washington (B. O. Tyler), 12:536, 12:536–12:537n, 13:21n
- Farewell Address, 8:405, 8:408n, 15:534, 15:536n
- and Federalist party, 7:102, 7:103
- in D. Fraser’s proposed book, 15:368n, 15:368n
- gives chicory seed to TJ, 4:33, 4:33n
- grandnephews of impressed into British navy, 6:143, 6:145n
- A. Hamilton’s influence over, 6:259
- handwriting sample requested, 9:266, 9:375, 9:375n
- and P. Henry, 4:604, 4:604, 4:605n
- and Indian vocabularies, 9:373n, 12:250, 12:251n, 12:294, 12:295–12:296n, 12:331
- W. Jones on, 6:644, 7:201
- judicial appointments of, 2:386
- lauded as hero of Revolution, 1:12
- and H. Lee’s medal, 2:126
- and martial law, 10:422–10:423, 10:423n
- medallion of, 2:113, 2:114n
- and medals commemorating Revolutionary War, 9:91, 9:91n, 15:292
- mentioned, 2:400, 2:412n, 2:604, 3:381n, 5:25, 5:615, 5:619, 6:89n, 6:185, 6:254, 6:284, 6:419, 6:466, 6:624, 7:16n, 7:583, 8:178, 8:296, 8:503, 9:327, 12:34, 12:495, 13:499
- A Message of the President of the United States to Congress Relative to France and Great-Britain, 1:487, 1:487n, 1:569–1:570, 1:570n
- monuments commemorating, 14:152, 14:152n, 15:235, 15:561
- as object of idolatry, 6:259, 10:217
- and offer of crown to, 12:419, 12:429
- Official Letters to the Honorable American Congress , 14:193, 14:265, 14:286
- opposition to, 7:706–7:707
- “An Oration In commemoration of the birth of General Washington” (J. W. Maury), 11:156, 11:157n, 11:260
- papers of, 10:268, 12:417–12:418
- and J. L. Poirey’s military service, 12:300n
- portraits of, 1:45n, 7:498, 8:xlvii, 9:352n, 10:398, 11:145, 11:166, 14:421, 14:558, 15:liii
- praised, 4:106n, 4:393n, 5:525, 8:405, 9:250n, 10:41, 10:192, 11:286–11:287, 11:290n, 11:489–11:490, 11:570n, 11:572, 13:482, 13:591n, 14:581n
- as president, 3:305, 3:308n, 3:336, 3:339n, 6:183, 6:194, 6:318, 7:137–7:138, 7:530, 7:560n, 8:607, 10:574, 11:60, 11:502, 11:511, 12:417, 12:421, 12:423, 14:137, 15:408
- as president of Potomac Company, 9:481
- print of, 2:127
- proposed as dictator, 13:274, 13:274
- and public finance, 6:626
- and raising of sheep, 1:286
- razor of, 13:76
- religious beliefs of, 13:591
- and Republican party, 7:102
- retirement from presidency, 6:259, 11:510
- sculpture of, 8:161, 8:162n, 8:577–8:578, 9:128, 9:350, 9:386, 9:671
- and Seven Years’ War, 1:290, 10:269
- and Society of the Cincinnati, 12:419–12:420, 12:429–12:430, 12:430, 12:431n
- southern tour as president, 12:425
- statue of for N.C. state capitol, 9:332–9:333, 9:333n, 9:384–9:387, 9:387n+, 10:412–10:413, 10:414–10:415, 10:415n, 10:476, 11:171
- statue of for Va. state capitol, 9:385–9:386, 9:387n
- and W. Thornton’s educational system, 11:390, 11:391n
- TJ criticizes, 9:100–9:101, 9:101n, 13:569n
- TJ on, 3:99, 5:565, 7:101–7:103, 7:122–7:123, 7:692, 10:341, 10:423n, 11:260, 12:416, 12:417–12:418, 12:425, 12:426, 12:427
- TJ’s relationship with, 7:103, 10:116, 12:427
- TJ’s Revolutionary War correspondence with, 4:467–4:468
- toasts honoring, 1:608+, 1:615+
- and treaty-making power, 9:548–9:550, 9:550–9:551n, 9:551n
- J. Trumbull’s painting of resignation of, 10:616n
- and valedictory address, 5:565, 5:626
- in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:507
- B. Waterhouse on, 12:497, 12:497
- and Whiskey Rebellion, 2:385, 2:387n
Washington, Martha Dandridge Custis (George Washington’s wife), 3:209n, 10:574
Washington (steamboat), 11:523, 13:254
Washington, USS, 9:408, 10:93, 10:94n, 11:509, 11:534n, 12:473
Washington Academy (later Washington and Lee University) See also Washington College (later Washington and Lee University), 1:367, 1:367–1:368n, 9:507n, 12:233, 12:539, 13:590
Washington and Jefferson College (Washington, Pa.), 1:6n
Washington and Lee University. See Washington College (later Washington and Lee University)
Washington Benevolent Societies, 5:641, 5:642n
Washington City Library, 1:30n
Washington College (Chestertown, Md.), 13:454n
Washington College (later Washington and Lee University) See also Washington Academy (later Washington and Lee University), 9:506, 9:507n, 9:712, 9:714n, 11:134n, 12:132n, 12:284, 12:382, 12:437n, 12:539, 12:540n, 13:180–13:181, 13:222, 14:106, 14:107n, 15:401n
Washington Federalist, 3:534, 3:537n
Washington Female Orphan Asylum, 1:10n
Washington National Monument Society, 1:30n
Washington, or Liberty Restored: A Poem, in Ten Books (T. Northmore), 4:392, 4:393n
Washington Society (of Boston)
Washington Stocking Knit Factory, 12:259n, 12:338, 12:339, 12:354, 12:365, 12:396–12:397
Washington Tavern (Portsmouth, Va.), 6:341
- carries letters to and from Europe, 1:629, 1:658, 2:35–2:36, 2:200, 2:200n, 2:410, 3:54, 5:68, 5:82, 5:265
- transports letters, 4:649, 4:650n
Wasp, USS (sloop), 8:84, 8:85n
- edits De Bello Peloponnesiaco Libri Octo Graece et Latine (Thucydides), 9:195, 9:455, 10:233, 14:510
watches See also clocks
- M. B. Eppes’s, 12:137–12:138, 12:252, 13:527, 13:537
- chain and seal, 6:338, 6:338, 6:339n, 6:467–6:468, 6:561
- gold, 3:83, 10:578, 12:138
- R. Jefferson’s, 4:416, 4:481, 4:607, 8:173, 8:173, 8:258, 8:258, 8:272
- and longitude calculations, 15:287
- needing repair, 6:552, 10:33, 10:203, 10:275–10:276, 10:307–10:308, 10:321, 10:326, 10:344, 10:345, 10:351–10:352, 10:607, 11:365
- silver, 8:393, 8:485, 10:578
- sold for L. A. Leschot, 11:507–11:508
- for TJ’s grandchildren, 6:118, 6:258, 6:338, 6:338, 6:338–6:339, 6:339n, 6:467–6:468, 6:561, 6:569, 6:569n
- for animals, 8:80
- filtration of, 8:196, 8:253
- machine for raising of, 8:195–8:196, 8:196n
- medicinal use of, 14:231
- mineral, 8:688–8:689
- for Philadelphia, 8:81, 8:82n
- pipes, 13:534, 14:71, 14:131, 14:213, 14:390, 14:479–14:480, 14:636, 14:641–14:642, 14:653, 15:12, 15:545
- quality of, 7:649, 8:402–8:403, 8:404–8:405, 9:466, 13:67–13:68, 13:80, 13:189–13:190
- sources of, 8:457
- in students’ diet, 14:382
- for University of Virginia, 14:171, 15:86
Waterhouse, Andrew Oliver, 6:96, 6:100n
- and S. Adams, 13:577–13:578, 13:578–13:579n, 13:619
- alleged misconduct at Marine Hospital, 1:295–1:299, 1:300n, 6:37–6:38, 6:97–6:98, 6:98–6:99
- alleged ridicule of TJ, 1:295–1:296
- on benevolent societies, 5:641, 5:642n, 6:96, 6:96, 6:98, 6:100n
- The Botanist, 5:640, 5:642n, 5:682
- compared to B. Rush, 6:38–6:39
- defended by J. Adams, 6:38, 6:38–6:39
- defended by E. Gerry, 1:296–1:297, 1:299, 6:38
- edits A Journal, of a Young Man of Massachusetts (A. G. Babcock), 10:168–10:169, 10:247, 10:259
- family of, 6:38, 6:96, 6:100n
- and Federalist party, 1:298, 5:640–5:641, 6:95–6:98, 9:4–9:6
- identified, 1:300n
- letters from, 1:295–1:300, 5:640–5:642, 6:37–6:40, 6:95–6:102, 9:4–9:6, 9:255–9:257, 10:168–10:169, 12:493–12:498, 13:577–13:579
- letters to, 5:682–5:683, 9:78–9:79, 10:259–10:260, 12:517–12:519, 13:619–13:620
- and J. Madison, 6:98–6:99, 6:169
- on Mass. traitors, 6:119
- mentioned, 14:421
- and mountain of salt, 5:640–5:641, 5:642n, 5:682, 6:39
- and origin of American Revolution, 12:493–12:497, 12:517–12:518, 12:548, 13:48, 13:69, 13:577–13:578, 13:619
- on religion, 9:255–9:256, 9:378
- seeks appointment, 6:95–6:99, 6:119, 6:169
- and vaccination, 9:78, 9:256, 9:718n
- on G. Washington, 12:497, 12:497
- wishes to visit Monticello, 9:6, 9:79
- writes anonymous newspaper articles, 6:37, 6:39, 6:39n, 6:40n, 6:96, 6:100n
Waterhouse, Daniel Oliver, 6:96, 6:100n
Waterhouse, Elizabeth Oliver (Benjamin Waterhouse’s wife), 1:297
Waterhouse, John Fothergill, 6:95, 6:100n
Waterloo, Battle of (1815), 8:652, 8:652n, 9:68, 9:257, 9:257n, 9:376, 9:388, 9:457–9:458, 10:64, 10:608, 10:610, 11:282, 15:232, 15:256, 15:605
Watkins, Elisha, 2:167, 2:168, 2:168n, 2:371
- identified, 13:361–13:362n
- letter from, 13:361–13:362
- letter to, 13:438
- and seeds, 13:361, 13:438
- as University of Virginia commissioner, 13:182, 13:183, 13:223
- and fight between C. L. Bankhead and T. J. Randolph, 14:20
- forwards mail to TJ, 12:136, 12:270
- identified, 12:270n
- introduced to TJ, 11:184–11:185
- letters from, 12:270
- as physician, 15:138n, 15:153n, 15:399, 15:399n, 15:438–15:439
- TJ’s account with, 15:425, 15:438–15:439
- visits Monticello, 12:270
Watkins, William Benjamin, 14:14
- and Agricultural Society of Albemarle, 11:319, 12:75
- appointed to Central College Board of Visitors, 10:474, 12:3
- and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:54n, 12:60–12:61, 12:69, 12:69
- and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:333, 12:307, 15:96
- as commissioner in Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, 15:268, 15:269n, 15:416
- and establishment of Central College, 7:266, 8:317, 9:47
- family of, 13:430n
- health of, 11:229, 11:242, 11:257, 11:258, 14:73
- identified, 11:181–11:182n
- letters from, 11:242, 14:55, 14:73
- letters to, 11:181–11:182, 11:232, 11:561, 12:74–12:75, 12:306–12:307, 14:48
- and W. McClure’s debts, 5:174–5:175, 5:328–5:329, 5:574, 5:574–5:575, 5:575, 5:587n, 5:639–5:640
- as member of Central College Board of Visitors, 14:46, 14:47, 14:48, 14:55, 14:55, 14:58, 14:72, 14:73, 14:92, 14:109
- mentioned, 12:412
- TJ invites to Monticello, 11:242
- visits Monticello, 11:258, 14:73
- History of the Rise, Progress, and existing Condition of the Western Canals in the State of New-York, 15:573, 15:605
- identified, 11:278–11:279n
- letters from, 11:277–11:279, 15:573
- letters to, 11:338–11:339, 15:605
- national board of agriculture proposed by, 11:277–11:278, 11:279n, 11:279n, 11:338
- A Tour in Holland, in MDCCLXXXIV, 11:277, 11:279n
Watson, George (ca. 1784–1853)
Watson, John (1760–1841) See also Watson & Dawson (Milton firm)
- as Albemarle Co. justice, 12:58n, 13:276n, 13:276n, 15:38n
- agreement to buy land, 2:237–2:238
- and Belmont appraisal, 3:169, 3:170–3:171, 3:172
- identified, 2:238n
- and Jefferson v. Michie, 6:199, 6:199, 6:199, 6:199, 6:576n, 7:597, 7:634, 7:672, 7:675, 7:676, 7:678
- as juror, 5:278–5:279, 5:279
- lands of, 10:621, 12:562
- letters from accounted for, 5:281n
- and J. Lewis deposition, 5:180, 5:192
- petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254, 4:346–4:349
- Rivanna River Company commissioner, 3:254n
- TJ’s debt to, 15:425
- vouches for O. Norris, 3:465
- and warrant for restitution of land, 5:280–5:281, 6:215, 6:216n, 6:554, 6:555
- witnesses documents, 12:561, 12:562, 14:397
- Writ to Summon a Jury regarding Land Seized by David Michie, 5:274
Watson, John (of Little Mountain)
- and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:326, 11:330, 13:161, 15:98
- petition to General Assembly, 5:378–5:380
- and warrant for restitution of land, 5:280
- as bookseller, 7:344, 7:388–7:389, 7:389, 7:554, 7:568–7:569, 8:469, 9:447, 10:74, 10:113, 10:432, 10:471, 10:486
- identified, 7:344n
