Jefferson Library staff members offer instruction sessions on an on-demand basis. We can provide one-on-one instruction or work with groups of up to 6 people. Sessions can be held here at the library, or staff can travel to your department. We offer the following "menu" of sessions, and also take requests for instruction on other topics.
To request a session, please email us.
Library Crash Course - 60 mins.
This session is a general introduction to the library. Library staff will provide a guided tour of the collections, an introduction to the library’s online resources, and an overview of library services and policies. (This session is preferrably held at the library, but we also have a PowerPoint stand-in version that can be presented off-site.)
The Thomas Jefferson Portal - 60 mins.
This session provides an introduction to the Thomas Jefferson Portal, the library's online catalog. It will discuss what’s in the Portal (and what’s not), basic search strategies and techniques, and more advanced features such as search limits and saved searches. (Requires at least one computer.)
Dealing with Databases - 90 mins.
This session provides participants with a set of skills and techniques that will allow them to approach any database with confidence. Participants will learn what a database is, how it is put together, and how to quickly assess a new database, as well as the most essential search techniques that can be used with any resource. (Requires at least one computer.)
Dealing with Databases II - 90 mins.
This session is for those who already feel comfortable with the TJ Portal, Google, and our subscription databases and want to learn some more advanced search techniques. (It is recommended that participants attend "Dealing with Databases" first before attending this session.) Search limits, proximity operators, and other more advanced features will be discussed. (Requires at least one computer.)
Jefferson Papers - 60 mins.
Tracking down a specific Jefferson letter or searching Jefferson’s papers on a certain topic can be a complicated proposition. This session will explain all, including why the TJ Papers can be so difficult to deal with; what all the major sources for the Papers are, in print and online; and what the best strategies for finding the needed documents are. (Requires at least one computer.)
Citation-Hunting - 60 mins.
This session is for those who spend time looking for specific articles, papers, and conference proceedings. Participants will learn about how article databases, online catalogs and citation indexes are organized and how best to navigate them.
How to Track Down (Jefferson) Quotations - 60 mins.
This session will discuss how Jefferson quotations become Jefferson quotations, and how to track them back to their source. It will also cover the phenomenon of spurious Jefferson quotations, and how to recognize them.