Music . . . furnishes a delightful recreation for the hours of respite from the cares of the day, and lasts us through life.
- Thomas Jefferson to Nathaniel Burwell, 14 Mar. 1818
Jefferson declared that music is “the favorite passion of my soul,” and to improve the state of music in America he encouraged its practice. Musical performances are welcomed at Monticello; however, to provide a positive experience for all of Monticello’s guests, we ask musical groups to observe and adhere to the following guidelines:
- Performances by visiting schools or other organizations must be approved by the Thomas Jefferson Foundation. Requests must be submitted via email to In the request, please include:
- The group leader’s name and contact information (email, phone number, and address)
- A description of the group
- The group’s purpose for performing at Monticello
- Requested date and time of the performance
- Group size
- Details regarding the content of the performance
- Approximate set-up and break-down time needed for the performance
Requests must be received at least four weeks prior to the requested performance date. Request will be reviewed and then granted permission or denied at least two weeks prior to the performance.
- Participants should purchase admission tickets for their visit. Tickets may be purchased through Monticello’s Reservations Office by calling 434–984–9881, by emailing, or online.
- All guests coming to Monticello specifically to see the performance must also purchase tickets through Monticello’s Reservations Office (434–984–9881 /, or by going online.
- Performances must comply with the following regulations:
- Music must be classical, patriotic, or appropriate to the mid-18th to early-19th Century.
- Performances must not exceed 30 minutes.
- Performances must not include dance, marching, props, or demonstrations of any kind, unless approved ahead of time.
- Performances must take place during regular Monticello operating hours.
- The group must be self-contained and will not be able to use chairs, podiums, stages, or other installations during the performance.
- No amplification equipment is allowed.
- Participants must wear clothing that is both appropriate and respectful for Monticello.
- Performances must take place outdoors on or near the West Lawn or at another spot designated by Monticello. Shelter from inclement weather is not available, and performances must be suspended in the event of severe weather.
- Monticello cannot provide electric service, seating, or any other logistical support.
- All equipment or instruments used as part of the performance must be hand-held, and must be easily transported from the visitor center to the mountaintop via regular Monticello shuttle. Shuttles will have other guests on them. Carts and dollies are not permitted. Vehicle access to the performance site is not permitted.
- Monticello cannot provide storage for instruments, clothing, or other property.
- Monticello reserves the right to end or cancel a performance at any time.