If you are looking for a specific book at the Jefferson Library, follow the steps below.
Log on to the TJ Portal at https://tjportal.on.worldcat.org.
If you know the title of the book:
- type in the exact title (minus a, an, or the at the beginning), or a phrase from the title, or a single word from the title; for example:
- notes on the state of virginia (exact title)
- state of virginia (phrase from title)
- notes (single word from title)
- click on Title at the right of the screen under Search Index
- click Search
If you know the author of the book:
- if you know the author's full name, type it in directory-style, or simply type in the last name; for example:
- ambrose (last name only)
- ambrose, s
- ambrose, stephen
- ambrose, stephen e
- Hint: It's best to use only the author's first initial, unless it is an extremely common surname.
- click on Author Browse at the right of the screen under Search By
- OR, if you only know part of the author's name, type in the part you know and click Author; for example:
- ambrose
- cherry
- Hint: This second method only works well if the name is not a common one.
- click Search
If the search brings up the book you want
- check to see where it is located (Reading Room, Curatorial, etc.)
- if it is not located where you are, contact the Research Librarian
- check to see whether it is available (i.e. not checked out or renewed)
- if it is not available, place a hold or recall on it
- use the call number to locate the book on the shelf
- if you cannot find the book on the shelf, see the Research Librarian
If the search does not bring up the book you want
- check with the Research Librarian
- Thomas Jefferson Foundation staff, fellows, and volunteers may request an Interlibrary Loan
- if you think we should own the book, fill out our Recommendation Form
- use WorldCat to locate a library near you that does own the item