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Jefferson's Three Greatest Achievements

Religious Freedom

For Jefferson, whose unorthodox religious views were a matter of heated discussion, the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom was one of his greatest achievements.

The University of Virginia

Jefferson conceived, promoted, founded and designed the University of Virginia as "the hobby of my old age."

More on Thomas Jefferson

Louisiana and Lewis & Clark

Jefferson was already planning Lewis and Clark's exploration of the American West when France suddenly offered to sell the Louisiana Territory to the U.S.

Jefferson and Slavery

Thomas Jefferson wrote that “all men are created equal,” and yet enslaved more than six-hundred people over the course of his life.

Articles in the Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia


Articles about Jefferson's political career and accomplishments.

Science and Exploration

Learn more about Jefferson's "tranquil pursuits of science" which he called his "supreme delight."


Information about Jefferson's religious beliefs and his promotion of religious freedom


Reports some of Jefferson's documents, his correspondence, and his writing habits.

“Monticello is as close as any of us can ever get to having a conversation with Thomas Jefferson.”

--Jon Meacham, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and historian.