Special Projects
The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series
Sponsored by the Thomas Jefferson Foundation in conjunction with Princeton University, the Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies has assumed responsibility for transcribing and editing (in chronological volumes) 16,000+ Jefferson-related documents from the end of Jefferson's second term as President (March 1809) until his death in 1826.
Jefferson Quotes and Family Letters Website
A website created by the staff of the The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement series will several hundred of Jefferson's most famous quotations and letters and related documents to and between Thomas Jefferson’s children, grandchildren, and extended family members (but not including letters to or by Jefferson).
Books Published at the Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies
(listed annually by most recent publication)
Gayle Wilson, Jefferson on Display: Attire, Etiquette, and the Art of Presentation. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.
Andrew Jackson O'Shaughnessy, The Men Who Lost America: British Leadership, American Revolution, and the Fate of the Empire. New Haven: Yale University Press; London: Oneworld Publications.
Peter J. Hatch, “A Rich Spot of Earth”: Thomas Jefferson’s Revolutionary Garden at Monticello. Thomas Jefferson Foundation and Yale University Press.
William L. Beiswanger, Monticello in Measured Drawings. New edition.
Ann Lucas Birle and Lisa Francavilla, eds. Thomas Jefferson’s Granddaughter in Queen Victoria’s England. Thomas Jefferson Foundation and Massachusetts Historical Society.
Lucia Stanton, “Those Who Labor for My Happiness": Slavery at Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello
Helen Cripe, Thomas Jefferson and Music. New edition.
Keith Thomson, A Passion for Nature: Thomas Jefferson and Natural History
Monticello: A Guidebook. Revised edition.
The Words of Thomas Jefferson
Damon Lee Fowler, ed., Dining at Monticello
Jennings L. Wagoner, Jr., Jefferson and Education
Noble E. Cunningham, Jefferson and Monroe: Constant Friendship and Respect
Laura Malkin, ed., The Great Birthday of Our Republic: Celebrating Independence Day at Monticello
James E. Lewis, Jr., The Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson’s Noble Bargain?
Gary E. Moulton, ed., From Monticello to Jefferson's West: Celebrating the Bicentennial of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
In cooperation with the Center for Great Plains Studies
Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello
Silvio A. Bedini, Jefferson and Science
Andrew Burstein, Letters from the Head and Heart: Writings of Thomas Jefferson
Noble E. Cunningham, The Inaugural Addresses of Thomas Jefferson, 1801 and 1805
Published by the University of Missouri Press with the support of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc.
Melvin I. Urofsky, The Levy Family and Monticello, 1834-1923: Saving Thomas Jefferson's House
James P. Ronda, Jefferson's West: A Journey with Lewis and Clark
Sandor Salgo, Thomas Jefferson, Musician and Violinist
With assistance from Stanford University
Lucia C. Stanton, Free Some Day: The African-American Families of Monticello
Edwin Morris Betts, Thomas Jefferson's Farm Book
(Reprint from 1953)
Edwin Morris Betts, Thomas Jefferson's Garden Book, 1766-1824
(Reprint from 1944, published with new introduction)
Julian P. Boyd, The Declaration of Independence: The Evolution of the Text (Revised edition)
Library of Congress in association with the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc.
Douglas L. Wilson, In His Own Words: Thomas Jefferson on Politics & Principles
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, with the cooperation of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation
Eugene R. Sheridan, Jefferson and Religion
Merrill D. Peterson, The Jefferson Image in the American Mind
(Reprint from 1960, published with new introduction)
William L. Beiswanger, Monticello in Measured Drawings
Douglas L. Wilson, "The Most Flattering Incident of My Life": Essays Celebrating the Bicentennial of Thomas Jefferson's American Philosophical Society Presidency, 1797-1814
Published for the Friends of the Library, American Philosophical Society
(Addresses given at an event presented by the American Philosophical Society and the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation (Monticello), Philadelphia, June 18, 1997)
Bernard McMahon, The American Gardener's Calendar
(Reprint from 1806, published with new introduction)
Center for Historic Plants
Robert C. Lautman, Thomas Jefferson's Monticello: A Photographic Portrait
Published by Monacelli Press with the cooperation of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc.
William M. Kelso, Archaeology at Monticello
Monticello: A Guidebook
Douglas L. Wilson, Jefferson's Books
Lucia C. Stanton, Slavery at Monticello
Merrill D. Peterson, The Political Writings of Thomas Jefferson*
Dumas Malone, Thomas Jefferson: A Brief Biography*
Susan R. Stein, The Worlds of Thomas Jefferson at Monticello*
*Initially published prior to the formation of the International Center for Jefferson Studies, but since reprinted under its auspices.
Monticello's ongoing publications program is supported by The Davis Publications Endowment.
Monticello's publications are availalble through our Shop at Monticello online and through our distributor, the University of Virginia Press.