These guided outdoor tours focus on the experiences of the enslaved people who lived and labored on the Monticello plantation. Included in the price of admission.
Making Reservations
Reservations for this tour are not required. Tours begin on Mulberry Row near the Hemmings Cabin.
For | Pricing | When |
All guests |
Included with admission
Offered at least twice daily; hours vary by season.
Offered at least twice daily; hours vary by season.
Explore Before You Visit
Thomas Jefferson and Slavery
People Enslaved at Monticello
Slavery FAQS
Videos related to Slavery at Monticello

"Picturing Mulberry Row" - a look at slavery at Monticello through this critical component of the greater plantation

"Some visitors think we're trying to knock Jefferson off his pedestal" - A Guide's Perspective

"A Fight in Monticello's Nailery"

"Wormly Hughes - Master of Many Trades"

"An Enslaved Mother Leaves Monticello"

"Mary Hemings Bell, an enslaved 'common-law wife'"

"Overseers and Violence"

"Ursula Granger, an Enslaved Cook Prepares Food on the Hearth"

"James Hemings, an Enslaved Chef Creating French Cuisine"

"The Life of Nance Hemings" - a Monticello Weaver