On what was once a working plantation, the paradox of slavery stands in stark relief to the ideals of liberty that Jefferson embedded in the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson owned 607 men, women, and children over the course of his lifetime. Archaeologists and historians have spent more than 50 years uncovering their stories and the footprint of plantation life at Monticello. Recent restoration has further revealed the history of slavery on the mountaintop. Explore the stories of remarkable families and individuals — free and enslaved — from over seven generations, through Monticello's tours, exhibitions, digital resources and special events.

Life of Sally Hemings

Daughter, mother, sister, aunt. Concubine. Negotiator. Liberator. Mystery. Learn more in this short, historical overview of her life.

Slavery at Monticello app

Meet the individuals who lived and worked on Mulberry Row, once the industrial hub and center of work and domestic life for dozens of people, free and enslaved, at Thomas Jefferson’s 5,000-acre plantation.

National Initiatives

Slavery at Jefferson’s Monticello: Paradox of Liberty

A major exhibition on slavery developed in partnership between Monticello and the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, DC. Now on view in Dallas, TX. (Coming soon to Detroit, MI, in 2019.)

Jefferson Schools Initiative

Monticello has piloted a program with some of the 300+ schools across the United States that bear Thomas Jefferson’s name, inviting students and teachers to learn more about Jefferson, race, slavery and leadership.