- letters from, 7:344, 7:388–7:390, 9:447, 10:74, 10:432, 10:486
- letters to, 7:367–7:368, 7:568–7:569, 9:525, 10:113–10:114, 10:471
- payments to, 9:414n, 9:414n, 9:525, 9:544, 10:113–10:114, 10:471, 10:486
- receipt from, 9:544, 10:114
Watson, Richard, bishop of Llandaff
- account with TJ, 13:59n
- and Albemarle Volunteer Company subscription, 5:344
- and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:67
- and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:323, 11:330, 13:162, 15:98
- identified, 4:543n
- letters from, 4:543
- payments to, 12:614n
- and plating of saddle trees, 4:543
Watsonia meriana. See bugle lily
- Catalogue of the Library of the United States, 8:475n, 8:629, 9:xliv–9:xlv, 9:70, 9:80, 9:80n, 9:237, 9:238n, 9:318, 9:344 (illus.), 9:396n, 9:409, 9:409–9:410n, 9:435, 9:438n, 9:469, 9:531–9:532, 12:96
- and catalogue of TJ’s library, 7:684n, 8:473–8:475, 9:409, 9:409–9:410n, 10:182
- identified, 8:445n
- letters from, 8:444–8:445, 9:79–9:80, 9:237–9:238, 9:409–9:410, 9:544
- letters to, 8:473–8:475, 9:69–9:70, 9:107–9:108, 9:318, 9:531–9:532, 10:182
- as librarian of Congress, 7:684n, 8:444–8:445, 8:445n, 9:69–9:70, 9:79–9:80, 9:107, 9:318, 9:544, 10:457, 13:520
- correspondence with TJ published, 13:503, 13:503n
- identified, 13:406–13:407n
- letter to, 13:405–13:407
- as Speaker of Va. Senate, 13:181, 13:183, 13:405–13:406, 13:407, 13:601, 14:22
- as Va. state senator, 9:361, 12:50, 12:234, 12:285
Watts, Isaac, 1:468, 1:469n, 7:662, 7:667
- Bedford Co. landholder, 4:317, 5:468
- identified, 7:516n
- land owned by, 2:237, 2:238n
- letter from, 8:512
- letters to, 7:515–7:516, 8:383, 8:511–8:512
- and settlement of TJ’s accounts, 4:342, 5:56–5:57, 7:515–7:516, 8:383, 8:509–8:510, 8:511, 8:511–8:512, 8:512
Watts, John (of New York), 12:573n
Watts, William (of Bristol, England)
Wat Tyler (R. Southey), 11:384, 11:384n
Wauters, Pierre Englebert, 10:230
Waxhaws, Battle of (1780), 8:494, 8:495n
waxwork (American bittersweet), 1:57, 1:58n
Wayles, John (TJ’s father-in-law)
- and Bedford Co. land, 5:230–5:234, 5:348–5:349, 5:479–5:480, 5:480–5:481n, 5:486
- and Campbell Co. land, 1:671n, 4:680, 4:682, 5:35, 5:39, 5:40, 5:48, 5:62–5:63, 5:87, 5:88, 5:88, 5:89, 5:89–5:90n, 5:90–5:91, 5:103, 5:103n, 5:128, 5:128–5:129, 5:159, 5:161–5:162, 5:162, 5:210–5:211, 5:287, 5:287–5:288, 5:342–5:343
- extracts from records of, 5:287–5:288
- and Farell & Jones, 2:141, 2:142, 2:396, 2:424, 2:433, 2:466, 2:513, 3:211, 3:211n, 5:402n, 7:99, 7:99n, 7:174, 7:175
- and Gilliam v. Fleming, 1:305n, 1:362, 1:365, 1:608, 2:84, 2:85, 2:130n, 2:141, 2:256, 2:369, 2:370, 2:397, 2:407, 2:425, 2:433, 2:434, 2:447, 2:448, 2:464–2:465, 2:465–2:466, 2:540, 3:44, 3:45, 3:84–3:86
- and O. Hanbury’s executors, 5:299n
- identified, 5:162–5:163n
- and lottery for W. Byrd (1728–77), 9:545–9:546, 9:647, 10:110, 12:452, 12:487
- papers at Eppington, 5:90–5:91, 5:161–5:162, 5:162n, 5:210–5:211, 5:287, 5:287–5:288, 7:174, 9:545–9:546, 9:647, 12:452, 12:487
- and Poplar Forest, 2:xliii, 4:318n
- as P. Randolph’s executor, 4:647, 4:679
- slaves of, 3:610n
- as surety for J. Randolph, 4:616, 4:679
- TJ as executor for, 7:174, 7:175n, 7:329, 7:372, 9:647, 15:250, 15:260
- and TJ’s account with W. Welch, 2:514, 2:515n, 4:194–4:195
- as trustee to the daughters of P. Ludwell, 7:329, 7:330n, 7:371–7:372
- as assignee, 11:573n, 11:573n, 15:426
- letters from accounted for, 3:655
- petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
Wayt & Winn (Charlottesville firm)
The Wealth of Nations (A. Smith), 2:592, 4:448, 5:52–5:53, 5:56n, 6:53, 6:497, 6:498n, 6:582–6:586, 6:593n, 6:593, 7:6, 7:6n, 7:176, 9:631, 10:331n
weather See also meteorological observations
- and climate change, 2:70–2:72, 4:189, 13:82, 14:185, 15:144, 15:144n
- clouds, 11:37, 14:633n
- cold, 2:177, 2:195, 2:302, 2:313, 4:85, 8:106, 8:214, 8:216, 8:216, 8:233, 8:236, 8:304, 8:304–8:305, 9:147, 9:341, 10:65, 10:74, 10:379, 10:478, 10:491, 10:512, 10:579, 11:62, 11:111, 11:121–11:122, 11:122–11:123, 11:135, 11:178–11:179, 11:412, 11:412n, 12:7, 12:198, 12:352, 12:352, 12:353, 12:353, 12:476, 12:575, 12:618, 14:161, 14:207, 14:460, 15:159, 15:311
- damp, 15:23n, 15:378
- drought, 1:213, 1:600, 1:657–1:658, 2:302, 2:313, 2:413, 2:417, 2:427, 2:436, 2:481, 2:491, 2:496, 2:661, 3:607, 4:32, 4:38, 6:119, 6:210, 6:210n, 6:267, 6:290, 6:331, 6:366, 6:397, 6:448, 6:544, 6:544, 6:605, 6:605, 7:167, 7:212, 8:454, 8:611, 8:697, 10:74, 10:355, 10:379, 10:388, 10:449, 10:526, 10:533, 11:179, 11:207, 11:236, 11:284, 11:290, 11:644, 12:352, 12:352, 12:354, 12:556, 13:15, 13:578, 14:576, 14:584–14:585, 14:586, 14:594, 15:22, 15:62, 15:109, 15:181–15:182, 15:202, 15:243–15:244, 15:248, 15:332, 15:357, 15:367, 15:380, 15:390, 15:391, 15:396, 15:463, 15:471, 15:598, 15:608–15:609
- and earth’s atmosphere, 13:550–13:552, 13:553, 13:554
- effect on crops, 1:170, 1:285, 2:3, 2:302, 2:313, 2:491, 3:474, 3:630, 3:634, 4:32, 4:38, 4:623, 5:82, 5:296, 5:314, 5:610, 5:660–5:661, 6:119, 6:210, 6:290, 6:331, 6:531, 6:544, 6:544, 6:605, 7:167, 7:194, 7:400, 7:431, 7:601, 8:304, 8:366, 8:457, 8:697, 9:51, 9:254, 10:65, 10:74, 10:309, 10:355, 10:379, 10:411–10:412, 10:449, 10:512, 10:526, 11:121, 11:179, 11:236, 11:271, 11:290, 11:385, 12:352, 12:353, 12:354, 12:556, 13:15, 14:53, 14:430, 14:554, 14:576, 14:584–14:585, 14:586, 14:594, 14:596, 14:633n, 14:636, 15:11–15:12, 15:22, 15:62, 15:130, 15:282, 15:608–15:609
- effect on health, 7:194, 9:456–9:457, 10:128, 10:128, 10:136–10:137, 10:579, 12:7, 14:562
- effect on shipping, 12:455, 12:516, 12:522, 12:523, 12:535, 12:578, 12:579–12:580, 12:582, 12:582, 12:587, 13:285, 13:289, 13:322, 14:328, 14:338–14:339, 14:341, 14:352, 14:626
- extreme, 15:513
- fair, 12:68, 12:618
- floods, 7:501–7:502, 7:601, 10:393, 10:394n, 10:449, 10:450n, 11:72, 11:606, 11:606n, 11:614, 11:626n, 12:72
- fog, 12:342
- frost, 10:379, 10:526, 10:526, 10:546, 12:244, 12:618, 14:180, 14:207, 14:249, 15:130, 15:300, 15:608–15:609
- hail, 6:267, 14:430–14:431, 14:443, 14:494, 14:596, 14:649n, 15:172
- heat, 4:26, 4:32, 6:204–6:205, 6:210, 6:215, 6:264, 6:274, 6:290, 8:71, 8:274, 8:304, 10:611, 12:352, 12:353, 12:575, 12:618, 14:9n, 14:550n, 14:594, 14:596, 14:597n, 14:633n, 15:23n
- hurricanes, 5:383, 5:383n, 9:51, 9:94–9:95, 9:96–9:97n, 9:404, 9:404n, 12:629
- ice, 4:480, 5:599, 8:214, 8:236, 9:370, 10:534, 10:539, 12:198, 12:455, 12:516, 12:528, 12:618, 13:520, 13:578, 15:186, 15:187n, 15:284, 15:332, 15:353, 15:413, 15:442
- lightning rods, 11:341–11:342, 11:342n, 11:469–11:470
- in northern states, 4:85, 8:457
- in N.Y., 12:352–12:354
- rain, 2:254, 2:325, 2:436, 2:491, 2:495, 2:496, 3:204–3:205, 3:630, 5:57, 5:57n, 5:82, 5:296, 5:314, 6:106–6:107, 6:210, 6:264, 6:290, 6:331, 6:524, 6:531, 6:531, 6:544, 6:605, 6:646, 8:305, 8:457, 9:112, 10:379, 10:380n, 10:388, 10:388–10:389, 10:449, 10:491, 10:526, 10:533, 10:534, 10:560, 10:570, 10:574, 10:606, 11:36–11:37, 11:38, 11:162–11:163, 11:207, 11:309, 12:7, 12:75, 12:198, 12:352, 12:353, 12:574–12:575, 12:618, 12:619, 12:645, 13:15, 13:285, 13:289, 14:180, 14:200, 14:207, 14:264, 14:542n, 14:554, 14:570, 14:576, 14:584–14:585, 14:594, 14:596, 14:633n, 14:636, 15:60, 15:62, 15:130, 15:143, 15:172, 15:181–15:182, 15:209, 15:247, 15:248, 15:396
- snow, 2:32, 2:35, 2:70–2:71, 2:184, 3:392, 3:394, 3:437, 5:610, 6:621, 8:106, 8:132, 8:305, 8:316, 9:357, 9:443, 9:605, 10:65, 10:570, 11:36–11:37, 11:37, 11:38, 11:62, 12:352, 12:353, 12:476, 12:575, 12:618, 13:578, 14:lii, 14:185, 14:207, 14:460, 14:632, 15:311, 15:514
- temperature readings, 11:33–11:34, 12:351, 12:352, 12:353, 12:353, 12:354, 12:574–12:575, 12:618, 12:619, 14:550n, 14:594, 14:596, 14:597n, 14:633n
- thunderstorms, 14:207
- TJ on climate, 7:302, 9:310, 10:331, 11:33–11:40, 13:340
- TJ’s Analysis of Weather Memorandum Book, 11:33–11:40, 12:574–12:575, 12:617, 12:618–12:619, 14:185
- in Va., 4:85, 7:601, 8:241, 8:304–8:305, 8:366, 9:122, 9:144, 9:443, 11:460, 12:351, 13:25, 14:73, 14:562
- in Washington, 4:26, 4:32
- wind, 8:80, 8:80, 8:80, 8:81, 8:214, 10:393, 10:395, 10:410, 10:450, 11:38, 12:334, 12:352, 12:353, 12:483, 12:574–12:575, 12:618, 12:619, 12:629, 12:629, 12:630, 12:630, 14:242, 14:242n, 14:270, 14:431n, 14:542n, 15:585
- works on, 13:82, 13:83n
Weather Memorandum Book (Thomas Jefferson), 5:xlviii, 5:57n, 5:358 (illus.), 5:576n, 12:574–12:575, 12:617, 12:618–12:619, 14:185
weaving. See textiles
Webb, Mr. (Foster Webb’s heir)
- and publication of law reports, 14:219, 14:445
- publishes Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry (W. Wirt), 10:346–10:347, 10:347, 10:347n
- and American Geological Society, 14:648n
- identified, 15:324n
- letter from, 15:323–15:325
- letter to, 15:358
- mineral collection of, 15:323–15:324, 15:324–15:325n, 15:358
Wedderburne, Mr. See Wilberforce, William
Weekly Political Register (London newspaper), 5:370n, 5:384
Weekly Register. See Niles’ Weekly Register (Baltimore newspaper)
- identified, 8:634n
- invited to visit Monticello, 8:639
- letters from, 8:633–8:634
- letters to, 8:638–8:639
- The Life of Doctor Benjamin Franklin, 8:633–8:634, 8:638, 8:639n
- The Life of Gen. Francis Marion, 8:633, 8:634n, 8:638
- opinion of B. Franklin, 8:633
- and publication of historical works, 13:317, 13:410
- visits Monticello, 13:410
- conveys manuscript to J. Milligan, 8:628–8:629, 9:537–9:538
- and fiorin grass, 4:159, 4:175, 4:192–4:193, 4:201
- identified, 4:193n
- letters from, 4:192–4:193
- letters to, 4:201–4:202, 4:561
- and newspaper account, 1:48
- prints Senate proceedings, 1:49n
- publishes An Essay on the principle of population (T. R. Malthus), 10:327
- TJ orders books from, 4:201, 4:561
- TJ pays, 4:555, 4:576, 4:634n
weights, measures, and coinage
- T. H. Pasley’s work on, 10:316
- standard measures of, 9:223, 9:223, 9:223, 9:223, 12:90–12:91, 12:92n, 12:154–12:156
- TJ on, 4:147–4:149, 4:222–4:229, 5:92, 12:154–12:156
- TJ’s report on, 1:487, 1:487n, 10:548, 12:90, 12:92n
- universal standard of, 4:147–4:149, 4:167, 4:167n, 4:222–4:229, 4:409–4:411, 5:92
- works on, 12:91, 12:92n, 12:156, 12:157n
Weissenfels, Elizabeth Williams Bogart
Weissenfels, Frederick, baron de
- identified, 2:515n
- TJ’s account with, 2:349–2:350, 2:497–2:498, 2:499–2:500, 2:513–2:514, 2:514–2:515, 2:515, 4:149–4:150, 4:194–4:195, 4:195n
- TJ’s bond to, 2:515, 3:55–3:56, 3:135
- identified, 1:428n
- letters from, 1:428
- letters to, 2:51–2:52
- “Poem on Thomas Jefferson,” 1:431–1:433
- praises TJ, 1:428, 1:431–1:432, 2:51–2:52
Welles & Williams (Paris firm), 14:108n
Wellesley, Richard Wellesley, Marquess
- as British foreign minister, 2:130, 2:131n, 2:325, 2:345, 2:366, 2:418, 2:419n, 2:480, 3:519, 3:519n, 3:577, 4:234, 4:271, 4:587, 5:156, 5:587, 7:41, 7:44n, 8:542, 8:543, 8:543, 8:544–8:545n, 11:242n
