This index refers to page numbers in the published volumes. Documents subsequently added to the digital editions are marked with a +. Copies of the published volumes are available at a library near you, or may be purchased through this website or from Princeton University Press. The volumes are also available via two online platforms, the Rotunda version through the University of Virginia Press (subscription required) and the Founders Online version (free).


Aaron (Hebrew priest; Moses’s brother), 6:616

Aaron (slave)

  • and H. Marks’s estate, 4:511

Abarca de Bolea, Pedro Pablo, Conde de Aranda

  • orders census in Spain, 9:440, 9:441n

Abbaye Royale de Panthémont

  • and education of TJ’s daughters, 8:513, 8:513n, 12:406–12:407, 12:407n, 12:478, 12:480n

“Abbe Salemankis”

  • letters from, 2:263
  • Letters of Abbe Salemankis to a Friend in Ireland, 2:263, 2:296
  • letters to, 2:296

Abbey (Abby) (TJ’s slave; b. 1804)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 5:462, 6:308, 8:61, 8:255

Abbey (TJ’s slave)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:382

Abbott, Mr.

  • and P. Mazzei’s Richmond property, 5:562, 5:598

Abbott & Eastwick (Philadelphia firm), 12:474n

Abbott, Thomas Jefferson

  • letter from, 8:74
  • requests assistance from TJ, 8:74

Abby (TJ’s slave; b. 1753)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 5:462, 6:308, 6:308, 8:60, 8:255
  • spinner, 4:380

L’Abeille Américaine, Journal Historique, Politique et Littéraire, 10:580

Abell, Jesse

  • sells TJ a mule, 9:111, 9:111, 9:112n

Abell, John S.

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Abeona (brig)

  • sinking of, 10:484–10:485, 10:485n

Abercrombie, John

  • The Gardener’s Pocket Dictionary, 2:83, 11:165
  • The Propagation and Botanical Arrangements of Plants and Trees, 10:357

Aberdeen, University of. See King’s College (later part of the University of Aberdeen)

Abigail (C. L. Bankhead’s slave), 8:395

Abigail (Old Testament figure), 6:623

Abney, William

  • federal tax assessor, 8:257n

Aborn, Henry, 2:399n

Aborn, Joseph

  • identified, 12:652–12:653n
  • poem about, by “Laban Stringfellow”, 12:650–12:652

Aboville, François Marie, chevalier (later comte) d’

  • and opossums, 7:210, 7:211n, 11:367–11:368, 11:370n

Abraham (Old Testament patriarch), 6:466, 7:220, 8:189

Abraham H. Quincy & Son (Boston firm), 5:110n

Abrahams, A. D., 2:118

Abram (TJ’s slave; b. ca. 1740)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:386, 12:303

Abram (TJ’s slave; b. ca. 1794)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:387

Abrégé de l’Histoire Universelle, ancienne et moderne, a l’Usage de la Jeunesse (L. P. de Ségur), 12:534–12:535n

Abregé des Dix Livres d’Architecture de Vitruve (Vitruvius; ed. C. Perrault), 11:335, 11:352, 11:396, 11:456, 13:314n, 13:342, 13:343n, 13:391

Abrégé du Système de la Nature, de Linné, Histoire des Mammaires (J. E. Gilibert), 7:626

An Abridgement of Ainsworth’s Dictionary (R. Ainsworth; ed. T. Morell), 8:660, 9:274, 9:464, 9:538, 9:639, 12:439

Un Abridgment des plusieurs cases et resolutions del Common Ley (H. Rolle), 3:546, 7:126

Abridgment of the Public Permanent Laws of Virginia (E. Randolph), 8:630

Abridgment of Universal History (La Croix), 8:629, 8:632n

An Abridgment of Waldo’s Rudiments of English Grammar (J. Waldo), 7:320, 7:320n

The Absentee (M. Edgeworth), 11:627, 11:628n

Abstracts of Calculations, to ascertain the Longitude of the Capitol, in the City of Washington (W. Lambert), 12:86, 13:314, 13:314n

Acacia farnesiana. See sweet acacia

Acacia nilotica. See gum arabic tree

Academician, 12:616, 12:617n

Académie des Beaux-Arts, 11:633, 11:634n

Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 11:633, 11:634n

Académie des Sciences, 11:633, 11:634n

Académie des Sciences et Beaux-Arts des États-Unis, 3:472n

Académie Française, 3:xlvi, 6:405–6:406, 6:407n, 11:633, 11:634n

Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia

  • identified, 12:505n
  • journal of, 12:505n, 13:53, 13:250n
  • meeting minutes of, 14:186–14:187n
  • natural history museum of, 12:505
  • TJ elected to, 12:505, 13:52–13:53

Acconci, Francesco

  • family of, 9:673

Acconci, Giovan Battista

  • witnesses will, 9:673

An Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi (Z. M. Pike), 3:309, 3:309n, 4:354n, 4:445, 4:457n, 6:374, 6:413, 7:31, 11:574, 11:574, 11:574n, 13:100, 13:101, 13:107, 13:227, 13:228n

An Account of the American Antiquarian Society, 7:47, 7:47n

An Account of the Bilious remitting Yellow Fever, as It Appeared in the City of Philadelphia, in the year 1793 (B. Rush), 10:130–10:131, 10:146n

An Account of the Experiment made … on board the Union Hospital Ship (J. C. Smyth), 10:136, 10:147n

An Account of the life, writings, and inventions of John Napier, of Merchiston (D. S. E. Buchan and W. Minto), 5:416, 7:252, 7:253n, 7:255, 9:228–9:229, 9:229n

“Account of the Origin of the Yellow Fever which prevailed in the City of New-York in the Summer of 1798” (J. McKnight), 10:134, 10:147n

An Account of the People called Shakers (T. Brown), 7:555, 7:555n, 7:633, 8:469, 8:469n

Acherley, Roger

  • J. Adams on, 4:474

Achilles (mythological character), 7:477, 9:432, 14:154, 14:154

achilles tendon

  • cut, 2:438

acid, marine (hydrochloric, muriatic), 4:8, 4:8n


  • collegiate education in, 13:195, 13:208, 13:214, 13:215n
  • study of, 7:638, 7:639, 7:686

An Act appropriating part of the revenue of the Literary Fund, and for other purposes (1818), 12:437n, 12:489n, 12:539, 12:540n, 12:611n, 12:620n, 13:li, 13:160, 13:163n, 13:179–13:180, 13:182, 13:189, 13:209–13:210, 13:223n, 13:339–13:340, 13:405n, 13:484, 13:511, 13:511n, 13:516n, 13:608n, 14:12, 14:13, 14:14, 14:72n

An Act appropriating the Public Revenue (1816), 12:468n

Acta Sanctorum (J. de Bolland and others), 7:220, 8:558–8:563, 8:656–8:657, 8:682, 9:431–9:432, 11:527

An Act authorising William Waller Hening to Publish an Edition of certain Laws of this Commonwealth, and for other purposes (1808), 8:349n

An Act authorizing a Regular Force for the Defence of the Commonwealth (1815), 8:165, 8:166n

An Act authorizing a subscription for the laws of the United States, and for the distribution thereof (1814), 8:152n

An Act authorizing William Wood of the County of Albemarle, to open and improve the navigation of the Rivannah River, and for other purposes (1814), 8:166, 8:184

An Act, concerning appeals and proceedings in Chancery (1816), 10:189, 10:190n

An Act concerning Consuls and Vice-Consuls (1792), 4:212–4:213n

An Act concerning Election of Members of General Assembly (1787), 5:667–5:668, 5:668n

An Act concerning Executions, and for other purposes (1814), 8:46, 8:525, 8:527n

An Act concerning Grand Juries, Petit Juries, and Venire-men (1792), 10:498, 10:499n

An Act concerning John Nugent (1812), 14:404n

An Act concerning navigation (1818), 12:592n

An Act concerning the Bank of Virginia and Farmers’ Bank of Virginia (1814), 8:35, 8:36n

An Act concerning the clearing of the North Fork of James River (1794), 10:614, 10:614, 11:103, 11:103n, 11:103n, 11:106–11:107, 11:107, 11:108, 11:109n, 12:593, 14:407

An Act concerning the commercial intercourse between the United States and Great Britain and France (1810), 7:41, 7:44n, 10:290, 10:291–10:292n

An Act concerning the convention to regulate the commerce between the territories of the United States and his Britannic Majesty (1816), 9:551n

An Act concerning the navigation of the United States (1817), 11:122, 11:123n, 11:410

An act concerning William Tatham (1819), 13:516–13:517n

An Act declaring who shall be deemed Citizens of this Commonwealth, and pointing out the mode by which the Right of Citizenship may be acquired or relinquished (1792), 11:146–11:147, 11:147n

An Act directing the publication and distribution of the Journals of the Conventions which assembled in Virginia in the years 1775 and 1776 (1816), 9:364n

An Act erecting Louisiana into two territories, and providing for the temporary government thereof (1804), 2:521

An Act fixing the military peace establishment of the United States (1815), 8:443, 8:444n

An Act for an amicable settlement of limits with the State of Georgia; and authorizing the establishment of a government in the Mississippi Territory (1798), 2:521

An Act for arranging the Counties into Districts for the election of Senators, and for equalizing the Land Tax (1817), 11:133, 11:133n, 12:489, 12:489–12:490n

An Act for clearing the great Falls of James River, the River Chickahominy, and the north Branch of James River (1764), 11:106, 11:109n, 12:592, 12:601, 14:357, 14:407

An Act for establishing a College in the county of Albemarle (1816), 10:474, 11:257, 11:258n, 12:326, 14:79, 14:141–14:142, 14:143n

An Act for establishing the temporary and permanent seat of the Government of the United States (1790), 12:424

An Act for granting lands to the inhabitants and settlers at Vincennes and the Illinois country (1791), 3:70, 3:73n, 3:123

An Act for improving the Navigation of Slate River (1794), 12:600, 14:403

An Act for laying a Duty on Goods, Wares, and Merchandises imported into the United States (1789), 13:378, 13:380n

An Act for opening, improving and extending the Navigation of the River Rappahannock, and all its improveable Branches (1811), 11:84–11:85n, 11:93n, 14:402, 14:403, 14:412

An Act for reducing into one, the several Acts concerning the Land-Office; ascertaining the Terms and manner of granting waste and unappropriated Lands; for settling the Titles and Bounds of Lands; directing the mode of Processioning, and prescribing the Duty of Surveyors (1792), 11:105, 11:109n

Act for regulating Conveyances (1792), 7:535, 7:535n

An Act for the apportionment of Representatives among the several States, according to the third enumeration (1811), 8:594, 8:596n

An Act for the assessment and collection of direct taxes and internal duties (1813), 6:397, 6:398n, 6:398, 6:398, 6:399n, 6:401, 6:401, 6:411, 7:45–7:46n, 8:126, 9:511

An Act for the better organization of the general staff of the Army of the United States (1813), 6:28n

An act for the establishment of an University (1819), 11:315, 13:402, 13:473n, 13:590–13:591n, 14:4, 14:5, 14:6n, 14:13, 14:13, 14:14, 14:22, 14:29, 14:47, 14:48, 14:49, 14:71, 14:72, 14:74, 14:75, 14:80, 14:83, 14:90, 14:112, 14:176

An Act for the more perfect organization of the Army of the United States (1812), 5:255, 5:257n

An Act for the relief of Oliver Evans (1808), 6:353, 6:354n, 6:379, 6:385, 6:455, 6:455, 6:455, 6:457n, 7:108, 7:109n, 7:171, 7:171, 7:173n, 13:128–13:129, 13:131

An Act further providing for the government of the territory of Orleans (1805), 2:521

An Act Imposing Taxes for the support of Government (1814), 8:169, 8:393–8:394n

An Act Incorporating a Company for improving the Navigation of Rivanna River (1811), 11:108, 11:109n, 14:402, 14:403, 14:412, 14:413

An act incorporating a company to erect a toll-bridge across James river, at the town of Cartersville (1819), 14:547, 14:548n

An Act Incorporating a Company to open and improve the Navigation of the Rivanna river, from Milton to Moore’s ford, opposite the town of Charlottesville, in the county of Albemarle (1806), 11:75, 11:78, 11:98n, 11:103–11:104, 11:106, 11:107–11:108, 11:108, 11:108, 11:109n, 11:554n, 12:593, 14:402, 14:403, 14:406, 14:407, 14:408, 14:412, 14:413

An Act laying an embargo on all ships and vessels in the ports and harbours of the United States (1813), 7:70n, 8:532–8:533, 8:533–8:534n

An Act making appropriations for repairing or rebuilding the public buildings within the city of Washington (1815), 8:313, 8:314–8:315n, 8:591, 8:592, 8:596n

An Act making further provision for filling the ranks of the army of the United States (1814), 8:575n

An Act making provision for the claim of M. Poirey (1819), 14:108, 14:110–14:111, 14:198–14:199

An Act making provision for the Debt of the United States (1790), 12:422

An Act more effectually to preserve the neutral relations of the United States (1817), 11:410, 11:412n

An Act more effectually to prevent the circulation of notes emitted by unchartered banks (1816), 9:286, 9:287n

Acton, Thomas Harman

  • Reports of Cases Argued and Determined, 3:514n

An Act providing for the distribution of the printed edition of the Journals of the Conventions of one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, and one thousand seven hundred and seventy-six (1817), 9:364–9:365n

An act, reducing into one, the several acts, declaring what shall be treason; for punishing certain offences injurious to the tranquillity of the Commonwealth; concerning felonies and offences, committed out of the jurisdiction of the same; and taking from the Executive the power of granting pardon to traitors (1819), 14:457n

An Act, releasing the Commonwealth’s right to lands, in certain cases, and vesting in the Commonwealth, in certain cases, the title to the undisposed of residuum of personal estates (1813), 9:495, 9:498n

An Act respecting claims to land in the territories of Orleans and Louisiana (1807), 9:585–9:586n

Acts passed at a Congress of the United States of America, begun … in the Year 1789, 3:546

An Act to amend an Act, entitled, “An Act, concerning the Clearing of the North Fork of James River” (1805), 11:103n, 11:106, 11:107, 11:108, 11:109n, 12:593, 12:601–12:602, 14:402, 14:403, 14:407, 14:412, 14:413

An Act to amend and explain the Act, entitled ‘An act concerning Taxes on Lands’ (1814), 10:464, 10:465n

An Act to amend and explain the act concerning Public Roads (1802), 11:173n

An Act to amend and reduce into one Act the several Acts for opening and extending the Navigation of Appomatox River (1795), 12:600

An Act to amend the Act, entitled, “an Act incorporating a Company to open and improve the navigation of the Rivanna River from Milton to Moore’s Ford, opposite the town of Charlottesville, in the county of Albemarle, and for other purposes” (1814), 11:75, 11:78–11:79, 11:108, 11:108, 11:109n, 11:109n, 11:552, 11:554n, 11:557–11:558, 11:558n, 12:597, 12:599, 12:604, 14:402, 14:403, 14:406, 14:412, 14:413

An Act to amend the act, intituled, ‘an act to establish an academy in the county of Albemarle, and for other purposes’ (1804), 8:93, 8:93n

An Act to amend the judicial system of the United States (1802), 3:127, 3:129n

An Act to authorize a loan for a sum not exceeding three millions of dollars (1814), 8:111n

An act to authorize a loan for a sum not exceeding twenty-five millions of dollars (1814), 8:194, 8:195n

An act to authorize the issuing of treasury notes for the service of the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen (1814), 8:302, 8:302n

An Act to authorize the President of the United States to accept the services of state troops and of volunteers (1815), 8:575n

An Act to authorize the purchase of the library of Thomas Jefferson (1815), 7:679–7:680, 8:214, 8:270, 8:279–8:280, 8:302n, 8:426

An Act To authorize the several Courts of Equity in this State to grant remedies … and for affording temporary relief to the Soldiers whilst in the service of this state or of the United States, and for other purposes (1814), 8:524–8:525, 8:527n

An Act to change the mode of compensation to the members of the Senate and House of Representatives, and the delegates from territories (1816), 10:379, 10:380n, 11:410

An Act to confirm an act entitled, an act to incorporate certain Persons in every Christian church or congregation in this state (1810), 2:124–2:125, 2:125n

An Act to create a Fund for Internal Improvement (1816), 9:395, 9:396n, 10:563n

An Act to empower John James Dufour, and his associates, to purchase certain lands (1802), 12:21n

An Act to enable the people of the Territory of Orleans to form a constitution and state government (1811), 3:328, 3:328n

An Act to establish an academy in the county of Albemarle, and for other purposes (1803), 8:92, 8:93, 8:183

An Act to establish an uniform rule of Naturalization, and to repeal the acts heretofore passed on that subject (1802), 9:259, 9:261n, 11:147, 11:147n

An Act to establish post roads (1810), 3:147–3:148

An Act to establish Public Schools (1796), 7:637, 7:641–7:642n, 8:92–8:93, 9:394, 9:396n

An Act to establish two new banks within this Commonwealth (1817), 10:659, 10:660n, 11:67

An Act to Incorporate the Union Canal Company, of Pennsylvania, 4:315–4:316

An Act to incorporate The American Geological Society (1819), 14:648

An Act to lay and collect a direct tax within the United States (1798), 6:443, 6:443n

An Act to lay and collect a direct tax within the United States (1813), 6:398, 6:398–6:399n, 6:411, 9:511

An Act to prevent obstructions in the navigable water courses within the Commonwealth (1816), 9:366, 9:395, 9:396n, 9:396n, 9:435, 9:469, 9:497, 11:83–11:84, 11:104–11:106, 11:108–11:109n, 14:413–14:414

An Act to prevent settlements being made on lands ceded to the United States until authorized by law (1807)

  • and batture controversy, 2:435–2:436, 2:441n, 2:450n, 2:455, 2:462, 2:516, 2:518, 2:520, 2:522, 2:528, 2:659n, 3:72, 3:176n

An Act to prevent the destruction of Sheep in this Commonwealth (1814), 4:349n

An Act to promote the progress of useful Arts (1793), 7:171–7:172, 7:173n, 7:510n, 10:534

An Act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of government, and maintaining the public credit, by laying a direct tax upon the United States, and to provide for assessing and collecting the same (1815), 8:486n, 9:217, 9:218n

An Act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of government, and maintaining the public credit, by laying duties on household furniture, and on gold and silver watches (1815), 8:255, 8:256n, 8:486n

An Act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of government, and maintaining the public credit, by laying duties on various goods, wares, and merchandise, manufactured within the United States (1815), 9:217, 9:218n

An Act to provide a library room, and for transporting the library lately purchased (1815), 8:333, 8:333n, 8:445n

An Act to provide an accurate chart of each county and a general map of the territory of this Commonwealth (1816), 9:400–9:401, 9:401n, 9:440–9:441, 9:566, 9:567n, 9:590–9:591, 9:592n, 9:621–9:622, 9:623, 9:642–9:643, 9:680–9:681, 9:684–9:692, 10:55, 10:56n, 10:196, 10:196n, 10:293

An Act to provide for furnishing the house of the President of the United States (1817), 12:466n

An Act to provide for the removal of the library of Congress to the north wing of the Capitol (1818), 13:520, 13:521n

An Act to reduce into one the several Acts directing the course of Descents (1792), 11:146–11:147, 11:147n

An Act to regulate the duties on certain wines (1819), 13:439n

An Act to secure to the Publick certain Lands heretofore held as a Common (1780), 11:105–11:106, 11:109n

An Act to set apart and dispose of certain public lands, for the encouragement of the cultivation of the vine and olive (1817), 10:636–10:637n, 12:19, 12:21n

An Act vesting in Joseph Miller the Commonwealth’s right to the real and personal estate of which Thomas Reed died seised and possessed (1816), 9:261n, 9:360, 9:365, 9:366, 9:394–9:395, 9:401, 9:439–9:440, 9:469, 9:487, 9:495, 9:523

Adair, James

  • The History of the American Indians, 5:122–5:124, 5:125n, 5:182
  • on Indians, 6:137, 6:138
  • TJ on, 5:122–5:124

Adair, John, 6:189, 6:190n

Adam (Old Testament figure), 10:424, 10:505

Adam, Alexander

  • Roman Antiquities, 7:662, 14:258

Adam, Lambert Sigisbert

  • Recueil de Sculptures antiques Greques et Romaines, 14:444

Adams, Abigail (John Adams’s granddaughter)

  • as J. Adams’s amanuensis, 6:627n
  • family of, 4:475

Adams, Abigail Smith (John Adams’s wife)

  • and E. Coles’s visit, 4:314n
  • and E. W. R. Coolidge, 10:583, 10:655
  • correspondence with J. Q. Adams, 10:583, 10:584n, 10:655
  • correspondence with T. B. Hollis, 6:228, 9:176n
  • correspondence with TJ, 3:305, 3:307, 3:356, 4:xlvi, 4:312, 4:313, 4:389, 6:437–6:438, 6:516–6:517, 6:548, 6:551
  • and daughter’s death, 6:388, 6:516–6:517
  • death of, 13:49n, 13:392, 13:392n, 13:469, 13:479, 14:277
  • desires to see TJ, 10:583, 10:656
  • family of, 5:24n, 6:438, 6:438
  • friendship with F. A. Van der Kemp, 13:479, 13:482n
  • health of, 6:437, 7:26, 9:596, 9:596n, 10:583, 10:656, 13:324
  • house of, 6:xlv, 6:386 (illus.)
  • identified, 6:298n
  • letters from, 6:516–6:517, 10:583–10:584, 11:294
  • and letters of introduction for T. Lyman, 11:294, 11:357
  • letters to, 6:437–6:438, 10:655–10:657, 11:357
  • reading habits of, 7:217
  • relationship with J. Adams, 13:70
  • sends greetings to TJ, 4:475, 5:13, 6:297, 6:466, 8:552, 8:553, 9:434n
  • TJ introduces W. C. Rives to, 7:369
  • TJ sends greetings to, 4:628, 6:437, 7:455, 8:523, 8:658, 9:347, 9:434, 9:434n, 9:649, 9:652, 10:461, 10:553, 11:313, 12:10, 13:49, 13:309
  • TJ’s friendship with, 10:285, 10:583
  • and TJ’s syllabus on Jesus’s doctrines, 6:440, 11:138, 11:139n, 11:231, 11:232n

