This index refers to page numbers in the published volumes. Documents subsequently added to the digital editions are marked with a +. Copies of the published volumes are available at a library near you, or may be purchased through this website or from Princeton University Press. The volumes are also available via two online platforms, the Rotunda version through the University of Virginia Press (subscription required) and the Founders Online version (free).
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Zacharias (TJ’s slave; b. 1812). See Hern, Zacharias (TJ’s slave; b. 1812)
Zacharias (TJ’s slave; b. 1813)
- identified, 14:344n
- and T. Kosciuszko’s estate, 14:324, 14:341, 14:343
- letter from, to P. de Polética, 14:343–14:344
Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio Rizzi
Zea maize See also corn
- and emigrants from Switzerland, 12:144, 13:156, 14:228
- identified, 12:145n
- and T. Kosciuszko’s death, 12:143–12:144, 12:144, 13:155–13:156, 13:351, 13:353–13:354, 14:130, 14:131, 14:228, 14:482, 15:210, 15:377n
- letter to, 13:155–13:156
- letters from, 12:143–12:146, 14:228–14:229
- identified, 13:352n
- and T. Kosciuszko’s death, 12:145–12:146n, 13:351–13:352
- and T. Kosciuszko’s estate, 14:130, 14:131, 14:427, 14:482, 15:180, 15:376, 15:377n
- letter from, 13:351–13:353
Zeno of Citium, 6:229, 6:230n, 6:520, 6:520
- edits Xenophontis quae exstant Opera, Graece & Latine, ex editionibus Schneideri et Zeunii (Xenophon), 14:222, 14:240, 15:258
Zeus (mythological deity), 14:154
Zimmermann, Eberhard August Wilhelm von
Zinzendorf, Nikolaus Ludwig von, 7:480
Zizyphus jujuba. See jujube (juboli)
Zoologie Géographque (Zimmermann), 1:196, 1:198n
zoology See also Lacépède, Bernard Germain Étienne de La Ville-Sur-Illon, comte de
- books on, 1:25n, 1:196, 1:198n, 7:626, 8:481–8:482, 8:482n
- bound pamphlets on, 8:630
- collegiate education in, 12:4, 12:33, 12:76, 12:123, 12:150, 13:195, 13:214, 13:403, 15:41
- museum of, 11:190
- and New-York Historical Society, 11:190–11:193
- study of, 7:638, 7:640, 7:641, 7:687
Zoroaster (Persian religious leader), 6:298, 7:76, 13:29
Ζωσίμου κόμητος καὶ ἀποφισκοσυνηγόρου Ἱστορίας νέας βίβλοι ἕξ. Zosimi Comitis & Exadvocati Fisci, Historiæ Novæ Libri Sex, Notis Illustrati (Zosimus; ed. T. Spark), 10:233
- Histoire Romaine (trans. L. Cousin), 12:112, 13:476
- Ζωσίμου κόμητος καὶ ἀποφισκοσυνηγόρου Ἱστορίας νέας βίβλοι ἕξ. Zosimi Comitis & Exadvocati Fisci, Historiæ Novæ Libri Sex, Notis Illustrati (ed. T. Spark), 10:233
Zwack, Xavier von, 7:587, 7:590n
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