Wellington (horse), 14:564, 14:586
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of (formerly Viscount)
- compared to Duke of Marlborough, 8:683
- converses about U.S., 7:540
- converses with Madame de Staël Holstein, 9:326, 9:328n
- defeats Napoleon, 8:652, 8:652n, 8:659–8:660
- family of, 9:579
- and Louis XVIII, 11:282
- and M. Ney’s clemency plea, 9:393n
- Peninsular campaigns of, 1:593n, 2:166n, 5:587–5:588, 6:515n
- proclamation of, 7:423–7:424
- troops of sent to Canada, 7:350
- in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:508
Wells, Hannah Adams (daughter of Samuel Adams [1722–1803]; Samuel Adams Wells’s mother), 14:339
- identified, 15:494n
- letters from, 15:494–15:495, 15:590
- letter to, 15:593–15:594
- and TJ’s bond, 15:426, 15:494, 15:494–15:495n, 15:557, 15:590, 15:593
- J. Adams on, 14:339–14:340, 14:523
- family of, 14:339–14:340, 14:340n
- and history of American Revolution, 14:225–14:227, 14:288–14:293, 14:373–14:377, 14:463–14:464
- identified, 14:227–14:228n
- letters from, 14:225–14:228, 14:373–14:378
- letters to, 14:288–14:294, 14:463–14:464
- and posthumous reputation of S. Adams, 13:577, 13:578–13:579n
- and proposed biography of S. Adams, 14:225–14:227, 14:293, 14:298, 14:339–14:340, 14:373–14:376
Wells, Thomas ([ca. 1754–99]; Samuel Adams Wells’s father), 14:339
- and Albemarle Academy, 7:267, 7:282, 7:335, 7:339, 7:570
- and Central College subscription, 11:322, 11:333, 11:335n, 13:161
- forwards letters, 11:575
- and goods for TJ, 11:452
- identified, 11:240–11:241n
- and Jefferson v. Michie, 9:3
- letter from, 11:240–11:241
- and livestock for TJ, 11:240
- petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
- TJ purchases land from, 4:386, 8:398
Wells, Thomas (1790–1861), 14:340n
- and books for TJ, 12:312–12:313, 12:344–12:345, 12:355–12:356, 12:356, 12:575–12:576, 13:305
- identified, 12:313n
- letter from, 12:355–12:356
- letters to, 12:312–12:313, 12:575–12:577
- TJ’s account with, 12:356–12:357
Wells’s Hotel (Charlottesville), 11:545
- identified, 8:229n
- letter from, 8:228–8:229, 11:159
- letters to, 8:340–8:343, 8:344
- on A. McLeod, 8:228, 11:159
- recommends B. O. Tyler, 12:537n
- sends book to TJ, 8:228, 8:228, 8:344, 11:159
- geological theories of, 2:376, 2:377n, 2:551, 2:552n, 3:264n, 9:667, 13:102, 13:103, 13:104, 13:480, 13:482n, 14:570n
- as Albemarle Co. clerk, 11:467n, 11:469, 12:561n, 12:562n, 14:588n
- and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:62
- as deputy sheriff, 15:548–15:549, 15:549n
- edits ΔιÏŒδωρος. Bibliothecae Historicae Libri qui Supersunt (Diodorus Siculus), 10:233, 10:236n, 14:510
West, Mr. (ship captain), 12:346
West, Mr. (ship captain), 15:442
- compared to J. Trumbull, 10:653–10:654, 11:3
- copies Titian painting, 4:181
- The Fright of Astyanax, 8:136, 8:137n, 8:160, 8:195, 9:592, 9:593n, 10:259, 11:135, 11:266, 11:342, 11:387
- portrait of R. Fulton by, 9:405n
- students of, 1:45n
- T. Sully copies painting of, 3:625
Western Road. See Cumberland Road
West Florida See also Florida; Pensacola, W. Fla.
- annexation of, 3:256–3:257, 3:264–3:265, 3:281–3:282, 3:325–3:326, 4:284n, 5:21n
- A. Jackson’s campaign in, 14:23–14:24, 14:28, 14:29n, 14:92, 14:92n, 14:99–14:100, 14:111–14:112n
- landholders in, 4:15
- Spain demands U.S. surrender of, 9:388–9:389
- Spanish cession of proposed, 13:610–13:611, 15:563
- supplies arms and ammunition to Indians, 6:389
- and War of 1812, 9:103, 9:103n, 9:128–9:129
- works on, 10:626
- ferry and landing at, 8:129, 8:130n, 8:145–8:146, 8:170, 8:171, 8:171n
- original purchasers of lots in, 8:169–8:171, 8:171n
- plan and survey of, 8:170, 8:171n, 11:385, 11:385n
- plank delivered to, 2:424, 2:434
- proposed sale of, 8:129–8:130, 8:130n, 8:145, 8:169–8:171
- TJ’s lots in, 4:63, 4:154, 8:129–8:130, 8:130n, 8:145, 8:146, 8:146n, 8:170, 10:388n, 11:366, 11:378–11:379, 11:385
West India Company, 3:235, 3:236n, 3:484
- dependent on American supplies, 4:664
- formation of, 12:630
- lumber shipped to, 10:571
- maps of, 8:77n
- and non-importation, 3:638–3:639, 3:639n
- slaves from, 3:319
- sugar manufactured in, 8:317
- TJ’s reputation in, 3:521
- U.S. trade with, 7:69, 8:390, 11:122, 12:554, 13:122–13:123, 13:123n, 14:99
- yellow fever in, 10:128, 10:131–10:134
Westminster School (London), 12:238
Westminster Hall (London), 7:126, 7:130n
Westtown School (West Chester, Pa.)
Westwardmill Library Society (Brunswick Co.)
Weyers Cave, Va., 1:309, 1:309n
- and O. Evans’s patent right, 13:128–13:129, 13:131
- identified, 13:129n
- letter from, 13:128–13:129
- letter to, 13:131
- family of, 14:506
- identified, 14:506–14:507n
- letters from, 14:506–14:507, 15:548
- letter to, 14:577
- seeks position at University of Virginia, 14:506, 14:577, 15:548
- Tentamen Physiologico-Medicum inaugurale de Mania, 15:548, 15:548n
- amount grown by TJ, 2:151
- at Belmont estate, 3:171
- for brewing beer, 8:439
- as cash crop, 3:348, 8:305, 8:610, 9:594, 11:194, 11:195, 11:285, 11:298–11:299, 14:469
- Caspian, 4:49
- as crop, 6:119, 6:132–6:133, 8:109, 8:304, 8:305, 10:309, 10:462, 10:610, 11:39, 11:172, 11:385, 12:255, 12:354, 12:618, 13:23, 13:25, 13:77–13:78, 14:33, 14:34, 14:34n, 14:161, 14:476, 15:11, 15:11–15:12
- cultivated in northern states, 11:270–11:271
- at Edgehill, 6:620
- effect of Embargo Act (1813) on, 7:78
- effect of Embargo on, 4:622, 4:664
- effect of war on, 5:191
- effect of weather on, 1:93, 1:285, 2:417, 3:474, 3:630, 3:634, 4:32, 4:376, 4:623, 5:82, 5:314, 5:610, 6:210, 6:366, 6:544, 6:544, 6:605, 7:240, 7:400, 10:65, 10:309, 10:379, 10:412, 11:62, 11:111, 11:121, 11:236, 14:430, 14:494
- as fodder, 8:32, 8:126, 8:129, 8:163
- ground at Shadwell mills, 3:156–3:157, 3:640–3:642, 3:642–3:643, 3:644, 10:348, 11:185–11:186, 11:210–11:211, 12:547, 14:359
- ground for TJ, 8:48, 8:118–8:119, 8:157, 13:13
- harvesting of, 8:547, 10:355, 13:116
- in Italy, 9:470
- R. Jefferson’s crop, 4:183
- Lawler, 11:536–11:537, 11:537n, 11:588
- at Lego, 2:239, 2:240, 3:191
- from lost trunk, 1:347
- J. Madison’s crop, 7:360
- May
- “Mildew in Wheat” (J. Sinclair), 9:144n+
- at Monticello, 4:93, 4:95, 4:376, 4:623, 5:444–5:445, 6:156, 6:290, 6:366, 6:544, 6:605, 6:620, 7:166–7:167, 7:461, 7:710, 8:185, 8:284, 8:284, 9:313, 9:594, 9:604, 11:475, 11:644, 13:141, 13:173, 15:544
- as payment for debts, 7:387, 9:40
- at Poplar Forest, 2:96, 2:217, 2:495, 3:341, 3:371, 3:392, 3:394, 4:86, 4:87, 4:94, 4:95, 4:165, 4:165–4:166n, 4:170–4:171, 4:184, 4:307–4:308, 4:341–4:342, 4:373, 4:379, 5:306, 5:340, 5:382, 5:470–5:471, 5:475, 5:481–5:482, 6:331, 6:486, 6:544, 7:94–7:95, 7:400, 7:461, 8:10, 8:69, 8:70, 8:70, 8:71, 8:132, 8:158, 8:173, 8:174n, 8:186, 8:186n, 8:203, 8:284, 8:417, 8:542, 8:610, 8:611, 8:697, 9:51, 9:51, 9:313, 9:505, 9:594, 9:604, 10:355, 10:466, 11:207, 12:483, 12:556, 12:613, 13:141, 13:566, 13:567, 14:430, 14:494, 14:596, 15:61, 15:118, 15:134, 15:158, 15:229, 15:282, 15:427, 15:474, 15:608–15:609
- price of, 3:328, 3:371, 3:413, 5:120–5:121, 5:296, 5:337, 5:357, 5:381, 5:438, 5:440–5:441, 5:610, 6:472, 6:620–6:621, 7:78, 7:166–7:167, 8:105, 8:109, 8:126, 8:129, 8:167, 8:173, 8:272, 8:305, 8:417, 10:355, 15:427
- price of in France, 1:373
- price of in Great Britain, 1:82, 10:512–10:513
- price of in Richmond, 4:86, 4:87, 4:91, 4:94, 4:95, 4:104–4:105, 4:165, 4:165–4:166n, 4:184, 5:115, 7:86, 8:694
- prospects for coming harvest, 2:313, 2:367, 2:495, 2:496, 8:585
- red-bearded, 11:588
- Remarks on the Smut and Mildew of Wheat (Fothergill), 1:72, 1:72n
- rust damages, 7:461
- seeds, 8:158, 8:173, 8:174n, 13:75, 13:75, 13:77, 13:77, 13:77–13:78, 13:94
- at Shadwell, 2:213, 2:239, 2:240
- at Shadwell mills, 1:108–1:109, 1:282, 1:421, 5:120–5:121, 5:499, 8:207, 13:13–13:14
- smut damages, 11:304, 11:536, 11:588
- from South America, 15:527–15:528, 15:528n
- Talavera, 14:33, 14:33n, 14:33–14:34, 14:54, 14:54
- TJ’s income from, 4:86, 4:87, 4:94, 4:95, 4:165, 4:165–4:166n, 4:170–4:171, 4:184, 4:307–4:308, 4:341–4:342, 5:401, 5:623, 7:166–7:167
- Tuscan white gentil, 15:327, 15:341, 15:476
- at Tufton, 2:112, 2:112, 2:116, 2:371
- weevils destroy, 8:643, 8:645n
- wheat fans, 12:304, 14:537, 14:539–14:540
- identified, 3:46–3:47n
- letters from, 3:46–3:47, 4:422–4:423, 5:163
- letters to, 3:137–3:138, 3:157, 4:494–4:495, 5:219
- An Oration, Delivered before the Tammany Society, 3:46, 3:137, 3:157
- sends address to TJ, 4:422–4:423, 4:494–4:495
- and TJ’s batture pamphlet, 5:163, 5:219
- dispute with postmaster general, 7:347, 7:347n
- establishes mail route to New Orleans, 7:347
- identified, 1:352n
- letters from, 1:350–1:352, 7:135, 7:347
- letters to, 7:156
- and office of quartermaster general, 7:135, 7:156
whin. See gorse (whin)
- identified, 2:320–2:321n
- letters from, 2:319–2:321
- letters to accounted for, 2:321n
- pro-Republican writings of, 2:320
- seeks an appointment, 2:319–2:320
whip-poor-wills, 8:6, 11:39, 12:618
whips, 6:344, 6:344, 6:346, 6:347, 14:8, 14:10n, 14:16, 14:17, 14:19, 14:20, 14:20
- accidents involving manufacture of, 1:465, 3:359
- distilled, 7:240, 8:70
- mentioned, 8:109, 10:537, 12:651
- at Monticello, 8:xlvii–8:xlviii, 8:30–8:31, 15:312
- negative effects of, 9:329, 9:512, 10:41, 10:462, 13:378–13:379, 13:379, 13:379–13:380, 13:489–13:490
- potato, 11:272–11:273
- price of, 3:550
- students consume, 15:141
- taxes on, 4:483
- Tennessee, 1:31
- TJ orders, 6:344, 6:346, 6:346, 6:346, 6:347, 7:491n, 9:483
Whiskey Rebellion, 2:385, 2:387n, 2:617, 3:80, 3:82n, 6:254, 6:256n, 6:419, 6:426
- J. Swift satirizes, 10:424, 10:425n
- translates The Genuine Works of Flavius Josephus (Josephus), 10:617, 10:637, 11:303, 12:291, 12:337, 12:364, 13:476
White, Mr. (of Tuckabatchee), 1:351
White, Mr. (of Washington), 8:592, 8:592
White, George (newspaper editor), 10:333, 10:333–10:334, 10:335n
- identified, 4:620–4:621n
- letters from, 4:620–4:621
- letters to, 4:673
- petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
- sends work to J. Madison, 4:621n
- sends work to TJ, 4:620, 4:673
- and East Tennessee College, 2:266–2:267, 2:365–2:366
- identified, 2:267n
- letters from, 2:266–2:268
- letters to, 2:365–2:366
- as overseer at Tomahawk plantation, 14:317, 14:326, 14:472, 14:477, 14:494, 14:549, 14:549n, 14:571
- TJ’s debt to, 15:391, 15:426, 15:474, 15:552
- witnesses document, 12:262
- identified, 4:106n
- letters from, 4:105–4:107
- letter to, 4:175+
- letters to accounted for, 4:107n
- An Oration, Delivered in the Third Episcopal Church, before the Inhabitants of Charleston, South-Carolina, On the 4th March, 1815, in commemoration of the adoption of the Federal Constitution, 8:315