Adams, George

  • Astronomical and Geographical Essays … and also An Introduction to Practical Astronomy, 8:670, 8:685, 8:686
  • An Essay on Electricity … with corrections and additions, by William Jones, 8:685
  • Geometrical and Graphical Essays, 1:581, 8:670, 8:685
  • Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy, 1:581, 14:375, 14:378n

Adams, George Washington (John Adams’s grandson), 6:279, 6:438, 6:438n

Adams, John

  • on Acta Sanctorum (J. de Bolland and others), 8:558–8:563, 8:682, 11:527
  • and addresses of Continental Congress, 6:440, 6:612, 6:612–6:613, 8:625–8:626
  • on aging, 14:311, 14:311n
  • and Alien and Sedition Acts, 6:191, 6:192n
  • and American Society for the Encouragement of Domestic Manufactures, 11:442n
  • and antislavery movement, 14:379n
  • on aristocracy, 6:278–6:279, 6:286–6:288, 6:387, 6:388n, 6:466, 6:466–6:467, 6:504, 6:563, 6:621–6:623, 6:624, 6:624–6:625, 6:626, 7:64–7:67, 7:477, 7:479, 8:683
  • on art, 10:589
  • on atheistic philosophers, 9:527–9:529, 9:650, 10:306
  • on banks, 3:357, 6:626, 10:360, 10:360, 10:360, 13:615
  • and T. Belsham’s Memoirs of the Late Reverend Theophilus Lindsey, 6:145, 6:146, 6:146, 6:180, 6:192, 6:193, 6:226, 6:227, 6:228, 6:277–6:278, 6:367
  • biographical materials requested from, 14:42n
  • on books, 11:46, 11:163n
  • on N. Bowditch’s astronomical writings, 14:45
  • on British constitution, 12:425
  • and broadside from B. Rush, 4:17n
  • on A. Burr, 5:4, 5:13, 6:192, 6:623
  • busts of, 13:49, 13:49n, 13:69, 13:70n, 13:578
  • on L. Carnot, 8:553
  • and Central College, 12:8–12:9
  • on J. Chandler, 6:284–6:285, 6:625
  • on Christianity, 10:361, 10:507, 13:69
  • circular sent to, 11:595, 11:595n
  • and T. Clark’s naval history, 6:146
  • and Cleanthes, 6:520, 6:520–6:521, 6:521–6:522, 6:540–6:541, 6:542
  • on coining of new words, 4:534n
  • and E. Coles’s visit, 4:312–4:313, 4:314n, 4:389
  • A Collection of State-Papers, 11:49n, 11:201
  • and Columbian Institute for the Promotion of Arts and Sciences, 11:144n
  • compared to Nestor, 9:374, 9:375n
  • on Condorcet, 5:184, 5:595, 6:287, 7:23–7:24, 7:477, 7:481n, 8:551, 8:552, 10:7, 11:45, 11:527, 11:527n
  • congressional journals of, 3:39
  • on T. Cooper, 6:318, 6:318, 6:318
  • and copper mines, 12:454n
  • on correspondence, 11:46
  • correspondence of published, 6:233, 6:234n, 6:283–6:284, 13:575, 13:576n, 14:450n
  • correspondence with R. H. Lee and T. L. Lee, 8:642
  • and correspondence with TJ, 5:670, 6:437, 8:152, 8:550, 8:683, 9:627, 10:359
  • criticized by W. Morgan, 9:175
  • criticized by J. Randolph, 5:4
  • criticized by D. Sheffey, 5:4
  • criticizes An Inquiry into the Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States (J. Taylor), 10:211–10:212, 10:212n
  • critics of, 6:255, 6:255
  • on currency depreciation, 14:61
  • on daughter’s death, 6:387–6:388
  • on death and dying, 10:5–10:7, 10:306, 10:306–10:307, 12:81, 13:70, 13:324, 13:471–13:472
  • and death of A. S. Adams, 13:392
  • on deaths of Revolutionary colleagues, 8:135, 8:148
  • and Declaration of Independence, 5:643, 11:202–11:203, 11:252, 14:290–14:291
  • and The Declaration of Independence (J. Trumbull), 12:283, 12:283–12:284n, 13:472, 13:472n
  • Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America, 5:185n, 6:238–6:239, 6:278, 6:287, 6:288, 6:296, 6:388n, 6:504, 6:564, 12:426
  • and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 9:405, 9:460–9:461, 10:38, 10:39n, 11:203
  • depicted in T. Gimbrede engraving, 4:540 (illus.)
  • on destruction of historical records, 6:278, 6:542, 6:616, 6:618
  • and Destutt de Tracy’s writings, 10:586–10:587, 11:45, 13:529, 13:589, 14:60–14:61, 14:82–14:83, 14:155, 14:190, 14:190, 14:224, 14:224, 14:298
  • diplomatic expenses of paid, 2:46n
  • diplomatic service of, 10:115, 10:116, 10:117n, 13:466–13:467
  • Discourses on Davila, 6:287, 6:288, 6:296, 12:426
  • “A Dissertation on the Canon and the Feudal Law”, 11:48, 11:49n, 11:201
  • on the divine right of kings, 8:552
  • on domestic manufacturing, 4:473–4:474, 4:483
  • on druids, 5:70
  • W. Duane on, 5:353
  • on education, 7:480–7:481, 8:550–8:551, 9:529
  • on the eighteenth century, 9:174–9:175, 9:432–9:433, 9:527–9:529
  • on election of 1800, 6:192, 6:625
  • on elections, 6:625
  • on European intellectual conflicts, 9:431–9:434
  • family of, 6:146, 6:300, 6:438, 6:438, 11:46, 12:81, 12:89, 13:324
  • on France, 8:682, 8:684, 9:432, 9:434, 12:81–12:82
  • and B. Franklin, 6:284, 6:285n, 6:287, 6:622, 8:23, 12:426
  • on French Revolution, 6:286, 6:297, 6:505, 7:479, 10:508
  • friendship with schoolmates, 11:217, 11:218n
  • friendship with TJ, 1:185–1:186n, 8:209, 13:309, 13:469
  • friendship with F. A. Van der Kemp, 10:120–10:121, 10:241, 10:242n, 10:285, 10:305, 10:305, 10:305, 10:307n, 10:382, 10:382n, 10:503n, 11:48, 11:230, 11:231, 11:232n, 12:334, 13:41n, 13:479, 14:277
  • friendship with B. Waterhouse, 6:38–6:39, 6:99, 6:100–6:101n, 9:5, 12:496
  • on Genghis Khan, 5:184, 5:185n, 5:584–5:585, 5:585n, 7:477
  • on God, 5:183, 13:471–13:472
  • on governmental systems, 6:296, 8:552, 10:86, 12:82
  • on Great Britain, 7:477, 9:432, 10:508, 10:587–10:588, 12:82
  • Greek handwriting of, 6:xlv, 6:386 (illus.)
  • and Greek pronunciation, 14:153–14:155, 14:190, 14:536
  • on grief, 10:12–10:13, 10:359–10:361, 10:458
  • and A. Hamilton, 2:176, 2:177n, 6:254, 6:284
  • health of, 4:475, 6:183, 6:501, 6:522, 7:220, 7:451, 9:596, 9:596n, 12:496, 12:518, 13:48, 13:472, 13:480, 13:529, 14:190, 14:311
  • on P. Henry, 6:612, 6:612
  • and J. Henry’s mission, 4:627–4:628
  • on E. Hersey, 6:501–6:502, 6:503, 6:504
  • on historians of the American Revolution, 6:258, 8:625–8:626, 8:682–8:683
  • house of, 6:xlv, 6:386 (illus.)
  • on human progress, 6:238–6:239, 6:296–6:297, 6:297, 7:23–7:26, 7:476–7:477, 8:551, 8:552–8:553, 8:683–8:684, 11:45
  • on D. Hume’s History of England, 10:588–10:589
  • identified, 4:390–4:391n
  • on Indians, 4:475–4:476, 5:70, 5:182–5:184, 5:184–5:185, 5:389–5:390, 5:584–5:585, 5:595, 6:183
  • introduces E. Everett, 8:49, 8:49, 8:148
  • introduces J. Freeman, 10:359
  • introduces F. C. Gray, 8:135, 8:148, 8:232
  • introduces F. W. P. Greenwood, 14:310, 14:523
  • introduces H. Holley, 12:404–12:405, 13:48, 13:69
  • introduces G. Ticknor, 8:148, 8:193, 8:232, 8:260, 8:267
  • on Jesuits, 10:14, 10:306, 10:508, 10:587, 11:269
  • on Ky., 12:404–12:405
  • on Lafayette, 6:287
  • Latin verse provided by, 9:264–9:266, 9:266–9:267n, 9:374
  • on J. de Lespinasse, 14:30–14:31
  • letter from to T. McKean, 8:626n
  • letter from, to J. Morse, 9:256, 9:257n
  • letter returned to, 7:150
  • letters from, 4:390–4:391, 4:473–4:476, 4:483–4:485, 5:3–5:4, 5:11–5:14, 5:70–5:71, 5:182–5:186, 5:386–5:390, 5:583–5:585, 5:595–5:596, 6:145–6:147, 6:180–6:181, 6:183–6:184, 6:191–6:193, 6:226–6:229, 6:236–6:239, 6:253–6:256, 6:258–6:259, 6:277–6:280, 6:283–6:285, 6:286–6:288, 6:296–6:298, 6:298–6:300, 6:301–6:303, 6:317–6:319, 6:367–6:368, 6:386–6:388, 6:465–6:467, 6:499–6:502, 6:503–6:505, 6:520–6:522, 6:540–6:543, 6:612–6:614, 6:616–6:619, 6:621–6:627, 7:23–7:27, 7:64–7:68, 7:73–7:78, 7:216–7:221, 7:476–7:482, 8:49–8:50, 8:135, 8:148–8:149, 8:550–8:551, 8:552–8:554, 8:558–8:563, 8:625–8:626, 8:682–8:684, 9:174–9:176, 9:431–9:434, 9:526–9:529, 10:5–10:8, 10:12–10:15, 10:305–10:307, 10:359–10:361, 10:424–10:425, 10:507–10:509, 10:573, 10:586–10:590, 11:45–11:47, 11:267–11:270, 11:362–11:364, 11:382–11:385, 11:527, 12:81–12:83, 12:404–12:405, 13:69–13:71, 13:138–13:139, 13:324–13:325, 13:471–13:472, 13:529, 13:615, 14:30–14:31, 14:45, 14:60–14:61, 14:82–14:83, 14:190–14:191, 14:310–14:311, 14:339–14:340, 14:447–14:448, 14:545–14:546, 14:563
  • and letters of J. Q. Adams, 10:583
  • and letters of introduction for T. Lyman, 11:46, 11:294, 11:294n, 11:355, 11:356, 11:357, 11:360, 11:362–11:363
  • letters to, 4:428–4:430, 4:435, 4:626–4:628, 5:122–5:125, 5:508–5:513, 6:137–6:139, 6:193–6:195, 6:231–6:235, 6:438–6:441, 6:548–6:552, 6:562–6:568, 7:146–7:151, 7:368–7:369, 7:451–7:455, 8:522–8:523, 8:656–8:659, 9:345–9:347, 9:649–9:652, 10:284–10:286, 10:458–10:461, 10:549–10:553, 10:657–10:658, 11:311–11:313, 12:8–12:10, 13:48–13:49, 13:309, 13:392, 13:588–13:589, 14:153–14:156, 14:298, 14:523–14:525
  • letter to, from G. W. Jeffreys, 11:130n
  • on liberty and necessity, 14:60
  • library of, 8:49
  • on E. Livingston, 5:3
  • and J. Lomax, 6:440, 6:441n
  • on J. Madison’s administration, 5:3–5:4
  • and S. Malcom’s appointment, 5:42, 5:42–5:43, 5:70, 5:95, 5:122
  • on M. Manilius, 5:184, 8:683–8:684
  • and Mecklenburg Co., N.C., “Declaration of Independence”, 14:447–14:448, 14:523–14:525, 14:545–14:546, 14:563
  • meeting with R. Howe, 8:20, 8:20n
  • as member of Continental Congress, 13:619, 14:447, 14:524
  • and memoir on D. Rittenhouse, 5:372n, 7:216–7:217
  • mentioned, 2:604, 3:381n, 5:127n, 5:165n, 5:525, 6:38, 6:89n, 7:471, 8:183, 8:391, 9:250n, 10:258, 12:427, 12:497
  • and Midnight Appointments, 3:306–3:307
  • on military glory, 8:683
  • as minister to Great Britain, 5:504, 13:331
  • and J. Monroe, 12:496, 13:239, 13:240n
  • on Montesquieu, 5:184, 5:185–5:186n, 11:527, 11:527n
  • on P. Morton, 5:583
  • on Napoleon, 5:13, 7:477–7:478, 8:551, 8:552, 8:683, 8:683–8:684, 10:508, 11:383, 13:69
  • nepotism practiced by, 2:183, 2:184n
  • on the Netherlands, 13:615, 13:615n
  • and offer to publish correspondence with TJ, 8:623, 8:658, 8:659n, 8:683
  • opinion of sought, 9:680, 9:681–9:682n, 13:575, 13:576n, 14:29n
  • opinion on batture case, 5:3
  • and origin of American Revolution, 12:494–12:495, 12:496, 12:496–12:497, 12:530–12:531, 12:531n, 13:48, 13:69
  • on T. Paine, 5:184, 6:297, 14:447–14:448
  • on Peter the Hermit, 5:12, 5:13n
  • on the philosophes, 8:552, 8:562
  • physical habits of, 14:158n
  • on physical pain, 10:306, 10:359
  • on Plato, 5:183, 5:184, 6:503, 6:504, 6:505, 7:74–7:75, 7:75, 7:75, 7:76–7:77, 7:478–7:480, 10:360, 12:82
  • political creed of, 9:174
  • and political terminology, 14:146n
  • portraits of, 4:xlvi, 4:370 (illus.), 10:38, 10:39n, 10:39n, 10:398, 11:203, 11:252, 13:331
  • praised, 13:482
  • presidency of, 2:273–2:274n, 2:385, 5:24n, 5:445–5:446n, 7:530, 7:576, 8:600n, 11:46, 11:267–11:268, 11:269, 11:570n, 12:466
  • and presidential addresses, 6:180, 6:180–6:181, 6:195n, 6:237–6:238, 6:253–6:254
  • presidential election of, 11:412
  • on J. Priestley, 6:145–6:146, 6:146, 6:236–6:237, 6:302, 6:318, 6:318, 6:319, 7:25, 7:26, 8:551, 8:552
  • and J. Priestley’s writings, 6:302, 6:317–6:318, 6:318, 6:367–6:368, 6:439, 6:441, 6:471, 6:499, 6:499–6:500, 6:510, 6:520, 7:74–7:77, 7:218–7:220, 7:220, 7:221, 7:221n, 8:682
  • print of, 2:127
  • on prophecy, 4:483–4:485, 4:626–4:628
  • proposed biography of, 13:496n
  • and proposed biography of S. Adams, 14:298, 14:339–14:340
  • on Psalms of David, 6:616, 6:616
  • on publication of correspondence, 6:226–6:227, 6:228, 6:258, 6:259, 9:175–9:176, 9:176n, 9:433
  • and Quakers, 6:284, 8:552
  • reading habits of, 3:356, 3:357n, 6:277, 6:302–6:303, 10:424, 10:459, 10:507, 10:508, 10:509, 10:573, 10:589, 10:657, 11:268, 13:69, 13:69
  • reflects on his life, 9:526–9:527, 9:649–9:650, 11:267–11:269, 13:138
  • relationship with T. Pickering, 11:267–11:268, 11:312
  • on religion, 6:145, 6:145–6:146, 6:227–6:228, 6:228, 6:236–6:237, 6:238, 6:277–6:278, 6:278, 6:297, 6:298, 6:298–6:299, 6:300, 6:301–6:303, 6:368, 6:499–6:502, 6:503–6:504, 6:522, 6:541, 6:541, 6:542, 6:550, 6:616–6:618, 6:623, 6:624, 7:23–7:26, 7:73–7:77, 7:217–7:220, 7:476–7:477, 8:551, 8:552, 8:558–8:563, 8:682, 9:256, 9:431–9:432, 9:433, 9:527–9:529, 9:649–9:652, 10:7, 10:361, 10:424–10:425, 10:508, 10:573, 10:587, 10:658, 11:45, 11:268–11:269, 11:312, 11:363, 11:382–11:383, 12:405, 14:31
  • resumes correspondence with TJ, 4:xlv, 4:312–4:314, 4:338–4:339, 4:340n, 4:389, 4:431, 4:473, 4:486, 4:533–4:534, 4:642, 4:673, 6:160, 10:211–10:212
  • on retirement, 1:513, 6:192
  • review of J. Hillhouse’s pamphlet, 5:12–5:13, 5:13–5:14n
  • on Revolutionary generation, 4:475, 8:682–8:683
  • on R.I., 6:625
  • on riots and insurrections, 6:254, 8:551
  • W. C. Rives proposes to visit, 7:451, 7:476
  • and B. Rush, 3:278, 3:279, 3:304–3:308, 6:15, 6:16n, 6:95, 6:146, 6:183, 6:298
  • on Russia, 4:474
  • on sale of TJ’s library to Congress, 8:49
  • on sedition in northern states, 6:259
  • A Selection of the Patriotic Addresses, to the President of the United States. together with The President’s Answers (ed. W. Austin), 12:514, 13:33, 13:47
  • sends works of J. Q. Adams, 4:390, 4:391n, 4:428, 4:430n, 4:435, 4:473, 4:483
  • sends works to TJ, 11:527, 11:527n, 13:138, 13:529, 13:588, 14:31, 14:45, 14:153, 14:447, 14:563
  • W. Short forwards pamphlet to, 3:198, 3:274
  • and J. Smith’s proposed National Vaccine Institution, 12:565n
  • on South America, 12:405
  • and speeches of the American Revolution, 10:602, 10:602n, 10:646–10:647
  • on state of politics, 13:529
  • and surviving signers of Declaration of Independence, 6:137, 6:183
  • on J. Taylor of Caroline, 6:567, 6:613, 7:217, 7:217, 7:221n, 7:221n, 7:478–7:479, 7:481n
  • and Ten Commandments, 6:616–6:618, 10:508
  • on Theognis’s writings, 6:279, 6:386–6:387, 6:465–6:466, 6:623
  • TJ introduces W. C. Rives to, 7:368–7:369, 8:148, 8:149n
  • TJ on, 3:304–3:308, 4:312, 4:313, 5:670, 6:194–6:195, 8:358, 10:86, 10:609, 12:426, 12:518, 13:27, 13:28, 14:293
  • TJ reads letter of, 8:423
  • on TJ’s administration, 5:3–5:4, 6:258–6:259
  • on TJ’s appeal to younger generation, 11:46
  • and TJ’s batture pamphlet, 4:624, 4:626, 5:11–5:12
  • TJ sends works to, 10:459, 12:9, 13:529
  • and TJ’s health, 13:442, 13:442n, 13:529, 14:190
  • and TJ’s syllabus on Jesus’s doctrines, 6:440, 6:499–6:500, 6:520, 6:548, 6:616, 6:618, 9:595, 9:596n, 9:703, 11:139n
  • on Turgot, 5:185n, 6:287, 6:287, 6:288n
  • and uninhabited islands, 8:175, 8:176n, 8:229
  • on Union, 4:474–4:475, 10:588
  • and University of Virginia, 14:525
  • on U.S. Constitution, 6:567
  • and U.S. Navy, 6:138, 6:183, 6:184, 6:192
  • on U.S. Senate, 6:624
  • F. A. Van der Kemp’s life sketched by, 10:305–10:306
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:503
  • as vice president, 3:305, 12:425
  • voyage to France (1778), 4:474, 4:476n
  • on G. Washington, 5:3, 6:254, 6:284
  • on S. A. Wells, 14:339–14:340
  • on wisdom of ancestors, 6:180, 6:180, 6:181, 6:194, 6:195n, 6:237, 6:237–6:239
  • works sent to, 10:573, 10:657, 10:658, 11:31, 11:363, 11:364, 11:382, 11:384n, 13:72n, 13:520, 13:564n, 13:589, 14:391n, 14:459n, 14:582n
  • on writing, 13:69
  • and Wyandot Indians, 14:297n

Adams, John (of Richmond)

