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Lead Donors to The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series at the Thomas Jefferson Foundation at Monticello

The Retirement Series is sponsored by the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc., of Charlottesville, Virginia, which owns and operates Monticello. The Retirement Series was created with a six-year founding grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts to the Foundation and to Princeton University, enabling Monticello to take over responsibility for the volumes associated with this period. Leading gifts from the following donors have assured the continuation of the Retirement Series:

Richard Gilder

Mrs. Martin S. Davis

Thomas A. Saunders III

Janemarie D. and Donald A. King, Jr.

Alice Handy and Peter Stoudt

Harlan Crow

Mr. and Mrs. E. Charles Longley, Jr.


Lead Donors to the Daniel P. Jordan Editorship of the Papers of Thomas Jefferson at Monticello

The position of Editor of the Papers of Thomas Jefferson at Monticello is named in honor of Dr. Daniel P. Jordan, who served as President of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation and guided Monticello from 1985 to 2008. A challenge grant, generously provided by the Howard and Abby Milstein Foundation in 2017, made this recognition possible, with matching support from the following lead donors:

John and Renee Grisham

Roger and Susan Hertog

Mrs. Walter H. Helmerich III

Richard Gilder and Lois Chiles

J.F. and Peggy Bryan

Charles T. Cullen

Grady and Lori Durham

Brent and Lindsay Halsey

Janemarie D. and Donald A. King, Jr.

John L. Nau, III


Additional Support

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series and the Daniel P. Jordan Editorship of the Papers of Thomas Jefferson at Monticello have also been aided by:

Henry F. Baldwin

David and Carolyn Beach

Phil and Shelley Belling

Leslie Greene Bowman

John and Diane Cooke

Mrs. Martin S. Davis

Jan Karon

J. Jefferson Looney

Paula and Rob Newcomb

Barbara Oberg

Packard Humanities Institute

Rebecca Rimel and The Pew Charitable Trusts

Joseph Rubinfine

Teresa N. Sanders

Susan Stein and Ken Abraham

The Sidney A. Swensrud Foundation

Ann and Peter Taylor

John Charles Thomas

Christopher J. Toomey

Jeff and Sue Walker

Anne Worrell