- and Seventy-Six Association, 4:105, 4:106n, 4:175+
- identified, 10:317n
- letter from, 10:317
- letter to, 10:346
- sends seeds to TJ, 10:317, 10:346
- sons of, 10:317
- identified, 15:356–15:357n
- letter from, 15:356–15:357
- letter to, 15:375–15:376
- as printer, 15:356, 15:375–15:376
White, William (of Albemarle Co.), 14:95n
- on Episcopal Church, 11:607
- identified, 11:607–11:608n
- letter from, 11:607–11:608
- recommendation of, by A. Clark, 11:608
White House. See President’s House
white jasmine (white jessamine), 3:354, 3:355n
Whitelaw, Thomas, 14:187, 14:390, 14:479
- number at Monticello, 3:202
- population of in Va., 12:128–12:129, 12:132n, 13:185–13:188, 13:188n, 13:190–13:191, 13:401, 13:535–13:536
- taxes on, 7:708, 9:430, 11:44, 12:415
- botanical collection of, 4:427
- identified, 4:427–4:428n
- patents substitute for flax and hemp, 4:427, 4:667, 5:22
- and proposed Washington botanical garden, 4:426–4:427, 4:563–4:564n, 11:135–11:136
- and wood nettle, 4:427–4:428n, 5:22, 11:135–11:136
- identified, 5:341n
- letters to, 5:341
- and survey of Poplar Forest, 12:221, 12:222, 12:225
- and TJ’s land dispute with S. Scott, 5:229, 5:341, 5:361, 5:361n
- and merino wool, 1:16
- A New Juvenile Atlas, and familiar introduction to the use of maps, 8:76, 8:77n, 8:78n
The Whole Art of Husbandry (J. Mortimer), 6:380
The Whole Works of the late Rev. James Hervey (J. Hervey), 2:322n
Wickham, Elizabeth Selden McClurg (John Wickham’s wife)
- and batture controversy, 2:395, 2:398, 2:401, 2:406, 2:408+, 2:414, 2:414–2:415, 2:416–2:417, 2:427, 2:432, 2:549, 3:331
- as character reference, 13:419, 13:419, 13:420n
- counsel for A. Randolph’s executor, 4:647
- farm owned by, 10:592
- gives legal opinion, 11:478, 11:478n, 11:479n, 11:486
- and O. Hanbury’s executors, 3:195, 5:298, 5:299n
- identified, 2:395–2:396n
- letters from, 2:395–2:396, 2:406–2:407
- letters to, 2:398
- and Livingston v. Jefferson, 4:304n, 5:299n, 9:450n
- and W. Short’s land, 4:268
- and TJ’s debt to W. Welch, 2:350n, 2:497, 2:513
- TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:624
Wickliff, John. See Wycliffe, John
Widow’s Sons’ Lodge No. 60 (Masonic)
- and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:36–12:37, 12:40–12:41, 12:45, 12:59, 12:60–12:61, 12:61–12:65, 12:67–12:72
- and antislavery, 3:319, 3:320, 3:513–3:514, 3:514n
- and peace negotiations, 8:381
- TJ’s beliefs compared to, 11:118n
The Wild Irish Boy (Maturin), 1:391, 1:397n
Wilkerson, John. See Wilkinson (Wilkerson), John
- identified, 1:80n
- letters from, 1:79–1:80
- letters from accounted for, 1:80n
- letters to accounted for, 1:125n
- and N.Y. state legislature, 1:79–1:80, 1:125n
- acquaintances in La., 5:524
- aide to, 2:244
- and E. Bacon, 3:358, 3:428, 3:428–3:431
- and batture controversy, 2:435, 2:444n, 3:25
- as brigadier general, 3:544
- and A. Burr trial, 1:426, 1:427–1:428n, 3:344n, 4:412–4:413
- H. Cassidy’s accusation of corruption, 4:70–4:71
- Congress investigates, 3:324, 3:325n, 3:358, 3:428–3:431
- correspondence with TJ, 3:358, 3:428–3:431, 3:519, 3:543
- court-martial of, 4:398, 4:412–4:413, 4:480, 4:481n, 4:542, 5:635, 5:637n, 5:641
- identified, 3:325n
- letters from, 3:323–3:325, 13:226–13:228
- letters to, 3:440–3:441, 13:105–13:106
- Memoirs of General Wilkinson, 3:78–3:79, 3:100–3:102, 3:323–3:324, 3:325n, 3:359, 3:440–3:441, 3:543
- Memoirs of My Own Times, 10:541, 11:364, 12:9
- military order issued by, 7:610n
- J. Monroe on, 2:43
- as New Orleans commissioner, 1:179n
- and Z. M. Pike’s western exploration, 13:105–13:106, 13:227, 13:228n, 13:344, 13:359
- and G. Prevost’s threats against U.S., 6:641n
- public sentiment toward, 3:323–3:325, 3:359–3:360
- removal of rumored, 2:45, 2:46n
- report to War Department, 5:353, 5:354–5:355n
- TJ on, 4:412–4:413, 10:609, 13:106, 13:315n
- and TJ’s religious beliefs, 10:541
- War of 1812 service of, 6:242, 6:294n, 6:530, 6:619, 6:645, 6:645, 7:8, 7:10, 7:13n, 7:14, 7:61, 7:228, 8:216, 8:263
- address to citizens of Mobile, 6:503n
- anonymous letter concerning, 6:503
- and conflicts of interest, 4:71n
- death of, 6:503n
Will (William) (TJ’s slave; b. 1753)
- delivers book, 6:94
- family of, 13:567, 13:567n, 13:605
- hat for, 7:124
- on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:382, 4:384, 4:385, 5:461, 5:462, 6:308, 6:308, 6:308, 6:308, 6:309, 6:309, 8:60, 8:61, 8:61, 8:61, 8:61, 8:61, 8:61, 8:62, 8:62, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255, 8:255
- tasks for, 4:380, 7:461, 7:461
- An Address to the Public; particularly to the members of the Legislature of New-York, proposing a Plan for improving Female Education, 15:294, 15:294n
- identified, 15:294n
- letter from accounted for, 15:294n
- letter to, 15:294
William (Little William) (C. L. Bankhead’s slave), 8:395
William (TJ’s slave), 3:392, 3:392n
William (TJ’s slave; b. 1801). See Hern, William (TJ’s slave; b. 1801)
William (W. Wood’s slave), 15:455
William III, king of Great Britain
William I (Willem Frederik), king of The Netherlands, 10:230
William IV, stadtholder of the Netherlands
William V, stadtholder of the Netherlands
William I, king of Württemberg, 12:622
- criticized, 2:384, 12:4
- expulsion and readmission, 1:251, 4:107–4:108, 4:108n, 4:161–4:163
- faculty of, 1:251n, 1:634n, 3:xlvii, 3:381n, 5:373, 5:373, 5:374n, 5:469, 6:598, 8:609, 9:684, 10:69n, 10:352, 12:25–12:28, 12:32, 12:45, 12:135–12:136, 12:180, 12:195–12:196, 12:227–12:228, 12:237–12:238, 12:647, 14:81, 14:102
- F.H.C. Society at, 14:433–14:434
- funding for, 12:437n, 13:590, 15:399, 15:399–15:400, 15:400n, 15:401n
- F. W. Gilmer on, 12:545
- P. R. Gilmer on, 10:449
- longitude of, 4:246
- mentioned, 12:132n, 14:7
- minerals lent to, 2:551
- W. C. Nicholas’s debt to, 14:587n, 14:588n
- perceived threats to, 8:317
- Phi Beta Kappa Society at, 14:306, 14:307n, 14:433–14:434
- president of, 4:235, 4:236n, 5:469, 5:469n, 5:577, 5:579n, 6:606, 7:127, 7:130n, 8:317, 9:396n, 9:435–9:436, 12:25–12:27, 12:545, 12:614, 14:601
- professors at, 4:108, 4:246, 4:369, 12:305
- proposed sale of land by, 2:534–2:535, 2:671
- riots at, 9:397, 9:398n
- seal of, 15:554–15:555
- W. Short attends, 15:253
- slaves at, 9:490
- and state university for Va., 11:134n, 12:233, 13:143, 13:189, 13:473, 13:514–13:515, 13:560, 14:92
- textbooks of, 7:4, 8:294, 9:396, 10:294
- TJ attends, 4:598, 7:546, 11:252, 14:433–14:434
- TJ on, 4:162, 6:606, 7:127, 7:606, 7:636, 8:200, 8:200n, 9:397, 9:398n, 9:608, 10:545–10:546, 12:101, 12:614
- E. Trist on, 10:449
- and University of Virginia, 15:467, 15:491, 15:525, 15:539, 15:555
- G. Wythe’s lectures at, 3:205–3:206, 3:228
William & Reuben Mitchell (Lynchburg firm)
- account with TJ, 7:94–7:95, 8:69, 15:309
- agreements with, 4:86–4:87, 4:87, 5:340–5:341, 10:355
- identified, 4:86–4:87n
- letters from, 4:170–4:171, 5:50, 8:69
- letters to, 4:184
- TJ’s transactions with, 4:86, 4:87, 4:94, 4:165, 4:166n, 4:170–4:171, 4:184, 4:212, 4:341–4:342, 5:32, 5:33, 5:35n, 5:50, 5:50n, 5:340–5:341, 7:94–7:95, 7:402, 8:69, 8:69n, 9:505
William & Samuel Craig (New York firm)
- forwards package to TJ, 4:280–4:281, 4:364
- identified, 4:281n
- letters from, 4:280–4:281
- letters to, 4:364
William Brown & Company (Lynchburg firm)
William McDonald & Son (Baltimore firm), 14:540n
Williams, Benjamin & George (Baltimore firm). See Benjamin & George Williams (Baltimore firm)
- Claims of Literature, 3:207, 3:208n
- Lectures on Political Principles, 3:38, 3:40n, 3:87, 3:189, 3:334
- Lessons to a Young Prince, by an Old Statesman, 15:337, 15:338n
- Letters on Political Liberty, 3:189, 3:190n, 3:207
Williams, E. (New York firm). See E. Williams (New York firm)
- Gaiatonsera Ionteweienstakwa Ongwe Onwe Gawennontakon: A Spelling-Book in the Language of the Seven Iroquois Nations, 7:182n
- Good News to the Iroquois Nation, 7:181n, 7:281n
- and T. Kosciuszko’s American investments, 6:91–6:92, 6:118, 6:166, 6:211–6:212, 6:212, 6:239–6:240, 6:240, 6:262, 6:263, 6:546, 6:546, 6:558, 6:606, 6:607n, 7:10, 7:46, 7:169, 7:189
- and payment for wine, 6:240
- translates Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent, during the years 1799–1804. by Alexander de Humboldt, and Aimé Bonpland, 10:243, 10:244n
Williams, Indiana Fletcher, 3:610n
- and altitude calculations, 9:10, 9:10n, 9:71–9:72, 9:72n, 9:172n, 9:187, 9:193, 9:193–9:194n, 9:313
- and American Philosophical Society, 3:94n, 7:437n, 9:12n
- gun for, 1:294
- identified, 3:94–3:95n
- letters from, 3:93–3:96, 8:40–8:41
- letters from accounted for, 6:507n
- letter to, from A. Partridge, 11:52–11:54
- and F. De Masson, 8:249–8:250, 8:250, 8:250
- and recommendation for C. Despinville, 4:374
- on sale of TJ’s library to Congress, 8:40–8:41
- Thermometrical Navigation, 3:95n
- and United States Military Philosophical Society, 6:507n, 7:48n, 9:192n
- on U.S. Military Academy, 3:93–3:94
- on water temperature and navigation, 3:93, 3:95n
- and velocity of military projectiles, 11:51, 11:52–11:54
- age of, 8:143n, 8:282–8:283, 8:350, 8:350n
- and climate change, 14:185
- as educator, 8:283, 8:283
- The Natural and Civil History of Vermont, 1:581, 2:71, 8:282–8:283, 8:350, 8:413–8:414
- as patron of Count Rumford, 8:283
- accused of conspiracy, 4:83, 4:628
- family of, 11:294
- forwards correspondence, 8:549–8:550, 8:684, 13:376–13:377
- and remittances to T. Kosciuszko, 10:639, 10:641
Williams, William Clayton, 3:45
Williams, William (ship captain), 15:547
- capitol building in, 10:384, 10:423
- governor’s palace in, 10:421, 10:438
- latitude of, 4:98
- longitude of, 4:246, 4:246
- meeting at Raleigh Tavern, 9:367–9:368
- newspapers in, 1:370n
- TJ meets P. Henry in, 4:598
- TJ on, 10:546
- identified, 1:597n
- letter from accounted for, 14:530n
- letters from, 1:597, 14:507
- letter to, 14:529–14:530
- translates The Principles of Health, [Elements of Hygiene] (É. Tourtelle), 1:597n, 14:507, 14:529–14:530
- sends prospectus to TJ, 1:597
- A Biographical Memoir of Hugh Williamson, M.D. LL.D. (D. Hosack), 15:127–15:128, 15:128n, 15:144, 15:144n
- The History of North Carolina, 9:178, 9:179n, 14:450, 14:524
- identified, 8:603–8:604n
- letter from, 8:603–8:604
- letter to, 8:675
- and Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York, 8:603, 8:675
- Observations on the Climate in Different Parts of America, 2:71, 2:71–2:72n
- writings of, 15:128, 15:144, 15:144n
Willis (W. Daingerfield’s slave), 15:94
- identified, 4:517n
- letters from accounted for, 4:516n
- letters to, 4:516–4:517
- seeks military appointment, 4:516–4:517
Willis, Harriet Fluker Randolph
Willis, Nelly Conway Madison (John Willis’s wife), 2:106n
Willis Creek tract (Cumberland Co.)