  • as character reference, 13:419, 13:419
  • recommends carpenters, 14:652

Adams, John Quincy

  • administration of, 11:xlvi
  • and American Journal of Science, 12:627n
  • American Principles, 3:356, 3:357n, 4:435n
  • as Amsterdam resident, 12:22
  • and appointments, 12:22, 12:34, 12:47, 12:93–12:94, 12:151, 12:226, 12:276–12:277, 12:473, 12:473, 12:473, 13:125, 14:150, 14:239, 14:625
  • and P. Cardelli, 14:246, 14:279, 14:315–14:316, 14:523n
  • and charges against B. Waterhouse, 1:296
  • circulars and speeches sent to, 14:112n
  • correspondence with A. S. Adams, 10:583, 10:584n, 10:655
  • on D. D. de Pradt, 12:89–12:90, 12:154
  • and Destutt de Tracy’s family, 10:583, 10:584n
  • and J. Dougherty, 14:543–14:544
  • J. W. Eppes on, 6:313
  • and fire at Monticello, 14:246, 14:279
  • on France, 9:256–9:257, 12:89–12:90
  • and Franklin Gazette, 12:310n
  • and J. Henry’s mission, 4:627–4:628
  • identified, 12:91–12:92n
  • Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory, 4:390, 4:391n, 4:428, 4:430n, 4:435, 4:473, 4:483, 12:576
  • letters from, 12:89–12:92, 12:226, 14:246, 14:315–14:316
  • letters to, 12:154–12:157, 12:276–12:277, 14:279
  • letters to sons on religion, 6:300
  • A Letter to Harrison G. Otis, Esquire, 4:435n
  • mentioned, 3:205n, 3:333n, 6:287, 7:480, 8:209, 8:371, 10:508–10:509, 10:550, 11:452, 12:57
  • as minister plenipotentiary to Great Britain, 8:590n, 10:283n, 11:138, 11:139n, 12:81
  • minister plenipotentiary to Russia, 1:38, 1:328, 1:328n, 1:360, 1:537, 3:115, 3:116n, 6:175, 7:434, 8:135, 8:378
  • negotiates convention with Great Britain, 8:588, 8:589n, 8:598, 8:654, 8:655n, 9:45–9:46, 9:46n
  • nominated as Supreme Court justice, 3:246
  • as peace negotiator, 6:105n, 6:175, 6:313, 7:201, 7:202n, 7:433, 7:434, 7:473–7:474, 8:569, 9:485
  • and P. S. Physick’s prescription for TJ, 14:242
  • and political terminology, 14:146n
  • portraits of, 13:540
  • presidential prospects of, 7:560
  • professor at Harvard, 4:473
  • relationship with J. Adams, 13:69
  • rumored as secretary of state, 1:118
  • as secretary of state, 11:145–11:146, 11:512, 11:513, 11:532, 11:533, 12:10, 12:81, 12:149, 12:156, 12:320, 12:373, 12:373–12:374, 12:459–12:460n, 12:460n, 13:liii, 13:119, 13:119n, 13:155, 13:155n, 13:236n, 13:246, 13:280, 13:282n, 13:445, 13:445, 13:504, 13:587, 13:587, 13:587–13:588n, 13:588n, 13:588n, 13:609, 13:610–13:611, 13:612, 13:612n, 14:558
  • and subscriptions, 13:22n
  • TJ forwards letters through, 8:589, 10:283n
  • TJ on, 10:609, 10:655, 12:10
  • TJ requests state papers from, 14:279
  • and weights and measures, 12:90–12:91, 12:92n, 12:154–12:156
  • works sent to, 12:147n, 13:31n, 14:572n

Adams, Richard (1726–1800)

  • as Richmond Common Council member, 12:243

Adams, Richard (1760–1817)

  • and Richmond property dispute, 12:243–12:244

Adams, Samuel (1722–1803)

  • and American invasion of Canada, 14:227, 14:293
  • and Articles of Confederation, 14:227
  • death of, 10:360
  • and Declaration of Independence, 13:332, 14:226, 14:227
  • and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 12:527, 12:574
  • family of, 12:527, 14:298, 14:339–14:340, 14:340n
  • and Mass. Committee of Correspondence, 9:369n, 14:226, 14:288–14:289, 14:373–14:374
  • as member of Continental Congress, 13:578–13:579n, 13:619, 13:620n
  • mentioned, 6:623, 7:476, 8:358, 8:642, 14:311, 14:311n
  • orations of, 14:227, 14:228n, 14:293
  • and origin of American Revolution, 12:495, 12:531n, 13:69, 13:577–13:578, 13:578, 14:373–14:375
  • proposed biography of, 12:493, 12:497, 14:225–14:227, 14:293, 14:298, 14:339–14:340
  • revises J. Otis’s writings, 14:190, 14:191n
  • TJ on, 12:574, 14:293

Adams, Samuel (1751–88)

  • family of, 14:339

Adams, Samuel G.

  • merchant, 4:487, 4:522, 7:189

Adams, Sarah Smith (John Adams’s daughter-in-law)

  • as J. Adams’s amanuensis, 6:627n

Adams, Susanna (John Adams’s granddaughter)

  • as J. Adams’s amanuensis, 6:627n
  • family of, 4:475

Adams, Susanna Boylston (John Adams’s mother)

  • family of, 4:473

Adams, Thomas

  • Henrico Co. clerk, 8:170

Adams, USS (frigate), 13:533, 13:533n

Adams-Onís Treaty (1819)

  • and claims commission, 14:340
  • ratification of, 14:466, 14:467n, 14:503
  • and U.S. relations with Spain, 14:581n

Addington. See Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount

Addison, Joseph

  • Cato: A Tragedy, 7:312n+, 9:247, 9:249n
  • as translator of Horace, 6:616

Additional Facts, Observations, and Conjectures relative to the … Opossum of North-America (B. S. Barton), 8:422, 8:422–8:423n

An Addition, of December 1818, to the Memoir, of February and August 1817, on the subject of the cotton culture, the cotton commerce, and the cotton manufacture of the United States (T. Coxe), 14:29–14:30, 14:47

Additions to the Fourth and Former Editions of An Essay on the Principle of Population (T. R. Malthus), 13:586n

Addoms, Jonas Smith

  • An Inaugural Dissertation on the Malignant Fever, which prevailed in the city of New-York … in the year 1791, 10:133–10:134, 10:147n

Address at the Opening of the Botanic Garden of Liverpool (W. Roscoe), 1:164n

An Address delivered in Havre-de-Grace, June 4, 1812 (J. J. Wilmer), 5:226, 5:227n, 5:288

An Address, delivered at the meeting at the Agricultural Society of Jefferson County, December 29, 1817 (J. Le Ray de Chaumont), 13:71, 13:72n, 13:172n

An Address, delivered before the Columbian Institute, for the Promotion of Arts and Sciences, at the City of Washington, on the 11th January, 1817 (E. Cutbush), 11:143–11:144n

An Address delivered before the Oneida Society for the Promotion of American Manufactures (I. Briggs), 12:194

Address delivered by Charles W. Peale, to the Corporation and Citizens of Philadelphia, on The 18th Day of July, 1816 (C. W. Peale), 10:308, 10:308, 10:311n, 11:372, 11:374n

Address of the American Society for the encouragement of Domestic Manufactures (W. Sampson), 10:645–10:646, 10:652–10:653, 10:653n, 11:23–11:24, 11:24–11:25n, 11:136, 11:136n

Address of the Connecticut Society for the Encouragement of American Manufactures, 11:169, 11:169–11:170n

Address of the Managers of the Bible Society of Virginia, to the Public, 6:607, 6:608, 6:608n

An Address to the Clergy of Massachusetts (W. Cobbett), 9:4–9:5, 9:6n, 9:6n, 9:78, 9:79n

Address to the Clergy of New-England, on Their Opposition to the Rulers of the United States (W. Plumer), 8:175, 8:229

Address to the People of the United States (R. Smith), 1:340n, 3:110n, 3:595, 3:608n, 4:21, 4:31, 4:109

Address to the People of the United States, on the measures pursued by the Executive with respect to the Batture at New-Orleans (E. Livingston), 2:455, 2:456n, 2:516, 2:518n, 2:658, 2:658n, 3:30, 3:133, 3:173n, 3:235, 3:236n, 3:271, 3:483, 5:45, 5:47n, 5:143–5:144

Adele et Théodore, ou lettres sur l’éducation (S. F. Genlis), 12:534

Adeline (brig), 8:689, 9:114, 9:116, 9:118n

Adeline (schooner), 8:632, 8:633n, 14:256, 14:628

Adelung, Friedrich

  • Catherinens der Grossen Verdienste um die Vergleichende Sprachenkunde, 11:562, 11:562n, 12:249–12:250, 12:251n, 12:294, 12:331
  • director of Oriental Institute, 4:99n
  • forwards packet through L. Harris, 3:150
  • introduced to TJ, 2:467
  • offers to assist American Philosophical Society, 2:468n
  • Rapports entre la langue sanscrit et la langue Russe, 4:99, 4:99n
  • works of, 13:569–13:570

Adelung, Johann Christoph

  • family of, 12:250, 12:251n
  • Mithridates: Oder Allgemeine Sprachenkunde, 1:265, 1:267n, 1:652n, 12:250

Adkinson, Mr. See Atkinson, Michael

Adlum, John

  • Adlum on Making Wine, 1:587n
  • correspondence with TJ published, 13:351n
  • and grape cuttings, 9:348, 9:348–9:349, 9:514–9:515, 9:609
  • identified, 1:587n
  • letters from, 2:220–2:223, 2:292–2:293, 2:330, 9:514–9:515
  • letters to, 1:586–1:587, 2:338–2:339, 9:348
  • A Memoir on the Cultivation of the Vine in America, and the Best Mode of Making Wine, 1:587n
  • moves to Georgetown, D.C., 9:514
  • and wine, 2:220–2:223, 2:292, 2:293, 2:330, 2:338–2:339, 9:288, 9:288n, 9:311, 9:348, 9:348–9:349, 10:20–10:21

Adlum on Making Wine (J. Adlum), 1:587n

Adrain, Robert

  • experiments of, 9:204
  • and pendulums, 6:82
  • and perteual-motion machine, 5:558–5:559, 5:559n

Adresse au Conseil Legislatif du Territoire d’Orleans (J. L. Poydras), 2:682, 4:466

Adriano in Siria (P. Metastasio), 7:452, 7:455n

The Adventurer, 7:665

The Adventures of Telemachus, the Son of Ulysses (Fénelon), 13:521, 13:522n

Advice to Shepherds (Daubenton; trans. J. Bowdoin), 3:96n, 3:343, 3:343n, 5:165, 5:165n, 11:164

adzes, 14:541

Aeneid (Virgil), 7:661, 9:59, 9:59n, 10:6, 10:8n, 13:206–13:207n, 14:257, 14:258, 14:551

Aeolus (British ship), 5:370


  • A. Auger’s translation of, 7:259
  • TJ recommends, 7:447
  • works of, 14:551

Aeschines Socraticus

  • Æschinis Socratici Dialogi Tres Græce et Latine, ad quos accessit quarti Latinum Fragmentum (ed. J. Leclerc), 10:233

Æschinis Socratici Dialogi Tres Græce et Latine, ad quos accessit quarti Latinum Fragmentum (Aeschines Socraticus; ed. J. Leclerc), 10:233

Aeschyli Tragoediae Quae Supersunt ac Deperditarum Fragmenta (Aeschylus; ed. C. G. Schütz), 9:196, 9:455, 10:212, 10:531, 11:414, 14:510


  • Aeschyli Tragoediae Quae Supersunt ac Deperditarum Fragmenta (ed. C. G. Schütz), 9:196, 9:455, 10:212, 10:531, 11:414, 14:510
  • authenticity of works of, 9:87
  • mentioned, 9:456
  • works of, 13:314n, 13:394, 13:395n, 13:596, 13:608, 14:552

Aesculapius (mythological deity), 2:187, 2:188n

Aesculus hippocastanea (Aesculus hippocastanum). See chestnut: horse


  • fables of advocated for Indians, 1:110
  • Fables of Æsop and others (trans. S. Croxall), 13:477
  • Μύθων Αἰσωπείων Συναγωγή. Fabularum Æsopicarum Collectio, quotquot Græce Reperiuntur, 14:510
  • quoted by J. Adams, 6:621
  • quoted by W. Short, 7:224, 7:225n
  • referenced by TJ, 8:580, 8:581n, 9:90, 9:91n, 11:23, 11:25n, 11:558, 11:558n
  • study of, 11:396
  • works of bound for TJ, 8:630, 8:661, 8:678

Æthelberht I, king of Kent

  • laws of, 7:125, 7:147

Ætna (steamboat), 13:254


  • colonization of blacks to, 3:267–3:269, 3:318–3:320, 11:7–11:8, 11:8–11:12, 11:60–11:61, 11:61n, 11:501, 14:264, 14:265n
  • corn from, 9:672
  • and French colonial and scientific expeditions, 8:244
  • Jews in, 13:30
  • peoples of, 7:533
  • seeds from, 13:75
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:506

African-Americans See also slavery; slaves

  • colonization of, 14:11, 14:264, 14:265n
  • doctors, 14:494, 14:596
  • education of, 14:264
  • living at Milton, 9:444
  • military service by proposed, 7:532–7:534
  • population of in Va., 13:188n, 13:401, 13:584, 13:584n
  • portraits of, 13:426, 13:426n
  • as TJ’s tenants, 11:397, 11:428, 11:589

agate, 6:373, 7:261

Agenda Général; ou livret pratique d’emploi du tems (M. A. Jullien), 12:229

Agenoria (brig), 9:569–9:570, 11:531

Agent (brig), 12:381n, 12:386n, 12:566, 13:9

The Age of Louis XIV (Voltaire), 7:664, 12:534

The Age of Louis XV (Voltaire), 7:664, 12:534

The Age of Reason (T. Paine), 12:554

Aggregate amount of each description of Persons within the United States of America … in the year 1810, 6:226, 6:226n

Aggy (E. Randolph’s slave), 4:231–4:232n

Aggy (TJ’s slave)

  • directions for, 8:616n
  • medical care of, 7:387, 10:106

Aggy (TJ’s slave; b. 1789). See Hern, Aggy (TJ’s slave; b. 1789)

Aggy (TJ’s slave; b. 1789; daughter of Dinah)

  • family of, 5:463n, 9:40, 9:40n, 9:215–9:216, 11:546, 11:546n
  • house of, 8:173
  • laborer, 4:379
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:382, 4:384, 4:385, 5:462, 6:308, 6:308, 6:309, 8:61, 8:62, 8:255, 8:255, 13:387
  • pot for, 8:70–8:71
  • weaver, 4:380, 4:380, 5:663

Aggy (TJ’s slave; b. 1798). See Gillette, Aggy (TJ’s slave; b. 1798)


  • J. Adams on, 14:311, 14:311n
  • J. Barnes on, 5:393
  • books on, 3:137, 3:137n
  • and dementia, 8:690, 8:690–8:691, 10:285
  • P. S. Du Pont de Nemours on, 8:502, 8:504–8:505, 9:613, 9:616n
  • effect of alcohol on, 14:420, 14:420
  • B. Galloway on, 8:517
  • C. W. Peale on, 8:82, 8:465
  • R. Peters on, 9:598–9:599, 9:600, 9:600–9:601n, 11:483
  • C. Thomson on, 10:59–10:60
  • TJ on his own, 5:164, 5:366, 5:607, 5:662, 8:109, 8:133, 8:354, 8:377, 8:441, 8:456, 8:539, 8:541, 8:651, 9:341, 10:11, 10:284–10:285, 10:363, 10:442, 10:447, 10:477, 10:654, 10:656, 11:13, 11:160, 11:215, 11:436, 12:370, 12:441, 12:461, 12:481, 12:517, 12:519, 12:524, 12:524, 12:577, 12:616, 12:626, 13:48, 13:57, 13:74, 13:94, 13:94, 13:100, 13:154, 13:178–13:179, 13:311, 13:418, 13:427, 13:440, 13:526, 13:532, 14:54, 14:111, 14:199, 14:201, 14:279, 14:283, 14:284, 14:284, 14:302, 14:481, 14:595, 14:596, 14:646
  • TJ on youth, 2:187, 8:101, 8:103, 8:247, 11:338, 12:370, 14:629–14:630

Agiorgitiko (St. George) (wine), 3:505, 9:513n

Agrarian Justice, opposed to Agrarian Law, and to Agrarian Monopoly (T. Paine), 4:168n

L’Agricoltore Sperimentato (C. Trinci), 2:82, 11:164

Agricultural Enquiries on Plaister of Paris (R. Peters), 11:165

Agricultural Museum, 2:543, 2:544n

Agricultural Society of Albemarle

  • and contour plowing, 6:70n
  • formation of, 11:319, 12:571
  • meetings of, 12:75, 12:99, 13:313
  • members of, 4:22n, 4:59n, 4:538–4:539n, 5:140n, 5:528n, 5:567n, 11:319, 13:71
  • officers of, 1:53–1:54n, 3:136n, 3:146n, 4:416n, 13:313n
  • TJ’s involvement with, 3:351n, 11:319, 13:71, 13:172
  • TJ’s proposed constitution for, 3:347–3:352

Agricultural Society of Bavaria

  • diploma from received by TJ, 5:273 (illus.), 7:505
  • membership conferred on TJ, 5:270–5:271, 5:273, 7:505

agriculture See also Agricultural Society of Albemarle; crops; dynamometers; Hessian fly; Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture; plows; Société d’agriculture du département de la Seine

  • along the lower James River, 2:167
  • American Board of Agriculture, 1:133, 1:134n, 3:33, 3:35n, 11:338, 11:339n, 13:172
  • annual income from, 10:574
  • beekeeping, 11:165, 11:503–11:504, 11:504n
  • and Belfast Literary Society, 4:159, 4:175, 4:187–4:188n
  • Berkshire Agricultural Society, 10:661, 11:277, 11:279n, 11:279n, 11:279n, 11:338
  • Board of Agriculture of the State of New-York, 12:647, 13:249
  • books on, 1:35, 1:35, 1:35, 1:35, 1:35, 1:36, 1:36, 1:37, 1:37, 1:508, 1:581–1:582, 3:321, 3:322n, 4:110n, 6:17, 6:122, 6:219, 6:280, 6:280, 6:380, 6:613, 6:613, 7:626, 8:56, 8:57n, 8:388, 8:388, 8:442, 8:672, 10:234, 10:237n, 10:501, 10:501–10:502n, 10:532, 11:162, 11:245–11:246, 11:398, 12:99, 12:103, 12:112, 14:29–14:30, 14:47, 14:219, 14:222, 14:240, 14:445
  • British Board of Agriculture, 1:252, 1:252n
  • and cast-iron presses, 2:302
  • cleaning and sowing of clover seed, 8:367, 8:459–8:460, 8:520, 8:535
  • clearing and belting of land, 2:85, 2:86–2:87n
  • and coating seeds with tar and plaster, 2:334
  • collegiate education in, 13:209, 13:215n, 13:402
  • Columbian Agricultural Society, 1:23n, 1:40n
  • contour plowing, 2:254, 6:69–6:70, 6:70n, 7:79–7:80, 8:278, 9:538–9:539, 9:540n, 9:599, 11:129, 12:570
  • corn brake, 8:460
  • corn-shelling machines, 7:83–7:84, 8:367, 8:458–8:459, 8:463, 8:535, 14:96–14:97, 14:118, 14:472
  • crop rotation, 6:132–6:133, 6:134
  • Domestic encyclopædia, 1:18, 1:19n, 1:252, 1:252n
  • education in, 11:263–11:264, 11:266n, 13:574, 13:597
  • effect of war on, 8:301, 8:536
  • “Essays on the Natural History and Origin of Peat” (R. Rennie), 8:678, 8:679n, 9:75–9:76
  • European methods of, 9:599, 9:599–9:600, 12:254–12:255
  • fences, 7:80–7:81, 8:70, 8:81, 8:305, 9:282, 12:483
  • and fertilization, 4:179, 4:180, 4:531, 6:486–6:487, 7:83, 8:78, 8:305, 8:366, 10:532–10:535, 13:582, 14:180, 14:249–14:250
  • field cultivation of vegetables, 11:271–11:273, 11:308–11:309
  • and fodder, 2:271, 2:371, 8:32, 8:71, 8:71, 8:71, 8:109, 8:126, 8:129, 8:158, 10:449, 12:302, 12:302, 12:302, 14:180–14:181, 14:250, 14:585
  • in France, 12:39, 12:103
  • government subsidies to, 2:613–2:614, 9:616–9:617
  • gypsum used in, 2:197–2:198, 2:205, 2:226, 2:304, 2:305, 2:329, 2:334, 2:341, 3:313, 3:341, 3:349, 8:520, 8:535, 9:66, 9:493–9:494, 9:538, 9:541, 9:583, 12:301, 12:349
  • happiness of agricultural workers, 2:296
  • harvesting of fruit, 8:548–8:549, 10:32
  • and hawthorn hedges, 2:132n, 2:167, 10:194–10:195, 10:196n, 10:238–10:239, 10:292–10:293, 11:228
  • hemp brake, 6:442, 6:452, 9:303–9:304, 9:461–9:462, 9:463, 10:32–10:33
  • impact of taxation on, 2:573–2:574, 2:577, 2:580, 2:584, 2:585–2:586, 2:589, 2:590
  • implements of, 3:171, 3:228, 3:245, 3:251, 3:349, 3:456, 3:461, 6:347, 6:347, 8:534–8:535, 8:535–8:536, 9:539, 9:540n, 9:583–9:584, 10:32–10:33, 14:179, 14:537, 14:539–14:540
  • improved method of planting, 8:42–8:43, 8:43n, 8:104, 8:210, 12:19, 12:254–12:255
  • and insects, 2:222, 2:496, 7:194, 7:194, 9:545, 10:526, 14:180, 14:250
  • Jefferson County Agricultural Society (New York), 13:71, 13:72n, 13:172n, 14:274–14:275, 14:275n, 14:441
  • Kentucky Society for Promoting Agriculture, 10:593, 10:593n, 11:4, 12:254
  • law on, 4:168
  • and manufacturing interests, 9:334–9:336, 9:534–9:537, 9:616–9:617, 9:618n, 9:620n, 11:23, 11:287, 11:345–11:346
  • Massachusetts Agricultural Journal, 8:678, 8:679n, 11:270, 11:271–11:272, 11:308
  • Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture, 8:678, 8:679n, 10:661
  • national board of proposed, 11:277–11:278, 11:279n, 11:279n, 11:338
  • as national occupation, 13:529
  • pamphlets on bound for TJ, 8:629, 8:630, 13:456
  • C. W. Peale on farming, 4:136–4:142, 4:179–4:181, 5:324–5:325, 11:157–11:158
  • Pennsylvania moldboard, 1:111, 1:252
  • Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture, 1:133, 1:477, 1:479–1:480n, 2:220, 2:223n, 4:161, 4:161n, 11:172
  • Red House Agricultural Society, 11:129, 11:162, 11:245–11:246, 11:347, 12:571, 13:356
  • regional, 11:130n, 11:270–11:271
  • Richmond Society for Promoting Agriculture, 3:348, 3:351n
  • straw-cutting machine, 7:84, 8:367, 8:459
  • study of, 7:639, 7:639, 7:640, 7:667, 7:686, 9:600, 12:123, 12:254
  • surplus products of, 9:476n
  • taxes on exported products of, 8:608
  • threshing machines, 2:5n, 2:36, 2:675, 3:293, 3:349, 3:371, 5:324, 5:325–5:326, 5:360, 5:444–5:445, 7:81–7:82, 8:185, 8:368–8:369, 8:369n, 8:464, 8:520, 8:535–8:536, 10:32–10:33, 11:200, 14:588
  • TJ buys fruit trees, 1:40
  • TJ lists works on, 1:581–1:582, 2:81–2:83, 2:195, 7:626, 11:129, 11:164–11:165, 11:165n
  • TJ on, 1:110, 1:252, 1:559, 7:249, 9:515, 11:168n, 11:344–11:345, 14:224, 14:630
  • TJ on farming, 4:93
  • TJ’s farm book, 4:xliv, 4:370 (illus.)
  • tree cultivation, 9:542
  • in Va., 14:562
  • and weather, 7:194, 8:304, 8:366, 8:457, 8:697, 10:65, 10:74, 10:355, 10:449, 10:526, 12:352, 12:353, 12:354, 12:556

