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If you are looking for a specific letter at the Jefferson Library, there are several sources to choose from, explained below.

Jefferson's Published Papers

There have been three major publications of Jefferson's correspondence:

  • Paul Leicester Ford edition, (Putnam, 1892): 10 volumes
  • Lipscomb & Bergh edition (Thomas Jefferson Memorial Assoc., 1903-1905): 20 volumes
  • Boyd edition (Princeton, 1950- ): 31 volumes to date

The first two editions encompass Jefferson's entire lifespan, but are not as comprehensive as the Boyd edition; however, the Boyd edition is still in progress, and only covers the years 1760-1800.

Internet Sources

Many of Jefferson's writings have also been made available online.

On-Site Resources

  • Information Files (link to Finding Aid): if the letter you're looking for is a particularly important one, there may be a transcription in the Information Files

For additional assistance, contact the Research Librarian.



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