- and altitude of Peaks of Otter, 9:156
- described, 10:399–10:400, 15:499
- J. W. Eppes views, 3:195
- foliage on, 10:238
- mentioned, 10:608, 12:451, 15:287–15:288, 15:289n
- and phenomenon of looming, 8:298, 10:xlvii, 10:644
- surveying of, 9:687, 15:264, 15:264n
- TJ plans to visit, 4:132
- TJ’s drawing of, 10:xlvii–10:xlviii, 10:240 (illus.)
- TJ takes latitude of, 4:344–4:346, 4:369, 10:xlvii–10:xlviii, 10:571–10:572, 11:174
Willis’s River, 14:403, 14:404n, 14:412, 15:499
- boats of, transfer goods, 4:548–4:549
- and fish for TJ, 4:668, 4:677
- identified, 4:549n
- letters from, 4:668
- letters to, 4:548–4:549, 4:677
Wills’s Tavern (Fluvanna Co.), 12:526
- An Address delivered in Havre-de-Grace, June 4, 1812, 5:226, 5:227n, 5:288
- identified, 5:226–5:227n
- letters from, 5:226–5:227
- letters to, 5:288
- sends works to TJ, 5:226, 5:227n
- identified, 15:365n
- introduces J. Calvo, 15:363, 15:364–15:365
- letter from, to H. Nelson, 15:364–15:365
Wilson, Mr. (Maryland clothier), 1:16
Wilson, Mrs. (Washington boardinghouse proprietor), 13:78
- American Ornithology, 2:483n, 3:623n, 4:289, 7:626, 8:22, 8:22–8:23n, 8:671, 8:672n, 9:59–9:60, 9:130, 13:105–13:106, 13:106n, 13:306–13:307, 13:344–13:345
- American Philosophical Society membership diploma for, 6:115n
- publishes account of M. Lewis’s death, 7:63, 7:64n
- and western exploration, 13:105–13:106, 13:106n, 13:227, 13:344–13:345, 13:359–13:360
Wilson, John (of Rockbridge Co.)
- identified, 6:355n
- letters from, 6:354–6:355, 7:398, 8:114–8:118
- letters to, 6:413–6:415, 7:446, 8:123–8:124
- and salaries of federal clerks, 8:114–8:118, 8:123–8:124
- sends book manuscript, 6:354–6:355, 6:355n, 6:413
- A Volume for all Libraries … Being a System of Philological Entertainments, 6:355n, 6:415n, 6:415n, 7:398, 7:446
- identified, 9:373n
- letter from accounted for, 9:373n
- letter to, 9:372–9:373
- linguistic studies of, 9:372–9:373
- identified, 2:370n
- letters from accounted for, 2:370n
- letters to, 2:369–2:370
- and J. Wayles estate, 2:369–2:370, 2:540–2:541, 3:45, 3:86
- and Westham land, 8:129, 8:145, 8:146, 8:146n, 8:169, 8:171
- and Cartersville Bridge Company, 14:547–14:548, 14:580
- identified, 14:548n
- letter from, 14:547–14:548
- letter to, 14:580
- and Society of the Cincinnati, 12:99n
Wiltz, Françoise, 3:476, 3:477n, 3:478n, 3:485
Winchester College (England), 12:238
Winchester Gazette (newspaper)
- and Battle of River Raisin, 5:637n, 5:645, 5:646n, 5:648, 6:645, 8:222, 8:222, 8:263
- and command of Northwest Army, 5:396, 5:642–5:643
- rumored death and mutilation of, 8:222, 8:227n
- banks in, 10:660n
- chancery court at, 6:268, 10:557–10:558
- newspapers in, 11:503, 11:504n, 12:54, 14:120, 14:163
- Republican Constellation, 2:120, 2:120n, 2:174, 14:163n
- Virginia Centinel, 14:163n
- Remarks on a Pamphlet, entitled “An Enquiry respecting the Capture of Washington by the British, on the 24th of August, 1814, with, &c. &c. by Spectator”, 9:710, 9:710n
- and Battle of Bladensburg, 7:623, 7:623, 7:656n, 8:155
- brother’s pamphlet defending, 9:710, 9:710n
- and defense of Baltimore, 7:623, 7:656n, 8:153
- and defense of Washington, D.C., 8:153, 8:176, 8:264, 9:710, 9:710n
- military experience of, 6:528
- and Niagara Campaign, 5:410, 5:533–5:540
windmills, 1:647–1:648, 2:458–2:460, 2:460–2:461, 2:479, 8:80–8:81, 8:82n, 8:367, 8:458, 8:546–8:547, 14:624
wine See also grapes; Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate): viticulture at; viticulture
- Albaflor, 1:345, 1:365–1:366, 1:366, 1:366, 4:4, 4:529–4:530, 4:530n, 6:163
- Arruda, 3:240, 3:241n
- Artimino (Artiminiano), 10:275, 10:411, 10:416
- Banyalbufar, 1:366, 1:366
- Barsac, 9:209, 9:513, 10:58, 10:278, 10:292
- Beaumes, 9:513
- Bellet, 9:471–9:472, 9:569, 11:246, 11:404, 11:405, 11:407, 11:656, 11:657n, 12:566, 13:241, 13:246, 13:316, 13:447, 14:328, 14:329, 14:338, 14:338, 14:339, 14:339n, 15:186, 15:186, 15:384
- Blanquefort, 9:513
- books on, 2:82, 2:83n, 8:411
- Bordeaux, 9:288, 12:30, 13:14, 13:16, 13:445n, 14:328, 14:329
- brandy added to, 2:221, 2:222, 2:223, 2:339, 3:240, 11:296, 11:300, 11:345
- burgundy, 1:257, 1:586, 2:339, 4:176–4:177, 9:288, 9:288n, 9:348, 9:513, 10:21, 12:29, 12:30, 12:515, 13:121, 13:121
- Calon, 9:513
- Cantenac, 9:513
- Cape, 9:513, 14:327, 14:338
- Carbonnieux, 9:513
- Carcavelos, 14:327, 14:338
- Carmignano, 10:58, 10:58n, 10:91, 10:92n, 10:274, 10:299, 10:411, 10:416
- Carrasqueira, 3:240, 3:241n
- Casanuova di Ama, 10:58, 10:58n, 10:91, 10:275, 10:411, 10:416, 10:475, 10:476, 11:171, 11:579–11:580
- ceremonial use of, 12:61, 12:62, 12:62, 12:64, 12:64, 12:65, 12:70
- champagne, 9:209, 9:288, 9:513, 12:29
- Chianti, 10:275, 10:411, 10:416
- cisterns for storage of, 9:466, 9:468n
- claret, 1:387, 1:397, 2:191, 8:232, 9:512, 9:513, 9:513, 11:405, 11:407, 12:30, 12:374, 12:386–12:387n, 12:580, 12:581, 13:14, 13:15, 13:16, 13:16, 13:171, 13:243, 13:244n, 13:302, 13:379, 13:445n, 13:448, 13:507, 14:328, 15:9n, 15:119, 15:120, 15:262
- clarification of, 10:606, 11:5
- cognac, 1:32
- Condrieu, 9:513
- Côte-Rôtie, 9:513
- currant, 2:221–2:222, 5:323–5:324, 5:369, 8:82, 9:348
- as dysentery remedy, 1:483
- of Faial (Fayal), 9:513
- of Florence, 9:359, 11:131–11:132, 11:137, 11:247, 12:30, 12:30, 14:63, 14:256, 14:257, 15:135
- French, 1:313n, 1:387, 2:339, 8:570–8:571, 8:571–8:572, 8:572, 10:58, 10:68, 10:75, 10:109, 10:112, 10:118–10:119, 10:157, 10:170–10:171, 10:193–10:194, 10:217, 10:218, 10:229–10:230, 10:292, 10:307, 10:338, 10:343, 10:358, 10:610
- friendship compared to, 9:76
- Frontignan, 14:327, 14:338
- glasses for, 6:344
- Graves, 9:513, 9:513, 14:327, 14:338
- Haut-Brion, Château, 9:513
- Hermitage, 8:570–8:571, 8:571, 8:572, 9:209, 9:209–9:210, 9:212n, 9:323, 9:421, 9:421, 9:470, 9:513, 9:569, 10:68, 10:109, 11:246, 11:405, 11:531, 12:30, 13:243, 13:302
- hock, 9:513, 14:327, 14:338
- Italian, 1:387, 10:58, 10:58n, 10:91, 10:92n, 10:249, 10:274–10:275, 10:299, 10:407, 10:407n, 10:411, 10:416, 10:475, 10:476
- Lacryma Christi, 13:28
- Lafite, Château, 9:513
- Langon, 9:513
- Latour, Château, 9:513
- of Lédenon, 10:170, 10:170, 10:338, 11:246, 11:404, 11:404, 11:404, 11:405, 11:407, 11:531, 11:653, 12:374, 12:515, 12:566, 12:580, 13:10, 13:302, 14:327, 14:328, 14:328, 14:328, 14:329, 15:120, 15:262
- Léoville, 9:513
- of Lunel, 14:327, 14:329, 14:329, 14:338
- Madeira, 1:155, 1:387, 1:397, 2:221, 8:571, 8:571, 9:263, 9:288, 9:421, 9:513, 10:443, 12:30, 12:523, 13:121, 13:122, 13:379, 14:44, 14:327–14:328, 14:338
- of Málaga, 9:513
- Malmsey, 9:513, 14:328, 14:338
- Margaux, 9:513
- as medicine, 8:232, 14:44
- Médoc, 9:513, 9:513
- mentioned, 14:81, 14:84
- Montepulciano, 9:350–9:351, 9:351n, 9:416, 9:671, 10:58, 10:91, 10:249, 10:411, 11:247, 11:579–11:580, 12:30, 12:42–12:43, 12:268, 13:11, 13:166, 13:243, 13:302
- Moscadello de Montalcino, 3:377
- Moselle, 9:513
- muscatel, 14:329, 14:329, 15:63, 15:120, 15:120, 15:262
- of Nice, 8:571, 8:571, 8:572, 9:210, 9:323, 9:421, 9:421, 9:470, 9:569, 9:570, 9:573n, 10:112, 11:246, 11:246, 11:404, 11:404, 11:405, 11:407, 11:531, 12:277, 12:374, 12:406, 12:566, 12:579–12:580, 12:580, 12:580, 12:586–12:587, 13:9, 13:240, 13:241, 13:246, 13:308, 13:316, 13:445n, 13:445n, 13:447, 13:468, 13:507, 14:118, 14:327, 14:327, 14:328, 14:338, 14:338, 15:76–15:77
- Noyau, 1:155, 1:156n
- Oeiras, 3:240, 3:241n
- Orvieto, 12:578, 13:252, 14:63
- of Pailherols, 10:170, 10:170, 10:307, 11:531
- Pajarete (Pacharetti), 8:571, 8:571, 9:513, 12:30, 14:327, 14:327, 14:338, 14:338
- Palus, 9:513
- C. W. Peale produces, 5:323–5:324
- Podensac (Podenac), 9:513
- at Poplar Forest, 13:545, 13:566, 14:632–14:633, 15:474
- port, 1:483, 8:232, 9:263, 9:313, 9:324, 9:325, 9:366, 9:402, 9:474, 9:602, 9:659, 10:247, 10:313, 10:313n, 10:335, 10:351, 11:246, 14:327, 14:328, 14:338, 14:338
- Portuguese, 2:165, 2:166n, 8:571, 8:571, 8:662, 9:77, 9:98, 9:133, 9:313, 9:324, 9:325n, 9:513, 10:313, 10:313n, 10:335, 10:351
- Preignac, 9:513
- price of, 8:572, 12:30, 15:78n
- production of, 9:198, 9:198, 9:311
- for T. J. Randolph, 12:205, 12:374, 12:381n, 12:569, 12:580, 12:581, 13:564, 13:565, 13:585, 13:607
- recipe for, 2:222
- requested from TJ, 8:232
- Rhine, 14:327, 14:338
- of Rivesaltes, 8:571, 9:421, 11:246, 11:532, 11:584, 12:29–12:30, 12:30, 12:374, 12:566, 12:566, 12:579–12:580, 12:580, 12:581, 13:9, 13:240, 13:302, 13:447, 13:448, 14:327, 14:329, 15:120
- of Roussillon, 8:571, 8:571, 8:572, 9:323, 9:421, 9:421, 9:470, 9:570, 10:112, 10:118–10:119, 10:171, 10:217, 10:343, 10:358, 11:246, 11:404, 11:404, 11:405, 11:407, 11:531, 11:531, 11:532, 11:584, 11:653, 12:29–12:30, 12:30, 12:406, 12:580, 13:302, 13:607, 13:607
- St. Bris, 9:513
- St. George (Agiorgitiko), 3:505, 9:513n
- Sanlúcar, 9:513
- Sauternes, 9:209, 9:513
- scuppernong, 11:50, 11:156, 11:175, 11:218, 11:219, 11:237, 11:238, 11:292, 11:295–11:296, 11:300, 11:302, 11:345, 13:126–13:127, 13:173, 13:277, 13:283, 13:287, 13:577, 14:76, 14:141, 14:520, 14:561
- sent to Poplar Forest, 15:311