Agrippa II, king of Judea, 7:575–7:576, 7:590n

Agrostis stolonifera. See fiorin grass

ague and fever. See malaria (ague and fever)

Aguirre, Manuel Hermenejildo de

  • as diplomat, 12:271, 12:272n

Aikin, John

  • Evenings at Home, 12:534
  • Letters to A Young Lady on a Course of English Poetry, 7:664

Ainsworth, Robert

  • An Abridgement of Ainsworth’s Dictionary (ed. T. Morell), 8:660, 9:274, 9:464, 9:538, 9:639, 12:439
  • Latin and English Dictionary abridged, 1:35

Αἰθιοπικῶν βιβλία δέκα (Heliodorus), 11:452

Aird, John

  • vouches for J. Melish, 4:423

Ajax (mythological character)

  • J. Adams compared to, 13:28

Akbar, emperor of India

  • Ayeen Akbery: or, the institutes of the Emperor Akber, 10:486

Akerly, Samuel

  • as editor of Medical Repository, 14:420

Akers, John, 1:415

Akropolites, Georgios

  • Historiæ Byzantinæ Scriptores Tres Graeco-Latini, 11:452

Alabama Territory

  • French settlement in, 11:404n, 11:542–11:543, 11:545, 12:19, 12:56, 14:17–14:18, 14:48, 14:49, 14:89
  • maps of, 11:615–11:616, 11:616–11:617n, 13:41, 13:42n, 13:64

Aland, John Fortescue

  • and Anglo-Saxon language, 13:197, 13:217, 13:223n
  • Reports of Select Cases In all the Courts of Westminster-Hall, 13:223n

Alard, Marie Joseph Louis Jean François Antoine

  • Éloge historique de François Péron, 5:463, 5:464n, 6:489, 6:509, 7:50, 7:50n

Albaflor (wine), 1:345, 1:346n, 1:365–1:366, 1:366, 1:366, 4:4, 4:529–4:530, 4:530n, 6:163

Albany Congress (1754)

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:504

Albany Argus, 11:279n

Albany Register (newspaper), 5:318, 5:319n, 5:354n

Albemarle, William Charles Keppel, 4th Earl of, 14:346

Albemarle Academy See also Central College; Virginia, University of

  • Board of Trustees, members of, 5:567n, 7:265, 7:266–7:267, 7:282, 7:283, 7:293, 7:335, 7:427, 7:535–7:536, 7:570, 7:571, 8:90, 8:92, 8:93n, 8:93n, 11:314, 11:318n
  • Board of Trustees, Minutes of, 7:266–7:268, 7:282–7:283, 7:293–7:294, 7:335–7:340, 7:426–7:427, 7:570–7:571
  • Board of Trustees, officers of, 3:540n, 7:283, 7:293, 7:339, 7:426, 8:183
  • Board of Trustees, rules and regulations of, 7:283, 7:335–7:337
  • creation of, 5:102, 5:171–5:172, 7:127–7:128, 7:264–7:266, 8:92, 8:93, 8:646, 8:646–8:647, 11:316
  • location of, 7:427, 7:535–7:536, 7:570–7:571
  • lottery for, 7:265, 7:337–7:338, 7:339, 7:426–7:427, 8:92, 8:183, 9:93n, 9:361, 9:361n, 9:498n, 11:316–11:317, 11:317, 11:318n
  • mentioned, 12:18
  • petition of, 8:183, 8:316–8:317, 9:47, 9:47–9:48n, 9:92, 9:92–9:93n, 9:329, 9:331
  • requests Literary Fund dividend, 8:92, 8:93n, 8:183, 8:317, 9:360, 11:319
  • and sale of glebe lands, 7:265, 7:337, 7:338–7:339, 7:339, 7:339–7:340, 7:571, 7:714, 7:714n, 8:92, 8:183, 8:317, 9:496
  • subscription for, 7:265, 7:337, 7:338, 7:339
  • TJ considers selling library to, 7:128
  • TJ’s Estimate and Plans for Albemarle Academy/Central College, 8:86–8:90, 9:626–9:627, 11:317, 11:318n, 11:586, 11:588n, 12:134, 12:134n
  • TJ solicits advice on, 7:606, 7:607–7:608, 7:636, 7:649, 7:678, 7:684, 7:688n, 12:8
  • TJ’s proposed curriculum for, 7:636–7:641, 7:684, 7:714, 7:716n, 9:396, 12:8–12:9

Albemarle Baptist Church of Christ. See Buckmountain Baptist Church (Albemarle Co.)

Albemarle County Circuit Court, Va., 12:81, 14:130, 14:130n, 14:131, 14:261, 14:261n, 14:264, 14:268, 14:427, 14:429, 14:482

Albemarle County Court, Va., 1:415n, 2:227, 3:225, 6:36n, 6:36–6:37n, 6:115, 6:186, 6:196–6:200, 6:294, 6:472–6:481, 6:482n, 6:488, 6:576, 6:596, 6:596, 8:92, 8:258, 8:258n, 8:390, 8:391n, 8:396–8:397n, 8:399n, 8:692, 8:693n, 9:3, 10:464, 10:666, 10:667, 11:73–11:75, 11:101, 11:172, 11:172–11:173, 11:220, 11:243–11:244, 11:244–11:245, 11:257, 11:258, 11:258, 11:262, 11:262, 11:275, 11:301, 11:336, 11:337, 11:549, 12:41, 12:48, 12:51, 12:53, 12:55, 12:55, 12:57–12:58, 12:59, 12:68, 12:81, 12:99, 12:168, 12:561n, 12:562n, 12:604, 13:liv, 13:275–13:276, 14:9, 14:10n, 14:16, 14:19, 14:19, 14:20, 14:60n, 14:141, 14:211–14:212, 14:267

Albemarle County Superior Court of Law, Va., 6:153, 6:153n, 6:182, 6:554, 6:555, 6:573, 6:573, 6:630, 8:93, 11:275, 12:41, 12:55, 12:55, 12:59, 12:60, 12:68, 12:323

Albemarle County, Va. See also Agricultural Society of Albemarle; Central College; Nicholas, John: as Albemarle Co. clerk; Virginia, University of

  • Agricultural Society of, 1:53–1:54n, 3:136n, 3:146n, 3:347–3:352, 4:22n, 4:59n, 4:416n, 4:538–4:539n
  • Barringer Creek, 3:432
  • Buckmountain Baptist Church, 1:63–1:64, 1:126
  • climate of, 8:304–8:305
  • cloth factory in, 4:143, 4:143n, 4:169, 4:209, 4:667, 5:14–5:15, 5:17, 5:639–5:640, 6:45n
  • Convention Army in, 8:359, 8:359–8:360n
  • culture of inhabitants of, 8:305
  • delegation to General Assembly, 5:526–5:528, 5:528n, 5:556n, 5:638–5:639
  • and dogs, 4:161, 4:161n, 4:170, 4:346–4:349
  • elections in, 7:310–7:311
  • grape cultivation in, 4:177
  • Hardware River, 4:146, 4:387, 8:392, 8:485, 9:99n, 12:81n
  • health of inhabitants, 8:304
  • inhabitants of address TJ, 1:46–1:47, 1:74
  • inhabitants of meet with TJ, 1:79
  • jail and jailer, 8:92
  • land prices in, 3:622, 3:644, 8:167, 8:306–8:307, 8:320
  • libraries in, 14:194
  • mail service in, 8:172, 9:317
  • map of, 1:xliii (illus.), 2:xxxvii (illus.), 3:xli (illus.), 4:xxxix (illus.), 5:xliii (illus.), 6:xxxix (illus.), 7:xxxix (illus.), 8:xli (illus.), 9:xxxix (illus.), 10:xli (illus.), 11:xli (illus.), 12:xlv (illus.), 13:xlvii (illus.), 14:xlvii (illus.)
  • peaches in, 8:697
  • petitions to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254, 4:346–4:349, 9:287, 9:287n, 9:328–9:329, 9:498n, 10:581–10:582, 10:582–10:583, 10:629, 10:664, 11:59, 11:59, 11:59n, 11:59n, 11:119
  • population of, 8:305
  • prices in, 8:167, 8:307
  • rain devastates, 2:254
  • requires military draft, 5:107
  • and road orders, 3:527, 3:527n, 11:243–11:244, 12:48, 12:51, 12:57–12:58, 13:275–13:276
  • roads in, 10:581–10:582, 10:582–10:583, 10:629, 10:659, 10:664, 10:666–10:667, 11:59, 11:59, 11:59n, 11:59n, 11:66, 11:119, 11:132, 11:133, 11:139, 11:172–11:173, 11:200, 11:243, 11:244–11:245, 12:168, 12:562, 13:24, 13:275–13:276, 13:276n
  • schools in, 1:82n, 4:493, 6:73, 6:130, 6:131, 6:426, 6:426, 8:353, 8:624, 8:646, 9:396–9:397, 9:713, 12:435, 12:436
  • sheriff of, 10:464, 10:466, 10:467n, 14:9
  • Statement of TJ’s Taxable Property in Albemarle County, 9:430–9:431, 11:44–11:45, 12:415
  • Statement of TJ’s County Taxes and Court Fees, 7:708–7:709
  • surveyor of, 8:567–8:568, 8:568n, 9:362, 9:363n, 9:488, 9:519, 9:519n, 9:519, 9:519n, 9:519–9:520, 9:520n, 9:648, 9:649n, 9:662, 10:239, 10:239n, 10:666, 10:667, 12:81
  • taxation of property in, 9:99, 9:99n, 9:133, 9:133, 10:464, 10:465n, 10:466, 10:467n, 10:467n, 12:29, 12:139
  • TJ addresses inhabitants of, 1:102–1:103
  • TJ on, 8:167–8:168, 8:304–8:307, 11:413, 11:548–11:549, 12:85, 13:340–13:341
  • as TJ’s birthplace, 12:146, 12:146n
  • volunteer troops, 5:344–5:345
  • wages in, 8:307
  • wheat harvest in, 2:495, 4:95
  • Woods, Micajah (deputy sheriff), 1:590, 1:595

Albemarle pippin. See Newtown pippin (Albemarle pippin)

Alberoni, Giulio

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502

Albert & John W. Picket (New York firm)

  • and the Academician, 12:616, 12:617n
  • identified, 12:616–12:617n
  • letter from accounted for, 12:617n
  • letters to, 12:616–12:617

Albigensian heresy, 7:65–7:66

albinism, 9:12

Albizia julibrissin. See silk tree

Albuquerque, Don José Miguel de la Cuerva, duque de, 2:247


  • mentioned, 6:403


  • and cosmology, 13:257, 13:267n

Alcidamas (Greek rhetorician)

  • TJ on, 9:456

Alcocke, Elliott, 2:452

alcohol See also drunkenness; wine

  • abstinence from, 11:293, 12:8, 14:84, 14:324n, 14:382
  • abuse of, 2:87, 2:191–2:192, 9:131–9:132, 10:461–10:462, 10:537, 13:514n, 14:26, 14:81, 14:84, 14:121, 14:158, 14:160, 14:322–14:323, 14:594
  • ale, 3:241–3:242, 8:12, 14:81, 14:167, 14:246
  • beer, 1:299, 2:116, 5:31, 8:185, 8:186, 8:235, 8:410–8:411, 8:412n, 8:413, 8:438–8:439, 9:4, 9:29, 9:30n, 9:329, 9:371, 9:542, 10:340, 10:462, 13:616–13:617, 14:84, 14:420
  • books on distilling of, 8:388
  • bottles and jugs for, 8:11–8:12, 8:12, 9:371, 9:512, 13:15, 13:15, 14:543
  • brandy, 4:182, 4:209, 4:210, 4:210, 4:210, 4:211, 4:419, 6:487, 7:78, 8:xlvii–8:xlviii, 8:30–8:31, 11:296, 11:300, 11:345, 14:420
  • brandy made from porter, 9:3
  • cider, 1:582, 1:657, 2:223, 4:140–4:141, 4:210, 5:464, 7:381, 7:381, 7:444–7:445, 7:445n, 8:12, 8:196, 8:235, 8:253, 8:402–8:403, 8:404–8:405, 9:124, 9:151, 9:262, 9:262n, 9:267, 9:269, 9:270n, 9:371, 9:512, 9:542, 10:553–10:554, 10:577, 10:577n, 12:192, 12:192n, 12:503, 14:81, 14:84, 14:156, 14:167, 14:420, 14:549n
  • consumption by students, 13:396
  • excise tax on, 3:80, 3:82n
  • French brandy, 1:268, 1:368, 2:109, 2:221, 2:222, 2:223
  • gin, 1:465, 14:420
  • grog, 12:652
  • licenses for sale of, 8:233
  • Bishop J. Madison on, 4:17
  • malt liquor, 12:8, 14:44, 14:156, 14:419, 14:420
  • medicinal uses of, 1:483
  • porter, 3:241–3:242, 3:252, 4:630, 11:293
  • production of, 3:241–3:242
  • rum, 1:299, 6:345, 12:554, 14:420
  • B. Rush on, 4:17
  • sent to Poplar Forest, 11:207
  • shared purchase of, 9:20, 9:21n
  • spirits, 6:347, 6:501, 7:180, 11:293, 12:8, 14:44, 14:156, 14:419, 14:420
  • stills, 3:171, 3:359, 3:521, 6:311
  • taxation of, 9:642n
  • temperance, 9:598, 14:419–14:420, 14:421
  • toddies, 8:235, 10:554
  • whiskey, 1:31, 1:465, 3:359, 4:210, 4:483, 6:344, 6:346, 6:346, 6:346, 6:347, 7:491n, 8:xlvii–8:xlviii, 8:30–8:31, 8:70, 8:109, 9:329, 9:483, 9:512, 10:41, 10:462, 10:537, 11:272–11:273, 12:651, 13:378–13:379, 13:379, 13:379–13:380

Aldini, Giovanni

  • recommends G. W. Blaettermann, 14:252–14:253n, 14:345

ale, 3:241–3:242, 8:12, 14:81, 14:167, 14:246

Aleck (TJ’s slave; b. 1806)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 5:461, 6:309, 6:310, 8:62, 8:255

Alembert, Jean Le Rond d’

  • J. Adams on, 9:527, 9:528, 10:6
  • criticized, 7:587, 10:13
  • Encyclopédie, 6:381, 6:408, 8:580–8:581, 8:581n, 14:82–14:83
  • and J. de Lespinasse, 14:31
  • mentioned, 10:306
  • philosophy of, 9:650
  • and religion, 8:682, 9:527, 10:6, 10:8n
  • TJ on, 7:413
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502
  • on Voltaire, 9:709

Alert, USS (sloop), 11:662, 11:662

Aleutian Islands, 1:447

Alexander, Mr.

  • posts bail for C. L. Bankhead, 14:9

Alexander (“the Great”), king of Macedon, 2:274, 6:541–6:542, 6:543n, 7:24, 7:477, 8:683, 10:398

Alexander I, emperor of Russia

  • and abolition of slave trade, 10:265, 10:265–10:266n
  • and R. de Bécourt’s book, 5:467n
  • bust of, at Monticello, 3:563+
  • criticized, 7:104, 9:217–9:218
  • diplomatic appointments, 1:537, 13:118, 13:145
  • education of, 8:671
  • in France, 11:458, 12:9
  • and Holy Alliance, 10:265, 10:266n
  • and N. Kosloff affair, 10:483
  • and letters of credence, 1:328, 1:343–1:344, 1:359, 1:484, 1:485n
  • and Massachusetts Peace Society, 12:109n
  • mentioned, 6:522, 7:298, 7:405, 7:433, 7:506, 8:569, 9:347, 14:343
  • and Napoleon, 7:410n, 7:423, 7:452, 7:537, 12:90, 12:92n
  • and Napoleon’s defeat in Russia, 6:293
  • as peace mediator, 6:131n, 6:144, 6:175, 6:538–6:539, 7:198, 7:198n, 7:424, 7:528, 7:541, 7:542, 7:543, 7:544n, 13:151, 13:151n
  • and Polish territories, 9:714–9:715, 9:716n
  • political views of, 8:671, 9:110–9:111, 10:54n, 10:54n
  • policies of praised, 11:6
  • and J. S. Smith, 2:466
  • TJ on, 2:277, 2:512, 3:208, 7:97, 7:213, 7:452, 9:90, 10:265, 10:608, 11:585–11:586, 14:427–14:428
  • TJ’s relationship with, 1:38, 1:433, 1:659n, 2:467, 2:487–2:488, 2:512, 2:513, 3:563+, 7:434, 7:541, 11:562
  • and U.S., 1:115–1:116, 1:233, 1:328, 1:659n, 5:685, 5:685n, 7:478, 9:9, 11:122
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:507
  • work dedicated to, 7:416–7:417, 7:421n

Alexander, Abraham, 14:449

Alexander, Adam, 14:448

Alexander, Andrew

  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 13:224n, 13:401, 13:473n, 13:491n, 13:584n
  • identified, 11:589–11:590n
  • letter from, 11:589–11:590
  • and Natural Bridge, 11:589

Alexander, Eli

  • and corn for TJ, 6:181–6:182
  • forwards mail to TJ, 5:455
  • grinds wheat, 1:109, 1:353
  • and Henderson lands, 11:42, 11:42–11:43n, 12:559–12:561, 12:563n, 12:614n
  • identified, 1:137–1:138n
  • lands of, 10:621, 13:276
  • letters from, 1:353, 2:198–2:199, 2:213, 5:455
  • letters to, 1:137–1:138, 1:353, 2:85–2:87, 2:150–2:151, 2:200, 2:212–2:213, 2:239–2:240, 2:421–2:422, 3:328, 6:181–6:182
  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254, 4:346–4:349
  • and proposed Albemarle Co. road, 13:276n
  • and rent, 1:353, 1:353, 2:421–2:422, 2:422n, 3:328
  • TJ pays, 12:613, 12:633
  • TJ’s dispute with, 2:85–2:86, 2:150–2:151, 2:199, 2:200, 2:212–2:213, 2:239–2:240, 2:240, 2:277–2:280, 2:281, 2:282, 2:286, 2:286–2:287, 2:294, 5:409

Alexander, James, 2:221, 2:223n, 3:247n, 9:348, 9:348n

Alexander, John McKnitt, 14:449, 14:450, 14:451n, 14:524

Alexander, Joseph McKnitt, 14:450, 14:451n, 14:524–14:525

Alexander, William

  • claims title of Lord Stirling, 7:67, 7:68n

Alexander Spiers, John Bowman, & Company (Glasgow firm). See Wilson, Thomas

Alexandria, Egypt

  • library at, 6:278, 6:542, 6:542

Alexandria, Va.

  • banks in, 8:19, 8:19
  • British raid on, 7:623–7:624, 7:642, 7:648
  • commerce at, 4:26, 7:141
  • merino sheep shipped to, 2:166, 2:233, 2:313, 2:360–2:361, 2:362, 2:366, 2:379, 2:481
  • port of, 4:27, 7:623–7:624, 7:642
  • as site for cotton manufactory, 8:179
  • and state university for Va., 13:189
  • surrender of, 7:618, 7:642, 7:643–7:644, 7:644n, 7:648, 8:153
  • threatened by British forces, 8:153, 8:154
  • TJ on, 7:648
  • yellow fever in, 10:35

Alexandria Gazette, 5:173, 12:627, 12:628n, 12:631n

Alexeievna, Elizabeth, empress of Russia

  • and L. Harris, 13:118, 13:119n

alfalfa, 11:308–11:309

Alfonso X, king of Castile and León

  • Las Siete Partidas, 3:53n, 3:175n, 3:546

Alfred (“the Great”), king of England

  • The Anglo-Saxon Version, From the Historian Orosius. By Ælfred the Great, 8:236, 8:237n
  • Annales rerum gestarum Ælfredi Magni (Asser), 12:372, 12:372, 12:389, 12:389, 12:514
  • and land tax, 2:571
  • laws of, 7:125, 7:147


  • American captives at, 6:164
  • conflict with Great Britain, 10:216–10:217, 10:218n
  • dey of, 10:216, 10:218n, 10:286, 10:286n, 11:9, 11:122, 11:123n
  • 1815 U.S. treaty with, 9:17, 9:18n, 10:216–10:217, 10:218n
  • 1816 U.S. treaty with, 11:123n
  • D. Humphreys’s mission to, 10:676–10:677, 11:60
  • mentioned, 10:483
  • 1795 U.S. treaty with, 6:159–6:160n
  • U.S. consulate at, 6:158, 6:159–6:160n, 6:164, 6:164–6:165, 10:217, 10:218n, 11:534n

Algonquian Indians, 12:236, 12:385

Ali, Hadji, dey of Algiers, 6:159–6:160n, 6:208, 6:208, 7:224

Ali Bey (ruler of Egypt), 11:613


  • for U.S. Coast Survey, 9:222

Alien and Sedition Acts, 1:278, 3:452n, 3:473, 6:191, 6:192n, 6:537–6:538n

Alisma plantago-aquatica. See water plantain

Alison, Archibald

  • Sermons, chiefly on particular occasions, 12:534

Allegany County, Md.

