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From the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom to the 'Wall of Separation', Jefferson's views and statements on religion have left a powerful legacy in the United States. Listen to some of his most quoted writings on the subject and take a peek at Jefferson's editing process in a comparison of two excepts from the same document (originally published as a Monticello Podcast on May 4, 2006).

Brief Introduction (approx. 2 min.)

Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom as drafted by Jefferson (later edited and adopted in 1786) (approx. 6 min.)

Query 17, Religion, Notes on the State of Virginia (written and published in the 1780s) (approx. 14 min.)

Jefferson's Jan. 1, 1802 letter to Danbury Baptist Association (approx. 2 min.)

Jefferson's April 21, 1803 letter to Dr. Benjamin Rush "on the Christian religion" (approx. 10.5 min.)

Jefferson revising Jefferson: two excerpts from Query 17, Religion, Notes on the State of Virginia (approx. 4 min.)