- sent to TJ, 1:281–1:282, 2:221, 2:292, 2:330, 2:338–2:339, 4:34, 4:215, 4:219, 4:220, 4:220, 4:487, 4:522, 4:530, 9:348, 9:366, 9:401–9:402, 9:573n, 9:602, 9:659, 9:660, 10:57, 10:68, 10:109, 10:118–10:119, 10:127, 10:342, 10:358, 10:358–10:359, 10:395, 10:407, 10:407n, 10:411, 10:411, 10:416, 10:434–10:435, 10:435, 10:440, 10:440–10:441n, 10:466, 10:475, 10:476, 10:494, 10:521, 11:131, 11:131–11:132, 11:137, 11:137–11:138, 11:144, 11:195, 11:204, 11:218, 11:238, 11:406, 11:656, 12:205, 12:374, 12:380–12:381, 12:386–12:387, 12:405–12:406, 12:436, 12:482, 12:503, 12:522, 12:523–12:524, 12:527, 12:528, 12:535, 12:543, 12:547, 12:550, 12:566, 12:579–12:580, 12:586–12:587, 12:633, 12:645, 13:10, 13:140, 13:140n, 13:165, 13:166, 13:168, 13:242, 13:253, 13:253, 13:285, 13:316, 13:350, 13:443, 13:576, 14:57, 14:72, 14:76, 14:141, 14:256, 14:257, 15:44, 15:45, 15:63, 15:117, 15:119, 15:120, 15:134, 15:157, 15:186, 15:186, 15:202, 15:259, 15:262, 15:262, 15:286, 15:299, 15:380, 15:413–15:414, 15:442, 15:482
- served at Monticello, 8:235, 8:241, 13:364
- sherry, 8:571, 8:571, 8:662, 9:77, 9:98, 9:313, 9:324, 9:513
- of Sicily, 9:513
- Spanish, 8:571, 8:571, 8:571, 9:513
- storage of at Monticello, 8:xlvii, 10:420n
- straw, 9:209, 9:212n
- students consume, 15:141
- subsidy for production of, 9:426
- sugar added to, 2:220–2:221, 2:223, 2:330, 2:338, 2:339
- tariff on, 9:512–9:513, 9:513, 9:513n, 11:246, 12:381n, 12:406, 12:503, 12:504n, 12:515, 13:15, 13:345, 13:346, 13:378–13:380, 13:380n, 13:438, 13:439n, 13:445n, 13:446, 13:460, 13:489–13:490, 14:42n, 14:328–14:329
- tavern charges for, 9:19, 9:19
- of Tenerife, 9:324, 9:366, 9:401–9:402, 9:499, 9:513, 9:602, 9:659, 9:660, 10:219, 10:247
- Termo, 3:240, 3:241n, 9:263
- TJ arranges delivery of, 9:313, 9:351, 9:370, 9:402, 9:416, 9:449, 9:499, 9:659, 10:68, 10:112–10:113, 10:292, 10:300, 10:318, 12:274, 12:515, 13:314, 13:345, 13:346
- TJ orders from T. Appleton, 9:350–9:351, 9:351n, 9:359, 9:416, 10:157, 10:274–10:275, 10:299, 12:268, 12:269n, 12:578, 12:608–12:609, 15:135
- TJ orders from H. G. Burton, 10:673, 11:50, 11:156, 11:175, 11:238, 11:292, 11:300, 13:126, 13:173
- TJ orders from S. Cathalan, 8:570–8:572, 8:572, 8:587, 8:589, 8:590n, 8:603, 8:627, 8:632, 8:633n, 8:670, 9:186, 9:209–9:210, 9:212n, 9:276, 9:323, 9:420–9:421, 9:470, 9:471–9:472, 9:569–9:570, 9:570, 10:75, 10:112, 10:157, 10:170, 10:171, 10:193, 10:217, 10:218, 10:229–10:230, 10:307, 10:338, 10:343, 11:404–11:406, 11:407, 11:420, 11:531–11:532, 11:652–11:654, 11:656, 12:374, 12:580, 12:580, 12:587, 12:608–12:609, 13:14–13:15, 13:16, 13:16, 13:246, 13:308, 13:316, 13:446, 13:447, 13:447, 13:448, 13:449, 13:506, 13:564–13:565, 13:585, 13:607, 14:327–14:329, 14:349, 14:352, 14:625–14:626, 14:627, 15:63
- TJ orders from J. Dodge, 14:625–14:626, 15:195
- TJ orders from J. F. Oliveira Fernandes, 9:263, 9:313, 9:324–9:325, 9:325, 9:366, 9:370, 9:401–9:402, 9:449, 9:499, 9:594, 9:602, 9:659, 9:660, 10:219, 10:246, 10:247, 10:247, 10:313, 10:335, 10:351
- TJ orders from J. V. A. Sasserno, 12:587, 13:240, 13:246, 14:338–14:339, 15:76–15:77, 15:118, 15:195
- TJ orders from H. Sheaff, 8:662, 9:77, 9:98, 9:130
- TJ orders from P. Walsh, 3:505, 3:512, 4:189, 4:528–4:529, 4:529–4:530, 4:592, 4:666, 6:240
- TJ purchases from B. Skelton estate, 2:466
- TJ recommends, 11:246–11:247, 11:276, 12:29–12:30, 12:30, 12:44, 13:302
- TJ’s biblical allusion to, 3:606
- TJ’s consumption of, 9:474, 14:156, 14:419
- for TJ’s friends, 12:42–12:43, 12:44, 12:53, 12:566–12:567, 12:569, 13:325, 13:349, 13:372, 13:468, 13:506, 13:530, 13:557, 14:118
- Tokay, 9:513, 12:29
- of Tuscany, 10:58, 10:58n, 10:91, 10:92n, 10:274–10:275, 10:407, 10:407n, 11:131, 13:277, 13:283, 14:628, 15:117n
- at U.S. Marine Hospital, 1:299
- vin cuit, 15:63, 15:64n, 15:119, 15:120, 15:120, 15:262, 15:262
- white, 2:191, 8:662, 11:653, 11:653, 11:654n
Wing, Tobias (ship captain), 12:569n
- ed. Britton, 1:383, 3:546
- Maximes of Reason: or, the Reason of the Common Law of England, 7:147–7:148
- identified, 8:392n
- letter from, to P. Wingate, 8:665–8:667
- letters from, 8:391–8:392, 8:405–8:408, 8:423–8:424, 8:665–8:667, 9:653–9:654
- letters to, 8:441, 10:9
- plan for political and religious renewal, 8:391–8:392, 8:405–8:408, 8:423–8:424, 8:441, 8:665
- reports revelations from God, 8:665–8:667, 10:9
- seeks federal appointment, 8:407, 8:667, 9:653–9:654
- sends book to TJ, 9:653
- conducts funeral, 4:135–4:136, 4:136, 4:155–4:156
- identified, 4:136n
- and Jefferson v. Michie, 6:576n
- letters from, 4:136, 4:155–4:156
- letters to, 4:135–4:136
- letters to accounted for, 4:156n
- witnesses document, 5:570n
Winn, John (d. 1837) See also Wayt & Winn (Charlottesville firm)
- as agent for C. Massie, 9:269
- and Albemarle Academy, 7:267, 7:282, 7:293, 7:335, 7:339, 7:339, 7:427, 7:535, 7:570, 7:571, 11:253, 15:93
- as Albemarle Co. school commissioner, 15:383n
- and Albemarle Volunteer Company subscription, 5:344
- and Central College, 15:91
- and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:323, 11:331, 13:161, 15:88, 15:98
- Charlottesville postmaster, 4:48, 4:48n, 5:364
- identified, 2:201n
- letters from, 2:201, 6:111
- merchant, 6:54n
- requests lead from TJ, 6:111
- seeks lime, 2:201
- and University of Virginia, 15:97, 15:100
- vouches for O. Norris, 3:465
A Winter in Washington: or, Memoirs of the Seymour Family (Margaret Bayard Smith), 1:10n, 1:397n
Winthrop, James Bowdoin. See Bowdoin (Winthrop), James
- A Journal Of the Transactions and Occurrences in the settlement of Massachusetts and the other New-England Colonies, 5:387, 5:390n, 5:508–5:509
Winthrop, John (1714–79), 7:217
Wirt, Elizabeth Washington Gamble (William Wirt’s wife), 2:470
- and American biographies, 7:411, 7:412n, 7:446, 7:447n, 8:619–8:621, 8:641–8:646
- as attorney general, 13:lii, 13:125, 13:384
- and batture controversy, 3:331, 3:332, 3:475–3:476, 3:481–3:483, 3:483–3:488, 5:16, 13:lii
- and Central College, 8:317
- and committees of correspondence, 14:289
- consults with TJ on batture case, 2:414, 2:416–2:417, 2:427, 2:428, 2:473, 2:474–2:475, 2:511, 3:45–3:46, 3:226–3:227
- discusses batture case with D. Carr, 2:469–2:470, 2:493, 2:494
- drafts address to TJ, 1:611n
- drafts batture pleadings, 3:397, 3:397–3:400, 3:400–3:401, 3:401–3:404, 3:404–3:407, 3:407–3:410, 3:410–3:411
- and W. Duane, 3:507, 3:509n, 3:509n, 3:515, 3:540, 3:549–3:550, 3:563–3:564, 3:573–3:574, 3:585, 3:586, 3:591–3:592, 3:593–3:594n, 3:601–3:603, 3:626–3:627, 3:634, 3:634n
- endorses silk-manufacturing project, 1:341–1:342, 1:355, 1:424
- as examiner of The Statutes at Large (W. W. Hening), 8:349n
- friendship with P. Carr and S. Carr, 10:315
- gives legal opinion, 10:61, 11:478, 11:478n, 11:479n, 11:486
- and Henderson case, 6:573, 6:573
- identified, 1:341–1:342n
- and inkstand for TJ, 5:38, 5:39n, 5:111
- introduces W. J. Edelen, 15:58
- introduces A. Insinger, 15:459
- and T. Kosciuszko’s estate, 12:317, 12:319, 12:322–12:323, 12:346, 12:369, 13:384, 13:528, 14:68, 14:79, 14:130, 14:131, 14:427, 14:444, 14:482–14:483, 14:508, 15:210, 15:376–15:377
- letters from, 1:341–1:342, 2:155–2:156, 2:414, 2:493, 2:675–2:677, 3:549–3:550, 3:573–3:575, 3:626–3:627, 4:615–4:617, 5:263, 7:492–7:496, 8:351, 8:619–8:621, 10:315–10:316, 10:346–10:347, 10:384, 10:408, 10:431, 10:487–10:489, 12:17–12:18, 13:528, 14:508, 15:58, 15:459
- letters from accounted for, 2:494n
- The Letters of the British Spy, 4:471, 4:472n, 4:560, 8:140, 8:671, 8:672n
- letters to, 2:314, 2:401–2:402, 2:474–2:475, 2:494, 3:47, 3:481–3:483, 3:515, 3:545–3:546, 3:563–3:564, 3:601, 3:601–3:604, 4:596–4:598, 5:242–5:243, 6:351, 7:544–7:551, 8:333, 8:483–8:484, 8:641–8:646, 10:337, 10:365–10:366, 10:419–10:420, 10:437–10:438, 10:523–10:524, 12:96–12:97, 12:322–12:323, 13:384–13:385, 14:482–14:483, 15:376–15:377
- and Livingston v. Jefferson, 4:596–4:597, 4:679
- mentioned, 14:581
- and W. C. Nicholas’s debts, 14:587n
- Notes on Membership in the Virginia House of Burgesses and the Rhode Island Stamp Act Resolves, 8:621–8:623
- and L. L. Paradise estate, 10:580
- C. W. Peale paints, 13:lii, 13:400 (illus.), 13:540
- recommended as attorney general, 1:626
- on relationship with TJ, 10:315
- and J. H. Rice, 12:17–12:18, 12:96–12:97
- Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry, 2:155–2:156, 2:314, 4:596, 4:604n, 4:605, 7:551, 8:140, 8:619–8:621, 9:219–9:220, 9:220n, 9:407, 10:315–10:316, 10:337, 10:346–10:347, 10:347n, 10:365–10:366, 10:384, 10:406, 10:408, 10:419–10:420, 10:421–10:423, 10:423n, 10:431, 10:434, 10:437–10:438, 10:487–10:488, 10:523–10:524, 12:l, 12:44, 12:322, 12:348 (illus.), 12:493, 12:496, 12:496–12:497, 12:517–12:518, 12:531n, 12:549n, 13:lii, 13:24, 13:48, 13:274–13:275, 13:275n, 14:288, 14:289, 14:373, 14:524
- and Theological Seminary of Virginia, 9:379n
- and suit of A. Randolph’s executors, 4:597
- TJ hires as counsel, 2:398, 2:401–2:402, 2:406, 2:408+, 2:494
- TJ pays, 4:594, 4:596, 4:597n, 4:615, 4:618, 6:337
- TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:624
- and TJ’s land dispute with S. Scott, 5:239, 5:242–5:243, 5:263, 5:337, 5:361, 6:351, 8:328, 8:333, 8:351
- and TJ’s List of Authorities cited in Statement on the Batture Case, 3:545–3:546, 3:546–3:547
- and TJ’s recollections of P. Henry, 4:595–4:596, 4:597, 4:598–4:605, 4:616, 7:493–7:495, 7:544–7:550, 8:140, 8:619, 8:620, 8:620, 8:621n, 8:642, 8:643–8:644, 8:645, 10:421–10:423, 14:289
- and TJ’s Statement of Facts in the Batture Case, 3:481–3:483, 3:499
- and TJ’s statement on the batture case, 2:545, 2:568, 2:657, 2:660, 2:675–2:677, 3:42–3:43, 3:47, 3:47–3:49, 3:152, 3:203, 3:226
- toast by, 1:615+
- and American Philosophical Society, 1:100, 1:677, 6:516, 8:103, 8:193, 8:194n, 8:202, 8:246, 8:247n, 8:247, 8:445, 8:449n, 11:376, 11:427, 12:386, 12:387, 12:390, 12:455, 12:469, 12:482, 12:608, 12:609, 13:67
- anatomical studies of, 6:253, 8:447–8:448, 8:449n, 13:122
- and J. Corrêa da Serra, 5:8, 6:252–6:253, 6:253, 6:415, 7:608, 8:243, 9:66, 9:67, 12:404
- death of, 12:386, 12:387, 12:389, 12:390, 12:391, 12:402, 12:404, 12:434, 12:435, 12:469, 12:545, 12:647, 13:122
- and educational reform, 8:243, 8:445–8:447
- eulogies for, 12:391, 12:455, 12:456, 12:482, 12:556–12:557, 12:608
- family of, 4:141, 8:448, 8:449n, 12:455
- and B. Franklin’s correspondence, 11:375, 11:426–11:427
- health of, 9:66–9:67, 11:289, 12:386
- and Historical and Literary Committee of the American Philosophical Society, 9:180n
- A. von Humboldt sends greetings to, 1:453n
- identified, 1:101n
- on Indians, 9:64–9:66, 9:121
- and instruction of M. Lewis, 6:424n
- introduces B. Otis, 10:90
- introduces J. B. Stevenson, 11:151
- introduces G. Ticknor, 8:193, 8:243
- invited to dinner, 10:352
- letters from, 5:25–5:26, 6:252–6:253, 8:243, 8:243–8:244, 8:445–8:449, 9:64–9:67, 10:90–10:91, 11:151–11:152, 11:375–11:376
- letters to, 1:100–1:101, 4:190–4:191, 5:94, 6:415–6:416, 6:516, 7:607–7:608, 8:103, 9:121–9:122, 11:426–11:427
- and mammoth bones, 8:243, 8:448
- and mastodon bones, 1:100, 1:510–1:511, 5:26n, 5:94, 5:572–5:573, 6:253, 6:415–6:416
- medical advice of, 4:416
- mentioned, 3:472n, 8:82, 9:282, 10:145n
- and plans for Albemarle Academy, 7:607–7:608
- portrait of, 12:368, 13:40
- proposed visit to Monticello of, 9:66–9:67, 9:122, 9:122, 10:254, 10:314, 11:375, 11:427
- and T. J. Randolph, 1:309, 2:285, 6:253, 6:416, 8:448–8:449, 9:122
- recommendation of T. Matlack, 5:25, 5:94
- A System of Anatomy for the Use of Students of Medicine, 8:447, 8:449n, 9:67
- TJ introduces D. Burwell to, 4:190, 4:190–4:191
- TJ on, 12:434, 12:469, 12:482, 12:608
- on TJ’s friendship, 8:445
- TJ’s introduction of F. W. Gilmer to, 8:58–8:59, 8:78, 8:101, 8:103, 8:243, 8:243
- as university professor, 13:429, 15:307
- and J. Vaughan, 12:387
- visits Monticello, 10:352, 10:465
- on yellow fever, 10:137, 10:151–10:152
Wistar, Elizabeth Mifflin (Caspar Wistar’s wife), 1:309
- as member of Continental Congress, 8:626, 8:657
- The Works of the Rev. John Witherspoon (ed. J. Rodgers), 8:626n, 10:646
woad, blue, 2:271, 3:461–3:462, 10:471
- as governor of Conn., 11:270n, 11:354, 11:355n, 14:648n
- as secretary of the treasury, 6:194, 15:557n
- Briefe an Hernn Hofrath Heyne von Professor Wolf, 9:88n
- classical scholar, 9:698
- edits Oratio Pro M. Marcello (Cicero), 9:87
- Prolegomena ad Homerum, 9:86–9:87
- edits Epicteti Stoici Philosophi Enchiridion: Unà cum Cebetis Thebani Tabula. Quibus adjiciuntur hac Editione Simplicii Commentarius in Enchiridion Epicteti. Item Arriani Commentariorum de Epicteti Disputationibus, Lib. IV (Epictetus, Cebes, Simplicius, and Arrian), 14:510
Wolf Creek (Bedford Co.), 2:237, 3:187, 3:188n, 4:317, 4:318n
Wollaston, Richard, 5:386, 5:508–5:513, 5:583
women See also health: pregnancy and childbirth
- accounts with
- and child rearing, 13:582, 13:605
- cost to hire, 8:307
- crimes against, 10:463, 10:483, 10:483n
- documents by
- education of, 7:659, 8:513, 8:630, 11:134n, 11:670, 12:252, 12:406–12:407, 12:407n, 12:471, 12:532–12:533, 12:534–12:535, 14:103, 14:208, 14:347, 15:294
- free white, number at Monticello, 3:202
- as guests at Poplar Forest, 15:23n
- health of, 13:582
- hominy for pregnant, 7:82
- housewives, 5:223
- letters from
- A. S. Adams, 6:516–6:517, 10:583–10:584, 11:294
- M. B. Andrews, 9:93–9:94
- M. A. Archbald, 1:238–1:240, 2:201–2:203
- L. R. Bailey, 2:309, 2:369
- A. C. Bankhead, 12:553
- E. P. Bonaparte, 8:378–8:379
- M. B. Bonneville, 6:8
- F. Brand, 12:503
- M. B. Briggs, 9:540–9:541
- L. Broadnax, 14:370–14:371
- S. M. Bruff, 9:610–9:611
- Madame Bureaux de Pusy, 5:71–5:72, 5:402–5:403
- E. M. Cathalan, 14:599–14:600, 14:637–14:638, 15:65–15:67, 15:195–15:196
- L. Cooley, 6:428
- E. W. R. Coolidge, 9:578–9:579
- E. W. R. Coolidge to M. J. Randolph, 10:516–10:517, 11:625–11:626, 11:626–11:628, 12:634–12:635, 14:565–14:567, 14:631–14:634
- Madame de Corny, 1:173–1:175
- M. Cosway, 14:207–14:209
- A. Craig, 1:67–1:68
- S. B. Dearborn, 9:262–9:263
- C. de Montcarel, 13:418–13:421
- Madame Deshay, 1:450–1:451
- E. Eppes, 2:206
- A. Graham, 7:204–7:205
- S. Grotjan, 6:12–6:13
- Hannah (TJ’s slave; b. 1770), 13:liii, 13:393–13:394, 13:400 (illus.)
- C. V. H. Leuba, 15:265–15:268
- M. Lewis, 2:291–2:292, 5:357
- Lewis sisters, 3:90–3:91
- J. Lomax, 7:16
- V. Murray, 9:213–9:215
- M. L. Page, 13:152
- M. T. Page, 3:276
- E. M. Pini, 12:264–12:266, 13:508–13:509
- C. J. Randolph to M. E. R. Eppes, 11:631–11:632
- C. J. Randolph to V. J. R. Trist, 10:491–10:492, 11:622–11:624, 11:628–11:630, 11:631–11:632
- M. J. Randolph, 8:664, 10:536–10:538, 14:593–14:594
- Madame Reibelt, 2:394–2:395
- L. F. Smith, 6:126–6:127
- M. B. Smith, 1:29+, 10:261–10:263
- Madame de Staël Holstein, 5:449–5:453, 9:326–9:328, 11:116–11:118
- E. H. Stanley, 15:504–15:508
- M. Stith, 3:458
- Madame de Tessé, 1:271–1:274, 1:593–1:594, 2:310–2:312, 4:322–4:324, 5:188–5:190
- E. Ticknor, 10:383
- E. Trist, 1:98, 2:283–2:285, 5:111–5:113, 7:59–7:63, 7:226–7:228, 7:500–7:502, 8:84–8:85, 8:295–8:296, 9:456–9:457, 10:214–10:215, 10:449–10:450, 10:595–10:596
- M. L. M. Walsh, 13:431–13:434
- letters from accounted for
- letters sent under cover to, 9:683
- letters to
- A. S. Adams, 6:437–6:438, 10:655–10:657, 11:357
- M. B. Andrews, 9:27–9:29
- L. R. Bailey, 2:336, 3:241
- A. C. Bankhead, 2:103–2:104, 3:633–3:634
- E. P. Bonaparte, 8:434–8:435
- M. B. Bonneville, 6:47
- F. W. Brand, 9:262
- M. B. Briggs, 9:682
- S. M. Bruff, 9:682–9:683
- Madame Bureaux de Pusy, 5:163–5:164, 5:441
- E. W. R. Coolidge, 6:646–6:647, 9:553–9:554
- Madame de Corny, 11:160–11:161
- M. Daingerfield, 1:47–1:48, 2:41
- S. B. Dearborn, 5:165, 5:597, 9:404
- C. de Montcarel, 13:441
- E. Eppes, 2:129–2:130
- M. B. Eppes, 2:126–2:127
- M. E. R. Eppes from C. J. Randolph, 11:631–11:632
- S. Grotjan, 6:47–6:48
- M. Lewis, 4:38, 7:78
- L. M. L. Marks, 11:198
- M. T. Page, 3:423–3:424
- C. J. Randolph, 3:635
- M. J. Randolph, 3:392, 3:394, 7:400–7:401, 8:664, 8:697, 9:147–9:148, 10:516–10:517, 10:570, 11:641, 11:669–11:670, 12:198, 12:228, 13:226, 13:233–13:234, 13:242–13:243, 13:250, 14:574, 14:635–14:636
- M. J. Randolph from E. W. R. Coolidge, 10:517–10:518, 11:625–11:626, 11:626–11:628, 12:634–12:635, 14:565–14:567, 14:631–14:634
- M. J. Randolph from B. Vaughan, 14:461–14:463
- L. F. Smith, 6:161–6:162
- M. B. Smith, 1:29, 10:300–10:301
- Madame de Staël Holstein, 8:576–8:577, 10:373–10:376
- M. Stith, 3:432–3:433
- Madame de Tessé, 3:503–3:504, 7:33–7:36
- E. Trist, 1:80–1:81, 2:265–2:266, 5:26–5:27, 7:178–7:179, 7:409–7:410, 8:163–8:164, 8:515–8:517, 9:710–9:712, 10:545–10:546
- V. J. R. Trist from C. J. Randolph, 10:491–10:492, 11:622–11:624, 11:628–11:630, 11:631–11:632
- E. H. Willard, 15:294
- F. Wright, 15:612–15:613
- letters to accounted for
- plant remedies for, 5:30
- raped by British servicemen, 6:446, 6:515
- schools for, 1:367, 1:368n, 1:506, 1:507n, 3:155, 3:201, 14:261
- spousal mistreatment of, 9:131, 14:9, 14:77, 14:110, 14:594
- supposed characteristics of, 15:506
- and textile manufacture, 8:547, 8:635, 8:635n
- TJ on, 10:274, 10:368
- TJ’s List of Recommended Books for Female Education, 12:534–12:535
Wonder-Working Providence of Sions Saviour (E. Johnson), 5:386, 5:390n
wood See also building materials
- in agricultural machinery, 8:463
- ashes used as fertilizer, 10:533, 10:533, 10:534, 14:249
- engraving on, 7:559
- firewood, 4:210, 5:38n, 5:427, 5:427, 5:607–5:608, 6:348, 8:xlvii–8:xlviii, 8:81, 8:120, 8:120, 8:591, 9:482, 9:483, 9:483–9:484n, 10:621, 11:20, 14:187, 14:307, 14:390
- for furniture, 11:307, 11:548
- shingles, 13:399, 15:4, 15:5, 15:5, 15:5
- used for polygraph, 8:545
- for water pipes, 14:71, 14:131, 14:641–14:642, 14:653, 15:545
- and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:324, 11:331, 13:161, 15:97
- sells corn to TJ, 14:317, 14:472
- TJ’s debt to, 15:425
- identified, 1:503n
- letters from, 1:501–1:503
- praises TJ, 1:501–1:502
- Revolutionary War claim of, 1:502–1:503
Wood, James (of Albemarle Co.)