  • letter to citizens of, 1:94

Allegheny lily, 1:660, 2:36, 4:523

Allegheny Mountains

  • altitude of, 9:10, 9:10n, 9:172n, 9:193, 13:348
  • formation of, 12:629–12:630
  • and map of Va., 9:687
  • mentioned, 12:492, 12:630, 12:631

Allen, Mr. (judge), 10:498

Allen, Daniel, 14:457n

Allen, Hancock, 2:168, 2:169n

Allen, Paul

  • and N. Biddle’s history of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 6:357, 6:417, 6:417, 6:418–6:424, 6:427, 6:429, 6:430, 6:430, 6:531, 6:531–6:532, 7:63–7:64, 7:64n, 7:289, 9:704, 9:706–9:707n, 10:60, 12:171
  • A History of the American Revolution, 6:231, 6:231n, 6:373
  • identified, 6:357n
  • letters from, 6:427, 7:63–7:64
  • letters from accounted for, 6:357n
  • letters to, 6:357, 6:418–6:426, 6:429
  • and memoir of C. B. Brown, 3:632, 3:633n
  • proposed work by, 13:478n

Allen, Samuel C. See also Allen & Bryant (N.J. firm)

Allen, Solomon

  • seeks postmastership, 7:313

Allen, William, 2:319

Allen, William O.

  • identified, 2:204n
  • letters from, 2:204–2:205
  • letters to, 2:339–2:340
  • and Logan’s speech, 2:204, 2:339–2:340

Allison, Mr.

  • and Niagara Campaign, 5:540

Allison, Burgess

  • and American Philosophical Society, 4:167n
  • as chaplain, 13:425
  • and J. I. Hawkins, 6:559, 6:574
  • identified, 6:559–6:560n
  • and W. Lambert’s astronomical calculations, 4:637n
  • letters from, 6:574–6:575, 13:425
  • letters to, 6:559–6:560, 13:440
  • sends pamphlet to TJ, 13:425, 13:425n, 13:440
  • spinning machine of, 6:559, 7:406, 8:535, 8:547, 10:32, 10:33n

Allison, Mary D., 2:87, 2:88n

Allison, Thomas, 2:87

Allone, William B. W.

  • letters from, 1:101–1:102, 2:241
  • requests money from TJ, 1:101–1:102, 2:241

allspice, 1:45, 6:348

almanacs, nautical See also Blunt, Edmund March; Garnett, John

  • TJ on, 4:55
  • TJ purchases, 4:289, 8:118, 8:142, 9:60, 10:580, 10:630, 10:642, 11:13, 11:13n, 11:31

Almeida, Portugal

  • French forces besiege, 2:667


  • at Monticello, 3:455, 11:39
  • sent to TJ, 4:4, 4:215, 4:220, 4:220, 4:487, 4:522, 4:530, 6:163

Alpha (sloop), 10:342

Alpine strawberry, 2:481, 2:482n, 2:543, 3:353, 4:34, 4:561, 4:562

Alrichs, Jacob

  • identified, 5:312–5:313n
  • letters to, 5:312–5:313
  • mentioned, 5:268, 10:4, 10:4

Alrichs & Dixon (Wilmington, Del., firm)

  • account with TJ, 5:670, 5:671, 5:672n, 5:683, 6:3
  • and carding machine, 5:312, 5:321–5:322, 5:335, 5:356, 5:477, 5:515, 5:560, 5:566–5:567, 5:655, 5:656, 5:683–5:684, 6:3, 6:24, 6:24
  • identified, 5:322–5:323n
  • on large factories, 6:24
  • letters from, 5:321–5:323, 5:477–5:478, 5:515, 5:683–5:684, 6:24
  • letters to, 5:335, 5:356, 5:566–5:567, 5:655, 6:3
  • TJ pays, 6:20

Alsop, John

  • friendship with J. Barnes, 14:3
  • as member of Continental Congress, 13:333n

Alston, Jacob Motte

  • death of, 13:372, 13:373n

Alston, Joseph

  • death of, 10:443, 10:443n, 13:372, 13:373n
  • education of, 10:443n
  • family of, 13:243

Alston, Lemuel James

  • identified, 2:218n
  • letters from, 2:218
  • letters to, 2:252–2:253
  • and merino sheep, 2:218, 2:252

Alston, Theodosia Burr (Joseph Alston’s wife)

  • family of, 13:243

Alston, William

  • family of, 13:303, 13:372, 13:373n, 13:557
  • health of, 13:302
  • identified, 13:244n
  • letters from, 13:372–13:373, 13:557
  • letter to, 13:302–13:303
  • sends rice to TJ, 13:373, 13:530, 13:557, 14:37, 14:267
  • TJ invites to Monticello, 13:302, 13:373
  • visits Warm Springs, 13:243, 13:243n
  • wine for, 13:243, 13:302, 13:314, 13:325, 13:349, 13:372, 13:530, 13:557

Alston, Willis, 3:330, 4:39, 5:206, 5:207n

Altezera (sloop), 13:530, 13:557

althaea (rose of Sharon), 3:354, 9:533


  • of Allegheny Mountains, 13:348
  • barometers used to calculate, 9:9–9:10, 9:10n, 9:11, 9:12n, 9:71–9:72, 9:187, 9:188–9:192, 9:193, 9:241, 9:313–9:315, 9:316–9:317n, 9:642, 11:51, 11:51–11:52, 12:341–12:342, 12:343–12:344, 12:491–12:492, 13:348
  • calculations for Peaks of Otter, 9:18, 9:18, 9:27, 9:71, 9:72, 9:131, 9:144, 9:145, 9:148, 9:153, 9:154–9:156, 9:156–9:172, 9:173, 9:183, 9:187, 9:315–9:316, 13:348, 13:385, 13:385n
  • mathematical source for calculating, 9:69–9:70, 9:80–9:82
  • of Monticello, 9:71, 9:314–9:315, 9:317n
  • and navigation, 12:342–12:343
  • of Peter’s Mountain, 9:316
  • thermometers used to calculate, 12:343–12:344, 12:491–12:492
  • tools for calculating, 9:205–9:206


  • manufacture of, 13:147

Alvares, Manuel

  • Prosodia: sive Institutionum Linguæ Latina, 14:276, 14:351

Ama, Italy. See Casanuova di Ama, Italy

Amanda (TJ’s slave; b. 1815)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 12:303
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

amaryllis, 3:545

Amaryllis atamasco (Zephyranthes atamasco). See Atamasco lily

Amaryllis belladonna. See belladonna lily

Ambler, Edward, 14:587n

Ambler, John

  • house of, 9:502n
  • and W. C. Nicholas’s debts, 14:587n
  • and TJ’s Richmond lot, 4:154

Ambrister, Robert, 13:286n, 13:587, 14:92, 14:111–14:112n, 14:466, 14:467n

Ambrose (TJ’s slave; 17991819)

  • death of, 13:567, 13:605
  • medical care of, 7:387, 7:387
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:386, 5:462, 6:308, 6:309, 8:61, 8:255

Amedie (ship), 3:514n

Amelia County, Va.

  • TJ visits, 2:76, 2:77n, 2:183

Amelia Island

  • illegal outpost on, 12:271, 12:272n
  • and ports in E. Fla., 4:593, 4:594n, 4:623, 4:665n

Amendments and Notes to Statement on the Batture Case (Thomas Jefferson), 3:226–3:227, 3:316, 3:424–3:425

Americae Pars Quinta, part five of The Great or American Voyages, Parts I to XI, in Latin (T. de Bry), 7:xliii–7:xliv, 7:522–7:523, 7:562, 7:563–7:564, 7:564, 7:612, 7:612, 7:612–7:613, 7:614–7:615, 7:615n, 7:616, 8:8, 8:236, 8:237n

American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 4:196, 4:197n, 4:228, 4:229n, 11:273n, 13:247

American, and Commercial Daily Advertiser (Baltimore newspaper)

  • mentioned, 2:173, 2:174n
  • prints TJ’s correspondence, 1:178n, 1:221n

American Antiquarian Society

  • An Account of the American Antiquarian Society, 7:47, 7:47n
  • S. Burnside as recording secretary of, 7:47, 7:115, 7:520, 7:521n, 7:595–7:596, 8:207–8:208
  • collections of, 11:454
  • incorporation of, 8:208, 8:208n
  • TJ elected a member, 7:47, 7:115, 7:520, 7:521n, 7:596, 8:207
  • TJ sends historical manuscript to, 7:520, 7:520–7:521n, 7:521n, 7:595–7:596, 8:207

American Artillerist’s Companion, or Elements of Artillery (Tousard), 1:412, 1:412n, 2:332n

The American Artist’s Manual (J. Cutbush), 5:633n, 5:634n, 5:661, 6:571, 6:571n, 8:43, 8:195, 8:196n

American Bible Society, 10:507, 10:509n

American Biography: or, An Historical Account Of those Persons who have been distinguished in America (Belknap), 5:387

American Board of Agriculture

  • founding of, 11:279n, 11:338, 11:339n
  • and L. P. G. de Lormerie, 1:133, 1:134n, 3:33, 3:35n

American Citizen (New York newspaper), 10:332–10:333, 10:333, 10:334–10:335n

The American Coast Pilot (E. M. Blunt), 12:342, 12:343n, 13:36

American Colonization Society, 1:30n, 1:39n, 2:196n, 11:61, 11:61n, 14:264, 14:265n, 14:577–14:578

The American Distiller (M. Krafft), 8:410, 8:412n

American Edition of the British Encyclopedia, or Dictionary of Arts and Sciences (W. Nicholson), 10:192–10:193, 10:193n

The American Edition of the New Edinburgh Encyclopedia (Parker and Delaplaine), 3:51n, 3:589, 3:609

American Farmer

  • prints TJ’s catalogue of books on agriculture, 11:165n
  • prints TJ’s writings, 11:163–11:164n
  • and wheat fans, 14:537, 14:539–14:540n

American Fur Company, 4:551, 4:552, 4:553, 5:74–5:75

The American Gardener (J. Gardiner and D. Hepburn), 4:289n, 6:118, 6:167, 6:214, 6:214, 6:215, 8:388, 8:672, 11:165, 12:438, 12:480, 13:350, 13:351n, 13:408, 13:408n, 13:441, 14:93, 14:215n

The American Gardener’s Calendar (B. McMahon), 1:35, 1:582, 2:83, 3:327, 4:289n, 5:412, 9:60, 11:165, 11:352, 13:33, 13:47, 13:47, 13:100, 13:107, 13:126

American Geological Society

  • An Act to incorporate The American Geological Society (1819), 14:648

American Journal of Science, 12:626, 12:627n, 13:310, 13:327

American Jurisprudence (R. Rush), 9:107, 9:107n, 9:129

American Law Journal (J. E. Hall), 5:176, 5:219–5:220, 5:222, 5:245, 5:254, 5:294, 6:627–6:628, 7:95–7:96, 7:96n, 7:241–7:242, 11:541, 11:599–11:600, 11:600n, 12:552, 12:577, 13:368, 13:369n, 14:165

American Magazine (Albany)

  • bound for TJ, 13:456
  • edited by H. G. Spafford, 1:106n, 8:470, 8:470, 8:470–8:471n, 8:488, 9:183, 9:184n, 9:297–9:298, 9:298n, 9:339, 9:340n, 9:344, 9:344n, 9:378, 10:544, 10:545, 10:545n, 10:586, 10:586n, 10:595, 11:5–11:6, 11:6n, 11:278, 11:279n, 11:659n
  • TJ subscribes to, 8:488, 11:659, 12:51

American Medical and Philosophical Register: or, Annals of Medicine, Natural History, Agriculture, and the Arts, 11:4, 11:4n

American Mineralogical Journal, 5:554n

American Ornithology (A. Wilson), 2:483n, 3:623n, 4:289, 7:626, 8:22, 8:22–8:23n, 8:671, 8:672n, 9:59–9:60, 9:130, 13:105–13:106, 13:106n, 13:306–13:307, 13:344–13:345

American Philosophical Society

  • Adelung offers to assist, 2:468n
  • astronomical committee of, 12:636, 13:291, 13:291n, 13:308
  • B. S. Barton as vice president of, 8:193, 8:194n, 8:318, 8:319, 8:321, 8:321, 8:323, 8:324, 8:327
  • B. S. Barton to present paper to, 2:509
  • and S. Brown’s work, 5:553–5:554, 5:554n
  • collections of, 9:178, 9:179n, 9:453–9:454, 11:21–11:22, 11:125–11:126, 11:206, 11:426, 11:477, 12:172, 12:236, 12:331
  • and compensating thermometer, 5:558
  • and corn-shelling machine, 7:83, 8:459
  • and J. Corrêa da Serra, 4:351, 8:167, 8:193
  • and Destutt de Tracy, 6:458, 6:459–6:460n, 9:441–9:442, 9:485, 9:485, 9:630
  • and G. Du Jareau, 2:372, 2:375n, 2:663, 2:664, 2:665n, 3:41–3:42
  • P. S. Du Pont de Nemours sends works to, 4:24n
  • and election of officers, 12:322, 12:390, 12:390n, 12:469
  • expresses its thanks to and regard for TJ, 8:202, 8:206, 8:246
  • and fish, 5:601–5:602, 5:604n
  • forwards publications to TJ, 1:452, 1:453n, 4:167, 4:167n, 4:325
  • B. Franklin as president of, 12:322
  • and S. Godon, 2:404n
  • T. T. Hewson acknowledges gift to, 2:536, 2:536–2:537n
  • and J. Houdon’s bust of TJ, 8:40, 8:41n
  • and B. de La Harpe manuscript, 9:446, 9:658, 9:658–9:659n, 12:156, 12:331–12:332, 12:371
  • and W. Lambert, 2:54–2:55, 2:68n, 2:337–2:338, 2:541, 2:566, 4:637n, 4:651, 4:660n, 5:251, 5:311, 7:436–7:437, 7:437n, 7:486
  • C. P. De Lasteyrie sends work to, 3:461–3:462
  • letter from, 8:202–8:203
  • librarian of, 1:452–1:453, 1:455, 1:482
  • and mammoth bones, 12:348
  • and mastodon bones, 1:510–1:511, 5:572–5:573, 5:573n
  • membership diplomas, 6:xliv–6:xlv, 6:75, 6:84, 6:115–6:116, 6:386 (illus.), 6:458, 6:460n
  • members of, 1:101n, 1:152n, 1:172n, 1:194n, 1:453n, 1:482, 1:521n, 1:571–1:572, 1:609n, 1:663n, 2:75n, 2:236n, 2:377n, 2:404n, 3:40n, 3:94n, 4:431n, 4:501n, 4:617n, 4:638n, 5:19n, 5:25n, 5:79n, 5:101n, 5:372n, 5:459n, 6:459n, 7:437n, 8:42, 8:43, 8:101–8:102, 8:242n, 8:363n, 9:xlv, 9:179n, 9:342n, 10:76n, 10:364n, 10:486, 10:616n, 12:250, 12:251n, 12:460, 13:123n, 13:148n, 13:176n, 13:367n, 13:575n, 14:140n, 14:180n, 14:186n, 14:569n, 14:570n
  • members of, foreign, 1:72n, 1:146n, 1:452, 1:453n, 1:471n, 2:510n, 3:63n, 3:115n, 3:461–3:462, 3:472n, 4:538–4:539n, 5:514n, 5:604n, 8:362, 8:363n, 9:135n, 13:512n, 14:342n
  • F. A. Michaux sends works to, 3:320–3:321, 8:362
  • and A. Michaux’s western exploration, 6:420–6:421
  • and natural history exploration, 13:249, 13:253, 13:280
  • and Noël de la Morinière’s works, 5:601–5:602, 5:604n
  • and papers of Lewis and Clark Expedition, 10:377, 11:454, 11:486–11:487, 11:574, 12:171–12:172, 12:235–12:236, 12:463n, 12:636, 12:636–12:638
  • R. Patterson as president of, 13:67n, 14:133, 14:133n
  • R. Patterson as vice president of, 8:193, 8:194n
  • R. M. Patterson as secretary of, 7:113, 7:142, 8:102, 8:122, 8:202, 8:206, 8:246–8:247, 12:390, 12:469
  • and Philadelphia Museum, 1:46n, 10:204
  • D. Rittenhouse as president of, 12:322
  • and B. Rush portrait, 4:xlvi
  • and sale of TJ’s library to Congress, 8:40–8:41, 8:41n
  • and Saturday evening meetings, 12:455, 12:482
  • and H. G. Spafford’s works, 9:340n
  • TJ as counsellor of, 12:322, 12:390, 12:469, 12:469n
  • TJ as president of, 1:540, 4:411–4:412, 4:462, 4:637n, 5:601–5:602, 5:603n, 6:59–6:60, 6:83, 7:407, 7:436–7:437, 12:249, 12:322, 12:627, 12:628
  • TJ donates fossils to, 8:447, 8:449n, 12:150
  • TJ forwards material to, 1:97n, 1:98n, 1:100–1:101, 1:140, 1:152n, 1:482, 1:535, 1:571–1:572, 1:608–1:609, 1:609n, 4:147, 4:149n, 5:92, 6:516, 6:518, 7:243, 7:281, 7:281n, 7:281n, 7:288–7:289, 7:446, 7:486, 7:621, 7:621n, 12:322, 13:67, 13:312
  • TJ proposes to donate minerals to, 6:84
  • TJ reelected president of, 2:128, 2:170, 3:284–3:285, 3:312, 6:60n, 6:83, 7:113, 7:142, 8:102, 8:102, 8:102–8:103n
  • TJ resigns from presidency of, 8:41n, 8:101–8:102, 8:102, 8:103, 8:122, 8:123n, 8:167, 8:193, 8:194n, 8:202, 8:206, 8:246, 8:247, 8:445, 13:67
  • TJ’s purported offer to give books to, 8:41, 8:41n
  • Transactions, 1:36, 2:71, 2:222, 2:404n, 4:651, 6:206, 7:621, 7:621n, 8:643, 8:645n, 9:10, 9:10n, 9:12n, 9:26n, 9:193, 9:194n, 11:376, 11:398, 11:398, 11:398n, 11:398n, 11:427, 11:454, 11:486, 12:172, 12:322, 12:335, 12:385, 12:441, 12:462–12:463
  • and J. B. Treat, 2:46–2:47, 2:135, 2:226
  • trunks and cases for, 6:45
  • W. Vaughan sends works to, 5:513–5:514, 5:514–5:515n
  • and D. B. Warden, 2:536, 2:536–2:537n
  • and weights, measures, and coins, 4:167, 4:167n, 4:222, 4:228, 4:409
  • and C. Wistar, 1:100, 1:677, 8:103, 8:193, 8:194n, 8:202, 8:246, 8:247n, 8:247, 8:445, 8:449n, 12:386, 12:387, 12:390, 12:469, 12:556, 12:608, 12:609, 13:67, 13:67n
  • works given to, 6:84, 6:84n, 6:458, 6:459n, 8:40, 11:501, 11:574, 11:574n, 12:249, 12:627–12:628, 12:628–12:631, 13:377, 13:377n
  • works offered to, 10:500–10:501, 13:377

American Philosophical Society, Historical and Literary Committee

  • activities of, 12:249–12:251, 12:331–12:332, 12:385–12:386, 12:636
  • and W. Byrd manuscripts, 11:21–11:22, 11:125–11:126, 11:206, 11:206n, 11:487, 12:168–12:169, 12:236, 12:331, 12:371, 12:371–12:372, 12:390–12:392, 12:486, 12:504–12:505
  • formation of, 9:177–9:178, 9:178–9:179n, 9:383–9:384, 9:453–9:454
  • identified, 9:179n
  • members of, 9:177, 9:178–9:179n, 9:180n
  • Prospectuses for Transactions of, 13:88, 13:89–13:90
  • reports of, 12:322, 12:462–12:463
  • resolution by, 9:180
  • TJ sends works to, 9:383–9:384, 9:453, 11:21–11:22, 12:156, 12:169, 12:172–12:173, 12:235, 12:236, 12:249, 12:294, 12:322, 12:331, 12:371, 12:371, 12:385–12:386, 12:390–12:391, 12:392, 12:462–12:463, 12:486, 12:504–12:505, 12:556, 13:68, 14:132n
  • Transactions, 14:81, 14:132, 14:166, 14:183
  • works given to, 12:636–12:638

The American Practical Brewer and Tanner (J. Coppinger), 6:510, 6:511n, 6:533, 6:597, 6:647, 7:259, 7:285, 7:292, 8:410–8:411, 8:412n, 8:439, 9:29, 9:30n, 9:50n

American Principles (J. Q. Adams), 3:356, 3:357n, 4:435n

American Register, or General Repository of History, Politics and Science (ed. R. Walsh), 11:178n

American Register; or Summary Review of History, Politics, and Literature (ed. R. Walsh), 11:178, 11:178n, 11:215, 11:635, 11:635–11:636n, 12:35, 12:100, 12:101, 12:345, 12:403, 12:488, 12:514, 12:529, 12:656, 13:100, 13:106, 13:144