- and Albemarle Academy, 5:102
- and Central College, 11:303, 11:335–11:336, 11:396, 12:52, 12:182, 12:205–12:206, 13:6–13:7, 13:56–13:57
- circular on Va. statistics, 14:561, 14:562–14:563, 14:595, 14:596
- on T. Cooper, 8:609, 13:270
- and education of F. W. Eppes, 11:49, 11:50, 11:175, 11:233–11:234, 11:261, 11:292, 11:396, 11:409, 11:409, 12:52
- and education of T. J. Randolph, 1:520, 2:95, 2:134, 2:171, 2:564–2:565
- health of, 8:609, 10:324, 11:396, 12:52, 12:182
- identified, 2:96n
- on influence of clergy at colleges, 8:609–8:610
- letters from, 2:95–2:96, 2:171–2:172, 2:564–2:565, 8:609–8:610, 9:566–9:567, 9:642–9:644, 10:288–10:289, 11:49–11:50, 11:395–11:396, 12:52, 12:182–12:183, 13:6–13:7, 14:561–14:562
- letters to, 2:134, 8:646–8:647, 9:621–9:622, 10:324–10:325, 11:112–11:113, 11:261, 11:335–11:336, 12:205–12:206, 13:56–13:57, 14:595
- loans book to TJ, 13:57
- and New London Academy, 11:280, 11:335
- A New Theory of the Diurnal Rotation of the Earth, 2:95, 2:134, 2:161, 2:171, 2:536, 3:251, 3:251n
- proposes school in Charlottesville, 8:609, 8:646
- Richmond school of, 10:664, 10:672, 11:18–11:19, 11:49, 11:59, 11:112–11:113, 11:233–11:234, 11:261, 11:292, 12:52
- sends letters to France through TJ, 2:295, 2:536
- and surveying instruments, 10:289, 10:324–10:325, 11:50, 11:112, 14:561, 14:595, 15:464n
- TJ on, 2:536
- as Va. state surveyor, 9:566–9:567, 9:621–9:622, 9:628, 9:642–9:643, 10:288–10:289, 10:324, 11:396, 11:409, 12:52, 12:182, 12:206, 13:7, 14:561, 14:562–14:563, 14:595
- as portrait painter, 7:296, 7:498, 7:523, 8:389, 8:389, 9:352, 9:405, 9:460, 10:38, 10:39n, 12:li, 12:348 (illus.)
Wood, Lucy Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; John T. Wood’s wife)
- and Milton lands, 1:440, 1:459, 1:460–1:461, 1:463, 5:422, 5:423, 6:50–6:51, 6:51n, 6:367, 6:367n, 6:472, 7:118–7:119, 7:119n, 7:352, 7:352n, 7:352n, 7:352, 10:103–10:104, 10:104–10:105, 10:471, 10:499–10:500, 10:590–10:591, 10:591, 10:619–10:622, 10:623–10:624, 10:624, 11:18, 11:19, 11:20, 11:20, 11:20, 11:42, 11:42, 11:42–11:43n, 11:56–11:57, 12:559–12:560
Wood, Thomas (of Albemarle Co.)
Wood, Thomas (of Albemarle Co.)
- boats of, 15:390, 15:414, 15:414–15:415n, 15:545
- dam of, 2:97, 2:98n
- finances of, 15:455
- Fluvanna Co. mill of, 3:218, 3:219n, 15:243
- identified, 15:414n
- as juror, 5:279, 5:279
- letters from, 15:414–15:415, 15:455
- and navigation of Rivanna River, 8:166
- petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
- TJ pays, 15:414–15:415n, 15:455
- TJ’s debt to, 15:425
- witnesses warrant, 5:280
Woodhouse, James, 1:307, 1:452, 1:453n
Woodlands (Hamilton’s Pa. estate), 1:191, 1:192, 1:479
Woodlawn (L. Lewis’s Fairfax Co. estate)
- and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:331, 13:162, 15:98
- petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
- and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:323, 11:331, 13:161, 15:97
- deputy sheriff, 1:590, 1:595, 1:595n
- as justice of Albemarle Co. court, 11:467n
- petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254, 4:346–4:349
Woods, William (ca. 1777–1849)
- as Albemarle Co. surveyor, 10:239, 10:239n, 10:666, 10:667, 15:94
- and Agricultural Society of Albemarle, 11:319
- and Central College subscription, 11:331, 13:162
- and Highland–Indian Camp boundary dispute, 8:567–8:568, 8:568n, 9:289, 9:290n, 9:362, 9:363n, 9:488, 9:519, 9:519n, 9:519, 9:519n, 9:519–9:520, 9:520n, 9:649n, 9:662
- identified, 9:662n
- as justice of Albemarle Co. court, 11:467n
- petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349
- Survey of Land in Dispute between James Monroe and William Short, 9:662
- surveys Charlottesville, 13:liv
- surveys Henderson land, 5:421
- surveys land for University of Virginia, 15:liii, 15:353
Woods, William (“Baptist Billy”; d. 1819)
- identified, 5:456–5:457n
- letters from, 5:456–5:457
- letters to, 5:504
- seeks position for son-in-law, 5:456, 5:504
Woodson, John (“Courthouse John”)
Woodson, John (“Sheriff John”)
Woods’s Tavern (Albemarle Co.), 13:232
Woodward, Augustus Elias Brevoort
- on the classification of knowledge, 6:408–6:411, 7:288, 7:309, 7:309n
- Considerations on the Executive Government of the United States of America, 1:164–1:165, 1:236, 1:253–1:254
- federal judgeship of, 6:407, 6:411n
- on foreign government, 1:254n
- identified, 1:165n
- introduced by B. S. Barton, 7:288
- letters from, 1:164–1:165, 1:253–1:254, 6:407–6:411, 7:308, 7:308–7:309, 7:511
- letters from accounted for, 1:165n
- letters to, 1:236, 6:445, 7:569
- plans to visit TJ, 6:407–6:408, 6:445, 7:288, 7:308, 7:308–7:309
- sends books for TJ’s family, 7:569
- sends book to TJ, 7:511, 7:569
- sends Detroit newspaper, 14:100
- A System of Universal Science, 6:411n
- visits Monticello, 1:165n, 7:309n, 7:353
- Address of the Society of Tammany, or Columbian Order, to Its Absent Members, and the Members of its Several Branches throughout the United States, 15:250, 15:250n, 15:273
- identified, 2:321n
- letters from, 2:321–2:322, 2:349
- letters to, 2:337
- TJ purchases books from, 2:321, 2:321–2:322n, 2:337, 2:349
- Barbary sheep, 2:379, 4:637, 4:638n, 6:6
- books on, 3:263, 3:264n
- carding machines, 5:356, 7:79, 7:116
- cards, 4:362, 4:417, 4:612, 6:345, 8:185, 12:362
- cloth, 4:27, 4:40, 4:102, 4:343, 6:631, 6:631–6:632n, 7:13, 7:72–7:73, 7:73n, 7:309–7:310, 7:460, 7:570, 8:544, 12:408–12:409
- for clothing, 4:40, 4:343, 4:361, 4:362, 4:428, 4:627, 4:637, 5:475, 5:560, 6:344, 7:191, 8:174, 8:185, 8:185, 8:234, 8:570, 10:547, 12:538, 15:229
- dyeing of, 4:686, 6:114, 6:314, 6:335
- merino, 1:320, 2:31, 2:451, 2:666, 4:62, 4:426, 5:198–5:199, 6:6, 6:6, 6:114, 6:314, 6:335, 6:397, 6:631, 6:631–6:632n, 7:53, 7:54, 7:460, 8:185, 8:234, 8:544, 10:547, 10:547, 13:67
- price of, 4:426
- production of, 1:15–1:18, 1:478–1:479, 1:573–1:574, 5:439, 7:81, 7:191, 9:535–9:537, 9:616
- samples of, 1:15–1:16, 1:17, 1:19n, 1:320, 1:667, 2:39, 2:39n, 2:252, 2:492, 3:342–3:343, 3:343n, 3:637
- from S.C., 4:40
- and scab, 4:61, 4:62
- Spanish sheep, 6:6
- spinning of, 1:524–1:525, 1:591, 4:380, 4:417, 4:426, 4:513n, 4:571, 4:686, 5:470, 7:88
- from Va., 10:547
- yarn, 12:257
Worcester, Edward Somerset, marquis of
- and Christian Disciple, 9:104
- and Friend of Peace, 9:104, 9:104, 9:104, 9:105n, 9:105n, 9:410, 9:411n, 9:681–9:682n, 10:500, 10:500–10:501, 10:501n, 15:50–15:51, 15:51, 15:51n, 15:73
- identified, 9:105n
- letters from, 9:104–9:105, 10:500–10:501, 12:108–12:109, 15:50–15:51
- letters to, 9:410–9:411, 12:206–12:207, 15:73
- as peace advocate, 9:104, 9:410–9:411, 10:500–10:501, 12:108–12:109, 12:206–12:207, 15:50–15:51, 15:73
- sends works to TJ, 9:104, 9:410–9:411, 10:500, 12:108–12:109
- A Solemn Review of the Custom of War, 9:105n, 9:410, 9:411n
Worcester National Aegis (Mass. newspaper), 1:50n
The Workes of our Antient and Learned English Poet, Geffrey Chaucer, newly Printed (G. Chaucer), 8:235
The workes of Sir Thomas More Knyght (T. More), 7:629, 7:631n
The Works, in Verse and Prose, of the Late Robert Treat Paine, Jun. (R. T. Paine), 6:183, 6:184n
The Works Of that Learned and Judicious Divine, Mr Richard Hooker, in Eight Books of Ecclesiastical Polity (R. Hooker), 10:208, 10:209n
The works of Cornelius Tacitus (Tacitus; trans. A. Murphy), 6:93, 12:534
The Works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, in Philosophy, Politics, and Morals (ed. W. Duane), 3:449, 3:451, 4:56, 6:374, 6:413, 8:634, 11:289, 11:290n, 11:376n
The Works of Tacitus (Tacitus; trans. T. Gordon), 1:580, 6:93
The Works of the Rev. Daniel M’Calla, D.D. (D. M’Calla), 7:518–7:519, 7:519n
The Works of the Rev. John Witherspoon (J. Witherspoon; ed. J. Rodgers), 8:626n, 10:646
The Works of Virgil (Virgil; ed. W. Staughton), 12:439
The Works of Virgil (Virgil; trans. J. Dryden), 10:260n, 12:534
Wormley (TJ’s slave; b. 1781). See Hughes, Wormley (TJ’s slave; b. 1781)
- compiles Bibliotheca Legum Angliæ, part I. or, a Catalogue of the Common and Statute Law Books of this Realm, 12:291, 12:291, 12:337, 12:364
- and O. Evans’s patent machinery, 6:455–6:457
- identified, 6:457n
- letters to, 4:164
- letter to from J. Ellicott, 6:455–6:458
- as U.S. senator, 4:163, 4:164n
- and Calliopean Society of Transylvania University, 14:282, 14:283n, 14:437–14:438, 14:553n
- identified, 14:282–14:283n
- letter from, 14:282–14:283
- letter to, 14:437–14:438
Worthington, William Grafton Dulany
- identified, 2:196–2:197n
- letters from, 2:196–2:197
- letters to, 2:251–2:252
- Speech of W. G. D. Worthington, Esq. a Member of the General Assembly of Maryland … on Brent’s Resolutions, 2:196, 2:251
- identified, 6:340n
- letters from, 6:339–6:340
- letters to, 6:400–6:401
- Standard of Union, 6:339, 6:340n, 6:400, 6:401n
Wright, Joseph, 2:106n, 2:126, 10:552
- congratulates TJ, 5:220
- as governor of Md., 1:361n
- identified, 1:107n
- issues pardons, 2:412n
- letters from, 5:220
- letters to, 1:106–1:107, 5:305
- praises TJ, 1:106–1:107
- supports declaration of war, 5:191, 5:192n, 5:220
Wright, Thomas (Chickasaw agent), 1:26
Wright, Thomas (of Queen Annes Co., Md.)
- identified, 1:63n
- letters from, 1:62–1:63
- letters from accounted for, 1:63n
- letters to, 1:127–1:128
- and meeting of Queen Annes Co. Republicans, 1:62–1:63, 1:127–1:128
- elementary education in, 7:637, 7:640, 12:12, 12:14, 12:85, 12:116, 12:117, 12:201, 12:204, 12:501n, 14:132
Wyandot Indians, 14:296–14:297, 14:480–14:481
- books recommended to, by TJ, 1:205–1:206, 1:579, 1:580–1:582
- identified, 1:67n
- letters from, 1:66–1:67, 1:508
- letters to, 1:205–1:206, 1:579
- and Westwardmill Library Society, 1:66–1:67, 1:205–1:206, 1:508, 1:579, 1:580–1:582
Wycombe, John Henry Petty, Lord
Wynant, Dr. (of Staten Island, N.Y.), 10:150
Wynant, Mrs. (of Staten Island, N.Y.), 10:150
Wyndham, Sir George O’Brien, 7:660
- apple trees of, 7:445
- bequeaths books to TJ, 6:619n
- bequest to L. Broadnax, 14:370–14:371
- biography of proposed, 8:619
- death of, 4:35, 14:370–14:371
- Decisions Of Cases in Virginia, By the High Court of Chancery, 8:630
- and Henderson case, 6:482n, 6:572
- and P. Henry, 4:598
- and Jefferson Cups, 2:315–2:316, 2:316n
- monument to, at Monticello, 1:391
- and revision of Va. laws, 1:381–1:383, 3:570, 5:136, 7:549, 11:133, 11:133n, 12:441, 14:456, 14:484
- signer of Declaration of Independence, 13:332
- and Stamp Act resolutions, 4:599, 8:642, 10:269
- students of, 3:540n
- TJ on, 7:411, 7:548, 8:200, 8:200
- and William and Mary lectures, 3:205–3:206, 3:228
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