The American Remembrancer (J. Hardie), 9:60

American Revolution See also Revolutionary War

  • J. Adams on, 8:682–8:683, 12:530–12:531, 12:531n, 13:69, 14:447–14:448
  • books on, 3:41, 3:41n, 3:98, 6:55, 6:122, 6:231, 6:231n, 6:258, 6:373, 8:178, 8:179n, 8:266, 10:276–10:277, 10:646–10:647, 11:313, 11:364, 12:534, 13:523, 13:523n, 14:49, 14:120, 14:120–14:121n, 14:137–14:138, 14:156, 14:225–14:226, 14:373–14:375
  • and Bunker Hill Association, 2:504–2:505
  • and S. Chew’s speech, 4:152, 4:153n
  • and committees of correspondence, 8:200, 8:200–8:201n, 9:219–9:220, 9:220n, 9:289, 9:289n, 9:367–9:369, 9:369n, 14:226, 14:288–14:289, 14:373–14:374, 14:376–14:377
  • disputes over origin of, 12:493–12:497, 12:517–12:518, 12:530–12:531, 12:531n, 12:548–12:549, 13:29n, 13:48, 13:69, 13:578, 14:225, 14:288–14:290
  • P. S. Du Pont de Nemours on, 10:41
  • and fugitive slaves, 3:319
  • historiography of, 1:288–1:289, 1:334, 1:634n, 14:225–14:227
  • and Lafayette, 2:10–2:11, 3:314, 3:315n, 8:266, 11:283, 12:247, 12:299, 12:300n, 12:355n, 13:140, 13:141n
  • and martial law, 10:422–10:423, 10:423n
  • materials for study of, 6:373, 8:200, 8:266, 8:625–8:626, 8:657, 8:682–8:683
  • and Mecklenburg Co., N.C., “Declaration of Independence”, 14:447–14:448, 14:448–14:451, 14:523–14:525, 14:546, 14:563
  • and meeting with R. Howe, 8:20, 8:20n
  • mentioned, 2:604, 6:358n, 7:465–7:466
  • and N.Y. loyalists, 2:289
  • R. Peters on, 11:483–11:484
  • reflections on, 13:254, 13:577–13:578, 13:578–13:579n, 13:619
  • relics of, 11:167, 11:168, 11:344
  • role of divine providence in, 14:27
  • Seventy-Six Association, 4:105–4:107, 4:175+, 13:158n
  • speeches delivered during, 10:601–10:602, 10:602n, 10:646–10:647, 11:5, 14:49, 14:120, 14:120–14:121n, 14:137–14:138, 14:156, 14:227, 14:228n, 14:293
  • J. S. Stake’s service in, 4:623, 4:624n
  • TJ on, 2:421, 2:505, 2:529, 2:541, 4:470–4:471, 8:231, 8:481, 8:533, 8:575, 10:548, 12:441, 12:517–12:518, 12:548–12:549, 12:549n, 13:24, 13:26–13:27, 13:27–13:28, 13:48, 14:288–14:293, 14:293, 14:463–14:464
  • toasts honoring, 1:608+, 1:615+
  • J. Tyler on, 2:384, 2:385, 2:386
  • U.S. financing of, 6:223, 6:490–6:491, 6:588, 6:593n+, 6:601, 12:421, 12:422
  • and U.S. Navy, 6:15, 6:183, 6:184n
  • and U.S. territorial boundaries, 9:690, 9:692n
  • and Va. land warrants, 2:74, 2:94, 4:134–4:135, 4:135n, 4:176, 4:566–4:567, 4:568–4:569n, 4:585, 13:513, 13:580
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:504, 4:507
  • and writs of assistance, 12:494–12:496

American Society for the Encouragement of Domestic Manufactures

  • addresses of, 10:645–10:646, 10:652–10:653, 10:653n, 11:136, 11:136n
  • identified, 11:442n
  • members of, 11:442n
  • memorials to Congress of, 10:653, 10:653n
  • TJ’s membership, 11:441, 11:442n, 11:478

The American Speaker (A. Small), 7:331–7:332, 7:332n, 7:373–7:374, 7:374n, 7:378n, 7:630

American State Papers and Public Documents, 1:36

American Unitarianism or a Brief History of “The Progress and Present State of the Unitarian Churches in America” … Extracted from his “Memoirs of the Life of the Reverend Theophilus Lindsey,” printed in London, 1812 (T. Belsham), 8:553, 8:553–8:554n, 8:658, 13:29n, 13:132, 13:160

American Weekly Messenger; or, Register of state papers, history and politics (Philadelphia newspaper), 6:599, 6:599n

Ames, Fisher

  • J. Adams on, 9:432
  • criticized by J. Q. Adams, 3:356, 3:357n, 4:435, 4:435n
  • death of, 10:360
  • and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 7:498, 9:352n, 10:536n

Ames, Horace, 10:193, 10:193n

Amherst, Sir Jeffery, 1:290, 12:494

Amicus. See Cerus


  • treaty of (1802), 6:205, 7:298, 7:298–7:299, 7:300n

Amiot, Madame, 1:450

Ammaestramenti degli Antichi (B. da San Concordio), 13:39, 13:41n

Ammianus Marcellinus

  • quoted, 11:424n, 11:425n

ammonia (spirit of hartshorn), 4:102

ammonium chloride (sal ammoniac)

  • for copper utensils, 1:467, 1:467, 3:183, 3:200
  • medicinal use of, 13:73, 13:73n, 13:73n

Amonett, Thomas

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349


  • study of, 11:191

Ampthill (R. Harrison’s Cumberland Co. estate), 9:49n


  • exchange rate in, 9:181–9:182
  • U.S. consulate at, 11:659–11:660, 11:660n, 11:660, 12:22
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:504

Amy (C. L. Bankhead’s slave), 8:395

Amy (TJ’s slave; b. 1756)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:386

Amy (TJ’s slave; b. 1797)

  • and child rearing, 13:605
  • children of, 13:567, 13:567n
  • laborer, 4:379
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 5:462, 6:308, 6:309, 8:61, 8:255


  • mentioned, 11:363

Anabasis (Xenophon), 7:662

The Anabasis (Xenophon; trans. E. Spelman), 1:580

Anacreon (Greek poet), 7:448, 10:357, 11:126, 14:510

Anacreon Teius, poeta lyricus (J. Barnes), 10:357, 14:510

The Analectic Magazine, 8:626, 8:626n, 13:127, 13:127n, 13:127n, 13:143–13:144, 13:174, 13:174n, 13:310, 13:327, 13:368, 13:517, 13:518n, 13:602–13:603, 13:603n, 13:603n, 14:166, 14:446

The Analogy of Religion (J. Butler), 3:590, 3:590n

Analostan Island. See Mason’s Island

Analyse du Traite de Mécanique Céleste de P. S. Laplace (J. B. Biot), 13:314n

Analyse Raisonnée de l’Origine de Tous les Cultes, ou Religion Universelle (Destutt de Tracy), 10:459, 10:507, 10:550, 10:573, 10:573, 10:584n, 10:586–10:587, 10:604, 11:359

Analysis of Green Tobacco (N. L. Vauquelin), 1:142–1:146, 1:482

Analysis of Prepared Tobacco (N. L. Vauquelin), 1:147–1:152, 1:482

An Analysis of the Experiment in Education, made at Egmore, near Madras (A. Bell), 7:342, 7:342n

An Analytical Digested Index of the Reported Cases in the Several Courts of Equity, and the high Court of Parliament (R. W. Bridgman), 12:291, 12:337, 12:364, 13:33, 13:47, 13:47, 13:100, 13:107

“Anas” (Thomas Jefferson), 2:92, 2:93n, 12:416–12:429, 12:431


  • books on, 1:35, 1:307, 7:626, 8:429, 8:429n
  • chair of, at University of Pennsylvania, 13:429, 13:430n, 14:4
  • collegiate education in, 12:4, 12:33, 12:33, 12:76, 12:84, 12:123, 12:490, 12:647, 12:648, 13:195, 13:197, 13:214, 13:217, 13:403, 14:323–14:324, 14:453–14:454, 14:488, 14:614
  • study of, 1:101n, 6:253, 7:638, 7:640, 7:641, 7:663, 7:667, 7:687, 8:13, 11:191

Anatomy of the Human Body (John Bell), 1:35, 1:307, 7:626

Ancell, Edward

  • and Barboursville plantation, 11:227
  • identified, 11:227n
  • visits Monticello, 11:227

anchovies, 1:366, 1:366, 9:371, 9:371–9:372, 9:418, 11:407, 11:653, 12:374, 12:580, 13:447, 13:565, 13:585, 13:606, 13:607, 14:329

Anciennes loix des François (Hoüard, Littleton, and Pothier), 3:130–3:131, 3:175n, 3:546

Andalusia, Spain

  • yellow fever in, 10:128

Anderson (TJ’s slave; b. 1806)

  • death of, 4:388n

Anderson (TJ’s slave; b. 1810; Nanny’s son)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:386, 5:461, 8:62, 8:255

Anderson (TJ’s slave; b. 1810; Sarah [Sally] Hubbard’s son)

  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 5:460, 6:309, 6:310, 8:62, 8:255

Anderson, Mr.

  • and transport of book, 8:121

Anderson, Mr.

  • and dispute of C. L. Lewis and C. Peyton, 11:514, 11:517

Anderson, Mr. (of Richmond), 5:489

Anderson, Alexander

  • as engraver, 11:115n

Anderson, Benjamin

  • and Central College subscription, 11:332

Anderson, Daniel (ship captain), 13:443, 13:446, 13:447, 13:448, 13:564, 13:585, 13:606, 14:327

Anderson, David, 5:371, 5:651n

Anderson, Edmund

  • and Albemarle Academy, 7:267, 7:282, 7:293, 7:335, 7:339
  • and Central College subscription, 11:326, 11:334
  • and package for TJ, 8:641

Anderson, George Washington

  • and Calliopean Society of Transylvania University, 14:282, 14:283n, 14:437–14:438, 14:553n
  • identified, 14:283n
  • letter from, 14:282–14:283
  • letter to, 14:437–14:438

Anderson, Jasper

  • and E. Rosson case, 10:463

Anderson, John

  • accused of bribery, 12:398–12:399, 12:400–12:401n

Anderson, Joseph

  • comptroller of the Treasury, 9:495n, 10:665, 10:665n, 12:347, 14:301
  • letters to, 4:164
  • as U.S. senator, 1:119, 1:473, 4:163, 4:164n, 6:241

Anderson, Nathaniel

  • and Central College subscription, 11:326, 11:328

Anderson, Richard

  • and account with J. H. Craven, 2:116, 2:371
  • endorses note for W. C. Nicholas, 14:587n
  • and Henderson lands, 1:440, 1:454, 1:459, 1:460, 5:423, 5:424n
  • and Shoemakers, 3:318

Anderson, Robert

  • as executor of M. Stith, 14:314, 14:428–14:429
  • identified, 14:314–14:315n
  • letter from, 14:314–14:315
  • letter to, 14:428–14:430

Anderson, Thomas Dixon

  • consul at Tunis, 12:473

Anderson, William

  • and W. C. Nicholas’s debts, 14:587n

Anderson, William (of Richmond)

  • merchant, 4:510, 5:428

Anderson, William C., 1:444, 1:445n, 2:241, 2:242n

Anderson, William Preston

  • letters from accounted for, 5:327n
  • and N. B. Pryor’s military appointment, 5:300, 5:327, 5:328

Andes Mountains, 12:630

L’An Deux Mille Quatre Cent Quarante (L. S. Mercier), 10:656

Andover Theological Seminary, 9:255, 9:257n, 9:379, 9:379, 9:382, 9:382

André, Antoine Balthazar Joseph d’

  • as head of French police, 8:138, 8:139n

André, John

  • medal commemorating capture of, 9:54, 9:91, 9:92n

Andrei, Giovanni

  • and carving for TJ, 1:473–1:474, 1:595, 4:66, 4:459, 5:206
  • identified, 14:598–14:599n
  • letter from, 14:598–14:599
  • recommends J. Sullivan, 14:598, 14:617
  • sculptor for U.S. Capitol, 1:78n, 5:206, 5:238, 9:350, 9:351n, 9:670–9:671, 10:413–10:414, 11:571, 14:597

Andrew (ship), 8:632, 8:633n, 11:283

Andrews, Henry

  • letters from, 4:479–4:480
  • seeks aid from TJ, 4:479–4:480

Andrews, Mary Blair

  • and J. Blair’s will, 9:27–9:28, 9:28–9:29n, 9:29n, 9:93–9:94, 9:94n
  • identified, 9:28n
  • letter from, 9:93–9:94
  • letter to, 9:27–9:29
  • seeks TJ’s legal advice, 9:27–9:28, 9:28–9:29n, 9:93–9:94

Andrews, Robert

  • and C. Bellini estate, 3:376, 9:490
  • family of, 9:29n
  • surveys of, 6:217
  • TJ purchases theodolite from, 9:xliii

Andrieux, François Guillaume Jean Stanislas

  • lectures of, 11:634

anemone, 3:545

anemone, double, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n

Angelucci, Jean Baptiste

  • sculptor, 11:267

L’Angleterre Vue a Londres et dans ses Provinces, pendant un séjour de dix années, dont six comme prisonnier de guerre (R. M. Pillet), 10:219–10:220, 10:220n, 10:247, 10:259

Anglo-Saxon (Old English) language

  • books on, 10:358, 10:358, 10:465
  • collegiate education in, 13:195, 13:214, 13:402
  • study of, 14:251
  • TJ on study of, 13:196–13:197, 13:216–13:217
  • TJ’s essay on, 8:236, 8:237n
  • TJ’s study of, 8:236, 11:252

Anglo-Saxon laws, 1:383, 7:147

The Anglo-Saxon Version, From the Historian Orosius. By Ælfred the Great (P. Orosius), 8:236, 8:237n

Angus, Samuel, 5:535–5:542

Ankrim, Josiah

  • letter from accounted for, 11:671

Ann (ship), 2:672

M. Annaei Senecae Rhetoris Opera (Seneca the elder), 10:233

Annales de Chimie, 2:406n

Annales du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle

  • and J. Corrêa da Serra, 4:319–4:320
  • TJ asked to contribute to, 6:17

Annales du Musée et de l’école moderne des beaux-arts (ed. C. P. Landon), 12:107

Annales of England. Containing the Reignes of Henry the Eighth. Edward the Sixt. Queene Mary (F. Godwin; trans. and rev. M. Godwin), 7:629, 7:631n

Annales rerum gestarum Ælfredi Magni (Asser), 12:372, 12:372, 12:389, 12:389, 12:514

Annals (Tacitus), 14:551

Annals of Agriculture and Other Useful Arts (A. Young), 11:165, 12:99

Annapolis, Md.

  • Maryland Republican, 12:409
  • naval depot at, 12:519
  • Saint John’s College, 13:451, 13:454n

Anne (TJ’s slave; b. 1807). See Hughes, Anne (TJ’s slave; b. 1807)

Anne, queen of Great Britain

  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502

Annesley, William

  • Description of William Annesley’s New System of Boat and Ship Building; Patented in the United States, 9:558n, 9:559n
  • A Description of William Annesley’s New System of Naval Architecture, 13:425, 13:425n, 13:440
  • identified, 9:558n
  • letters from, 9:555–9:559
  • letters to, 9:601
  • as naval architect, 9:555–9:558, 9:601, 13:425

An Anniversary Discourse, delivered before The New-York Historical Society, December 7, 1818 (G. C. Verplanck), 13:563, 13:563–13:564n, 13:600

Anniversary Oration (B. H. Latrobe), 3:624, 3:625n

Ann Smith Academy (Lexington), 1:367, 1:368n, 1:506, 1:507n, 3:155, 3:201, 11:134n

Annuaire de La Librairie (G. Fleischer), 9:354, 9:355n, 9:420

Annual Register

  • and E. Aram’s defense, 7:373

anonymous correspondence

  • letters from, 1:69–1:70, 1:291–1:292, 1:654, 1:655n, 1:671–1:673, 2:263, 3:225–3:226, 3:577–3:578, 3:585, 3:590, 4:109, 4:606–4:607, 4:611–4:612, 5:97–5:98, 5:326–5:327, 5:644, 6:503, 8:3–8:7, 8:94–8:95, 9:533–9:537, 10:76–10:80, 13:318–13:319, 13:499–13:500, 13:501–13:503, 13:503, 13:568–13:569, 13:609–13:610, 14:10–14:12
  • letters from accounted for, 3:655, 11:671
  • letters to, 2:296
  • in newspapers, 4:36–4:37, 4:37n, 6:98, 6:99, 6:100n, 8:3–8:7, 9:550–9:551n
  • TJ writes anonymously for newspapers, 9:378, 9:380–9:381, 9:381–9:383, 9:548–9:552, 11:664–11:666

Anquetil, Louis Pierre

  • L’Esprit de la Ligue, 7:664
  • Louis XIV, Sa Cour, et le Régent, 7:664
  • works attributed to, 7:664, 7:666n

An Answer to Mr. Jefferson’s Justification of His Conduct in the Case of the New Orleans Batture (E. Livingston), 4:292, 6:627–6:628, 7:96, 7:96n, 7:175

An Answer to the Question, Why are you not a Trinitarian? (R. Wright), 10:382n

anteater, 7:210

anteater, giant, 6:470

Antelope (sloop), 11:204, 12:346

Antes, Henry

  • family of, 11:613

Antes, John

  • relationship with J. Bruce, 11:613, 11:614n

Antholiza aethiopica (Chasmanthe aethiopica). See flag lily

Anthony, Benjamin, 1:257n

Anthony, Christopher

  • and Campbell Co. land, 4:680, 5:34, 5:40, 5:48, 5:49, 5:230
  • identified, 14:557n
  • letter from, 14:557–14:558
  • recommends J. Gorman, 14:557
  • as Va. legislator, 11:8

Anthony, Mark (Marcus Antonius)

  • J. Adams on, 10:360, 11:269

Anthony of Egypt, Saint, 7:26


  • study of human migration, 11:192–11:193


  • Napoleon as, 4:484

Antient Plymouth Society (New London), 1:58, 1:59, 1:102


  • antimony sulfide (stibnite), 6:230
  • ore, 8:166–8:167
  • rumored source of, 1:189, 3:39, 3:88–3:89
  • sought in Europe, 1:18, 1:283, 1:314, 4:360
  • used in casting type, 1:19n, 1:315–1:316

Antiquarian Society of Charleston, 6:179, 6:180n, 6:251, 6:376–6:377, 6:378n, 6:483, 6:561

The Antiquary (W. Scott), 11:630, 11:630n

L’Antiquité Expliquée et Representée en Figures (B. de Montfaucon), 14:444

Les Antiquités Romaines (Dionysius of Halicarnassus; trans. F. Bellanger), 13:342, 13:391, 13:394, 13:413, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561, 13:562n, 14:215


  • and government, 1:254n
  • Indian burial mounds and fortifications, 6:322–6:329, 6:516, 6:518, 13:81–13:82, 13:82, 13:82–13:83, 13:83n, 13:83n, 13:83n, 14:236
  • A Memoir on the Antiquities of the Western Parts of the State of New-York. Read before the Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York (D. Clinton), 13:288, 13:288n, 13:312
  • paintings of, 1:522, 1:523–1:524n, 8:xlvii
  • TJ’s fondness for, 8:239
  • and vases, 1:452, 1:453n, 1:482
  • Villas of the Ancients Illustrated (Castell), 1:390, 1:397n

Antiquities from Asia, brought to New-York in Jan. 1817, by Capt. Henry Austin, and now at Dr. Mitchill’s, 11:114–11:115, 11:136


  • financial systems of Egypt, Israel, and China, 2:582–2:586
  • Husbandry of the Ancients (Dickson), 1:581, 2:82
  • Punic wars, 2:606


  • in Va., 3:267–3:269, 3:318, 3:319
  • and W. Wilberforce, 3:319, 3:320, 3:513–3:514, 3:514n

Antisthenes (Greek historian)

  • TJ on, 9:456

ant lion, 6:409, 6:411n

Antoninus. See Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121–180), Roman emperor

Antraigues, Emmanuel Henri Louis Alexandre de Launay, comte d’

  • on British politics, 4:270–4:271
  • Mémoire sur les Etats-généraux, leurs droits, et la maniere de les convoquer, 4:270, 4:274n

Antrim, Joseph

  • identified, 12:262n
  • letter from accounted for, 13:621
  • letter to, 14:595–14:596
  • and plastering at Central College–University of Virginia, 11:669, 12:262, 14:195
  • and plastering at Poplar Forest, 14:595
  • TJ pays, 11:669n


  • fortification of, 10:392

Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d’

  • Compendium of Ancient Geography, 4:311–4:312
  • Géographie Ancienne Abrégée, 4:312n
  • works of, 3:296n

Aperçu des Résultats obtenus de la fabrication des Sirops et des Conserves de Raisins (A. A. Parmentier), 7:54, 7:54n

Aperçu présenté au Comité des monnoies de l’Assemblée Nationale (A. M. Rochon), 5:303n, 5:500

Apis (mythological deity), 7:33, 7:35–7:36n

Apocynum cannabinum. See Indian hemp

Apodaca, Juan Ruiz de

  • viceroy of New Spain, 10:374

Apollonii Rhodii Argonauticorum libri quatuor (Apollonius Rhodius; ed. J. Shaw), 10:234

Apollonius Rhodius

  • Apollonii Rhodii Argonauticorum libri quatuor (ed. J. Shaw), 10:234

Apologeticus et ad Scapulam Liber (Q. S. F. Tertullianus), 7:458, 7:458n, 8:481–8:482, 8:482n

An Apology for the True Christian Divinity (R. Barclay), 12:554

apoplexy, 1:526

Apostolios, Arsenios

  • edits Σχόλια τῶν πάνυ δοκίμων εἰς ἑπτὰ τραγῳδίας τοῦ Εὐριπίδου, συλλεγέντα ἐκ διαφόρων παλαιῶν βίβλων καὶ συναρμολογηθέντα παρὰ Ἀρσενίου ἀρχιεπισκόπου μονεμβασίας. Scholia In Septem Evripidis Tragœdias ex antiquis exemplaribus ab Arsenio archiepo monebasie collecta, & nunc primu in lucem edita (Euripides), 14:193, 14:265, 14:286

An Appeal to the Nations of Europe against the Continental System (Staël Holstein), 6:513, 6:514n

An Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain respecting the United States of America (R. Walsh), 13:603, 13:603–13:604n

An Appeal to the serious and candid Professors of Christianity (J. Priestley), 12:313, 12:356

An Appendix to the Notes on Virginia Relative to the Murder of Logan’s Family (Thomas Jefferson), 10:115, 10:117n, 13:40


  • Ἀππιανοῦ Ἀλεξανδρέως Ῥωμαϊκῶν Ἱστοριῶν τὰ Σωζόμενα Appiani Alexandrini Romanarum Historiarum quæ supersunt (ed. J. Schweighaeuser), 12:583, 13:295, 14:510
  • Histoire des Guerres Civiles de la République Romaine (trans. J. I. Combes-Dounous), 13:342, 13:359, 13:359n, 13:394, 13:474, 13:494, 13:561

Ἀππιανοῦ Ἀλεξανδρέως Ῥωμαϊκῶν Ἱστοριῶν τὰ Σωζόμενα Appiani Alexandrini Romanarum Historiarum quæ supersunt (Appian; ed. J. Schweighaeuser), 12:583, 13:295, 14:510


  • Calvite, 3:455, 3:456n
  • for cider, 12:192, 12:192n
  • crab, 8:12
  • as crop, 4:141, 8:258
  • Detroit, 3:448, 3:448n
  • and the earth’s gravity, 12:445
  • as gift, 14:632
  • Hewes Crab, 7:381, 7:382, 7:382n, 7:444, 7:445n, 12:192
  • from M. W. Lewis, 5:357, 7:78
  • Newtown (Albemarle) pippin, 3:448, 3:448n, 3:455
  • sent between Monticello and Poplar Forest, 13:581
  • Spitzenburg, 3:448, 3:448n, 3:455
  • Taliaferro (Robinson), 3:455, 3:455, 3:456n, 7:381, 7:444–7:445, 7:445n, 7:492, 7:492n, 9:533

Appleton, Charles H.

  • merchant, 9:128, 9:128n, 9:359, 9:386–9:387, 9:387

Appleton, Nathaniel W.

  • merchant, 9:128, 9:128n, 9:359, 9:386–9:387, 9:387

Appleton, Thomas

  • account with TJ, 10:58, 10:58n, 10:411, 10:416, 12:269n, 13:31, 13:45, 13:68n, 14:148, 14:628
  • Agreement to Hire Giacomo Raggi and Michele Raggi, 14:62, 14:63, 14:64, 14:65–14:67, 14:255
  • and American Philosophical Society, 13:377
  • and J. Barnes’s estate, 13:375–13:377, 13:377n, 14:256–14:257
  • and C. Bellini’s estate, 10:249, 11:580, 12:184, 12:185n, 12:267, 12:550, 12:578, 12:579, 12:586
  • D. Brent forwards letter to, 14:499–14:500
  • consul at Leghorn, 3:375, 3:381n, 3:646, 8:598, 8:599–8:600, 8:600–8:601n, 8:606–8:607, 8:617, 8:639, 8:655, 8:673, 9:359, 9:387, 9:388, 9:394, 9:416, 9:417, 9:514, 9:552, 9:583, 9:645n, 9:649, 10:10, 11:120, 11:120n, 11:128, 11:239–11:240, 11:247, 11:667, 12:268–12:269, 12:373, 12:609, 14:645
  • desires transfer to U.S. consulate in Paris, 8:161–8:162, 8:162n
  • document to accounted for, 13:68n
  • forwards letters to TJ, 8:689, 9:114, 9:116, 9:119n
  • identified, 8:162n
  • on Italy, 10:92, 10:414
  • letters from, 8:161–8:162, 8:689–8:691, 9:126–9:128, 9:583, 9:669–9:673, 10:57–10:58, 10:91–10:92, 10:274–10:275, 10:411–10:415, 10:475–10:476, 11:170–11:171, 12:267–12:269, 13:11, 13:252, 13:373–13:378, 14:62–14:65, 14:255–14:257, 14:628
  • letters to, 8:318, 9:349–9:351, 9:416, 10:247–10:249, 11:196, 11:577–11:581, 11:642–11:643, 12:42–12:43, 12:578–12:579, 14:348–14:350
  • and P. Mazzei’s estate, 9:126, 9:583, 9:645n, 9:669–9:670, 9:678n, 10:57, 10:91, 10:248, 10:251, 10:411, 10:476, 11:171, 11:577–11:579, 11:585, 11:642–11:643, 11:643–11:646, 12:74, 12:264, 12:268, 12:269n, 12:578, 12:584–12:585, 12:585n, 12:644, 13:11, 13:252, 13:373, 13:471, 13:486, 13:508–13:509, 14:63, 14:63, 14:64n, 14:255, 14:256, 14:257, 14:348–14:349, 14:352, 14:442, 14:628, 14:628n
  • on P. Mazzei’s health, 8:689–8:691, 9:583
  • recommends L. Bartolini, 9:127–9:128
  • and sculptors for U.S. Capitol, 9:350, 9:351n, 9:670–9:671, 10:413–10:414
  • and sculptures of G. Washington, 8:161, 8:162n, 9:386, 9:387n, 9:671, 10:412–10:413, 10:414–10:415, 10:476, 11:171
  • and seeds for TJ, 11:170–11:171, 11:171–11:172, 11:302, 11:336, 11:353, 14:256, 14:628
  • sends vine cuttings to TJ, 14:256
  • and stonecutters for Central College—University of Virginia, 11:579, 12:267–12:268, 12:578–12:579, 12:584, 12:615, 13:252, 13:373–13:375, 13:535n, 14:62–14:63, 14:64, 14:64–14:65n, 14:65–14:66, 14:255–14:256, 14:349, 14:464–14:465, 14:474, 14:475, 14:495, 14:497, 14:498, 14:532, 14:592, 14:628
  • TJ introduces B. S. Barton to, 8:318, 8:326
  • TJ introduces W. C. Preston to, 11:196, 11:200
  • TJ on, 8:599–8:600, 8:606–8:607, 8:617
  • TJ pays, 9:359, 9:359, 9:360n, 9:416, 9:514, 9:552, 9:649, 10:58, 10:58n, 14:319
  • on U.S. commercial competiveness, 10:91–10:92
  • and vintner and gardener for TJ, 12:267, 12:579
  • and viticulture in Tuscany, 14:256
  • and wine for TJ, 9:350–9:351, 9:351n, 9:359, 9:416, 9:671, 10:58, 10:58n, 10:91, 10:157, 10:249, 10:274–10:275, 10:299, 10:407, 10:411, 10:416, 10:440, 10:475, 10:476, 11:131, 11:131–11:132, 11:171, 11:579–11:580, 12:268, 12:269n, 12:578, 12:608–12:609, 13:11, 13:166, 14:63, 14:256, 14:257, 14:628
  • and wine for TJ’s friends, 12:30, 12:42–12:43, 13:243

Appomattox Company, 14:403

Appomattox River, 3:103, 3:104n, 3:140, 3:195, 4:146, 14:402, 14:403, 14:403, 14:412, 14:412


  • planted at Monticello, 3:455
  • trees, 1:40, 1:40, 2:294n, 2:294, 2:313

Apuleius, Lucius

  • Metamorphoses, 10:589

Apuntes ligeros sobre la nueva constitución (Foronda), 1:470–1:471, 1:577, 1:604, 1:606n, 4:282, 4:284n

Aquinas, Saint Thomas. See Thomas Aquinas

Arabic language

  • writings in, 8:3, 8:5

Arago, Dominique François Jean

  • and standard measures, 9:223

Aram, Eugene

  • Defense at his Trial for Murder, 7:373, 7:374, 7:374n, 7:374–7:379, 7:511, 7:569, 7:630
  • identified, 7:378n

Aranda, Conde de. See Abarca de Bolea, Pedro Pablo, Conde de

Arata, Teophane

  • and consulship at Civitavecchia, 3:645–3:646, 3:647
  • letters from, 3:647
  • recommended by A. Gerna, 4:376

Arator; being a series of Agricultural Essays, Practical & Political (J. Taylor), 6:122, 6:613, 6:613, 7:146, 7:217, 7:221n, 8:383–8:384, 8:442, 8:623, 11:129, 11:165

Arblay, Madame d’. See Burney, Fanny, Madame d’Arblay

arborvitae, 10:197

Arbuckle, William B.

  • letters from accounted for, 5:443n
  • letters to, 5:441–5:442
  • seeks TJ’s assistance, 5:441–5:442, 5:443

Arbuthnot, Alexander, 13:286n, 13:587, 14:92, 14:111–14:112n, 14:466, 14:467n

Archaeologiae Americanae Telluris Collectanea et Specimina (B. S. Barton), 2:510n, 8:422, 8:422n

Archæologia Græca: or the Antiquities of Greece (J. Potter), 10:358, 14:258

Archaeologia, or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity, 5:513, 5:514–5:515n

Archaionomia (W. Lambarde), 7:126, 7:127

Archbald, James, 1:238–1:240, 2:202

Archbald, Mary Ann Wodrow

  • identified, 1:240n
  • letters from, 1:238–1:240, 2:201–2:203
  • seeks TJ’s advice on sheep husbandry, 1:238–1:240, 2:202

Archer, John, 5:524, 5:526n

Archer, Peter Jefferson (TJ’s grandnephew)

  • education of, 12:440, 12:524
  • identified, 12:440n
  • letter from, 12:440
  • letter to, 12:524

Archer, Stevenson, 5:525, 5:526n

Archer, William Segar

  • and establishment of University of Virginia, 13:473n, 13:515, 13:516n, 14:12


  • lever of, 8:167
  • Œuvres d’Archimède (trans. F. Peyrard), 11:127, 11:152, 11:175, 11:193, 11:295, 11:297, 11:395
  • screw of, 6:380, 6:382, 7:108, 7:131, 7:132

architecture See also building materials

  • books on, 9:500, 10:235, 10:237n, 11:335, 11:352, 11:396, 11:456, 12:107, 13:342, 13:343n, 13:391, 14:168, 14:446, 14:446n
  • Central College buildings as models of, 11:256, 12:xlix, 13:57, 13:203n
  • collegiate education in, 13:195, 13:214, 13:214n
  • construction at U.S. Capitol, 3:534–3:537, 3:555–3:556, 8:313, 8:314, 8:591–8:596
  • Diocletian’s palace, 3:581–3:582
  • B. H. Latrobe’s drawings, 3:535–3:536, 3:537n, 3:581–3:582, 3:590–3:591, 12:72–12:73, 12:94, 13:57
  • study of, 7:165, 7:639, 7:639, 7:687
  • TJ advises J. Barbour on, 11:xlvi, 11:223–11:227, 11:227
  • TJ advises J. Breckinridge, 13:303
  • TJ advises J. H. Cocke, 9:500–9:501, 13:129–13:130
  • TJ advises R. Harrison, 9:49, 9:49n
  • TJ’s opinion of ancient, 13:96–13:97
  • TJ’s opinion on Monticello as, 1:595–1:596
  • in Va., 13:23

Architecture Hydraulique (B. F. de Bélidor), 6:381, 7:386

Archives of Useful Knowledge (J. Mease), 3:51n, 3:95n, 5:364–5:365, 5:365n

Archy (TJ’s slave; b. 1808)

  • on Monticello slave lists, 4:388, 12:303
  • on smallpox vaccination list, 9:717

Archytas (Greek philosopher), 7:75

Arco, L. Graf von, 5:273n

Arctomys, 4:536

Arcueil, Société de, 1:264, 1:267n, 1:316

Arden, Daniel D.

  • publisher, 4:312n

Aréjula, Juan Manuel de

  • Breve Descripcion de la Fiebre Amarilla Padecida en Cadiz y Pueblos Comarcanos en 1800, 10:130, 10:146n

Argand lamps, 4:362–4:363

Arganil, Mr. See Achard, Joseph

Argens, marquis d’. See Boyer, Jean Baptiste de, marquis d’Argens

Argenson, Marc René Marie de Voyer de Paulmy, marquis d’. See Voyer de Paulmy, Marc René Marie de, marquis d’Argenson


  • independence movement in, 10:373, 10:373–10:374, 13:300n

Argentré, Bertrand d’

  • Coûtumes generales du paîs et duché de Bretagne, 3:130–3:131, 3:174n

Argus, USS (brig), 6:190

Argus, USS (sloop; second)

  • destruction of, 7:xlv

Argyll, John Campbell, 2d Duke of

  • anecdote of, 13:462

Ariadne (mythological character), 10:399, 11:624n

Arikara bean, 3:150, 3:150n, 3:166

Arikara Indians, 6:323

Aristides “the Just”

  • TJ addressed as, 4:469


  • Comœdiæ (ed. R. F. P. Brunck), 8:581, 14:240, 14:266, 14:351, 14:510
  • Théatre d’Aristophane, avec les fragmens de Ménandre et de Philémon (trans. L. Poinsinet de Sivry), 11:352, 11:397, 11:397, 11:456, 11:547, 11:592, 11:646, 12:153, 12:439
  • works of bound for TJ, 8:630, 12:153, 12:439

Ἀριστοτέλους περὶ ποιητικῆς. Aristotelis de Poetica (Aristotle; ed. T. Goulston), 10:357


  • J. Adams on, 4:474
  • and animal classification, 7:209, 10:208, 10:209n
  • Ἀριστοτέλους περὶ ποιητικῆς. Aristotelis de Poetica (ed. T. Goulston), 10:357
  • Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics, comprising his Practical Philosophy, Translated from the Greek (trans. J. Gillies), 10:304, 10:304–10:305n, 10:349
  • Histoire des Animaux d’Aristote, Avec la Traduction Françoise (trans. A. G. Camus), 8:656, 8:659n, 10:233
  • Historia Animalium, 10:208, 10:209n
  • historical writings of, 6:278, 7:479
  • Politics, 7:686
  • Les Politiqves d’Aristote (L. Leroy), 3:546
  • quoted, 7:25, 7:27n, 10:208, 10:418
  • referenced, 9:78, 9:637, 10:227, 10:228n, 11:192
  • and Scottish philosophy, 3:277–3:278
  • study of, 7:24, 7:667, 10:417
  • TJ on, 10:349
  • A Treatise on Government. Translated from the Greek of Aristotle (trans. W. Ellis), 10:349, 10:349n

Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics, comprising his Practical Philosophy, Translated from the Greek (Aristotle; trans. J. Gillies), 10:304, 10:304–10:305n, 10:349

Arkansas (trading post)

  • meteorological observations at, 1:97, 1:482, 1:608–1:609, 1:609n, 2:46–2:47, 2:135, 2:198, 2:226

Arkansas District (Louisiana Territory)

  • judges in, 4:71
  • land claims in, 4:70–4:71

Arkansas River, 1:97n, 4:536, 13:105, 13:227, 13:344–13:345, 13:359–13:360, 13:611

Arkansas Territory

  • judgeship in, 13:400

Arkwright, Sir Richard

  • spinning jenny of, 1:525, 4:512, 5:202, 7:570, 8:368, 8:535, 8:605

Armand, Colonel. See La Rouërie, Armand Charles Tuffin, marquis de

Armistead (TJ’s slave; b. 1771)

  • hat for, 7:124
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 5:460, 5:462, 6:309, 8:60, 8:255, 13:387

Armistead, Ann (Anne) Cary Norton (wife of William Armistead [ca. 1773–1840]), 10:426, 10:426, 10:438, 10:441, 12:104

Armistead, George

  • War of 1812 service of, 10:426, 10:439, 10:441

Armistead, William (ca. 17731840)

  • family of, 10:426, 10:438–10:439, 10:439, 10:441, 12:104
  • identified, 10:427n
  • letter from, 12:103–12:104
  • seeks federal appointment, 10:426, 10:427n, 10:438–10:439, 10:441, 10:442, 10:482, 10:496, 10:524–10:525, 10:525, 11:149, 12:103–12:104
  • as Treasury Department clerk, 12:103–12:104

Armistead, William (of Amherst Co.)

  • appointment of, 6:443n, 8:126, 8:128–8:129, 8:141, 8:153, 10:476, 10:519n
  • rumored resignation of, 10:496, 10:519


  • coat of mail, 10:398

Arms, William G.

  • carries letter, 6:229
  • letters of introduction for, 3:51–3:52

Armstead (Manuel) (TJ’s slave; b. 1794)

  • hat for, 7:124
  • laborer, 4:379
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:384, 4:385, 6:308, 8:61, 8:255

Armstrong, James Kosciuszko

  • and T. Kosciuszko’s estate, 12:313–12:314, 12:314–12:315, 12:369–12:370, 12:546, 14:3, 14:3, 14:79, 14:130, 14:427, 14:482

Armstrong, John

  • advocates war against France and Great Britain, 1:536–1:537
  • anti-administration activities of, 3:260, 3:274, 3:275n, 3:330, 3:553
  • and J. Barnes, 7:284, 7:294, 7:323
  • carries W. Short’s letters to U.S., 1:115, 1:120
  • comments on I. A. Coles, 1:260
  • criticized by Federalists, 5:352–5:353, 5:354n
  • and A. Crozat’s charter, 5:8–5:9, 5:85
  • dispatches mentioned, 1:65, 1:113, 1:117, 1:229–1:230, 1:370, 1:658, 2:35–2:36, 2:36n, 2:242, 2:256, 2:257, 2:287, 2:287, 2:410, 2:463, 2:470, 2:471n, 2:480, 2:536, 2:672
  • donates books, 6:291
  • and P. S. Du Pont de Nemours, 1:314
  • and E. Earle, 7:200n
  • and Embargo Act (1813), 7:299
  • An Enquiry respecting the Capture of Washington by the British, on the 24th August, 1814, 9:710, 9:710n
  • family of, 12:314, 12:314, 12:314–12:315n
  • friend of engaged to deliver letter, 13:113
  • identified, 1:20n
  • and T. Kosciuszko’s estate, 12:313–12:314, 12:369–12:370, 12:546, 14:3, 14:3–14:4, 14:68, 14:79, 14:130, 14:131, 14:427, 14:482
  • and Lafayette’s La. lands, 2:243
  • letter from accounted for, 12:546n
  • letters from, 1:260, 1:536–1:538, 3:228–3:229, 5:8–5:9, 12:313–12:314, 13:113, 14:79
  • letters to, 1:19–1:21, 1:412–1:413, 3:251–3:252, 5:608–5:609, 5:645–5:646, 12:369–12:370, 12:546, 14:130
  • mentioned, 6:525, 7:572
  • and merino sheep, 2:39, 5:8n
  • and minerals for TJ, 6:373, 7:261–7:262, 7:323
  • and R. C. Nicholas’s appointment, 5:645–5:646, 5:648
  • Notes on Tadeusz Kosciuszko, 13:114–13:116, 13:154n
  • and D. Parker’s double plow, 3:228, 3:245, 3:251
  • and profit-making scheme, 3:577, 3:578n
  • and proposed biography of T. Kosciuszko, 12:546, 13:113, 13:113n, 13:153–13:154
  • returns to U.S., 3:106, 3:251–3:252, 3:252n
  • rumored as secretary of war, 1:118, 1:140, 1:375
  • as secretary of war, 5:608–5:609, 5:609n, 5:610, 5:610n, 5:611, 6:173–6:174, 6:177n, 6:209, 6:242, 6:242n, 7:13n, 7:160n, 7:262, 7:609, 7:610n, 7:610n, 7:610n, 7:623, 7:624n, 7:648, 7:657, 8:18n, 8:153, 8:153–8:154, 8:176, 8:205–8:206, 8:206n, 8:264, 9:710, 9:710n, 13:4, 13:4n, 13:50, 13:51n
  • sends dynamometer to TJ, 1:20
  • sends Guillaume plow to TJ, 1:313
  • sends spinning wheel to TJ, 1:313
  • TJ on, 3:542, 7:648
  • TJ reimburses, 7:261, 7:261–7:262, 7:284, 7:294, 7:323, 11:523
  • TJ sends batture pamphlet to, 4:624, 5:8
  • TJ’s letters of introduction to, 1:402, 1:423
  • U.S. minister to France, 1:235n, 1:331, 1:374–1:375, 1:413, 1:528, 1:529, 1:627, 2:288, 2:295, 2:310, 2:366, 2:418, 2:419n, 3:54, 3:96n, 3:105, 3:105, 3:114, 3:177, 3:224, 3:229, 3:444, 3:524, 5:8, 5:8–5:9n
  • and D. B. Warden, 1:141n, 3:107–3:108, 3:248–3:249, 3:251, 3:279–3:280, 3:309, 3:330, 3:340, 3:463, 3:518–3:519, 3:538–3:539, 3:542, 3:557–3:558

Armstrong, Robert

  • militia service of, 7:161

Army, U.S.

  • and African Americans, 7:532–7:534
  • arsenal at New London, 5:81, 5:104–5:105, 5:107
  • artillery and small arms for, 2:258, 2:588, 2:603, 2:606, 2:614
  • atrocities of in Canada, 8:57, 8:57n, 8:214–8:215, 8:215–8:218, 8:219, 8:221, 8:222, 8:224, 8:225–8:226
  • and bounty lands, 10:240+, 12:147, 12:174
  • chaplains for, 6:525, 6:526n
  • civil appointments for former officers of, 12:372–12:373
  • court-martial of I. A. Coles, 7:609, 7:609–7:611n
  • employment of foreigners in, 10:391–10:392, 12:299, 12:300n, 13:140, 13:141n
  • enlistment for, 7:16–7:20, 7:158, 7:159
  • expansion of, 2:130, 2:131n, 2:190, 8:66, 8:67n, 8:108, 8:168, 8:177, 8:178, 8:259, 8:575, 8:575n, 12:138
  • funding for, 2:358n, 7:669, 7:670–7:671
  • impressment of boats for, 7:123, 7:135, 7:156
  • and A. Jackson, 12:271–12:272n
  • light artillery, 2:304
  • medical department, 6:27, 6:28n, 6:46, 6:64, 6:169
  • military academy, 2:258, 2:261n, 2:387
  • military stores for, 2:257
  • and militia, 2:130, 2:131n, 2:258, 2:259, 2:588, 7:16–7:20, 7:532, 7:669, 8:27, 8:31, 8:46, 8:168, 8:177, 8:178, 8:251n, 8:251n, 8:259, 8:442–8:443, 8:443–8:444n, 8:575, 8:575n
  • J. Monroe refuses a commission in, 2:45
  • morale of, 8:19–8:20
  • and Niagara Campaign, 5:531–5:532, 5:532–5:545
  • and offer of crown to G. Washington, 12:419, 12:429
  • officers’ commissions sought, 1:583, 1:583n, 4:186–4:187, 8:129, 8:198–8:199, 8:205–8:206, 8:663
  • opinions on standing army, 7:652, 7:678, 8:251n, 10:215
  • payment of soldiers in, 10:433
  • Peace Establishment Act (1802), 3:120, 3:122n, 3:163
  • reduction of, 8:443, 8:444n, 8:536–8:537, 12:372
  • resignations from, 2:107n, 2:539
  • supplies purchased for, 10:653n
  • TJ on, 8:357, 8:360, 10:609
  • toasts honoring, 1:615+
  • volunteer act, 5:319–5:321

Arnaud, Felix

  • and batture controversy, 8:64n

Arnauld, Antoine

  • Historia et Concordia Evangelica, 10:233
  • The Primitives of the Greek Tongue, 10:358, 12:313, 12:356

Arnay, Jean Rodolphe d’

  • De la Vie Privée des Romains, 12:583


  • quoted, 7:25, 7:27n

Arnold, Benedict

  • TJ compares W. Hull to, 5:366, 5:368
  • TJ’s plan to capture, 8:423, 8:423n
  • Va. invasion of, 4:15, 4:432, 4:434n, 8:178, 8:481, 8:482n, 10:xlvi, 10:267
  • works on, 11:436, 11:438n, 11:503, 11:635, 11:635–11:636n

Arrian (Flavius Arrianus)

  • Arriani Ars Tactica, Acies contra Alanos, Periplus Ponti Euxini, Periplus Maris Erythraei, Liber de Venatione, Epicteti Enchiridion, Ejusdem Apopthegmata et Fragmenta, quae in Joannis Stobaei Florilegio, et in Agellii Noctibus Atticis Supersunt (ed. N. Blanckaert), 14:510
  • Arriani Nicomedensis Expeditionis Alexandri Libri Septem et Historia Indica Græc. et Lat. cum Annotationibus (ed. G. Raphel), 10:233, 10:236n
  • Epicteti Stoici Philosophi Enchiridion: Unà cum Cebetis Thebani Tabula. Quibus adjiciuntur hac Editione Simplicii Commentarius in Enchiridion Epicteti. Item Arriani Commentariorum de Epicteti Disputationibus, Lib. IV (ed. H. Wolf), 14:510
  • writings of, 6:317

Arriani Nicomedensis Expeditionis Alexandri Libri Septem et Historia Indica Græc. et Lat. cum Annotationibus (Arrian; ed. G. Raphel), 10:233, 10:236n

Arriani Ars Tactica, Acies contra Alanos, Periplus Ponti Euxini, Periplus Maris Erythraei, Liber de Venatione, Epicteti Enchiridion, Ejusdem Apopthegmata et Fragmenta, quae in Joannis Stobaei Florilegio, et in Agellii Noctibus Atticis Supersunt (Arrian; ed. N. Blanckaert), 14:510

Arrowsmith, Aaron

  • New and Elegant General Atlas, 4:352, 4:354n, 7:31


  • used in manufacture of shot, 8:98, 8:98n


  • in Great Britain proposed by TJ, 5:186, 5:293, 7:11

Arson, Mr.

  • family of, 9:472, 9:573, 9:574n

Ars Poetica (Horace), 14:257, 14:551

art. See drawing; paintings; prints; sculpture

Arthur Blackford & Company (Shenandoah Co. firm), 14:96–14:97, 14:118

artichokes, 8:305, 11:39, 11:179, 11:308–11:309

Articles of Confederation, U.S., 12:419, 13:462, 14:227

Articles of the Carpenters Company of the City and County of Philadelphia: and their Rules for measuring and valuing House Carpenters Work, 12:157, 12:159, 12:278, 12:397

artificial horizon

  • instructions for use of, 9:205–9:206, 9:275
  • made for TJ, 3:479–3:480, 4:167, 4:167n
  • owned by TJ, 4:369
  • sent by R. Patterson, 9:76–9:77, 9:77n, 9:125–9:126, 9:205, 9:275
  • for U.S. Coast Survey, 9:222, 9:222, 9:222


  • columbiads, 6:244–6:246, 6:247, 6:248, 6:249n, 6:273
  • underwater, 6:243–6:249, 6:272, 6:272, 6:272n, 6:272–6:273

Artimino (Artiminiano), Italy

  • wine from, 10:275, 10:411, 10:416

Artois, Charles Ferdinand d’, duc de Berry

  • Lafayette on, 7:539

Artois, Charles Philippe, comte d’ (later Charles X, king of France)

  • and Louis XVIII, 7:540
  • and Napoleon, 7:423–7:424, 7:538

Artzt, Charles

  • constructs textile machinery, 1:524–1:525, 1:525n, 5:151–5:154, 5:155, 5:215
  • identified, 5:154n
  • invents self-feeding nail machine, 5:151–5:154
  • letters from, 5:151–5:154
  • letters to, 5:215–5:216
  • G. Sullivan recommends, 5:155

Aruda (wine), 3:240, 3:241n

Asa & Joseph Otis (Richmond firm)

  • buys TJ’s flour, 12:503–12:504, 12:632

Asbury College (Baltimore), 13:452, 13:455n, 14:103

Asciano, Pisa, Italy

  • fountain at, 9:674, 9:679n

Asclepias. See milkweed

Ascoli, Cecco d’. See Stabili, Francesco

Ashby v. White

  • TJ references, 8:526, 8:527n

Ashe, Thomas, 12:652

Ashlin, John

  • identified, 4:629n
  • letters to, 4:629
  • mill of, 1:560, 2:97, 2:98n
  • TJ procures fish from, 4:629, 4:668, 4:677

Ashmead, Chilion

  • seeks employment at University of Virginia, 14:652

Ashton (T. E. Randolph’s Albemarle Co. estate)

  • proposed visit to, 11:631n


  • corn from, 9:672
  • and Great Britain, 7:31
  • immigrants from, 1:253
  • Jews in, 13:30
  • peoples of, 7:533
  • supposed antiquities from, 13:82
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:506

Asia Minor

  • and agriculture, 11:162

Asiatick Society

  • discourses to, 11:383, 11:384n

asparagus, 2:334, 2:368, 3:353, 3:394, 5:26+, 5:48, 6:93, 6:94, 7:288, 8:78, 8:305, 9:702, 11:39, 12:618, 14:246, 14:271

asparagus beans, 3:454, 3:454, 3:454, 3:456, 3:501–3:502

aspen trees, 1:398, 3:353, 3:354, 3:448, 5:482n, 9:533, 13:581

Aspern-Essling, Battle of (1809), 1:371–1:372, 1:377n, 1:436

Aspland, Robert

  • identified, 10:123–10:124n
  • letter to, from F. A. Van der Kemp, 10:123–10:124
  • publishes TJ’s syllabus on Jesus’s doctrines, 10:124n, 11:138, 11:139n, 11:201, 11:202n, 11:230, 11:307, 11:308n

Asser, bishop of Sherborne

  • Annales rerum gestarum Ælfredi Magni, 12:372, 12:372, 12:389, 12:389, 12:514

Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa

  • and J. Ledyard (1751–89), 12:188, 12:189n

Ast, William Frederick, 1:219n, 1:244n

Astley, Thomas

  • and journals of Lewis and Clark Expedition, 11:43–11:44n
  • letter from accounted for, 10:19–10:20n
  • and Port Folio, 10:19

Astor, John Jacob

  • and Astoria settlement, 6:556–6:557, 6:557–6:558, 6:603, 10:627
  • and China trade, 12:555n
  • and fur trade, 4:550–4:553, 5:74–5:75, 6:557, 6:557
  • identified, 4:554n
  • letters from, 4:550–4:554, 6:556–6:558
  • letters to, 5:74–5:75, 6:603
  • meets TJ, 4:550, 4:554n
  • and R. Stuart’s journal, 6:557, 6:603
  • subscribes to U.S. war loan, 6:602n

Astoria (trading settlement on Northwest coast), 6:556–6:557, 6:557–6:558, 6:603, 10:627

Astrea (schooner), 11:193


  • and cosmology, 13:257–13:266, 13:268n
  • and historical events, 13:268n
  • and human life, 13:268n

Astronomica (M. Manilius), 8:683–8:684, 8:684n

Astronomical and Geographical Essays … and also An Introduction to Practical Astronomy (G. Adams), 8:670, 8:685, 8:686

Astronomical Tables and Precepts, For calculating the true Times of New and Full Moons (J. Ferguson), 7:407, 7:408n, 7:409, 7:409, 7:409, 7:626

Astronomie (J. Lalande), 4:244, 4:244n, 7:626, 10:235

L’Astronomie, Poëme en Quatre Chants (Gudin de la Brenellerie), 4:147, 4:149n, 4:167, 4:167n, 10:235, 10:237n


  • J. Adams references, 13:70, 13:70n
  • age of universe, 14:235, 14:236–14:237
  • ancient Mexican, 1:521, 1:521n, 1:556
  • American Philosophical Society committee of, 12:636, 13:291, 13:308
  • astronomical instruments, 4:237, 4:238n, 4:238n, 4:369, 4:370n, 14:229
  • and B. Banneker, 1:588, 1:590n
  • books on, 1:24, 1:35, 1:35, 1:576, 1:581, 2:466, 4:195–4:196, 4:213–4:214, 6:75, 6:84, 6:84n, 7:626, 8:388, 8:670, 8:685, 8:686, 10:233, 10:235, 10:237n, 10:508–10:509, 10:550, 10:580, 10:587, 10:642, 11:13, 11:31, 12:565–12:566, 12:619, 12:653–12:654, 13:59, 13:247, 13:247n, 14:45, 14:168
  • and calculations of Monticello’s latitude, 9:70, 9:415
  • and calculations of Monticello’s longitude, 4:235–4:236, 4:239, 4:246, 4:247–4:266, 4:276, 4:344, 4:368, 4:369, 4:402–4:406, 4:407, 8:455, 8:456n
  • and calculations of Poplar Forest’s latitude, 3:361–3:367, 3:563+, 9:245–9:246, 10:514–10:515
  • and calculations of prime meridian, 1:54–1:55n, 1:275–1:276, 1:356–1:358, 1:359n, 1:489–1:498, 1:511–1:512, 1:534, 2:54, 2:55n, 2:337–2:338n, 2:398–2:399, 2:541, 2:566, 4:275–4:276, 4:651–4:660
  • and calculations of Willis’s Mountain’s latitude, 10:571–10:572, 10:572n
  • collegiate education in, 13:195, 13:214
  • and comets, 13:553–13:554
  • Jupiter, 3:480, 4:368, 4:369, 9:687, 9:691
  • and W. King’s method of calculating latitude and longitude, 12:643–12:644, 13:84–13:85, 13:119–13:120
  • and light, 13:549–13:554
  • and lunar calculations, 1:540–1:554, 2:54, 2:60–2:68, 4:368–4:369, 4:369, 5:245–5:251, 7:407, 7:408–7:409, 13:339, 13:341n
  • and observations of Lewis and Clark Expedition, 10:377, 10:377, 10:444, 10:444, 10:445, 12:171, 12:172, 12:295, 12:331, 12:463n, 12:636n, 12:637
  • D. Rittenhouse’s orrery, 7:217
  • solar eclipse of 1806, 4:246, 4:263
  • and solar observations, 4:188, 4:195, 4:235, 4:237–4:239, 4:246, 4:263, 4:368, 4:369, 4:403, 4:407, 9:36
  • study of, 1:535, 7:480, 7:480, 7:638, 7:639, 7:663, 7:686, 9:84–9:85, 9:529, 14:153
  • TJ on, 3:480, 9:691–9:692, 12:442–12:443, 12:619
  • Uranus, 5:136, 5:137n, 14:236, 14:237n

Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton’s principles (J. Ferguson), 1:576, 1:581, 2:466, 7:626

Astruc, Jean

  • Conjectures sur les Memoires Originaux Dont il paroit que Moyse s’est servi pour composer le Livre de la Genese, 10:504, 10:506–10:507n
  • A Treatise of the Venereal Disease (trans. W. Barrowby), 12:589

Asturias, Prince of. See Ferdinand VII, king of Spain

Atamasco lily, 4:523

Athanasius, Saint

  • creed of, 6:286, 6:287, 6:503, 6:508
  • criticized, 7:220


  • democracy in, 3:8, 3:12, 3:15
  • TJ on, 10:546

Atkinson, John, 5:141n

Atkinson, Michael

  • identified, 8:612n
  • letter to, 8:612
  • and millwork for TJ, 7:461, 7:515, 8:63, 8:71, 8:612, 8:613, 9:51, 9:52n

Atkinson, William K., 3:122n

Atkyns, John Tracy

  • Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, 6:477

Atlantic Ocean

  • internal navigation to, 11:280–11:281
  • and northwest passage, 1:443
  • passage across, 2:202, 2:289, 12:401

Atlantis (mythical island), 12:589

Atlas (ship), 12:43, 12:235, 12:235n, 12:275

Atlas Historique, Généalogique, Chronologique et Géographique (Las Cases), 3:552, 3:552n, 3:578

Atlas Portatif à l’usage des Colleges (Grenet and R. Bonne), 7:116, 7:116–7:117n, 12:112


  • of J. Philips, 7:495, 7:496n, 7:548–7:549, 8:334–8:337, 8:337–8:338n, 8:483–8:484, 8:620, 8:620, 8:643–8:644, 10:xlvi, 10:438

Attwater, Reuben, 3:370, 3:370n

Atwater, Caleb

  • identified, 13:83n
  • letter from, 13:81–13:83
  • letter to, 13:100
  • scientific and historical writings of, 13:81–13:82, 13:100

Auerstaedt, Duke of. See Davout, Louis Nicolas, Duc d’Auerstädt, Prince of Eckmühl

Auger, Athanese

  • edits and translates Isocratis Opera Omnia Græcè et Latinè (Isocrates), 14:510
  • translates Discours de Lycurgue, d’Andocide, d’Isée, de Dinarque, avec un Fragment sous le Nom de Démade, 7:259
  • translates Œuvres complettes de Dêmosthene et d’Eschine (Demosthenes; Aeschines), 7:259
  • translates Œuvres Complettes d’Isocrate (Isocrates), 7:259, 9:456
  • translates works of Lysias, 7:259, 7:285, 8:630, 9:456

augers, 4:315, 6:346, 6:347, 6:347, 14:541

Augusta County, Va.

  • springs at, 1:192
  • Weyers Cave, 1:309, 1:309n

Auguste, Henry, 3:557–3:558n

Augusti, Johann Christian Wilhelm

  • Die katholischen Briefe: Neu übersesst und erklärt und mit Excursen und einleitenden Abhandlungen, 11:307
  • System der christlichen Dogmatik nach dem Lehrbegriffe der luterischen Kirche im Grundrisse, 11:307

Augustin, Mr.

  • as secretary to Destutt de Tracy, 9:484

Augustine (Austin) (TJ’s slave; b. ca. 1775)

  • hat for, 7:124
  • on Poplar Forest slave lists, 4:382, 4:383, 4:384, 4:385, 5:461, 6:309, 8:61, 8:255, 13:387

Augustine, Saint, 7:24

Augustus (Gaius Octavius; 1st Roman emperor), 8:505, 8:508n, 11:34, 11:269, 13:571

Auldjo, Thomas, 10:21, 10:22n

auricula, 3:545, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n, 4:523, 5:477, 5:477n, 5:553

Auriol, M., 1:536

Aurora (Philadelphia newspaper)

  • advertisements in, 6:510, 7:282
  • anti-Republican writings of, 3:574, 3:585, 3:586n, 3:591, 3:600
  • and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 10:536
  • and W. Duane, 1:48, 1:49n, 1:49n, 3:331, 4:174, 4:174n, 7:527, 7:564–7:565, 9:568n, 10:79, 10:652n
  • financial difficulties of, 3:450–3:452, 3:507, 3:515, 3:549–3:550
  • prints P. S. Du Pont de Nemours’s obituary, 11:604
  • publishes An Exposition of the Causes and Character of the War (A. J. Dallas), 8:381, 8:381n
  • publishes essay by P. S. Du Pont de Nemours, 9:617–9:618n, 9:619–9:620
  • on R. Smith’s dismissal, 3:622–3:623
  • TJ’s election as American Philosophical Society president announced in, 6:83, 6:83n
  • TJ’s subscription to, 1:48, 1:49n, 1:49n, 2:175n, 4:56, 7:554, 7:564–7:565, 8:435, 8:436n, 8:468, 8:469n, 8:469, 9:439, 11:13, 11:455, 11:456, 11:648, 11:648n, 12:370n, 13:475

Austin (TJ’s slave; b. ca. 1775). See Augustine (Austin) (TJ’s slave; b. ca. 1775)

Austin, Mr., 2:397

Austin, Mr. (of Charlottesville), 11:274

Austin, Archibald

  • as U.S. representative from Va., 11:292, 11:293n

Austin, Benjamin (of Boston)

  • J. Adams on, 6:255, 6:296, 6:297
  • on banks, 12:484–12:485
  • as commissioner of loans, 8:407, 8:408n
  • Constitutional Republicanism, 9:249, 9:250n
  • correspondence with TJ published, 9:249n, 9:336n, 9:403, 9:457–9:458, 9:533–9:534
  • identified, 9:249n
  • letters from, 9:247–9:250, 9:403, 12:484–12:485
  • letters to, 9:333–9:337, 9:457–9:458, 12:517
  • and manufacturing, 9:248–9:249, 9:333–9:336, 9:403, 9:457
  • Observations on the Pernicious Practice of the Law, 9:249, 9:249n, 9:333
  • on public debt, 12:485
  • and punishment of criminals, 12:484, 12:517
  • recommends book for TJ, 8:391
  • on Republican committee, 11:569–11:570n
  • on War of 1812, 9:247–9:248

Austin, Benjamin (of Charlottesville)

  • and Central College subscription, 11:323, 11:328

Austin, David

  • and millenial sermons, 5:12, 5:13n

Austin, Eli

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Austin, Gilbert, 14:550

Austin, Henry

  • and Asian antiquities, 11:115n

Austin, James, 2:397

Austin, James Trecothick

  • E. Gerry’s son-in-law, 5:318, 9:4, 9:6n
  • identified, 4:38n
  • letters from, 4:37–4:38, 8:585–8:586
  • letters to, 4:67–4:68, 8:614
  • An Oration, Pronounced at Lexington, Mass., 8:585–8:586, 8:614, 9:4, 9:6n, 9:78
  • Resistance to the Laws of the United States (“Leolin”), 4:38n, 4:67–4:68
  • sends pamphlet to TJ, 4:37, 5:318–5:319n

Austin, John

  • and Gilliam v. Fleming, 1:608
  • letters to, 1:608

Austin, John (British writer)

  • quoted, 7:582, 7:590n

Austin, William

  • edits A Selection of the Patriotic Addresses, to the President of the United States. together with The President’s Answers, 12:514, 13:33, 13:47


  • endemic species of, 7:210

Austria See also Francis I, emperor of Austria

  • Charles, archduke of Austria, 1:371, 1:372
  • and Congress of Vienna, 7:528–7:529, 9:91n, 9:218n, 11:540, 11:541n
  • and Declaration of Pillnitz, 4:430n
  • Habsburg dynasty, 6:192
  • John, archduke of Austria, 1:372
  • and partitions of Poland, 6:212, 6:212n, 7:298, 9:345, 9:347n, 14:50
  • relations with France, 8:138, 9:347
  • relations with Great Britain, 2:275
  • relations with Prussia, 9:347
  • relations with Spain, 9:347
  • Schwarzenberg, Karl Philipp (Austrian Ambassador), 1:117, 1:121n
  • and Treaty of Tilsit, 1:516, 1:517n+, 1:529, 1:627
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:502
  • war with Napoleon, 1:140–1:141, 1:328, 1:370–1:371, 2:7, 2:9n

“Authentic Anecdote,”, 3:261–3:262

An Authentic Narrative of the loss of the American Brig Commerce (J. Riley), 13:614, 13:614n

The Author Turned Critic; or The Reviewer Reviewed (J. Delaplaine), 10:493, 10:493n, 10:497, 10:520

Autobiography (Thomas Jefferson), 7:605n

Les Avantures de Telemaque (Fénelon), 7:195, 7:195n, 12:534, 13:521, 13:522n, 14:258

avisos, 1:19, 1:21n, 1:117, 1:230

axes, 7:83, 8:23, 8:222, 8:313, 12:304, 12:304, 13:83, 13:408, 13:409

Ayeen Akbery: or, the institutes of the Emperor Akber (Akbar), 10:486

Aylett, Philip, 2:535

azedaracs (chinaberry), 3:354, 3:355n

Azuni, Domenico Alberto

  • in law curriculum, 7:688

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